pecide for Yours _ Whether it is not better { >Modelied vg paired . GOURDIERS and 80 Brock Strest Only Exclusive Fup Store CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA than faaduiterated Japan. ) 3 Lead packets only. 26c., 30c., 40c., 50c. nd 60c. per lb. HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. = At all grocers E---- orn. I 223. Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission u Have! Investment Securities our weeks at least 3 Commission Orders Both Listed and Unlisted. Information upon Request . Xx consider ¥ on All Exchanges Members | & Toronto Stock Exchange _ SUGGESTIONS, FoR 3 g WEDDIRC IN June 3 "ond iW going to tell vou of some § "Brill > v ? TORONTO _, 301 AAA VARA RA WAAAY AAAS . 3 BLE NEW THINCS £ r subsequent announce. regularly, until June 3 An eye on these, asd ppear, may save you Fp thinking. " 2 er] WASTEACY'S We mn pros! fl § THE PLAGE FOR GLOVES of Marriage Licenses $ # ; When you buy gloves SRE you want good ones-- real good ones-- whether you pay 75¢. or $2 for them. \ n McKay e Reliable Buyer ants ), 000 ring Rats ouse, 142-153 Brock Street The only way to get them is 10 go to a store which makes it a spe- cialty to sell only gcod gloves, Such a Store is This And this spring we are : 1eady to demonstrate 4 this fact more coniinc- irgly than. sver. before, for we have assembled the smartest, most. modish gatkering of gloves we ever saw. Every new shade, every new stuching «fect finds correct expression here. adquarters. Jl Esta te and Insurance ence St., Opp. Fost Office Cliff, Specialist DENT'S GLOVES FOR MEN, in new shade Cuba and Havana, specizl at | . 81.00 fonumental Works DENT'S WASHING © GLOVES . FOR- MEN, in. Cuba, Havana tering in Cemeteries and Browns, special at £1.50 ecialty : DENT'S KID GLOVES FOR . BOYS AND GIRLS, in new : LLEN, 372 Princess St, Tar and Browns, two good > )pposite 3,M.C.A lines 60c. and DENT'S WASHING GLOVE FOR LADIES, in Black, White, AT Pearl and tam, two special lines £1.35 and 81.50 | LADIES" KID GLOVES (Man- nish cut), one button, colors Pearl, White and Tan, ver r Pretty special at 9¢C. STEACY'S SPECIAL VAR | CELLE GLOVES, in all the s at 25c¢. wanted shades, 'the greatest glove for ; - $1.00 | JAMMETS DAPHNE GLOV all new colors, fully guaranteed, special price... EL aids aeas Meridia guns : . 0.25 THREE-QUARTER LENGTH KID GLOVES, all the mew shades __ Cream and Black, from .....c.. go bia $1.35 to 82 THREE-QUARTER. LENGTH SIL ack, extra special at 60c. K GLOVES, in White and Kk THREE:QUARTER LENGTH FABRIC GLOVES, 1 price Kesseriiadaiisnesiite. anisvesfadoy * Monday OF of Milanese Silk, w colors, THREE-QUARTER LENGTH GLOVES, in Mercerized Lisle, in col : Champaigne, Beaver, ete. They look as well as kid, spec: il value at ....... ietngid . . 83e. LISI Rugs Olive and modern Floor E SUEDE GLOVES, in White, Champagne, Mode, ete, in" hree-quarter lengths, special at Sarnens £1.25 n I s of Red, } ly with n-up that sell at 75¢. ABRIC GLOVES, 1 and 2 dome fasteners, all the new shades hoose from, prices run from ¥ Call and see all the really good things we have 15¢. to "3c. any ly 33c. cach, (Limit to show you in the glove department. --u veo WSTEAGY & STEAGY as above. Regular rrr. VAN EE TE ------ mn ---- -- y. Sample Rugs, vi . ~~ FINANCE AND INSURANCE - 8 avorite spots in th Senn : ) : You Want a Bome ff, for 79C. light and style, - CUSTOMS BROKER - |If on busiveny of the late o 3. talk with office, /9 Clarence street, George Zeigler, Ee INSUKAKCE G.A. BATEMAN 57 Brook Street. Sp Reet Who for the last five years has Mill Property For Sale ated with Mrs Qjiver. Near the Grand = Trunk consist- Money : @ Loan i of grist. saw and shingle mills Or Insurance, have a appers, in in the ncwest with all neceSsary machinery [or th e whnufacture of chairs. and I tae 8 acres good Jand a ing, 75C oF Patt VT "Sharh ai asture ; two HO wellings © , Ler-po Hclntyre& McIntyre | ir soln mts, : Ss chine! Shaw op Sp 2 | SRA € bis Kingston Kingston. Aout NEWS OF DISTRICT CIEE OF -~ HE DAILY B T - LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. : The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. : The