Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1906, p. 11

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t belong to the taste 0 ¢ Elalined Or Malta . i being v Ke ugar, boi ied cider, p sh and aro i on request by ) cts. its name implies , results from he as e of the wheat bjected to the sear nzymes of bar) i A --not will last clor skirt. NN REE 'e er iv or sample St.Jobn's, PQ. s introduced its-- NT " FORD" nough to be nough to be stch Tweeds a wealth of | 3 les. ,of which, hing ley malt, ment value, G of nervous Besides, it is the best fe vark Vita on - This lueose op serlously injurious, 1 The hunter who carries a ration of PETER'S sWISS MILK CHOCOLATE, can have a meal ina moment. Nutritious, sustaining, prevents fatigue. Lame, Corliss a Co., 27 Common Street, Montreal. da " Jory fmporiant 1 83 STRONG Pa OLR EL To BRIE. 1: 3] §: 3% RAILWAY HEART | 7 mot ro ana In Connection With AND fall to the lot of the Canadian Pacific Railway average business man-- AD his heart and nerve Y system will not stand it -- he gives them too NERVES Rush work to da. omen are doing TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- ~--mapress, for Ottawa, Mon wn ghabec, Si dows. Nl: Halas Torontd, Chicago. Denver, Ren | the same thing attending to their house- "Sault Ste. . Marie, Ouluth, ot hold duties and looking after their socisl aul, Winni F Sicouvar, Ue_| obligations. The constant strain under Portland, and an which thoy have to continue day in.and 3 pm--Local for SEarbos Lake, | 92y out, the irregularities of habits and seunecting with C.P.R. east and west, 2:10 a.m.--Mired, for Renfrew and in- tymediate points. loss of rest will soon shatter the strongest system. Before lung you become nervous, starting at the least sudden sound, the heart flutters and itates, specks float before the eyes, Ee weak and irregular, you 'have faint gn | dizzy spells, lack of self-confidence, rush of blood the head, irritability of temper, short _ of breath, starting in sleep, sensation of pins and needles, sleeplessness, restless. ness and finally physical breakdown or nervous prostration. MILBURN'S HEART Kingston at ase 00 F780 Bosten, 7:30 @&.m.; St. Jebn iB. 11:55 a.m. aa particilars at K; &P. and C.P Feket Office, Ontario street, F; CONWAY, F. A; FOLGER, Bay of Quinte Railwa, AND NERVE PILLS strength and health. nary Napanee. | curative power manifests iteslf immediately New short line for Tweed, Deseronto, and all local points. Traine they aro taken. Through the medium of lve City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F.| the nervous system they impart a strength. CONWAY,- Agent B. Q. Ry,, Kingston. ening and restorative infucnce to every o-gan and tissue of the body. Many have Yeon cured, among them us) Mr. Ray V. Joomier, Wellington, P. Kilmer, Humberstone, Ont., Mra. C. Me- Monald, Portage Ia Prairie, Man., Nr, Walter Cleveland, Bayswater, N.S., Mra. Owen Martin, Alma, N.B. and thousands of others. The price of Milburn's Heart rtand Nerve ge 18 50 cts, per hox or 3 boxes fer $1.25. Can RAILWA A LEN LL AERA A) LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE in Effect Jan. 2nd, 19086. Trains will leave and arrive at Olty Depot, Foot of Johnston street. GOING WEST Ji i rocuved at alld 1 general storea. a : Lve. City Arr. City E ak te ir The T. Milbure No. 6 Mail ... .1245am. 1.15am | Co Limited Teronto, " 3 Express .. 2.26 am. 3.05 a.m, " 1 Loeal ....., 9.15a.m. 9.47 a.m. " 1Intern'] 14412.16 noon 12.46 p.m «7 Mail .. .3 319 pm. 3.51 pm ® 15 Local ... . 7.08 p.m. 7.38 pm. GOING EAST Lve. City Arr. City No. 8 Mail ... .. 1.48 am. 223am. " 2 Fast ip. 2.26 am. 3.05 a.m. " 16 Local. 8.16 am, 8.47 am. " AVg) "1a. 16 noon 12.46 p.m. ¥ 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 pm. 1.29 X 29 pow * 12 Local .. . 