Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1906, p. 8

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claims that he can solve the Barton [Ft Sry Lg FS Toroute of | T Ltell all he knows to the police, Toronto, May 12.---A Toronto man a bes was murdered, who 'where he woman 'the murderer w, now asks no Fecompense, i hut' i want to find out anything about it. WANTS $2,000,000. Canvass in. Great Britain for Canadian Missions. London, May 12.--Despite adverse and | criticisms, the Archbishop of Rupert's od of the year be- Ls, on the contrary, amount 00,000, a Tet increase of $87, or nearly #0 per cent. asse Markets. : a, Muy 11,=<Less than 100 boxes at the meeting. The 104¢., at which figure Ofc an 0 a 3 May 1 Twenty-five ) colored boxes were offered. . for doloved and 10 11. Number of ro Men's Raincoats. George '0., offer a special " or onl, discount on men's Land is eagerly pursuing his canvass for British money for Canadian mis. sions and is urging the Church of | England to give twice the amount of $1,000,000 which the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel is seeking to raise for the church proraganda in othe North-West, It is widely flt that it is demeaning for a rich, independent country like Canada to thus appear, cap in hand, in forma pauperis, be: fore British audiences throughout Bri: tain. British critics sav if Cenada de- wifes a pencral recognition as a nation she can surely pay for the religions privileges of her whole population, rich and poor, ------ Visiting The Old Capital, Quebec, May 12.<About twenty-five members of the press gallery, at Ot, tawa, are in town, this morning, from the federal capital. Their visit is "| through the arrival of the new C.P.R, company's steamer Empress of Bri i Femin. They left by special car of tl Q. R, L. & P.. at ten o'clock, 8 morning. to visit 'the shrine at "Ste, Anne ¢ Beaupre, and will be the guests of the local pressmen at lun- cheon, at two o'clock, at the Kent House, Montmorency Falls, The: gennine Pink Pills are sold Gihson's Red Cross drug store. "Phone 230. . 5 , thé veteran come- 3 5 wet (not sewn) into TAPESTRY WO! JY JASSY rpet Squares "Sizes suitable for any shaped room, super- ior qualities, cheaper than the same material by the pattern of the rug, easily HE | adjusted, excellent for wear. The Allan R.M.S. Parisian, errived at Moville, at 7.30 a.m, ' 18-inch border, woven OL BALMORAL VELVET ce C Buy extra low prices in $450. as we do direct from the Swiss and English manufacturers, we save all mid- | dlemen's profits and can, therefore, offer you | Nottingham Lace Curtains, 50c. to $7.50 pair. | Swiss Net Curtains, $3 50 to $o pair. Special values in Nottingham Net Curtains, in renaissance designs, $2.50, $3, $3 50, $4. SASH NETS FRILLED MUSLINS 'SPOT MUSLINS . urtains Rai 308, $4.98. 6 RA E Oil Cioths . Window Shades Brush Mats We aie still offering some of those special ncoats for ladies' wear in the various sizes, | 3 These are extraordinary ; 4 dn de i the end of the month. The honorary i bill covering the convention hetween Britain's Notes. Hi . London, May 124The Turkish gov- ernment has accepted the demands of Great Britain conditionally. It is an- ti ipated that this is only a prelim- inary to the complete acceptance of the British demands in regard to the Tabah boundary ques i : INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Mrs. Nial P. Wood is seriously ill, | Success in your garden assured hy sowing seeds got at Chown's Drug Store. A crowded house is sure to greet the "Colleen Bawn" on Monday even- ing. . Mrs. Jamieson and family left to- day for Berlin, where they will join D, Jamieson. I Fresh flower and garden seeds Gibson's Red Cross drug "Phone 230. Mrs, 0. M. Daly was in the city last night, with relatives, en route to Picton after a trip to Montreal. If dogs should form an empire great, As men do who are wiser I wonder would their chief of state Be called the Gramd Kai-yi-ser ? Special twenty per cent. discount 6 of men's rain coats in. George Mills & Co's. big store this evening from six to eleven o'clock, This is the great shirt store. Some new styles in fancy shirts have just dirived and handsome they are, 75e., #1, 81.25. The H. D. Bibhy Co. The strike of the weavers at the eot- ton mill still continues. So far the fact of the fifty employees being out as not affected the work of the mill, Market Clerk McCammon's vigilant eye was busy this morning, and nine butter prints, ove to two ounces short in weight were held up. Butter will be plentiful on the bread at the House of Industry. : # Pritehard's moving pictures and il lustrated songs between acts at "Colleen Bawn" performance, ~ Mon- day eveping. Plan open. Kentucky lawn grass seed is sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "Phone 230 for prompt delivery. Mrs. James Elliott, Tamwofth, was invited to St. Andrew's church, on ApH] 27th, where she was presented with