Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 May 1906, p. 8

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a Former [Presents .Latter With of | luncheon. It consisted in the Queen's D.C.L. Diploma, and + "Makes ~~ Felicitous Speech -- ! Principal Gordon Hands Him Ottawa, April 20.--An intervsting | ceremony took place to-day, at the re- midence of Sir Sandford Fleming, where Mr, Carnegie was entertamed at presenta- tion to the latter of the diploma of D.C.L., conferred upon him at: the re- cent' convocation of Queen's Universi- ty, Sie Sandford . Fleming said in making the presentation: "Un the day you came into this beautiful world in the | the famous historical Scottish town of on Chane ou 35 vee: will on the new. proposition this month om -- Cheese 58-30 il: an bade + 417 ots Bold at 10fe. 4 le, "April 28. --Sales, 10%e., hon at lo 18-168¢c., 125 * alunce selling on street. ------------------------ a w ridicul : light idiculous a ol To show. bow + ey ous a Hate 7 blish the first part of an "| ivertiscipent in the Picton Gazetts of 245 at at 10%e.;. ---- Like A New Disease. New to the mam who never had corns is the pain relieved by. Pat nam's Corn Extractor. Old coms and new ones. cured quickly hy "Put- nam's,"" Sold everywhere. purgative remedies are fast Hotties to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. H you try them, they will cers tainly please you, tn flower and garden seeds at Gibson's Red' Crods Drug Store, It pays to go there, : Regular values $1, $125 $1.50, $1.75, 2, $2 25, $2.50. "Your Choice, 68c. Each Every garment made in this spring's fronts handsomely made with clusters [§ fine tucks and hemstitching. trimmings of gg surg Valenciennes and Swiss Insertions ; § 50 many exclusive designs with open Eyelet | Embroidery, cuffs and collars finished in orresponding styles. These Blouses are being sold by many El uses at double and treble the price we ask. $ le of Tho toe Sold. Until Day of Sale Hi 8 yet i | distant. These two met jour &11 up in a disgraceful manner. | loca) bred horses 68c. Each f Dunfermline, » another boy of tender , years was probably playing marbles in the Langtown of Kirkaldy, a few miles for the first time here in Ottawa, not far from score and ten years having elaps- ed, You are now lord rector of St. Andrew's University, Scotland; the sec- Lond boy is now and for thirty-five has heen chancellor of Queen's iversity, Canada. When in convoea- tion a fow days ago, | had, as chancel- lor, the high satisfaction of con: ferring on you the 'highest honor in t. In anticipation of this meet: ing, 1 sent for the principal of Queen's to appear e to-day, to assist me in conveying to you knowledge of our ac- tion, and to aid in completing the function of bestowing upon you the dogroe | now receive from him, and {with unalloyed _ pleasure {ransfer to you, Dr. Carnegie, the roll of parch- ment setting forth that you are one of the youngest honorary graduates of Queen's University. Before I ask Prin cipal Gordon to do, whatever [ have left undone, and sav whatever I have left unsaid, 1 fool that 1 must give expression to. the unfeioned happiness this day brings me. I have long en- joyed the distinction of being an. hon- orary graduate of two great universi- tice on opposite sides -of the Atlantic. By a singular good fortune the heads of both are here. I have the rare and double satisfaction of welcoming both to Canada, and breaking bread: with Dr. Camegie;, and Dr. Butler, represen- tatives of 8t. Andrew's amd Columbia under the roof of my own Canadian home." Principal Gordon, in handing the gown to Mr. Carnegie, said the tone and soirit of Queen's was very much like that of St. Andrew's, always bear- ing in mind the fact that the institu- tioh was formed for the purpose of keoping open the path between the favm-house and the university. He hoped that Mr. Carnegie would long be spared to continue his beneficent work, and that some day he would pay a visit to Queen's. r. Carnegio for once was taken hy surprise, but it was evident from his beaming . countenance that he was de- lighted, at "the honor done him. Grasp- ing Sir dford warmly by the hand, he him as "my dear fellow- Fifer," and then went on to sav how fecble his words must be to fittingly express his appreciation of the great honor dome him. He spoke of