Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1906, p. 4

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is just fine Corned Beef --boneless and wasteless 'and very tasty. With Clark's Corned Beef in the house an appetizing meal is ready-to-serve at any hour. It saves time, coal and trouble. - Order some now from WM. CLARK, Mra. | mowmREAL gies - - "" m "2 inl. A Consulting Chemist Makes a Novel Experiment. An Unsolicited Letter that Explains Itself. ut 5 12 tn to sco of "2 in 1" 4 i iti. Sedan ti made that it jnjured leather, I is test as follows : 1 mixed the contents iy & This test, I consider, proves that **2 in " does not injure the finest leather. state that these facts are correct and true, J. M. Wrrnians, Consulting Chemist, Hamilton, Dec. 15th, 1905. * 'Counts In conl bins in. A - Just the suine oS uuality Among people "down south!' a amoue European | them--in favdur of the government. Jincrease in the consumption in Cana- been' suspended. The lesson is obvious. : {|THE DAILY WHIG. "'Opifer per Orbem Dicer." od of the St. Catharines High School Toronto Mail. i forms which have suggested themselves in hig profession goes without saying. | He has been teacher and oritic trator, and free to act as his judg- ment dictates, 3 3 His commission is a large one. He will be practically the director of the whole educational system, and it is for him to show what he can do. He has his ideals, his models, : and he will desire to see them realized as speedily as possible. Possessed * of both the genius and skill for good service it will be surprising if he fails. With a deputy who will manage the business end of the department, and a chief who will 'relieve him of all anxiety regard ng the technical end, the minister will have an easy time. It will be his to approve of the re commendations of his subordinates; and he will probably be equal to this emergency. ------ ------ No Ground For Grievance. No act of the federal government could be expected. to suit the con- servative opposition. It is theirs to talk and complain continually. The Grand Trunk Pacific, aided by the country in order to get another trans- continental railway built, was not nc- ceptable to Mr. Borden and his fol- lowers. They hesitated about what they should do, and at the eleventh hour took up public ownership and public construction, and the issue was referred to the people and settled "by Grievances are the order of the day, and a new one has to be found in the provision: that should minerals be found upon the right of way the com- pany's application to - develop them shall be first: considered. Nor is this an unreasonable position. The rail- way cannot be retarded in its work and it might be if mineral discoveries become a subject of difference among the claimants. The government has not been so good to the Grand Trunk Pacific as its opponents would have the people to believe. The company has not been given anv land save the right of f'way and room for its stations, and if on these minerals are found the com- pany will have the first -chance to ex- tract them, subject to all the terms and conditions which apply to minine generally, So far as human discernment and judgment ean do so, the government has safeguarded the people's interests on the railway legislation, and the fact is worthy of acknowledgment. Editorial Notes. Mr. Schurman of Cornell, may. be' a wonderful college head, hut he is an annexationist, and Canada has no use for him. -- A decrease in the consumption beer and liquor in England. of And an da. How do you account for it ? -- The Laurier tower at Ottawa, mukt be reconstructed by the contractor, at his own expense. The architect has Mr. Hanna goes on for making Central 'prison labour pay its way. Supposing a political promise he brok- en by the deal. What is the difference? / -- The conservatives were going to do away with convict labour upon goods for sale in the open market. And the business goes on with a bigge:' boom than ever. That's one way of redeeming promises. -- An effort ' is being made to revive Mr. Bryan as a candidate for the prsidency. Speech helps some people. Londen, Out Guayaubin, killing Gen. Mon . Dominica revolutionists at- he Montreal river. It magnifies the worth of Mr. Roose. velt. But speech alone will not land Bryan at the White House, -- About" two years from now we will be able to judge of the Whitney suc- €ess on the pulp franchises. The busi- ness Will not amount to much if lim: ited to what Mr. Booth may do on & Dr. Seath's Promotion. : "The new superintendent of education J is the man who has by general choice been associated with the position--Dr, Seath, of Toronto. His rise as an has been - steady, The Whig remembers him as the principal more than twenty years ago, when he 2 4 wrote freely and candidly in criticism of the education department in the Before, he became a high . school teacher he was, however, in public school work, and so bas had an ex- perience that falls fo few, and he has profited by it in developing the re. to him. That he has been a leader by turns; now he becomes an adminis- them, depends on stolen not amount to much. tical jollier he is without a peer. ---- ' on Their Rounds. on a business trip to Ottawa. For sore, tired feet, ated talowm 'powder. perfumed bot- t powder, Red Cross - Store. ec, Gibson's on Division street, last week, ; . Spooner, manager of the Rochester Horse and Cattle Food com- pany, left for the 'other side this morn- he after a brief visit to Dr. Bell, g ; Sir Henry Joly de Lotbiniere, ex- lieutenant-governor of British Colum- bia, is big ill. His son has left Que- bec for Vietoria, B.C, to join his ather, Special bargain in talcum powder, only 10e. box, perfumed and horated. [Gibson's Red Cross Druc Store. 