Rbeumg, tin Cupy . ho faily yy Telievy Peing ig legs, Arms, back, fl op ours. Positively cures Ty t the disease to or, ba ar ~MENyoy, Ww is e Time Have Irs Modelled d paired GOURDIER'S and 80 Brock Street Only Exclusive Fup Store 3 Announcem:n No. 1 Glass new shapes, new ant cuttings and new Have a Barry Bow will pay you to se 7.50 . [ater Bottle lendid value 0. [ce Cream Plate Men daly rod rich, whove used idea 9 some produce IITH BROS. velers :: Opticians suersof Marriage Y Cutters can e Reliable Buyer ants ), 000 "ing Rats juse, 149-153 B ok Street immer | velties | ish rics had of in ue, pink, alue at 12%e. a pretty rose, with embroidered pink and ors, oe. (Gingham, n blue, perfectly othe fast | Musling, in al ws and colors, v Muslins, in and spots, prices. pret at a great . red White Goods, the swell .sshown in this city at 15¢., d 20c. a yard Will wash ill retain their original SS. in an assorimfut of neat of a yal 5, 'at 5c. te designs in Voiles, at 5c. and 50c. a yard. Dimity, Mull Muslins, Lawn, Batiste, and in fact rable make of ew and de ight goods, we haye it. MAN & SHAW -- 4 ------------------ --- Rr 'SUNLIGHT f . . $5.000 be pad to any geen, who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. with hard or soft water. | is equally 8 If you Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need boil nor rub your clothes; and yet you will get better results than Mwith bailing and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way. As Synlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly 5 Cc. most 'delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be without the slightest injury. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto pure, 4 washed An Opportunity to 300 Men! The 'bargain wave has once" more turned 'our 'way and we have secured from the makers 3oo MEN'S SUITS at special prices. : ; : If ever grace, distinction, fashion, fit, wear and all round excellence were compressed into suits for men, 'they are in {hese pure Fancy Worsted, Black Worsted, Tweeds in the new grey slate effects and navy blue garments. Suits that fit, that 'are shaped, that have.--*'tone."' Not one detail neglected, not this shape or that shape in 'particular, but every style that's shapely. They will give satisfaction from the time you put theni on until they are threadbare. Regular prices $15.00 and $18.00. > : All Sizes Offered at $10 ' obligations. pus couitqut sizeis mits together such a nice fleet of launches : GENTS FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES day out, the jos of habits and |and sailing craft, the old time ques: os » loss of rest. will soon shatter the strongest tion of the factories of the town per- Louis Abramson, Uric 336 Princess Street. ---------------- 00800 POEOLEE SECORIEO SOE Ee? Tough Shoes for Good Boys. @ ee Cood Shoes for Tough Boys. se® I Shoes You May Depend Upon for : Good Wear. Prices From $1.25 a Pair Up, 98 9 OFE® [McDermott's Shoe Store CEEE0 VOEEHOED FCOO® GEECOOL's LABATT'S Ale and Porter are Nature's Best!Tonics. Pute Malt products, made 'from the choicest barley and best selected hops. They are very healthful and aid digestion, Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274. I -------------------- PULLEYS! We have just received a carload of Dodge celebrated Wood Split T'ulleys Hampers, Shafting, etc. All sizes In o Marine Gasoline Engine, from 1} to 20 Horse Power. Gasoline Engine supplies. Dry Batteries, Spark, Plug and Coils ®Wlways on hand. we cline supplied from tamk on our RL Fa vrs, ve SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED Kingston Foundry. -- 200000000 CTOPD es EECOO® o@ <X} Et uy PN LP Lo AGENT, EMBOSSING iis." for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING Gree Letter hands pe all classes of Letter Press Fiating from a card to & volume: THE WHIG, Kingston At Strachan 's Hardware Canada Life Assurance (0. . Established 1847 Head OfMce--Toronto Ontario Kingston Office 18 Market St. fnsurance in Force, $107,000,000 00 30, Assets Over 000,000.00 Income 5.469,000 00 o Reserves, the strongest held by any company 'on this continent. A Canadian -lostitution For: Capadism People ALWAYS INSURE in the CANADA LIFE--it's to your advantage. A call -or..gcotrespondence solicited. Telephone No. 703. 