the good it was possible to do in this world, and declared that it was a blessed thing 10 be able to benefit one's fel- low-men, After these proceedings were over, the company repaired %o the front of the house, and were photo- graphed, A CITIZEN'S COMPLAINT ---- ' Cattle Should Be Driven om Back Streets. Citizen: writes: In an offort to make Kingston beautiful, many resi dents of University avenue have carc- fully tended their lawns, raking, clean- ing and seeding, but their efforts have been rudely rewarded. Last week a local butcher drove down the avenue, a herd of bulls, who, breaking away from the young boys in charge, trampled over the lawns, tearing them This cus- on such a fine a new one, hut should Cannot back streets tom of driving cattle street is' not he stopped. be used ? A Challenge From Picton. "There are some peopls in King: ston," said John Morris, local man- ager of the Queen City Gil company, this morning, "who think they have fast horses, for instance, Henry O'Brien, "Ben" Folger, Chial Baillie, Dr. Waugh and Dr. Nicholl. Now let me tell vou of a challenge 1 have re- ceive. Some of Picton's horsemen offer to wager from 8100 to $500 that up there can win from any of the Kingston iniporta- tions. They olfer to pay the shipping expenses on the steamer Alexandria of any Kingston horses, feed them while away, and beat them at the Picton matinee meeting. It's now up to, the Kingston owners of two or four-year:olds "to accept this very liberal offer." : RL ---- Inland Revenue Collection. Collections at the island revenue of- foe for April : Spirits, $4,767 31; malt, $600.75; tobacco and cigars, 82,650.35; - bonded factory (vinegar), $46.19; methy spirits, $133.83; other receipts, $27; total collections, 88, [| e-------------- . Young Newburgh Boy Dead. Ford Finkle, a boy, aged about four teen years, son of Mr. Finkle under: taker of Newburgh, died at the general hospital Monday evening. The little fellow had been ill only a week, » ------------------ . Hot Shot At Toronto. 'Hamilton Spectator, Carnegie says he went to Toronto for pleasure and got it. He might now try Kingston penitentiary as a pleasure resort, 3 -------------- Have you pains in the back, inflam- mation of any kind, rhewnatism, fainting spells, indigestion or consti pation, 'Hollister's Rocky! Mountgin Toa makes, you well, keeps you well. 35 cents. Mahood's Drug Store, Prescription 24,000" cures rheuma- tism and lumbago, 50c. -at Chown's drag store, ave you bean weighed at Rest's i WILLIAM #. MOODY. Washington, May 1.---1t is reported on good authority that Attomey- General William H. Momdy intends to resign from the president's cabinet on July Ist, on. account of his chagrin over his defeat im the meat trust case, ' PITH OF THE NEWS. dies. om The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. lee dealers in Toronto have made a general advance in prices, Toronto horse show receipts were $16,400, a falling off of $1,100. Toronto's tax rate has heen fixed by the board of control at 184 mills. The salary of Mayor Coatsworth, Toronto, is to be increased by $1,500, The late ex-Ald. James Crane, Tor- onto, left an estate valued at $62,303 - 31, William Hendrie, slightly weaker than, partly unconscious. : A protest has been entered against the local option by-law passed in the township of Bouth Mountain. Reconstruction of San Francisco has begun in earnest. As.a result many destitute men secured work. The plumbers of St. Catharines went on strike, this morning, for an in- crease of five cents per hour. The 88. Numidian, Allan line, from Glasgow, for Montreal, passed Cape Magdalen at 9 a.m., to-day. The Marathon race took place, at Athens, Greece. to-day, and was yon by Sherring, of Hamilton, Ont. Eighty-five members of the Carriage and Waggon Makers' Union, Toronto, will go en strike for a nine-hour day. <The Canadian Manufacturers' Asso- ciation have been notified to give up their offices in the hoard of trade building, Toronto. Eighty-five carriage workers went on strike to-day, at Toronto to enforce a demand for a nine-hour day, with Saturday afternoon off, At New York, Recorder Gof said that gross negligence and incompet- ence exists somewhere in the enforce ment of law in that city. 