Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 May 1906, p. 13

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é MENT WATER rin natural saline aperi gative. READ THE LApg DOSE. : APENTA BONATEpD ) (5 for Morning Use, S CO. Ltd, London, ee ---- & nents nce Com- gage, sales years ago, perty was . s only one gement of why the arger than ar policies be sure of than an Oxtord. Dxfords. Oxfords rds--Oxfords for Ves, we also have erybody can get 'elour Calf, Gun anvas, $2 to $4.50 wn and Canvas, ... $1.50 to $3.50 Oxfords, swell .... $3 and $3.50 Vici Kid, also $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 shoes, in Brown $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 eworks! DRIA DAY f Fireworks and De- ing of FLAGS OF ALL ED, WHITE AND BLUE N CRACKERS, ROCK- RPENTS, STAR MINES, EDOES AND TORPEDO Princess Street FOR & CADMIUM illiam St, Toronto. ' -W, n from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a m. dishes --------------}---------- TT an (Qhinese Restaurant: 331 King Street to all round an ng Soest ne "ah "Kinde nd shortest notice. English and Chinese a. from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best Place to get ax all round in the city; Meals of all kinds on rtest notice. he specialty. Phone 655, English and Chinese ------------------------------------------------ Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete. for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday .Headquarters . For Real Estate and Insurance LAE 95 Clarence St., Opp. Post Office Geo. Cliff. Specialist New Monumental Works Lettering in Cemeteries - a Specialty : : : JAS. MULLEN, 372 Princess St , Opposite Y.M C.A. » Auction ° Sales Book your . sale of Furniture at once and get choice of date. 1 conduct all the important siles and ealize the highest. prices, Phone, 665. JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer a--p------------ Try Myers' "Heme: Made" Read Choese. ~ EXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 1S HEREBY suant to R.S.0., 1807, 38. and gmending Acts, that all persons having claims aga the Estate of James Cooke, late of the City of ston, in the County of P Gentleman, who died on or dbout. the 13th day of April, 1906. are requested to send hy post prepaid er to deliver to James F.© Knapp, or Philip KE. Ward both of the said City of Kingston, the Executors of the last will and Testment of the said deceased, on or before the fist "day of June, 1906, their addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and thé nature of the security (if any) Mldby them duly certified, and that aher said day the Executors . will pro- wedito distribute the assets of the med among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of with they then have notice and that the will not be liable for the assets so dstributed or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose eluims they shall not then have notice. Dated this 5th day of May, 1906. CUNNINGHAM & LYON, Solicitors for the Fixecutors. GIVEN TUR- 20 Sec Chap. 14 ec. Frontenac, In the Surrogate Cour: of the County of Frontenac. In the Matter of the Estate of Rich- ard T. Walkem, late of the City of Kingston, Barrister-at- law, deceased. NOTICE T0 CREDITORS NOTICE 1S HEREBY fant to R.S. Ontario, 38, antl amending having claims GIVEN Chap. 129, Sec Acts that all persons Kine- ' names, PUR- " against the estate of the id Richard 1 Walkem, who died on OF about the rd day of March, 1906, on Toquired to send by post paid or to waver to Joseph B. Walkem, of said or, one of the Executors ol on or hefore the 1s Vv 1906, a statement their names and addr re of the security, if any, and that after said date of said deceased will dis of said estate : ; entitled, Ir only to the claims which they shall then have notice. Dated this 41h day of May, 1908 claims and th, held hy \ the Executrs tribute the amongst having ro, with of | "FALLING HAIR STOPPED. thereto, | -- THE SCARCITY OF REAL DRAMATISTS. Lamented By Forbes Robertson-- Shakespeare's 'As You Like It" to Be Turned Into a Comic Opera. Lulu Glaser mext season will appear in a play by George M. Cohan. "Mrs. Wiggs, of the Cabbage Patch," is to be produced in England. It will have to be Anglicized. OR "Faurr Liven Tasuers ARE