1]: O. 'HUTTON, Manager she same thing attending . hold duties and looking after their social system. = Before long you become nervous, Jurting heart flutters before the eyes, the pu! wi of considerable complaint, and some and irregular, have faint and @iszy |.ction in the case will doubtless be spells, lack of sel confidence, rush of blood | J manded in the near future, not only to the head, irritability of temper, short- for defiling the boats, but also on ac- ness of breath, starting in sleep, ae whl on | count of polluting the water, ot pigs wud desllion stospleninces, Fring or Charles Burridge, King street, for ness ad fuslly poysieal some. time past proprictor of the East » *|End "bakery, was overcome by the MILBURN S HEART heat on Saturday, and entirely pros AND the remed uire to restore your strength and Beaith. Their extraordinary curative power manifests itself immediately ed arrangements for running their an- Shay ara taken. ye pid nual excursion to Ogdensbur~ by the oni AO A to every steamer America, on June 14th, pions and tissue of the body. Many have Dr. J. A. Black, L.D.S.. has purch- Seen cured, among them bei Me. Hay V. asl he Io adjoining Grace Metho- Doomier, Wellington, P.E. re. 'EB. [dist church. Kilmer, Humberstone, Ont, rs. C. Mo- The question of "Sports that Help Tonald, Portage la irie, Man., Mr. land that Hinder," was considered at Walter Cleveland, Bagauater, N.S., Mrs. {the Vighood League in St. Andrew's Owen Martin, Alma, N.B. and thousands |church. of others. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Britton have re- Dye price ot Milbure's Hest aod erm be turnéd from a short visit with rela- rocured at all drug and general stores. orwill | tives and friends in Toronto. James Bo sont on receipt of price by The T. Milburs Havward has arrived from Toronto, {GANANOQUE TIDINGS | A FARMER DROVE INTO A Gananoque, * May Donald's yacht Kate was taken to Kingston yesterday by her crew, where she will remain during the coming week undergoing repairs. A meeting of the baseball league will be held in the town hall, Wednesday evening, to consider applications from clubs desirous of joining a schedule of games, : The Gananoque Inn was opened for regular business 'and the accommoda- tion of the general public on Wednes- day last. Quite a goodly number of guests are already registered, and Mr. Walsh, the genial "proprictor, considers wo gmt §C, Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. -Advt. 4 lines or under Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG MAN YOUNG eee ---------- TEN PAINTERS IMMEDIATELY, ON CWE HG a week, $1. DEEP DRAIN. SNA i . I -------- CONDENSED ADVERTISING | _ HELP W . 'ow Open--Yachtanie A COOK AND A HOUSEMAID. AP-!STORAGE SPAC FOR i faa a n of Oil From Fi -- First insertion RATES Each con- a i Brownidd, 19. Weltige tres: ae WE nw 298 Queen Io 8 h 5 . n RE jes Emptying Into River--A secutive insertion thereafter ic. a! : en 4 . | A TioUsEMAID. REFERENCES RE-| HOUSE, 237 - QUEEN ST. Balter Prostrated. word. Minimum charge for one ig-{ A yr RE rows. 198 oo To . Ohare Mee sertion, 25. Sasi Avene. awa a Ma: set. «Permit Yor indies : Advt, 4 lines or under.a mopth.$3. {A - A HELP WANTED--MALE. IN A Son. TO HELP TINSHOD, Fdwin Chown & MAN TO WORK IN CHEESE factory. Apply at Lemmon & Sons. . the Steamer, Turbinia, at the Gbv- ernment ry Dock. TLADY'S CRESENT AIOYOLE, IN SMART YOUNG GIRL, TO LEARN dressmaking. - Apply Miss Gormley, 251 Division street. WASH- ne} Goon GENERAL SERVANT. NO washing. Pp) e evening Mrs. 5. NR ean VRobertson, "83 Lower Union street. GENERAL SERVANT. NO ing. Good wages. Apply evening to 36 Barrie street. etd, excellent. condition. Apply this Office. the gutiek ior, he coming season ex- | SMART BOY, MITH, SOME KNOW-| THREF SWARMS 'OF BEES: ALSO improvements. bY Arash ceptiona y good; ledge of printing. Good opportunity. some empty hives, all patent hives. A R. . ¥ The board of license Hamiisionurs Apply Whig office. Address "Th T.," Whig office, pply Nesbitt, 387 Johnson Ste THE BRICK fam stroe! DWELLINGS, FOR. 10 ROOM CK