Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1906, p. 1

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$5 you re coming :-- uality 'of Navy tibbon, full 6 inc) continue to be) ig ildren's sashes, reg. + 08 . a vard; so think of| * er 9.30, when it po full 4} inches wide, heap at 15c. a vard, k, per vard SON -- of full new size with xt from 1.20 to 150 vith a sale } limit = >. gowns, of pst the good full sizes, | bamls, 151, 16, 49 Je, or over (most oi . norrow, cach ifferent sizes, som a few having ne shed in plain gootl and service v low price, cach ibove specials SON -- . TOW orning we shall logues of Spring ly free of charge. s of about forty ine of the Butter- no one presents or one. " Anywhere at at JO and 1.25 That's the name, exactly NS. monthly trade magazine-- is utterly impartial when ular make is mentioned these few words froma mn regarding this {itm :-- bly no glove firm in the 3 greater attention to the used than that of Perrin's. vess of sorting and testing ss. p SON -- lies' Summer ckings » form a great pro be light n for any othe have proved their and cool trong Cotton Stock rmsdorf" d best proce , double sins special to-morrow Cashmere Stock summer weight, k n { a cashmere, dxcept . good quality, | & SON - smething Very Spe:ial e Vici Kid, all sizes Pair pair. SHOE STORE d size square TRUNK, s. : »: Two ~ YEAR 73. NO. 112. Look Out For Our Great Removal Sale of Furniture Qur entire stock must be | ------mm--m-- ------e-- sold as we cannot remove it to the new store, 230 and 2301 Princess Street. Robt. J. Reid 222 Princess Street Ambulance call 877, FLO TE RR ' if : \ h { An EMERALD N And two "diamonds A y ina ring always make i N a beautiful jewel and if ¥ { the birthday is in May i il itis very appropriate ; For Sweetheart, For mother, or For Wife. We have these stones set and unset, selected for their quality and perfection of color. J A Ta EY TX WE Qur prices mean that you purchase as low as itis possible in Canada. | SPANCENBERG FIL a "en me Te i a mE lh, ime" le gt g-- reapy Safty Razor With 7 Blades, for $1.50 he only Safty Price and guaranteed. Sold only at Miichell"s Hardware AT VAN LUVEN'S Razor sold for the Rasnl erry Honey, 2 mugs 23¢ Evaporated Peaches, Apricots Nectarines, per Ib 5 Choice Prunes, large size, 2 Ibs e Figs, 2 Ins x Raisins, 2 bs Strawberries, 2 cans 8 Red Cherries, per can 15¢ Pitted Red Cherries, per can 20¢ Plies und Gages in cans 10¢ Finest Seclocted Rais'ns, (special) 1 Ibs Laundry Si, ch. 4 lbs s to give it a start, 6 Jalley's Pure Naptha 23¢ The new Breakfast Foods Gusto, and Egg-0-Se tier coming in We are welt F. w. VAN LUVEN hor g D righam --Tln A" £2 Richest Silver Values Run as as ¥ngh as td Book et are 'Perating in the Coball cam vy rose from 40 cents Write to-day for 'Particulars. Mintug Lamp $10,000 per free for the askug 'FREE Mock WILLS @ co. COBAET wi Market Letter, We buy and sell shares fn all c.mpanics Per share to $100.00 TORONTO OR COBALT. ---- fr ------ ---- TO. LET--FURNISHED be Terms reasonable to responsible Obie for the summer months. impros Brick * Dwellings, all latest th Clients, one on Union St. § other on Frontense FAT SWIFT'S wea Ramsay ------ tS Se | ee -- DIRECT FROM TURK Stee" wind oll ganar el te Earn: buying 'WHEN YOU WEAR DAILY MEMORANDA, ------ The Correct styles In Hats at Campbell Bros. Yacht Club necting 8 pam. Culleen Bawn,' Waterworks' day. "Parada," nan, Tickets Library. This you hear wherever vou go, "For Finest Hats, George Mills & Co." The sun rises Saturday at 4.38 am. and ssts at 7.16 p.m. "This day in history :--Natal proclaim- ed British, 1848; Karl Stratford ex- ecuted, 1641. Monday evening. Committee, 4 p.m., Mon- Grand Opera House, 8.15 for "Parada," © on sale at WHIG TELEPHONES. 3---RBusiness Office. 229--Editorial. Rooms. 2 Jobbing Department. Old Blue We have just received a very pretty line of old "Blue Willow" in odd China Plates, Cups and Saucers, etc. Also a com- plete line of the old blue "Onion' pattern in pretty shapes and very cheap. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. CHINA FOR CHINESE 2 VIEW DE MOVEMENT GIVEN BOOST BY GOVERNMENT. Powers May Ask What Edict Ap- pointing New Customs Offi- cials Means--Status of Sir Robert Hart. Pekin, May 12.