Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 May 1906, p. 12

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loss. rsonally et the strict in which UTIES : A settler who an entry for a home La orm therewith under one of onthe residence upon years. {or mother, if the ol aay persun who is sions w this a ? of the land APPLICATION FOR PATENT should: ad AL the end of three years, be- ul Agent. Sub-Agent or the k ing aonlications for patent ¢ give ix months' notice to Commissioner of Do- at Ottawa, of his intention 1 SYNOPSIS OF OANADIAN NORTH. WEST, MINING REGULATIONS, : Ananda be purchased at for ole. coal and $20 for more than 320 acres can one individual or com- at the rats of ton cents pounds shall be collected miner's certificate 1s advance of this for, 4 in Unauthorized publication it will not be pai land in each your | i of their t the bp og ky yi 4 ew. would ge and form like scales. At night it be cracked, inflamed, and badly swollen, with terrible burning and itch- ing. When I think of his suffering, it Béaly breaks my heart. His screams be heard down stairs. The suf- of my son made me full of misery. 1 had no ambition to work, to eat, nor could I sleep. " One doctor told me that my son's eczema was incurable and gave it up for a bad job. One evening I saw an article in the about the wonderful Cuticura decided to give it a trial. 47 T ell you that Euticua Ointment worth its weight in ; and when first box of Uintment Sete great improvement, and by had used the second set of Cuti- , Ointment, and Resolvent my, . e 18 now twelve ET i g 5 & i gs (signed) Michael Stemn- 7 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, + April 16, 1905," Z88 58 g B What Shall We Feed The Baby? While it is always admitted that mother's milk is the best food for the baby, it must be remembered that many mothers are unable to properly nurse their infants, In such cases » substitute is required--nourishment that can properly take the place of healthy breast milk. Lactated Food is the only prepared food that contains the five principal elements of mother's milk proteids, fat, carbohydrates, mineral salts and water. Lactated Food ix absolutely pure, wholesome and as digestible as the healthiest breast milk. Lactated Food containg no cane sugar or free starch; it is palatable, nutritions and soothing to the weak stomach. It pre- vents dysentry, cholera infantum and other troubles in the hot weather; it keops the baby bright, happy and strong. Ask your druggist for it. HOUSEKEEPERS ! . Antiseptic, Chemically Prepared SILVERCLOTH 25¢c to-day for special package. Address CANADA SILVER- CLOTH'CO. Toronto. Good lady agents wanted. EASY MONEY AT HOME canaries, profitable chickens. All indoors. each for singers. Experiences TTAM BIRD BOOK R iusands sod ot S00 Fah two cay ie BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, es and "CANARY va. CHICKENS how Stony with Canaries. all fo 455. sa of Sol Address COTTAM BIRD SEED, xs st. Losies, 0st TET Adeline Wilkinson, widow of the late Edward Smith, formetly with the MH. and 8. Jones firm, of Kingston, is dead, in Elizabethtown, aged eighty- one, Six children survive, STATES RESPONSE | bilation, declares confront such a terrible task as the victims; | row shad, was fifteen or twenty cents TO SAN FRANCISCO'S CRY WAS MOST NOBLE. President * Attacking the Trusta--Writer Wishes Him God Speed in the Holy War- fare Againsc Monopoly. Special Correspondence, Letter No. 1,513. New York, May 18.--~When | read the note of Ron, Francisco's po othy, or respectful ining the prof- fored al that generous oo all over the globe desired to give to help thie stricken queen of the golden Pacific in her sad hour of bitter trial aml dire need, even in that dark hour, wnmg with agony and bowed with grief, I felt my heart swell with honest The pride as Mayor Schmidt, standi umid the smoking ruins of his beauti- ful home, sends forth . the royal pro- clamation to all the nations of the earth, that San Francisco, ruined and suffering almost to the point of anni- that the United States considers it a sacred duty to proteet and supply, not only our own with food and Iter but also to give a ge us welcome to the stran- ger vighin our gates, Never before in the history of the world was any nation called upon to people of the United States, by the late dreadful earthfjuake and the fire 'that followed it, almost threaten ing with annihilation one of our most beautiful = cities. Over three hundred thousand suffering souls were driven, from their homes and every vestige of theic property was destroyed. = No water was to be had to quench their burning throats. The air they breath ed was a deadly poison, food there was none. Fifty thousand refugees suddenly left the scene of disaster, and two hundred and fifty thousand homeless