; Any one of the |i sections in a Bison Hot Water Furnace can be readily shut off without affecting the others. I » as is the case with other the value of this in case mid-winter, any TheBjson has mare good heating aa points than all other heaters combired. oF a eet "THE H. R. IVES CO. LiMITED, £ MONTREAL. ALE. PORTER AND {Ee E R Nd Tag , AGENT, KINGSTON | Criss«Gross Tube Cleaner as over 150 Cutting Edges. Works equally well in either ion, You can save the cost of the Cleaner in one op- Thorough * - n Manner a thorough job Fecause its serrated cleaning 'automatically expanded to fit the boiler tube; and, sure to get ALL the scale and soot without injur- tubes. { flock sizes are 1}, 1%, 2, a}, 2}, 21, 3, 3}, 3} and 4 Vrite for descriptive catalogue and prices. and Tt & Birch, cielvey | near the emperor was taken by x; 8 ine in city, ly. palace and the Tauride pa- The ' streets between the two were carefully guarded by a force of troops and Rolie, ta vent any attempt upon the life ¢ czar on his way to and from the imment building. Outside of the vordon of troops thousands of people crowded the streets, eager to éatch a glimpse of the czar and his brilliant suite, At an early hour, this morning, heralds, gorgeously attired rode through the streets on richly eapari- soned horses, and roelainiad om opening of the National ssembly, - the same time, commanded peace and order. It was high noon, when the czar, swrounded by 'the members of the cabinet, the officials of the court, and a brilliant suite of officers and of the army, started from the imperial palace to the Tauride palace, where the members of the na- tional assembly, who had been re- cently elected, were already assembled, awaiting the arrival of the emperor. Count Witte was absent and' his Mace the new premier, Goremykin, whose ap- pearance was the signal for hostile demonstrations in the crowd, which, however, were quickly suppressed by the police, When the gorgeous procession reach- od the portal of the Tauride palace, the military escort formed in double lines, between which the czar and the members of his suite entered. At the portal the emperor was received by a delegation of the Douma and escorted to Te grand hall, where the national assembly was awaiting the arrival of the czar. The actual opening ceremony was brief. The czar delivered a short ad- dress, in which he announeed amnesty. for political prisoners and the aboli- tion of martial law. After a brief re- ference to the sentiments which had prompted him to give to his people a national assembly, and after Lavine pointed out the duties of the first parliamentary body of the e.unpire,-he declared the session formally opnwi. There was great cheering, wiich last ed uti' the czar had withdrawn and returned to the i palace. The opening 'session of the Douma was quite short. President Petrunko- vich delivered an address and sab mitted a number of communications from the imperial government, inelud- ing a plan for the re-organization of the finances of the tountry. Soon af- ter that the first meeting was ad- journed. . - The Tauride palace, where at least for the present, the sessions of Douma 'will be held, was built in 1783, and was presented by the Em- press Catherine II to Prince Potemkin, the "hero of the Taurus," after the conjuest of the Crimea. When the prince died, in 1794, it became crown property, and has been used as an exhibition buildings It was com- pletely remodelled for the purpose of making it suitable as parliament building. The whole central portion of the palace will be occupied for the purpose of the national assembly. The hall, in which the members meet, is about as large as the House of Re- presentatives, in = Washington, is en: tirely decorated in white and adorned with frescoes from Potemkin's time. Behind the president's seat and fac- ing the representatives, is a large bow window looking out on a gar- den. The seats and desks of the re- presentatives have been arranged around the hall, tier on tier, as in a theatre. The tribune from which the members will address the house, is in the centre, and on each side of it are iwo seats for the sevetarios of the Douma. The president's chair is be- hind the tribune, as are also the pa- lace for the ministers and their assis- tants and the press. There are 564 seats for representatives, and under cach is a ventilator. The desks have sliding tops, which will thus do away with the banging of lids, to which turbulent parliamentarists might re- sort to give expression to their dis- pleasure. Na place has been made for ink wells, which are not to be per- mitted, and the representatives will have to make pencil notes. The ob- ject of this is, probably, to prevent the throwing of ink. wells by dis: grumtled Aor Thi methods of parliamentary = warfare in some parliamentary bodies of Europe, Suppiementary estimates were brought down in the Ontario legisla- ture totalling $662,850.46, making the provincial estimates $6,28% 393.46. » You Need