Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1906, p. 16

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nase We, ante Ba nae ys aaked gentle from balcony, of love lorn neo. Resparling, "Ill be new baptized," young man made it that he was not of the great ua family of Hamblen county, , "familiar in their mouths as uschold wortls," the name of Smith with which to conjure--politi- , in any event--and loyalty to »3 sx g Fel] cognomen never falters, the recently nominated repub- lean county ti Hamblen, every with ome exception, may in the family circle, as his mother was a Smith and he mar- TE a Judy of tha sumame. 5.1 X your thout exception and for much " with I Seer ioe wor hlood have 1 chairs in the by h re not bo nto die." «tis lots to blanks. 3p hime hath touched yours ears.-- us. ; he hath an 'excellent good on hath About Nathing, Bo sure the eyo of time beholds mo t as thine in all the rolls of Nag ---- My name is legion.--Mark v, 9. The Smith Ticket of Hamblen For Sheriff--Horace Fo County M. Swith. Court Clerk--James F. Clerk--Leon © B. ith. 'both a -- EIN because of "the wholesale charge of the Smith-family upon the local offi- ces. Beports published at different places to the effect that the entire republican ticket was taken from that famiy because they were not eligible men of other names is denied by the candi- dates. They are not necessarily - of those. Who may, in the ambush . of thelr name, Strike home. . n the last presidential cloction,. 1, 363 votes were cast in Hamblen county. There are but 102 Smiths on fhe assessment roll, or taxpayers' ist. : Still, it is acknowledged that there were on that roll, enly about half as' many names as there were votes cast, so that it is estimated some- thing like 200 Smiths make the in- fluence of their name felt on election Be that as it may, the family is so aumerous that, probably many of its members find themselves in perplexed Romeo's dilemma, . It is the candidates themselves, per haps, who give voice to the senti- ment : Oh ! that I had a title good enough To keep the name company, "Not all the Smiths of Hamblen county belong to one political party. Some are democrats, others republi: cans, but, like the white plume of Henry if Navarre, the family benger is always the rallying point in battle. It is this tendency to stand by re- latives, regardlers of political issues, that makes a ticket composed of Sniths practically® invincible, While the candidates upon the ticket recently nominated are not related to each other, it is stated that they ave, "in the aggregate," related to nearly every other Smith inthe county, and for that reason view the approaching election with considerable equanimity. Even should the Smiths @ivide on party lines, the democrats would find Al in the minority in the covnty. Still, they vsually make a ane 8 i ©. Towson nt the lack, in fieht for part of all the offices to be filled. dicapped X at . rer, of They. are Iw pole 0 of sufficient prominence to put for Yard for high place; in the court jouse, ) They cannot, as in a court trial, draw a venire of candidates from an adjoining community, The best they can do is to elect from time, to time, a member or two of the county court, a body of twelve members who are chosen by districts throughout She county. essed with a good name, T eh , a favored man is a gilt of | Four years ago he was elected to the office over one of the most popul- ar democrats in the county, who, dt is gonetully asserted, could have de leatec 0 Oo) p! 3 ny opponent except a Smith, A Matrimonial Issue. | He fears however, that he will have to run his matrimonial race outside the county, as he 'objects to wedding a relative, even if she has the homor . name, These scruples way operate a~ainst him at the polls should they become generally known, but Mr. Smith is probably too good a politician to cast a firebrand in his own camp oh tho eve of battle, or two terms of four years each, been county James F. Smith hes cours clerk and feels confident of he ng. continued in . Iseac Lane Smith is a young farmer aud a new man in county politics, se far as - holaing office 'is concerned. Should be he chosen to handle the public funds--he is nominated for trus- tee or treasurer--he will succeed a man who has been looked upon as be- ing practically, a member of the ail powerful family, It was largely through his judicious marriage to a Smith, and that his mother also bore that.' name, that Major B. L. Towson won his nomina- titn ana election as registrar of deeds four years ago, although his personal worth and popularity are undoubted. Tia Bomisution Was without eppesi- ion, 'al is re-election is sai conceded. said Whe When questioned as