'The 'Frisco earthyuake and fire ex- hibit was very fairly attended at the Grand. Opera House on Saturday. The company exhibit in Peterboro to- night. A citizen, who has watched King- ston and her affairs for many years, Si s, in reg: to the hotel scheme, that the new Pritish bo built so that it will front on King street, and a view of the custom house and St. George's cathedr: al. A few hours after the Joyce tragedy on Saturday an unusual sight, for any but very inclement weat er, was witnessed, a fall grown wild deer came ont of the bush in the vicinity of Railton, and advanced up the fields in full view of the Wood house, before taking alarm and retreating. Often-times in the sudden illness | children if a reliable remedy is avail- able fatal consequences can be avoid- ed. For these emergencies 'urged to have at hand ready for im- mediate use Dr. Shoop's Diptheria Cure, Dr. Shoop's Croup' Cure, \ Dr, Shoop's Worm Cure, and Dr. Shook's Pain Panacea. Children's ailments de- mand promptness above all else. There is nothing harsh or that can possibly in any of these excellent house hold medicines, Sold by all druggists, ---------- Canadian Managers To Organize. Ottawa, Ont., May B.~The Cana: ian managers 'are holding a conven- tion here for the purpose of effecting an organization with a view of pro- tecting themselves against the parents are t unjust tariff tax on theatrical printing, which amounts' to fifteen cents a pound, and is considered wholly un- instifiable. An appeal was mage to hat tarifi commission last fall by Mr. Turton, who submitted a petition signed by nearly all the theatrical managers and the commission pro- mised to consider it, but nothing has been done since then. Nearly all the Canadian managers are represented in this convention, which met here, to- day, and which will last three days. It is expected that during the con- vention « delegation of the managers will wait on the government and urge the reduction of the tariff on show printing, Mr. Stokes Speaks. At Sunday evening service in Bethel church A. Stokes, secretary of Y.M.C. A., was conductor, and gave an out- line of the association's work in this city. Ho and an evangelistic band of young men purpose going to different churches, Sunday evenings, during the summer, and after service holding open-air meetings at whatever corner is selected by the minister of the church attended. The meeting, last night, was held at corner of Farl and Division streets and was attended iby a darge crowd fed different parts of the aty. « 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamer North King leaves at 10x15 a.m., Sundays, for 1,000 Island points, Returning leaves at 5 p.m. for Roch: ester, N.Y., via Bay of Quinte. Charles R. Devlin, nationalist mem- ber for Galway and former Canadian immigration agent for Ireland, will scandal letters does in competition with the products of free labour, Hon, Mr, Hanna says he will look into the subject- As a poli- James: Sutherland left this moming William § piano tuner, received at = Book Stare, John Seath, superintendent of edu- cation, was made an LL.D, by Queen' ' sa Henry © Cannin , tuner from Chiskaimgs cAuley's book stora. 1 Mim Ada Macdonald, who visited returned Saturday to Picton. Burteh's horse radish can not be ex- celled; always pure and fresh. Large bottles, 10s. Ask your grocer for it. ra. W. H. Seth, wi spent last week with friengds in the city, has re- turned to her home in Picton A enn, A Large Attendance--The Younger Members . Being ' Especially £ulpit, | On Sunday morning the Sons of attended union service at Congregational church in good- ly numbers and a pleasing sight was Be presente of a large number of the little fellows, who behaved splendidly during the entire service. The pulpit was decorated with the English floral emblem rose, Rev. G. A. Mackenzie took the text for a splendid sermon from Psalm xvi, 56, "The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my oup. Thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in places, yea 1 have a good hexi he" The om spoke of the time when Joshua had the land divided unto the seven tribes of Israel, how the sur- Fveyors line sometimes fell on places, through which flowed beautiful rivers, and around which was beautiful land- scape, and how many would say, "Oh that the lines might fall unto us in such pleasant places." And as we think of the homeland and its hedges of hawthorns, and the lovely prim- roses, the sweet singing of the thrush and the nightingale, we feel like ex- claiming. "The lines have fallen to our memory in pleasant places." "We can look back to the-working men, our forefathers, in the home land," said the preacher, "The great example' shown by them, in always at- tending church