--Another important step toward the realization of the policy of China for the Chinese has been recorded in the promulgation of an imperial decree' naming Tieh Liang, president of the board of revenue, and one of Viceroy Yuan-Shi-Kai's most trusted lieutenants, as superin- tendent of customs affairs, Tong Shao, junior vice-president of the for- eign board, is made associate minis ter of customs affairs. All Chinese | t » Chinese customs, who to, all practical pur aljisolute control in general of the has heretofore, poses: exercised customs matters, t Violate Agreement. cpstoms should be held by"a British subject so long as British trade with China continues to excead that of any other: power. The edict is commented upon as be- ing another significant indication of China's determination to throw off western tutelage. Complete Overturning. Washington, May 12.--1t is. believed |} McKay Fur House, Kingston, Ont. AR AAR RAAARS Our Shoes you wear the best footwear to be had in King- ston, Wear '*Allen's"' Military Beotmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. Civic Improvement Socloty GRANDMOTHER'S TALES CITY HALL FRIDAY, May 18th 8 p.m. Sliver Collection. FH 5 ROBT. J. REID," The Leading Undertaker *Phone 577. 222 Princess St. LORD STRATHCONA. Forwards Names of Directors to Mr. Preston. London, May 12.--An Ottawa cable te the London, Standard says that the agent of the North Atlantic Trad ing company refused to give the names of the company to the parlia mentary committee, but Lord Strath cona sent them later. The Canadian Associated Press understands that Mr. Preston has in sealed with five large seals, an envelope con taining a list of the names of the company, which he will produce be fore the public accounts committee at Ottawa. Mr. Preston, himself, is said to be ignorant of what names snentioned on the list that the velope contains, ---------- ETHEL BARRYMORE FREE. his possession, are en- more's engagement to od Capt. Har- rv Graham, of London, has been de- Ml clared off. The actress ig not inclined to discuss hex personal those outside her circle of intimates, but' to them she has confided a sever ance of the tie Rumors of have Barrymore the broken engagemen Engagement to Wed Capt. Graham Declared Of. New' York, May 12.--Ethel Barry- affairs with [wen going the rounds since Misg announced her inténtion of tarrying awhile in New York before ers as do the extent to which this de. cree tends to subvert the British The C.P.R. SS. Empress of Britain STOLE SUIT CASE agreement. passed Cape Chatt at 830 am, She . . Hho administration of Sir Robert |i due at - Quebec, at midnight, if no | Thief Gets Away With $12,000 Hart has always | satisfactory to | detention. Securities. all the foreign nations Thy insurance commission com Lynn, Mus<., May 12.-A suit case aban pleted its investigation into the af | containing $12,000 worth. oft bonds, A British Head. fairs of the Union Life, on Friday, | stocks, and other securities, many of Sir Robert Hart, an Trishman, horn | and adjourned till May 21st. which are said to be negotiable, was in 1535, has probably done more for Baron Isvolsky, Russian minister af | stolen, last night, from the High China'than any other foreigner, cx- | CQuemiiagen, has aceepted the office of | Sfreet Free Baptist church, where the eepting, possibly, "Chinese" Gordon. SN n minister of foreign affairs, rer | Massachusetts Association of Free He entered the Chinese copsular ser- resigned hy Count Lamsdorfi, | Baptist churches have been holding vice in 1854 and became) inspector James Dunsthuir has been ap- | the annial convention, The suit case general of customs in 1855. Both the | pointed lieutenant-wovernor of British | belonged to the Rev. W. J. Twort, British and Chinese governments have | Columbia. and Sir Daniel McMillan | Lawrence, the treasurer of theprgani- chown him many favors. The former | was appointed for a second term in | zation, and the securities are"the pro made him a baronet, conferred the | Manitoba. | perty of the association. Mr. Twort orders of St. Michael and St. George Owing to the capture of the Zulu | left the case in an ante-room while he on him, and