a handsome Bible, hymnal, and purse, as she was moving away. A man named Berlin was liberated on parole from the penitentiary yes- terday. after serving six months. The only thing notable about the matter. is that he belongs to Hamilton, which place is strongly represented in the prison. here. "Don't forget your Sunday smokes" any 4 10¢, cigars for 25c." at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. at store, WON GLADSTONE PRIZE, Success of a New Brunswick Rhodes Scholar. A St. Yohn, N.B., May 12H. C; Martin of this city, received word that his son, Chester A. Martin, the St. John Rliodes scholur at Balliol Col- lege, Oxford, had wen the Gladstone memorial prize, which is looked on as the blue ribbon honor of the college. Mr. Martin is only twenty-three years old. and a sccond year man at Ox- ford. ---------- Thinks Well Of It. "One Who Was There" writes the Whig : "The Floral Arch, composed of about thirty pretty young girls, dress- ed in pure white, adorned with num- | erous flowers, and carrying arches of roses, going through the various pret- ty movements with grace and case, is, to my mind, one of the prettiest offcets in the whole ' performance of 'Parada.' "' The Guard Blameless. It is understood that Inspector Stewart attaches no blame whatever to Guard Fege for the escape of Chal- abran from the penitentiary. The guard performed his duty thoroughly, but had too large a ward to cover, being alone at night in the msane de- partment. An extra' guard haz been on that ward at night since the escape. Crushed To Death By Coal. Rochester, N.Y... May 12. William De Wisser was crushed to death under the weight of thousands of pounds of coal in the Philadelphia and Reading coal yards. The accident was caused by the giving way of a partition be- tween two coal sheds, against which a large quantity of coal was stored. New Jap Naval Station. Tokio, May 12. --Despatches from Scoul say ths Japanese government is establishing a naval station at Chai- hai Bay, in Southern Korea; where Admiral Togo awaited the coming of Rojestvensky's fleet. It was practical- Iv a naval base during the war, and there is a large establishment there already; Invi.ation To King. London, May 12.--The Tribune un- der stands that Canada's invitation to {the king will be presehted personally dby a commission consisting of Lord i Strathcona, Senator Scott and Sir John Carling, the latter two having welcomed the kin~ in Canada as a prince - in 1800, Degrees To Be Conferred. St. John, N.B., May 12.--The senate of the University. of New Brimswick, | has decided upon the honorary degrees to be conferred at the celebration at degree of LL.D, will be conferred up: on Prof. Charles G. D. Roberts and { W. Bliss Carman. ' i A ---------- Extradition Bill Advanced. London, May: 12.--The extradition the Baliour government and the Un- | ited States for the inclusion of bribery among * extraditional City Engineer Craig parted with | fellow eit. iads ith counts passed e- IN BRIEF FORM. S OF THE WORLD] 'Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read Disastrous bush fires ave raging near Nelson. Anson Peyoe, composer of sacred songs, died at Los Angeles, Cal. The Allan steamer Sarmatian, sail: ed from Montreal at 4.30 a.m. 88. Inshowen, from Swansea, ward, 'at Father Point, 10.50 a.m. J. H. McRobert has been appointed liorarian of the London public library. The Allan steamer Hibernian, from London, for Quebec, passed Martin river at 3 a.m, Government will exercise the great est caution hereafter in granting char- ters to new banks. Hamar Greenwood, M.P., will pre side at the Colonial Society's London dinner, May 24th. Many new townships have been nam- ed after members of the legislature, and other prominent persons. 'The 'governor-general has accepted the invitation to visit Renfrew, and has selected May 16th, as the date, Joseph Gravel, switchman on the Grand Trunk, was run down by an (n- gine at Point St. Charles and killed. * The Allan steamer Sicilian, 'sailed from Glasgow on May 12th, with 258 second and 322 third-class passengers. The plans of Messrs, Wickson, Gregg & Chapman were selected by thé pun. lic library board for the new Carnegie library for Toronto. The new Hamburg-American liner, Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, the largest vessel afloat, left Dover on her maid- en voyage across the Atlantic. ' At Woodstock, auctioneer John Ken- ward, East Oxford, was found guilty on three charges of forgery, and was' in- L.§ The value is splendid--t . ~~ Serges Cashmeres sentenced to three years and six months in Kingston penitentiary. LATE SOCIAL NOTES, Mrs, Francis Maenee asked a few ladies to a httle bridge on Tuesday evening. * ss = | Mr. Herbert Horsey has gone down to Ottawa for a few days. a Mrs. Hugo Craig will not go out with her husband to Fort William, but will remain here for some months, and possibly until next spring. ' Mrs. R. W. Brigstocke will be down from Cobalt, on Thursday next, and will be the guest of Miss Macaulay, King street, Mr. Clare Carter, of the Cornwall branch of the Bank of Montreal, has been, transferred to Quechee, | .