Whiskey is the first sought and the first bought. ead : Wn. Murray, Auctioneer Counts in coal bios in America the Same as "quality" counts Pidble "down south'? and auropean nations-- counts ' lor 'hut ter. W ntee coal qua every ton Yeavhie ou e finest orines ry are back of us, Carciul us to in TRYING THREE TIMES IN A WOMANS LIFE when she is in of the heart h- ening, nerve toning, blood action of : Hs ky i fi: £3 ¥ I § E The | "2a Shoe Boor" Pleased cust fons omers and The Richest COBAL" Whee Se Silver Values Run as High as $10,000 per ton Our Market Letter, i ol imld FREE We buy and rell' shares in all compan} Cprrating in the Cobalt camp. Paniey Flock One popeity rose from 40 cents per share £0 $100 00 y + Write to-day for part'colars, -WLLLS @ CO. TORONTO OR COBALT. ------------ |GASOLINE - Putin'your tank at our dock. Aarge stock of Dry Bat teries, Spark "Plug and Coils always on hand. ; SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED, Brockville, and| Buell, were mia] With ihe 'most' fustidious 'Corby'sl XL Rye J ence for a life time, and died without | THE DAILY WHIG. "Oplter per Ordem Dicer." The Women At Fault. agitating for the franchise, make the wistako of supposing that they can rush results by their panicky . They made a demonstration, in imi: tation of humble men, before bearing down upon the premier, and they were 80 enthusiastic that they expected him to surrender at once. Mr. UCamp- "manifest duty lies be Postmaster general--to im the service und to reduce the . after reasonable expendi- "the 'surplus grows upon his ! fe debt remains practically as it was. The addition of the year The women in England, who are | has been $800,000. Opinions differ re: of prosperity there should be a saving 'of money and a reduction of The Whig has thought this. Mr, says the cxpansion of the country demands large expenditure in the public service, and that it ic producing immediate effects in the business and boon that are visible on every hand. The total imports have jumped from $110,000,000 in 1895 to as he certainly surprised many of his 1.01 in pati 1 inthnating that he was in sympathy with their ambitions, and the time might not be far distant when they would have these gratified, But he considered the, cultivation of that rare virtue in po- litics, patience necessary, without which 'there could be no success. He was heard gladly until he hinted, at the close of the interview, that there were many in parliament who were not favorable to. the enfranchise- ment of women and that years might transpire ere' the object of their desires were attained. Women are not expected fo show any distemper--it is bad enough for the men to do that--but these in Eng- land actually hissed the premier and showed a want of taste which was inexcusable under the circumstances. It was not nice of them when thé humble gentleman had been so considerate and 80 cordial in his greeting. The suffragists must be more diplo- matic. They will get many a rebuff ere they reeeive the votes they want. The late Susan B. Anthony, of happy me mory in America, preached the doc- trine . of woman's political independ- having her longings satisfied. She was disappointed and discouraged but never dismayed. She would not hiss the people from whom she expected fa- vours, Her sisters in England have yet much to learn. + Canada's Financial Position. The budget address of Mr, Fielding is variously regarded. The liberals look upon it as a most hopeful state ment, ae containing, in itsell, the evidence of Canada's great prosperity. Ten times Mr. Fielding has had the privilege of presenting the dominion's financial position, and it is a privilege which he only of all Canadian states- men has enjoyed. Each time the ac- count has been a glowing one. In every year save one, the first, when he accepted the legacy of his predeces- sors, there has been a surplus. In the nine years these have totalled $64,820, 47, or an average of $7,144,462 5 year. For the next fiscal year it is es: timated that thd revenue in excess of expenditure will be $12,500,000, The Mail regards the exhibit as dis quieting, Why ? the expendi- ture has increased very largely since 1596 when the conservatives ended their reign. It looks about and fails to find in the increase of population, or territory, or public undertakings, even the new Transcontinental way, the occasion for it. Then Mr. Fielding's speech has wot been read, for he makes the situation very clear, "While," said 'he, {the expenditure in tn years has increased 83 per cent, the total trade has grown. 