Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1906, p. 4

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"fraud, alleging Baseball Goods The bes obtainable articles for Baschall. Players, High Grade Balls, Bats; 'Masks and Protec tors for amateur or profession- al teams, nn mon on =" ove Bros., Sock Soon, , for sale. Carriages, Cutters, Harness, | | bh Shoe Polish Black, Tan and White © *"2in1" instantly cleans and Pr. substitute. use it. Refuse all imitations. Black and tan is means every- thing .in graceful SEALS, STEEL STAMPS, ETC. Best Standard, Fairest Prices} ARKERS, WHITE ENALEL LETTERS C. W. MACK, 60 YONGE ST. Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up. |THE DAILY Lmake enough of *"Opifer per Orbem Dicor."" How They Should Read. The tables in the editorial on *'Muni- | cipal Enterprises," in' Tuesday's Whig, | were misplaced. They should read : This apparatus will be displaced in J order to modernize the power house. } What value does ii represent ? Here Jare the items in detail f 50 K.W.! AU. Generator .. $1.578.15 50° Light, Wood Arc Dynamo 1,050.00 50 Light, = Wood Arc Dynamo Bi0.00 of Erecting... 28. 2,956.14 POtAL ricci seriisvses wins $6,452.64 The new electrical machinery, to be 1 purchased, if the capital be supplied, 'will be as follows : : 200 : $6,000.00 K.W., A.C. Generator ... an KW, D.C. Generator . 5,000.00 120 K.W., Synchronous Motor 2,500.00 100 KW. Belted Generator ... 1,500.00 Voltage Regulator 250.00 Labor Erecting 5 900.00 Interior Wiring ... 597.30 Total ...........xs . $16,747.30 Two Memorable Days. This is Empire day, so called by those who, keeping in mind. the wis- dom of promoting a patriotic feeling among the young, selected May 23rd for suggestive observances. We do not the patriotic idea. We do not cultivate it sufficiently. Speech and song are means to an ond, and that end the laudution of all things Canadian. But the true pa- triotic spirit is inborn and inbred and {mds expression in the every-day life of the individual. "The tradition, that the soul of the man swells within him as he remembers that he is an Eng- lishman, points to the emotions that | should actuate one as he recalls that dhe is a Canadian. This | tionality pride of na- and coumtry is not some- thing which is offensive in display. It makes one a bettemscitizen and what- ever conduces to this result is to be commended. The proceedings of Empire day very properly precede those which mark: soother anniversary, not any longer the birthday of a queen, but the me- morial of her greatness. The 24th of May has been so long observed as a day of rejoicing that it would now be missed, and hence it has been decided | | {to 'perpotunte it. "It is a day of re flection, of thanksgiving, of gratitude for the comfort, "independence and salety vouchsafed to !British subjects. The empire reached its greatest su- premacy in the reign of Queen Vie- toria, and it is fitting that. there should be an annual reminder of this fact. The king sees in the anniversary that which merits his most grateful "| appreciation. An Evidence Of Wrong? Why are the names of the members of the North" Atlantic Trading com- pany so carefully guarded ? Is it be: cause the government fears that some member of the Interior department will be found in a false or faulty po- sition ? Assuredly not. It had been in- sinuated, and in a wav which showed the animus that lay behind it, that an ex-minister had an interest in the business, but that has been denied, And Mr. Sifton took the only posi- tion he could do saicly, and challeng- cd Mr. Foster, or any associate of his, to make specific charges. Mr. Smart, formerly deputy ministge of the interior and now an officer of the North Atlantic Trading company, explained why he could not divulge its membership, It was illegal to enter some countries on the continent and hold out any inducement to their peo- ple to emigrate. The better class of inunigrants are not the discontents who move out of any nativn because they will not submit to its laws and customs. These are not sought the United States, and not be sought by Canada. The Canadian government was not at liberty to push its publication of facts relating to the soil and ite ad- vantages in certain centres, and so it accepted the work of hooking agents whether they operated singly or in companies. Jt is contended that the North Atlantic Trading company put in the way of going to Canada over a hundred thousand men who would not have headed for it without their i fluence, and there oupht to be sof way of checking the returns and es tablishing the facts, 'So far there has been a great deal said that does not bear upon the case. kThe quarrel among the immigrant agents is qo side issue. The question is, Has the country been defrauded out of any money by the use that has been .made of the North Ktlantic company in promoting immigration ¥ Was the company paid any more for its service than was paid to other booking agents? 1f not--and there has been no grafting on the part of the government officials--what is all the row about ? {Of actual wrong doing there has fot vet been any exposare. by they should The Red Cross society was 'the ont WHIG. | i leged come of a. convention which met at; something in the Arctic and other cases quite as inguisitorial as that now in progress upon insurance. ? 