waifs were dependent on the nation's bounty. Fortunately for the sufierers, no appeal for aid ever met with such a magnificent response as that which veplied from every quarter of the land. Of the two hundred and. fiity thousand mentioned, at least fifty thousand were strangers within our ates, with no special claim on our unty, save the sacred claim of God- like humanity, which, in this blessed land of ours has never been ignored. dew and Gentile, Moslom and Buck: hist, sat down at the same board, shared the sate generous welcome, and for the first time, almost in the history of the world, gave thanks ito tho same God with blessing and praise. Thinking this matter over, the thought occurred to me whether we did the wisest thing and the best, when 'we rejected the generous bounty from other lands. But that is all past, and now we return thanks to the Almighty, helioving that the worst is over. It was almost worth the suf- fering of this dreadful evil fortune, to seo the noble strength of manhood brought forth as it never has been before since the world began. It is with a feeling of gratification that I can find no words to fully ex- press, that 1 sec our president, aided by his strongest legal force has com. menced his attack on the numerous trusts which have bound our people hand and foot and delivered human chattels to a condition of abjest la very. * Within our country is a .rican tic power, backed by many millions of capital, which gives this unyield ing law to its thousands of vassels, "Obey our mandate or die." Take the department of drugs and patent medicines, which penetrate the nation's life and a sentinel on guard says, "Join our union, buy from us and from no one else, or we will starve you to death." An army of spies is engaged by this antocratic power and they are constantly on the hunt for not a pill nor a powder ean leave their counter but it is supers is- ed by these devilish sharks, If drug- gist attempts to assert his independ ence, he soon finds out that he can procure no goods from any of the wholesale houses, controlled by this accursed abomination. Independence is a word unknown in their vocabulary: its substitute is abject submission. "What are we coming to?" Ig this the independence for whick our fathers fought and died; is this the return for all the sacrifices of goldin ingots and human lives, from Bunker Hill t,, Ap- pomatox ? But there is even a more accursed trust on fish, and the man who fivst instituted this infancy, nev er was in any way connected with fishing; his life was devoted to the making of trusts by which he suc- ceeded in robbing the poorer classes of this wholesome and bountiful article of food. iv 10, == [OUR OTTAWA LETTER ht ol ov COL. WARD M. P. GETS IM- day, his name will be canonized from everlasting to everlastine. PORTANT CONCESSION. To me, after deep reflection, there - seems but one way out of this evil, | Government Will Set Aside Timber and that is, a more eyuitable division Jof the profits and that division must be founded. and administered with ab- solute justice. The strike, as it exists at the present time, more especially among the foreion population, is sub- versive of i ce and. provoca- tive of crime. One man wants to strike and that is his right, and against that right there should be no let or hindrance; another man is satis fied with his work and doesn't want to leave it; that is- his right and in defence of that right he :hould be protected with the last dollar there is in the treasury, and the last drovs of blood that flows in the véins of him who is loy, the working man's in- a to labor is "his capital, and if the republic is to exist, that right must be 'sustained (0 the last hour of the nation's life. 7 --BROADBRIM. ----s World's Record Broken. The Sydney, C.B., Post says: "Last Friday the Dominion Coal company broke all their previous records by shipping 12,400 tons of coal in cight hours from thejr piers in Sidney and Louisburg, and as far as known they broke the world's record for an hour's shipment by putting in 1,200 tons in three hours during the mornine. or an average shipment of 3,100 tons per hour. "Lhese records were made without special effort on the part of the men on the piers, and at no time was there' a bir rush on. This coming at the very opening -of the season is in® decd a hapny augury for the com- pany's work this year. : "At: International lier from eight o'clock in the mofning till five in the altérnoon, with one hour taken out for dinner, 6,700 tons were put into the Christian Knudsen, 1,300 tons in the Coban, 200 tons of bunker in the Bergenhus, and 200 tons in a schoon- er, and at Louishure in the same time 4,000 tons were loaded into the Elina. Al these vessely sailed in the evening, the Chriscian Knudsen for Montreal, the Coban for Bay