Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1906, p. 5

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town with o i hes. 4 "howing INE Men want in clothes business to have ol, at swagger effect So | nart dressers der brics, new style kinks jg oy tailoring, etc, etc. 9 \ Suits (Single Breasted Style) 3, 14, 15 to $ig its > New Double Breaster) 2.50, 14, 15, mn BIBBY (g rea YY -- = wn ------ rp Necessiti Women and Children, 124c., 15¢, and so fast black, 25¢, and 3c. per pair, e, full fashioned English inake, beay- ie second floor is certainly worth your | becoming styles to be seen here and me 'doubts the advisability of buying naker, Only by seeing them can an cond Floor Takea White 'Goods made and trimmed, excellent values d trimmed with lacey tucks and em: and 75¢. per pair. ith lace and embroidery, good gem rts, at prices. ranging from 49%. fa § y Bros. EAD prices. Phone Main 1729. )., 31 William St., Toronto. Oxfords for warm days, Oxfords wear s made for summer use. They 5. And they keep their shape, ave them in the latest 1906 , others in Brown Vici Kid, | 0 and $4. Shoe Store Phone 169. Nm. Murray, Auctionée! J ' 27 BROCK ST. Jew Carriages, Cutters, etc., for sale. ale of Horses Every Satur Wood's and Great Fagilienthe So Si of im, ner ein. Harness eri ie fri em Hite dl we. ST ain tL Ti Be on charge. Many women, gaffer fa silence from bad to know. dri 'worse, - i well al hy ong tare but a natural modesty ny them to x from theme! ves to-the-questions and izaminations of even theit family is unnecessary. money fie vou can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual S3petiance is. great. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation. Women Mutieting | from i S5y form oi female weakness ag y communicate with Mrs, Pa romply Lynp, Mase All letters are Tecefved, fed, read and and answered worpen only. of her private illness to a woman ; thus has been establi the eternal confi- dence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been' bioken. Out of the vast volume of ex- perience which she has to draw from, jt i§¢ more than possible that she has gine: the very knowledge that.will help your case. She asks nothin, except vour good-will. and has relieved th woman, rich or ghe does not t Xe. Sdvamage of this a yus offer of If you are ill, I . hesitate to get a | pottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable | Compound at once, and write Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass,, for epecial advice. When a medicine been successful Surely any in restoring to health so many women, | you cannot well say, without it "I do not believe it will help me.» {| Saving in Oil, Grease, Waste etc 1 : certainly a selfish amusement. --D, EGROOM. | Saving in Repairs to Electric is al . ABDUCTS BRIDI { Phat 0 Stein 466 | A. GIVENS, Chairman of 'Committee . TT {| Saving in Rental of Temporary Parks. #Woman in Black' Bests Tearful | Hvnamo 10° Pa a i | Saving in Gus Fuel! and Petro- Bride. | a s31| EASTERN DAIRY SCHOOL, Baltimore, May 28. --With tears | S r in Lai Gas Plant 500 ------ stream fown her cheeks, Mrs. Edna | Eta Maintenance, Total a son) The Successful Candidafes for Grace ( a bride of four weeks, | youriy Saving by Increased Con i Diplomas. entered a police station and asked aid | sumption of Electric Ligh 2.300} The follows ai his i in finding her husband, who, she said, | ws | x ful a te = a lst ol the sue bad been forcibly taken from her by Total Saving ST S30 | ensstul candidates for diplomas. from 3 I i I Ha a 1900 another woman, who alse claimed to | "In making up this report we have She R a. ins Sela jor 1305: be a Mrs. Garfield. | found it exceeding.v difficult to ap- | Ballard. aril ap "Mi ls Mu . E A "woman in black" .invaded the | portion thy savings, and in every case Brintneil Belleville: G . as hi 0 apartments occupied by the Garfields | have been very conservative in our Armprs - Th ' Ji Be Chast and told the young bride that her | estimates, and we feel that if possible "le 5 : ome a is, i ter dream of happiness was o'er: at she | to oxpross. the total savings and ad- H Hh th pin, AE wo had comé to take Mr. Garfield away. | vantages in figures that our estimate Budein, ou ay: Jur v "He is my husband, and his place is | would be increased by nearly fifty per | 5 taniev Bridge, . Quinn, with me." said the bride. cent." Martintown; J. W. Ak Soule. "We shall see," said the other.