Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1906, p. 8

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3 h E) France, 4.1 Austria-Hungary. 182 "Three Swallows." ir John Po & Son's Sia hree Swallows" Irish Whiskey, y Famous for over a eentury, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. i ------ «Bibby's" Hosiery "What is in a name.' choice of royalty if it re Still Offering Owing, to the coolness of the weather we find our stock ot Spring Garments i altogether too large. In order to re- duce itas much as possible we have "sacrificed all profits and have marked them at ONE-THIRD OFF.: These are all new garments, made in the "most approved fashion and will amply pay you to investigate. . eA ¥ 3 Hook White Serge 5, and Cheviot Coats w Fawn Covert Coats N h New T and Broadcloth Coats) 15 Off ACE | Cream Suits, in Serge, Lustre, etc g "New Eton Suits, in Grey Tweeds, Broadcloths, 8 | Faia) fo) Fa ro New "Shirt t Waist Suits, ia Lustres, Panamas, } Serges, etc WB New Silk Shirt Waist Suits, many : Syieh in plain checked stri handsome E | Regular 12.50 for 834 Regular 15.00 for 10.00 Regular 18:00 for 12.00 Regular 22 50 for 15.00 A Pleasure to Have You Examine These |All At iS ete. Coats, in long and short sleeves. = four months this ye-) - GMBTYR, as It means the is McConkey's on a box of class "candy. edi only at Gibson's Red Cross drag SAY "Store, "Phone 230. ounces in the of 1809 which was the record Germany, 12. 0 ; Holland. 1.218: Helgi, 748, and Italy, only 588 toms. "Bibby's." - Don't think of going anywhere alse or spri kinry We think we can i 'ome, 3 Regular $7.50 for $5.00 Regular $10 for $6.67: W 1 Another promising oil well has been struck at Tilbury. Miss Jean Wright, a patient at the Queen street asylum, Toronto, strang- led herself with a portion of her bed a clothing. The Royal Society is to memorialize the covernment to provide 85,000 an nally for scientific research under the directions of a committee of the soci ety. g Tre. Lewis Staples; Bethany village, was struck hy lightning and killed. Her nine-year-old daughter found the body lying in the doorway on return- ing from school. Five thousand of the school child ren of Toronto celebrated empire day by marching in procession to Queen's Park, and there decorating the statues and monuments. Great di intment is being ex: pressed in Ireland and Scotland over the announcetnent that the Allan and CPR. Atlantic lines Have decided to abandon Moville as a port for the re- jon and despatch of mails. iagara peach growers are facing a new trouble. The lime aud sulphur spray used for killing the San Jose scale kills the scale, but is causing the bark to split, which kills the trees too. Dr. George Magee, alias Kurtz, to have been placed on trial in Elmira, N.Y.. for grand larceny, having secured $500 and a $150 dia- mond ring from Mrs. George M. Sayre, of Horseheggle, while posing as a Dr. Geol clairvoyant, sawed through five, bars of Ls cell and di pry hill ing the capital stock of the Bell one company was re- ported at Ottawa. 'hv the railway committee, to-day. with an amend- ment instead of increasine the capital from $10,000,000 to $30,000,000. The committee fixed it at $30,000,000, the company _ consenting, A horrible thing is reported from Grand Rapids, Sich. Two monkeys, one of them carrying a butcher knife, entered the room of a five-year-old boy and slashed his face and 'pounded hig body until he hecame unconscious and is not expected to recover. The brutes belonged to & doctor in the ity, and had in some way escaped from their chains. -- . COUNT 20LSKY RESIGNS. will Rebellion | Foland. St. Petersburg, Mav 23.-Count Zel- sky, presiden of the council of em- pire, has resigned. 1 health is given as the reason. Count Pleil, in an article the Tagliche Be in Russian printed in Rundschau, says that elaborate preparations to organize a formidable rebellion against the czar is being made in Russian Poland, The nationalists and socialists are co- operating to throw off the Russian yoke, and to establish a republic. Count Pleil declares that Germany will not help Russia to suppress the conspirators. ---------- TERRIBLE HAILSTORM. Catile Killed and Windows Smash- ed~-Cloudburst Follows. Franklin, Neb., May 23. During a hailstopm, Monday, hailstones as | as baseballs crashed through ne of killing stock, smashing windows = and destroying crops. This was followed hy a clomburst lasting more than an hour, during which nearly seven inch- a of water fell. Railroad tracks were washed out in many places. Tele phone and telegraph systems are pro- strated.' A ---------- Where The Best Are. Bicycles, typewriters, sowing ma- chines--three lines that are carried hy J. C. R. Dobbs & Co., 171 Wellington