7.03pm. 73pm Nos. 1,3, 8, "nd 4 rum daily. Nos. § had 8 run_ daily excent Monday.., All other a: home. As superior te testlon 'Mev oc as gold is trains daily except Sunday. pr outs ale Torento, Pateshote, Maypole Soap ha a alisis, ondon, _ Detro in Rnsiund. but cold covymbers Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John. Halifax, Boston and New York For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, ad all ther imformation, apply to Jd. NLEY, Agent, Cor. J t "wd Ooter streets. Kings or anes Jor Colovamise. for Black. EASY MONEY AT HOME raising canaries, MN JESonuia than Wickens: i indore Vit ie ta Sem a r young si apes Ty interested Sekt Vo. send 0 BOOK (Hhousminde sid 5 S5¢) ad two cues ingston. Ont. ALLAN LINE reral Mail Steamers SOTTAN MONTREAL 70 LIVERPOOL. BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, Tunisian, May 17, June 14, July 12. | *4 ang CANAL Gc R dow to make Victorian, 'Muy 24. June 21, July 10 J Mig inigs oe Gain. . Adres Tonian May 31. June 28. July 26. COTTAM BIRD SEED , 22 St, Londen, Out Virginjan, Jung 7, July 5, Aug. ---- -;6T. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, (moderate rate service.) ATTEN? rHE BEST Mongolian May 16, J 0 v o5 h une 20, July 25 hi Corinthian, May 23. June 27. Aug. 1 Ambitions young men and women Who are contemplating a Commercial Educa- tion 'in Shorthand, Typewriting. Book- keeping, ete. Service course. will find the Frontenac Business College Kingston, Ontario > and weekly thereafter. For rates, apply to JJ. P. HANLEY, Aemnt. G. TT. R., J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE Te ------ An Honest Guarantee The best equipped and most up-to date Lusiness training institution in ¢ guarantee our milk ta be Eastern Ontario. ABSOLUTELY pure; put up in of a Civil Students may enter at any time, and graduates are assisted to good pay- sterilized bottles. It » 18 the best. in situations, Write for catalogue and y it "Phone 680 W. H Shaw, 1. N. Stockdale Principal. Kingston Milk Depot Cor. Brock and ts. "Phone : Bagot Sts. Storage ! Do You Know That ? itizens of Kingston and vicinity de- ey to store household goods have wile facilities extended to them by President. Royal Insurance Co. Established 1845 LIFE DEPARTMENT Assurances in Force, $104.000,000 Asseis over - 40, Expenses only 1244 per cent. of Premiums ; 816 per cent, of 'acome. At the Quinquennial dis 1903, profits of over $3) raid to policyholders. has now heen paid for ibution in JANN), were The same bonus forty years. Liabilities valued at 3 per cent. The Ding on security is not surpassed by that of any Life company in the world. Canadian G. FROS i policyholders share in the profits arising 2990 , Tom the entire Life iatness of the © PR. ucen St, phone 526 nany. Funds of the ire an ie All goods |, 5 Yelq Branches are absclutely separated. the be ods left in hig charge receive Figures for assurances in this strong Pritivh Office cheerfully sur--lied. ; W. J. B. WHITE, Kingston, ont. AL WARM SUBJECT the world we're so Coal at this time queer to St of care at a teasonabfe cost. Clean, Dry aad Promps Service : There's nothing fage Painting a Sppolalty EMBOSSING Gx hoop ana interested in {or Paper and Envelopes ses oui busing asd seine ue 4 ENGR Qalling 4 EE Ai Tt A AVING Cards and. we an ae a ant the Lotter Bands' oto win varios 1a bo. dsesree fo. Bestih a of fos Printing from -- tn - Vous, 4 Booth & Co. 'HE WH, Kingston FOOT OF WEST ST. I Phmpe 133. | London, on. April {THINGS THEATRICAL 33: SHAKESPEAREAN PLAYS IN GERMANY. More Changes in Sir Henry Irving's Lyceum -- Sensation Caused by Russian Actress in New York. ¢ Puccini is engaged in writing an opera with Marie Antoinette as ' the leading figure. Richard Munsficld delivered a lec. ture in St. Louis for the San Fran- cisco's relief fund. "His Majesty' having failed, Blanche Ring is back in vauduoville, singing "an entirely new repertory of son; He Little Grey Lady" is to be translated into Danish by .J. Victor Wilson, for 'presentation - in Copen- hagen next fall. ¢ 1 rothy Tennant, of "The College Widow," is playing the leading femi- nine role of ces Cunningham in "The Stolen Story," in Boston. "The Fascinating Mr. Vanderveldt" was produced at the Garrick theatre, 26th, for the first time in the Fnelish metropolis. A new theatrical combination has Oi - MISS YVETTE SHIVELY, Oregon's famous "Western Girl," has Just inherited a fortune from an uncle in Kentucky and will leave the stage alter a brief experience as an hus: a stage career against the of her parents and was already tl ly tired of stage lite, when the reached her that her uncle. a noted turf- man of the Bluegrass district. of ticky, had died and left her a' fortune. been formed in | are Klaw and vaudeville Keith. Clara Morris, in "The of Teuth," duced at the Columbia theatre, Washington, made a tremen dous impression this week by her play- ing of a mute. M:. Frohman hopes to present Fay Davis in Londo n next season in-"The House of Mirth," put his plans depena upon the success of the piece in New York next September, Robert Mantell will open next sea- son in - New York. Among the new picces he will present will he "Timon of Athens" and *'Pericles," He will also be seen as Tago in "Othello." Two of Wagner's works reached ju- bilee figures at the Royal opera in Berlin this season. Die Meistersinger was given for the two hundredth time, and the five hundredth performance of Lohengrin took place recently 'The Prince of India." after a short losing tour, in Baltimore. In the cities visited it was not the sue cess expected. lt is said that the play will be rewritten and revived next fall and put on for a run in New York Last year Shakespearc's plays were performed in the German lancuage on onc hundred and forty-six stages, twentv-cight different plavs were giv- en, and altogether there were eight hundred and twelve performances. Arrangements have beer completed for E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe to appear at the New York Academy of Music for five weeks, beginning on which the principals Erlanger and several managers, mchwing B., ¥. Indiscretion closed When the stork brings the baby--and you can't nurse the [little one-- feed only » Nestle's Food It's the perfect substi- tute for mother's milk. In summer and winter, always the same, Sample (enough for 8 meals) sent free to mothers. | THE LEEMING, MILES CO., Limes, MONTREAL. actress. She wishes ugh- news Ken- | management decided to try May 28th, in'a rug of Shak spearcan nd. th il cach weck, Ronald son of the late Dr. George ry and author of "The Sword of the King," atized his latest novel, "lhe Sea- Maid," and bas arranged with Oscar Asche for the English production. Mudame Nasimoff, one of the Rue- sian players who created such a sen- ] sation in New York, bas decided to remain in America and learn English > in order to play here in that lan- guage. company. has left for "ihe 8 ilers"" will, on September 24th, in Boston, be added to the. list of dramatized novels, The stage ver- sion, which is under the direction of Paniel Frohman, will be made by the author, Rex Beach, and James Mace Arthur, Leoncavallo has signed a contract for a tour in the United States and Canada during October and November. He will be accompanied by the fam- ous orchestra of the Scala opera house, ol the maestro's own works will be Curzon and George Tyler, of Liebler & Co have arranged to pro- duce Haddon Chambers 'Sir Anthony" in the fall simultaneously in London and New York, George Edwardes has bought the "English and Amefican rights of Chambers' musical comedy, "The Flame." Charles Frobman has. arranged for an American tour for Sir Charles Wyndham and Mary" Moore, and a company'. It is planned to have them open in New York in January, and complete the engagchicnt by Easter, oppearing in "Captain Drew on Leave," "David Garrick" and a new lay ro Domino Rouge, whose identity has puzled New York and Europe for the past year, unmasked in New