of lslands, Nfld, the Bergenhus for Bell Island and the Elina for Boston. "There are a number of colliers due now in Montreal, and a continuance of big shipments is looked for during next week." Delicate Babies. ™ Every delicate baby starts life with a serious handicap. Even a trivial illness is apt to end fatally, and the mother is kept in a state of constant dread. Baby: Own. Tablets have done more than any other medi- cine to make weak, sickly children well and strong, . They give the mother a feeling of security, as through their use she sees her deli cate child developing healthily, Mrs, 3. M. LeBlane, Eastern Harbor, N. 8., says: *'Up. to the age of fifteen months my baby, was weak, and sick- ly and at that age could not walk. 1t was then I began using Baby's Own Tablets, and. the change they wrought in her condition was surprising. She began to get strong at once, and has ever since heen a perfectly well child." Every mother who values tne health of her little one should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the houses Sold by all medicine dealers or by 'mail at 25c. a box from the Dy, Williams' Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont. Mysterous Restoration. Pembroke Standafd. About two years and a half ago while Miss Ada Dickson was attending her examinations at McGill College, Montreal, she had the misfortune to lose her gold watch as she' was com- ing out of the class room, As the watch was a much highly prized gift Miss Dickson made her loss as widely known as possible, advertising it in the daily papers and even had detec- tives hunting for it, but all these of- forts to find the lost watch were: of no avail and Miss Dickson gave up the article as lost indeed. Judge her as tonishment, therefore, when last Wed- nesday morning she received a regis tered package from Montreal, and on opening it it was found to contain the long lost watch, but nothing in = or about the parcel to indicate who the sender was. Miss Dickson is endeavor ing through the postal authorities to ascertain who the mysterious restorer of the lost watch is. -- Most men would save a lot of money, by letting others do all the speculat- ing. When this globe was formed, one- third of it was land, and two-thirds of it water. It was the poor man's preserve, supposed to be a safeguard against the possibility of starvation. Up to a few recent Years, no one ever thought of putting a 'padlock on the sea to- bar man from his food. What it the condition of the fish market to- day ? Look at your prices current published in your daily pavers: Cod- fish, which in my boyhood, was three cents a pound, is now quoted anv- where from twelve to twenty; a fine it takes seventy-five to-day to it on the poor man's table. But it is no use to keep on enumerating Drices, this appalling fact meets you whichev- er way you turn: It is "join the trust or be starved to depth." Godspeed our nresident in this holy warfare; let him and the legal' authorities hunt down these enslavers of the people we mav not expect to trivmnh at once in this holv crusade of "Godeveed the | Pight," hut while we mav not realize all the blessings of the golden ace, we may ee happiness and comfort sround the poor man's board to which it has long been a strenecer, 'For many months society 'has heen disoroanized by strikes and troubles in: which the lahorer has found littla rirofit, The bitterness of the strike has vlace kept on increasing; and assault and- 1}if you give them the chance. 1 time. Crisp, inviting tasty. Different from any other cracker you have ever eaten. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. Reserves--Senate Itself Get- ting After Its Own Reform--- Sir Richard Still Eloquent. Ottawa, May 18.~An important concession has been secured by Col. Ward, M.P., for Durham, in the mat- ter of militia regiments, which go into camp. Some time ago it was amounced by the militia department that pay would only be allowed for men whose names were on the service rolls, and sent into the department seven days before the opening of the camp this vear. Col, Ward called the minister's attention to the hardship, which this order would entail, and gave it as his opinion that it would materially afiect the number of young men who otherwise would present themselves for training. Sir Frederick Borden has recognized the point, and has informed Col. Ward that in addi- tion to these men whose 'names ap- pear on the service 'rolls, pay for eight men per company will be allow- ed in the case of volunteers enlisted after the = ce roll 'is sent in. and who decide' to perform the annual drill. To conserve for the people of Can- ada sufficient timber for their needs, to stay the rapid decrease in the forests, the government has decided to create forest reserves