valuation of asscssable property in Picton for the year exceeds that of, last year by $50,000, J." W. Hawbly, sold the frame house in Napance, to James dager, who occupies it, for : : : ANTED--MALE ; TE WENTY WOMEN TO} y 8 Yhere died at. the family residence, Storr: family, parents and Jour Bun HELP W, . AT. ONCE. TW ENTLY a aa ratio noon BRICK DWELLING. ALL Gilbert's Mills, April 21th, Lydia Jane | and a daughter, came to Lanads . day. Apply at the Kingston modern . improvements, Possession Page, wife of - George Clapp 1830. They first located! in. York iggy, APELY HENDERSON PHOTO-| J : ' ak _onee, John Al Gardiner, 13} ' iwo Yeprs, ' county, then Toronto, later in Prince graph Studio," Princess street. -- meanest Seng gas op" Wellington street. Owen W. Frankum, died in San | Edward county, & 8 Sal) ig the BOY TO LEARN THE HARDWARE A i A ey MAY THE _FIRSY. A SOLID BRICK Francisco, March 4th. He was seven- | township of SO or ro 5 business. Apply to Lemunon & Sons, ply Mis. Hugh C. Nickle, 153 house, i St. All J 3 oo i ne Y street. Earl street. m ements. 3 four Jury age sud a otmet fe 3 ie Jurente Lime Lake, in 1840, apd = -- Apply R. Nesbitt, = 337 non side © 8 3 : « » Ey i 2 0R 8 i i ------------------------------------" RN a) : s 1 a new farm west of "Hog's | prye CLERK, ONE WITH GENERAL = SERVANT. MUST BE : EF. E..N. Boulter left Picton, last settled on BIEN where the villageut ears experience profr Any; Kk. and: hays good relergnces. SPACE IN THIS coLuuN Bo + week for. Huntington Beach, Cal, {Rack In Sands... Most of that) = Stating salary" expected, Box "'D-, ies $26 ver month: Mrs. W, T.]: cost you much (see schedule oF I a -- ore a Ar ae then a wilderness, The, Vie ofc. Sampson, Genusoguc) Ont. return will be quick aud Sstislactory ning firm a a salary of A a t Iy \eaved : fH EAR ROUND sro: | Ss. ee -------------------------- - $ main road had been. partly eared | yRLP, THE ¥ v TH ELIZABETR GENBRAL HO 5 OFFICHE ROOMS is M. Way has left A. Bristol & ugh the woods as far k at Rcrories. te ry ll 368 pital Trataimt: Seno] fur Nurses THR TWO LARGE 0 and Investmen Son's, Picton and gon home to Tam: | Wheeler's Mille, now Tamwc th, but it Wetitnston 3 ; omen, threo' Year course. In ad- Society's Building. of the Posy Son's, Picton and go : th me of 3 . ) Office. tely ~~ ocen ., by John worth, owing to il! health. She was | was scarcely deserving the na E ion to mamtenance, nurses receive Mudie, Master in Chaneery. : ith al k : Id lock ad When Mr. Storr located there | poyS OVER 14 YEARS OF AGE, $8.00 per month first year. $10.00 b . presented with -a valuable gold locket | road. 5 2p) : who can earn $8 to $6 per week. er month fecond year and $12.00 -- irom the store's staf. : wad. small Later Beh rd Pr rons Apoiy to di A. Gould & Co, Cor.| Ver month third: vear. After beine FURNISHED "FROM MAY 1TH, TO Of : Tn . tee 1 ui ssi ichmond;i the ne , ts. : t y be Sept. 15, a pleasantly an oni The mariage Is announced of Miss | Sixth oh Nindover's, some distance King and Quon strests Ey secured at the" 'rate of -qutiy situated eight-roomed Sottare, Carrie Grace Sills, daughter of E. | was « vor. which Id £25.00 r week. Diplomas from fas, vonveniences, piano and R." Sills, Richmond, to / J. Fun. |back on Salmon river, which coukt SALESMEN, ron t ALTOAFRAY, thin hespital ave: recognized in the telephone. Apply to Kirkpatrick, @ neil, of "Morven. The ceremony will | only be crgesed at Ror ile - A Hout So Reral Ag risk state of New ork Jutormetion R & Nickle) § a fa : med Sedore kept a ver h + apply Iza nera os) . R . take place on May 9th. er ey The 'road was soarce- maching _ free 35 Aporove agents Hihaveth, Node U.S.A. FURNISHED OK D LLINGS, B, R. Hepburn, Picton, has bought the east end of the Salvation Army lot 'on Main street, including the lane and several feet off the late Mrs. Church's property, also the back lot on Mary street. Dr. and Mrs. Paul, Port Arthur, ai- rived on Monday last to visit their »arents at Newburgh, The doctor will nd a year in New York, and in Great "Britain, and on the continent, before