Pruit-a-tives are the marvels of modern medicine. They have accomplished more actual cures--done more good to more people--than any other medicine ever introduced in Canada for the time they have been on sale, Fruit-a-tives are fruit juices. They are nature's cure for The next English comedienne for --CoNsTIPATION New York is Ada Reeve. Several --BuiousNEss managers are already on her trail, --BAD STOMACH Louis James announces that next DYSPEPSIA . season he will appear in an elaborate --HEADACHES production of '"Ihe Merry Wives of Windsor," ; The London Coliseum is an admit ted failure and will be wound up be- "IMPURE Broop =SKIN DISEASES ~KIDNEY TROUBLE . THE DAILY WHIG, [THINGS THEATRICAL a g -------------- clined to ldment the scarcity of rl dramatists," though one Verssd in theatrical matters would probably affirm that this actor manager just doesn't manage to select good pieces often. However, what he says on the matter is of some interest. "A writer may have style, power, and a fine con- ception of romance," Robertson told a recent interviewer, "vet may fail to present his story with the action 'de manded on the stage. It is there, in- deed, that the bes of them fail. Mr. Swinburne once . acknowledged to me the insuperable obstacle stage craft presented to most authors. In fact, the poet confessed to me that he had the greatest: respect for a man who could write an indifferent farce." With the roof garden and summer season nearly at hand no new pro- ductions were made during the week in New York. In fact the flat failures of three plays recently produced name- ly, "The Optimist," "Cousin Louisa" and "The District Leader" have dis- couraged embryo managers from test --RHEEUMATISM ~IRRITATED HEART Fruit-a-tives are the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes. "These juices are concentrated--and by a secret pro- cess, the juices are combined in a pe- culiar manner. This new combination is much more active medicinally than fresh juices--yet gf perfect is the mnion that Fruit-a-tives act on the system as if they were in truth a natural fruit, medicinally stronger than any other known fruit a To this combination of fruit juices, tonics and internal antiseptics are added, and the whole made into tablets, These are Fruit-a-tives--sold every- where for 50c a box or 6 boxes for $2.50. FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED * OTTAWA. TO MIS MAJESTY THE KING & SirJohn Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. CLARENC E POWELL, With the Georgia Ministrels, at th THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy fore the liabilities the million dollar mark. Rehearsals of "The Alcayde'™" begun, It opens June 17th, in Chicago with Seabrooke and kugene Cowles prominent in the cast. pass have On Monday last wilton Lackaye i of flavor, . produced his dramatization of. "Les Of highest standard of Miserables" at Waterbury. le calls Purity. it "The Law and the Man. Miss Olga Nethersole has been ask ed to give hifteen. special performances iin Paris at the Renaissance during the i Grand Prix weck and has acceded to the request. Next fall Maude Keeley debuts as a star under the management of John (Cort. She is to appear in a comedy by Martha Morton entitled "The Illusion of Beatrice." Ellis Jefirevs has sailed for London. Her tour Mas not been a great success, It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" oO "Shores Acres," as London sees it, happens in Devonshire, and Cyril Maude and his supporters will use . the Devon dialect. "The Amatenr Cracksman" in { which Kyrle Bellew has been starring with great success for the past two hg | years is to be staged during the pres : ent London season. It has been The Rich, Fragrant planned to have Mr. Bellow create this role in England also but the im patience of the Britishers cdupelled his Thig#Egers to form a separate com pany and to Gerauld Du Maurier, the Creamy Lather of BABY'S OWN SOAP Sy SE er son of the author of "I'rilby" was given the leading role. leaves the skin so white, Hegedus, who will make his Ameri smooth and sweet, that can and Canadian debut, under the management of Rudolph Aronson, every time it is used it next autumn, gave two recitals at gives renewed delight. ! Bechstein