York this week during an engagement at Weber's music hall, and was found to be Miss Daisy Peterkin, formerly known on Proadway as La Belle Daizie. The Greek drama, "The Euripides," was given at the Ohio State University, Columbus, on April 20th. An English translation wes wed Alecestis, of story of a girl so plain that she be- comes embittered, turns anarchist; and finally dies by ber own hand in a fit of repentence; in order to from death those she most hated. el colored preachers to prevent further "The Clapsmean," in that, city, but after hearing both sides of the case, nothing in ous Roumanian actress, America next season, in English trans- lations of several of her favorite roles, supported by Among the plays in will be Wilbrandt's "Messalina," Vow' "Eva," and a new plav by Wilbrandt, her American tour. The dramatic for the small number of musical mel- anges or cocktails" as compared with the last few seasons, says the Hart- ford Courant. The produetion of the higher forms of musical comedy was also lessened for a time and one large firm that had devoted a great deal of time gnd money to that kind of business was quoted as saying that it was going in hereafter for straight plays only. Another feature of the season was the falling off in the dra- matized novels. Thirty-six plays were produced by Americans in New York from Septem ber Ist, to the present time, including two plays by Augustus Thomas, one by Clyde Fitch, one by David Belasc, one by Charles Klein, one by Edwin Milton Royle, one by Rupert Hughes, one by Edward Peple, two by George Ade, one by Henry Blossom, (ne by Channing Pollock. There were thirty nine new plays produced by George Bernard Shaw, one by Maurice Mactir linck, one by Lavedan, three by J. M. Barrie, one by Alfred Sutro, one by Paul Hervieu and one by Alfred Capus. Stephen Fiske writes in "The Sports of the Times': As an actress, Miss Terry was . created by Irving. | saw her frequently hefore she came under his ment, and she had nothing of the paturalness, the grace, the charm that afterwards made her the first of Englich actresses, For years she was devoted to him, One day | met her, weeping bitterly, at the stage door of the old Star Theatre, and asked the chuse. "Oh, Henry is so fa- tigued by the scene rehearsal !" she exclaimed, I intimated this was no business of hers, and she wpirifedly re- plied. "My business in life is to take care of Henry Irving." The old successes coplinve in Lon- don. "His House in Order' will run through the vear at the St. James. "The Little Stranger," shows no signs of diminishing attractiveness at 'the Criterion. "The Man from Blank- ley's seems to have settled down for a long run at Haymarket, "Measure for Measure," at the Adelphi. fs sure to count its admirers. by thousands during the holidays, "Allsof-a-Sudden Peggy," continues its TOUS on- reer at the DuRe of York's, and "The Little Michus," at Daly's after a holi- day, will start acain on a run which promises to be phenomenal. "THe Lit- tle Cherub" at the Prince of Wales, has been further enlivened with new | songs "and 'dances, "The Beanty of Bath," at the Aldywich, is drawing more solid money then has any wrevi- ous attraction provided by Charles Frohman, Changes are again store for the Lveeum Theatre, London, On April 21st, the house, so far ax the late management is concerned, closed its doors. It is only two Years meo that Sir Henry Irving's historic homé was acouired hy its present owners, a lim- ited econtpany, and in Décember. 