wanted to make him am- not produce pain, lagal inflammation port of the special committee appoint- ed for the purpose of raising a $50, 000 endowment fund and to transact other matters in connection with the erection of the McKinley memorial in Canton. Seulptor Charles the inspection of 'the trustees his de- sign for the portrait statue of MeKin- ley, i of the tomb, - Likely An Echo. May 12. r The Times corres 1 persistent rumors were current, yes terday, 'of a massacre at Kaiserich, in which seventy have been killed. No confirmation of t | is believed to he a mere and exaggerated, of the Kaiserich in cident. abroad. has no customary trip taking her Migs Barrymore Hitherto admitting or denying the report. -------------------------- A fresh shipment of Ml satisfied the curious to the exert "of omkey's high Murder And Suicide. t Philadelphia, May 12.--J. nall, aged cighty years, shot and kil ed his wife, and afterwards killed himself. Made the Paris, 12; May Curie, the famous discoverer of um, was run over and killed hy a waggon the other day, he Place Dauphine. of France to permit occupy the chair of gene ated far her 10n two years ago. Over The Captain R. A, Fast gasoline woachers. chief Kula, PROF. P. chemists authoritivs of Robertson, will not go to Bisley. machines are placed on the lakes to look efter fish "THE DAILY BRITI ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY yin 1906. ait . A PROFESSOR KILLED. Discovery of CURIE. rofessor radi- while crossing was born 9, and was of France! rent will grant a nt is on foot the College ». Curie ral physics ere- and foreigners in the various customs | Paris, May 15th, 155 departments are to be under the con- | of the greatest trol of these two officials. The French governn It is not known as vet what effect pension to the widow, these appointments will have on the A serious movemes status of Sle Robert Hart, director | induce the My husband in that institn- A petition signed by many savants is to be presented to the oficiale of the college. London, May 12.+The customs ap- The selemfiist"s wife, who was in |at midnight, on Sunday, but informa- pointments of the Chinese government | close touch with his researches, is | tion gathered here and in Constanti- are regarded here gs a violation of | since the agecdy of Curie's death the | nople Turgishes hope" of an eleventh the agreement of February, 1595, bLe- | only one '@mpetent to carry on his | hour settlement, which can only take tween Groat Britain and China, under prec jong In fact many believe | the form of the withdrawal of the which, among other concessions, China | he wis. originator of all | Turkish troops frpmr. Tabsh, pending a agreed that the post of inspéctor of Curie' ¢ ox delimitation of the frontier. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All World. here that the Chinese customs edie | Temiskaming railways net earings 1aduis ot Butabere, with Tour big means the complete overturning of the | for the quarter, ending March 31st, nr loft. the Piracus,: last evening.' go- svstem of foreign control of Chinese | Wore $38,364. in > in the direction ' f Salonice: Other eistame collection which has been in Fhe SS. Hibernian, Allan line, from nk HH at Sn further: indicate the hands of Sir Robert Hart for the | London, for Montreal, inward, at acl oY Sueyle bh twenty. years. Tich Laing ais the Cap Atte, 6 nap. femnedia atourive action it 8 nt "Collectors, Bipot Tanda commander-in-ehict of the une jury, at Oshawa, ls rn nb iu 2 Chinese armv and is said to be a Sian ney death was | W& te Uri An # + alam which = and Manufacturers of great, ability. I SE i tie muadron, It is &xpectet) that an immediate in: | Premier Whitney States 'that a coms Wat ting et = re - pb quiry will be made by the great pow- | mission will be issued to inquire into | SWddehly. sum the, question of school books. Pierve in one to to Hamilton, to be Henry Nithaus was present and submitted to which is to stand at the entrance Lydon, porfdent at Constantinople eables that Armenians were said to British Officials Sorry Russia is | the report has been received and this echo belated L. Yar- who is seventy-two years, Turkish girls of {he better class who are making