DWE! NG. A ve ha MAY THE FIRST. A SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 95 WILL4 ' iret, Siaht-rooms, Apply next door. mre 50. "$8. $10.50, $18, $28 and $25; furpiture. McUann's, $11, $12, $13, also storage 51 Brock at 'once, John A. Gardiner, 1. Wellington street. use, '481 Johmson St. All modern will meet in Lansdowne on Saturday, May 26th, at which meeting the ap- plication for transfer of Heense from T. J. Storey, to A. A. Walsh, for the lon, will be considered. Mr. Chase, a Y.M.C.A, representa- tive of Utica, N.Y., was in Clayton, was eight or ten feet in depth, Now that Gananoque has wvathered mitting oil from their establishments to get into the Gananoque and = St, Lawrence rivers is once more the catise at he Jota sudden Sousiay Ford i a Jalpitalos, spec! trated. Medical aid had to be sum- moned, and he is mow slowly improv- ing. The Young People's Association of Grace Methodist church have complet- NERVE PILLS and will spend the summer here, Ses Smiall Boy's Play Frock. A Real Treat To Eat for breakfast or dinner or for any time. Tender and tasty beef perfectly seasoned ! These balmy spring days remind the mother of small boys as well as girls that she must be up and making or and sliced thin; ready for having made these neat little play immediate use. Put up in frocks Soh which the summer Ww ard ym proof cans which robe should be so replete. The plain ge ' chambray ginghams in all the staple rve the full flavour colors make up admirably miter this and keep it pure and whole- model, which hangs straight . from neck to hem. the riokt front which buttons over on the left laid in inch side pleats and stitched voke depth, In the back there are three box pleats stitched to the waistline, being released from this point to form the skirt fullness. The full bishop sleeve is tucked into the armhole and gathered into a band of the blue gingham, trimmed with white Swiss embroidery. A band of the same insertion is set around the top of the narrow neck band and down the left side over the invisible closing. some. WM. CLARK, MFR. MONTREAL 316 | to BOSTON"S BARBER REGULA- ~ TIONS. Board of Health Orders Steriliza- tion of All That Barbers Use on Customers. A special despitch from Boston, May 5th, 1900, to the New York Sum gives regulations of the Boston Board of Health as to barber shops : A Death At Burridge. 'Burridge, May 14.--From the quiet, new "Mugs, shaving brushes and razors | peaceful home of H. Shellington, has shall be sterilized aftér cach separate [fled the vomng and happy soul of his use thereof. A separate, clean' towel | voungest child, Thomas, 'aged eight shall, be used for each person. Mater- ial to stop the flow of blood shall be used only in powdered form, and ap- plied on a towel. Powder pufis are prohibited.' Wherever Newbro's "Herpicide"' is used for face or scalp after shaving or hair cutting, there is no danger of infection, as it is anti- septic, and kills the dandrufl geem. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide ( Detroit, 'Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. months. Much sorrow goes out to the bereaved parents. Many are on the sick list. A very pleasant time was spent at S. Madden's, last Thursday night, when over fifty friends enjoyed themgelves with dancing and music till the break of dawn. Dame Rumor tells of a wedding in the near future. Thomas Goulden is emploved by A. Timmerman, Bob's Lake, burning a lime ¥kiln. Johavna O'Connor was re newino acquaintances in Burridge and Bob's Lake. Thomas McGowan left for Fultoh Chain, ' Wednesday. Visitors: Misses Donohue, Barrett and Goulden, Marv Callhan, Barrett and Judge, at E. MeCann's. J. Hartman spent Sun- day &t home. E.. MeAllister at Jo Hartthan's,.wJ. Bam's, Sangster and {H. Mustard. at E. Madden's, J. Brash iat E. Barr's. Gi Cooke at J. Barr's. SITUATION AS GROOM OR COACH-| CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES, nsan, First class horseman, Apply Our plan. No' sale. No pay. De- Box "M." Whig office, partment "1." 