| To pay off the 885,000 in thirty eroft. Ce "Jean, come with me. vears, both principal and interest will 3 ome few applications have been After a struggle, in which all' three | mean an annual payment of $4,916. held over for another vear, either un participated, the woman in black left | the house with Garfield. Spring Importation Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received two cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviots and Vicunas. His £15 suiting made to order beats anything of pre vious years. The wear and fitting is guaranteed. Boy Invaded Fox's Den. Brockville, May ~-A fox, the pelt of" which ranges from $15 to 2100 in value, was caught hy 2% A woman can freely wll { in return | er advice | £2 is very foolish if | silver-gray | THE HGHTING PLANT SHOULD,CITY SPEND $85,000 ; IN EXTENSIONS ? Information Tor the the Electors to A:sist Them in Forming a Sound Judgment: Before De- positing Their Ballots. {Continued from Saturday). a The results for the year 1996 have now to be considered. The following is a tabulated statewent: Increase In Revenue In 1906. ers in M Gas--March quarter, 1905, ¥,762.77; 1906, $3,325.53; increase, $562. Elcetricity--March quarter, 1905, $8, 265.05; 1906, $9 126.22; increase, $l, 161.17. $1,723.17. Note--During March quarter, "| gas for light was sold at $2 per N.; 1906, at $1.50 per M, Electrrity, 1905, at lec; in 1906, 13c. Not only, therefore, has the loss due to reduc tion in rates been made up, but $1, 723.17 in addition. From this it will be seen that ther can be no doubt both as to the pas earnings of the plant and as to its future. success as a woney maker for | the city, provided the plant remains { holiday, Th long as the amusements te = ad he t they indulge in are innocent and harm as it is.-But, that is not the intention less. But it is surely a selfish pleasure X management. {of the 'present agemen' to annoy ladies and %todanger their | Su---- {dothing and even | their persons, i : A Forward Policy. iby , throwing lighted fire-crackers | They have resolved "on a forward amongst them; and it is one that | policy, to, sulynit a by-law to the {should pot be tolerated for » met electors authorizing them to expend | ment. rovements and extes- Then there is another practice al e : Will it pay to vote this { sum of money?" Can the plant make | enough profits to bear the additional J umtnt, cha and pay off the prin- | { cipal ¥ These same questions were sub- | mitted to Mr, Ross, in to consider the scheme. His answer ! so that the music cen scarcely be is shown in the folowing statement heard. It is the intention of the com- in his report of the savings which will | mittee on' parks to repress any dis- { be effected by the proposed changes. |turbance of this kind If money is | {spent in providine music for the pub- | Total Savings. lie, then the small bov must he sup i "In the table below is shown a pressed if. he interferes with the pleas summary of the above which indicates merely what w¥ have been able to re! duce * to figures on a conservative | basis. It must be understood that this | by no means covers the advantages { which will inevitably accrue. | Saving in' Coal | The profits from the changes are i | mated by Mr. Ross at $7,550. These res tellétheir own story. - General Conclusions. But in addition to this, Mr. Ross gives us these to the whole, which are worth the personal perusal of every elector who is anxious to decide the question fair lv on its merits. They are: 1. Your present plant and business system is a vast improvement. over | that taken over hy the municipality. 2. Your present mmnagement is of | the very best and should be support | in Wyery way Donald McLeod. The lad crept into the { The proposed by-law to appro fox's hole, and secured the prize alive. te 855/000 for extensions is most strongly approved.