1904, after havine been entirely reconstruct ed and redecorated, it was opened ac a music hall on the twice-niohtly svs- tem, This form of enternrize continn- ed for four or five months, when the the one house method! hut without snecess. The hnilding was then closed for some © save An effort was made by the combin- of Philadelphia performence of Mayor Weaver decided that there was the play that called for official action, and on this account refused to interfere. Madame Agathe Barseseu, the fam- will anpear in an American company. her repertoire which ix Veing written especially for ? scason which is now drawing to a close has been noticeable What about an Auto Prices as These ? in if it is all we say it is. _ interest you; writo No. 1- cylinders. as nowest high-priced plete o Korn, ete., ete. 1905 wodel, with plate glass wind- the whole car. in fact, everything that ought to go and women appeared as 'the chorus. with & car as as this, Abso- The only other performance on record lutely as a purchase as any in this country was givin at Harvard automobile buyer can possibly con- some time ago. sider. Really worth fully $500 Santiago usinol's new play, "The wore than our plies, Fright," is expected to make an im which is... "3 $3, 000 mense impression in Italy. It is the Model " L." side baskets. Goal es th and ono extra tire. soat, leather hod, 4.in. tires. A splendid car Rt cian's use. Big value Bh. aissa ss synianh arin Car, complete with top, search tionr and a special snapat $1,300. To a quick buyer price is. ....... TORONTO The Plain Truth About Twenty-seven Automobiles ERE is a terse, plain, honest description of 27 automobiles. Any one is great apo make, in good runting order - - - 'most i ; .are at such Consider that a modern motor car - -- and e these is a modern motor car - - - i a8 easy to run as drive a horse - - ~ and can er a host hr - <and actually less expensive to keep, as well as being 1 for use when you want to use it. Look over the List - - - consider which car you might possibly be 'nterestod your ip addons hom the coupon and mail it to us.' name an ress on : We will send you pictures, full details and t 2 Rambler Touring Oar, No. 7--Russell 1905 Car. 12h,p. No. 18-- 1903 Model, 18 h.p., double apposed A Car seats five with com. fort. Side entrance, ing (same Com- with acetylene gas generator and searchlights, side and tail lamps, First-class condi- tion. Same stylo sold last your for $ha70. Price to quick | $1, 000 Socal Sad -- anes $1,000 No. 2--Packard, 4-cylinder we shield, cape cart top, and vrerything complete, fur a first-class high-grade touring car. Will seat five people comfortably. Fitted with Diamond tires in fine condition, as is indeed Body beautifully finished in rich, dark groen; price includes ncotylene ge outfit and five high-grade lamps, side baskets and, leather top. Good car for aie this pl Epi A be cian's "use. Condition first- values this list. show oft 18 rate. Excellent value $800 In dition, u Bb cir aa dade nd 1 i p-to date 8 No. 11 -Antocar-ig H.P. Tour- Beautit n 'inished Hd Heh, dark i ingines green, honostly, od in pt trans- ar for by Cas Lil : mission. overs: right here in for $200 moro No. 3-Packard 4-cylinder ear, With casopy Sop tx and Big $9900 we No. 15. Bambler NSHP. Tour ind orem. | very lowat: ....... No. 4 Ha ue 1806 Run- about, 18 oo ir *® No. mpi ih oii $1, "Son No. 5 Russell Molle] A Touring lights, lamps, ete. Car seats tive, and is fitted with all 1906 improve- ments---a strictly up-to-date machine in practically new condi- $1, 125 $1,000 Look over the list, fill in the coupon below, clip it out and mail to The Dominion Automobile Co. Limited BAY AND TEMPERANCE Send full particulars of Numbers checked below MAKE CROSS IN SPACE BELOW NUMBERS THAT INTEREST YOU Bind VEAL big value for the price. Every one is of them one of bw n first-rate new condition. 