NRL | LITT TN to 1 | 11% [Ae a. ¥ GLH TH x en a aiatth Pi [LHe 4 | TLL |] YEAR 73. All goods will recerve. "We will n of our' sto Now is the time for Robt. J. The Leading Under, Two Doors Above © Telephone in glo ge Plums, i 'Phone 417. WHEN YO Our Shoes you footwear to be feet ; they dese need special atte of my Boots comfort. ' 286 Prinoe Sev BDVRBW Auction Book your sale «¢ and get choice of da 1 conduct all the i enlize the highest pi "Phone, 665; JOHN ¢ | Take good ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ss Confect Parlor. Pu { fruits used. of 6 resh Candies H. JERVAS, 2: Next to Opera H trial. Parcels delivered. JiM LEE GROCERY ANI IX] Sink] : Je 'unvingh itor Kir It is to your t listed therein I. win Ls Furniture, a a ®oods. For tradi ©o better place th Turk's Se is, Ia. AS Buda Ki Red Cy