on Sunday, and honor- ing the Sabbath, believing in. the good old saying, "A Sabbath well spent, brings a week of content.' But in com- ing to this country, a glorious coun- try, this Canada of ours, and seeing the glorious spring and fall' we might truly exelaim, "The lines have fallen to'us in pleasant places.' "Let us be loyal to this country," he urged, "we cannot be loyal tq king and empire if 'we are not loyal to our Canadian homes. This is a country well worthy of our loyalty and' good citizenship, for in this fair dominion our sons and daughters can look forward to: the highest places in the proféssion' if endowed with * the grit and good principles with which.we hope 'they are. They have a right 'to the highest and best places and most blest places, if proof is given of their fitness. The contrast between this country and the homeland was point- out. Here workingmen 'with pains- taking, honest and frugal living, may reasonably expect' to soon own his own home, but in England altogether to the contrary. "Whether we are in the homeland or in the motherland, we cannot remain there forever," he said in conclusion, "We are pil, rims to an- other land, and when life is ended, we have an abiding home land where there are pleasures for 'evermore, and then indeed we shall say the lines have fallen unto us in pleasant places." Value Of '"Qgone.'" 3 The value of "Ozone" (it is really Suid oxygen) is well known to medi- i It kills the germs of in- ternal disorders. 11 taken in concen- trated form (and that imeans "Solu- tion of Ozone, the coupon skind"') it ensures a speedy cure for asthma, bronchitis, Bright's disease, kidney trouble, malaria and rheumatism, This stringent remedy needs with it a tonic laxative to secure the best re- sults. Your druggist will give you sixteen ounces of 'Solution of Ozone" for fifty cents, if you insist on the coupon kind vill 'guarantee a free Package of "Celery King." The Pub- ic Drug Company, Bridgeburg, Ont. Eo SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAR SORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Al even numbered section of Domin- ton Tans" fn Manitoba or" the. North ovintus, excep an 6, do feserved, may esteaded y a family, 18 years of ae, to the extent of one-quarter sec tion, of 160 acres more or less. Entry must be made local land office for the Jand is situate. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who bas been granted an entry for a home- PI OX LR ons coi with un the folldwing plans : oe (1) At least six months residence upon nd cultivation of the land in each year uring the term of ree years. (3) It the Jathor (or mother, if the father is deceased person who i eligible: to make a ony, er rele Aid dor the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land ntered for by such person as a home- Stead, the renuirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be sa by such person residing with he father or mother. (8) I the settler has his manent resi land rotons by nce upon fsrming him in the vicinity of his homestead, the TSuairaments Pd Ya ® a8 to residence satis! y residence upon the said land. Be APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, be- fore the Local Agent. Sub-Agent or the llomestead Inspector. Before making annlications for patent he settler must give mx months' notice In writing to the Co oner of Do- minion at Ottawa, of his intention Personally at the the district in which ~ 80. SYNOPSIS oF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. ~Coal lands may be purchased at for soft coal and $20 for The federal law, now passing, will a can Be ------ re shortly resign his seat in the imperial | be bred = by one indi or com- . house of parliament. He is in bad | per son of 3 Joo piiser te of toniiecnte | ation 'within oh senson frm the date of | Wm. Murray, Auctioneer health. on the gross Bute tad % De lease 4 for ach Aveiniles. Ren h $10 st a S---------- "upon payment In pgmcate ls ut the rate of 33 per cent collect: | | 0CK ST. On The Canadian Prairie. AS Dor annum 'for an indir od | Gal ut wr tk excosds $10,000, 27 BR H Far from the 'doctor and druggist, as 300 to $190 per anudm for a com- Deputy 'of the. Minka of cori terior. Jew Carriages, Cutters, arnes, in constant danger of accident and miner, Raving hovered mineral | Ne he Mi publication of this | * ew. 1 Ki EL fF SE ST Gn AR g s 50 gi . p : rer in th are nover without it. For inter- | AC least $100 must pe eriemmotto di, an rq Sale of Horses Every al pain, sciatic rheumatism, lum- | aim each year or paid to the mining re. Bank President Arrested. ; . sacs and Plouriay, Nerviline bncwe mo Boon expan of pret" he 3500 Mas | Birmingham, 'Ala., 'May 95 Gorilon Wood's Phospholish equal. upon ha & survey' made, and upon | Dubose, president of the First Natiop- Engl Brel ; D. W. Daly of M, coun, Assa., says: |COMPlying' with other requirements, pur | al bank, 'of Ensley, Ala. recently Great Figorates "I consider Nerviline the most widely chive ah for the rayment of | Merged with the Bank of Ensley, was | Tons es : used liniment in the west. On a farm | ro of 24 per cent on thy 's *' | arrested 'on .a charge <of having em- ia ol ( or in a livery it's invaluable, For all STAC iain tm morally are bezzled $40,000 of