the acquaintances of. Euro or febrile reaction, they inoculated thirty patients, suffering from different | Pean Women are heginning- "to cru | forms of tuberculosis, and an improve. | AWay from the deadly dullness of the ment waf always noticed, particularly harem. The sultan is gelting uneasy in the case of osteo-periostitis and | O¥T the matter, and is said to he lupus. Dr. Piogey and his colleague, contemplating a law forbidding for who have hopes of effecting complete | £57 ladies lo Visit the harems ns cures, will communicate the results of they constitute a rave dancer 0 their experiments and observations to the pare of the souls of the Turkish the scientific world. women. Couserning McKinley Memorial. THEIR WIVES, THE DOERS. Now York, May 12.---The trustees of a i ! the National McKinley Memorial As. | American Writers Do. Everything | sociation met here, this morning, at By Proxy. the Manhattan hotel to 'Yeecive the re Philadelphia, May 12,---Mary Morti- mer Maxwell, the English authoress, has just Bompleted a clever series of stories entitled "An Englishwoman in New York." A recent number was de voted to the comparison between the American man of business and the English man of busine®. ' Miss Max- well's conclusion was: In England it . SUSPECT BARON ISWOLSKY. Dropping Lamsdorff. London, May 12. of Baron Iswolsky minister meets with little favor official' circles here. Whils hoping the best. the directors of British for- I- | eign policy see in the change the pos * condition is ait] been accomulished a tinderstanding The retirement of | and was tied too tight, which caused Count Lamsdorfi and the appointment | i as Russian foreins for i ago by Capt. Hendry. sibility of the undoing of what has ta bring about a | shades. See our hatiteen Great The H, D. Bibby Co, ® SULTAN SICK Steadlly Refuses All Med- + ical Treatmeut. AN ELEVENTH HOUR SETTLEMENT OF THE TABAH DISPUTE EXPECTED, British Warships Busy and Ready, at Moment's Notice to En- force Britain's Demands--At. lantic Squadron Suumoned to Gibraltar, Manchester, Eng., May 12.--A Con- stantinople despatch to the Guardian afirms, in explicit terms, that, des pite official denials, the gravest ap- prehensions are felt as to the health of the sultan. The correspondent says that the sultan almost every day has fits of fever, during which his temper- ature rises to over 102 degrees. When the attacks, which are very short, are over, he is completely pros. trated, his temperature suddenly fall- ing below ninety-seven, He refused to take the remedies that are prescribea | for him, and the correspondent savs it is. doubtful whether he will live more than five or six months, Eleventh Hour Settlement. London, May 12.--~The Porte has giv. en no indication that it intends to comply with the demands contained in the British ultimatum, which expires Meanwhile the British warships are busy. Some of VieeAdmiral Lord Charles Bercsford's cruisers ond bat: tloships have retumed to the Piraeus after a short manoeuvring oruise in the Mediterranean. All are now ready to sail at a moment's notice. Rear Admiral Lambton, with the third cruiser squadron, is at Port Said, awaiting orders. Rear-Admiral Prince d thousands of hig followers | went to Supper ~ When he retuned the | 0 a million more thin year. Let them bassador at Pekin, but he declined | are on the way to join Bambaata. The | suit case had disappearec and a rain- | oC We want the right kind of im the offer. colonial troops are trying to inter- | coat helomging to Mr. Twort and con migrants." cept them. taining about twenty dollars. in cash, * New Tuberculosis Antitoxin, [Cross of Gold, owned by R. MH. | was also missing. RUBBER COMBINATION Paris, May 12.--It has just been an-} Pounder, Ottawa, is to be added to | nounced that Dr. Piogey, of this tie Nat of seventeen declarations in | PRESIDENT'S VIEWS. Is Likely to Be Formed Ia Cay- city and Don Lino Valasqiez, a Span- | the King's plate, Toronto, This leaves | i A ™m is scientist, have discovered a new | nineteen eligibles for the Guineas next | As Laid Before the Russian tuberculosis antitoxin, the composi- | Saturday. E xT Montreal, May 12.