--Advt. Whenever your bowels skip a day without a movement--take a Lax-et CATARAQUI CEMETERY. Whenever your breath is bad--your skin waxy, or sallow--your tongue |The Annual Meeting of the ated--your breath foul--fake a Lax- Stockholders. et. only Se. Sold hy 1 drugoist y { The a 0} Sheri beard On Saturday afternoon the annual A ing of » ) ry remetery will be appointed during the week of meeting of _ the t a R j v June 4th. Robert L. Joynt, ex-M.P.P, stockholders as ol irman. and for Geenville, will probably get a place Rogers was reelcetol | chatrmn, on it 3 G. W. Maxwell, secretary-treasurer, Stop That Headache Foolish to Suffer When a Simple Remedy Will Prevent and Cure. Ex stop to think what wdaches ? ably not. Then look and stomach, of cause. caused to Be and you'll fnd ¢ Chances are you'll constipation, liver is sluggish bh overburdened with half-di- food. vomder vou are dull, iv and night. 100d the eleansing influence of H amilton' s Pills which cure your on in short order. tired, rest- Yi De, Cond Superintendent * George Nicol report- od that during the year ending April 30th, 257 interments had been made; 21 were removed from the vaults for interment elsewhere, making a total of 281 bodieé received, an increase of 15 over the previous, year. In lots, 1,700 square feet were sold during the Twenty-six lots were added to making a to vear. the perpetual care list, tal of 185 lots now under perpetual care. Forty-four foundations for monuments were built, "and six hedges and eight fences were removed. The gradual removal of those unsightly enclosures is adding greatly to the general appbarance « of the grounds. Part of another section has heen level led, and evergreens and shrubs have been planted to hide . the boundary fence. Several oak t were removed Being composed of natural vegetable | and more desirable varieties where re Tete » Dr. Hamilton's Pilly possess | quired, have been planted. Another he power, yet they are harmless, | unusually wet summer, making the id aid all organs connected with | third in, succession, kept the grounds . tomach, liver amd bowels. In | fine and- green. tence food is properly digested, Ixy od 3 18 pure and nourishing, the 0ld Boys' Association. y 18 ' . . cas PL strong and resists dis- The Kingston Old Boys' Association ¢ 1 have had to hold an elec Headaches 'never come to" those who of Toronto na A ec Tse Dr. Hamilton's pill tix vouched for - by the assistant ger of the Poultry Success Maga- and this of the much-lamented popular. president, J. Ww. tion because death of - their B. McKay. Those chosen were G. fine, of Spri Gaden, president: G. B. Sweetnam and der, whe Springlickl, 2 be a Callan I, D. McRae, vice presidents; R. Mar- than Dy. Hamilton's Pills. We use shall, secretary. Final arrangements them re 'gularly and know of Bare je were made for the excursion to King- ous cures that resisted everything ston on July 25th. It was resolved to else, They cleanse the whole system, erect . a drinking fountain or other at as a tonic on the blood. enlivin memorial in Kingston, in memory of digestion help the stommch, and |their late first president. inake vou feel strong and well. For : ; he "attaches, indigestion, and stomach A woman: and a little child have orders. 1 am confident that the one | been burned to death near Neudord, Preséription is Dy. Hamilton's Pills." | Sask., in a prairie fire cgused by a a can" rely on Dr. Hamilton's | man throwing a cigar stub in the icc, ; with implicit confidence: their | grass. i fy ~ wonderful. Sold by all deal Blue Jav corn and bunion plasters $1 o by Be. per box, fee boxes for |are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Ca T by mail from N. Polson & Store. Con. USA, Ont, ad Hartford, Fifteen hundred immigrants arrived general conclusions as | {to prevent the setting off Total gross increase March quarter, |it was very dificult to spot anv ome, Jos, ! thrown, there was no way of telling would have had a better chance of | success. "Parent," however, does not in any | practice, and the annoyance that lad question the elector has to imost as reprehensible, though not so I nights, i through the expert called {and vell land the | that other $ Soo | kindness to aid and abet. him in. what THE DAILY Xx X THE SMALL BOY Mu<t Learn \He Tam't "The Whole 2» Kingston, May 3. --{To the Editor): In the letter Soped "Paren which in Your issue of Sataniay, the