'This recalls the attitude of the On-' tario opposition to the judicial en- quiry in the - Gamey case. It was al- that the investigation should not be taken out of the legislature, yo | and there is a vivid remembrance of the manner in which the opposition stormed because they could not have their way. Indeed the Gamey party resorted to the slimiest language in their references to the judges who | looked into and reported upon the case, ¥ When the imsuraace commission was named some faylt was found. It was pointed out that the New York legis- lative conwnittee had performed a splendid work, and that it should have been imitated in Canada and so far as the Canadian companies are concerned. Why go to the judges and the laymen outside of the house when there are in it so many who are fitted for the special service which the cir- cumstances call for ! There is a peculiar vaciation in the plans of the party and it is not remarkable that the vote on the Arctic case should be in keeping with it. The opposition raved against the Laurier resolution, because. it did not suit them," and then showed "their fa- tuity by voting for it in a body. They shouted "nay" when the ques- tion was put, but they voted "yea" when the division was registered. J Now let us hope there will be a searching cxamination of all the re cords. If there has been graiting the country wants to know it. Editorial Notes. The conservative executive have reason to kick against the manner in which the party patronage is being handed out. It ought to be recognized. In the west there is lighting of houses and factories ana hotels by private plants. They are run by gas engines, and flare pronoudced a great success. : Apt ano Winston * Churchill 'is saying some really nice things about the seli-gov- erning colonics. When he forgets for the time .being his greatness he be- comes really sensible. And he's yet so young. The bill posters have decided to sup- press the lurid thing called show bills. These men have dared to do what the law and the crown failed to do. Henceforth there will 'he pictorial de cency on the outer walls, -- Mr. Barker, M.P., is becoming dis- couraged. He is not making as - much out of Preston, chief immigration com missioner, as he expected. But Mr. Barker has never beem distinguished a8 a Cross-examiner, Mr. "Hearst is again pursuing Mayor McClelland. He alleges a miscount of votes. Hearst was so far behind, how- ever, that he could not possibly be counted in. He should, therefore, go away back and sit down. -- Here's something remarkable. Whitelaw Reid, American ambassador at the court of St. Jamies, protests. against the adulteration of the Eng lish Mnguape with American slong. My countrymen, what do vou think of that ? very ------ Governor Higeins of New York, has vetoed, or blotted out, some of the legislature's finest work. One was the act against the undue use of water from the Niagara river. Strange {hat one man's judgment should be better. than that of many men. -- The douma and the czar are becom- ing reconciled. Or rather the douma has discovered that its dignity and usefulness have not heen hurt by the evar's refusal {oc receive its reply to, his address: by a deputation. If he acts upon its advice, it is a matter of no moment how he receives it. -- pon Dates Of Big Fairs. Winnipeg Horse Show ..... ... Brantford Horse Show .... Galt Horse Show Toronto Open-air Horse Interwestern, Calgary Winnipeg Industrial Cobourg Horse Show National, Toronto , Canada Central, Ot Western, London New York State, Dowinfon, Halifax June 1 .. July 3 July 10-12 July 28-28 Aug. 14-18 ... May 81, Show oe AUR tawa | aiiter Raamatsy t. 7-13 Syracuse Sept. 10:15 oo Sep 5 Seed Sam; 8 Ottawa, May 38. --The distribution of seed samples from the experimental farm has been completed for the sea- son, and no less than eighty tons of these samples weve given out. This is the largest distribution in the bis- tory of the farm. There were }2,000 avhlications for seed potatoes 'alone, which meant eighteen' tons, to be oiv- en out as each sample package con- tained one and. oneshall povnds: ¢ | studying the Mav 28-23{ May 24-261 - t. 20, Oct. 5 Toronto World. ing is not bringing the goat he got at Athens with him. However, he is something of a go it himself. Tip To Kpch. Toronto Mail. r Prof. Robert Koch is in Africa sleeping sickness, and will remain for two years more. Be fore ing to any hasty conclusions on' the subject, Dr. Koch should cast | his eye over Canada's s nate. 3 A Discovery. Guelph Mercury. ver physician says that more persons go insane during the straw- berry season than at any other time. That's where the faculty's season lasts longer. Some of the faculty have wheels in their heads all' the year round. Here's A Pointer. Hamilton Herald. I it can be established as a Tact, as Mr. Preston says, the North At- lantic Trading company sent to Cana- da 125,000 emigrants who would not otherwise have como here, the fact wil! go far to cxcuse the peculiar