Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1906, p. 13

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beauty ism. perfect ) résume renewed \ pound or irreg- nkham's uffering. ail 1 gh the aches, I be- onths, ove cuf Men's Patent Colt her Shoe, heavy Laval last. re zm ssn repres nts % 50 have made Gun Viel Kid. t on am gthensss Black Birc h, k Ste coat of ti like nei, an {ad in six colo «I had that I beca and an int nothing he ard he repl tid sc + hing of my scalp has cea sed. v'S SALT for their they tell received r--and y have nee benefit.' Mam? given on application. ad Goc. a -bottde, Cures Rheumatism my heart--which incgeased to such a degree made life miserable. without "solicitation disappeared --mv appetite is grand--and the ed to my aged Father and Mother that they should try Abbeys an attack of Rheumatism----pains near me very anxioys. | lost my appetite, cnse itching or heating of the head I asked a druggist, was there could suggest that would help me, ied 'Why not try ABBEY'S SALT 0, and .can now state positively, and that. the Rheumatism has er = Salt | Cox be | ber one thousand five -- aw "IN EXCELLENT FOOD, admirably adapted to the wants of Infants." 11 Citas. A. CAMERON, C.B., M.D., I of Chemistry, R.CS.2, © Ex-President of the Royal Cllge of Surgeons, Irelan Ey For Infants, Invalids, And The Aged. ! GOLD MEDAL, WOMANS EXHIBITION, London, 1800. DR. BARNARDO says :-- "We have already used Neave's Food in two of our Homes (Babies' Casile and the Village Home), and I have no hesitation in saying it has proved very 3ati-factory."-- July 27th, 1901. Russian Imperial Nursery. Manufacturers :-- JOSIAH R. NEAVE & CO., Fordingbridge, England. Wholesale Agents: --THE LYMAN BROS. + & Co, Ltd, Toronto and Montreal. THE PARSON PUBLICAN. Morning: and Evening Prayer in a Public House. The local government board has asked 'Rev. Samuel Thackeray, M.A LE.D., landlord of the h and Ei hotel, Hoddesdon, to resign the office of chaplain of the Gordon road work- house, Camberwell. But Dr. Thacke- ray will decline to. do so. "I received the reply of the:local government hoard this morning," Dr. Thackeray said. "It stated: The ! board have considered vour represen tations, but are of opinion that they | would not be justified in allowing you to retain office as chaplain of the ! workhouse while engaged in the per- sonal superintendence 'of a public { house at Hotldesdon, They . must, therefore, request that you wil forth: with place your resignation in the | hands of the guardians." "I have instructed my solicitor th reply to.the letter, saying that I de ! cline to resign. and to ask on what statute the local government board base their action, I knew of several i cases of clergvinen who have obtained | licenses for public houses because thew we! of the opinion that by this means alone they could combat drunk- enness in their parish. But thev were not asked to give up their religious ! ministrations because they were li- cense_ holders, | "When things are settled 1 intend { to have morning and evening pray- {ers in the assembly room of my ho- { tel, and to invite all who are on the premises at the time to attend. "If my chaplaincy is taken away, {and I have my Sundays to myself, I | shall hold short services in the hotel for the benefit of the hundreds of east | end workmen, who come down to | fish on Sunday. Cne service will be | atter breakfast in the morning. and | the other at tea time, ; address will be givep." YEAST MOST PERFECT MADE. SOLD AN USED EVERYWHERE. | W.GILLETT coutany Jegins at the be ORONTO,.ONT, Dye "a At 'Home! Good-bre 1c dye at bom Mayo Soup Made in England but sold everywheve. soc. for Colors--1ise. for Black, RovaL| M:s. De Pink (reading) : Never show {your temper, no matter what the pro- bvocation. Never resent a slight. Never | lose your | cumstances. Do your best to make | others happy. lorget that you have i any wishes except when consulted. | Watch every opportunity to be useful to those ahout you. There are thous- | ands of little ways in which {be done without appearing' obstrusive- ly polite. | Makés "A Difference. ° "Are those rules for De Pink - (contemptuously) : "Certs ainly not. | ah reading the lat- st rules for society debutantes." Big Bottle, Little Cost. You not only get the most but also the. best remedy when you buy Smith's White Liniment. Nothing bet ter can be had, or can be made, at any price, while at 25 vents you get the largest boftle of hniment on the market at the price. Cures rheuma- tism, lumbago and all ¢ s and pains. At Wade's only. Money back if not satisfactory. Valuable Relic. The original