followiby statement is made regard to the letting off of fivecrack- lacdonald Pork on the evening of Victoria day: "The police made no effort, to stop the dangerous practice, though women were drivem en their seats on the hillside." I think if the writer had said that the police were not entirely successful in their offoris to stop practice, he been nearer a corvect statement of what took place, The police, as a matter of fact, did try of fire ackers, and the more dangerous ," which wire thrown among he crowd by thoughtless vouths; but {because once the firecracker had been who bad thrown it. If the policemen bad been dressed in plain clothes they | way exagoerate the danger of the es suffered from it on the evening of 'ictoria day. Every one is quite will- mz to allow the boys full swine on a dangerous, often in which has been allowed too Macdonald Park on band I refer to the way in which bovs and even girls race the crowd, trip each other at the tops of their voices, small ures which his elders take to it. The small bov, to use x slan~ expression "is not the whole" push," sooner he is made to under the better. He must learn have rights which he to respect. It is a mistaken in listening stand that ought account of the conditions laid down in the calendar of the school not he ing fully carried out; or the appli cants not satisfving the school entire ly with regard to their ability to manage their factories satisfactorily The superintendent makes a Point of being Very particular with regard to the issuing of diplomas. THE COUNTRY CLUB. Arrangements Made for Purchase of Site, The Country Club is a coming King ston institution &f the vigorous arder Mambers of the golf club are. forming an association for': a permanent club house, and arrangements made to buy the residence at Strachan's Point, on the Great Cataragui, north end of Barricfield common, opposite the golf links. The house is nrettily situated, and is a convenient landing place for boats. Tennis and croomet lawns will he made, and the surround ings be made creditable and nleasant The money has all been subscribed for the purchase of the property and more is 'being subscribed for improvements. The club will be kept open, it is pro posed, winter and summer, and be a social 'centre for the ladies and gen tlemen of the Kingston Golf Club, and about an equal number of their friends. THE BACK YARDS Still Being Visited by the Pblice- nien. Police Constable N. Timmerman, sanitary inspector, and his assistant Police Constable , H, Filson are-yet busily engaged in their duties gf in specting the back¥ards of the city, in the interests of the town's health: About one-fourth of the work has now been 'done and P.C. Timmerman re ports that he finds the vards in about the same condition as last year, some good, some bad. *There are a class of people," com- mented the sage inspector, "who do mot get the spring cleaning fit on them until warned by the police to get busy." Less than three weeks will see the work finished, and by that time, all the yards will be consider- ably spruced up. Three Drunks In Court. Regardless of the advance price of booze, three Weary filed an appearance in police this morning on the charge drunk, Cornelius McMahon, who had not been thgre in three years was dis missed. Robert Miller--dear familiar name--and James Mullen," were each fined 85 and costs or month. John Woods of McKay Burglary fame was given week's re mand. in the Willies court of being one fur another > A-- " Occurrences In The City And Vicinity---Other Briel Items of Interest Easily Rod and Remembered, Miss Gertie Gallagher, of Frank ville, is Kingston visitor. d ia George A. Hutcheson, Brockville, is : ty re Four periest : powders, 10; at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Louis Lawson and William Maund spent Sunday with iriads in Belle ville Dover's cold breakers cure 3 cold ih this afternoon after a several weeks visit in Toroato. | nm left at noon today for Ottawa to attemd the convention of theatre managers. This moming HLA bushels of onts were unloaded in five hours at the M, IT. company elevator. J. G, Teple, Lett, Out, arrived at the ( General Hospital, Friday, suffering from heart and kidvey trouble. The