the First National's | gue Devitity. Mental and mien human pains and aches it can't he yearly. . (usr: renewal money before the merger. and Effects of AVL rpassed H i r y six for: or su . For cramps, colic and dis- | A free miner may obtain two to Price $1 per bok. SEN = " temper 'in horses, veterinaries say Ner- fredue or ol Eve lies eh. for a Alfred Joselin, formerly of Toronto, will caro. Sold Tot of Medicine ond viline is a winner." The large 25¢. | discretion of the Minister of the Interior, | 8 well known machinist, is dead, from obi no Toros 5 bottle is sold hy all dealers, 1 The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- | blood poisoning, v lorinerly We! We've caught the town with: . young men's clothes, Sur Showing We know what young men wan we make it our bas thing. I tin clothes ju Ness to have the op J Our Suits have that swagger effect go the heart of all smart dressers for New colorings in fabrics uew style kink » - - ' - S fresh ideas in the tailoring, etc, etc. Wenthworth Suits (Single Breasted Style) in cut (The New Double Breaster) --Fast Black Cotton Hose for Men, Women and Children, 124c., 15, and 20¢c. pair. --Fancy Drop-stitch Cotton Hose, also fast black, 25c, and 35¢. per pair, ~Fancy Open-work Lisle Thread Hose, full fashioned English inake, beau: ties, 35¢. and 40c. per pair, --Our showing of Wash Dresses on the inspection. All kinds of pre the prices are so reasonable the idea second floor is certainly worth your tty and becoming styles to be seen here and that one 'doubts the advisability of buying materials and paying a dressmaker, Only by seeing them can an a8. to their excellence be secured. And While on the Second Floor Takes Look At Our White 'Goods --Corset Covers, Crescent brand, well made and trimmed, excellent values from 15¢, to $2 cach. --Drawers, open and closed, plain and trimmed with laces tucks and em broidery, 25c., 35c., 40c., 80c., 60c. and 5c. per pair. - . --Night Gowns, beautifully trimmed with lace and embroidery, good ga: erous sizes, from 49¢. to $2.50 cach: --Also large assortment of White Skirts, at prices ranging from 4%. fa ; $7.5C each. PIG LLEAD Immediate shipment. Get our prices. Phone Main 1729. THE CANADA METAL CO., 31 William St., Toronto About Oxfords If you want foot and ankle comfort for warm days, wear Invictus Oxfords They are the most comfortable shoes made for summer use. They don't sag'and buldge out at the sides. And they keep their Shak because they are hand-lasted. We have them in the Juco : : styles. Some in Patent Corona Colt, others in Brown Viei Kid, Russia Calf and Gunmetal Calf. Prices, $3.50 and $4. The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess St. Phone 159, $10, 12,13, 14, 15 to $18, Bromley Suits $10, 12.50, 14, 15, 3 THE H. D. BIBBY (g ON WR WR wh wn, we | Early Summer Necessits Crumley Bros. ms. Pi ~is¥ 1 h nehter-in-law of Lyd ras many years : di tion, and since her a ad RoE charge. Many women gifer In Si and drift from be ing full well hey iate 3 edi them to shrip meeives-to-the ques he nations of even 1 can. It is unnecessary of price you can consy knowledge from act rest. Women suffering f female weakness are i communicate with Lynn, Mase. All let eied, read and a women-only. A wom of er private illness bas been established dence between Mrs. women of America wh hioken. Out of the + prience which she | jt i more than pos ine: the very know! your case. She asks except vour good-wil has relieved thousar woman, rich or T, bottle Lyd om pon at once, Fnkbam, Lynn, Mass When a medicine in restoring to health you cannot well say, "I do not believe it w mr---- ABDUCTS BR #Woman in Black' Bride Baltimore, May streaming down her Grace Garfield, a br entered a police stat in finding her husba had been forcibly ta another woman, wh be'a Mrs. Garfield. A "woman in bl spartments occupied and told the youn dream of happiness had comé to take ) "He is my hushan with me," said the "We shall "Jean, come with uw After a struggle, participated, the wy the house with Garf see." Spring Imports Prevost, Brock s two cases of impor order clothing depa of Scotch and Engl cheviots and Vicuna made to order beat vious, years. The w guaranteed. Boy Invaded Brockville, May fox, the pelt of $55 to $100 in valu Donald McLeod. Th fox's hole, and secu J ------ Whenever your } without a moveme Whenever your bn skin waxy, or =» tated--your hreath et. only 5c, Sold | The railway and will be appointed « June gth. Robert IL for Geenville, will p on it Foolish to Suffe Remedy Will Pr E stop to th adaches ? ably not. I and stomac " of cause. ( find constipation, Momach overburds gested food. NO wonder you a "day and night. vu need the ek Dr. Hamilton's Pill fondition in. short Being composed ¢ Temwires, Dr, Ham Steal power, yet They aid all orga the stomach, liver funseq » food is bE the | 8 pure | body i Kept stro Pasc Headaches 'never se Dr. Hamilton fact je vouched fo) Manager of the Po fine, of Springfield ter. who writes ; than Dr. » Hamil them regularly an Os cures that else They cleanse 8 as a tonic on digestion, help make vou fol str . headaches, indiges disorders, 1 am va Preséription is Dy You can" rely Pills with impli viet is wonder erg, s

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