Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1906, p. 1

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tet 54 3 the Warld at ench Models | thu your Corsets are of eeds come and choose from corsage perfection The e to their makers renders and wearing quality we ] of women who have ave come and told us hoy d al unsolicited by us, ey cost more. You doa r what you get inferiority, ingston women needed 5 ce these favorites \. CORSETS, all the pew ls and just at present thet Xtra special A 2 © nh over all Kingdy, apd... . . NG CORSI dial the celebrated fort" 5 for ng Corset, now showing in res from t one + poplar pri re] 003 ¥ 20 to 1.50 fs for .70 / gives you a fair idea of 1, and as the lot is small, or eae ch 0 SON + Cream Dress orrow andkerchiefs, v full sizes em, regular morrow af of Business try DED ] = strengthens ihe ton ach, f motes good flerh aid blood and keeps the bowels hevithy and actve A baiider el brawn and brain. AL your groce: s MADE IN CANADA of Canadian Wheat ook," postpaid ited, Niagara Falls, Ont St. ES OOOOOS vPPHOF DISPERT e------ PPd popes 40 ES FERS \CHINES yaired | Wellington: St. & $HIeP sosidt 334% PPPS i454 Urless it .is on 3 hoe the shoe 1s pot a LATER. The Lockett Shoe Store Is the only store in ingston t! hat ATER enuine TE HOES er air a YOUR MONEYS or Grip call and se¢ "YEAR 73. NO. 121. Twelve New Lines at $1. Light and dark grounds with pearl buttons. All guaranteed washers. Superior and exclusive patterns in the new checks, light, pearl and dark grounds, at $1.50, $2 and $2.50. Summer Suits Single and double-breasted, Hewson's Tweeds--the purest wool manufactured." The style and fit will surprise you. Three: piece suits at $10. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. AUCTION SALE OF 'VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY situate in the Township of Pittsburg, on SATURDAY, the 26th day of May, at eleven o clock forenoon, on Brock street, Market Square, Kingston. 1 have received instructions from Shortall Hrothers to offer for sale by jon their farm, situate near Joyee- n the Sixth Concession in the vnship of Pittsburg. fhe farm consists of 275 acres, more or less, all of which, with the exception of about * 30~ acres, is good workable i There is a good dwelling house, barns, wood shed, granary, drive cow stable, milk house and wind will on the premises; plenty of good water in the , barn yard "all the year round, There are ahout 60 acres at present sowed. The terms of sale, which are reason- able. will be made known at the time of the auction, or may be had by ap- plying to the undersigned WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctioneer. Rex Chocolates! The Best Quality of Chocolates A Made in Canada Are Name Stamped on Every Chocolate SOLD IN PACKAGES ONLY At Medley's Drug Stor Auction Sale T™B GASOLINE YACHT * at the wharf of "he Kingston Foundry," Kingston. on Saturday the 26th day of May, 1906, at two o'clock, in the afternoon, subject to a reserved bid Volta is a cabin yacht in good order, decked fore und aft, fitted e speed 9 miles per hour. Terms cash. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM & for Vendors. MURRAY, Auctioneer. LYON, Solicitors Royal Insurance Co. stablished 1845 LIFE DEPARTMENT Assurances in Force, $104,000,000 Assels. over - 40,000,000 ises only 83¢ per cent. of income. Policyholders--The same prof have been paid for the past Forty Years. Over $14,000,000, have been paid as profits altogether. At the aa st dis ribution in 1905, over $3,220, W paid irity to Pelicyholders by that of any Liabilities valued at is mot sur- office in the 8 per cent. s of Management are less pro- < ly than gny Life Company in + and Strong British Office. R ete., on application to W. W.J. B. WHITE "=~ = Kingston WHEN YOU WEAR Our Shoes you wear the best footwear 10 be had in King- ston Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. Desirable TR TER The fine, substantial, roomy and well laid out residence of the late Dean Smith, hot water heating, Baths, etc. Spacious premises No. 161 King St. 'See Bulletin.' SWIFT'S a, NSURANGE A AGENDY DIRECT FROM. TURK Fa ay good _ prices for urniture, Carpets. Stoves and all ther Rovds. For trading, buying or selling 0 better place thi Turk's Second. Hand Store 398 Princess Street. Sent A Special Mission. Rome, May 3.