to the reason for the apparent partiality of the people of Hamblen county for members of the family of Smith, each and every candidate scouted the idea that the name had anything to do with their success, : It was coyly intimated that the sue- cess of the one being interviewed was dus solely to and that of the others to the rare in- tolligence "with which the voters are aré obliced to admit : Who hath not 'The power of grace, with Tapture- the 'magic of a name. . ° Tt has been sugpested, perhaps in a ing of the ballots in Hamblen somnty this year mav be greatly simolified and expense avoided bv paraphrasing in tha tickets hear simnly the words : "SMITH-THAT'S ALL." » quarrel "providing he is allowed to any Smith select the patch. t { | nouncement upon his individual' merits, |' endowed. Still, with Campbell, they } spirit of undue levity, that the print-f a wellknown advertisement end hav- | Every nian is willing to patch up af HON. PETER WHITE {WAS ONE OF FAIREST SPEAK- ERS IN HOUSE. Senate Not Yet Doomed--Mode of Reform the Only Difficulty-- Premier Will Welcome Any Suggestion -- Conference of Provinces Coming. From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, Mav 5---The Hon. Peter White's place is vacant, and by his death parliament loses an esteemed member, an upright politician, and a gentleman. He has left behind him the record of being one of the abledt and fairest speakers the house has had. On the 'day of his death a beau- tiful wreath, laid on his desk, told the sad story to the house. The old men must go, the young may, and the death of a member subdues the pro- ceedings very noticeably. A vacancy in the cabinet mav be ex- wcted at amy moment. The chief justice of the supreme court, Sir El zoar Taschereau, has resigned, "and it may be taken for granted that the minister of justice, Mr. Fitzpatrick, will fill the vacancy. It has been some time that hé was anxious to be relieved of parliamen- tary duties, and would welcome the first opflortunity of handing in his resignation. As 1 mentioned last week, Mr. Aylesworth will succeed him, and ft is probable that Mr. Lemieux, the solicitor-general, will get the post office portfolio. Who will succeed Mr, Lemieux, it is diffieult to say. "Many names are supovsted, and it is probable that the vacancy will be filled by one of the younger mem- bers, of whom there arc many thor: oughly capable in the house. e senate is not yet doomed. Per- haps only in Ontario ia there any real desire to bring about its demise. However, there is a general desire for reform, and it is only the mode i reform which is the difficulty. Had a solution of the problem presented it- self, which appeared to meet the case, there i% no doubt but that reform would have been brought about eve this. Meanwhile, it may be assumed that the situation is forced upon the people to the extent that the com- mons must act. The question was discussed the other day, and the pre: mier made the most important -pro- the subject which has been made since Confederation. He declared that he would welcome any sv jon, from amy source, which wonld remove the difficulty. Of course second chambers are regarded among the nations as necessary to' safeguard the interests of the People, and so Sir Wilirid Laurier is anxious that the constitution of the Canadian senate should be such that that body would be the very best that the dominion edn produce. ey Though he did not commit himself on the subject, he vet inclined to the mode adopted by the United States, known for where the senate is composed of two representatives from each state. Hence is idea is that, in Canada, there might be a senate composed of an equal number of representatives from the provinces, large or small. And the question of election has also to be faced. The premier stated he was inclined to favor the idea that the senators should be appointed by the provincial legislatures by open bal- lot. This is the same system under which committees of the house could be appointed, if it were so demanded; indeed they used to be so appointed years ago. . It was poifited out during. the de- bate that there is to be a conference of the provinces held in Ottawa dur- ing the forthcoming summer, and that this question would be seriously dis- cussed then. It will, therefore; be likely that as a result of this confer- ence, something tangible regarding regarding the reconstruction of the senate will be proposed. Two young men have been distin- fishing themselves of late. George W. 