'The United Railway company has promised to give San Francisco, with- in a short time, a better svstem of transit than existed hefore the fire, To-day, not a pound of ore, coal or grain is being handled in the port of Cleveland. The same condition exists in practically every Lake Erie port. Sir Wilfrid Laurier says personally he is inclined to a reform of the sen- ate. He intimates that senators should be sdleoted by the tarious legislatures. It has been arranged to have the census of population and agriculture in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- herta, taken on the night of Sunday, June 24th. : At Melilla, Hamilton, is last night and Morocco, the Moroccan gunboat Sidi El Turki has seized the bark Beni Bujafan, carrying a com- mercial cargo, and put to sea with her captive. . on Mrs, Mary McKittrick, Uniontown, Pa?, who recently celebrated her 108th birthday anniversary, commit- ted suicide by cutting her throat with a small knife. Great labor demonstrations are be- ing held ine Hyde Park, Londen, this afternoon, One meeting there was mv en up entirely to the pupils of Social- ist" Sunday schools. At Washington, Representative W. R. Hearst, New York, introduced a reso- lution apprepriating $2,600,000 addi- tional for the relief of San Francisco earthquake sufferers, At a meeting of the opening of thi London and Hamilton Preshyterian synod, held in Zion church, Brant- ford, Ont., last night, Rev. Dr. Ross, Port. Dalhousie, was elected modera- tor. The supreme court has decided that the city enginoer of Toronto, with the approval of the city, should decide the time of the use of open care to be discontinued: in autumn and resumed in the spring. Six hundred strikers coming out of the Paris labor exchange ran into twenty bicycle pateolmen in the Rue Oberkampf. The strikers opened five on the polictmen, but were dispersed alter a brief engagement. The British steamer Blanefield and the four-mastid barque Kate Thomas collided off New Haven, Scotland. The Blanefield sank immediately. She was bound for London from South Ameri- ca. with a cargo of nitrate of soda valued at £50,000. © Eleven of the Blaneficld's ervw boarded the Thomas when the collision occurred: twelve others werr picked up. Five of the crew are missing. Repairing The Roads. Chairman Carson, of the board of works, says that the work of repair- ing the roads will start in a fow days. The crusher is at work getting stone ready. Alderman Carson says that Mucial attefition will be paid to blocks whose centres have no crown. The sides of the road will be chopped or picked, and the material will be spread in the centre of the road and rolled, ---------- Every lady in Kingston knows Me Conkey's high class candy, "The choice of royalty," Sold only at Gih- goss Red Cross - Drug. Store, -'Phone | bills passed hy WILL BE DISCUSSED ON THURSDAY MORNING. -- Legislature Approves of Municipal Amendment Act--The Hospital © Scheme is Dead. Toronto, May 1.-The municipal committee of the legislature, this morning, approved of the municipal amendment act of 1906, which embod- ies the amendments contained in the the committee daring the session. Hon. Mr.. Hanna-intim- ated that the business of the house would be finished by the 10th or 11th, 'The committee will devote Thursday morning to a discussion of automo- bile legislation. The bills introduced by Messrs. Lennox and Sutherland, proposing further restrictions, are un- der consideration by a select commit- tee. The receipts of the provinvial secre tary's department, for the current year, promise to be ahead of all pre-}- vious records by a very large margin. Up to yesterday the gross receipts from January lst totaled $70,665, an passed by the ratepayers was held to and administered the rite of confirma: tibn upon twenty-four candidates. On Saturday death claimed an es: timable lady of Brockville, Mrs, Henry Fennell, who passed away a victim of paralysis. She was aged sixty years. Saturday night there passed away at his father's residence in Yonge Mills a well known young man, Tor- rance Purvis, eldest son of James Pur- vis, aged thirty-four years. Two well-known and popular Brock- villians, Leonard Howison and Miss Florence Fitzpatrick, youngest and only daughter of Mrs. John Fitzpat rick, at present residing in New Hav- en, Conn, were united in marriage in Brockville, on Monday. A sad death at St. Vincent. de Paul hospital, Belleville, on Monday, was