--A special mission to pin sent the pope at the marriage of ne Alfonso left here for Madrid yes- terday. The sent' word that he reared that his illness preve him fr ke dra id them prior to their amp | Hats For The Holiday. '| Cavell ANGY VESTS; : Opera House, x i New Hat for the At Campbell Bros. Board of Health, 4.15 ¢ Richard & Pringle"s Mi 8.15 nou. Thursday 7.26 wm. The sun risas and sets at o'clock, 10.36 a.m., Review at ¥ 243--HBusiness Office. 238 ~lnitorial Rooms. Old a very pretty li "Blue Willow' China Plates, ' Saucers, etc, Al ..ROBERTSON Bavaian Collectors, Ex and McKay Fur Boat Military Sports Motor 2.9% 2.25, 2.40, 3 minute class MAYOR MOWAT, Pr.sident. Ginger Apricot Pineapple Green Fig Fig and Lemon store. Bros"; _ Open this even- decsyed nuts. This day in history :-- Canada stopped, 1808 London Gaiety Qirls, ' House, 2.30 and B.15 p.m The ' big store will be open this From Trapper td Wearer Manufacturers Kingston, Ont. AAR ARRAN DAILY MEMORANDA, holiday. open to-night. Whig not issued on Victoria Pav. vm... Friday. nstrels, Grand at 4.28 am. Fenian raid on Grand Opera bv... Thursday. Mills & Co., until 10 Victoria Day. Tarniefield. yp a.m, Motor Boat Races in VERY GRUDGING. arbor 11.15 awm., Military Parade alas a ilitary Parade through Act of Grace From Which Terror- a) 30 pan, Races and Sports at Fair ists. 'Are Excluded--Convicts rounds. 8 pw, Band Concert in Macdonald Being Released, by Hundreds, Park, in the Provinces. WHIG TELEPHONES. St. Petersburg, May 23.--The long --J obbing Department. Blue We have just received ne of old in odd Cups and SO a com- plete line of the old blue "Onion". pattern in pretty shapes and very cheap. BROS. WE Furs porters ious, VIGTORIA DAY Thursday, May 24 Magnificent Military Parade Races (Mounted) Horse Races All Half-Mile Hea Baseball I. C. B. U. vs. ORIENTALS Special reduced rates from everywhere. W. C. MARTIN, Secretary Cairn's (Paisley, Scotland) Celebrated Marmalades Ginger and Pineapple Green Fig and Ginger In Glass Pots. 25e. Per Pot. Jas: Redden & Co. Importers of Fine tally destroyed. Building owned by . Fivin George; insured for $1,500. «Bibby's" To-Night "Bibby's."" ------ Our thin underwear is certainly a Baseball Summary. great Juxupy, at this season. We* ve a National League. New Yo 8 Chi fine Vy bi different makes, 10c., cago, 2. Cinchmati, 6; Brooklyn, 4. Soe, JY $1 2 garment. 1 he H. Philgaelphia, 7; St.Louis, 0. Pittsburg, . Bibby Co 1; Bostem, 0. " w------------------ {4 American Teague St. Louis, 6; Good examples of the quality. of | Washington, 4. Cleveland, ® Phila: Kentucky lawn grass seed, the coifrt house Tawn and the dairy school lawn. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug A Kenora lad is dead | from eating : we. THE ET - In. Russla, "wil Be Pro- claimed May 27th. MEASURE LIMITED) CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRATS awaited political amnesty," it is learn- ed from a government source, will be proclaimed on May 27th, the anniver- sary of the coronation of Emperor Nicholas 11. The measure, as finticipat- ed, will be limited, but it is authori- tively statéd that the constitutional demoeratic party is prepared, though grudgingly, to accept the aet of grace from which terrorists are excluded. The administration daily is cutting down the number of prisomers, who may be affected by the amnesty, re leasing convicts by hundreds. in the provinces; while among those released in St. Petersburg are twenty seven members of the council of workmen's delegates, who drew up the famous manifesto, preaching a raid on the government's gold reserves; Premier Goremykin has been sum- moned to go to Peterhofi, to-day, for a conference with the czar to put the final touches to the speech which the premier will deliver, unless. unforeseen contingencies prevent, in the lower honge of parliament, on Friday, set ting forth the government's position on the "various points in the address in reply to the speech the throne. house's from PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. A Belgian village was wrecked by a waterspout and eleven lives lost, Rev. Charles Dingildie, five, committed suicide nati. Col. Crosse, secretary of the N. R. A., London, was thrown from rig, and