Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1906, p. 6

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Well, --a Cascaret acts on your Sawed a cord of wood, or walked in health; and out of health. Becaues they move the Food Naturally, digesting it without waste of tomorrow's Gastric Juice. p They thus work: all the 'Nutrition ott Carter "of it before it 3 'The thin, fiat, Ten Cent box is made to_fit your Vest Pocket, or 'My Lady's" Carry it constantly with you and take .a Cascaret whenever you suspect: you Thus you will ward 'off Appendicits Constipation, Indigestion, -- and other aks your Exercise in y, Chair, th fa 6 Sui ots way '°. things besides. d make a harms one kind of DTUEEists--10 Cents a Box, Be very careful to get the id 4 uine, 3 the Bowels and 18 made only by the Sterling Remo ag Com. athe. only t0.oxar. FOOT: and riever sold in bulk, Every : Bare the only means "tablet stamped "CCC." ve B 'Mulieles, without work, * Asample and the famous booklet, "Curse ey don't" ips, nor "upset of Constipation," Fres for the v Ad dress Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. ih. [3 a BS & 00., 171 'Wellington é St. |" CURE fosch $60 Sorell Bh ieontio tt Eres En i i curing SEINE hv, oe Pm ie here eat, { our do not. EE Dili Msg as by oo lot So £ Th vialash 2b cont | five for $1, druggists overywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, nl lb fol Pi Nothing Relieved His Kidneys 'Until He Tried ies feit | as Me 2, 'Bowel-Muscles as if you had just |. Melnnis, vious years. The wear { teed. ra + FOR ATTACK ONISGLDIER. '| Married Chist's Daughter -- Is Known as Ndube, But His Real Name is Duby--Is Prominen t "in the Uprising. was a hooligan' in the Village : of Schupler, inthe Bernese Oberland. Stes 8 vartiosiarly brutal atiutk on chief, Duby was . He fought with war, and by induced ; Se Hl iL fief 3 3 One tioned in telegrams from Natal ir Iie which he the Zulu version of Duby. DECORATION DAY. Dedicated to Memory of Fallen Soldiers. ; fashington ay 30.--Decoration a enon on holiday det dicated to the memory of those who fought in the Civil war, was celebra- ted today throughout the country. In the north, as well ns the south; wherever there. are graves of union soldiers, the day was observed ino more or less impressive and elaborate manner. In the national capital, De- coration day is always generally ob- served, not only by all the patriotic and veteran organizations, but by the citizens in general. Everywhere flags waved from the mast heads, not from half-mast, as in former years. This change was due to the position | taken by Commander-in-Chief Tanner, of the grand army, and to his explicit recommendation in his memorial day order. . ---------------- " 's Life. Zam-Buk Saves A Child's Li The graphic story of how Zam-Buk has cured a child a skin disease which had become ou d as "to - danger life h 8 p London he tar by Mrs. Louisa Fihch, ° Kerfield Crescent. She say§? "W p noticed a seab on my' "child Mary's head, and the sore spread rapidly until the scalp was one mass of matter. : "Things looked so serious that we had her examined at a hespital, and later on we saw g doctor. On his ad- vice we sent the poor child to another hospital. The medical attendant seid the child's life was in danger. She was in a terrible state; They bathed her head in water so hot that she screamed, and the treatment alto- gether seemed so cruel that we thought it best to take her away. She had continued to get worse and worse, and her hair had fallen out in patches here and there. 3 "When we abandoned the hospital treatment we decided to try Zam'Buk. Wo smeared the balm over the sores according to the directions, and after a few applications we could discern a slight improvement in the condition of her scalp. "Confident that this improvement would lead to a proper cure, we per severed with Zam-Buk. "Much to our delight we noticed how the sores healed up, how new skin was formed, and how the hair began to grow on Mary's head once. more, "Although it was such a stubborn case her progress was steady and sure from the first. In three months' time the skin had been entirely renewed, and there is now no trace of the erup- tions whatsoever. The treatment with Zam-Buk was most soothing and most effective. It is the finest healing balm ever discovered." Not only for eczema, ulcers, ab- scesses, and unsightly, serious skin diseases generally, but for use as a household balm, Zam-Buk is unequal- led. Tt heals cuts, burns, bruises, wounds, ete, in marvellous fashion. Made fram vegetable extracts exclus- ively, it contains no irritating fata or mineral coloring matter, so common in most ointments. It may well be called "Nature's own Healer." Of