100 per cent, deposits in chartered banks in- creased 156 per cent., discounts 114 per cent., and railway traflic 136 per cent. With these figures before me, | may fairly claim that, large as has been the increase in the public penditure of Canada, it has been an increase which has been necessary ig order to assist in the development of the country, and the een able to show as to the expan- sion of trade, the increase in banking business, ang the increase in railways all these items prove that the expendi- ture of the country has not increased beyond a reasonable amount, regard to all velopment," "Ab, 'but you have greatly increased the cost of living," said Mr. Foster, Lin criticism of the budget speech, Me. Patterson said no. The people have not been taxed as heavily as under conservative rule. There had been large increases from investments, pa- tent fees, railways, canals, post. of- fices, but the customs rate had*' de- creased since 1896 BIS.28 $16.04 per sigo. The improvement in the Inter- colynial is gladly welcomed, Up to the end of April the deficit was $115,000, It is hoped the accounts at 'the end of dune will show that this has disap peared. All the other railways in Canada are prospering. Let us hope that the Intercolonial will show the result of the economics which Mr. Emmerson some time ago introduced. The post office is showing a larger surplus. At present it is about $700, Because rail- ex- figures 1 have having its expansion and de- from 000. At the end of the year it will rE 2 $266,000,000 in 1005; the exports from $113,000,000 in 1895 to $203,000,000 in 1905; the total trade fron $221,000,000 in 1895 to $470,000,000, Mr. Foster admits the. great prosperity of . the dominion, but claims that it is the outcome of the work of preceding gov- ernments. But the men who had the one Mgubrious story to tell every year, of depression, debt, defeat, and finally of fateful cabinet cabals, have no reasonable right to lay claims to out of office. Editorial Notes. There is no quarrel more contempd- ible than that of the clerks when they take to writing ab: out each other in governmem the public records. The - Marathon champion has jumped into popularity, a handsome gift . of money (35,000 or. nore), ond a° gov- ernment job. who is so fortunate. The government made the mistake of letting the immigration. agents go on when they began knifine each other. They had not time then to attend to the public's business. t is not cvery athlete Phe Nova Scotia legislature has heen dissolved. The election takes place on June 20th. There were two ecnserva- tives in the last house. How many will be in the next ? Make. q guess, -- The Spectator has agreed with Dr. Morgan apd Debrett, that it is pro- per, entirely proper, to refer to the wife of our governor-general as "Her Excellency." That ought to settle it. ------ Kingstcn's experience with 'the light, heat and power plants, is regarded as educational in Ottawa, where the city has embarked in municipal ownership. The Whig's articles are being read with the closest interest. Mr. Schwab, the retired iron mag nate, is planning to give away some of his millions. He got the idea from his old master, Carnegie. But his out- let for excessive wealth is in technical schools for small boys. Good enough. -- J J. Hill, the great railway man, is depressed because it has been insinu ated that he is going to build lines in Canada to divert its traffic to the Us- ited States. He is going to do creat things in Canada--for its railways east of Winnipeg. Really ? ---- The Wall Street Journal is now hor- rified because some revelations are made respecting the railways. The muck rake makes a bad smell occasion ally, but there ig.a purification in consequence, and a purer air after wards, Good logic. -------- . The book iif "forms, which a com- mittee of the American Presbyterian church has prepared, may not be ad- opted by the assembly. Dr. Johnston, of Montreal, formerly of London, de clares that "it smells of priesterait." His meaning can only be imagined, ---- night 7 Of course "you were. For the purpose of wearing out' one's energies, leaving him limp and lifeless, not to say penniless, there js nothing to be compared to a freneral holiday. Enjoyment, divi sipn, change, however, we must have at any price. Tired last CL -- The Toronto News recalls the time when Mr. Lister, M.P.. made specific charges against the conservative gov ernment which it would pot investi- gate. The liberal government invitey Mr. Foster or any other man to make specific charges against it, and there is no response. This js the difference the Nows does not see: Sherving of Marathon fame, says he is out of the racing. He has won the world's championship, and now he will retise, So said Hanlan and Gaudaur and Fitzgerald, and all the rest of them, Success tempts them again and again, until they fail. Then they quit the arena, the race, the game, not be- fore. Perhaps Sherring will be an ex- ception, } : Whenever your bowels skip a day ithout a movement--take a Lax-et. 'er your' breath is bad--your skin waxy, W--your tongue tpated---your breath foul--take a Lax eb. anlv Bo, Sold by all denggiets. it. Same people hold that in' virtue now, ten years after they went | ANNOT SEE BY DAY MAN WHO USE EYES ONLY AT NIGHT. Has Spent Twenty Thousand Dollars, the Savings of a Life- time, in a Vain Search for Re- liel--A Rare Afdiction. New York, May 25.