resuming his practice at Port Arthur. Mr. and Nrs. Dawson Elliott of Haley's Station, quietly celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wed- ding day on Monday qf this week. The children presented their parents with beautiful rocking chairs, which will be much appreciated by them in their declining years, = On May 2nd, the marriage between Archibald Gee and Annie Florence Stinson was solemnized in Christ Church, at Tamworth. The bride is one of Tamworth's prettiest and most popular voune ladies, and the groom is well known at Clares- view, Ont., where thev will reside. George Maguire died at Pleasant View, "Tuesday. April 17th. He was in his cighty-fourth year and had been in poor 'health all winter, The deceased leaves five daughters, Mrs. Amos Hud ein, Pleasant View: Mrs. B. Hughes, and Mrs. Ross, Picton; Mrs. Shaw of Tweed, and Mrs. Piersen, "Plack River Bridge, also two sons, Fdear, Win: nipeg, and Peter, San i + The liertenant-~overnor Siread the Naranes electric lioht hill last Friday, anl work has already been commenesd on the power honse and nlant. It will he pushed forward as rapidly as rossi- ble, and it is expected to have the vlant in full ovneration and lichting the town by July 1st. The debentures have all heen sioned snd realized $33.- 750. the purchasers allowing the town R300 as interest on the money since December last. NAPANEE CHEESE BOARD. The Officers For the Chosen. Napanee, May met vesterdayv Year Are ' The cheese hoard afternoon for the first this season. The following offi were elected 1 E. Lang, president: C. Fraser, vice-president: KE. H. Phip pen, secretary, and A. Alexander, trea surer; auditors, A. Alexander and J. C. At the board 144 white and 721 colored cheese boarded. Me Grath bought 89 white and 23 color: Fraser. ed at 10{c.; Thompson, 55 white at 108c.; 102c. offered for balance; no sales. The board will meet every Fri day afternoon. The Crown Bank openied its doors in the Albert block: this week, and the manager states that business has been coming in very fair. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mooney, and two children left, yesterday, far Win nipeg. where they will make their home in future. MAKES MEN SOUND £ STRONG YOU PAY WHEN CURED A Detroit alist who has 14 Certificates and Di jlomas from Medical Colleges and State Boards of edical Exsminers. 50 thet there may be no deubt DR. 8. GOLDBERG, The Possessor of 14 lomas and certifi} Money That i iG i i i 1 t i i i lua £ =2 : i i i 2 od : | i i fi ® # He Was One of the Pioneers of Lenno N of Richmond, died, A years in Selby, where he after Mr. Storr's native town. ip eh RITISA WH THE LATE ELIJAH STORR. -------- THE amen Fehe pioneers of the township pril 15th, in his that land. The village of died, was when the opened there, i ° stoffice was RDAY, Sverybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG MAY 8. : sing awa G ; » " PD TF winetivch vege 10, the at Is In RATES ~ fa mouseNam. APPLY 207 WiLL<| FRORT SUITE | QF ROOMS, FUR of \ » ns 3) am ® . ; . the chain connecting the, present gen ; 3 an SBACE _F9R i i the pioneers (of our} First jon, 1c. a word. Bach com HOUSEMAID, BY JUNE | 8TO Le} A F p44 fon the severed. Full of fotive insértion thereafter dc. a | OK AN Here Tasshe, 24 Stuart tare, ete. ACE aob ¢ Queen years, ripe in wisdom and beloved by word. Minimum charge for one in- street. io. ain 2 " his reward. Pe- sertion, 35¢. re. ASSIST IN THE CARE HOUSE, 237 QUEEN ST. P i Da Selby, Yorkshire, | Adve. 4 lines or under "a week, $1. [GIRL TO ASSIST IN THFSARL OF L sion vi 1st. Permit for pation. England, in 1817, 'and spent his early Adyt. & lines or usder: a month.$3. 239 Division street. Poly Steacy Bucy K : NO OTHER JU A GOOD 000 IER, 2U JWELLINGS, FOR $7.50, 8: $10.80. 1 $12, $13, $18, $08 and $25: a hr i Cant 51 Brock street. a TIES olson, > expected. Apply Mrs. 817 University Avenue. Cavers Iv passable for horses and waggon at that time, and the settlers had no horses, nothing but oxen and hand- made wooden sleds; which they used summer and winter. $ mn UENTLEMEN TO my, 0 (LAE d cleaned carefu 3 us Neale bring your cloth and hyve an up-to-date roade. 