Hall, London, England, on May Sth and 14th was assisted by the Italian dramatic soprano Maria Colleredo, who, likewise, is engaged hy Mr. Aron son for an American tour. Curious as it may seem, the name "Hegedus literally translated from the Hun garian means "violinist."' Following up what has proved to he a fruitful field for the hbrettist, other famous comedy is At. the former he ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED Mrs, MONTREAL, 1-106 Signora Baldness Cured by Destroying the Tarastic Germ That Causes it. an to be fashion od WALKEM & WALKE} Jakiness follows falling hair, falling | ¢d into a comic opera. Shakespeare' Clarence street. hair © follows dandrufi, and dandrafi As You Like 1t."" has furnished the Tepe ---------------------------- ic the result of a germ diguing its | basis for the latest one. While the re NOTICE T0 CREDITORS [ way into the scalp to the root of the Jationship of the characters as ereated . . ore i s the vitality of the w Shakespeare will be preserved, the ALL CREDIT . . rn hair where it saps the vita of 3 | g having JALDTIORS AND THE of huir. To destroy that germ is to pré- | piece will have an entirely modern set Suuel Duffy ey of "the A OWah of vent ax well as cure dandruff, falling | ting Rosalind and Orlando will discard isburgh, 'Yeoman, deceased, Who died hair. and, lastly, baldness. There is | doublet and hose for ufFto-date gar eS 13th Say 13 March only one preparation known to do {wments, travel in automobiles, send . Suan > py B- ' 1. 1 # ir ire : ' f of Ontario. to send the that, Newbro's Herpicide; an entirely | wireless messages of love and live in particulars. to the under- new, scientific discovery. Wherever it | apartment hotels, lefcre the 26th day of jas heen tried it has proven wonder for Tei . which date ths ex- fully L ecdki) : it Se thes Forbes Robertson, who is going on to distribute the HUY he " atiiile: dosteors. th another lengthy tour of the United regard only to the Wis¢, becausa 1 arly destroys bt] States and Canata--heginnine jx \ he shalt then have {andeufi germ "You --destepy ithe rE any oe ! Q z in Mon- oie lh not to liable for any cone vou remove the ofieet." Sold | treal=--says he may make one new pro- dai the assets to any person whose [oUF iy . p 3 duction in the course of his travels Wi is not then in his: hands bv leading druggists. id 0c, dn a, » Dated ot K 8 ui s : fr sunbic to o Hoerpicide | but he isn't sure. Having pnt on a May, 100s Kingston, the third day of stamps for sa I G. W. Mahood, | 1ong series of failures since his hig 3h Jace. j | Co. Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, 0 Mio: anpes sin Tu g Sulit ONALD MOWAT, Clarence St., | special agent. and Men" = and "The slicitor for the Executor. Storage ! You Know That? Hiren of Kingston and vicinity de- _-- to store household goods have facilities extended to them by tllng 299 Oucen St, a goods left in best of care at a reasonable cost. Clean, Dry and Prompi Service Curringe Telephone 526 "G. FROST his charge reccive ass Vaotsg 3 Sposialy ng Tiras assssscssesss 4A. E. HEROD! ORDERED FODYWEAR MOVED T0 286 ¢ PRINCESS STREET ¢ %0en tin eight o'clock " except Saturday" - > Cook's | Seren sasessssess fwenty-four hours. i Light That Failed Robertson is in- Cotton Root Com The great Uterine Tonic, and hg effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength--No. 1, + No, 2, 10 degrees stronger, 3 No. 3, fc - #pecial cases, per box. Sold by all dru sta, or sent IE Soa on Joos ot of price: mphlet. Address: oRoRT (formerly Windsor) a "oor Mepioie Co., TORONTO, ONT. (/ The Richest Mining Camp COBAL in the World Silver Values Run as High as $10,000 per ton and Booklet are weil FREE We buy and sell shares in all companies z in the Cobalt camp. Market Letter, Map free ro one property rose from 40 cents | per share to $100.00. ! Write to-day for particulars. . WILLS @ CO, § TORONTO OR COBALT. ---- | " TT N & A teh taken to the top of Mont™. . Blane will ain thirty-six Seconds in t WHAT fAPFEN Here, on Tues " e Grand, on Wednesday, May 23rd. ! ing the public's favor. The year has | been an unusually active owe. The { plays to which the public. have most liberally responded have been conspicu | ously good plays. Farce, melodrama, the