Barnard Stock company cancelled its week's engagement. company has closed its season. Best's Foot-Ezy cures tired and pers- piring feet at once, fully guaranteed, has The 25¢. box. Rev. R. Calvert, B.A. of Pittsburg, preached two excellent sermons in Queen street' Methodist church, yester day. > Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Davis, Water town, N.Y.) and © Miss Jean Milford, Camden, N.J., spent the week (nd in own. Four headaches cured for lie, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Per. fect headache powders will do it. Mrs. A. Richardson and daughter, Lena, Desesonto, spent the Mth with Mrs. W. H. Scott, M8 Division street, Rimgston. Francis M. Hugo, Livingston avenue, ceeded to the ectown, N.Y. City visitors to-day : son of N. Hugo, this city, has suc- office of mayor of Wat George Killins, Parbaw; Charles Jeffery, Picton; T. P. J. Power, Belleville; M. Avery, Sharbot Lake. Mr. and Mrs, John Campbell, Ul borne streét, left Saturday to spend a while with Dr. and Mrs. Kilborn, Sharbot Laked William O'Gorman, for the past cou- ple of years at the Rod Cross Drug store, has takem a position in Or well's tobacco shop. any complaints have come to the police of the boisterousness of boys, every evening in the vicinity of Notth street and Raglam road: H, W. Richardson has not vet any word from Fort William as had to in the fallen elevator there. Dr. Ridge's food for infants is fresh at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. The chairman of parks intends that better order shall prevail at band con certs in Macdonald park during this summer. The loud actions of boys must be stopped, so that people can enjoy the music. A great many citizens are wonder ing why the light committee of 1903 is now being defended in connection with the by-law for $85,000. The elec tors in January last gave their opin ion of the way the committe: and a paid defence now is not maine to the question at issue. | Those who have taken other laxa- tives without satisfaction--and those who have taken such quantities of other laxatives that they have lost their effect--will find a pleasant sur- prise in Laxets. There is usually no pain, gripping, nausea or discom- fort even in severe cases, This candy bowel 'laxative, Lax-ets, is only and is sold by all druggists. acted ger Se., A CRITICAL STAGE. In Regard to General Hospital Infectious Wards. Next Friday evening the civic finance committee will consider the question of increased grant to the gen eral hospital, in view of the financial predicament of that institution. As the governors of the hospital have almost decided to close 'the infectious disease isolation wards unless the city gives 4 grant of £1,500 more the matter has come to a critical stage for the city, because, if these wards are closed, the city will have to build a place dor in fectious diseases and maintain it at a cost of perhaps $2500 u vear. Last vear out of all infectious disease pa tients, less than $130 was collected, whereas it cost the two hospitals nearly $3,000 to maintain the wards. The Hotel Dieu can no longer receive infocticus diseases, «0 that the general hospital's wards have to be entirely depended upon. It is incumbent upp the city to provide a place for such diseases, and unless it comes to the aid of the general hospital it is not likely that the latter's isolation department will remain . in existence much longer, What Are Their Duties ? The board of health is endeavoring to find out who is responsible for car- rving out the health laws. Some of the local by-laws.are in the hands of the chief of police for execution. Cer- tain duties fall\ upon the medical health officer, and others Upon the sanitary inspector. The latter would seem to be responsible; for general complaints. The late Dr. Fee was so oenerous in attending to so much that he wasn't responsible for that the board just now scarcely knows where to fix responsibility, Generally, the me dical health' officer attends to matters If you prefer to take tablet form you medicine medicinal ingredients. Sold by in Toronto since Saturday. druggists. in _ can now obtain Dr. Shoop's Restorative Tablets. Absolute- ly no change has been made in' the all wi larger importance, The