203 Wellington St. 4 COUPLE OF GOOD PLUMBERS AT | aA BARBER BUSINESS once, steady job to right man. Wire The Smith & Fergusson Co., Regina. SALESMEN, FOR AUTO-SPRAY, Best compressed-air hand Sprayer to Cuputngham he 79 Clarence made. Liberal terms. Sample ants atreet, Kingston, Ont. machine free to approved agents Cavers Bros., Galt, Ont. : eC t ease fo be ARCHITECTS. GENTLEMEN TO HAVE aE, --------eT suits pressed and cleaned carefully, by Tw. §: " pa Pcie bring your cloth and ans , |wETNEwLANDS. AROmITECT. OF: have an up-to-date suit made. Gallo- . fice, second floor over ood's Dru : way's, 131 Brock street. ben in store, coruer. PrinSess and Bago -~ % street: .. trance on Bagot streel GENTLEMAN OF 40, WEIGHT 198, ©. : Phone, 3 height over 6 foot, desiten jean, te e 1g Jearn some business. Full now ledge x of hOrRen: Has family and would be: K . ds POWER SON JRCHrTEUT, gin at $7 to $9 per week, Apply Everybody mn Kingston rea Shan Tim din Phone. 213. Box, No. 555, Whig office. h Whi ton 'streats. the 18. MEN AND BOYS 10 LEARN PLUMB. 8 ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. ing, Plastering, Bricklaying. Spacial 2 fice site of New Dpill Hall, hear cors offer life 'scholarship fifty dollars. LOST, mer of and Montreal streets. easy payments; position and Usion} , GOLD-BRADED NECKLACE. ON card guaran . free catalogue. Friday afternoon. Reward for fits ©oyne 'Bros. Trade Schools, New return to this OMee. York, Chicago, St. Louis. iii =| A BOOK BELONGING TO A CAN- vasser for the Kingston City Direc tory, on Saturday. Finder please re- w a turn to Whig office TO BU MILITA " he Land Grants. Good prices pa PAIR OF RIMLESS GLASSES, GOLD ply J. A. Gardiner. nobe piece, Saturday afternoon, hee -------------- tween Clerg and. Ki Stn, on UPHOLSTERING, REPAIRING, CAR- Princess or ts. r please pets to clean mnd lay, screens made return to 188 Barrie street. to-order, at Miller's, 210 Division street. FOUND. A BICYCLE, IN THE COUNTRY. 3 ON GROUND FLOOR, Owner can have sunie hy Paying for about twenty feet square, on yearly this advertisement an proving. pros lease. Address "W. B.' care Whig perty and calling atl this Office. TO BUY A FARM, AT $3,000 OR Ur- TWO-CHAIR cheap. Owner retiring om account of poor health. Apply 56 John St. or 228 Princess street. ting the past week completing "| YouNe MEN AND BOYS AT THE improvements. First du I n ra . on np. ng at Gananoque Bolt Co. | Gananoque. | RESIDENCE OF LATE DR. HERALD, locality. Rent. monthiy,; $395 to Very important fs Is ta | 120) ol Re TpAE Jarty, of Good wages and chances for ad- 199 King St. All modern improve- Also Unturnished other houses, He A Bi ition 150 boys from Oneida county, for « vancement. ments. hot water heating, gas ai $18, $20. month. John simi a enmptivion week's 'outing on the foot of Grind electric light. Central location. For A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington street. R Atop heart and | Stone island, 'the latter part of this | TO RENT, A SMALL HOUSE OF & ful informa tow, apply BE. E a strong hear th §r 7 rooms. One with modern cons orsey, 6 Marke reet. - § . steady nerves. «iil i) se Shorbll of Pitas i yeniences preferred. Apply P. 0. Box Ce -- TReen FIRST CLASS SI UATER, «AND E AR' Too much rush JThomas Short sbhurg, drove No. 57, City. PLENDID ENT, a iC Re, hy H T bustle, werk and worry, into the excavation made for sewer ee -------- retiring, Four, (4) wood Tigi vote re aye AND fall to the lot of and water pipe connection in front of HELP, THE YEAR "ROUND. SITU furnts a {3) that seit ro Me Rapiiat, church. k $b ? - business man-- | Robert Taylor's store about nine TED. Department eB. 208 grocery, and up-to-date living rooms. noxt month, may sell. J. Whites STEADY his heart and nerve |, "clock Saturday eveming. The light Wellington street. Good clean Jasality. Goud urocery bread, 196 Union street West. system will not stand it {was burning to show the danger. A ----pe eee a -t hlished. a --------------------eo ee el --he gives them 30 large crowd gathered and considerable | BOYS OVER"14 YEARS oe LhCe Pree §8.400. Particulars. 