injured, A three-year-old Cornwall child drop- a third-storey window, in- eg A RR Scotia leaislature has been dismoleed A new election takes place on June 20th. Louis Allis, Amsterdam, N.Y. smoked sixty cigarettes a day, come violently insane. Sir George Goldie has presented Dr, Bell, Ottawa, with the Royal Geo graphical Society medal. Wiliam Anstey, an Englishman, crazed' with trouble over a girl, was found with his throat cut. He cannot recover The 43rd Regiment, Ottawa, will, it is said on good authority, shortly be formed into two battalions of eight companies each. There is a movement on foot to op- pose the appointment of Prof. Schur man, of Cornell, as head of the Uni versity of Toronto. Messrs. Hays and Davis, of Grand Trunk, have pone to New York, to attend a meeting of railway men en deavoring to avoid a rate war. An action for bigamy, with Jasper Brindle}, Godorich, defendant, the question as to whether a United States divorce annuls a Canadian marriage. Upon a commission from Joseph H Lhoate, William M. Chase is making a copy of the Franklin portrait lately returned to the United States through the courtesy of Earl Grey. aved, eighty near Uincin- his who has he raises Mr. Fielding's budget speech, deliv- ered in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, was a most encouraging re view and or of the mational progress prosgerity, showing a surplus on dinary income and expenditure of $12, 500,000 for the year. TWO PREMIERS RESIGN, ts | But King Asks Them For Recon- sideration. Budapest, Hungary. May 23.--1t is reported that Dr. Alexander Wekerle, the Hungarian prémier and minister of finance, and Prince Conrad Hohenlohe Schillingsfuerst, the Austrian premier anc minister of the interior, have ten dered their resignations, but that the emperor-king, Francis Joseph, in- structed them to open further negoti- ations with a view of reaching an ag reement on the vexed question of a customs convention between ' the two countries, Fire At Bancroft. \Belleville, Ont, Mav 22.--A disas- trous fire occ urred in the village of Bancroft, in the northern part of the county, at an early hour this morn- ing. when the newly erected George block was totally destroved by fire, with a loss estimated at £10,000, The burned out were: Weiss, jeweler; Dr. Lovitt, Pr. Emburg's deng store; Mr, Lean, dentist. Mr. . Bby, who resided upstairs, lost evervthing., The recent- ly dedicated Masonic hall was also to- delphia, 5. Detroit, 6; Boston, 3. New York, 8; Chicago, 2. Eastern League. --Jersey Montreal, 2. Toronto, 6; 3. Newark, 2; Rochester, Citv, 3; Providence, 1. Bufialo, 9; HER PREDICTIONS Have Caused Interest Owing to MME! { New York, May 2 The recent events in Italy and in California have caused: great interest in Mme, de Thebes, a woman in Paris, who has gained congiderable reputation as a prophetess, Exery vear in Becember, she publishes her propheciis for the following vear and, as in the case of the weather bureau, she sometimes makes a lucky bit. predicted the assassination of Presi dent MeKinley and other historical oe urrences and also foretold the erup tion of Vesuving and' the calamity at san Francisco. we THES RARE DISHES ; RARE PRICES. proced in in Scotland. As soon as they Ahey are trapsioried tb a Jane, Su, ear and shipped bv Fail] to London. During the whole journey a man has to aerate the water to keep the fish lively, end bv the time a dish of perhaps ten fish reaches the table it will cost $100, MAN DIES OF GLANDERS. ---- Wife and Neighbor Also Ill With Disease. ' Morden," Man., May Frederick Hall. a farmer, living near here, died Sunday night, from glanders and was buried next morning. Some weeks ago his horses were sick, and he treated them for distemper. Later a veterin ary declared it glanders, and the ani 29 23. mals were destroyed. Two weeks ago the unfortunate man developed glan ders, and' was badly mortitied before death relieved him. His wife took ill a few days ago; also a neighbor nam burned. ol McCormick, who had been a faith ful attendant of the deceased, and it is feared that both will develop the | awfyl disease. No person has been | permitted to enter the house, except | those absolutely necessary to remove | the corpse, and the building will ~ be | | | | | FEW WILL SEE WEDDING. Church Chosen for Spanish Cere- mony is Small. Madrid, May 28.