society play, have cach had a fol- Jowing and in each class there have been failures as pronounged and as prompt as the successes, 'Peter Pan," *"T'he Lion and the Mouse" and "Man and Superman"--the success of these, show that the public has been educat- ed to appreciate plays of common sense and intellectuality. Playwrights, at least some of them, have discover- od, as in the case of Mr, Klein, who has written the greatest successes of } the two last seasons, that the warm blood 'of real drama is in the life about us; that the words "American drama" mean something more than the translation to the stage of a few local experiences and characters. "The Lion and the Mouse" proved con clusively that national problems may be worked over into intensely interest- ing plays. Has Always An Answer. "ew York Tribune Winston Chureloll, the English con vert to liberalism, is making a re putation for sharp wit. His curt re tort to a woman heckler, "Madam, | will not he henpeecked," was the best thing of the recent campaign. He is now raising a moustache, A fair Indy was being taken in to dinner by the budding politician. "Mr. Church ill, said, "I like vour politics as little as I like vour moustache." 1t shodld hate been a crushing shot, but not so to Churchill the instant, likely to either," k she His reply was on "Madam, in Yon are comtact not como with Spring Importation Of 19086. Prevost, Brock street, has received two cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviots and Vieunas. His $15 suiting made to order beats anything of pre vious years. 'fe wear and fitting is guaranteed. Might As Well Sleep. A juryman went the to sleep the other dav during closing speech of one of the commsel in the ease gn an Fng lish court. The : judge had him awakenal and sternly rebuked him. "My Jord aid. the juror, "I was under the impression that 1 was corn to gi aiet according to th ident ' according to the Pay More And Get The Best. A cheap, flesh is nover sa burning com remedy factory, the best is Put Extractor, costs but a quarter, and is "guaranteed to cure thoroughly. Use only Putnam's. nam 5 Painless Corn eh ED TO JONES," day, May 22nd. SATURDAY, MAY 19, TT AT SAN FRANCISCO VIVIDLY DESCRIBED BY WRITER. People Rocked in Their Houses as' Earthquake--She Watched the Terrifying Spectacle. This letter. is to Mrs. W. Woods Cushendall, from her sister-in-law, Mrs. R. E, Connell, San Francisco : Dear Sister Hester,-- Yesterday, Er- nie and I returned ® from Portland, Ore., but het had to sail immediately for San Pedro] and just haa time to leave me at my sister's again, and then go back to the ship. 1 was glad to get home, althowgh San Francisco is a dismal place to come to now. However, the first terror has passed und left us all, 1 think wiser, and sad- der. About the carthquake, 1 should have written particulars before, hut could not collect my thourhts, nor compose my mind until now, but the trip away with Frnest has done me good after all, although 1 hated to leave here when there was so. much trouble. The carthquake happened at five a.m, Wednesday morning, April 18th. I was sound sleep, alone in our dear little flat, when the first shock came. First shake, accompanied by a rumbling, then a violent rocking back and forth so that the bed was acting as i it were a cradle, and 1 could not get out so rapid was the motion. Pictures, gas globes, dishes, ornaments, fell to the floor, chimneys crashed on - rogfs, windows broke, houses collapsed all over the city. One place in Valencia street, an hotel sank down into the stroet, the earth caved in underneath it, and the hotel went right down, 1 have since heen to the place apd saw the top of the roof below, 'what was the street level, After the first violent shock I ran to the door and called, but no answer-- everyone had rushed to the street ex- cept, my next door neighbor, who af terwards (hourht of, and screamed out of her window for me to co into her house. 