in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, * Alberta and British Cohanbia, amounting to about 35,000 square miles. This policy has been warmly commended by the opposition and only some of the details of the great scheme have occasioned any sy. It is observed that in Manitoba some 200 square miles of timber limits have been secured direct from the department of the since 1898 hy T. A. Burrows ' and the fact that that gentleman is a brother-in-law of Mr. Sifton, made the opposition somewhat sus- picious. There appears, however, on the surface at any , to be: no great reason for suspicion. The conditions, tersely put. are that those persons who have limits in these areas at present will have their rights preserved. They will pav £3 per mile, but will have to wait ten years hefore any timber can be cut. After that the timber will be sold for filty cents per thousand feet. The senate itself 'has interested itself in senate reform. Sir Richard Cart- wright who faithfully attends the sit- tings of the second chamber despite his lameness, admitted that the senate stood in serious need of reform. He did not 'advance any specilic method, which might be adopted, but he seem- ed to agree for the most part with the views put forward by Sir Wilfrid Laurier a week or two ago. So re- form may be expected, and some mea- sure may be considered after the con- ference, of the provincial premi 8, which is to take place this summer in Ottawa, Sir Kichard, despite his advanced years, and the fact that he is physi- cally unfit Jor practically any exer- tion, is still capable of that fiery and bold eloquence, which has distinguish- ed him as the greatest debater Cana- da has ever seen. He is of the English type, clear, logical emphatic, and dir- ect, and none except, perhaps the Hon. George E. Foster, has ever rivalled him as an orator, Un 1 hurkday his speech in the scnate reminded one of the old war-horse"s best days. When the committee on election laws has finished its work, there will. be the most diastic'" of proposals given.the Canadian parliamnt to deal with. interior > has CHEAP, EFFECTIVE, PALATABLE: APENTA HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER The Analysis shows that the richness of Apenta Water in natural saline ape; renders it the safest and most remedial laxative and purgative. READ THE Lang A WINEGLASSFUL A DOSE. SPARKLING APE (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATE \ IN SPLITS ONLY, A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use, Sole 'Exporters: THE: APOLLINARIS Co NTA R) + Ltd, London, Careful Investments The. London Life' Insurance Com- ~ pany has had only four mofttgage sales since it was 'incorporated 31 years ago, and in all four cases the property was disposed of without loss. This remarkable record is only one evidence of the careful management of this Company--one reason why the profits to polioy-holders 'are larger than those paid by most companies. "You should investigate our policies before: taking any other, and be sure of value as Good as Gold. There is no shoe cooler than an Oxiord. No sweaty feet when you wear Oxfords. Oxfords are a recessity in warm weather. We have all kinds of Oxfords--Oxfords for men, women, boys and girls. Oxfords for the "children. Oxfords here. Yes, we also have Everybody can get The Canadian citizen, it is proposed, will be compelled {0 take an interest énd a practical interest in the affairs | of the nation. He will have to vote | on election day, or will be disfran chised for six years. Of course if he is able upon oath to give a valid excuse he will be forgiven, but the principle which is sought, to be laid down, is that the country is the people's and they must assume the responsibility of runnin~ it. Another offence will be the hiring of horses on election days, Stern pun- ishment will be meted out to those who take or give payment for the use of horses at an election. It will thus be seen that a bie effort is to be made to purify elections as far as possible and it is believed that before the committee pets through its work a great deal will have complished. So serious hdve been the charves preferred by the opposition amainst the department of public works in connec- tion with the fitting out of the 8.8. Arctic for 5 three-vear cruise, that the premier has deemed it necessary to") hand the matter over for inquiry hy a special committee. The Arctio's sup- plies cost about $200,000, and among them was the most extraordinasy col lection of coats, suits, blankets, whis- been ac key, champagne, cigars, civa port avine, cards, chicken, Loards, what not; such « collection as would have kept first-class clubs going for many years. These items have hesn (he cause of caustic comment, as well as the fact that when the Arctie returied at the end of a year, the two