to the taste that 1 with pleasure, a" or flake on top ly--may be drunk ling the user like the full Benefit of to purify the blood 9 DEYS Salt dne bit to Top Coats 1 us. hase of the they have e marks of - gives its irm $18.00 in greater lues--than [ingston. NADA OMPANY. HE NAME A -------- and. GTURING CO. Q LIMITED, AWA, S rOMN, N. B. WHERE, 0 rigerators assortment of r* from 8 v a large , ranging se price ial Features , all made of the best ma ned with galvanized iron, chamber, cleanable Hues, sol filled, perfect circulation v air, which renders it per tless and free from BROS Phone 35. musty THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. E mn) [3 rp IV TANEN In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway -- FARE ROM KING- STON TO : San Francisco $92.00 Going via American lines apd returning hi Canadian or vice gETURN and "riseo Jas Angeles "319.50 rect out 3! di CHOICE oF ROUTES west of Missouri River. | "Going April 24th to May 5th. Returning until July 31st. | particulars at Ki & P, and CP t Oflice, Ontario street. BE ONWAY. | F. A, FOLGER, * Gen. Pass Ager. nt. Gen. Supt, Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, peseronto, and all local poites. Trains jave City all Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. GITRLTL] Sees AL BRANCH TIME TABLE uoik Effect Jan. 2nd, 1908. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depat, Foot of Johnston street, GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City Fo. 5 Mail ... ... 1245am. 1.156am 3 3.05 a.m. 15 a. 9.47 a.m # ]lIntern'l d12.16 noon 12.46 p.m "« 7¥ail .. .. 3.19pm. 3.51 pm " 15 Local ... . 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST Lve. City = Arr. City Fo. 8 Mail ... .. 148 am. 223am « yFast Exp. 2.26 am. [3.05 a.m « 16 Local ...... 8.16 a.m, "8.47 a.m * 6 Mail ... .16 noon 12.464 p.m cw gFast Exp. 1.00pm: 1.29 p.m * 12 Local ... ... 7.03 p.m. T5 ban. Nos. 1,3, 8. andl 4 rum daily. Nos. ad8rus_ daily except Monday. All oes trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Hamilton, Buffalo, Torento, Peterboro, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Joka, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, wad all other imformation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnston aad Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. ALLAN LIN E Royal Mall Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Parisian May 3, 9 a.m. Virginiah May 10, 4 am Tunisian May 17, 9 a.m Victorian May 31, 4 aan, MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. (moderate rate service.) Numidian May 9th, daylight Nengolian May. 16th, daylight and weekly ther or, For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Re J. T. UILDER- » CPR NORTH-WEST LANDS, WANTED A syndicate to take up 10,000 acres near Lloy dminster, on the line of the Canadian Northern Railway, on the border of Alberta in Saskatchewan Swdicate price $8.50 per acre; $1.50 down after the land has been inytsti- gated, balance on long terms 6 per cent, Lands in this vicinity are selling retail from 12 to R11 an acre. There 1s no bh proposition than this on the mar t to-day. Good railway fa tities and a prospective railway to mn through the property--good wa tr. Prof. McCoun, for nine vears Government Explorer of the North- Nest, in § of this vicinity : This tract i insurpassed in the North-West for its capacity to grow wheat; th, il is rich; the surface is almost level, and what slope there is inclines to 1} mth." ~The Govern ment C.p R Inspectors report this lan 1 poli = ons for na few days received a t the r Lit Office, 18 Market uare, wo J o HUTTON. At Strachan's . Hardware - ----ese EMBOSSING Sina for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING Suze... Letter haads yy er Wien WHIG, Kingston THE PM Mtns cere E. HEROD NOVEL FOOTWEAR D TO 286 fsoS STREET ; Due iy eight . o'clock Baa Saturday' {A : x BOS HEAD ONE SOLID SORE Hair All Came Out and He Suffered - Very Much -- Under Doctor Three Months and No Better -- Perma- nently Cured at Small Expense. CUTICURA REMEDIES WORK WONDERS -- Mr. A. C. Barnett, proprietor of a general store in Avard, Oklahoma, [IN ROMANCE HALO | Brothers Kidnap Bride at Altar HOW GENEVIEVE WARD WEC= DED COUNT AT 16. After Ceremony--Tragedienne Never Sees Nobleman After Second Wedding is Performed Under Orders of Russian Monarch. London, May 2.