- a 8 | Lady Laurier entertained at a de- lightful bridge party, on Thursday af- ternoon, in honor of her guest, Miss Melvin Jones, of Toronto. The guests included Mrs, Charles Harris, Lady Ross, Mrs. R. F. Sutherland, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Barrett Dewar, Mrs. J. W. Woods, Mrs. Vidal, Mrs. Crombie, Mrs. Martin Griffin, Miss Fielding, Mrs. Gordeau, Mrs. Roberts Allen and Madame Pelletier. A Fascinating Princess. Princess Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha is on a visit to Princess Henry of Battenburg. She is Princess Ena"s most intimate friend, as well as her most favorite cousin. The young prin- cesses weré about everywhere together last se asoh. Prigeess Ena admires hed cousin immensely and thinks her a far more fascinating person than her- seli. Princess Beatrice is am using and sces the funny side of things quickly, She dresses ver well and smartly, and takes a decided interest in her own' clothes. As Guests At Quebec. On Tuesday, F. Conway, general pas- senger and freight agent of the K. & P. railway, and J. P. Hanley, local ticket agent of the G.T.R., will leave on Tuesday for Quebec, to he guests of the C.P.R. Atlantic Steamship com- pany's officials ho are inviting their passenger agent from Chicago to Halifax, to inspect the comwany's fine new steamship Enipress of Britain, which arrives at Quebec to-nivht. The company's guests will be entertained in Quebece and Montreal for two days. -------- Gun Club Shoot. Twelve members of the Gun Club, | turned out at the shoot on the old grounds near the outer depot om Fri- day afternoon. The scoring was poor, but the consolation lies in the fact that it was the first of the season. Every Friday afternoon, the club will hold n shoot and at a meeting, like- Iv next week, the gunners will formal Iv organize and elect' officers. . i seen Change Of Business. Having sold out my retail business 5 table damask, only 160 Pure Linen Table Damask 160. yards, Linen Table Damask, pure) bleached to snowy whiteness, a ranted all pure linen, and stamped | as such, full 70 inches wide, the reg- Long Silk and Suede Lisle Gloves Probably the scarcest fabric articles on the market now, are Long Silk Gloves. It's been more lick than anything else, that wewe been able to get them, but we have, and vou'll fimd them here Monday. In black and white, per pair, 69 50, 39 and li ana Te Sucde Lisle Gloves, of finest lisle with a perfect imitation of undressed kid fimish; in black at 49¢., and 35 . in modes and gredws and JOHN LAIDLAW black and white, per pair ... Excellent Waists--from the very first day. amine these on Monday : ' WHITE LAWN WAISTS, of fine qual ity, in the latest surplice style, with wide insertion fronts, wide inse tion and lace vests, full with deep tucked cuffs but- toned to elbow. ' Monday, cach sleeves 1.49) (Exactly as illustration.) WHITE ORGANDY WAISTS, \ with fronts of fine lace design, and clus ters of neat tucks from each shoul der button-back, tached, ¥ 'design as on front, finished Mon- front, finely tucked new. style all-lace collars at- short sleeves with same lace with fine lace cuffs. 2.25 » ° day, cach on King street, would like to get all accounts coflected as soon .as possible | You can pay either at King street or the ff ng Wellington street, as the amounts are all small, Your prompt attention will oblige, W. J. Crotheérs, Marine Notes. Tha steamer Seout is out of Davis' drv dock, after having two new wheels put on. i on. Clifford Siftoh's steamyacht Skylark entered Davis' dry dock, to- day, for an overhauling. Buried At Cataraqui Cemetery. The body of Ross, who died imme- diately on his liberation from the penitentiary, on Friday, was buried today in Cataragui cemetery. ------------------ Always ? Yes Always. For 'the latest' in Hats, The hest people go To the famous big store, Of George Mills & Co. -- - The i genuine Fellows Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites is sold at second: reading in the House of Eitbac « Red Cross drug store. rds yesterday. ompt delivery. : A Special twenty per cent. discount sale of men's rain coats in George Parted With Regret. Mills & Co's. big store * this evening hi | from six to eleven o'clock. "The choice of rovalt: ; CAN ax ** MeConkey's FREAK ATHLETIC RECORD, ---- Englishman Walked, Ran, Rode and Wheeled. London, May 12.