Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 May 1906, p. 8

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lands were deed to the Chippewss by the British government in' 1523. Later, when the new boundary line was run hetween Canada and the United States the islands were transferred to the United States, but the latter' country was not notified of the Indians vested fights. Chief nds wilt fides the | claim for the value of is CR the "hands the Col. White, ex-M.P., Py Presesited to the British or United States covernment, ~The Canadian Westinghouse company of Hamilton, is to equip "the new Windwor, Kssex 'and Lake Shore road, from Windsor to Chatham via Eseex, Kingsville, Leamington and Tilbury, completed the route will be ond rE aims Bominton for thiy the word v ho gsi for thre, ve on un average £10 Britis Lotton Orowing associa- C will L between $500,000 and DOG w of cotton from i warnibus for the week We 1,271,000; Lhe, your, "SOL o0 ; The acre. a that it has ail the new mortgs o ul LOOO sh tion. t On omuisdhen leg ote on King and Queen extensions. iE ay Coun! and Coke to. parliament for operate a line t near Morrisey. Nest Pass to Herast a W cars Fa roils st Junction, to construct pipe © WARNING TO BOYS. Unlawful to Set Of Fire Crackers on the Streets. 4 Thid a the time of the year when firecrackers and other: dangerous fire ant fireworks are' set off. Of late J some very dangerous forms of have been manufactured, and "should pot be allowed on sale. sn dealers will refuse to have them their stores, for they are dghigetous ife limb. Some time when a Yo Jie amd Lot occurs, She wriduice opur h goroner 8 jury wi . To Be or stores in which the dangerous fireballs were purchased, "For the benefit of the police, it might be said that he city bylaw in thus : on pe all set or let off shuibs v rackers in any street or public in the city." A limited amonnt 'latitude is very well, but when we will throw fire crackers in peo- es faces ahd squiks and 'snakes "umder ladies' feet Pstrict measircs i 5 © Saturday Market Prices. LA bright Warm morning developed a sized market, the attendance « in butter market being especially . The ruling prices for eggs was nd 16e, a dozen; butter, 200, a to 2e. a lb.; fowl, scarce at $1 and 'S125 a Moat prices were : Heel, Ge. and Tei; mutton, Yc. and 10e,; . 0c, dnd lps spring lamb, poke Board Of Trade Secretary. J. E. Cinningham has been appoint 'by the execitive cotnmitiee as sec- of the hodrd of trade for the ingham was, until lately, Bier oh he en] fay 2 . He is a son of the late to $1.50 a quarter. + if oo Ottawa, May 18.-<Reference of J of the house, 4 not of 'the Test on the gonitinent. The con: f struction of the roadbed and tracks hy the Kevatone Constricticn coms pany of Philadelphia is being watohed hy electrical railway experts all vee the dominion. : Killed Instantly. : Petersburg, Ont. May 19.--While a barn mising was in progress on the farm -of Nelson Shantz, one mile eas( of Pétorsburg, yesterday afternoon, a picce of timber slipped dnd fell to the ground, striking Henry Krueper on the head, killing him instantly, and slightly injuring another man. Mr, Krueger was ahout thirty-five years of ate and leaves a widow and five chil. dren, A -------------- '{ COMMISSION ON CHARGES, . --i---- Opposition Not Satisfied With Premier's Motion. the to. a special «committeq totlay, was the oecea- lon for an animated debirte, in which the liberal members boldly accused Arctie charges their ¢ nts of eomine down 'some- what from "theif High altitude, of a Tew days Tome of the refapchos, as proviously stated by- the premior, covered 'only the purchase of supilios for the steamer Arctic, but Mr. Hor- den presetited an 'amendment, calling for a general roving invertirutioh of the. marine departient trans " since June 30th, 1902. Sir. Willi Laurier and other liberals denomeed the opposition for their frothy state ments and charges which they were prepared to soeeify when tho ime came. Sir Willeid referred focl- ingly to the attempts to refleot on the reputation of the tate Mr. Prefontaine was not here | to defend Kimself, and Mr. Brodeur, his successor, warm- ly condemned Mr. Borden for his fail- ure to specify his charges and pledge seat for their proof. Tn the end the amendment was defeated By fortv4wo, and the resolution carried wnanimous- Iv, though the opposition suppokiel it only on second thought, BERKMAN RELEASED. Man Who Made Attempt to Kill Frick. Pittsburg, May 19. Alexander Bork- man, who made an atten on the life. of Henry Clay Frick during the reat steel strike at Homestead in 892 'was released from prison vester- day. {His sentence prah dient) tive t years, but by good behaviour had been reduced to fourteen years. Pe puty Superintendent Johnson, of the Alleghany police department and three Pittsburg detectives met Berk- man upon his release and notified him to leave the city at once, Ho said he would start for St. Louis this afternoon. In an interview Berkman said : "I want to deny the wtory that I am to become a leader of the anar- chists in this country. 