-The American says : Afflicted three years ago with "ts ight," a rare disease which ren- ders ham totally blind in the day time and permits him to see perfectly at night, Philip Godfrey, after having || consulted eve specialists in every part of the world, is utterly discouraged. He has spent $20,000, the savings of "a lifetime, in a vain scarch for re- lief, and having a few hundred dollars left, he offers it to the physician who can eficet a cure, Godfrey has invested most of what is left of his fortune in a news stand at Forty-second street and Sixth avenue, to provide for himself and his wife, in the event that he becoues totally blind. = WILL HOLD OFFICE. Castro's Return Would Lead Revolution. te GENERAL GOMEZ, Washington, May 25. --Receut det velopments make it appear probable that Gen. Juan Vincencio Gomez, who became president of Venezuela after the retirement of Gen, Cipriano Cas- tro, will not soon be called upon 1, return the reins of government to his predecessor. It is even hinted that the return of Castro would lead to a seri- ous revolution. EXEMPTION EXPLAINED. The Matter Discussed by the W. J. Crothers Co. Kingston, May 25.--(To the Editor): The question bas been asked by rate payers, how is it that our exemption by-law asks that as an assessment be fixed at $8,500, when the assesemnent for this year is $15, ? 1 will make explanations which I trust will be ex- plicit and quite satisfactory to all interested. In 1904 the assessment of the factory was $8,500. As more ac commodation became necessary an ad- dition was erected in 1905, which in- creased the figures by $2,000. A change in the assessment act provides for 60 per cent. rate on the value of the real estate. This is a new departure, The assessor, however, rated us as a wholesale house instead of a wmanufac- turing concern and added 75 per cent. instead. of 60 per cent., thus running up the total assessment to $15,000: but the payment on this latter as sessment, not having become due vet, may fairly be considered a matter of the future. My proposition, 1 think, is wg very fair one, viz., to let the assessment of the factory prior to the recent en- largement stand, and to allow ex- emption on the present new extension and the large hulidings we propose to erect, These buildings are necessary to enable us to compete for provincial trade with institutions that are en joying every favor a municipality can give.~THE W. J, CROTHERS Co. Limited, Where Purity Abides. Every instinct of delicacy, as well as health considerations, demand that absolute cleanliness prevail about a soda fountajn. Such' conditions are enforeed here. Wade's ice cream soda is always drawn in washed and polish ed, glasses, It is a pure and perfect drink perfectly served. Wade's drug store, Thomas Sullivan, Seymour West, caught a beautiful grey eagle, measur ing six feet three inches from tip to tip .of the wing -------- COD LIVER OIL. It. almost makes you sick to think of it, but it isn't nearly as bad as it used to be. The improved method of refining it makes it much easier to . tale, and when made into Scott's Emulsion almost every one can take it. Most children like it and all children that are not robust are benefited by it. When the , doctor says "Take cod liver oil," he generally - means Scott's Emulsion; ask him if he doesn't. They know it is , more easily digested and better than the plain oil. Fresh ripe sirawhiorries at Toye's, King street, Seto IN G WOMEN Their Hard Struggle Made Easier-Interesting : ments by a Young Lady ~and'Ore in Beauport, Que WORK All women work; some in their homes, some in church i the whirl of society. iid dpd shops bio) "on the never-ceasing their daily bread. All are subject. to the 'same phy: laws ; all suffer alike from the am sical disturbance, and the nature 1 duties in many cases; quickly drifts them into the horrors of all kinds of female complaints, tumors, ulceration, falling and displacements or perhaps. irvegula- rity or suppression, causi backache, nervousness, irritability and lassitude. They tally uire 'an -invigorat- ing, sustaining medicine which will strengthen the female organism and of the day, fo slee to riserefreshed and chéerfal. How distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood or per form her household duties when her back and head are aching, she is so tired she can hardly drag about or stand up, and every movement causes pain, the origin of which is due to some derange- ment of the female organism. Mlle. Alma Robitaille, of 78 rue St. Francois, Quebec, Que., tells women how to avoid euch suffering ; she writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham ;-- "Overwork and long hours at the office together with a neglected cold, brought on a very serious female trouble until finally I was unable to go to work. J then thought of a friend who had taken Lydia E. Pink- Ham's Vegetable Compound when her health was in the same condition that mine was, and straightway sent out for a bottle I finished that and took two mare before I really began to improve, but after that my well at night, and enable them to bear easily the fatigues] di in Quebec State recovery was very rapid, and well and able to ck to oe I rain, Mink your medicine for sek Yo men worthy of praise, and am } to indorse it." praise. ad am inde) ou Miss Clara Beaubie Quebec, writes : er of Beaupar, Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "For several years I have g i female trouble Whick has hoaered with drain on my vitality, s I ot and causing severe headac pains and a general wo really had no desire to medicines but did not, get per until I took Lydia E. Pinkha; Com nd. In twe much better and str months I was well, 1tn Many Tanert relief I's Vegetub) months I wag ey onger, and in for 10 more disagreechle ischarge. no more pain, 80 I have eve; reason to praise the Vegetable Compound and I consider it without equal for the ills of women. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. nd is the unfailing cure for all these roubles. . It strengthens the Proper muscles, and displacement with all its horrors will no more crus. you, Backache, dizziness, fainting, bearing. down paine, disordered stoma h moodi ness, dislike of friends and. society--gll symptoms of the one cause--will he quickly dispelled, and it will make you strong and well. You can tell the story of your suffer. ings to a woman, and receive helpful advice free of cost. Address Mrs, Pink. ham, Lynn, Mass The presert Mm Pinkham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pinkham and for twenty-five years she has, under her direction and since her decease, been advising sick women free of charge Lydi¢ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail, The H. D. Bibby Co. Good drescers, looking Neckwear--Every Tie of 50¢. 40c., §ocC. $1.00. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Hats that the young $2.25, $2.50 lo $3.50. Summer Suits, THE H. D. Russia Calf and Gunmetal Cali. The Sawyer SCOTT & BOWNE, Toreats, ou. | 212 Princess St. See the new shadow effects. Straw Hats--We've the ceason's newest, ~ 5 ey They are the most comfortable shoes made for summer don't sag'and buldge out at the sid because they are hand-Jasted. We have them in the % 3 aot fy . ors' in Brown styles. 'Some in Patent' Corona Colt, others in Bre 0 Wh WR, Wh wh, Wh wh, wh wn § The H. D, Bibby Co. for choice things in Men's Wearables should see our display of - SUMMER FURNISHINGS. Soft Summer Shirts--Ju:t from the makers. Regu- lar $1.00 and $1.25. Special price 69c. this season's creation, 25C, They are elegant. Hosiery--In m ny handsome patterns for low shoes, 25¢4 Belts--The newest styles and shades, 25c, 50c, 750 5CC, 73% fe've a in Soft Soft Hats We've all the new and natty shapes in men admire. $1.00, $1.50, $2.0, Summer Vests: Summer Trousers. BIBBY C0. About Oxfords If you want foot and ankie comfort for warm days, wear » Invictus Oxfords They they keep their shape, latest 1906 Kid, 8. And Vivi Prices, $3.50 and $4. Shoe Store Phone 159: be A # of 1 vd KincsTONG IPE In Connection C: nadian Pagific TRAINS LEAVE KI for 18:89 p.m. --mapress, uebec, St. John, yl ato, Chicage fre, imnipeg, Ly ri an Franc ~Local for ¢& libiing with C.P.R. ® 810 a.m --Mized, fer R wrmediate points. assengers leaving Kin he afrive in Ottawa ro, 519 pm. m.; Bosten, 7:30 a.m EB. 11:55 am. : Il particulars at K, R Ticket Office, Ontario CONWAY, i R Gen. Pass: Agent. Bay of Quinte New short line tor Tv Deseronto, "and all local Jeave City Hall Depot CONWAY, Agent B.Q.T I DRLL, LOCAL BRANCH T In Effect Jan. 2) Train: ilk d Depot, Foot y of arian GOING WE Mell uo, 3.19 " 15 Local ... . 7.03 GOING EA Live. ! No. 8 Mail .., ... 1.48 "' 2Fast Exp. 2.26 * 16 Local ...... 8.16 " 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 * 12 Local ... ... 7.03 Nos. 1,3, 3. und 4 rw dB run daily except M: trains daily except Sund For Puliman . Accomm Wd all other imformatic J.P. HANLEY, A wd Ontario streets. King lake Ontario and Bay ¢ boat Company, STR.NORT 1000 Isiands-- Commencing May 27) leave Kingston, on 8 an. for Thousand Is turning will leave Rochester, N.Y. via. Daily service except -M Bd, STR. AL! Lepves daily except & for | Picton 'and inter Quin\e Ports For\ full information Horse! Genernh Manag Ticket Freight Agents) ALLAN LIN MONTREAL TO | Tunisian, May 17, « Victorian, May 24, . Tonian, Virginian, MONTREAL TO (moderate rate Mofigolian, May 18, + Corinthian, May 23, . and weekly For rates, apply to Agent, G. T. R., Auction op THE GAS "Volta" at the whar Foundry, Kingston, 26th day of May, 190 In the afternoon, sub bid The Volta is a ecabi Minning or decked With 10 11.) double length ahout 38 fee peed 9 miles per hou Ter cash WILLIAM MURRAY CUNNINGHAM & for Vendors Royal Insu Establish LIFE DEPARTNEN Assurances in Force Assets over . Expens *'only 84 per cer Profits to Profits: have ¥ Years. Over wen Frid us profits dist y Jat distribution in ¥ irity to Policyh aSsed hy that of Yorld. Liabilities val futercst Expenses of Manag rortionately than an Canada A Safe and Strong Rates, ete., om a] W.J.B. WHITE rs it---- ANNUAL | THE ANNUAL ¥ Stockholders of The Coinpuny will be h Kirkpatrick, Rogers Street, on SATURDA May ut 4 o'clock p of Directors and fi relating to the Mana pany. I, s May LON, "1906. Paris has' an art art" stockings, ® from $110 4 pair amount, i