1 threw pu jacket and skirt over my night-dress, and as 1 crossed the back porch, another shock came that nearly threw me down the back stairs, we were up four storeys high. From their front windows we had a fine view' of the central part of the city, and of the. principal buildines. In this short space of time, from the first shock till 1 pot into their place, say about. five minutes, or: so, the fires had broken out in a dozen places, that we could sce, and the flames were beginning to spread. The city hall stood like a huge skeleton, day- light just showing hetween the steel frame works, where solid brick walls had been: Then commenced the . fight for life and property, and the flight of the inhabitants. The water mains had broken, and no water could be got on the fires. For three days and nights they raged, and our city is now in ashes and ruins, laid low, the worst spectacle that could be seen, The burnt district covers seven square miles. Tho first conds, shock lasted twenty se followed by another of ten seconds. and all day long, and during the night and since then, while I was away, even for the two weeks, shooks have occurred, slight ones, which they say always happens 'when there has been a great carthynake, "It left wreck and ruin, homeless ones, death and destruction and terror. At night the were in darkness--what § was left of them--no gas, no electri rity, no light allowed, even if it could be procured. At first a scarcity of water, but now, thank God, there is water enough. The scenes hy day and night were awful, of people fleeing to the hills, to the parks, and the Pre sidio, where the army headquarters are, some with what they could carry on their backs, others with scarcely anv clothing on them; wen, women, children, rich and poor alike, away from the flames and the roaring of them. The dynamiting of the build ings to keep the fires from. spreading ounded like a city being bombarded by 'heavy cannons, all added to the terror and confusion. At night the scene was one of terrifing splendour, The fires raged and travelled like huge snakes winding in and out, and carry ing all in their path. houses I think I told you that after the fist few shocks 1 'walked out to my sister's, of how they were al] safe there, and how we gathered in, twen tv-two, under her roof. Two of mv brothers and one married sister wer burned out, one brother saved just what he could pack on his back. My sister, Mrs. Scott, saved jnst her bed ding. Another brother, wife and two children lost everything, could not get waggons to carry anything. The city was put under martial law, and as the fires travelled the soldiers had to drive the people on before then, as they blew up | block after block with dynamite. Such wealth, such destruc tion, such an experience ! No one dept night or day during the first of the excitement. All walked the streets that were safe or sat on the side walke, while the fires raged. At night we sat on the front steps. One night, when wo thought the flames would reach ug, we slept or rather rested on the hills, and watched the terrifying spectacle from afar, and the light brightened the night as if it were day. Martial law is still over the city, and will be so for some time, Everyone cooks on the streets, not a chimney safe, except a couple of bakeries, especially repaired for the thi " purpose. Thousands are still camped out in the park and Presidio, Lights are now permitted at night, and a few electric lights are again to he seen on the streets. A couple of electric cars are running. Everyone has been so generous, Our sister city end states, and Canadian Vancouver did nobly, but everything is needed, Think of a city of 500,000 inhabitants and supplies and clothing burnt up, nothing left, some people have not a change of clothing, and every one in the city, who wants pro- visions, clothing or any thing, must stand in line. Thousands and thou- THE FIERY FRMCELENJOYED BY if in a Cradle by the Mighty : The house at 105 we lived when we | is in ashes, and our landlady's hand 0 shock. Wo cannot find Mrs. King, 1 would like to find her and see if she in ¥rnie, and was like a mother to him, Yoor old soul 1 hope she ing it was another earthquake, I was not sea sick at all, and Ernie was de- lighted, but I felt uneasy on the wa- ter all the time. I would insist weather 1 ot me Yt was fearfully rough eross- ing the bars, but the trip up the Col umbia river, 110 miles up to Portland, | hanese ficet, whi in the way of provisions and clothing was grand. Mrs. Merriam, the wife of | employed