all druggists at fifty cents a box, or from the Zam-Buk Co., Colborne street, To- ronto, upon receipt of price. A book- let will be sent telling all about Zam- Buk if asked for. ------------------------ Made His Farewell. Bradshaw, May 28. --~W&lding - bells are ringing. A few of the young people of the neighborhood spent a very ice 'evening at "Maple Lodge," last week. Misses I. and M. Shellington, Burridge, spent Sunday, the guest of Mrs. T. Swerbrick. Miss M. Kennedy visited "her sister, Mrs. Steele, Fish Creek, Mrs. T. Lunn is on the sick lst. Tichbotne residents took ads Vantage of May 24th and held a bas- ket picnic in A. Kennedy's grove. Much praise is due Mrs, Wattan, who pit forth great efforts in making the Picnic 'a success. he annual meeting of the Préshyvterian congregation was held on Monday evening. Much regret is felt at the departure of Rev. Mr. who preached his farewell ermon on May 30th. Rev. Mr. Fergu: on, Kingston, occupied the pulpit on fundav. Miss Mary Bradshaw has re- jtorned home after, spending a week ith friends in Kingston and Catara- qui. -- Spring Importation Of 1908., Prevost, Brock street, has. received two cares of im for his order clothing department, consisting of. Scotch and Englith twoeds, serges, cheviots an Vicunas. His 815 suiting made to order heats anvthing of pre and fitting is ' guaran Dog Foisoner at Work--Degth of ~ T. B. Canning. . Newboro, | 28.-- The dog poison- er is at oa Yay again, James Nolan, of the New Ontario had a valuable collie somed last Sunday. The regular May meeting of the municipal council was held "on Monday evening last, The appeal against the assessment were discussed, A court of evision will be held in a short time. Thomas B. g. for many years 8 prominent resident: of this locality, did at the home of Mrs. Garrett, Athens, on Monday morning. Deceased was a native of Ireland, and came to his country a young man, and settled with hig parents about two miles: from hers. He married Miss Thompson of this - place, who died some Lona . The remains were to, town on Wednesday. The funeral ¢ place from the home of R. 0. Leggett the English church, on Wi Ries were con- ducted by . J, Stanton. Three childrén, Mrs. H. Watts, Forfar; Miss Maggie, of Athens, and William of Newboro, survive. They have the sym- {pathy of all in iheir sad and- sudden bereavement. | Victoria day nassed off very quietly here. A few took in the excursion via |B. and W. rajlway to Brockville and Ovdenshurg. The (Cranford Club held a picnic at the "Elbow," while a large number went to Jones' Falls on the the steamers Jonl and Stranger, Edward on, who has been ending the winter at Lansdowne, arrived * home on Saturday evening. The cheese factories in this viéinity were in operation on Saturday even- ing for the first time this season. Mrs. Ethel Card and Thomas Taylor of this place were quietly married at the home of Frank Cornwall, on the 17th inst., by Rev. William Pearson. The happy couple were unattended, only the near friends being present. Mr, and Mrs. Taylor have moved into the Fahey house on Brock street. The many friends extend congratulations. A beautiful Canadian eysipn 12 by 6 feet floated over the vublic school for the first time on Viotoria day. Mrs. John Doyle, Perth, was the puest of her sister, Mrs. James Carty, last week. Mis# Marv Simmons is visiting friends ih Kingston, Visitors: Miss Dwver and Dr. Dwyer, Perth, at O. MecNally's; 'J. Gibson, Lansdowne, at F. C. Landon's; Albert Foxton, Brock: ville, at B. Chamberlain's: Miss Halla day, Flein, at Miss Halladay's; F. Lyons, Althorpe at his parents'. LOSS TO FISHERS. Catch Unsatisfactory in Great South Bay. Eastport, L.I., May 29.--The fisher men in Great South Bay, which has heretofore been one of the best and most - productive = fishing grounds around Long Island, complain that their business is practically ruined, as there do not seem to be any more fish in the bay, They say that the intro. duction of the power boat on the Great South Bay has gradually driven away the. great schools of edible fish whieh at this season formerly swarm: ed to this section and afforded th native fishermen a 'profitable field of employment. Not in the history of these waters has the fishing been so unsatisiactory as this year, 'the catches of carp, ale wives and menhaden' not being one fifth as large as in other years. Many fishermen, who recently botight ex pensive nets and boats, have disposed of them because of the failure of the. fishing. The constant churning of the walter. by. 