-~The birthday of Genevieve Ward Tos brought to light again the halo of romance which sur- rounds her, but which few ° people know of. In reality; she is the Coun tess de Guerbel, "and thereby hangs the story which would make the for tune of any novel, Before she became was famous as a vocalist: an actress she it was on- 1 remem- Remedies iving him months he was no better. bered that the "Cuticura had cured me, and after two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, according to directions, and using Cuticura Soap and Ointment on him daily, his 'e 1a left hifi, his hair grew again, and ti=ither he nor myse If: have had any eczema since. As to his own ease, M irnett says: "I suffered with eczema, a burning, itching, breakizg out on my face for more. than ay I took treatment from physiciaas for several months, which did no good. 1 was then advised to try Cuticura. 1 took six bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, and Soap and Ointment I began to improve to use them, and » six bottles of + had 'become and al crup- used Cuticura el clear, : ad good color tio ns had left me. "We use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment in our family now for 1 use, and it keeps our skin and healthy. I cheerfully recom- mend the Cuticura Remedies for all cases of eczema. (signed) A. C. Bs ar- nett, Avard, Oklahoma, Mar. 30, 1905. Treatment for every THAT STAB-LIKE PAIN IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK COMES FROM THE KIDNEYS AND CAN BE CURED BY ..DOAN"S KIDNEY PILLS Tt is not the-back that is aching, but the kidneys which are situated beneath the small of the back. Therefore, dull pain in the back, or sharp, quick twinges, are warnings of sick kidneys able healing and toning effect on the kid- neys. Mrs. Barling, 26 Locomotive Street, Hamilton, Ont., writes: "I had been troubled 'considerably with my kidneys, using many remedies, but finding no relief. I tried Doan's Kidney Pills and found them to act directly on the kindeys, and making them strong again." Price 50 cents ., Toronto, Ont. : ly after her voice suddenly deserted tells in the following grateful letter {her that she took to the dramatic how Cuticura cured him and his son | cgage. While she was studying music of terrible eczemas: lin Ttaly she met a Russian nobleman, "My little boy had eczema. His | Count Constantine de Guerbel. She head was one solid sore, all over his | was sixteen; he older, but still a scalp; his hair all came out, and he | ams man of striking presence and suffered very much. I had a physician winning manners, Ho proposed, and treat him, but at the end of three | the girl's mother, thinking it a fine | althoug h, owing yk --warnings of kidney trouble. Flasters |vast hulk, nin pve bi and liniments will not cure a bad back, for | (roublisome to him. He i weame they cannot reach the kidneys which cause | (jo piuse. The last. t e seldom left it. Doan's Kidney Pills reach the kidneys. |}: cif th Re time he showed That is what they aro for and'that only. Avast TI public streets was in So, if you would be free from backac he, | | gust, 1900." when he went to in swelling of the feet and ankles, frequent oh Ct a new railway station, and or suppressed urine, inful sensation | his was. quite an event for the inhab when urinating, specks floating before the | !lants of Willenberg, At one time eyes, frequent thirst, brick-dust deposit | there was some talk of Herr Fromm in the urine, or anything wrong with the accepting an engagement to stiprar on urinary gtgang of | ladder Jou sus kee | the sie hall stage in" Paris, but th reel ns them re Buin off all the Legit cll through as there was not a and impurities. {a railway ecamiage that would ac Doan's Kidney Pills are made from the BomeeAtaty him and he flatly refused purest roots ne) hore, and ha®® a remark- ra in a freight car. per box, three boxes for 1 25, all dealers pe The Doan Ridusy rill watch, gave her consent. The marriage ceremony was perform ed in Paris in the presence of the Am erican consul, but without, other wit- nesses. The civil marriage was to be completed by the performance of the religious rites. of the Greek ehitch, But the count was fickle and base. In order to make a rich marriage in Russia he repudiated his union with the young American girl. He had not counted on the courage and purpose of the latter. With her mother she went to St. Petersburg and, after | overcoming 2+ almost insuperable diffi- | culties, was granted an audience with the czar. 