1 shall try to mako an honest living, and I have no doubt that T can do so." Berkme is mow a highly educated man, and learned to speak French, German and English fluently while in prison. He, also speaks his native language, Russian. PRINCE SENT TO BACK DOOR. Son of King Edward Obeys Com- mand. 19.--Prince Christian paid a visit the other day to Prin- cess Christian's Holiday Home for Crippled Boys at Bishopsgate, on the borders of Windsor Great park. He knocked. at 'the front door, when a small London boy put his head round te corner of the building and ex: claimed, "1 say, master, | think you 'had better go round to the back." Prince Christian took the boy's ad- vice, and went round to the back door, where he war admitted to the home, His royal highess told the as. tonished matron what had occurred and greatly enjoyed the story. THE POPE STRICKEN LWith Heart Failure Must Take London, May Complete Rest. Rome, Ma 19.--~The pope was stricken with a sudden attack of heart failure, this morning, and Dr. Lapponi, the physican to the vatican, was pmmoned. The physician ad- i restoratives, after which the pope revived. Dr. Iapponi has ordered that his holiness must take a complete rest. The pontifi's condition tournge some uneasiness. |. If you want drugs, chemicals, patent medicines or a, prescription filled, 'phone 230 (ti the Red Cross drug store) and we will deliver them in< stantly. The Perth toll road arbitrators will by T seven tons of dynamite i Share while not alarming, is causing his ens | not meet until the 3st. ; lawn grass seed makes beau: | n maga- #ine 'the loss to the company will be $1,500 to $1,800. ; "We have no details," said Presi- dent Smith, "beyond what is found in the morn papers. 1 can only ac- cotnt for t axplorion by. Wish fires, lightning or tramps. We a good man in E harge " ; Secretary C. Macpherson said that he was told that the telegraph wires were down so that it would seem as if a storm had prevailed in the dis. trict. "Montreal adviges ws that it is bulletined there that no lives were lost. 1 am glad "of that. We sold considerable explosives in the dis- trict and a vear ago established an agency, The zine was a mile from town, tho in three months a great change is thought to have occurred and buildings have hem rushed up in all directions, The cause of tha explosion has not heen ascer- "tained," Ly x Cobalt is thd centre of Canada's newly developed silver mining dis- trict. Tt is south of Hudson Bay and about 500 miles north of Kingston. A year ago the town was a settle ment consisting of a few tents and huts. Within * the last year hundreds of frame and log houses were built and the town expanded with 'rapidity chargeteristic of mining towns mn a new and rich field. There were about twenty storés in (he town beside the Hudson Bay company's trading post. Abowt twenty mines in fhe district ate now in operation. Some are own- ed by Buffalo people, some by New York capitalists, but more by Cana- dians. oe field, as far as defined, is about three miles square with the very richest mines within a' radivg of two miles of the town. ---- News From The Town. Cobalt, May 18--A terrible explo- sion took place at four o'clock to- day. A large powder-house, filled with sevin and a half tons of dynamite, near the north end of (he town, was ignited by a fire, which began in a shack 4 few yards away. The explo. sion wrecked a seore of houses, and destroyed nearly covery pane of glass in the town. The contents of many stores were hurled from their shelves, and a great deal of valuable property was destroyed. A number of people were hurt by flying rocks, falling tim- ber and cut by glass, and * many are prostrated from the nervous shock. No person was seriously hurt, as they were warned hy the authorities in time to flee, = Splendid work was done by Policeman MacKav and Li- eense Inspector Blackwell in the work of rescue and fighting the lames. Ab- out fifty houses in the French section were burned, but the fire bas heen got- ten under control. Another Powder Mill Gone. Kenosha, Wis, May 19.--Five mills of the Laflan-Rand Powder company. located six miles west of here, blew up this morning. The earth was rockel as though from seizaic origin. The loss of property is heavy. It is said there was no loss of life, ------ie GREAT DAMAGE Through Tervible Forest Fires in Michigan. Milwaukee, Wis., May 19.