Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1906, p. 3

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ontraction of the Misch Or Stiffness of the Cogs PPLY DR. SCOTT'S LINIMERY papgy l:0 An Excellent Hair Resto and Scalp Cleansep . Large bottle. 2a canty "It not for sile n ¥8 be c Leo "our arupe procured st, at James 3 Dr. Scott's opr's., St, rd, a Mam. FURS Now is The Time To Have Furs Remodelied And Repaired White Linir Joh Nb. apg, O04 and Chelmg, V, ¥ GOURDIER'S 78 and 80 Brock Strest ngston's Only Exclusive Fup Store The Richest Mining my ia the Silver Values Run as High ag $10,000 per ton Oor Market Letter, Map and Booklet are FR free for the askug We buy and sell shar bpurating § in the Cobalt pi Bik 1k companios tock in one property ro : per share to $100.00, y rose from sbahus Write to-day for particulars WILLS @ co, TORONTO OR COBALT, Our Third Announcement For Weddings In June English Carving Sets In Cases + just opened ipnality. Toe prices arz not high We also have Pear! Handled and Dessert Sets In oaken boxes, for which there is aconstaut demand Fish SMITH BROS. Jewelers :: Opticians Phone 666 Issuers of Marriage Licenses 0 NEED TO USE A STRING For your Sash Curtains when u can buy a bro) Brass Rod, or short curtains de specially f to the { can be attached cither h or frame of anv window. om 22 to 45 inches wide. 144 these 20c. Rods on sale Thurs y morning, complete, for only 7%¢. each. NEW. MUSLINS We are doing a big trade 10 ncy and White Muslins for the t our display 18 Would look over Prices ple reason tha nobbiest in the city. pleased to have you range on Thursday. temptingly low. ANOTHER SNAP 500 yards of Glass Towelljog: A regular inches wide. ind iter on sale Thursday, mornifg ; 6'4¢. a yard: EWMAN & SHAW £1 Untiirio Stren "Royal" Shoes FOR MEN Dull, bright and Patent leathers $5.00 A PAIR In high-class shoemaking, noth- ing like satisfying yourself by a; good try. We're here with the goods and will only welcome the strongest, test, mm | LABATT S| Me and Porter are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure 'Malt products, made from the choicest barley and best Selécted hops. 'They are very healthful 'and aid "digestion, Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree | with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, * AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274, { i | | | | | '| | Homeseekers' Excursions TO THE NORTH-WEST Return Fares From Kingston: THEY MAY MOVE] IMPORTANT T RUMORS ABOUT _ McDermott' s Shoe Store. rope. funder contemplation hy teould be | ning here | Brockville, G. T. R. ENGINEMEN. Drivers and Firemen May Be Ask- ed to Take Up Their Residence in Montreal Within a Few Weeks. Bgockville' Recorder. uring the past féw days rumors have been current Junk the employ- ces about the G. K. shops and on the street, that an order may 'be re ceived any day requesting their ree {moval to Montreal, which would mean their headquarters. Although nothing definité has reach- ed here yet, the officials are reticent on the matter, but the men firmly be- {lieve that it is a 'change, which will soon take place and many are prepar- ing lo get ready to move to the met- The reason assigned for the change, | which is one that has apvarently been the officials {for some time, is that they can be sent out from Monireal on three dif ferent. runs. With the recent aequisi- tion of the Canada Atlantic they sent- to Ottawa, or either Is land Pond or Brockville, but the run- would of course mean only the lay over and return to their homes. The move is naturally not popular with the men, who prefer to live in but all claim the change is one which is bound to come, and the mast they can do is make the best of it. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Emperor Nicholas of visit the Danish. court in August. Supplies on the Arctic, worth) ¥30,- 000, will he anetio ned in 'Montre I. A big 'lockout in Germany tq aliect 165,000 men is to go into efit on June 2nd. A mob went to Russia. will Tallulah, La, by special. train, lynched a white man named Rogers, Michael Davitt continues to lose ground, though he is und is free from pain. Mackenzie & Mann have plans be- fore the government for a line from Sudbury to Port Arthur. Fight Russian laborers condemped for murder, of a police lieutenant, were exeented on Tuesday. The house committee, at Washington, favorably reported on the bill making resting quietly served Winnipeg - - $32 00 | Stiassburg - ~ $ [eight hours a legal day's Jabor on sours = 7+ 33 N anton Los b | : government works, mo. o-oo BW "1 ives 0 orn : er ©» BEA Tn Bu uh concern i bing exprosend over Arcola = - + 3400 | Macked. - - 4000 The Iren Frame quality is de- the health of the pope. The close con- {wo | Guan CC wm sitned and mode only by exports. | | ANEMONE 0 The vatican, it is said, is Kegina - - - 3575 | Ntetiler aw {=e aly Killing him. Moose Jaw - - 360 | Edzonton § =~ *° 7 They are four ply, linen i arden Kelly, San Quentin peniten : i where Pill Miner, of stage rob GOING throughout and specially. pro. |e ory fame, Mh June 5th, - good to return unt'l - Aoguet 6h tected against laundry wear ~ " A June 19th, August 20th { July Ard, " 4 Sept. 3rd July 17th, " " sept. 19th They wear longer than other For fur her particulars, Tickets Tourist Car | Aconmusadation, and all other information spp'y to J, ¥. HAN LEY. Agent, Corner Juhmson any collars. 3; TOOKE BROTHERS, MONTREAL. Uimited. esto enese LX! RAILWAY * In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway Homeseekers' Excursions To Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan GOING - good to return until - Angust 6th 3 " - Sept. 8rd July 17th, " "" Sept. 17th Return Fares From Kingston : h Winn Strassburg. - So pe, Saskatoon - made wit | Brandon Privece Albert the greatest care. Every ) No. Batt efo aq - 30m Moosomin 3 Arco + 1 8480 | Mackod 0 09 seam is double-sewn. stevan 1} - Calgary e405 Yoo BW | Fed Deer - - - 4150 Look for the label, figium - - - 8575 | Stettler | 20 : Moosejaw - + 8600 | Edmonton eo Full ~ particulars at K, & ¥, and C.P JR. Ticket Office, Ontgrio street. F. CONWAY, *. A; FOLGER, Gen. Pass, Agenty Gen. Supt. Bay. of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local points; Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kings Kingston. p And do not be per- { suaded into taking anything 0 With Minerva White- Wear, you need not fear the laundry. -- | Y If your dealer can't! QUEBEC STEAMSHIP GOMPARY LIMITED River and Gulf of $1. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campana," " With electric lights, eleetric bells and all wodsrn comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 2 p.m. 4th and 18th June: d, 16th and 80th July: 18th and {i % J th Augtist ; 10th and 24th September, for In . calling at Quel Giuspe, Mal Perce, Cape Cove, Grund Sumanerside, P.15.1., and Charlottetown, P.ELI. BERMUDA |= Sumer Kxcursions, $85 and upwards the new Twin Screw SS. '"Hermud- mn." 5,500 tons. Sailing fortnightly rom New York, from 6th June to N November, Hemperature cooled by lireezes: seldom rises above 80 decrecs The finest trips of the season for wlth and comfort. supply you, write us and we § will tell you who can. Tue Minerva Mig. Co., Limited TORONTO, CANADA. Frglish home hte dye; A cake of soap) ay quick, ule. rilliant colors: Dyes to.an; shade. You can't wash the color out--it's fadeless. Dyes Aryhisg. The largest sale in the British Em Made in England but sold a. sc. for Colors-- tse. for Black, re tps Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam- bal Com pany, Limited ARTHUR ANERN, Secretary, Quebec For tick p wiv to . a . 4 ee CHAREST GLE g TR.NORTH KiNG | . Ont icket Agents, Kihgst$a, 1000 Islands--Rochester < i May 27th, steamer So ingston, on ALLAN LINE Roval mail lousy Ki ane Talmud Porta: die ers | irning . Will leave at 8 p.m for MONTRTAL To LIVE Ra J Rochester, N.Y., via, Bay of Quinte. Toman, May 381, June 28, July 26. Paily service except Monday after June Virvinian, June OF, dare 5. Ane 28rd. Tunisian, June 14, July 12, Aug. 9. \ STR ALETHA Victorian, June 21, July 19, Aug. 14. © MONT 2G REAL To GLASGOW. Leaves daily except Sundav at Spm. or Picton and interwediate Bay of i Weekly Moderate Rate Service. 