that of Mrs. George Weatherell, (pec Miss Eliza Dunham). following an ill- ness of some weeks. Deceased, a daugh- ter of- William Dunham, was only married Christmas night last, The death took place Sunday even- ing of Mrs. Eliza Jane Johnston, wi- dow of the late Alderman Johnston, Belleville, after a few days' illness from a general breaking up of the sys- tem. The deceased was born in Prince Edward county, seventy-eight years ago. Ireland's New Great Seal. The new Great Seal of Ireland is distinguishable from the English em- blem in 'a very small particular only. This is that the conventional border beneath the table a crowned harp is substituted for a trident. It js also | ssn Ba ------ >A - Seu aan 'Gloves--Gloves--Gloves--The Call | on Every Side ~ Nine out of ten women in our gig are asking for gloves just now It's = glove season. But we are delighted especi- ally with the many complimentary remarks in regard to our assortment. , No chance ot all for disappointment, :if you come here Seems as if we have every style ands shade at the prices Hesired with high quality of . material apparent at a glance. W, ant do our gloves justice in cold Print--your personal examination is yet come to-morrow. Fabric Gloves French Lisle Gloves St -- (-- t-- - necessary, sq increase of $23,897. The total gross oO a. v Fla : cellent qualities, 23 35 2 receipts for 1905 were $131 014, 80 LONG SILK Soy ES, 1 that the first four months of this ercam, black, white, cardinal Black Lisle Gloves, per pair als year show a total of more than half and helio, of three different © 25 and 35c, : 2 wht" was Foeeived all last vear." . lengths suitable for the half - Toronto will not build & hospital or three-quarter sleeves, Black Taffeta Gloves, in thre for consumutives for the present. The Per pan, * e splendid wualitics, por pate, 23 Private Bills Committee of the legis- YORE ik GLOVE . h 35, and; 49c, lature were overwhelmingly avainst URE SILK G 5S, with two . the plan, this mprning, and disallowed neat dome fasteners in the Perrin's Kid Gloves the expenditure of $50,000 for the pretty shades of "fawn, grey The f F Perris i erection of the hospital. A by-law and cream, and black im of Perrin's is .warld * renowned for the matchl AJ and white, per pair, 49 contemplate merely the contribution and aul vgs taken in te selection of of existing institutions of the money SILK NET with pure vb Saving ar g ove Theres voted. silk palms, one of the particu- cheap grades, whe n a EN larly pleasing novelties more you can get good bis DISTRICT DASHES. just out this season, per 49 teed gloves ike Perpin's © 28 pair only t Zatest Items in Our Many [RQ SUEDE LISLE GLOVES, with You'll find a full assortmentoof Exchanges. the exact appearance of fine sizes here now in the new shades The Bishop of Ontario paid his an- undressed kid and with much of grey, fawn, mode, tan - ang nual visit to Christ Church, Belleville, greater wearing quality, brown, and black and in the pretty shades of white, at two popular rey and fawn, per pair 35 prices, 1.00 and 12 gre) I To those who have been walting patiently we wish to an» nounce the arrival of our belated shipment of Long Kid Gloves. Both dressed and undressed styles, of superb qual- ity, in tans, black and white, are here now, and Intencing purchasers shouid come early to-morrow to be at all sure wish. 91 getting what they, LAIDLAW & SON. | ---- Amongst Our White Waists Dozens of new and charm- ing 1906 styles await you here, at a splendid range of prices from which every purse may be pleased. At 75, 99, 1.75. 1.95. 2.25. 2.49 and up to 4:50, with 'this one extra special :-- WHITE LAWN WAIST, of extra quality fine lawn, with hand- embroidered front in a very stylish and pretty design, and front pleat of embroidery inser- A 4 tion, with full sleeve having AN deep, tucked cuffs but- 1 49 ] toned to elbow. Our had a o . iy extra-special, each only a an interesting fact that the new seals are struck in silver in the large medal press at the imint--a method never be- | fore attempted--and that the seal and | counter seal of Ireland received no | fewer than 793 blows before they were | perfected. i { Marine Paragraphs. Capt. Henry Esford left to-day for | Toronto to bring down the steamer | Kingston to enter the government | dry dock, the latter part of this | week. | The steamer Turbinia did not ar- | rive in port to-day to go on the dry | dock, as was expected. She has jro bably been delayed in the Cornwall | canal. I Appeal Was Allowed. Quebee, May. 1.