-- Advices receiv from Northern Michigan, in- dicate that the worst forest fire since Philips wae destroyed in 1894, is now raging in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The latest advices are that a tract of thirty miles square, includ- ing the northern half of Menominee county, the eastern portion of Dick inson county, and the western portion of Delta county have been devastated, Six villages are reported to have been wiped out, and the loss of life is be- lieved to have been heavy. Efforts made to secure the details of the con. flagration' have proved almost un- availing, inasmuch as all the tele graph and telephone communication within the fire-swept district has bee destroyed, Escanaba, Delta countv, which telegraphed the first news of the fire, has been isolated. Iron Movmtain, the centre of the great Menominee range, in the irom district, the county seat of Dickinson county, has been eut- off from the outside world. A despateh from Marinette announc- os that the town of Quinnesee, the headquarters of the hig paper mill, and the location of the most famous Tron Mine, is in flames. Ouinneseo is only five miles from Iron Mountain. So---------- The Town Of Webbwood. Toronto, May 19.-By proclamation a part of the township of Hallam, in the Algoma district, including the sent village of Webbhwood, has been incorporated as the town of Webl wood, Purchased "Hilleroft." W, T. Minnes has purchased from Rev. T. J. Glover, the beautiful resi- dence on Union street west, known as "Hilleroft," and will remove there with his family during the summer. Case To Be Appealed. Rochester, N.Y, May 19.--Dr. Crap: sey has confined the impression that, he will appeal his case. | ------------ is Blatd's Tonic Tablets (chocolate copted) quickly make new blood and bring the healthy Hush to the fage, 6, 8 box at Best's, The Empire day proceedings will have to bv held in the armouries as Grant Hall cannot accommodate the children apd their friends. you desire a perfect fitting corset examine our large assortment, ordered or ready-made, New York Dress Re- form. 5 Belginm gives the members of hee lower house of parliament £160 a year and free railway tickets, "MeConkey's high elass candy. In sealed packages, at Gibson's Red Cross drug stpre. 7 a SATU RDAY, MAY 19; es JIN BRIEF FORM. Matters' That 'Interest' Everybody --~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The increase in rates of the Royal Arcanum has been upheld by the ris. "Oh S88. Numidian reached Ulasgow 'to-day; SR "Ionian sailed from Mo- ville on . Mrs. Edward O'Connor, an aged Montreal lady, who was knocked down by a cab about a week ago, Grom her injuries, . W. T, R. Preston, before the agri- cultural committee at Ottawa, refused to disclose the names of the directors of the North Atlantic Trading com- Pi Géprge E. Foster, M.P., has resigned as vice-president and man- ager of the Union Trust company, and it is said Dr. Oronhyatekha and John A. McGillivray will retire from the board. si The Simplon tunnel was inaugura- ted by King Victor Emmanual, to- day. The royal train passed through the twelve miles of tunnel, drawn by a steam engine, the clectric motors not being ready. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Moth tar bags 40c. at Best's. Sick room comforts of all kinds. Chown's Drig Store. Over twenty kinds of pretty collars to choose from, New York Prgss Re form. Fresh seidlitz at Gibson's Red Prompt delivery. Jobin Orr states that he is hot now a member of the organ committee of Cooke's church, as he resigned on: Wed- nesday evening, "Best" chocolates--they are the best after all, 80¢. 1h. at Best's, *. H. Moxley, of Kingston, passed with honott the examinations of the College of Pharmacy, Toronto. 0. E. Parber, Gananoqghe, passed. D. J. Dingman, inspector of Inland reventie, and Mrs. Dingman, went to Picton, this week, owing to the death of the latter's aunt, Miss Wemp. Mr. and Mrs. Dougall Dingman have returned from Florida after spending the winter there, and will open the summer résoft at Glen Island shortly. John O'Brien and Samuel Snider, two of this morning's police court of: fendars were taken to jail, this after noon, being unable to pay their fines. Buy "Rubifoam' for the teeth at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Prompt delivery. No, 3 field ambulance unit will par- ade at the armouries every Monday evening at eight o'clock. Those de- sirons of joining for the Cobourg camp will apply to Lieut Col. RB. H. Abbott, or at the armouries Monday evening. powders in tin boxes Cross -------------- THE PREMIER FAVORABLE To Women Having the Right of Franchise. London, May 19. Escorted members of parliament, nearly 400 women sufiragists, representing or ganizations from all parts of the coun try," interviewed Premier Campbell Bannerman, today, and Presented their claims that women be allowed to vote. The gathering included wo men of title, side by side with factory employees. The premier said he sym: pathized with the object of the depu- tation, but asked his visitors to be patient until the government heeame more united in favor of the extension of the franchise to women. Personal ly he belived that women woke as well qualified as, and, perhaps, better than men to exercise--their right to vote. by forty DO NOT WANT OUTSIDERS. Objections . to Having Grounds : Disturbed. Ottawa, May 19.--An order-in-coun cil has been passed transferring to the Grand Trunk Pacific all 'the mining rights in lands required for the right of way of the western division and for stations, station 'grounds, workshops, buildings, yards, tte. The alleged reas- on for this extraordinary concession is that the company does not desire to he embarrassid when constructing their railway ny other parties being permitted to acquire minine rights under the lands which the company may desire, Is He A Deserter ? ' Pay Sergeant Né#ebhy of "A" bat- tery, was tried by court-martial this morning on the charges of desertion and loss of kit. The court consisted of Major Grant, Lieut. Roy, of the R.C., H.A., and Capt. Reid, of the P.A.S.C. Lieut. Jamieson acted as prosecutor. The prisoner defended himself in an able manner. He cleared himseli of the kit charge by producing a receipt from the master of stores, He contended that he was not a deserter, but simp- ly a long absenteé, inasmuch as he went away in his uniform and returmn- od in it, A soldier, it seems, is not a deserter "unless he discards his uni- form. This point has not been raised here before, and the court will have to carefully look into military law before giving a decision. rn Died At Toronto. Toronto, May 19.--James Dufiy, an old railway man, died at his resi dince, here, to-day, al the advanced age of cighty years. He was for many years baggage master on the G.T.R., but for the last six or seven years had been in charge of the parcel room at the Union station. Stuttering children have lately le. come aluruingts numerous in Ger- many. The publie schools contam 000 of them. The increase in the num: her is largely due to mimicry. In thé national Italian lottery a German tradér living at Naples cently drew g prize of $60,000. at Gib) i {iful lawns, 20¢. Ib., at Chown's. cards of Kingston, ne view To Sobors. at Wade's, . ' Any 4 10c. cigars for 25. to-day at the Red Cross drug store. "Phone 230. pra A died drug store, berless cellent in the range © very TO GRANT ANNESTY, - ---- But to What Extent is Not An- London, respondent, at St. Vetersburg, cables that he is that the e he cannot say whether sovereign will place any limits to his rerogative. ow already potilied the academic that widest discretion. in applying aumoaty to all students expelled though councils offences. Must Take Rest. . London, prints a Rome despatch saying the pope was suddenly attackel acute gout, Thursday night, and his physician has ordered him to take absolute rest, is . { "We Mean It." We are here to say that we have the best $2 hats in town. Every man who has seen the line agrees with us, The H. D. Bibby Co. After shaving use Fancy Wash From Stewart, Howe & May Co, of New York and Toronto, we received the balance of the Spring Wash Collar assortments--75 which includes about three dozen fancy lace stocks also. So for Monday we'll have :-- £00 Fancy Wash Collars, in truly num- dozen 25¢., or cach mnie Holiday Week in all, different styles, all of an ex- quality--well made and finish- ed, which would regularly be sold at from 25 to 10c, each; after 9 o'clock morning, vour choice, 3 for These collars will be shown in our. window to-night and up to 9 o'clock Monday morning, No 'phone orders. ----itiee--e JOHN LAIDLAW & SON New Arrivals in Fine Lace Curtains You Should Se On Monday i -- This week we have opetied wp and placed into stock some lovely designs in Nottingham Lace Curtains, which (being purchased like all the rest of our Curtains this year--direct from the makers) next Monday will be on sale at prices which will make you wonder. good qualities and pretty designs can be sold for so little money, you'll hardly understand. here's the secret--the prolits of at least one middleman, (and probably more) are entirely eliminated for, and saved by YOU. To attemp a description would be in vain, -- just COME and see--but we'll give the price In Nottingham Lace Curtains, per pair, 25, 35, 49, 65, 75. 90, 1.00, 1.15, 1.25, 1.45, 1.50, 1.69, 1.75, 1.85, 1.95, 2.00, 225, 250, 2.75, 2.90, 299 and up to 3.50, with two popular picjink at 1.49 and 1.99. And in beautiful Skiss Net Curtains, 2.75. 3.75. 3.99, 4.25, 4.50, 4.75, 4.99, 5.99, 6.75.-750 ~~ JOHN LAIDLAW of Wi ------eee Zl JOAN LAIDLAW & SON -- MEN'S SUMMER HOSIERY If this past week hasn't made very urgent need for lighter apparent the hosi ry, we'll miss onr course, we've been ready and 'with one of the most pleasing stocks in the. city for just this kind Novelties From One Entire Factory same time that a factory will not sell now-a-days to but one retail houge in any town or city, don't you see at once the broad-mindel sense there would be in coming here to at least examine our assortment and greatest showing would fot suffer in the least by such examination --and will welcome you, White Waists, fine lawn, front' of two rows of spot lace insertion with em- rows of fine tucks; back--two clus- in yoke; new clhow sleeves, lac ters of tucks; deep tucked and trimmed; (ime lace sar; * oper hemstitched cuffs and collar. back. Not our. | : Monday dach .... ci ser . but one of them. Monday, . (Exactly as illustration.) cach... . wide wide hemstitehed tucks to" bust; hem- stitched tucked back; déep buttoned wide jnsertion, tL vest; late cufis with hemstitched fall Jes 2 all : | 49 . lace headings. toned cuffs; nea I §. i . mallings. Bork. Monday, vac guess, Will Bring Two for the Women The first day of o our great national ho: week will offer ngston women ody Come early to the store two splendid opportuni to save money on good necessyr iy Apart from this extra-sav ng of ts will be al the usual attraction to re there big value for little money-- which he " is greatly increased for the coming -- ink the arrival of all the late, spring shi with You should ind delight in what gh as well as these specials -. Summer Wash Materials "Tis to our favorite manuf Waists and Children's Wear vou owe thanks for this special. Alter his ments had been made up pieces of choice désigns left. sold them in Toronto or Mont greater advantage possibly, but sacrificed just a little to throw t} 2000 vards, English Madras Wash Goods, in neat and new summer, of | fects, 32 inches wide, of a good qual ity, regularly sold at 12ic., tomo row after 9.30, per yard | ) acturer of Shirt ? freat . pring gar. ne had severa| He could have real storey to he didn't--hy em our way, 06 Several pieces will be in our window _ fram 8 to 9.30 Monday Morning. 'No 'phone orders, JOHN LAIDLAW & SON - 09 How such But & SON ------------ vw JOHN LAIDLAW & SON When you consider well the above statement, knowing at the summer waists 7 We think our reputation for having the finest Here are just four specials : White Waists, finest sheer lawn, with beautiful ? with dainty Bwiss er roidery insertion between, and four hite Waists, fine lawn, centrepiece insertion and lace beadin White Waists,. fine surplice style; LAIDLAW & SON Embroideries There's a generous W ite. JOHN Of waiting novel desig every piece insertions this Of course, 1 over more than long way of wea- before. tr Gall, ther. We have: to go for-such--aw from: the Min's Black Cashmere Sox, of just Switzerland pur w : we in the weight men like for summer three oremdet ma elon | satis wear, all sizes in different qualities sured or a 4 further pa at from 20 to 50c. per pair; faction, arid il froin Je 10 with one' exceptionally - good 25 i Eg special, per pair, only ...... * JR} a vare. en) ee -- nounced. May 19.--The Times' cor- able to state positively mperor will grant amnesty the The minister of eduea- they will have the for politic; Mail that with that May 19.---~The Daily Gibson's Witch. Hazel cream. Large bottles 356 - ° § We have White Canvas Button High Shoes for t . Low Te Shoe oe Nothing looks better for summer than ¢ool shoes. 3 A THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE § The Shoe for Summer Months-- The Cool, Comfortable ite Ganvas Oxford We have the White Canvas Pump at A very nice White Canvas Ribbon Tie-at .. Also a similar Shoe at .......ieciieniinne wei he little tots and the Pp 8S ~Weisell the best Steamer Trunks in town. From $4 ,- \ nl I I tic: Portable i A Light Pa Operated When Chairman and means commit! representatives rece favorable report wu ing the tax from he made a brief g the value of that y the industrial fic household. In Germany, sa bulk of the den used for light, fue lighting, German lamp with a mant strong, steady and twice as long to consumed as keros have also adopted the use of alcohol It is estimated the actual cost of less than twelve © he assertatiat per cont, more po Germany, Fran Russia and other empt alcohol emy purnoses from ta States has waken the sreat value a of this commodity Indeed, . Germar drivin 10 remove yield petroleum t and the industrie and powerful fu products from wh ed with the preat e---- You Melanc Can't even slee night-"hrooding all the time. The brain, but in th and innutritious now and you'll } take Ferrozone: you eat into now lv, blood eontai oxygen is form flesh, musele, ne + cures very Jonger, feel brigh ancholy if you cents buys Sh b {Hifty chocolate box) at all deal

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