3 Pretorian .. June 6, daylight § Lretorian ...... og Quinte Ports. ibddian ; June 18, daylight For full [information apply to FE. E fates, apply to J. P. HANLEY.! yi coy General Manager, Kingston: J Agent, G. T, R., J, P, GILDER- 1 p Honley, Ticket Agent: Jas. Swit & SLEEVE, © Agents tives Sundays at 10.15) a twenty-live-year sentence, positively ident him. A fire in Chilliwack, B.C., destroyed ning stores on the south side of the main street. Chilliwack is on the Fraset river, sixty miles from Vaa- couver, BA Nicholas Murphy, K.C., pointed by the attorney partment to continue the Tri of combine scandals left off by Walter Curry when he ceased to be crown attorney, The Austrian scandal has ended in the annulment of the. marriage of Prince Fredigick of Schoenberg-Waldon berg and Princess. Alice of Bourbon by the pope, thus their son will be ahle to inherit his father's title, China's first reply to Britain's se cond note on the question of Chinese was extremely vague, The second reply to the personal visit of the British. charge d'affaires is con sidered quite 'satisfactory, and a written agreement 'is expected soon. customs Clark's Pork And Beans. Is a dish to enjoyv--parfectly cooked tastily seasomed and very nutri tions. and economical. Get some. Plain or flavored with chili or toma- to géauce. Se. and 10c. tins. Differences In People. Ottawa Citizen. A negro has heen bama for stealing hoy. In the northern states a white man can steal $100,000 from grown up fellow-citizens and nothing more serions will happen to him than hav- ing to' go to Europe till the matter blows over, lynched in Alas $1 from a white Those who have taken other laxa- without satisfaction--and those who have taken such quantities of other Jaxatives that they have lost their effect--will find =a pleasant sur- prise in "Lax-ets. There is usually no pain, gripping, nausea or discom- fort even in severe cases, This candy bowel laxative, Lax-ets, is only Be. and is sold by all druggists. Ten- acres of land in Winnipeg, be- longing te T. 8S. Carman. Mrs. Phip- pen and the late Us E. Th on 8 tate of Belleville, sold for $13,500, J. H. Gaffney, Brockville, has ac- cepted a position as travelling sales- man for Mayell & Co., Toronto. Burtch's horse radish can not he ex cell d; always pure and fresh. Large bottles, 10c. Ack vour grocer for it, Mrs. Augustus Sherwood, formerly of Brockville, is dead at leaving four. children The congh syrup that cures coughs, Gibson's Red. Cross Cough Syrup, 200 Take no other. Inverness. Wilbert Taplin | . of Brockville, is dead, from the eficcts of typhoid fever, Miss E. WM. Covelle, Brockville," is dead," aged tWenty-sovin, P. P. Slack, Athens, is seriously iil from nervous collapse. COLD CURE Qy ff ries Be rue { t Bowel Troubles |; "of Childhood It is impossible 'to exagge- rate the value of FRUIT-A- TIVES as a medicine for children. They contain no alcohol = no morphine or cocaine--no dangerous drugs of any kind. Prujta-tives are fruit juices--cone centrated snd combined with the most valuable tonics and internal antiseptics known to medicine, Fruit-a-lives ire free of calomel, cascara, senna and the host of violent ves that simply act by irritating" the i: Fruit-a-tives are made from fruit and and are pleasant to take, and so mild in their action that they never gripe or pain, During the summer, when children are so Te eat improperly, mothers ve a box of Fruita-tives pi handy. At t the first sign of Diarrhoea, Indi , Headaches, Biliousness, Peev- , Vomiting -- give Pruit-a-tives to directions. These splendid fruit liver tablets will instantly correct faulty digestion--clean and sweeten the stomach--regulate the bowels, kidneys and skin -- and so invigorate and strengthen the whole system, that the little ones can quickly throw off the temporary illness. Get a box now--to-day. soc. a j box or 6for $2.50 Sent on receipt of price, if your denggist does not handle them, FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA. BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER EW.GILLETT gprs TORONTO, ONT. { rr ---------- a DANDRUFF CAUSED BY A . -- A New Discovery That Kills the Germ and Prevents Baldness. Pretty nearly alt the hair prepara- tions for dandrufi have some merit in allaying itching: of the scalp, and in being a fairly good dressing for the hair, but there is only one that - re cognizes what causes dandruff, falling hair, and baldness, and that destroys the cause, a little germe-and that is Newbro's Herpicide. This germ eats its wav. into the scalp, it digs up the scalp into little white scales. Unless it is destroyed, there's no permanent stopping of falling hair and cure of dandrufi and baldness. Ne whros Her picide kills the germ. "Destroy the cause, you remove the ofiect." Sold by leading druggists. Sond © 10e, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mieh, G. W. Mahood, special agent, The Baby's Frock. The simpler of eut amd the of material baby's froek is, the more appropriate and likewise becoming it is to the Tittle newcomer. No limit is placed on' the amount of hand work which these Tittle dresses may © arry, this in the form of, band run tucks, in daintier serthme of lace 'or embroidery, and hand embroideries, bit. rues and frilly which trim the older children's frock I conspicuously absent on the baby Ta unless it be that the lower wige or wide ruffle of the deess materjal. Ia this litle. dress of fine white lawn the skirC jo Cnished with a wide: hem, aboye which are rin three half inet tucks," cach cat-stitch- ed with white linen thread, and the upper edge is shirred, hack and front, to the shallow tucked vake, the neck of which is Tmishesl "with a fii] of finest, embroidery, more © of which fnishes the fall bishop dieve gathered ints a ent-stitohed band of the wn, The fastening is made in the back with tiny _ pearl Bottons and button: holes, Carleton Place, a hand-car, was struck hy band died shortly. after, gaining consciousness, Tickets for the polo pomy races and gymkhana at the fair grounds on Sa- Jurday, are sold at Gibson's Red Crobs drug store. while on a 'train, John Low, 1 WILL HEFOND YOUR MONEY IF IT Ls MUNYON, Philadelphia Benipntin Hubbs, Black River Bridge, aaed soyenty wears, He leaves without re-4 CONDENSED > ADVERTISING RATES ; : First insertion, le. a word. Each tons sceutive insertion therealter {c. a word. Minimum charge for one ins sertion, 2c. Advi. 4 lines or under a week, $1. Advt. 4 lines or under a month, $2. W -- Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG HELP WANTED--MALE, STHONG BOY TO CARRY PARCELS, at HRobertsom Bros. FOUR BOATRUILDERS, wages. Apply Dey Bros. Canoe Works, Ottawa. aouvd Boat and tun. ATE, LADY'S ORESENT BIOYOLE, excéllont condition. Apply 4 ons A NEW eominlon Ab PIANO, ny parieet,, ©o! Sitio Du wly CITY AND FARM EE r No 4 o pay. partun tn, "ph." bs Wellington s AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW, | | sixteen volves, a discount, reason. APPIY *hrough © WOODEN PORTICO ; REMOVED po Sently from the lt of my resi St. Can be seen on the Sian dw. T. Stoacy. THE ONLY AVAILABLE Benutiful view of dy y ark A 208 Wellington St. HELP, THE YBAKR ROUND. SITU- ations vacant, domestics, hotel ung factories. Degartment "8, 2 Wellington street, POSITION AS CLERK OR CAN- vasser by Englishman just arrived, aged 27, 8 years experience. Apply Hox "EE Whig office, A GOOD SMART BOY, TO WORK IN a grocery, on Saturdays. One with bicyele preferred. Good chance to learn the business. Apply by letter to Box "A." Whig office. SALESMEN, FOR AUTO-SPRAY Best compressed-air haud Sprayer wade. Liberal terns. Sample machine free" to approved agents. Cavers Bros.,, Galt, Ont. 3 GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR suits Preswed and cleaned syrelutly by y TWO HOUSES, AT Rideau St., Brooms each, « ing. Aunly to J, Craig on Premises. TWO-STOREY, NINE-ROOMED SOLID 1 brick dwelling, property in first class condition. Good locality, Bagot Nt. price $1,180. NTI 208 Wellington St., Dept. "ID. TWO FARMS $4,200 