~The Spanish capi- | tol is on the tiptoe of expectation over the marriage of the King on May 3st, and the week of eclebration. Decora tions 'and arches are slowly going wp | both at the country place at El Par do and at the Royal Palace in Mad- | rid. Very few persons will see the ac tual wedding, for the Church of | St. | Geronimo is very small, .q nave with dark side chapel: and only the slight est of transepts. Last week thousands | of peasants in picturesque costume | swarmed into Madrid for the great' festival of San Isidro, the patron | saint of Madrid, A fair was opened on the meadows by the Manzanarcs, and will go on until after the wedding. ---- Long Hair Out Of 'Style. Ithaca, May 23.--Long hair is no longer fashionable: among . Cornell | College students. The real fashion able, up-to'date style is a closely clip- ped pate. It is said that the fashion started in & bet. A club wagered its hair against that of another lub on a baschall game of the intercollege ser- jeg. The witming club. took the shorn locks and had them stuffed into | a commemorative' pillow. Then the Ros: ers started ont I persuade others to join them in shedding their hair. Visitors from Avburn are said to feel uncomfortable in the streets of Jthaca since the custom has obtained vogue. " Darby and Joan. London, May 23.~Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Woolass, of Lancham, near, Gains: borough, have celebrated the sedenti- eth anniversary of their wedding day. They wire married at Lancham om April 20th, 1536, and have lived ay the same cottage for more than sixty- five years, They have seventy-three des cendants. i ---- It cools the blood, Saline Laxative, "red cross brand.' Sold only at Gib- son's Red Cross drug some, Take no other. ; It is said that sha | ments to the truth, ing to betome a | a handsome residence erected on 1] TRUTH A Criminal Whe Had This Peculiarhy. WAS A BAD THIEF One OF THE E MOST CURIOUS POLICE MET. was given, whereupon the men drovped; their Jeis urely manner and soon had passed He Stared Life Under Very Favorable Auspices -- When He learned That a Beautiful Girl Had Deceived Him He Went .0 .he Bad, But 'Retain- ed His Truthfulness. May 23. -Among the many types of eriminals perhaps one of the strangest and most interesting is Frank Russell, better known as "Truthiul Frank," who bas just been sentenced 'at Clerkenwell sessions to two years penal servitude as a rail way thief, The name "Truthful ¥rank™ was giveh to Russell by the police themselves, because through © his long career 4 crime, when once fairly caught, he has always, as a sort of religion, strictly confined his state. Timo after time the police have tested in every detail the truth of his confessions and found then borne out in every particular. These confessions, it must be un- derstood, were not voluntary, but if he was asked any questions relating to the particular crime for which he London, and most promising auspices and re ceived an excellent educatio one of the hospitals quainted with formed a he beeame ae: a beautiful girl, and strong attachment "for her. When he discovered that she had deceived him and that her' parents were hy no means of the character that she had represented them to pos- he disappeared from the city and was not heard again, until more than a year later, when he was first con oes, victed of horse stealing. Since then he has continued his career of crime, confining himself especially to horse dtealing and railway thefts, GANANOQUE NEWS. Biast Blew a Hole in Journal Office Wall. Gananoque, May 23. The Wanderers defeated the Wharf Rats at baseball by 7 to 1. William Knight umpired. The Bachelors were defeated by the Crescents by 6 to 2. With the pressure' on the water mains for test, yesterday, the result was very satisfactory, no breakages appearing. Lust evening the local fire brigade was out for practice, and did good work, throwing a solid colunn of water well up to the peak of the spire of Grace church, George Whitmarsh had a pleasure party out in his launch, the Laura 3., last evening. By a blast, yesterday, in making connections for water and sewerage, in front of the Journal office, a bad break was caused in the freunt' wall; the damage done will cost about $100, Mrs. Toole, Garden street, 'is having the King and William Willitum Hazel, 'Sydenham street, entertained a number of fri nds last evening, in honor of her cousin, Miss Maggie Cronk, of Deseronto. south of stroels, Mrs corner LAWYER A COUNTERFEITER. -- Profession Did Not Yield Suifici- ent for Requirements. Indianapolis, Ind., fay 23.--William B. Schwartz, a member of the local bar, was arrested by federal officers on) a charge ; of counterfeiting. Schwartz confessed to the officers and surrendered the dies he used in making the spuriouk coins. His law practice, he said, did not yield a sufficient in- come for the support of his sick wife. -- Cat Rescues Kittens At Fire. Hartford City, Ind., May 23.--~During the fire in the Tyner block, here, there was an unusual exhibition of feline in stinet, While the Natach and smoke filled the room a cat, which had _a family of four in the rédr of the store, made use oF the firc-escape in rescuing her fam: ily. She carried two kittens across countors and shelves to reach a win- dow. Here she left them and went al- ter the other two. The nmwther eat was dfendhed on her return trip, but safe ly carried the third: to the landing. The firemen, no- ticing her efigris, rescued the fourth. ern Ee One- Logged Bride Wanted. | Bristol, May 23. The following ad- ver ent appears in a Bristol pa- per: "Widower, living retired; without incumbrance, would like to correspond with lady about forty, with small means, with one leg preforred, with. a a nesses of Wall. Newport, irial on the charge of poat-office at brick walls with a and escaped from the Jail, vesterday, in broad dayl few minutes after crawled oat of window immediately out of sight in the woods on t skirts of the town. had been laid hy the heels, nothi Sharks' Flos, and Hirdle-Nest | would indies hie to Jooparde theo ] Wl Tle! than Soup. putation which he had gained, of nev-| . °° 3 v "ohio : silk dress made upworthy fa- London, May 23. Smart . London er having told a lie, The police, in ines HNMR SEW na BRUCK, brics. We of hotels catering td wealthy gourmets | &iving him his title hold him as one Hd Te Fer I pride in the Black we sell are supplying rare dishes at rave pric- | © the most curious of the many curi- | conflagration in Sun Francisco. He aw re Tuftlew fins at five shillings, | ows human doowments: which have | in charte of the saumd whiel saved he use we are sure om ac re sharks' fins at ten shillings, a cut passed through their hands. City Drom tl tue on BY Jcwing an h 6 "bett: n Frank Russell is not the yeal name | the burning district, thus remo ywhere can you er from a young kangaroo ten tg fifteen ¢ it no' he ye am 2 t, thus removing, the shillings, and Chinese -bird's-nest soup a -Jhis_exueordiuy Friel. His dancer of a further. spreading of the grades at more: moderate prices. t five shillings date are among the | I 0. IR at of a well-known ly rentieane | * 7 | South of England family, which is HAIR EMBROIDERY Some of the wanted kinds -- Quail do Rothschild is 5 choice dish. held n the highest esteem, a name : f Ite ingredients are quails stuffed with which Frank "Russell has always had Children's. Locks to Be Used to "BONNETS" ERE-- ortolan, pate de fois gras, truffles and the good feeling and consideration of Beautify Al Cloth wesssseaiey. $100 to $1.65 other delicacies. A dish for eight per- ] DEVE assuming. or actually himself heh mtsly tar Cloth. a sons can be obtained for about 340 disclosing: Interwoven witht hig early | Children's hair will be used to em- ' BONNETS" PEAU DE SOIE- "Truite aw blean'"' ic another x. life is an unhappy . romance, which, broider an altar cloth which Migs EN beaiis Tho. to $1.50 quisite morsel, It is essential if the though common enough. in ordinary | Shefield, the well-known embroiderer last extremity of flavor is to be s- life, would seem to account much for | of ecclesinstical work, has been com- cured that the tront for this dish he fhe ward Jatha of this undoubted. miskicied 0 oT £ which will > oiling water, The . hest | 'v clever crinunal, . wh ENC FETA ft sid 3 --. ling et can . be He started life under the brightest be used, has been cut from the heads FRE Hn | CHIRON a i of four little rls, Roman Ci 'thot Mulidnite "the cloth w having sent a flaming heart, It is to of which NIAGARA FALLS. Congress to Meet Chicago Canal. Washington, May 23.