'He heard her story and is- sued a special ukase. orde g the count to repeat the marriage cere I mony. To the amazement of the count, when the bride appeared in church she was led to the altar in mourning, with a long veil of black cFape. Be side her stood her brothers, armed with loaded revolvers. At- the door of | the church®was a carriage into which | they led her the moment the cere | mony was concluded. She never saw { her husband again. And .it was the | Countess de Guerbel who, as "Giera { belle," thrilled the world with her imlody and as Miss Genevieve Ward { who became famous as a tragedienne wherever the English language spoken. > A HEAVY-WEIGHT DEAD. Was a Giant, and Weighed Half a Ton. Berlin, May 2.--1It ix reported from Willenberg, Kast Prussia, that Herr Hans Fromm, (he : proprietor of a ho tel in that town, died there after a short illness. Since the death of Tho- mas Longley, at Dover, Herr Fromm enjoyeo the distinc tion of being the heaviest man in Europe. Herr Fromm turned the scales at 525 pounds. He stood five feet eight and one-half in- ches in his socks, and mexsured sov- enty-two inches across the chest, hy seventy-nine inches around the waist. Dvceased, who always enjoyed » mag- nificent appe tite disposition, was of a very happy GREAT BRITAIN'S NAVY | win Be Largely Increased in Coming Years. | London, May 2 --Aeeording to offi cial report, Great Britain has at pre {sent no less than six battleships, ten { armored cruisers, cighteen * destroyers and fifteen submarines under constr { tion, During the year 1906-7 four grm PURE FOOD INSURES NAGIC bon "INSURES PURE FOOD. E.W.GILLETT 20aivas LIMITED YORONTQ. ONT. GooD Heath | fored vessels, seventeen destroyers and | twelve submarines. will be commenenxl | The designs of the "have pot {yet been determined; and it there fore, impossible, to form an exact {idea of the total lability that will bx {incurred by these admiralty proposals { As far as can be gathered from the cost of recent corresponding however, the large 000 will he cost of thes vision made « this expenditure £3.000,000, which twelfth of the vessels is, types, amount of £10,000, absorbed as the + , and the g 190¢ amon 7 at pre to meet to roughly A about = oh total cost, y Harlem Happenings. Harlem, May 1.--The friends of Miss P. Smith are pleased to see her able to be out aga after her critical i'l Ness, J. D. Melntyre is able to ap again after a serious attack of { stomach trowble--Roy -- Richards, of { Oak Leaf, and 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Irwin Fealled upon his brother, JJ. Irwin, Sunday Johnston's remains st on last. © STENCILS SEALS; STEEL STAMPS, ETC. Best Standard, Fairest Prices PRICE MARKERS, WHITE ENALEL LETTERS C. W. MACK, 60 YONGE ST. EM irra saaaaaand Only about three in every hundred Bishop Doane and the Rev. Walker amateur novel-writers find their way | Gwynn, the latter the only living inta print oxeept at their own ex-| former rector 'of the chirch, will he > along those attending the services. and som are putting up eu shed Tor M. Chant. Sidney Taweon 1 busily * engaged Ppaperi Seed potas toes are at a premium here. Mrs, J J. Smith is IL Vicitors :* Mrs, J. Mail and two children. at 'R : Stevens'; D. Chant and Mr. and Mrs Hilliard Leggett at R. French's: 'Mr, Copperman at J, F. Chapman's. on is ng Church Seventy-Five Cohoes," N.Y., May 2. John's EptScopal church is seventy five vears old to-day and ths congregation will | celebrate the anniversary with impres [give religious "exercises Years Old. Nt. thix