vears' supnlies left over, were sold in Mont real, for $5,000, These goods were pur chased without tender from friends of the government, and thouch Captain Bernier made out g list of staff which he wanted, this list was not stuck to, but a vast quantity of supplics not asked for werd purchased. The nroceed- ings hefere the special committee pro- mise to be very entertaining. ---------- Gladstone's Grandson Rises. William Gigane Charles Gladstc ne, grandson of the great commoner, nd heir to the Hawarden estate hag boen elected secretary of the Oxfoxl Union ciety, a position which Ris illus- «grandfather ocecupicd seventy- SIX véars aco. Yoinr Mr. Gladstone 'comes of age in two or three months. and will then enter into possession of Hawarden estate, 'which has beeii man- aged during his minority hy his uncles, Herbert and Henry Gladstone. | If there ever was 74 'specific for anv one complaint, then Carter's Little i Liver Pills are a soecific for sick head- oche, and every woman' should know this. Only' one pill § Hose. Try them. ! At Fleetwood there is a duck farm on which there are 16,000 gucklings, We have men's Patent Colt, Velour Calf, Gun Metal Calf, also Tans and Canvas, $2 to $4.50 Women's Patent Vici Kid, Brown and Canvas, svesseressntnnnsasssncnsseses $1.50 t0- $3.50 Boys' Velour Calf and' Tan Oxfords, swell shapes ....%.....c.000 0. ha... $3 and $3.50 Girls' Oxfords, Patent Colt and Vici Kid, also Brown ........... see... 00. $125, $1.50, $1.76 Children's Oxford and Strap Shoes, in Brown and Black Vici Kid ...... $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Shoe Store Celebrate y Fireworks! Fireworks! GET READY FOR VICTORIA DAY We have the largest assortment of Fireworks and De- $ Abernethy"s Celebrate! corating Materials in' the city, consisting of FLAGS OF ALL KINDS, BANNERS, WREATHS, STARS, RED, WHITE AND BLUE WREATHING, FJRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROCK- ETS, ROMAN CANDLES, VOLCANDS, SERPENTS, STAR MINES, PIN WHEELS, SEARCH' LIGHTS, TORPEDOES AND TORPEDO CAPS AND CANES, ETC. J. HISGOCK, 160 and 162 Princess Street . HEADQUARTERS FOR METALLIC BISMUTH & CADMIUM THE CANADA METAL CO, William St, Toronto: Phone Main 1729. : 'VW. G. FI : pest place to get a The in the citys Menlo of t notice. Png! Ba specialty. Phone 6 fae So Wm. Murray, Au 27 BROCK § New Carriages, Cutters ete., for sale. Sale of Horses Every .Headquar For Real Buss and I 95 Clarence St., Opp. F Geo. Cliff. Spe New Monumental Lettering in Ceme a Specialty : JAS. MULLEN, 372 Pr Opposite Y.M.C Auction ° Book your . sale of Fura and get choice of dute. 1 conduct all the importa ealize the highest. prices, Phone, 665. JOHN H. MI The Leading -- eee rte. Try Myers' "Home Head Choese. ~ EXECUTOI NOTICE TO CRI NOTICE 1S HEREBY ( siant to R.S.0., 1807, Ch 38. and gmending Acts, the having claims against th James Cooke, late of the ¢ ston, in the County of Gentleman, who died on 13th day of April, 1906. to send by post prepaid er James F.© Knapp, or Phil both of the said City of Executors of the last will of the said deceased, on first 'day of June, 1906, | addresses and descriptions statement of particulars of and the nature of the sect Meldby them duly certifi alter said day the Execute wedito distribute the asse med among the parties e¢ Wn, having regard only to whith they then have not te will not be liable for dstributed or any part th person or persons of whos shall not then have notice. Dated this 5th day of Ma CUNNINGHAM & Solicitors for the In the Surrogate Co County of Frontena Matter of the Esta ard T. Walkem, 1 City of Kingston, B law, deceased. MICE To CR NOTICE 1S HEREBY ( fmt to R.S. Ontario, Ch 38, and 4 wing Acts th having © Ss against the mid Richard Walkem, Or about the 23rd day of Te required to send by po Aeliver t, seph B. W; City, or, one of the before on or Mi. a statem claims 'with their names and the nature of the sec held by them an assets of parties ent only to t aor Which they shall then have Dated this 41h day of Mas WALKEM & W Cla NOTICE TO GREI ALL CREDITORS A? having Claim against t) Samuel Dufyy 8 of the Pittsburgh, an, decea 0 or about 13th d 1908, are notified pursua Yisd Statutcs of Ontario, Sue with full particulars ad oh fefcre the ¥, 190% 1 ol eutor wi which Fstate, r claims of "which he shal Yotice and will not te art of the assets to any Claim is 101 then in his b wy that Kingston, the J Sai NSPONALD MOWAT, Solicitor for the Executor, -- Storag 9 You Know Citizens f Kingston ar Siting 1, store heuseholy Antle facilities extended 299 Queen St. Tete) All goods Teft in his the best of care at a re Clean, Dry and Prom Crriage Painting s -- 7s Wrhtrediracasan {A.E. HE ORDERED FOOT MOVED TO . PRINCESS § Oen tin eight 'except Saturd: TR aessas

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