commission of Thomas Lord Fairfax, baron of Cameron, was found several days ago at Winchester, Va., among some old relics and deen ments bouecht by Dr. Charles Von Witt, of that «ity. It is elaborately engraved on parchment, dated in Fneg- land, April, 1738, and is in a fair state of preservation. Vultures cannot discover a carcase by the sense of smell. They rely en- tirely upon their sight when in quest of food. He who is away the time trouble. most of domestic from home dodges a lot of YOUR BRAIN HOLDS THE NERVE STRINGS AND 1p CONTROL. OF AND MENT DISEASE TAKES HOLD OF THE NERVES THE BRAIN LOSES ALL THE FORCES THAT CONTRIBUTE TO. HEALTH AL AND PHYSICAL COLLAPSE ARE AS CERTAIN AS SUNSET South American Nervine ginning to prevent and eradicate disease --it acts on it control the ital organs of the body, gives strength to 1ervous system, fills the ssential to health -- bec: me weakened and exh blood with that richness and purity ause, remember this, that when these austed it means indigestion, torpid it kidneys, the heart flutters and becomes irregular and rs fail to have the nourishment and weaken, and the ally enough, is deb: Wonder, Sotith Ames; an N You persist and it néver fails, SOUTH Amgpy ility --and the next stage may be All such dire consequences may be saved by the ul patency of South American Nervine. ine is greatest blood purifier of modern medicine. ine is woman's best friend in very deed. RICAN RIEUMATIC C Sou URZ cares ia Irom one to three days. TH AMERICAN KIBXEY CURE for diabetes, Bright's disease and a sisdder roubles. ' FOR SALEBY H. WADE. when a short ; hundred millions of dollars like scli-poise under trying eir- | this can ! { the collection ofsthe late Letter From Greater New York. WANTS A NICKNAME OF THE. RUINED CITY SET ASIDE FOREVER. The Air Filled With Danger Signals--World's Peace May . Be Rudely Disturbed--Joseph Jefferson's Doll Hobby. "Special Correspondence, Letter No. New York, May 4.--At the mencement. of this week's letter, num- hundred and eleven, 1 have an earnest request fo make, which I trust my friends will grant, and that is, that they * will drop the word 'Frisco from their vo- cabulary and give to the world the honorable name of San Francisco, 1.511, com- *| cf art ana for 'many years years. dabblud in picture painting himself, fot even his most intimate friends suspected the extent of his holdings. The very singu- Jar fea'ure in Mr. Jefferson's charac- ter was hig Tove of children's dolls. He had them in all nationalities and all costumes and if he saw a doll display Lin a shop window he could not tear himself away without making a pur chase. One of the most shameful criminal revelations that have cursed our court for many; a- day has been on trial in this city during the past week. A wealthy broker desired to get rid of his wife. Servants were suborned, doc- tors were sub sgidized and the wretched wile was seized in ber 'home, torn from her children by brutal ruffians, and condemned - to jail as q-eommon drunkard; no fouler crime has been committed in - this city during the century. The woman was not a drunk- ard, she was not given drugs as sworn to by the witnesses, hut from jail she was hurried to a lunatic .asyl- um. Deadly wrath arises in my as [ try to repeat the infamous story. The: husband had been trying for years to get rid of his lawful wife, and the mother of his children. He sent her abroad with her children and there left her pen ss and starving. By charitable aid she found her way back home to find her husband living « MISS HARRIET WARE ~ Dowie's downfall. His more than ~ M155 RUTH HOFER ~ It seems that Miss Harriet W are and Miss Ruth Hofer, two adherents of John Alexandra Dow ie, were principally, responsible for fatherly attentions to Miss Ware and Miss Hofer, the Swiss heiress, whom Dowie addressed as his "lump of gold," caused trouble between Dowie and his wife. alleged intention off Dowie to est ablish a polygamous hoysehold, including the two young women and five others, straw and became Dowie's undoing. The was the last which, has, up to the ,present time, distinguished the city, which now lies in ruins, but which, with God's help, will fise like a phoenix from its ashes. I sincerely trust that .this réquest will be granted by every mewspaper pub lishing the Broadbrim letters; Cahifor- nia wants no nicknames for the city which is yet to be its chief glory and honor. The most startling item that catches the eve in the local news of the worning -is the appropriation by con- grees of the astounding sum' of ...one for war- What is the meaning oi awakening ? 