evening. were taken from the vault and buried here last week. Most of the people in the vi Hage have suffered from the grippe in the dast jew weeks, and some are still ailing. David John ston has the contract "of furnis) ing wood for the * factory. Fon Shildon' SUNLIGHT SOAP is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way: Follow directions. SUNLIGHT WAY OF WASHING --Dip the aticle oe aed a Sul of ukewarm water, luk on & washboard and and rib the soap | ar DOt tO miss Be garueslar 0 THEN lay Toll it it a right in a tig in the tub under the water, and go on the same way Sati al the pieces bave the soap rub on, and are led > hen away for m tg, one hour and let the ** Sun- do its work. EXT. After soaking he full time rub the Al lightly out on a wash board, A Z and the dirt } 2 out; turn the garment in- \ 7 side out to get at the seams, \ y 0 Soap: wt use ey oda Sola \ ¢ 4 s ngle piece, don' P > . hrough two suds. If | yo Sets to dirty, 1 2 little out an \ Pooh. "i a streak is hard | £1 4. < to wash, rab D 2. soap it, and throw (] the -- back into the A for a few sudroriy comes tHE |B RINSING, which is to be | {] done in lukewarm water, taking special care to get all the dirty suds away, then wring out and bang up to dry. } For Wo and Flan- aels proceed as follows :-- Shake the articles free from tablet of into h «. pour into a gallon Siboiling water and whisk into a lather. When' just lukewarm, work articles in He lather without Squeeze out dirty twit Ze) am AD a ¥ os and rinse thoroughly in two relays of lukewarm water, Squeeze out water without twisting and hang in the Tr REWARD will be paid $5, 000 to any person who roves that Sunlight Soap con- Pony any injurious ch a or any form adulteration. 5c. 5c. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO Coase Buy it and follow directions. Expectant Mothers u-Ju THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL prevents constipation. the best ney Trouble during pregnancy. of price, soc per box. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED WINDSOR, ONT. : Ths linen uscd in Tooke Iron Frape Brand is ma de specialiy for these Collars: There is no make of linen in any other 20¢ Collar equal to it, by actual laundry tests. ~ TOOKE BROTHERS, Limited, MONTREAL. wr Proved " depend. of strength--No. 1, 13 . Opposite Grand Central Station New York - should take "Bu-Ju™ during this trying time. ~The extra strain, weight and undue pres- sure on the delicate organs often irritate and inflame the kidneys. This not only increases the dan- ger of childbirth, but places the | 1 health of the baby in jeopardy. keeps the kidneys strong and vigorous--acts as a mild tomic on all the female organs, and |r A "Bu-Ju" pill at bedtime is rotection against Kid- At all druggists, or direct om receipt Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Ularine 1 Tonic, and only safe effect onthly Reogulatoron a) SS can Sold in three Styrecs es 0 dere wtronies No. & | two cases of imported' goods for his. special cases, $8 por box. | order clothing" department, consisting = Sold by all drugs ste, or wont | of § Scoteh and English weeds, serges, repaid on of price. he 1 Vi 5 A BO er a Tne | cb viots and Vicunas. His 215 suiting 00K Merging Co. TORONTO, formerly Wanda made to order beats anything of pre- Grand Union Hotel R.ooms From $1,00 Per Day Up BAGGAGE 3: FREE NEWS OF DISTRICT LQCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. John N. Bongard, Victon, shipped a carload oi eighteen 'horses by train to Montreal on Saturday. and Miss Mary Francis O'Carroll : McEvoy, Thurlow township, were on Monday united in marriage. Patrick McAulitie, Peterboro, was brought to Kingston to enter upon his term of. three years and six months' imprisonment, Arnold Way's barn at Bethel was struck by lightning during Sunday night's storm, and somewhat shatter ed but was not burned, Mrs. Hugh Leahy, Prescott, Monday in Brockville hospital. De- ceased was fifty-five years of age, a husband, four daighte rs and three sons surviving. Charles .C. Benson, of the largest pike captured died on landed Picton, one that vicinity for vears. It