it, even for the captain, of the SS. Kilburn, was | in completo security with me up and back. She was. doing g 7 good work on a relief committee, and gathered up many things in the line sands wait their turn for rations or clothing or whatever they need. waggon, and brought all our house- of clothing for the needy of San Fran- cisco, I hope our chastisement is over, After Ernie got home after, the first if God sent it for that purpose. Any ' i i way trouble we were fortunate in getting a- Or Hy cn: hold goods out to my sister's house, | they amount to--nothing. We are' as 1 do not want to live alone 'any more, & speck of dustin the universe, and ALL ~ Who Like a Good Cup of. Tea CEYLON TEA = The Purest and Most Delicious in the World. Sold only in sealed lead packets at 25e., 30c., 40a. 50a. and 60c. per Ih by all Grocers. Highest Award, St. Louis, 1004. Send for the "Vital Question Cosk Boek," postpaid. CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, Teronto Office, 38 Church 88. © | \ A Transmission That Saves Money IN THE,.. RUSSEL PIVCEE EE IID The "Made in Canada" Car S939 $0e Our last announcement explained the ideal fea~ tures of our Russell engine, ut the engine. is not' the whole car. The power has" to be transmitted to the wheels before the car moves. The better this is done the less wear on the car, the less gasoline you burn and the more economically you run. Note these features :-- . 1. There is not a bearing between the. ne. and the wheels that is not mounted on balls and hence friction i$ practically eliminated, Sa 2. On high speed the drive is direct, no driving. through gears, with noise and wear. ea + Xo carpio 3. There is no chain to clog up with mud or dirt, and waste power--every point of bearing is en- closed and running in lubrication, 3 :: THE RESULT :: : You don't need a 20-h.p. engine to deliver 16-h.p. at the wheels, You don't wear out parts because'of. dirt getting in bearings, With three speeds, you ale ways have your engine running at the proper speed to give the best results with least expense, 3 Does a construction like this not save money for the buyer ? ers MODEL A--12 H.P. Family Touring Car + « « MODEL B--16+18 H.P. Touring Car - - " MODEL C--24 H.P, 4-Oylinder Touring Car - - $1300 #1500 $2500 Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited General Offices and Works: Toronto Junction. oung nad oid, when the best known remedies have f ng are suffering from diseases of the generative po pi manhoud, exhausting drains, nervous of abuse this remedy con and will cure you to, The heudache, pimples, varicocele, in the failing memory, disappesr completely from one to two week's treatment, T . he of a sure of return your money. Thousands Correspondence treated sirletly confidential. Fi day's treatment sent free with a of roles foc heath, and advice, Our greatest successes have been 'who | failed with other treatments, 'I'his remedy is in the French and Germ an A A ny countries are models of strengtl le sample sent securely sealed in plain wrapper, P.O. Drawer L 2341, Montreal. the worst cases make the honest helpless little children after E £ South Park where were married first, hus« frony the § pEiel as wo read of the ones in : book hat woo | bro t th fiery furnace, ived to 80 da we hope to come Sraoh double cross, earthquake and fire, put our trust in that would lead us on in the future to His will. We have much to be Mr. King, is dead § ned of any thing as she loved & is safe, i : for, and more reason ¢ My trip to Portland, under other} ob yee ein thank # 8 circumstances would have been ) Se deliver f a rg ous lichtful, but ax it was every tine the affecti bis dea th, ! stoamer rolled 1 would start wp think- | *™ onately your sister, SADIE, A new system of out witou lias hoon. sumetect hE duri t t days, and. Rae Tsou igo the c P statement that wireless X : actuglly * in. common use in the Jas ch has for some time Telephones Without Wires, - : witha the bad and he would laugh ping," or The mventof is d "tually safeguarded all d ers of thiiasking. = MM, unura;, a Japanese. giveor, 'and 'the system ig the exclusis ang secret property of navy, we all have had 'a lesson on the and what { »

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