'the rapidly revolving pro- pellers of the numerous powerboats plying in' the bay, it is believed, have disturbed the fish to such an exient that they have deserted tho waters of the bay. From other pacts of the const of Long Island similar reports have been received and the fishermen entertain no hope of improvement in the future, HAD TO CLOSE DOWN To Make Repairs and Remove Timber. Gananoque, May 29.--The ostablish- ment of the Skinner Manufacturing company, limited, was elosed, on Mon- day afterngen, on account of a couple of pices of two by four joist passing through the rack before the wheel and lodging in one of the buckets. It took till about 10 p.m. to extricate them. > latest in the sporting line in town is a bascball game to be ar- ranged between the .present council and ex-councillors of the town, to take place on Saturday afternoon at the opening of the season at Grass: hopper Park. They will likely be in the procession, headed by the band. Mr. use, Geneva, N.Y., was in town, during the past few days, leok- ing after the erection of a new boat: house on Black Duck Island, where he and his brother, from Rochester, spend the summer months. Frederick Watt, Charles street, spent a few days in. Toronto during the Past week. Frederick Wales,. Napanee, is #ponding a short time with friends in town. Mr. Wormworth, piano man of Kingston, was in town to-day. AN OLD LANDMARK, In Picton is to Be Pulled Down. Picton Gazette. One of the old landmarks of the town will soon give place to tho on- ward march of improvement--the old Church property. This structure was built by the late Adam Hubbs, who during the early history of Picton car- tied on: the business of a tanner, as well ad being the owner of a general store. The property was originally a Pars of the Abram Barker farm. Mr. abbs built, about the -year 1826, and resided n'a small frame house and as he prospered in business, added to it until the present 'structure was = the result. In 1826 he occupied the house and it has been continually occupied members of the family ugg the i The site hav] been purchased for 'the news Carnflric lib. rary, the old structéire is "tor Ma rdnov: ed, and upon its location Will be' rear ed ek imposing" structure at -a cost off , WEDNESDAY, MAY 30. §> - Sg Sunlight Soap js better = ema THAT STAB-LIKE 'PAIN IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK COMES FROM THE KIDNEYS AND CAN BE CURED BY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS It is not the back that is aching, but the kidneys which are situated beneath the small of the back. Therefore, dull pain in the back, or sharp, quick twinges, are warnings of sick kidneys --warnings of kidoey trouble. Plasters and liniments will not cure a bad back, for they cannot reach the kidneys which cause it. Doan's Kidney Pills reach the kidneys. That is what they are for and that only, Bo, if you would be free from backache, swelling of the feet and ankles, frequent or suppressed urine, inful sensation when urinating, specks ting before the eyes, frequent thirst, brick-dust deposit in the urine, or anything wrong with the urinary organs or bladder, you must kee, our kidneys well. Help them to wor! feel , and help them to flush off all the body's waste impurities. Doan's Kidney Pills are made from the purest roots herbs, and havea remark- able healing and toning effect on the kid- noys. Mra. Barling, 26 Locomotive Street, Hamilton, Ont., writes: "I had been troubled considerably with my kidneys, using many remedies, but finding no relief. I tried Doan's Kidney Pills and found them to act directly on the kindeys, and waking them strong agin, * Price 50 cents per box, three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. Shoe Polish Black, Tan and White Shining your(own shoes with 2 in 1 is bath a luxury and an economy. 2 in 1 Black Polish is known as "Black Light- ning." Your shoes are black shine with onlyan instant's rub. Don't take substitutes or imitations. Black asd Tan in 10c, and ec. ting White in 15. Glass 1007 100% The stability of a Company may be gauged by the class of Securities in which its funds are invested. Those of } «, Is J : Ly OF CANADA. are all gilt-edge, as may be seen from the following list : . = oF en Phi After = piece, immerse in the / Sc. directions, our shoes. Early x a -- tics, 35¢c. and 40c. per pair, inspection. the materials and paying a dr from 15¢. to $2 cach. broidery, 23c., $7.50 each. Crumle Complete with couplings, 8c. per foot. If you want it larger and better we have it. Lodger Asuits Precentage Mortgages - $4,265,533.86 | 48.22 Debentures and First Bonds = 332A 88 | 36.68 Leans on Policies 1,017,480.99 | 11.50 a nBanks - - $261,960.60 | 2.96 RealEstate - - $56,281.08 | .64 Total --------. | ---- ~~ $8,846,658.42 | 100% HEAD OFFICE: i WATERLOO, - CANADA || [AEN PUD WOMEN, aioe Big & for nnnature! liasharg 6 in fammations, irchatios oor "he of