3» e number of such 'cars as terms. Bvery car inrshiis fst - every oar we sell - - - we warrant in all respects fit to buy and as we h Topresent 1. The Biggest Bargain of the Whole List is Shaft drive and aliding trans- abound, with | mission, Ive fine oar. Vee but I ¢ id lo daring ane seagon $1, 000 No. Tom 3 Rambler 9005 Touring engine, with ¢ 0 18 h.p. lor 1005 Touring can be used as ~unnbout. Find i with Son blights, $1000 gondition, A powerful oar, . cereale No, ha 10 HE HE Sa Lise gines in front rong Ol1906 Mota 10 - Ing gear, oh A Ais foul. sk Raver beers used. special snap abi... i... A ut utiful car at price ao notable value $850 p< - al-3 P. ab dos Ran atour price. .........s Stapsmission. Wheel No. 10-8tevens Duryea Run- ing hi about with folding front seat, full steer. For a very moderate outlay This car Ea. in a at the posi ine "$135 No.12--Knox Runabout, 8 K.P: ng Pdi [2 BE, In Air couled gine. - Now tw $625 in og gear, 3 baskets --and OAT. a ose in condition, A rod in go Yedfivavae $6 Fesmnaanae Hoctro. ith leather top. Bate real Shoupt batterie No. gag os Car, _ . TOOMY CA. 16H Engines have been thor: A 1eRE 'overhauled. Whole car is No ames . in excellent running order, to the ayia of ew One. howd fat tered lu "A $DO0). Oftwedurshosty No.8 Russell. Mt Ally N 16-Cadillac. 10HP. 3 al improvements 0. fitted to it, 12 h.p. Diablo opposed oA Ondine, ally good onder $550 cylinders, no vibration. Shaft drive. Fine valueat........... BP Sliding gear transmission. 3 speeds No. 17 Mitoheil 7H P. Rud = Joy hes y and reverse. Strictly up-to-date. about. Air-cooled engine. Slid % Will climb any hill. Quite worth ing r, 3 spoeds and reverse. Noa leather top. 27 Winton Wes aur oamabsam, SHOD with her. ory $995 $225 CANADA CUT ON THIS LINE sécccersecrsscccrsnarcnnnnssacancncss a AIIOEE ee resin msirmmriibesisn ---- Province. ]z2]s als s|7 se whit I li i 10 11 | 12 3 141516 [17] 18 19]20 2 223 Joules = months, reopening in September with a ballet, and later on reverting to the tworhouse-a-night idea. The result, however, has not been encouraging. There is some talk of a grand opera scason at the house, but so far norh- ing has been definitely settled. In an interview in London, John Hare expressed himself as being san- guine about thie future of an English endowed theatre, which, as he says, from being a thing of ridicule, has ngw become a matter under serious consideration. * The need for a play- house, permanént and artistic, whose aim will be entively uncommereial, is what Mr. Hare voices. State aid would not in his opinion, be possible in England, where the bulk of the rate- payers persist in regarding the theatre as a means of amusement, hut the ad vent of some interested millionaire is necessary fo put such theatre on its fect. In Mr. Hare's opinion, in such a theatre, not run wit an eye to pros fit, it ought to be possible * to estab lish traditions, produce classics, and areate a 'school' of the drama. Such a theatre would © attract the great minority © of cultivated people, who never go' to the theatre and the peo- ple who go to the 'theatre in Paris, but will not take the London theatre seriously. ------ Veil Smoothing Irons. Nd woman traveller or dweller in a boarding house need pit up with rum- pled veils. Light weight and conveni- ent smoothing irons are to he had, together with little alcohol lamps for heating them. They are easily porta" ble and take up very little room. And they do the necessary pressing as guickly as the old-fashioned kind. Hard or soft corns cured with theee applications of Pock's Corn Salve, guaranteed. Money back if not satis factory. In boxes, 15 cents at Wade's drug store. The black diamond i= so hard Kat . it is impossible to polish it, TTT Tri Give an air of confidence and prosperous appesrssce ie the wearer. The best English Oxfords and finest French Cam. brics are used, and the patterns are not only exclusive bat absolutely fast, The stitching throughout is ste Each operator works on one class of becomes very expert. and -wniform. only, and thus . Careful dressers for more than & Quarter century ave always demanded Tooke TOOKE BROTHERS gusied, i MONTREAL. Ty 4g. Bonds and Stocks Investment Securities Both Listed and Unlisted. Information upon Request Commisaicn » Orders on All AIF Ercaanges { Members. Toronto Stock Exchange

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