0 suit way's, 131 Brock odern imp! ments. locality. Rent AMORtALY, FOR SALE 5 to $50. : Also unturnishe! other houses, $10. . Tr mi v ot LADY'S ' CRESENT BICYOLE, IN I ar Sh Whlinaton strests excellent condition. Apply this Office. ---- dere ---------- tect FROM . MAY 1ST, 1906. FIND they could realize money. - Notwith- standing all the privations and hard- ships these early settlers raised large and healthy familiss, who are now the bone and sinew of our county. In the early davs wolves and bears were a constant dread and danger to the settlers. In many instances it was not safe for the men to be out dur'ng the night. Deceased informed the writer that the first night after his arrival. when he and 'his man had not been able as yet to provide a shelter 'or th meelves, they cooked a shipper of pork, and as soon as the odor of this was scented By 'the wolves, it comet] as if the whole vicinity became alive with them, and their howlings and barking were kept ap for hours during the night. A bright fire kept puining all right kept the Wwolve¥ away. . One of the hardships felt by the carly scttlors was the lack of relig- jous services. In 1884, two Metho- ditt preachers on the Napanee cir cuit were Revs. Robert Corson and William Hall. Their circuit extended from Adolphustown on the west to Camden East, and up as far north as Wheeler's Mills--Tamworth. Once when Mr. Corson was on his lonely horse back ride from Wheeler's South, he was met by Mr. Storr, who informed him of thgig needs at Lime Lake, where a few" devout persons met for wrayer and praise tn one of the log houses. This resulted in Mr. Cor- fon making an appointment to meet with thom on his next trip, a year hence. Then the first class was in- augurated and the Methodist church in that section organized. For some tie - thereafter the regular preachings ~were held alternately at the residences of William and Elijah Storr. A few years later My. Storr ex- changed his farm for one at Leinster, not far from Forest Mills. He mar- vied Miss Benson, of Prince Edward, a sister of the late Mrs. John Gib- hard, of Napance. To them were born six children. After her ' decease he married Miss McBride, of Richmond, who 'with one daughter, Mrg. Angus McQueiz, survive him. Those" living of the first family are William, David, John, of Richmond; Mrs. George Brad- shaw, Napaned, and Mrs. J, S. Sex- smith, Glencoe, Ont. Mr. Storr had a long and interest- ing municipal experience. For about twenty years he was a member of the Richmond township council, and dur- ing the earhier years of that time Na- pance constituted a part of the town- ship. His cotemporaries at that time were David Roblin, James Wilson, Amos Schermehorn, John Stevenson, George Davy, Gilbert Clapp, William Caton and George W. Madole, all of whom are deceased. Mr. Storr was a membur of the old united countirs council, when = Fron- tenae was a part of the municipality, and Kingston was the place of meet ing. He was also, for nine years," a member of the Lennox and Addington county couneil. and 168 one tern filled the warden's chair. He was for years an acting and active, justice' of the peace, w the prerogatives, duties and honors of a "squire" represented a good deal more than they do tos day. auth A few years ago Mr. Storr left his farm and retired to & home near Sel by, where hi¢ declining yeats were spent with friends, and he was able to he near his beloved church, which he had wrought so faithfully for, and which he had lived to see reach the great proportions to which the Meth- odist church in Canada has now at- tained. - ¥ For Men. ; New, fancy hose, \ new gloves, new shirts, new hats, ete. The H. D. Bib- hy Co. * Campbell Bros. $2 and $2.50 derbys are the popular ts. Beautiful new sponges at Gibson's | storm broke, STOVE FURNACES AND PIPES TO clean ; carpets , taken home, cleaned and laid. Apply 89 Elm street. Theres were no shops or stores -- ; CITY AND FARM PROP RS. suburban residence known fhe vicinity, and evervihing in that | GENTLEMAN OF 40, WEIGHT 198, Our plan. No Sale. No pa I De lawn," situate on Union . lina had to be brought from Napanee, height over 2. got. desires Shanet Lo partment "D.," 208 Wellington St. now. occupied by Major Grant, Hot Y re id , 4 learn some b . - ir ne, o! which was -a full day's jonwepey away, of 'horges. Has family and ould THE BRICK HOUSE. ON JOHNSON alae ina poallovy sToupd, Sok or was there a postoffice any nearer, begin at $7 per week. Apply street, No.