Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 May 1906, p. 3

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ee inal Notice olders of ¢ gs ; redeemable fo eecate d to send t ithout delay ang us, 83 we will and remium department . 06, after 'whic dite x tes or eoupons will be hy edeemed, mpire Tobacco Company merican Janada. Is an, Ted, h hee lv close April tag, be, recy. We pay the HEST PRICE or Spring Rats F. GOURDIER 8-80 Erock Street p-- Quite - Necessary As a little finishing togey to a business or every dy toilet is a Dainty - Little Cravat Or Tie Pin aw exclusive des'gns in Pearls, special in a [1 Gold Knot AK., set .in the centre witha Diamond, at $6.00 ITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians ne 666. } of _ Marriage Licenses hn McKay The Reliable Buyer Vants 0,000 ring Rats House, 149-153 Brock Sireet HINK FIT ce Curtains during > cleaning time at 22¢. 1p to $6 a pair, 'with 1s of swell patterns:at s between those men- 1 above. If you want Curtains come to US ve'll surprise you with alues. tension Brass Curtaia 'complete at 1oc. and easily worth 25¢. ednesday y yards of White Mus- 25 inches wide, in s and checks, good at 8c. and 10c. yard ale sc. a yard. VMAN & SHAW of Its Absolute Purity {s Rapidly, Taking the P ts Onl tlasd Packs * O IGHEST AWARD, London BOIVIN, WILSON BO Commission Orders Executed \ on all Exchanges Both Listed and Unlisted. Members Toronto Stock Exchange Long Distance Telephone Main 5200-01-02 ALADA® CEYLON GREEN TEA y. 26c., 30c., #0c., 50c. and 600. per 1b. At All Grocers COLONIAL Finest Distilled. KEEP THE CAPSULES, THEY ARE VALUABLE. DISTRIBUTORS: : y and Delicious Flavor lac2 of Japan. ST. LOUIS, 1904. Dry Gin a. @ CO., Montreal NDS AND STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission Investment Securities Information upon Request ¥ TORONTO 401 ¢ SE -- -- 35 Years ganong's G. B. Chocolates Has been before the public and that spe ks for it-elf. M wnufacturers of the highest qua- lity Chocolates, unsurpassed by any. Sold in bulk and packages, 2, 3 and 4 poun 1s. Ask for G. B. Evangelines Ld, REES, 166 Princess Street a eit "4 STNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS En numbered section of Domin- in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 20, vot Seer ved, may Le homesteaded upon LY any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of ase, to the extent of one-quarter sec- tion, of 160 acres more or less. Entry must be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land is situate. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who has been granted an eéntrv for a home- stead is required to perforin the con- ditions connected therewith under one of the following plans : (1)° At least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in euch year during thé term of three years. a {2Y If the futher (or: mother, if the father is deceased) of any person who is e a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land utered lor hy such person as a home- stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be sat sfied Ly s.ch berson residing with the father or mother. (8) Il the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned hy him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may be satisfied Ly residence upon said land APPLICATION FOR PATENT should made at the end of three years, be- ore the Local Agent. Sub-Agent or the omestead Inspector, ore making annlications for patent the settler must give six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- Pinion La Lands at Ottawa, of his intention SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. 4:28.~Coal lands may Le purchased at ath, acre for soft coal and $20 for thracite. Not more than 320 acres can Se oylired | by one individual or com- ~ Royalty at the rate of ten cents ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross| output puartz.--A free miner's wanted upon payment in advance of eR annum for an individual, anc $50 to $100 per annum for a eom- bany according to. capital. A free mindr, h n pice. hi avine discovered mineral certificates is Tn for recording a claim is $5. ast $100 im each yoor must be expended on the torder ip cuded or paid, 'the locator may, X & survey made, and upon comp} ' ly With other requirements, pur- ® land at $1 an acre. or paid to the mining re- anondutent orovides' for thie payment ol ¥ of 2} per cent on the sales. PLACER i 100 minine claims generally ate foot entry fee $5, renewable Yearly, Square : At n° Miner may oltain two leases to" tenes for wold of five miles each fora twenty vears, locate a claim 1,500x1.- lieu thereof. When $500 has a, 1, THE DOCTORS AGREE. Two Physicians Both Agree on the New Scientific Dandruff Treat- ment. Dr. J, M. Powell, of Spokane, Wash., : "Herpicide has given good satisfaction in my family for dandruff." Dr. W. GG, Alban, of Walla Walla, Wash., says: "I find Herpicide all that is* claimed for it as a dandruff foure. I shall prescribe it." Dandruff is a germ disease and you can't' cure jt unless you kill the dgndrufi germ; and you can't do that unless you use New- bro's Herpicide,- the only preparation in the world that destroys the para- sites. A delightful hair dressing : al- GOT WRONG DOSE DRUGGIST GAVE SULPHATE OF ZINC FOR SALTS. Cheese Thrown From a, Rig Upon Horses--A Couple Married in the Roman Catholic Church. Napanee, May 1.--Mrs. G. F. Rat tan is quite ill. One day last week she took a dose of salts, and , imme- diately afterwards was taken violently, ill. Upon examination it Was dis- covered that she had taken a dose of sulphate of zine, which was given her for salts by the druggist. Owing to prompt remedies, she is recovering: Cyrus Miller, of Morven, was haul- ing a load of cheese to Napanee yes- bring the team to a standstill, but the cheesé was scattered and the box: es broken. : Sunday afternoon at three o clock the 1.0.0.F. lodges, No, 212 and 86, attended divine service in the 'Preshy- terian church, it being their anniver- sary. Rev. R. Conn delivered an appropriate' sermon to the. brethren. A quict 'wedding was celebrated at thodist church will be lail by Harvey Warner on Wednesday, May 3rd, at 11 am. SPORTING NOTES. