Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 May 1906, p. 6

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THE DAILY WHIG The Cobourg are putting forth all their 'ors to make yis- ting regiments to camp in June as comlor h Jhave issued a 4] of which have been received lly, offering to furnish their brother officers with all informa supplies. which they will have attended to if lists of are sent in. Thoge in charge of military camps at Kingston and else where might take g lesson from this. I Cobourg is a rural town, its citi n licers know how to look af(er the wants of strangers. There is a likelihood that Mont real will have two United States. re- giments of volunicers cn a visit. Ar rangements have already heen made for the Sth Reviment of Massachusetts to visit Ottawa, and it is likely that another battalion from the same city not yet Known whether cnough of the 1th P.W.0. Rifles ad to fois no compdn 'composite city regiment to | at Cobourg for four of Kingetch, 5th Peterbore gre to each y two Compan Vor be made to have Toneeapnted Enough officers | .. Col. Gordon would 14th band to Atuompahy the | POs iment to camp. but it is Oo Tiel that its members could |: cawaySat that time. The camp wou be from'June 20th to : by ds COL. W. D. GORDON, Officer Commanding Fastern Ontario Command, Kingston. ---------------------------- £ . 4 Vey 3 It is fully expected that the RC. HLA will go to camp at Petewawa by Jroute ni . 'Last year the camp was nour the railway' track. This year it ) 1 (Fin ddid out two miles from Petewawa, | to come into this country. and "the hifup the barks of «the "Ottawa river, | regiments go to Ottawa, they will . and nedr & sumer resort. "The spot | "Flalnly "pay Mounlreal a vikil alco," 'is reported to be u delightful one, and | said Major Oakes, of the 5th Massa: or | the men of the batteries will likely be | chusetis, 'mitich 'tore satisfied than they were i =e [last year. The camp: ovens have been | It is said that the Queen's Own Rifles "gotten into * by the advance | of Toronto get new uniforms a'most B ty from ton, and are the | every year. 'The 14th have wo get Auth #8 those on & battlefield. Capt. | along with ancient ones, though just will accompany them. "If permission can be obtained from the authorities of the PASC, has returned | as important a city regiment as Sir , Henry Pellatt's Queen's Own. Some of the 14th officers, have recontly had to rive orders on loeal tailoring es- the 16th held at Picton, | (ablishments, so that their men might "the following committees: were struck [he properly clothed. a. for the currefit year: Band, Su " - or M . Adama, Capt. ! i Potewnwil. t is | At tho dumual meeting of the officers "the Regiment Like last vear, the military review on the morning of Vietoria' dav will be on the Barrviefield lower parade ground, once the site of many a camp. These 24th of May reviews were for years: held on the. exhibition grounds, . but. Col. Gordon prefers that they should take place on the -------------- RING In Silks, ground : the bridge where the were, TN Gadi ago. : | It is notified that the following ap pointment has made to the stal of the Royal Military College. To by instructor of surveying : Second Lieut They | Ernest Frederick Steele Dawson, Roy: al Engineers, who. is, under paragraph 47 of the 'militia "act, ranted a tem: porary. commission in the active mili tin of Canada, with rank of Jlieuten ant. - J -- The Canada Military Cazette says that unfortunately . outing trips are becoming . the principal incentive for men © joining the militia, and it is quite any wn that corps contem- plating such trips readily fill an their ranks with men for the occasion. It is a wretehed spirit, and is on the in crease, --- It has beon decided to grant pay to men enrolled for the coming camps af ter the service rolls had been received, | at the rate of eight per company. In {the case of militia who had been pro- sent at two previous camns in sueees- sion, this would amount to $1 per | diem. It is understood that Surgeon-Major Dr. E. B. Echlin, Ottawa, 'principal medical officer of the Sth brigade, will be promoted to the rank of principal medical officer of No. 4 district. which has recently been vacated hy the rrg; motion of Lieut.-Col. Grant. Dr. Ech: lin i® an old Queen's rughy player. The annual promotion examinations of the permanent. force officers will be held at the armories, beginning Mon- day. The presidine examiners are Col Gardop, 0.C E.0.C., Kingston; 1ient.- Col. McDougall, London, and Major Eaton, of the Headquarters' staff, Ot tawa. Pte. John Ashley, of the PASC has been appointed inspector of meat for the fortress of Kingston. He was an English butcher, and served a while with the Dominion Police. He stands six feet two inches in height, and is the first military meat in spector to be appointed in Canada. Major du Plessis, of the R:C.H.A., will shortly leave for Quebec to take command of one of the garrison artil lery companies, om-June dst. He. has heen stationed in Kingston for some vears and has proved himself a most capable instructor in the Royal School of Gunnery. Yesterday, the chief architect of the militia department was here to ar- range for drainage for the new RM.C. stables. Tt is regretted that the mili- tia department did not build a riding school for the college 'instead of sta bles. The R. CHA. may have a morning street march out on Tuesday. Every hodv at the barracks has heen busy lately. and the marches hevun a month ago, had to he discontinued till a leisure spell arrived. No." company,' C.A.8.0., had nine: tv-one men in camp last year, 'but will likely have 106 at the Cobourg camp. + \ > 1 cation before going The, company leaves Kingston on June I5th to get the camp in order. Col. Wilson, of the R.C.A. has pre- sented a large framed photograph of himself to the officers' mess at Tete de Pont Barracks, and » smaller photo graph at the sergeants' mess. The R.C.H.A. is badly in need of horses, Lieut.-Col. Fages will send two sergeants out to look for suitable animals, fifteen hands and over and 1,200 pounds in weight. : ° Licut. Long, formerly of the R.C.H, A., is conducting. classes of instruc- ton for the officers and non-commis- sioned officers of the 23rd Field Dat- tery, Ottawa. A South African medal with four bars has arrived for Corporal Fee, of "A" battery. It will be publicly pre- sented, probably next week, The Royal Military: College equita- tion examinations take place on tha 20th, and the Dundonald Mounted Patrol contest on the 31st. Licut.-Col, Fages, command ng the R. C. H. A., will act ns chief stafi of- cer at the Sherbrooke camp, which op- ens on June 18th, * The P.AM.C. is up to strength, viz., eleven men. The medical officer gives ths corps an hour's instructionsevery day. During the absence in camp of P. M. 0. Duff, Surgeon Maior Kilborn will be medical officer of the ~arrison. The 5th Kingston Ficld Battery will camp at Rockliffe, Ottawa, , next month, instead of at Cobourg. Capt. Cartwright, of Nanance, ar rived to-day. to take 'a special course in the Royal Séhool of Artillery. It has been decided that the South African veterans will be mounted, in the Victoria day parade. The 14th Regifnent will have to vs, the penitentiary rifle rance for pra- tice again this year. Here From California. Professor H. R. land Stanford, Jun., University, Palo Alto, California, is in Kingston, with his wife and daughter. Professor Fair- dloush has come direct from Califor- nia. He is on his way to Kingston for a short v and will then go to Madison, W msin, to deliver two summer courses of lectures from June 20th to August 3rd, one of 4 public character on Roman , literature, the other to the graduates in the semin- ary course on Virgil. He will then re- turn to Ontario for a few weeks' va- back to Califor- nia. The Best $2 Derbys. In Kingston are at Campbell Bros'., th: style centre for men's hats, Seventy-five cent shirts for 39c.; $1 shirts for 63c. Livingston's tonight. Henry Cunningham, tuner from Chickérings, 'at McAuley's book stora. Fairclough of Le- | AN ENGINE THRO prank TRACK AT NAPANEE The Engineer Had His Arm Scalded--Afttonded the Funeral ot tne Late D. W. Allison on Thursday. Napanee, May 19.--Skortly after twelve o'clock, yesterday, as the B. Q.R. to Deseronto was leaving, the en- gine ran off the track a short distance from the station. The engine turned completely over on its side. The en- gineer and fireman saved themselves by jumping, but not before the en- gineer had his arin scalded by escap- ing steam. The cause was a defect at the switch. The track, for "a distanee was torn up and the road blocked for a time. Fortunately mo one was seri- ously injured. The following gentlemen attended the funeral of the late I. W. Allison, Adolphustown, on Thursday afternoon, last : M, 8. Madole, Thomas Syming- ton, T. B. German, F. Burrows, J. 1. Boyes, C. M. Warner, I. $: Richard- son, D. H. Preston, James, Daly, Dr. Leonard, W. T. Gibbard, W. A. Bell- house, J. W. Robinson and Frederick Smith. Mrs. W. P. Reeve and children, Kingston, are spending a few wecks with her father, R. G. Wright. R: A. Allen, Napanee, purchased the bakery business of W. M. Cambridge, Yarker, James Garratt expects to leave Monday for Vancouver,: KG. 4 BIG ELECTRIC SIGN. 8,000 Feet of Wire Will Be Used in Immense Sign. The biggest advertisement of the Natural Food company is the beauti- ful plant in which Shredded Wheat is made and which is vieited every 'year by nearly one hundred thousand pil- grims to the Falls. To still more widcly disseminate a knowledge of the shredding process the company is crecting on the roof of the Natural Food conservatory one #f the largest clectrical signs. There are two signs; the upper one reading, "The Home of Shredded Wheat' and the lower one reading "Visitors. Weleome.®. Each letter in the two signs is six feet in hight and to illuminate all the letters fourteen hundred incandescent lamps are used. Fight thousand feet of wire is used in the electrical wiring. The distance from end to end of the sign is 260 feet and the "fop #ign will be 101 feet from the ground. "1t will re- quire thirty-five horse power to il luminate the letters : amd they can easily be read at a<distanve of one mile. At night the light will flash for miles around the idvitation to' visit the "Home of Shredded Wheat" and to inspect the process of manufactur- ing the cleanest and most wholesome cereal food, terre eesti. Summer Comfort. The en who buy their summer un- derwear here. will knew -what summer comfort is. See our 35ec., 50c., T5c. and $1. The H. D. Bibby Co. RIFICE SALE NIGHT AND MONDAY MORN SUITS AND Tweeds, Cheviots, etc. ) for 6.67, 12.50 for 8.34, 15 00 for 13.34, 25.00 for 16.67 - 2 OVER ON ITS SIDE], wren THROWN | FROM Exchange, ty Lennox and Addingten os i nunty Cong. ty counci i y co neil will eet on dupe Sih © corner stone of | church will oi. Lake Ney : on Mrs. W, H. I the. sad news Ty her brother-in-] ake, Picton ros iesday of the dat of at Jamaica, an Ab, Cadenhg Miss Edith Batty | directorship of the Picton Lote the ten for one dergy;. year from Sg next, at: 3315 per yeor, Plember 1 At Waupoos 008, on Tuesday N " after a painful illness of --_ 13th, Mrs. Henry Harrison pas: weeks, ther seventy-sixth year. sed away iy Robert 1: English, who oi Dest to some time since to go to § one Head, Sask., has taken 0 1 diay miles, from Cupar, a near { B and six Kirkella branch of the Cpa he Lie C.P.} William A. Warmer, =b Trent sold his farm to James Vy hy in, Brighton township, aca, | : for 812,00 contains fifty-three acres about i , ite ty of which js rel No h is in orchard and four jy Edward Grange, Toronto, arrived ; Napanee, on Saturday, and left a Manotoba on Wednesday, where he ni spend the next six months wy severed his connection with th and Empire. Miss Symington, Mp Napanee on Monday for Mon sail for Glasgow on the Corinth, Wednesday, ¥here she will roman x til the end of August, visiting os and the leading hospitals, E Toons : Rev. Perry Scott, evangelist, spd ng the past £1X months in Ni and vicinity, left for his home, Fan N. Dakota, on Welnesday, ncoons™ ied by his niece, ' Miss Myrtle Scot The reverend gentleman did 4 ood work during his stay in Napanee A sad accident happened on, | baseball grounds at Centreville, Monday evening last : Wagar, one of the tracers a ball and was accidentally struck | a bat while running. His » broken and his face broken and his figured. Mrs. Agnes Williams, May 13th. The dec lifelong resident of Prince Fdwan county and made her home with her son, Egerton Williams, Rose Hall, She was seventy-three leaves two children, also three Sig ters and one brother, Mise H. Mee Cartney, Picton, Mrs. Daniel Pet fine gill, Consecon," Mrs. James Davidson, Calgary, and Robert McCartney for lusa, Cal. i having 0 Ma will leave treal, ang accompans the r og Little Georgy » Was tracing 1086 Wag therwise disfigur face otherwise dis. Rose Hall, did sed had heen a years of age apd --. -- For Children. Bring the children here hats, handsome styles at prices, 15c., 2c, 250. 3 $1. Thé¢ H. D. Bibby Co, ---------- Have you pains in the back, infla mation of any kind, rheumatisn, fainting spells, indigestion or consti pation, Hollister's Rocky Moun for straw y hls We, to 00 for Tea makes you well, keeps vou wal 35 cents, Mahood's Drug Store. NG » OATS 10.00, Where OurBic Silver Ribb Brantford Made in ( Up-to-dat Whe fifth in, Backed up Canada Oyel " Makers TORONTO JUNC bay Carriage and Go Sunshine and fresh air is the baby's health. Wheel t in one of our up-to-date ¢ Carriages. Have your old one made 1 Send in your repairing ar ag this is the season for it Use our Furniture Restor 'your house cleaning a finish. JAMES REID, The BAAN FINAN - CUSTOMS BR The business of the Oliver, win be carried offics, (9 Clarence str G.A. BATE Who for the last fiv associated with » Money to Mcintyre & Mc BARRISTER ing Street : : : Bo ------ GANANOQUE NE Salvationists Raise § o Week's Self-Deni; Bhanaque, May 19.--T} SCents met in a fr half game. The sfore at Ns 1 ingsdstood : | or Salvation Army a hia bey Sabbath sch i on Wednesday ev ner, {umber attended, ------g ut. Richardson, ag gave his experience Lian, poe British navy, ton and Impregn, Rand. in his cone I yh, ad the large audi SER a resy mis, omni} Bae been alread yoo "tween *

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