<A remarkable athletic' feat which rivals the famous exploit of Mr. Bulpett, the old rugby athlete, who - walked a mile, ran a mile and rode a mile all within fifteen minutes, has just béen performed by a young Indian officer of the 17th cavalry, K. Barge. On a level mile on the road between Bannu und Dehra Jsmai Khan, he had to cover the dis- tance four times, ata run, at a walk, on a horse and on a bicycle, in twen- ty minutes. He walked the first mile in 7 minutes 52 2-5 seconds, ran the sveond in 5 minutes 12 .seconds, gal- loped the third in 2 minutes 4 sec onds, and bieycled the fourth in 2 minutes 59 2.5 seconds, thus achieving the task in 19 minutes 8 seconds exclu- sive of the time taken in changing mounts and winning with 52 seconds to' spare. It pours the oil of life into your sys- tem. It warms you up and starts the life blood circulating. Thats what Hollister's Rock: ountain daes, 35c. or Tablets 's Drug Stove. \ Fon CADRE & SON -- It has been a very charming display--that of our Summer to find that the designs are exclusive to this store. Taking it waist by waist at price: by price, or as one splendidly stylish assortment, we re not afraid to compare it with any other in the city. Come and ex- shall store. of fer Mohairs Ya 300 only, Linen full 48 business. 100 only, extra good qualled as "~ JOHN LAIDLAW sizes 15, 15}, 16 no "phone orders led. Linen Huckaback Towels Huckaback Towels y 19x38 inches, with borders, regularly sold at 20¢ fine Hama each, Monday (with a limit of one ort ° and value at 0ABIK.....coreve ier Quality Quite an inducement, you know, WHITE LAWN WAISTS, in an assort- ment, of six different styles, each trimmed with 'embroidery or lace and hemstitched tucks, with full sleeve and deep cuff but- toned to clhow. Monday, 99 each... ny WHITE LAWN WAIS with very handsomely embroidered fronts with rows of fine Val. lace imsertjon and small tucks, attached collars, full three-quarter length sleeves finished with frills of material and clusters of fine tucks between two ' rows of lace insertion, finished with lace to mateh front, our su- 2 19 perb' specials." Monday each = THIS SHOE OODS REMNANT SALE a The Selling Ev, EE YT After one of the very seasons in our Dress Goods now find ourselves wii Remnants, varying to six yards. do now-a-days t selling Remnants, so o inaugurate what greatest Remnant Sale to value and cloths offered--in the | g in length from ope We ve got'tuo much to 0 give Promptly at 9 o'clock we will EVERY REMNANT AT EXACTLY HALF-PRICE Day alter day we've endeavored to merit the confidence we enjoy from an army of Are we liable now to endanger that trust by promising anything more than we can offer ? We candidly tell you that the Remnant Sale 'next Monday will eclipse any other previously off k of it---one dollar will buy just as much and just as good as two dollars on an ordinary day. "Among others there will be these very popular cloths Cheviots and Fancy Tweeds Black Fabrics It's unnecessary for us to ubge you then--for your own saving and peace of mind afterwards you'll want to come. At the same time too, there are three other reasons for your presence. Read on: a JOHN LAIDLAW & SON -- ee TWO POPULAR SPECIALS IN LINEN SECTION | There are just 185 gilt-edged opportunities amongst the linens for early comers on Monda-y. The yards, is our portion of nearly 1000 yards, purchased from the maker by an agency with which five other retail stores in different parts of Ontario are connected--you get the saving thus achieved. Sale starts promptly at 9.30 & SON cad ular value just Monday, per | to one customer), per pair 27 yard ...u ir-« - Frrvarsasranaadbredtsrantisnsise ---------- = JOHN LAIDLAW & SON ie JOHN LAIDLAW. & SON eens 100 Men's 50c. Shirts for 35c. These shirts were made by a maker im Canada, having a reputation as being one of the most particular in his line of They're just good, serviceable garments at a mighty low price. Men's Flannelette Shirts, of good English flannelette, well sha ed, especially about the should and well finished, collar attached J 161, regula Monday | St JOHN LAIDLAW & SON White Shirt Waists of New Designs in 9 am, --~-------- ent of successfy] section we a host of much time 1 Monday » will be the surely une- range of story of the patrons, No! ered, Ya In Black or Chocolate; in fine Vici Kid, all sis 'Extra wide lace with each pair. $2.00 a Pair THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE P,S.--$4.00 will buy a good size square T ron bound, good lock and rollers. UNK, i dhe Barty Your Skins with her Suit Case Catches Yourz Ler rotund bre Otzer Wp. She's true to the ma She'll fight, if you pu She | fence you, or H heart will despoi And myke you as sof That is one view. Ing woman. It is ol rounds - herself © wit! "points" of torture eynical bachelor, * ~that she hecomes ror, Ever soc a. woma the street under ar rainy day ? Determi enely, she moves al « Upon reaching her State of Ono, City Lucas Count k J. Cheney * ior parther of 'y & Co., doing n County a that uid {itm NDRED aud 'very case of C 'e cured Ly the us Cure. FR, Sworn to hefore MF presence, this 6 AD. see usd {Sealy A. Hall's Oxtaren Cy and ucts directly Nueous surfaces. ¢ for Lestimoninlg. frre JF ld enRsEyY vol rtp ke Hall's On. Iv Fami)

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