street. The best wheels, the best type. writers and the best sewing machines cah he examined and their good points learned by calling at his warerooms. Mr. Dobbs is -also agent for card in: ao files ad fobincts. Which are tos one of t test labor -savi devices in an offier. His safety - posit banks have had an encouraging sale, the public being quick to appre S| clate their good points. s It is expected seventy of the South African veterans will be mounted in to-morrow's parade. : is DR. SCOTT'S LINIMENT the best extern ment mide for: all kinds ot pain ? ry no cheap substitutes are used. We ure pos- Erne hm NCCE: Tare ingredients: Tt 1s & combinetion. of ihe best essential oils. Excellent Hair Res "Lafge bottle, 25 cents. "If not for sale at your drue~ist, it Fo always be: procured at James B. % + Nn 's [orga Sh. Chelma- IRE DAY HLDREN VERY LOYAL | ;. and a Patuotic Time Was Spen t--The Songs Were Very pee . husiastical wt thusiastical- Iy poi Vs rl I the school childeen. The board of education de- sired 10 emphasize the day with the purpose of - mstilling joyalty to and patria for Canada and Hritain. It quite likely < the Bite folks = t the inspimation and are better for the spirit the celebration inspired. The committee, in charge of Trustees God: win and Medley, with the officers and made tenthers, the demonstration go with a' swing and enthusinsm that grew infectious as the day wore on. Parents and visitors, filling the gul- leries, Soyed the spectacle. The liken ambi) at thelr vari ous schools at 1:13 o'clock and came rooping to the armouries in in Ther were all prettily dressed and carried flags, which they constantly waved, filling the air with proverbial "red fire. Places were |! assi { the varions schools and the chik marched in with regular step and whre seated. It was a thrilling sight 10 see the great drill hall filled with "the bubbling youth of the city aud fo catch the spirit that dowina- ted them. . Al heads were revereptly bowed when Canon Starr offered prayer and then came Canada's loyal song, "The Maple Leal," which Prof. Oscar Telg- mann batoned off in lively measure, 'fhe balance of theprogramme vas : Chaifinan's address, W. helly; Shotus, "Rule Britannia'; drille High- land © Cadets, Major Hughes in cam- id; song, "Soldiers of the King," Artes Hibbard Donnellys Daughters of the re; Writannia, Christina Offord; Seotland, Myra Dyde; Ireland, Mabel Albright; ludia, Lilian Mundell; A "Mildred Wormwith; Islands of ' Flérente Elliott, Hden Ugl 10 Minnes; Canada, Violat violin 'quar tette, 'Cochrane, Misé Taylor, and Mi tiann; chorus, "God Bless the ". recitation, "'Ad- Jmirals All," Férguson Twigg: chorus, "Red, White and Blue"; addriss, Prof. Iva Martin; chorus, "Canada, First and Forever"; "God Save the King." The sorfgd were given with a strength and " force that was really captivating and made one feel proud of "Our own dear land, our native land." The recitations were finely ren- dered and the spectacular effects good, Altogether the afternoon was one of rich enjoyment and we trust, of last- ing effect in creating and developing love for Canada and the mother jand. DO.C., and staff for granting the use : phesied for 1908. Lima, 0., May 23.--William Jennings Bryan was indorsed for president here by the democratic judicial convention of sixteen counties in Northwestern Ohio, The resolutions, which were adopted with cheering, declare that Bryan would have been renowinated and elected in 1904 had the trusts not stolen the nomination from him, and that the national democracy will nom- ipate him in 1963 by acclamation, red Men. An: exceptionally good offer is present being made to purchasers of men's suits by Louis Abramson, the up-town clothier, 336 Princess street. He has just purchased direct from the makers 300 new suits at special prices, These include fancy: worsted, black worsted, tweeds, mew grey slate ef- fects and navy blue garments. Suits that fit, that are well shaped, that have "tone." These suits are guaran- teed to give satisfaction from the tive you buy them on till they are three re. 'The regular prices are $15 and $18, hut all sizes are now he ing offer ed at $10 a suit, av Horses For The West. Ferguson's Falls, May 20.