---In the matter of McCraw, the murderer, who has been sentenced to be hanged at Three Riv- ers, in June next, appeal was allowed this morning, by court of appeal, Judges Lagoste, Blanchet, Trenholme, | Lavergne and Simon, being present, | and the case was continued to the Oc- tober term. The insurance commission. resumed its proceedings this morning in Toron- to, and Mr. Junkin, manager of the Manufacturers Life, was called to tell about some of the stock transactions of the company. T There is someone, somewhere, who wants that property or article you have to sell. The Whig's "Want Columns" will find him for vou. There are more public holidays in Hénolulu than in any other the world, Tablets (Bland coated, 125 for 25¢. There are about twenty men to on woman holding life insurance policies Ete, Use Dr. Scott's Liniment And il very serious. saturate a piece of lint and apply to the +E tS An Excellent Hair Restorer and Sealp Cleanser Large bottle, 25 cents. an nob jor sls at your druswist; it | always be gs = procured at James B, | . Scott's _ White Liniment dos] St. John N.B., and Chelms: "10 CONTRACTORS TENDERS ARB INVITED FOR various trades works | Yarious th or required in erection ce. on C Plans and specifications now ey Shection. s Wanted bel ursday, May 3rd, 1906. any nol necessarily city in Mass) chocolate aceeptod, # ARTHUR ELLIS, | y Architeet. | Oflice--Near Aruguriens eh 4 - | your neck by using chairs, tables, Why run the risk of breaking etc'; to do the work a of Step Lad- der when you can buy a nice 4- foot one for 75c¢. We have all sizes up to 10 feet. They are made of good material,' well finished and strong. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock St. VEOOG POOFOOOVGFFC Ripe Bananas Ripe Tomatoes Ripe Pineapples A. J.Rees, 166 Princess St. NW PFOEC OPO al Style and Comfort Go To- gother in This Shoe We have just received this fine Vici Kid Turn Sole Ribbon Tie Shoe, and although worth more, we have marked them at the low price of 0 a pai $2.00 a pair _ 'These are right up to 'date and will be found stylish and comfortable. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE, OS GG HERES NGG ARABI OY | ' Studying the Unc Question Three essentials neces must be Unshrinkabl Wearing. Soft to the Te We cuarantee the followh (ll the bill to your 8 refunded if they fas Ellis Spr ng Needle Balbr E Needle Natura Frenél" Balb Natural Woo Mauchaiffer 's Mering oe Natural Wool Underclothi Britannia Britannia Change your joy comfort. E. P. Jenkins Clot "Givie Improvement FRESH SI Will be given only who may register childr for the prize competitior 4 to 6 p.m, eacl this week at Dr, A. P. Ch 187 Princess Str C000' GROCERY Fi TENDERS WILL BE until noon MONDAY 8th i of lor 192, corner Queen ar streets, owned bY estate Dunn (1) Brick grocery co'tages, Que:n street Wellington s 2) Two r 1 cast cot! ing above, on Wellington st Terms, 10 per cent. each we, month. For articulars, PATRICTH, ROGIRS fario street. = T0 CONTRACT with ¢ and apply & TENDERS WILL BE RF fic the unders cations ma) noon on § fof the s € in the erect pletion of a. Brick -- Resident street in this City, for Esq Lowest or any tender mn accepted WM. NEWLANDS, A Office, 258 By Excellent Workmansh Neal Appearance Features in our She Wear "All Military Bootmal 84 Brock St, Sign of | For the Best Ins In all its brane £2 to SWIFT'S "ea mrany RIT BSI TO CONTR AC TENDERS WILL BE the « th RE hers Vv tender » WM. NEWLANDS, 2 « , 258 B Ebi recomemne ae ce DIRECT FROM will pa i Rumiture, " Ee 8. P trad 10 better lace hv buyis Turk's Second. Hs 398 Princess Si BOOM FOR FU! Korean Port Closely San Francise« Korea, will scop the regular line an Francisco and ! S a coming por t toast, being now th the new Kore an railway, fonnected ot Liao-Yang *M Eastern and the Lib ---- Attended A S Fusan call fox we Falls, May C i 1 Cimningham Selon Place, © spent 8 lend ig \ nimber from il the « h of drygood n snark, Mrs, fan North Bay, visi Othwell's ast week. x Cook, Innisville; Jd, orris'. Mrs. ards, Carleton ace, sp oy her Sister, Mrs: T) a ------ Bot uming feet,

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