208 | FROM _ MAY 1ST. 1906. JFINB NERVES mweh work SY difficulty was experienced in extiicat- APPIY to J. A. Gould & Co.. Cor. Wellington St., Dept. ia ge ne know Dn one omen Slave ¢ ng ing the animal from the ditch which King and Queen streets. sow occupied" by jor Orant. Hof bo: hei hu Woter heating, wood out huildinge Nour ARTICLES FOR SALE. FURNISE Sept. FURNISHED Modern OUR POLICI IED FROM ° MAY 153TH, TO 15, a pleasantly and convenis ently situated wight-roomed ' cottage, ay Kirk ricke phone. Ply x Rogers & Nickle Pe BRIOK DWELLINGS, clans garden and spacious grounds. Apply tp 5 SO, Mon © al ny 7 building an ontente tha prs company offers. S Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Marks et Souare. wards. Also girl for office ; good | DUNLOP COVERS, $2.85 EACH, shorthand and typewriter. Apply by Everything at cul prices. Cata- wail, Box "G.' care Whig of ® logues free. Bicycle 211 Yonge St., Toronto: LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF FAIR education to travel fore Sim of MEDICALS. tar pital. Salary O74 per EY ture cupttal, Salary ALS. TOR MCCARTHY, OVEICE LATE J. Waterson, Kingston. geeupled k streets. SPORTING NOTES. ture, run continuously on this contin ent, fifty guineas (the gift of his ma- jesty), with ¥4,000 added by the club. Interesting Items om Various | The first horse to receive the guineas, ) Sporting Matters. the former eastern league man- baseman, has been re nati. heir form so far, lack of batting ability will keep Toron- to in the second division this season. At Chicago Hoppe won first prize mn the billiard tournament Saturday al- ternoon by defeating Slosson, Score: Hoppe 500, Slosson 171, Kidd Hermann, of (Chicago, and Abe Attell, of San Francisco, fought twen tv rounds to a draw Friday night before the Pacific A.C. at Los Angeles. The Shamrocks, of Montreal, Minto cup holders have submitted July 2nd and 4th for the games with Souris, and the Manitoba champions have ac: cepted the same. In an exhibition tennis at the Princess the British professiona Fairs, giving fifteen points, Gould, of Lakewood, N.J., The score was 6-3, O64, 6-4. Carr, ager, and first leased by Cincin According to game of court elub, London, 1 champion Cecil beat Jay by 5 to 0. Montreal La. Presse : William Sher ring will be this year the best im- migration agent which Canada has sent to Burope, His victorious race will be worth more than all the "lit erature' which has been distributed in the old world. "Varsity will havé a goli team the Canadian championship to played at Ottawa next month, Tt con- sists of A. E. Austin (Lambton), G. 4, Seutham (Hamilton), H. H. Betts (London), D. C. Dick (Lambton). Providence Journal: The pitching staff of the champions is giving Man- ager Dunn considerable worry. Cron- in's arm is in bad-shape, Josslyn is troubled with a crippled: ankle, and Nops is out of) condition. Poole has been under the weather for several devs. Authority to resume the game of football at Harvard, which was order- od to be discontinued on account of brutality of the contest, was given yesterday by a vote of the board of overseers of Harvard college of fifteen to nine. Under the vote intercolleginte football permitted at Harvard during the year of 1906, George Sutton, of Canada, made the | high average for the present profes sionsk billiard tournament at Chicago by 'defeating Louis Cure, 500 to 237, in six innimge, making an average of 81 2-6. with a high run of 207. Cure played a good game, making his high- est run made in the tournament, 126, in the second time up. His averpge was 39 146, for be is stakes and $2,750, the second horse £700, and the third $300. The breeder of the winner to receive $250. For three-year-olds and upward, owned, foaled, raised and trained in the pro- vince of Ontario, that have never left Canada, and have never been for a period of more than one month wut of this provinee, one mile and a quarter, a piece of plate will be presented by the ¢lub to the winner, News From Cushendall. Cushendall, May 12.