'lhe nation inscribes on the door of its temple the ancient Latin proverb of "Nun- quem non Paratus," "'never unprepar- ed." All the nations in the world seem to be preparing for something in the future, indefinite, but nevertheless much to be feared. There is just built the invincible . Dreadnaught with its eighteen thousand tons of measure. ment and twenty-two knots an hour speed, with a broad that would sliver to atoms the strongest defenses known to/ man. The world seems to fear coming danger, and cach nation is awakening to the realization of its needs, and the feeling abroad that sooner or later, come when it will, they must not be found unprepared. France, though up to the present time apprehensive of danger has yet failed to mcet the with that activity might reasonably expect. Germany, putting it in a state of efficiency for instant action has been looking for naval outlets where she may. meet any issue that may possibly occur while rapidly incyeasing its army and fromthe main to China's "Yellow Sea." Rus- sia borrows three hundred millions to build up a navy which shall replace the one destroyed hy the Japanese and answer as a stubborn line of defense against any dangerous exigency that may possibly occur in the future, Italy is preparing for the strife, and Japan, whose every work is up to-date whether itl be in the of peace or the art of war is to-day manufac turing its own steel and building a naval giant superior to anvthing that ever flontdd on the sea. country the gone forth for battleships, and irom-clade; torpedo hoats and torpedo boat de stroyers, | and lastly, for the naval monster any other defense. this sudden side ming conflict that its people science From our order cruisers largest ever vet conceived nation, the cost not exceed six) millions of dollars. Another, startling item is the 'an nouncement that King ward suddenly abandoned his proid iting tour and hurries hack Eng- land. Tt is said that it is on account of anticipated trouble with Turkey. The faet is, the air is filled with dang er signals and a multitude of dis satisfied men stand idle in the streets showing no sign of violence just at present, but with a grim determination of what may happen in the near fu. ture. has No supply has vet been found that can meet the wants of the strikers while the millions of tons of coal in the hands of the operators, assyres them a rich reward for that which is dir misfortune to the strikers. : A remarkable feature of - the season just passed hag been the number of art sales which has been almost the. nominal. Rare works of great heauty and of inestimable value have under the auetionser's hammer a startling revelation te rich buy gone It was a body "of ere when a single picture in Josenh Jef- ferson browoht an advance of over fortv-two Mr. thousand dollars nnd white Jferso x Jefferson was known to be a lover borders 'of her European do. in the greatest luxury at the Bucking- ham Hotel. She attempted to enter the hotel and he drove her back to the street with curses. His conduct be- came so violent and. his language "so baa that the hotel:keeper drove him from lis rooms. lt is said that the darkest hour is just before the dav. So cit proved in this case, Having reached the deepest degradation and Pmisfortune shé" could sink ne lower. Then a multitude of friends sprang to her relief, who swore by dozens that she was a pure.wile'and an &ffection- ate mother. It is to be hoped that the perjurers who sought her ruin may mect condign pupishment and the vie tim he rescued from persecution and disgrace, and sce happier days in the future than she has over seen in the past, If I have not ence to misfoltune it is because all the out the length and land have kept the world posted as to the needs of that unfortunate city Relief has poured in from every soures and in an abundance without a aT lel in the history, of the world. Not withstanding the Bountiful supply we must 'not forget that two hundred and fifty thousand people are still the na- tion's 'wards. It is not only food that these suffering people need but clothes to cover their nakedness, and blankets to shelter them from the cold. The na- tion can never be too grateful to Gen. Funston; God bless him, and the brave soldiers under his command. They have done imperial servies which can never he forgotten by a grateful peonle. made a fuller refer in San Francisc journals through. breadth of the BROADBRIV. A tradesman is a marked article not bound to sell from 'his window. Always Uniform Always Reliable Everywhere Obtainable BAKER'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA have stood -the tests of time and service for over 125 years SE Be sure that you get the genuine with the trade-mark on the package. Directions for reparing more than one hundred dainty dishes in our Choice Recipe Book, sent free on fequest. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Esablished 1780 Dorchester, Mass. 46 Highest Awards in Eurdpe' and America' heart - SANKEY'S LA LAST DAYS MOODY'S HELPER IS SLOW- LY DYING. Blind' and Nearly Deaf, the Famous Gospel Singer is . Awaiting the End at His Brooklyn Home, In his Brooklyn home, Ira D. San key, the man who sang with Moody in their great missionary tours the world over, is now nearing the valley of the shadow he sang of thirty years ago in the lines: There'll be no durk yalley. when Jesus cules, There'll Le no dark comes, There'll Le no durk comes. To gather His loved "ones - homes Now, still singing the samo heart: ening' words, he is himself passing through the same dork way. It is his swan song, for Ira D. Sankey, the most famous of all the world's singing evangelists, old and sightless, is now, dying in South Oxford street. He is now lying so feeble that he cannot raise his head from the pillow, and he is not only sightless, but fast owing deal as well. So deaf, in fact, 19 the popular and beloved singer and composer growang in his last hours, that he hears to-day the music of the hymns sung him but vaguely, as one hears a horn blown in a dream. He who has wrought so much all his life, he who has ever been in the hur- ly-burly of life's fitful fever, singing his way" joyously in to the hearts of men and women, now lies as helpless as a little child in the dark. His wile and sons and the little grandchildren, whom he idolizes, are tenderly watch- ing over his last days. In these last hours of its famous tenant the great, old-fashioned house at No. 148 South Oxford street, Brooklyn, has become a centre of soli- citous interest, for Christian people of all denominations from every quarter of the. globe, Far away Australia, where Moody or" Sankey nover visited, now sends hundreds of letters to "the home of the blind gospel singer; asking news of his condition. The soul-stirring hymns and the faith-compelling ser- mons of these famous evangelists reached to the ends of the earth and and made their name beloved évery- where. Not less than 75,000,000 copies of the "Gospel Hymns," written and edited by Mr. Sankey, have been printed and sold in the last. thirty years. On this vast dJutput of his work the singing evangelist and edi- tor collected in royalties alone more than half a million dollars and gave it away. Since the establishment of the North- field School for Bible study by Moody and Sankey every penny of royalty due him for his hymn books has been turned over by Mr. Sankey to these schools. He has been one of the larg- est individual contributors to the Northfield school. On a little organ that Mr. Sankey carried with him wherever he went in those days he composed his hymns and valley when Jesus valley whon Jesus _The little your Vest Pocket EE the thin, round-cornered little Enamel Box below! When carried in your vest pocket it means Health-Insur- ance. It contains Six Candy Tablets of pleasant taste, almost &s pleasant as Chocolate. ' Each tablet is a working ' dose of Cascarets, which acts like Exercise on the Bowels "and Liver. 5 'ee - It will not purge, sicken, nor upset the stomach. Because it is not a "Bile- driver," like Salts, Sodium, Calomel, Jalap, Senna, nor Aperient Waters. ~ These waste Diges- tive Juices of the system needed to- morrow, in merely flushing-out the Bowels today. * ® » Neither isitlike Castor Ojl, Gly- cering, or other Oily Laxatives that simply lubricate the Intes- tines for transit of the food stopped up in them at that icular time. BT ese emer- gency drugs relieve the immediate trouble, but do not relieve its Cause. The same trouble will therefore recur again till that Cause is removed per- manently. The chief cause of Constipation and Indigestion is a weakness of the Muscles that contract the Intestines and Bowels. ,Cascarets are practically to the Bowel Muscles what a Massage and Cold Bath are to the Athletic Muscles. contract, Cacao do i ssl, "i ts this purging or discomfort. They don't help the Bowels and Liver! 7 Sn such away aaio make them This is why, with! Be3§2EEae IF Hl He 8 g . 3 «FF Reesfes Showing size of ** Vest Pocket" Cascaret Box compared to Walch. paves the way for al -- "Vest Pocket" box 10 cen Be sure you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling and never sold jn bulk. Every tablet stamp A sample and the famous booklet, ** Curse of Constipation," Free for the ask- ing. Address Sterling Reidy Company. 