--Plans are on 2 y x | MPeror. ki . tion and_mode of preparation of which Rev. James Alle n, superintendent of St. Petcribare. Mav: 12.--Prol. Serge foot lool ing to a hig rubber combina they have decided to keep| secret until | Methodist missions in New Ontario, teal. &, vay le. . 8° | tion in the province of Quebec, Al oy : " | Andreiviteh Muromtself, who was, on h i p ar 1 hy all doubts as to its efficady have been | has drawn up a scheme for Toronto t Thursdas elected wrosident of the though yet incomplete negotiations removed. The discoverers [declare that | ministers to spend their holidays in | loume. or the lower te of the Ta looking to the acquisition of the Grin the antitoxin is harmless to human | hit territory, riding. {ramping amd | Hn) " assembly went to Peterhof by Rubber Sgmpany by the Canadian beings and animals, but prevents the paddling, and as they come to them | visterda) and profited to the or Rubber comglany are in, progress. Jlevelopment of the Koch bacilli preaching in the various settlements | ¥° ' PR : soni | There was recently a change in the development of e Roch hacia d camps. The idea: is heartily peror his ecortificate of election. Presi-| 0 LT EE He Can im. Came After _experimenting on themselves ay oa ¥ i XP ' » » hea " ar | Gent Muromtseff expressed the opinion ag 0 . - 8 Sadion and finding that the inoculation did proved of bv many of the preachers | of his supporters that the council of pany and a subsequent . increase in | the empire (the upper house), as at present vonstituted, is a barrier be derstood ta be pBEAOE in eave tween the emperor and his people as | POITY IA fonnecijon with Tuber . : a : en which may eventually develop i ropresentesd in the douma: The coun: |. t srful binati | cI. he said, ought to have only con- | 10'¢ a [Powerful compnation, | sultative powers, and not, as now, | the right to veto and, practically, ex- Renfrew Men For Cobalt. | ecutive authority. It is known that | Renfrew, Ont., May 12.=<The rush to | the twelve elected members of the | Cobalt from this district continues un- i counéil support this declaration. abated. A number of citizens who are anxious to test Dame Fortune, but . cannot themselves go on a prospecting { HUGHES' FEE $15,000. 4 tour, have combined and are sendin | . {competent representatives to. th Total Cost of Insurance Investi- hbo of the Silver City. Ame ) gation Was $100,000. ong those who are already Jin the | Albany, N.Y., May 12.-The cost of | fields or about to leave for New On- | the investigation made by the Arm- |tario are Messis, William Miller, John | | committee has been The appropriation annual supply bill is understood that Inquisitor Hughes' share of this sum is 815,000. The bill states that the appropriation is made to cover coun strong insurance fixed at £100,000. was put in the just printéd. It y gel foes, witness fees, services of steno- | in the Central, was the sentence pass- is the man who keeps abreast of the graphers, clerks and other employees, ed, this morning, on John Lucas, times and "who does things that are | und for the printing of 17,009 copies | found guilty of stealing flour and really worth while," but in America | of the report. grain from G.T.R. cars at the station the average man leaves the things | Bore. The sentenes: i5- looked "on asa hich are outside of his business to | " TTD Duttige gig Te umn |. Bunk With Load Of Supplies. | light ove. New Liskeard, Unt, May 12.-The Where Did It Come From i | Geisha, formerly a steamyacht on To- but now of the New Lis River line, sank at her Thursday night. laden with supplies | ramto Bay, heard White | dock at Haileyvbury, | She was heavily to heel over till her port holes were under water. The Geisha wax' brought to Temiskaming three years iment on the national situation is. the - The correct blocks in spring hats are here. Come, see the new shapes and special $2 soft hats. BRYAN MAY RUN Won't CG ign for Presid St. Thomas, May n-M OC more, of this city, a of W. J. Bryan, from Mr. Bryan, ho is in Eaypt, a letjor, in which he says: "I am sat isfied that tho things I have been ting for are wing, but whe will be most available in 1908 is a question that cannot be answered now, I shall not do anything to se cure another nomination, and