'owler, the conservative member for Kings and Albert, and A. K. Maclean, the liberal representative for Lunen- burg, are two of the rising members in the house. Mr. Maclean, has the distinction of having made by far the best speech in defence of the North Atlantic Trading company. It was an able effort, which completely put in speeches of the "bi the shade the | Fowler J Fwill 'be one of the stalwarts "of the * # only thirty-six. Mr. is another coming man, and tory party. Indeed he is that al ready. ia Talking of the North Atlantic Tad: i company governmen as ad down the resolution of - Hon, George E. Foster to cancel the con- tract with the company. It may seem somewhat of an anomaly that the government should, of its own in- itiative, cancel the contract, and at the same time condemn the resolution. The reasons, however, were different. The government cancelled the contract on the ground that the was not living np to the terms of the con- tract, while the ition wanted the contract cancelled on the ground that not only the company, but the contract was had, and that it had been made without thé knowledge or the consent of parligment. Mr. Sifton turned up the day after the debate closed and gave an em- phatic denial to the allegation that he had been connected with the ecom- pany improperly. He went so far as to say that he would be willing to have an investigation of the whole affair. It looks as if the matter was not end- ed yet. The opposition . determ- ined to trace it to the bottom. Seri- ous charges have been' made, and for some reason or other the government refuses to divulge the names of the prominent members of the com- pany. It is felt in Ottawa that the visit of his majesty to Canada is practicall a certainty. The only reason advanced by those who believe that the invita- tion will not be accepted is that if the king came to Canada he woul be obliged to 'go to Australia alsd. "The English newspapers, which have been discussing the visit also declare that if the invitation is refused, this will be the sole cause of the refusal. The death of Allan Bowsfield, at Brampton, Ont., recalls the story of how the minister of the interior came to change his name. Mr. Oliver. even to-day could hardly be accused of the possession of an angelic temper, and in. his youthful days . possessed that attribute also. It seems thét when he was a boy he had a serious disagree- ment with his father, the Allan Bows- field referred to, with the result that he shook the dust of the paternal homestead from his feet, went west, and assumed the name of his mother. In Edmonton he made a name for himself as Frank Oliver, and found it impossible to go back to his . own name, Francis 0. Bowsfield. Of late years Mr. Oliver has paid frequent visits to his father's home at Bramp ton. The postmaster-general has been as dumb as the proverbial oyster since he took his seat in the House of Commons. Practically his first was on Wednesday, so that he has been of no real assistance to the gov- ernment during a session in which there has been a constant and sore at- tack by the opposition. On the pre mier has fallen the brunt of the de fence. The mistakes of others he has had to rectify, a hard lot for one who has borne the storm and stress of 'so many long years. His opponents have been inflexible. Mr. Borden is not the Borden of two or three years ago. If ho ia not the keenest parliamentarian the most constructive and yet destruc tive critic in the commons to-day, he is not very far from it, and to live in his company the leader of .the govern- ment has to be at concert pitch on all occasions when he essays to speak. A little help, therefore, from a minister of the calibre of Mr. Aylesworth, would have given the premier much needed help. On Wednesday, however, the post- master-general, nettled by some refer- ence to himself, in which it was point- ed out that though a minister, he was continuing his private practice, turn- ed upon Col. Sam Hughes, gave a sample of his oratory. Like Mr. Bor- den, he is more of the type of an English, than. a Canadian politician --delicate,, and trenchant, rather than oratorical. In the course of his remarks he ex- pressed an opinion which is of con- siderable importanes to a large class in this country. He stated that just a8 he himself held his position at the pleasure of the people, 50 he consider- ed that postmasters also held their positions at pleasure. There was no tenure beyond that, he said. ---- CAB DRIVERS STRIKE. Object to Certain Police Regula- tions in Berlin. Ten thousand cab drivers of Berlin, Germany, struck as a protest against the police prohibiting cabs from eross- ing the Potsdamer latz, where traf- fic is thickest. work later, but have They) resumed adopted a resolution to strik Tr holidays until the omorices Yoru tion is rescinded. ------ Australians Pick Their Drinks. Australians apparently h desided Sans Pps ¥V