BACH ; ALSO / Doctor's residence and farm, $6,500, Including practice worth $3,000 a ear, Apply to John Gardiner, 151 {Wellington street. ie -------------------------------------- SUMMER COTTAGE, FOUR BED- rooms, kitchen and dining room, 5§ miles from city, on the Lawrence. Good water supply. Bow#t and boats houses. Apply Box 94, this Office. et --------------------------------. Ping® class vacant lot, on Lower Duton wi BX improvements with hot water heated STORAGE Rag ture, etc. W. street. ann's, FIRST CLASS rie detached Ubbosite SITUATED : use, 11 Ee Ro Dread: 190 Unton Street West. FAIRVIEW, * MAQ! hows, titan a ar improvements, made. Has parlor, Septio yoarly sion. pen in Barrie street. A UBENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO Mrs. McNaughton, 683 West St, In the evening. References required. THE BISCUIT FAC wages and steady job. ih FoR Crothers, Wellington St ory. Good Apply Ww. J, UL Ta MK, EXPERIENCED IN GENTS furnishing and clothing store. Steady wmployeny to © sultabls party. Abs TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO BE let in pleasant house in good location, = without board ; references required unless applicants are known. Address "H. 'T."" care Whig office. YOUNG BUSINESS = WOMAN CAN have large comfortable room free, with elderly lady, at 8301 Alfred St, PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS, AT frig. and paper box departient, with rg without experience; Steady work and good wages Be Apply Kipe- ston Hoslery Co. LE street. WANTED. mer ee----T RTI FIRST CLASS SECOND-HAND VOR Card Room. Apply Sutenh Simpson Sons, Nerkeley and Esplande, Tor onto. mes---------- REPAIRING, CAR screons made 210 Division UPHOL STERING, pets to clean and lay, to-order, at Miller's, street. NEW GERMAN RIFLE. Fires Five Well-aimed Shots in Ten Seconds. Perlin, May 30.--~A number of tests have recently been carried out near Berlin in conngetion with a newly-in- vented repeating rifle known asx 'the Fidejeland antomatic-loading rifle, model 1906. : An ingenious system of springs is employed to use the foree of the re coil in such a way as automatically to reload the rifle, Almost simultan eously with firing the empty cartridge case is seized and ejected, a fresh fresh cartridge placed in position, the and the trigger reset magazine closed, for living. A rifle expert fired five well-aimed shots in ten seconds from wu sitting posture, and the rifles tested show «| equally satisfactory results when fired rapidly from @ standing 'position, EMPRESS CLUB A FAILURE. Woman's Club of London Run at a Loss. London, May 30.--The Empress Club, the principnl woman's clpb, of Lon: don, with a large membership and subseriptions amounting to $50,000 a year, is to be sold hy order of the court. The club went into voluntary liquidation some tune ago, a receiver and manager being appointed to con duct the" business. The debenture hondholders were divided, some desir ing an extension of the period - of managership with a view to recon struction, while others; who main tained. that the club was being carried on at a serious loss, demanded its iminediate sale. The judge decided in favor of the lat ier, oR Many women's clubs "in London have come to grief financially through bad management, bat the Empress was the foremost of all, and every: body thought it was perfectly safe. A GENEROUS GIFT. H. C. Frick Gives $200,000 to Pittsburg Y.W.C.A. Pittsburg, Hay 30. A gift of $200, 000 frome H. C. Frick to the Central Young Women s Christian Association of Pittsburg and Allegheny, has been announced, Thi offer ia accompanied by the provision that the association raise $200,000 for the building fund by July lst, 1907, and $100,000 for the endowment fund within two years, after' the completion of the new home of ihe association. An equal amount is Frick gift. Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen, move grease, + dead, three children. 