do not want it unless circumstances seem to demand it; time alone can determine that." This is the first authoritative state ment of Mr, Bryan's attitude toward the presidency in 1908, The letter is personal, and his com- more interesting to the public from the fact that it is the frank utter- oi f a party leader to a confiden- friend, i ---------- REFUSED ADMISSION, But It is Thought He Got in Safely. Windsor, Ont, May 13~Carl. Chris topher, a Dune, landed at Now York about three vears ago, aud made his way to Saginaw, Mich. Later he came to Canada gnd worked on a railway: Nearly three months ago he decided to return to the United States. He tried to do so by way of Windsor, but was sthpped by the immigration offie- ers at Detroit, who demanded the two dollar poll tex. He jek sod to pay and came back here, cs thon the police have several i put Christopher on a Detroit ferry, but the man has been rogularly denied admission to the Un- ited States, On Thursday he was or- dered to get gut of town; this he has evidently done, and it is believed he has evaded the Detroit officials ond is notw- in Michigan: SACRIFICING CHILDREN Anoint Warriors--Hideous Habits of the ulus. Durban, \Natal, May 12. Thousands oi Zulus from Chief Kula's kraal are reported to be-on their way to join the rebel chief Bambaata, and colonial troops are being hurried forward to prevent their otion. Chief Kula, who is suspected of disaffection; and was recently arrested, was placed in jail at Pietermaritzburg, to-day. It is presumed that it was the vnrest of this chief which led to the rising of his followers, Natives captursd hy the colonial forces report t witch doe- tors are sacrificing children in order to render the rebels immune from British bullets. Before a. battle they kill a girl and concoct "medicine from her body, with which they anoint the To U. S. Can Easily Stow Wway That Number. Philatluithia, May 12. We ean ad- mit a lion immigrants every year for ten:peilrs, and if they are put in the right place they will prove a bene. fit to the United States," said Immi- ration Commissioner F. P. Sargent, Be night, while, discussing the immi- gration probleiii at the semi-annual meeting of the Philadelphia Baptist City Mission. "The. American peo: ple," he said, "are greatly stirred up over the influx of immigrants. I do not think there is any cause for alarnv. There were 1,026,000 admitted to this country last year, there will capital and the mew directors are un- Ferguson, Lee Stewart, Jobn and Fd- die £onnolly, Reuben Russell, D. H, McAndrew, David Budd, R., A. Sprople | Robert Stewart and A. McKinnon Sent To Central Prison. Belleville, Ont., May 12. Ten months Detroit, Mich., May 12.--Thousands of feet of pine lumber are adrift in the vicinity of Port" Austin, I ake Hue- on. Sveral thousand fet have, in addition, been piled up at Point Aux Barques, The source of the lumber is not yet known, The Genuine. Wilkinson's and C 58 hats, are to only at "Campbell Dros tre for men's hats, CLEARING SALE ¥ 3 HANDBAGS AT NINE 0'CLOCK- EM BROIDERED BELTS-- LADIES' GARTERS~ LACE CHEMISETTES-- # There are many Kinds in this lot of various kinds of leather; all well made and trimmed. They arg in colors and black and were priced from 33¢. to $1. For Saturday only ... Of white linen, the washing kind with detachable buckles. Very Special . A a Made with pad and waist belt, four strong elastic supporters and first class clips, the 50c. kind, on sale ab inn 300 Of cotton guipure lace, very pretty patterns, in colors cream and white. : ; Extra, Spotinl loser isms - Tee "DENT'S" GLOVES For boys and girls, in toh and brava, | two ood lige We 00c. and The. LACE CURTAIN VALUES RILEY --1n X 1908, J Kr at Some ed 5 ¥ waeeal Fin ws aoidence, We Terrace, treal St. Monday; 2.80 p. PF and acquirintances 5 i Friads ed to attend. TOLLS in_S¥ , May 12th, 1906, rs. L. n. 3 Funeral from her Yate residence. A , at 2 ances Directd f Ca phos Huntington: aC York = loston, All Seenery---300 Beautiful : People-- Fo iy Pg THURSDAY, May swanLY, SH ROSEL The £ 1atinguisik By Ci has. Speci Act Singer Bavirouinents: for a Pricen--258:5 Be. Hb. Thc. ¥. PRESERVES

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