- 11R, part of the estate of to Cunpin~ham & > : "MN Ss delizhted to tell of the Box, No. 555, Whig office. the late R. T. Walkem., Apply to street, Kingston, Ont. XE Tv . dons nee: and hardships - which ee ------ Walkems & Walkem, Clarence streat. > - early Oxy Tnee RERS, | -------------------------- ¢ * he and his n jehsors Ey eplied pga 100,000 PLUMBERS for Sin Francis CARRIAGE HORSE, GLADSTONE | MONEY AND BUSINESS. to endure. he setilers, or Bul a © we prepa in few weeks: and Set of roess. The Horse wel = hihi of them, were for somé years Talon by Ruarateed. Free Cate: isd. Hoa isp ON wd Dd to WIVERFODL, _LONDON San AH iw A hy ¥ : : : ® hy river. sed © e city. A Ve - unable to raise enough grain on eit 1oxve, Coyne ro Peay eoeis 142 Johnston street. we assets $61,187,215. In tion to cl-arings for their own bread, let New York, Chivago, which "thie policy Bok aie fo # ane to sell. Some made potash, NICFLY SITUATED HOME, IN BEST security the unlim 4 slona #1) to Re staple -- which | ~ WANTED. A part of city. large lot. with fruit the stockholders. Farm a 4 a whith was . er EE = ER trees, ninesrooms, large conercte base- at = lowes conveniences, only and " ) x 21, this Office. ment, all $1,600. Apply Bo RESIDENCE OF LATE DR. HERALD, RENEE a. EN modern improve- OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON WAREROOM, . ON GROUND FLOOR, About twenty fost amare, on Vearly ments, hot water beaing, mas and Co Ror. one 3 as lense. Address '"W. DB. care Whig electric light. Central lagation. For Da Tnsurance Emporium, Mark office. - full information, apply to E. E. ot Souare. ---------------------------------------- Horsey. © Market street. -_ PERSONALS. . | SPLENDID INVESTMENT. OWNER AR OTS. L - retiring, Four, (4) mood tennea- WEALTHY GENTLEMAN, LOVER OF nts. Three (3) that rent for over | WM, NEWLANDS, ARCHI I - Home, am e disposition has Intue $200. The Jourth, Jocludes Corner Hee, second Mook; dvar Dp i desires Lady Correspondent, rary, asd up-to-da v rooms. store, corner nCess Nth view to matrimony. No Objec- Good clean Jobality. Good grocery streets. Entrance on Bagob . street. tion to poor or working girl. Room trade established. No . repairs "Phone, 608. 143, Mr. NH. Ceylon Building, py v Danitary F ne A 203 Tn Chi x ce, v articulars, 3 § vow & . ARCHITE yo ® ay Wellington St., Dept. *D." POWER 4 on AAR corner ATTRACTIVE WEALTHY LADY OF and Wellington streets. aod appearance, worth $20,000, also} AT ° A BARGAIN, LoT mmr owns Home desires the acquaintance ree," Second Coovession, the § 4 gp i RC of gentleman, a a no Township. of Ashhy,. 100 2 ne . objection to | poor mn, WEIL ansiet res wider enltivation, youn | Tee of : financially after, marriage. Wise orchard, well watored. The Plage i : . . ; Hart, Depot ' g 'abash, in the vicinity of larce lnkes. and j uoypy p SMITH, - ARCHITEOT, ; v ~ would mak nn excelleft summer re- . . E Sionsp sort, .or a as campine place for ete. Anchor Building, Market Square, MEDICALS sportsmen. For price and terms, ab- Phone, 845. : ply to August Kittner, Demtigh, Ont. JR. MeCARTRY, OFFICE TREY nm ---------- . vied b) ir. yan, n . LOST Secor and Brock streets. BUSINESS CHANCES. A SMALL BLACK POU 0K. TICLE ALE 1F YOU WOULD LIKE TO BUY A either in City all, or on Mal AR S FOR S eas ten thousand a : year cash grocery St. Thursday "night: Reward for its DUNLOP COVERS. $2.85 EACH. business, write for particulars to Box return to this Office, i Everything at eut prices. atn "H.." Wing joffice, Kimston. i -------------------------------------------------- o logues free. Bicyely nson, 2 . . i Yonge St.. Toronto. BETTI THAN GILT-EDGED [A COLLIE PUP ABOUT ' 4 MONTHS shares in a Cobalt mine is an advt. old, white, with