methods of the company. Sir Mac's Wants. Ottawa Free Press. The conservative members of the senate have presented Sir Mackenzie Bowell with a magnificent hall clock. A stop watch would perhaps have been more serviceable fo enable the ex-premier to take time at the scna- torial foot-race which is yet due. The vogue of the separate skirt for wear with dainty lingerie or neatly tailored waists has led to a marked demand for separate coats, cne of the w pular models of which is that of the Sustration: The material is a tan cloth cut on the smartest of Ines, back and fronts suggesting rather that fitting the figure. There is no centro back seam, those from the shoulder serving to give better lines to the figure in the hack as well as the front. The collar is of tan silk, stitched flat to the coat, the same stitching 'repeated on the coatredges. Four brown mottled buttons of me- dium size, with loops of fine soutache braid, make the closing, smaller but- tons set on the back of the sleeve of mutton leg pattern, in the facing of which is set a narrow strip of light weight haircloth.. The lining silk is in a lighter shade of tan. With this coat is worked a jaunty little sailor of tan honeyvepmb braid, trimmed with blue bachelor buttons. EE EE Established 1859 Corby's |¢X L Rye is made from the choicest of sc- lect grain, and undergoes thorough ageing thus secur. ing perfection of flavor and boquet. For negligee ond sporting wear are exclusive in siyle and quality. They are very comlortable, and lock neat and natty. » . Two qualities, oll styles. TOOKE BROTHERS, MONTREAL, ~~ Lwited. a3 Sole Exporters: THE A Send for sworn Canadian testimonial De. KOWR MEDICINE CO.. PO. Drawer Men's Wearables SUMMER FUR $1.00 and $1.25. 40c¢,, 50c€. $1.00. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Hats that the young ; 'The 'source of all Power + The result of 50 Pe of scientific research, Lot iC} Soft Summer Shirts--]Just from the makers. "THE BEST: NATURAL PURGATIVE ware, in Bilious Attacks and Disorders of the Liye,. A. WINEGLASSFUL A DOSE. SPARKLING APENT, (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATED ) _IN'SPLITS ONLY. A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperieat for Morning ge, POLLINARIS CO TIE fh CENT THEE, ? inthe Labo. The Fountain of You, ons: 9 Jules Kohy, manhood brought after years of weak despa, Nature's Secret restored by combi a of the rarest chemical reagents in the world, Jor no experiment. itis proved by its use in the Nospitg of Europe. Tens of thousands of weak and cases cured by 30 days treatment. This is a fact) Prove it yourself by a test, A S days treatment with full particulars sent absolutely free: All packiges arg carefully sealed ina plain wrapper with no mark, A full 30 days treatment (180 doses) wih guaranteed cure or refund of money, for $3.00. s received within the last twelve months, (7) 2341. MONTREAL Eee OR WR WR wh WR WR wh wn § The H. D, Bibby Co, OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN TO-NICHT Good dressers, looking for choice things in should see our display of NISHINGS. Special price 69c. Neckwear--Every Tie of this season's creation, 25C, 50c. See the new shadow effects. They are elegant. Hosiery--In many handsome patterns for low shoes, 25c, Belts--The newest. styles and shades, 25c, 50c, 75 Straw Hats--We've ithe season's- newest, 50c, 7504 Soft Hats We've all the new and natty shapes in oft $1.00, $1.50, $2.0, men admire. $2.25, $2.50 to $3.50. Summer Suits, Summer Vests, Summer Trousers. THE H. D. BIBBY C0. Oi wh wh wh wh wR wh wh § THE BIG BLUE HARDWARE STORE 'OFFERS YOU Ice Cream Freezers Coal Oil Stoves Gas Stoves and:/Ranges And Refrigerators In splendid assortment and values. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. Ii you want foot anil ankle Russiu' Calf und Guumetal C i Ee They are the most comfortable shoes made for summer don't sag'aud buldge out atthe sides. And because they are hand-Jasted: We have them in ? pr styles. Some in Patent Corona Colt, others in Brown About Oxfords comfort for warm days, wear Invictus Oxfords se. They they keep their shape, the latest 1906 Vie Kid, Prices, $3.50 and $4. The Sawyer Shoe Stor e 212 Princess St. Phone | .y Ltd. London, TTT Regu- Tn E are a White, i lease. All 1 with a big arr White Go 9 splendid showi awry, filmy sur things. Dainty Dress Fabrics For warm. we wear :-- WHITE DRESS | have "the hoa the celebrated no equal, We Prices run fr PERSIAN AND 1 from ... ORGANDIES AN and Swiss ma BRILLIANTS AN from WHIT 2 A THREE-QUART! cial at WHITE LISLE when you se WHITE LACE 1 Parasols Of Silk, Linen, € beautiful rang from'. White {I In all the dainti ties, Collar. a lin, Linen an from aii, See our S Muslin and $1.5 { STEA os MW crc vacan Canada Life A: Establishe Head Office, Tor A CANADIAN 1 FOR CANADIAN The first Life Assur: Cannda Summed up--it's his ® great success." It the 'Canada Lite." Any of our agents bef life We - write polich Stiractions. Bndowm: Make a strong appea Results unexcelled. | on the Continent--wa ~$1,200,000 paid in 3.0. HUTTON, Ma Office--18 M Telephone 703. er a-- . At Strachan

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