tipped the scales at eighteen pounds, and mes: sured three feet and tencinches long. A pleasing évent took place at the home of Samuel Cole, Big 1s sland, on April 25th, when the twin daughter Mabel "Adelia, was united in marriage to James Arthur Bongabd, Point Tra- verse. - Peter Vanblaricom, Demorestville, Deceased 'was a bro- Picton. He for some sixty-five died on Tuesday. ther of Giles Vanblaricom, had been in" delicate health time. Deceased was. about vears of age. Reports received from Charleston Lake tate that the salman are bit ing freely and record catches are be ing made daily. Neil McCarney, Gan- anoqie, landed four beauties and sim- ilar catches have been made since, At Smith's' Fails, Henry Stevens, aged seventy-six years, was arrested charged "with an indecent offence agdinst a young girl named Berry, under sixteen years of age, and daughter of William Berry, the township of Bastard. A considerable number of deals have been made lately in real estate at Westport. A. 1. Taggart has sold his farm of 125 acres to W. Bresee, for £8600. William Kennedy has sold his farm of 100 acres to a Mr. McPar- land for ¥6,000, Mrs. A. M. Wing has sold her village property to A, Taggart for £1 450, of GANANOQUE NEWS. Death of Samuel Johnston, Aged Eighty-Five Years. Gananovue, May 2.--The regular trips of the Gananogue-Clayton ferry steamer Wherenow began Monday. On the afternoon trips she passed through the lands, passed the Admiralty group of is- head of Grindstone; on her other trip she goes by the foot. William Toner has purchased a twenty-one foot skiff, in which he pur- poses putting a two-horse power gine, thus adding one more to already numerous fleet in these waters, Samuel Johnston passed to rest at the home of his son-in-law, = John Young, Prock street, Monday evening, in the cighty-sixth vear of his age. The funeral took placé to Elgin cemetery "Cupid. in. Topsy. Turvey Lang," last night, in MeKenzie's Opera House in ail of thé Citizens' band, called oat a good attend ». There was a w cast of characters. and a number of new songs and speciplties, All tak part acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner. William Jones, barber, Kine street, left for Brockville hospital to under, severe surgical opera tion. W Dates, son of Mr. and Mrs. GG. Bates, Stone street, has se cured a pos ition .with Mr. Emory, of Emory's Island, for the coming sea son. and has" Teft town to enter up his Miss Carrie who has been in Delta for the past week in attendwnce af the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. Joseph Clow, has returned to town Frank at once, this morning vesterday a duties Clow, Kininmond leaves for Toronto where he will meet Willis of water works fanw, and vroceedl to Western Canada, Portage ln Prairie Edmonton, where he has accepted a position similar to one bv him here, as Mr. Chip- 's assistani Chipman and oecupied man SLAIN AT CHURCH. Bridegroom Killed by Father Jilted Girl. of and put off the wedding day again and rain. Anna's parents finally eompell 5 him to fulbl "his. promise to the irl, and the marriage ceremony. was celebrated , » As the church, heart, was bridal party the bridegroom's former swiet- accompanied by her father, whi armed with an axe barred the, way, In the scuffle that ensued, the faithless bridegroom was felled with a blow from the axe. The bride. fainted, soveral received slight + police separated the combatants, . and took the bridegroom to a hospi tal, where he died, ng Importation Of 1906. Prévost," Brock street, has received vious Years. The wear. and fitting is guaranteed. \ id In Colorady there are many women employed as as thefé are men em- ployed in that calling. And there just half and waitresses' Rome, May 2.---A wedding party ond ed in bloodshed at Bitonio, near Bari, this week, Gaetgno Ceorvali had becpme | betrothed to Franceschina Caldaryea, but afterwards became enamored of Anna Lisi, a girl of superior attrac tions, : This first engagement was broken ofi, hut the gay Lotharisf, after basks ing for a time in Anna's favo ih tame indifferent to her éharmd also, was leaving the injiiries.