--J. H. Morris, accompanied by his cousin, T. Morris, of McPhail, spent a few days, last week, with 8. E. Morris. Burns- town. Mr. and Mrs. W. BM. Neil and Mrs. Miller, Carleton Place, called on friends in the village on Saturday and Sunday on their way to and from Lanark. Charles Hollinger left, last week, with a carload of horses for Winnipeg. William Stewart, Lanark, had charge of the horses. The funeral of Thomas Haley took place from his late home, 'eleventh line, to Preston: vale temetery, on Sunday and was very largely' attended. To his sor- rowing wife and family is extended the sympathy of the commumity. Cedar Valley Items. Cedar Valley, May 21, --Farmers are about through seeding. J. Chant, the egg buyer, goes through bere every week, paying fourteen eents per dozen for egg. James Rape made a busi- ness trip to Perth last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers spent Sunday in Brewer's Mills, the guests of James Milne. A hittle boy the latest ar rival at, William Scott's. Joseph O'Grady, Tug Hill, and Francis Bren- nan, Mud Creek, passéd through here, Sunday, en route for the village of Portland. Dame Rumor tells of a weal: ding in the near future. Many are on the sick ligt, Agreed To Move. In the judge's chambers, on Wednes- day morning, Judge Price an application under the landlords' and tenants' act. John Melntyre appear- ed for the plaintifis, T. Canningham and Shetela and T. J. Rigney for the defendants, Rahal. p he efendants agreed to move from theic present place of business, so the judge made no order, -- Mothers. We've everythi ing that's new and de- sirable in ikiren's simmer hats, During the proceedings led by Sere i tary acdonald the children gave rousii cheers for Col.\ Gordon, An Opportunity To Three Hund- 1 Jn | : 4.50 [ White "Waist, of fine with handsome hand-embroid- ered front with neat side tucks w JOHN LAIDLAW White Wash Belts r about half-price. can have them with the same 100 only, Wite TK. and Silk Wash Belts, in a very preity combination of the latest American style, of a quality regularly sold at from 25 to . To-morrow after 10 o'clock, we'll sclt them (but positively only ohe to a customer) each only... No 'phone orders. JOHN LAIDLAW A Splendid List of Summer Fabrics To tell vou all about the great quality and genuine 'worth of our summer materials, would tax our space as well, perhaps, as your patiences--s0 we Il refrain But we want you to come and spect them to-morrow. ~ Take this as a personal invitation and COME. White Linen Suitings, of purest-snowy 63, aad 69¢c. White Mercerized Waistings, in a large assortment of beautiful new designs, just received, per yard, 35, 30, 25, and 20c. White P.K's, per yard, 15, 18, 20, 925, and 30c. White India Linons, per yard, 12}, 15, 20, 25, and 30c. , White Persian 25 and 3c, Iawns, "per yard, 20, A sheer lawn, { White Waist, vi finest sheer lawn, with beautiful "Swiss embroidered From one of the foremost novelty manu- facturers in Canada we just received a sample lot of white wash belts. They came like all other samples--perfectly made, vet at To-morrow at JOHN LAIDLAW & SON ----------- Bonnets and Hats You've been complimented upon the appearance of front ith dainty lace insertion and tucks & SON to bust; prettily ke ok; x " ' j aud ducks, ful} inp ag; Hil ack d back; in yoke; new elbow sleeves daintily Sure eter Hugh shee 5 finished tucked cuff buttoned to lace trimmed; fine lace collar; and of fine tucks Note and "cluster elbow. Thursday morn- ] 19 open back. One of our lace insertion, finjch, ; ty rows of RAR: wineries b eaaees IRE ¥ finest special waists, Thurs- 2 25 lace to match front. 0 " \ 24 {Exactly as illustration.) day morning .......... .......... =e day morning .. urs, A you saving. 15 & SON 300 only, Fancy 25¢., or each Thursday If you haven't chosen your summer suit, choose it to-mor- row morning ! Then wear it to- morrow afternoon ! If you have chosen your summer suit, there'll be- great pleasure in -admiriag our new arrivals, and we'll welcome you il only for that. One special we're particularly proud % linen, guaranteed to have most ex- of, is a Fine andkerchief Linen of the armouries for the proceedings. (§ eellént' laundering qualities, per Suit trimmed with Baby Irish lace, masini a 3 i yard, 45, 49, 55, 59, and 63¢, with full style skirt, having row of BRYAN FOR PRESIDENT. White Linen Waistinge. of clearest | in%ertion: stylish waist, having three ot . white ard aH 3 45 or 30 rows of insertion down front, deep Nomination by Aetlamation Pro- Shite, Pet ¥ SP a Th 2. cuffs with tucks and rows of inser- tion, and collar to match, at a very moderate price for such quality ' and elaboration-- only " Also Special White Duck Suit, at 2.75. White P.K. Suits, at 3.95, 3.99, 4.50 and 4.99, White Spot Muslin Suits, at 4.75 and 4.99. Pure Irish Linen Suits, at 7.50, 7.75 and 7.95. for a get a perfect cffect ? priced collection. 'and yours--so bring the Children's White Embroidered Silk Children's" White Lawn and White | Boys' Linen Hats, wit and White Lawn Bongets, those of Silk Hats. i dainty I Crown, mn pure Ni BH silk with "full ruehing "and "silk UX Fats, In many dainty an or linen shade, MC §, strings; the others' all-over em- nobby styles with such trimmings as and . 