---The committee 'on rivers and harbo agreed to an amendment to for the preservation of Niagar calculated to the Chicago drainage amendibent establishes the that the United States govern tary or domestic in states, purposes, left Paris, Norway, where he duct to Danes Island, of the Wellman polar Eighteen joiners will last ewening, vass shed in tablet form you Best's. tion of a first-class Hotel, eral business, Comumencing May 27th, view to an early. marriage. SING WHILE THEY FLEE. Make Hole Through. fo Thick- Vi; May 28.--Singing and shouting boisteremsly to cover up the noise of their operations, thees feder al prisoners, John Jenk Joseph Me Donald and William Irving, awaiting robbing the Norton's Mills, 2st, hroke through four thicknesses of Orleans county the prisoners. had their cell they were soon dalintering down the main street, An alarm the children of a lio lady 'who has given corners four angels in adoration. embroider the heads these angels that the hair--the colors range from the davkest au- - so burn to-the palest gold--will be used, 'Demands of meet the demands canal. principle serves. the right to be the sole judge / in dealing with other nations as to The Leading Usdertabeor the amount of water that may be taken from the great lakes, for sani 'Phone 577. 923 Princess St. HERSEY IN COMMAND Of First Party of Wellman Expedition. Paris, May 23. Major H. B. for Tromosoe, will meet and con- the first party expedition. accompany him, to pul together the timber and can which the dirigible bal loon will be housed. Mr. Weliman is Prices--25¢., 38¢. expediting the ,construction of the | Seats now on balloon work in order to be able to leave Paris as early as possible Victoria. Dey. Me Mey 24 i ;Matinee 2.30. If you prefer to take medicine in ane Trae ot, an ani Greatest Foriesoun can now obtain Dr. Shoop's Restorative Tablets. Absolute ly no change has been made in the > medicinal ingredients. Sold by all Mails roy Gir ap. 30 [ptliefe, druggists. N : Latest Music. "Foot Ezy," a quick relief for hot] Big Vaudevile Acts--8 burning perspiring feet, We. a box at Bovuiar Prices Burlesques-2 BOARD OF TRADE. CA MEETING OF THE BOARD OF Friday and Sufurdsy, May 2 May 25.98 Trade fl be held in the Counell Chamber, on Friday, May 20th, at 8 o'clock pan. BUSINESS To consider the By-Law referring to the Extension of the Olt Lighting Plant Whe Tw AND FIRE To consider the question on the erce- and for gen- Pvery meanher is requested fo be pre % wen ! : . Most J.B. CUNNINGHAM, city AE > Secretary. - Sensazl a io Kingston, May 28rd, 1906. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam Wout Company, Limited STR.NORTH KING 7000 Istands--Rochester steamer will leave. Ki on, on . Sundays . 10.15 men atin. for Thousand Ishud olnta. a5 { yon money on men's hats. ture wi feave 5 Pg p.m. for pehester, N.Y. wv uitte, ¢ Daily service Y one Monn. iM June "Bibby 8" To-Night- 23nd. et Our ng of the ell styles . soft hats STR ALETHA [io some mn he ous 82 Tino: Leaves daily except Sunddy at 3 pan.. H. . Bibby 'Co for .Pictan sand intermediate , Bay of Ports. ¥ Por full informmtion apply to EB. B. Horsey, General Mamoager, Kingston: J. F. Hanley, Ticket Agent; Jas. Swift & Co., Freight Agents. ' April weight, ight. A he out Black, indispensable black, is always in demand, but when' one wants black silks, they are usually very careful to see that the quality is is of the best, for nothing i repre] at the | BRITISH POPLINETTE- (Specie BE) arisen strat smisinsines 800 of | PALETTE MESSAL INE wie THe. to $1.00 EAST DYE INDIA SILKS--- ¢ nena 800, to JSEA0 Nowe of fashions weaves are absent. Call and see them. the bill "5ISTEACY'S « i . | ROBT. J. REID, house rs has ment re various roarf TONIGHT A Voleanic Eruption of Laughter Micro Annual Tour MINSTRELS. 40 Celohra 10 Big Nou, ota. 20 Swoeet-Voiced S$ oral Coprt. Beautiful Scewie cal Hersey eo Original New London Gediety Girls yening 25¢., 88e., Babiain Children, 18¢. An Seats on ae Moving PICTURES mee Two Dollars. Will not buy the best' derby in store, but it will buy the best tat that price to be found in Kingston Camphell Bros., the store that saves.

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