3 Ye acle" removes hair. Sold. i Red Sry store. px at One tot. Louis Abramuon, 336 428 Vrincess street, Vaughn Terrace. rincess streol GIRLS IN OUR. KNITTING, FINISH TA LADIES QOLD WATOH to go to each of these funds fro, thet. pearl ward for its return cane, with. painted heart. back of watch. Finder wl warded by returning to this Of MEDICALS. JR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied by Dr, Ryan, corner Mon. treal and Brock streets. FAMILY WASH TAKES FLIGHT. And Not a Breath of Air Was Stirring. Catskill, N.Y., May 80.--On the Bor- ent V. Roraback farm, at Westkill, » Greene county hamlet, yesterday, sud- denly the family wash, which had been laid on the grass to bleach, rose straight up into the air, the pillow cases, sheets, towels, shirts, ete., soaring slowly aloft like huge birds. The heavy pieces came down, after an ascent of probably 200 feet, but the light articles soared out of sight. A towel was found by the in the pasture lot, half a mile away, and a pillow sham dropped into a spring an equal 'distance from the house. The fact that not a breath of air was stirring leaves the spectators ot a loss to account for the happen- ing. A QUEER CHARGE. 'That the Mayor of St. Henri Cannot Read or Write. which ix contrary to law, and which renders him ineligible to occupy the chair of the chief magistrate. The mayor was bédlore the court and plead- ol not guilty to the charge. An in , CLOSED milk. in nt yer hired man] Quebec, May 30,--A resident of the district has laid a charge in the police} Recent arrivals : J. NM court, this city, against the mayor of | Watertown; Joseph Vk &nsl St. Henri de Levis, alleging that the | {itica, N.Y.; Mrs. J. Peck and latter is unable to read or write, | Watertown; H. Devendorf, Ci hand ; also bring yous, th aud | $40 CANH BUYS "A NEW MASSEY _ have an up-to-date suit 'made. Gallo- Harris Bicycle, cushion frame and IM. NEWLAN way's, 181 Brock street. couster brake. . Hass never hen un- fice, INLANDS, AR er Minion' EE ---------------- crated. Regular $66 Wheel, das, A. store, corner rT HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Phowson, 1.0. Drawer, 271, Gan streots, Entrance on anogues 1 'Phone, 008. A COOK, APPLY TO 252 KING ST. SPLENDID INVESTMENT. | OWNER POWKE & SON. 'AR Le Ta I roc (5, . . Bank Ang A (OOD COOK. APPLY AT THIS ment Three (8) that rent for over chant's Bal ne Office. $200. a fourth, (ncludes Corner and Wellington streets. A grocery, -- up-to-da ving Tove. GIRLS. APPLY N. ~C. POLSON & Good clean lesality. Good ARTE he ou Jo., 265 Ontario street. trade estahlis No "Topeins of ow | CT Fe BH alin TL | & A YOUNG GIRL, FO L1G IT Wellin 8t.. Dept. " wn housework. Apply to 239 Divisidn ellington Pp HENRY PF. street. ane Anchor ae GENERAL SERVANT. REFE IRENCES BOARD AND ROOMS. ired. Apply to Uwillim, | somes comes ames srs. sesscrosmsrros wav ERPOOL, Fire DRE ARTICLES FOR SALE, DUNLOP COVERS, $2.86 Everything at cut logues free. Bicycle Youge St., Toronto. THOUSAND ISLAND NI Peuple Looking After Their mer Cottages, Thousand Island Park, M, The steamer North King pil yesterday for the = first time t Won. Dre. Farrell and Gage, of N.XY., were here week, w king alter ote, Anson, electrician, is is a up the lights. They ol: on about June I5th, as the Ce bian opens on that date. J. BR merman, engineer, has the pumps' ing. "The reservoir has been thore ly cleaned and is now full of wate Superintendent Thicheau is 8 busy man at present. will erect a new cottage for Peck, Curthagg on Grove a B, In soll, contractor of thi has the Sotsteant 0 uid a tage on ures; i Paris, elonid on Fridey and will until September. Ira B. Ing sompleted a fine } yachthouse . Warner, of Syracuse, on W canst. Oyama, proprietor: of A, panese store, has arrived for the son from New York. P, Casler, Herkimer; Mrs. Spen Kingston: Mrs. K. Saunders, | Vincent; W. P. Gridley, Syracuse, A 250. box Gf _ toilet on vestigation will be held, 10c.. Gibson's R&P Cross drug st - -- stontial od archi | paint and earth, ete., use The "Mag- r Mnchanic's" Tar Soap, Toilet Soap Co. Europe. It hes Tella beau! ness, as fegards its oy Wilt a is, gaia de be am . Ae 1oid Be ptomper ot. 5001. bm

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