The Other. Ozone is a 'm-killer and a valu- able remedy, sults from it b Jou west have a tonic laxative to Ask your druggist for "Solution of * and 4f he does not keep t you can get it from s, ome of the favorite - MAY 10. HR 1H Fg. fst i ifih i £ : iH H z it i oF strength gave way, interest in life. The the hospital did had almost given R : h "about Bileans walle me etide 16 12y them. The rel) was <3: markable. § my pains di increased my rapidly, very soon work £7 ES £1 and was able to go sbout my as if I had pever known what was, "For a while I was afraid my re several health, I tan safely say that Bileans have cured me. Even the biliousness, my lifelong trouble, has entirely disap- peared . "My daughter Grace. who is just fif- teen, was also 'a martyr to bilousness, Sowers week she had an attack which left her weak and ill. and quité unfii for her work. "Her skin was quite yel- low and terribly blotched. I gave her a course of and now. after a few weeks' perserverance, her complex- ion is beautiful. The biliousness has entively di k work nerver seems to tire her." Bileans are compounded from Na- ture's finest medicinal herbs. They correct the mgrbid condition of the organs, and establish sound health, They accomplish all this so gently and genially that they do not, irritate or injure the delicate lining of the di- gestive canal or liver cells, etc., and Way he safely taken by the frailest in- vali, Bileans end those tired. worn-out feelings which * you experience about They also eure headache, con- stipation, piles, liver trouble, indiges- tion and igestive disorders, fe | male ailments, skin eruptions. bilious- ness, sick. headache, bad taste in the mouth, foul breath, dizziness, faint- ing, buzzing moisés in the head, feel- ings of uncomfortable fullness even ai- ter a light meg], wind pains, gnaemia, debility, etc. They also act as. a gen- eral tonic, improve the general circul- ation and are a boon to palefaced gids and weak women. For all pur: poses to which a household remedy is put, Bileans will he found . of excel lent service, Bileaps are obtainable from all drug- piste and stores at 50c. per 'box or direct from the Bifean Co. Colhorne St., Toronto, upon receipt of price, 6 boxes for $2.50, for The Very Little Tot. The Mother Hubbard model is re- placing to a marked extent the long- waisted French dress worn for several seasons past by the little tots of the nursery, Variations from the old-style Mother Hubbard in the form of point- ed and round yokes are much seen, with the scalloped model claiming fav- for with all fond mothers. Fine white lawn was the material used for this model, though any one of the season's dainty wash fabrics might be emvloy- ed with equally good effect, and the yoke cut jn triple scallops front, and back is inset with inch-wide Valen- ciennes insertions. The skirt is very full and shirred into the yoke. . Nar- row bands of the lawn, inset with the lace, finished the full-length bishop sleeves, which may, if desired, be cut in shorter length, and the neck is finished with a lace inserted . band of the lawn. The closing is, of course, in the back, / | Toledo News. Toledo, May | §-- Arbor day was cele- brated here in the usual fashion, Mrs. Bulger has had the exterior of her rols re-painted. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Rape, Syracuse, N.Y., are vis- iting at the former's home, here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sliter, Elgin, spent Sun- daly, at the home of C. Tallman. Mar- tin Murphy has gone to Elgin, where he will spend the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. William Rell attended the funeral of the late Robert Joynt, in New Boyne, on 2nd instant, P. Do- herty, Brockville, has moved into the village. William De Wolfe, Winmiveg, is visiting friends here. John Fenelon, who has been seriously ill; is now im- proving. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Perci- val, were in Portland on Monday. -C. Tallman has purchased the residence lately vacated by John Kennedy. Bradshaw Personals. Bradshaw, May 9.--Sunday school was reorganized on Sunday with T. Frame as secretary-treasurer, and Miss Richards as superintendent. Rev. Mr. Maclnnes, Sharbot Lake, called on some of the members of his congrega- tion last week. 0. Campbell, Oconto, had 4 bee, raising a large stock barn. D. Stafford spent a few days with his daughter, Mrs, Tysie, Perth: G. Lunn a home from, Cobwit. Mrs. Dufiy and iss Payne, Tichhorne visited Mrs. T. Swerbrion ' | THOROUGH MASTICATION 1S SECRET OF HEALTH. -- Yale. Professor's Findings--Ten Students Were Experimented With, and as Time Went by They Ate Less and Gained Greater Powers of Endurance. New Haven, Conn., May 10.