2 Chicago of New York. EE ---- A FOOD AND A TONIG What the leading Medical Journal of the world has to say about FERROL. After making a thorough test of FERROL in its own laboratory the London (England) Lancet published an article from which the following is taken : E R played his own accompaniments. at all the meetings, That little organ, the ful organ' in the world, Sankey's most precious session. It has been his greatest plea sure and recreation, particularly since his blindness, most 'wonder- is to-day Mr. material pos key-board, whereghr--weulds spend hap py hours playing the beloved old tunes and singing the dear, known old hymns. For nearly forty years this little or gan has bee 'n his constant companion. He has carried it all over the earth. No other musical instrument has play od as important a part in the religious history of the world, Under the inspir ed touch of Mr. Sankey it has led the singing in little western towns, where only afew were gathered, and it has led twenty thousand voices in Agri cujtural Hall in' London. Next to the members of his family he loves the little organ more than anything else he possesses. Batdered it is by many miles of travelling; the vellow ivory keys are worn thin as a wafer, yet only Mr. Sankey's fingers have touch- ed them, On this he composed all the songs that have added to his fame. And not only did Mr, Sankey compose his own songs on this organ; not only did he use it in nearly all the meetings in which he: took so prominent a part, but on it he tried the songs of othe TR, which were included ' with his own in the books that he edited--song books that have had a circulation ex- eocding that of any publication with the exception of the Bible, Mr. Sankey played on this organ Tong before he dreamed of becoming an evangelist. He always. loved music, and he cannot remember when he did not sing. He bought the organ not long after he returned from the civil war, and he composed five hundred gospel hymns upon it. Mr. Sankey would never sit with his back to his audience. By facing them he impressed them with his maghetic personality and there seemed to flow out to his hearers the inspiration that he felt as the words and notes of his hymns were wafted in music from him. Chicken Came Home To Roost, New York Tribune. An English manufacturer of roti is the subject of a joke told in the Liverpool Post. While on a continen- tal tour he purchased a Sevres vase for some hundreds of pounds, and brought it home most . carclully. Thinking that the foreman of his works might gather a hint from the design, he called that gentleman in and showed him his treasure" "How do you like it?' he asked. The fore- man took the vase in his hand, turn- ed it over, and returned it with the brief reply : "I don't think that I can learn much from it.' "Why not?' asked the manufacturer. "l don't like telling vou, sir." "Come out with it." "Well, I designed that vase myself. It is a foreign im¥ta tion of dur own work, and is. worth £5 at the outside.' : It pours the oil of life into your sys- tem. It warms you up and starts the life. blood, cirenlating. That's what Hollister"s Rocky Mountain does. 35e¢. to be led into his lib- | rary and to the little bench before the | well | RO "This is a successful combination of the. known valuable remedies, Cod Liver Oil, Iron Phosphorus. The formula is no secret, and our analysis showed the presence and amount of consti- tuents as described. The preparation is a good one and of distinct therapeutic value. The association of an easily assimilable oil, in a fine state of division, with a phosphatic salt of iron which does not disturb diseases." special qualities. the best Physicians, prominent Hospitals, Sanitariums, etc, i i, ALE Les UNDA oo Tea or Tablets. Mahood! » Drug Store, No. higher endorsation is possible, following the use of FERROL for the past ten years have proved that this endorsation is well deserved. FERROL is not a patent mystery. The formula is freely published. It is endorsed by the most eminent Medical Journals. the digestive functions and which is easily tolerated, determines its success as a food and tonic in' wasting What the London Lancet recommends as a food and a tonic in all wasting diseases must have very The results It is prescribed by It is used in CED. Ww. _MAHOOD, Corner Bagot and Princess Streets A -- Gu NER PORTER AND [1.X¢ | 3 24 NOTED IE AER RR ee J S. HENDERSON, AGENT, KINGSTON FOR Or. r, KOHR'S iS RESTORINE: bs A Mound in ds reommended a = Juajority of of the Ee mate Eon : e dotsed > n 80 a the A

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