duties . of the health board officials will have to be definitely fixed. S-------------- Blue Jay corn and bwnion plasters twelve hours. Guaranteed, 25a at Best's, W. Warren, Carleton Place, spent over Sunday the guest of Mrs. Boyd, Brock street. i The Granger is loading cedar posts for ng Yoint and expects tof dear to Prof. ee Carmichadl, returned how much of the Jocal firm's grain=isf UNLIGH Wash de and hinoleums with warm water and | 'Soap, rinse clean and wipe | Sunlight "dry. The colors will be preserved and the surface unharmed. Common soaps fade the colors and \ a --t tp ~ Baby Carriages and Go-Carts Sunshine and fresh air is essential to the baby's health. Wheel the baby out In one of our up-to-date Go-Carts. or Carriages. Have your old one made like yew, Send in your repairing and upholsters ing this is the season for it. Use our Furniture Restorer, your housecleaning a finish. to give JAMES REID, The loadin Undertaker. "Phone 147 The his feet heie. our shoes. * FINANCE AND INSURANCE The young man working for a moderate salary never objects to saving a dollar or soon a pair of shocs. and we want to say to him that he can do it if he brings He can either get his shoes here for less money, or get more desirable shoes here for the same money than elsewhere In either case it's a saving. The new styles are ready and our YOUNG MEN'S SHOES have every twist and kink of fashion known to up-to-date shoemakers. Come try a pair of J. H. Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoemaking PPP. PPP PPPPP POPP PPP PPP PISO BIGYGLES TYPEWRITERS . $ SEWING MACHINES Séld and Repaired : R. C. DOBBS & €0., 171 'Wellington St. - CUSTOMS BROKER - 'The business of the late Oy G. Oliver, will be carried on im his office, /9 Clarence street. G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has , been asspciated with Mrs Oliver, 'Money to Loan "Mcintyre & McIntyre a" George Zeigler, . Near the Grand with afl the manufacture « BARRISTERS :: King Street Kingston at Gibson's Red Croes Drug Store, If You Want a Home REAL wwaTE & INSURANCE 57 Brock Streat. "Mill Property For Sale For Sale T runk cons) rist, saw a mi necessary inery for re end HASH IEAOIIIIIIEIIISIONN EIDKANIIOIIIIIINGIICIIDIIOR I HEB ERR $4 8 E¥usE To Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan GOING CONWAY, -- B. Q. Ry. Kingston. Lake Ontario and Bay Suits Sam boat Company, STRNORTH Kine ; wi N.Y. vie Sally service except Moaday An -e " ton = LR il 2 Hawley, Ticket Agent. Jas, t Agents. ALLAN LINE mvgisi_ MONTREAL mn ALVERPOOL. une 7. J Tunisian, June 14, J Victorian, 21, July MONTREAL TO @ Weekly Moderate Rate Service, Pretor . June 6, dayl dias "due 18, Gavilnts hive Numidian For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G. T¢ R, J. P, GILDER SLEEVE. SE A ---- Royal Insurance Co. In Force, Assots over Expenees only 84 pot Sent. ¢Fincome, Profits to Folisyh {rotite ave been id to arty pr "Aver 814,000 ve mn pat profits ogether." At the iat dh iiriution. in 1903, over $3,336. ) etary to Bohcyhulters i not sur passed . by that of olen in the world. Liabilities Valid ta intarest, Expenses of Management are less nortionately than any Lite Company 4 Canada 'A Safe and Strong British Office: Rates, ete, om application to W.J.B. WHITE + Kingston TENDERS FOR DREDGING. SEALED 'TENDERS Ta to the un od 4 der for cation and form 3 the office of J. Sih, Batinoer Hontders Toronto, oh ahnticny on "the Post Su \ on, District of the Departutent of on the printed form. soppl with their actual signatu Each tender must. | be. accompanied an accepted red cheque 'made payable to he order of the ourable the Minister of Public W six thousand dollars ($6,000.00), will be forfeited if the person decline to enter. into called upon to do so. complete the work con Jender bo not eS return The Ponaktnent does not hind iaelt ty accent the Nya or any tender. FRED. GELINAS, Sesretarys Department. of Public. Works Ottawa, Newspapers ry hn rl aduartise meot without authority the partment, will not be paid he it, ir A. E. HEROD} Take good care of r feet ; they deserve it. need special attention. A pair of my Boots give. rest, and comfort. 286 Prinodas Street

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