3 broidered with full ruching of white SBPVe ; od hs sol i oa is. 3 + "Tam lace and white lawn strings. Silks serve, only to enhanc the « arming | Boys Bl 8 I ruching of lacd at 25. 35. 45. 59, 69. 76 and 9c. appearance of all children, at prices style with fu ruehing and 1.25; and lawn at 15, which will please you--the jo from, } only 9c. 155 25 35° 49, "59, @, 75 99 value is so evident--75 and 1 strings, cach ol ro a : y ae . We., 1.25, 1.49 amd ......... . and A are : i Waits for Holiday Surely your collection is not sa complete as to [orl our new and extensive assortment to-morrow ? Youll need a host of White Waists this marked her stamp of approval---and the public fancy seems to popularize on them. hy not choose your waists, or at least one w morning and have the satisfaction of feeling most styli morrow afternoon ? \ ere are three favorites, but our entire range uns from T5¢ to White Waist, handsomely embroid, of Val. lace insertion JOHN LAIDLAW & SON -- Fancy Wash Collars Last Monday we sold several hundred of them in about one hour. body's fancy--the designs and styles were so numerous that a pleasing and satisfactory choice was easy. For to-morrow we'll have: Wash many different designs of the latest novelties, all well-made and finished. of a quality regularly sold at from - 25 to 40c., any time aftér & o'clock until 1 o'clock, your choice, No "phone orders. ; JOHN LAIDLAW & SON ---- Shirt Waist Suits Shown on -- JOHN LAIDLAW & SON -------- . , 9 a new hat, coat or suit, have't you : : felt that the praise was well worth the trouble it took to That's just the way we fel about our showing of children's headwear. Mothers have sincerely compli- mented us, and we feel amply repaid for the trouble it took, to gather such a dainty and pretty, yet To-morrow. is a holiday for you and see the lovely creations we have for mer headwear. A summary :-- the) id a choice from summer--f{ashign bas} very ready aist, tomorrow shly dressed to- of finest lawn, with ver, red trout) powy They took every- Collars, in) 09 3 for) Warm Summer Of course, and moderately children here in the morning, their sum- h buttoned Proves That Parasites Caugp Hair Loss. Nine-tenths of the diseases of the scalp aiid hair are caused by parasitic germs, The importance of this dis- covery by Prof. Usna, of the Charity Hospital, Hamburg, Germany, can not be overestimated. It explains why or dinary hair preparations, even of the most expensive character fail to cure dandruff; becausé they do hot and they cannot kill the dandrufi germ. The on- ly hair preparation in the world that positively destroys the dan- drull parasites that burrow up the scalp into scales called scurf or dand- ruff, is Newbro's Herpicide, In addi tion to its destroying the dandruff germ Herpicide i& also a delightiul hair dressing. Sold by leading drug ists. Send 10c. in stanips for sample § the Herpicide © Co.; Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood special agent. The strongest - proof you could have is to know ysicians recommend Gily- son's Red ss beef, iron and wine, 0c. ? Taghe no othe Mrs. Moe, a Winhipeg washerwoman, was fatally burned while at, work. WORTH : Best's "Korn Killer" ou all coms White Liniment Co. Joba N.B., snd 5 . Bibby Co. > our stock. v RC i N Buy that shoe and you get YOUR MO PS.--If you need a Trunk [or Unless it is of a shoe the shoe 1S not a SLATER. The Lockett Shoe Store : store 10 Is the only the Kingston that have enyine SLATER SHOES for sale. SHO EYS Grip call and see 3 Two and Theée-pie ton and Wash. Our New York: Way Buster Browns and | 81.50 and $2 per sul All Wool Suits, ne ontable, but as hear sibl: to make © thes hest that. money ca the Sandford Manufs Stock Rove' Black -Cat povs' delight; : E. P. Jenkins GREAT REMOV SALE ( FURNIT All goods will recerve. We will of our stock to Now is the time Robt, d The Leading Und: 22. Two Doors Abeve sive /Ralaphe © Our Owh Brand | Quart Sealers. 28¢. SW oe Biscuits aw Preserved Peaches ,Goodwillies Choi Marmalade in glo iregn Gage Plum: Lombard Plums; Blueberries, in ca : ns S fted Pea ( fornia Prunes 'runes, 4 Break per 1h, nk tthew's Cooke Jellisd Veale, Shi Corned Beef? Slic H Bologna, S Fresh Green Veg F. W. VA 248 Priv Phone #17." BOARD | A MEETING ( Trade will be hel Chamber, om Friv veloek pan. BUSINESS --T\ referring to the"E Lighting Plant Tol considér the f a first-cla eral husiness, Exery member | J. BE Kingston; May WHEN Our 'Shoes y footwear to ston Wear Mititar: Sign of Golden | ER-- Desirable The fine, sv well laid ont Dean Smith, Baths, ete. _§ 101 King St SWIFT'S == ---- DIRECT JL will pay pv Po hétter place Turk's Sec © 398 Pri Ch t-- The ¢ Is ta he had bell Bros., the hats.

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