wacous membranes, im yg and not astria { §ent or poisonous, on wt Druggisis, or went in plain wi Horan Cinmlar taut on segue. District ; : ot Agent, Kingston $10,000, which no doubt will be. an ornament to the town. | ------------------ Mrs. Thomas Doyle, Tyendinaga, who has been ill for some time. js leaving a nine ! Miss Lena Haley, Kitlay, is dead from pneumonia; aged eighteen. uk Edward John Doughen forty- | one years, died at se wi | He was a native of Brockville but resided 'in : do de al 1 a usHToN, Perth for some years, '69 and 71 Brock Street. Hose Reels, $1, $1.50 oach McKelvey & Birch} but is best when To appreciate the i | ' Washing with Sunlight Soe, --Also large assortment of White Skirts, at 8 on the soap, ro] --Our showing of Wash Dresses on the second floor All kinds of pretty and becoming styl the prices are so reasonable that one doubts th sssmaker, idea as to their excellence be secured. Only "Drawers, open and closed, plain and trimmed with 35¢., 40c., 50c., 60c. and Tbe. per pair --Night Gowns, beautifully trimmed with lace and erous sizes, from 4%. to $2.50 cach. simplici prices used in the Water, and 80 away 'Sunlight Soap will do its work in thirty 10 ER ie wil be leas 5c. Buy it and follow Sixty minutes, and whiter than if boiler and hard rubbing, » Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto " --Fancy Drop-stitch Cotton Hose, also fast black, 25c. and 33¢ } Fr ¥ --Corset Covers, Crescent brand, well made and trimmed y Bros. than sther « ve el Sl yy | "Y and eage of inthe Suniigh, ections, UP each The 'young man working for a moderate sala never objects to saving a dollar or soon a pair of shes, and we want to say to him that he can do it if he brings his feet heie. He can either get his shoes here for Jess money, or get more desirable shoes here for the same money than elsewhere In either case it's a saving. The new styles are ready and our YOUNG MEN'S SHOES have every twist and kink of fashion known to up-to-date shoemakers. Come try a pair of J. H. Sutherland & Bro The Home of Good Shoemaking » Summer Necessities --Fast Black Cotton Hose for Men, Women and Children, 123c., 15¢. and per pair. --Faney . Open-work Lisle Thread Hose, full fashioned English make, bess: whility of buying them can an And While on the Second Floor Takea Look At Our White 'Goods excellent values and em GeO00 GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY 50c. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St3 rv -- ------------ oPsIS OF Een. ve, to the ex tion, of 160 ae Entry must b Jocal land otlice the land is situ HOMESTEAD ditions conneetc the following © (1) At least s nd cultivation during the term (3) If thel ta) father is deceus eligible to mak der the provis upon a farm in ntered for by stead, the requir idence prior Te satisfied by he father or © (3) If the set residence upon pim in the vicini requirements of may be satisfied said land. APPLICATIO he made at the re the Local lomestead lnsp Before making he settler mus in writing to winion Lands at an 80. | SYNOPSIS 01 WEST MIN) Coual.--Coal lal $1u per acre fo nthracite. Not be ucyuired by rany. Royalty per ton of 2,000 on lhe LIUSS ou Quartz.--A fre erunted upon | £5 per aunuaiu from $50 to $10 any according A free miner, } place, may, 600 fect. The fee for re At least $100 lai each year o corder ih lieu been expended ¢ vpou having a complying With chase tho land The patent rol royalty of 24 p PLACER min square yearly. A free miner me dredge for gold erm of twenty discretion of the The lessee sha) sation within one he lease for eac ver annum for ea Royalty at the ra ed on the output Deputy of the N.B.--Unauthor advertisement wi -- E TENDERS SEALED TE to the unders gt der for lredging Ste. Marie, On this office until 1386, inclusively Mary's River at #ccording to a pla cation and fol the office of J. Engineer, Confed Toronto, on ann) master at Sault Algoma, Ont., a Public Works, Ot Persons tenderi) ders will not be on the printed fi With their actual Sach tender n an accepted cheq made payable le the Minis sand do will be forfeited decline to enter called upon to di complete the wor tender be not ac be returned The Department accent the lowest By, or Department of Pa Ottawa, pers ins h For a Busi Civil Service Kingston 8 Head of Kingst Spacious a equipment, graduates in individual i : petent and ex every depart out the who ree J.B. McKAY, ' President at our A large st teries, Spark always on ha SELBY ¢ LI} ------------ THEF LOAN. & INVE ESTABL President--Sir 3 Money joa, Pertiea. Municip] cs. Mortgages Seeived and inter 8. c. McGill, | Office, 97 Clare Vm. Murr: 278 New Carriages : Se, for sale : of Hors

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