have about drinking British whiskies they must have them pure. Five vears ago the annual consumption of Scotch whis- | CHEAP, EFFECTIVE, PALATABLg APENTA HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER, The Analysis shows that the richness of Apenta Water in natural gj; renders it the safest and most remedial laxative and purgitive. RE, ne Apetienss : ADT; : A WINEGLASSFUL A DOSE. hm, SPARKLING APENT, (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATE IN SPLITS ONLY. A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning (ge, Sole Exporters: THE APOLLINARIS CoO. ry , i h : MADE IN CANADA By. A CANADIAN COMPANY. QUALITY, SERVICE, ano PRICE ALONE HAS MADE OUR MACHINE A HOUSEHOLD ils: FAVORITE. ~~ . ar ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME ' rr . - * ' THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED, cousany Orrices: MONTREAL, P. Q. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N.B. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. B (dl PH Drafts in the Bison Hot Water Furnace work on exactly the same principle as in a kitchen range. Its direct draft will give a roaring fire in "no time," and its side and down draft will bring the water to the boiling point very quickly. ' ee ak i x Y Every heat unit in the fuel is utilized, its | draft construction preventing any escaping. The Bison has more good heating H points than all other heaters combined. THE H. R. IVES CO., LIMITED. ~ MONTREAL. $30,002: 2.2 $1.00 Ladies' Bicycle, do nted, and we wil ead EAGLE Ee Migh Grade 1906 Medel Express Office f ) Offer aed A GURUINE sve IGH GRADE, 1908 Son hd Exvren Charges. _ The coals 30. 5 ce A mi 00nd Extren he Exe As Bo bl Ag go br, woes JROWS A GER ad En # ir ade; with best Bicyde Clubs the leading WO "iif0g with are to continue Tan Peete ube a 302 end 24 ar wd 20g SV Ee to $23.00. Secure Agency at AL. io.| T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame St. West, MONTRE key in ~ Western Australia. to about 2,000,000 gallons, but now it is not much more than 1,500,000. The is ascribed to adultera- tion. Goat Collected Coal. Glasgow Times. Aman whose house adjoined the railway kept a goat tethe in his garden. A friend asked -himPome day what was the use of the t. "Use of the goat ?"" he replied; "man; that goat keeps me coals. Never a train passes but the fireman t bit of coal at #t." in Bowe tt e-- Benefit To Jews. The London Jewish World states that King Carlos of Portugal, on his recent visit to England, was so much impressed with the nosition of the Jews there and 'by the services they | rendered the country that he has stat- ed his intention to have the Jewish r& | ligion formally recognized in Portugal. Hard or soft corns. cured with thrie applications Peck's Corn Salve, Guaranteed. Money back if not satis- factory. In boxes, 15¢, at Wade's Drug: Store. Wiarton people deny that. the sugar factory will be moved. Home Decorations Everybody intending 10 tint or decorate his walls ing certainly ought this spr to know about S-- = CHURCH'S ALABASTINE : : » @ like kal the itary wall covering. It won't rub of o Soutaing mg arsenic ing Tike wall-paper, and being ports title= walls breathe, which is essential to pure air in'a r00ul. © ony does much. Sold in only. Comes in white a Simply add cold water and it's ready for use. it yourself Our If your decorator is too busy to do your work. do i J packet' free booklet will tell you how. Get ALABASTINE a hil OF pairft dealers. The "little? church ™ on the labe . 18, ONT. IQ THE ALABASTINE 'COMPANY, LIMITED PAR 7 Sa YEAR 73. E. P. Jenkins | Grey Wor: Navy - Blu e quite his season.' Noth as well, and quite' the care putting in ipment to-day. a look at t Our Rugg For Boys; lit aad B. P. Jenkins ( the--Acknowledged All that is Good Men's Wear, * Carada Life As "Establishes Head Office-Torc Kingston Office | Assurance in Force, ! Assets Over - " - INCON Premium (18u5) ov nterest " Total Income ....... Profits paid to Pol over $1,200,000.00, s $114.50 for ever 1 { this Comp be supplied cheerfully J. 0. HUTTOI 18 Market Streé Telephone No. 702 Auction Real EF At Rooms, 27 B Thursday, At Eleven O'c The Property of W noved to New ( 502 P No nee He Sse T Le S pm oe ' ORDERED FO i MOVED 1 * PRINCESS ! Open till eigl ' "except Satu Choicest Material Excellent Work Neat Appearance Featu in ou 7 oh Wear "A Miittary Bos 84 Brock St. Sig 1.00 story ston M ald Fark. SWIFI'S means I 10 EE t---------- CONTR ERS WILL B he h Croth t or any tend WALL NEWEAN Office, & Le hand wy New 8 LS ods JIM LEE OPEN NEXT M¢ DIRECT FR pL vay Food b > Carpets. |! Ror ds For trading, iter place than Turk's Secon: 398 Prince

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