- throes times as 'servants are as many inven employed as HAT'S the time to take a Cas- caret --When your tongue iscoated, --When you have Heartburn, Belching, Acid Risings in throat, ~When Pimples begin to peep out, --When your Stomach Gnaws' or Burns, --That's the time to chegk coming Con- stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. One single Candy Cascaret will do it if taken at the right minute, just when you first Saal ahe need of it. TA "Castdret in time is worth 'Hina later on. ' * - *- Cascarets don't Purge, nor Weaken, nor wage Digestive Juices in flooding out the Bowels, like Salts, Castor Oil, "Physics." But, -- they act like Exercise on the Muscles that shrink and, expand the In= testines, thus pushing the Food on Natur- ally to its Finish. When the Bowel Muscles grow flabby weak, or lazy from want of Exercise, the We have a full range of Curtains you to come in and see them, As it to $7.50 per pair. Ask to see our $1 grade: An Opportunity special prices. excellence were compressed in fit, that are shaped, time you put them on until t prices $15.00 and $18.60. - GENTS' FURNISHINGS. v *Pee spring handle, 'bar. AE J.B.C. DOBBS & 00., +3434 $53233444 sestessssssssesy are women, stenographers and type writers as thibre La "86 much hearty Happiness, so The bargain wave has once more turned our wa we have secured from the makers 3c0 MEN'S SUITS at Louis Abramson, U Up : 1 336; Princess 'Street. BICVCLE BARGAINS} "FOR THIS WEEK ONLY We offer fhe best $60 Cushion Frame wheel, fit. 4 .ted with coaster brake, cellulcid mud guards, SHEET LI LEAD & "The Canada Me William Street, Toronto. When You have a Bad Breath Food does not tickle them enough fo make them act, That's Constipation! " Castor Oil, or "Physic" will help to slide out one load of trouble, but they can't help the Cause. In fact, they weaken the Bowel Muscles more than ever by slackening them, and by doing work for them which they should do for themselves. When your Arm-Muscles grow flabby they need Exercise, to strengthen them --not a sling to support them. When your Bowel-Muscles grow flab~ by they need Exercise to strengthen them--not *'Physic" to pamper them. Then carry the little ten-cent "Vest Pocket" box constantly with you, and take a Cascaret whenever you suspect u need it. Y One Cascaret at a time will promptly cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue, thus proving clearly its ready, steady, sure, but mild and effective action. LSE A thousand dollars a year spent in amusements, could not buy for you half solid Comfort, Cheerful Temper and Health Insurance as that little ten-cent 'Vest Pocket™" Box of Cascarets will bring you. All Druggists sell them--over ten mil- lion boxes a year, for six years past. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped CCC." | A sample and the famous booket, "Curse of Constipation," Free for the ask- ing. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. 702 Carpets How. about a new Carpet or Rug this spring? House cleaning ume is with us again and some -new floor covering will make your house Fok still more bright and attractive :-- New Tapestry Carpets, new spring designs, all eoloriog from 3%, to Oh. per ward All-Wool Carpets, full 36 inches wide, nice patterns and colorings, excellent val- | ues, from Tbe. to $1 per is Bre lan. ol eet "Our Ru ty .t and prices according to Lace Curtains for the spring trade, and we invite | is impossible to deseribe in print the many pattems and gualitics, we will only quote prices as ranging from 25c. CASH COUPONS Crumley Bros.. to 300 Men! and If ever grace, distinction, fashion, fit, wear and all round to suits for men, they are in these pure Fancy Worsted, Black Worsted, Tweeds. in the new grey slate effects and navy blue garments. that have neglected, not this shape or. that shape in particular, but every style that's shapely. They will give satisfaction from the' Suits that "'tone;"" Not one detail hey are threadbare. Regular All Sizes Offered at $10 - [BOOTS AND SHOES . - PX awn otfrter. us Ey 3 and - Dunlop tires,. for Cash a 171, Viisge St. frames Immediate Delivery * m. , ou PRIGES tal Co.