brown face and gura. MISCELLANEOUS. in this column. It brings results. Intoentation with ohlize, Chas. : FARM HELP, AND AfLlL OTHER because it is read by over 20,000 Eh 3 kinds of helo supplied. Department xt people every day. FOR SALE OR TO-LET. a A CANADIAN PATENT an1G | HEDGEWOOD HOME, 169 UNION ST., UND money maker in the States. Well ad. all modern conveniences 3 excellent ro . vertised. Canadian field practically location ; large grounds. oageicn, A SMALL Sum OF MONRY. ON untouched. Every dry goods and May 1st. Also two building lots for % hursday morning. Owner can have carpets house needs it, Write to- sale. For particulars, and totms, samme by enquiring at this Office. day. Ji Bebb, Xenia. Ohio. Apply to R. . Anglin, ' , Ont. HIRI GANANOQU E NEWS. Booze Raised on the River-- Town People. Gananoque, May 5.--The local deal- ers in the "cup that cheers" have de- cided that they will "keep pace with the surrounding towns and cities, and hereafter the man who wants straight whiskey pays a dime instead of a nickel for 'it, and no reduction on large quantities, This, of course, is to keep pace with the ineredsed license fee and the fee for licensed bartenders. Leslie R. Acton, som of James Act- on, Pine street, who for a number of vears past has been conmected with firm of Gunn, Richards & Co., pro- duction engineers and public aecoun- {ante, Wall street, N.Y., has been pro- moter to the position of manager of the company's branch in Chicago, and with his wife has taken up his residence there. Miss Forde McMurchy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. MeMurchy, Stone street, is visiting in New York with : Jrixie Britton. The partnership existing between Messrs. Charles MeNeil and William W. Stafford, in the agricultural imple. ment and piano business, has been dissolved by matual consent. Mr, Stafford will hereafter continue the business. C. A Lewis, manager of the local branch of the Merchants Bank, has had his furniture brought in from Ot- tawa during the paet week. Mrs, Lewis and family have also arrived and are at the Provincial until they can secure a suitable residence. : F. J. Henderson & Co., gasoline engine manufacturers, are very biisy in their line just now, having about twenty engines of diffprent size, in dif- ferent stages of completion, and séve- ral gasoline launches for local par- ties, It has just leaked out that several local young men paid a visit to Clay- ton in a launch on Sunday to . visit some of the fair ones of that town, who looked after them so well {hat hy the time they were ready to leave, the compelling them to re- main over might and getting back about breakfast time om Monday. Earl Ormiston, son of Mr. and Mrs, William Ormiston, Victoria avenue, dt on Wednesday evening for Prince Albert; Sask., where he has secured a position with the C.P.R. Express com- pany. Before . leaving the employees in the Thousand Island railway office here presented him with a handsome travelling case and comb and hrush wet. THE SOMERVILLE CO. Carry the Best Lines. = > AAC We WENO : Ripe Bananas: Ripe Tomatoes Ripe Pineapples A. J.Rees. 166 Princess St. § 0 RMP EPER IED GIRS - - apending a fow days with: Miss X i Mamig : Population Of Winsipe Wilmot. Miss Greta Skiel i Sa ! 8. of a a dds, Getugirier Winnipeg, May 5.--The population of Winnipeg, according to the aSsessors' figures, is now 104,000, which ensures, according to agreement, an all-night Service on the street railway lines, the Brophy Mouse, left on T afternoon for the Sacred Heart "Con: vent, Montreal, to resume her studies there. Mrs. Charles McNab. of Orillia, for- merly Miss' Minnie Roland, is visiting in town with 'friends' and relatives. -------- ET v Our newt. spring shirts are the talk. of the town. Nobby li Wi $1.5. The i. D, Bite Co ev 8 Red Cross drug store, " 230. Prompt delivery. © (4 "WJ ' William Swain, piano tuner. ererived wt nley' k Store, Souvenir. ecards £ ingaton, new colors, J Miss Flo Whitney, of Kingston, is ones, at © Bit : Bath sponges, hea pi Large sis Tavine. sheets, Be, fai |Gikson's Kat Cross Lay Chown's, 4 y "Phone Sa