--As conference approaches, regret is heard on all sides at the probable removal of Gordon Churchill, assistant minister. He has been an earnest worker and the mem- bers on the whole circuit are anxious to have him during another vear. The remains of W. Woods, for so long a respected inhabitant of this place will be laid in their final resting place, Cataraqui, on Monday. Dr, Span- kie visited the school recently and found everything satisfactory. Greenlee and J. Gordon, are among those who are beautifying their yesi dences with spring fences. Miss Minnie Ward still continues ill, to her many friends' regret, Mrs. McKane is slow- ly recovering. The factory is running smoothly under the gble control of H. Greatrix -and his assistants, R. Wickett and H. Sparks. Little Celia Woods, Kingston, is staying with her aunt, Mrs. 8. Woods. A. Miller, who is spending the season at Picton, is missed amone the young people. Osear Lloyd, Pine Grove, was a guest at the parsonage a short time ago, having conducted a Sunday service very cred-' itably. The people have been so busy seeding and housecleaning that social life has been rather neglected lately, but as the wail arrives unfailingly every day with the good old Whig, they exist quite happily. 80 far as can be learmed, F, A. Bethune, who disappeared so suddenly and mysteriously some six weeks ago, from Smith's Falls, has not been heard from since that date. I ----.-- Many Children Sick. Get their feet wet, cateh eold or cramps, and give mothers an anxious time, © With the first shiver or sneeze rub the little one's chest with Nerviling rgle the throat, and give ten drops in hot water at bedtime, Next morn- ing all is well, no cold, no time lost at school. The forty-seventh race for the King's New address, 18 Market Street, Kingston [~ Hin, moy, at JJ. Barr's. Henry Cunningham, tuner from _Chickerings, at McAuley's book store, plate takes place at Toronto next Saturday, This race is the oldest fix- If Polsen's Nerviline isn't in your MISCELLANEOUS. FARM HELP, AND ALL OTHER ) kin hel supplied. . +H. 208 Wellington street. Said Chartrand Had Dinner Near J say at Rockport, and had informed him - WORE PRISON GARB. Gananoque. 3 » Reporter. x A olneaday, Manly Cross, ins spector of light 'houses, who lives om his farm at falstead's Bay, four miles * cust of Gananogue, reported that a man answering the description of the escaped convict, Chartrand, had ap- ¥ peared at his house on Tuesday, and, was given dinner, The man had vf a coat turned wrong side out, with prison garb' under it; he was wet to the knees, as though he had been in the river. He asked about the locality, and where Now York state was, and bs wanted a box of matches, which was = furnished him. That : evening Chief Constable Ryan, with Government De- . tectives Cowdron and Foster, droves «8 down to Mr. Cross' and next day fol lowed the river shore in a boat Rockport. They found traces of at several! points. He had called John Cross' -and-at 'Mrs Shipman's, and had built a fire on the high rocks near . Landon's Bay. = But they could = not get sight of him, not find that, any boat was missing. The detectives felt certain, from the description given by Manly Cross' family, that the man, they had entertainéd was Chartrand, and that he i= still in = that Jocali He is part Indian, and said to be able' to subsist for weeks oh what he e catch and pick up 'in the woods v fields, They blamed Mr. Cross for npt giving information sooner, He had not' heard of any escape: but they said he might have inferred that from the fact that he had on prison clothes, The de- tectives and constable were in Ganan- oque yesterday, waiting for further developments. | g I , Hot After Him. Brickville Recorder. ' Friday afternoon Chief Burke receive ed a telephome message from Col. Al P. Sherwood, chief of Dominion police, aying that Detective Foster was then that the fugitive had broken into a house at Rockport, Thursday night, and had taken away a blue suit of clothes, such as a steamboal captain wears, but there were no brass but. tons attached to it. He also took a fur-lined coat with muskrat around. the collar. Col. Sherwood requested the Brockville chief to send up. two men to aid in) the search and in com» flianes with ! this County Constable rv Dyer and ex-Constable Davison left with orders to proceed along the river road and make a close survey: of their surroundings, $a home, get it there at once, Dealers sell it in large 250, botyes., ae oy J. F. Kellock, Perth, will go Fngland. shortly in the ink the H, K, W 0