--Prok Irving Fisher, of Yale, has concluded an experiment covering ten weeks, in relation of endurance to diet, and last night he publithed the first statement of the result, Nine Yale graduates were selected for the experiment, and were given ome test after -the Christ. mas holidays, when they were fresh from vacations, and ther after a term of hard work, "The experiment consisted in trying to find a truer food instinct than most persons are said to have. No attempt was made to prescribe a diet or forcibly alter the quantity of proportions of the food. The men were simply asked to follow, the plan, eating slowly and thorough- ly masticating their food, giving spe- cial attention to its taste and then following implicity the dictate of ap- petite, A record was kept of the food con- sumed by each man each day. The pro- portion of fat, starches and "proteid"" were worked oat by 'means of a me chanical diet indicator devised for this purpose by Prof. Fisher, It was found that the men decreased their food ten per cent., the "proteid" '15 per cent. and the consumption ol | meat and other flesh foods hy forty per cent. instinctively. To test the working power of the men trials of endurance were made at Yale gynina- sium at the beginning of the experi- ment. The same tests were repeated at the end. It was then found that cach of the nine men had improved any- where from fifteen to more than 100 per cent. despite' the fact that no special physical exercise had been tak. en. The average physical endurance was over fifty per cent. Strength tests were also given, hut the improvement in endurance was greater than. in strength. Mental tests were also giv- en in form of problems, and it was found that most of the men had in- creased in mental quickness. As' gvery precaution wag taken to prevent any disturbing factor to which the im- proved condition of the men might be ascribed, it is beliefed that the ex- periment has demonstrated that it is possible for any person ip two and a half months" time, by simple mastica- tion of the food, and following the ap- petite, 'to improve the endurance hy one-half. Get The Best Liniment. When you need a liniment you want the one that cures quickest and best. Smith's White Liniment penetrates deeply, relaxes the muscles, reduces in- flammation and heals more surely, thoroughly and quickly than any other liniment on the market. Don't fail to get a bottle today for 25 cents, at Wade's. Money back if not satisfactory. .. Assassinated In Nicaragua. Washington, May 10.--Mr. Corea, the Nicaraguan minister, here, has received a cablegram stating that Aldolfo Altandrano, the Nicaraguan minister for foreign affairs, had heen assassinated. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick headache, bil- lousness, constipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them. on. Mr. Ross addressed. the legis lature, Wednesday, in criticism of the government's power bill. To Rebuild The Body When it is Weak and Wasted by Overwork or Disease You Can Use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food reece. "Our bodies," says Huxley, "may be likened to an eddy in the river, which retains its shape for a while, though every instant each particle of water is changing." 'I'he tissues of the body, composed of millions of tiny cells, are being constantly broken down and wasted away by the process of life and es- pecially by overwork and 'disease. In order to reconstruct these wasted tissues there are necessary such ele ments as iron, sulphur, magnesia, pot- ash, etc., and when these are not sup- plied in suflicient quantities in the ture by the use of certain restorative preparations. Especially during the winter season foods are tnusually artificial and as a result the spring unds the body in a weak and run-down conaition. Br. Chase's Nerve Food is particul- arly effective under such circumstances because it is composed of the very elements of nature which go to form new, rich blood, create new nerve cells and rebuild' wasted tissues. This great food cure is radically dif- ferent to the medicines that are usual ¥ used for nervous diseases, for while they stimulate tired nerves to over- exertion or by narcotic influence soothe and deaden them, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food revitalizes' the wasted nerve cells and so accomplishes, lastingly beneficial gesults. While modern and scientific in com- position and preparation, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has been on the market sufficiently long to prove in thousands of cases Yio extraordinary restorative and reconstructive power. For men who are suffering from headaches, indigestion and sleepless ness, for women who besides these symptoms suffer from weaknesses and irregularities of the delicate feminine organism, for children who are pale, weak and puny, there is, we believe, no preparation extant which will bring shout such satisfactory results as the of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50¢. a food we eat it is necessary to aid na" ee Y 10 BA] s CHLORODY CHLORODY CHLORODY CHLORDDY bettle. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNF (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). \ E is the best remedy known for COUGHS CHLORODYNE Always ask for "DR. J. /COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR, I. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on RE | zAstima, <Broncit, 35). 29 12 admitted by the rofess|, the most wonderful P. ia ts edy ever discovered. i COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCRI' TIS, ASTHMA. Nea ats Hie a Share in DIARRHOEA and is the only specific in CHOLERA and DYSENTERY, =~ © OLR, effectually cuts short all EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, TION and SPASMS, attacks of PALPITA. is the only palliative in NEURALGIA RHEUMATISM, ,GOUT, CANCER TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS; ete, and bewary the Government Stamp of each TTY Sold in bottles. Prices in England, 1s} 13d., 2s ou. 4s. 64. each (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle] Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO.., Limited, Toronto. WV VV VVVVVVVRV VUNG -- ® HIGHTGRADE FOOTWEAR || NG, FOR WOMEN 67 _ or brown heels. Our Shoes are Colt and Gun Metal leathers: Our Oxford Shoes at, $3 aré beauties. We also have a nice variety of Women's White Canvas Oxfords, ranging in price from $1.75 to $2.50, with light or heavy soles, white We are showing man new styles in o Women's Shoes with high or medium heels, narrow, medium and broad toes. High Shoes and heck. 3 made of Vici Kid, Patent ship. A (box, 6 boxes $2.50, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto, alli 'Phone 388. If you are thinking of, covering your house or ings this year let us know and we will be pleased t you an estimate on any kind of roofing. We carry a large stock of Galvanized Iron, Shingles and 'Siding, and are prepared to do work shortest notice and can guarantee you first-class wor eABERNETHY'S? SVU VWAVVWVUVIVVINININN We Ask to see our Rubber Roofing, which isa vary duratle but cheap roofing for outbuildings, ctc. LEMMON & SONS 351 and 353 King Street $ outbuild- 0 give Metal on the kman- In Connection Canadian Pagific ] RAINS LEAVE KIN --mapress, for 1380 pn SP Joun, Winni| Hr ow, Ppavl, Portiand, and ~Local for & 8 Ar with C.P.R. ea m.--Mixed, for Ri 110 a.m.--Mired, = liste points. gers leaving King m., arrive in Ottawa | Petervoro, 5:13 p.m. m.; Bosten, 7:30 a.m ks. 11:55 a.m. particulars at Ks p Heret Office, Ontario JONWAY, . Fh io Pass. Agent. Bay of Quinte New short line for Tw Descronto, and all local jeave City. Hall Depot CONWAY, Agent B.Q.R meee TDR AL BRANCH T) we In Effect Jan. 2n Trains will leave and . Foot of Johnston Buyot, Moo GOING WE No. 5 Mail ... ..12 » 3 Express * 11 Loeal ... 15 a "« }Intern'l Ltd12.16 " 7Mail .. ..319p " 15 Local ... . 7.03 p GOING EA! Live. C No. 8 Mail ... .. 1482 " 92Fast Exp. 226 a " 16 Local ...... # § Mail . " 4 Fast Exp. «13 Local ... ... Nos. 1,3, 3, und 4 rum and 8 run_ daily except Mo trains daily except Sunda Direct route to Tore Hamilton, Buffalo, Lo Chicago, Bay City, Sagi Ottawa, Quebec, Portia Halifax, Boston and New For Pullman Actommc and all other imformation J. P. HANLEY, Agent and Ontario streets. Kings ALLAN LINE' MONTREAL TO LI Thnisian May 17, Ju Victorian, Muy 24, Ju Tonian May 31, Ju Virginia June 7, Ju MONTREAL TO G (moderate rate s Mongolian, May 18, Ju Corintl May 23, Ju and weekly ther For pte apply to J. mnt. G.. T. R.. J. SLEEVE 0 nen SYS0PSIS OF CANADIA! HOMESTEAD REG Any even numbered sec loa Lands in Manitoba west I'rovinces, excepting Mserved, may bLe homes! any person who is the : fgmily, or any male ows ne, to the 'extent of o tiop, of 160 acres more Entry must be made p local land office for the di the land is situate. HOMESTEAD DUTIES has been granted an ent Sead is ired to p ditions c¢ ecled therew the follo 2 plans: (1) At sL six months and cul n of the la furing the tern of three 3) Ii the father (or lather is deceused) of ar eligible ike a home der the visions of t in the vicin such pers h rements of Tesidence prior to obtain be satis y such pers the father settler has residence pon farming dim in the vicinity of his Tquirements of this Act slied by resi ATION FOR P te made at the end of fore the | 1 3 S Before 1ak annlicat the settler ust give su Ih ®riting to the Comn minlon Lands at Ottawa, 0 Ago BYNOPS|S OF CANA WEST MINING REX Coal. lands oal } is may 10 per acre for soft: cc Bthrac Not more th by one in ¥. tv at the rn on the gros. nds po uartz =A free miner' X ted ujor payment " ber a + for an Tom $50 tc 10% per an wy &ccory x to capiti n Se having dil 00 fee wm locate a ig fee {or recording lo 8t $100 must he or neh Yoar or paid 1 eu thereof. &Xpended or py Won having a 'ure A Survey | comply; . amply! Ne With other re 8 the land at $1 a n pl A trea mm; ne 'redge for of twenty v, a nty vears, ST8tion of the Minister r may ohtai esc u 2 shall ha ation thin one Saaen vs t ach fiv Roy hum for cach mile oo ity 8% the rate of 24 On the Output after it 'Ww. np of the Ministe arti. "Authorized Mvertisement will Boy 2 1 a Cal SATISFYING hones 8d inanert. Seq band solg,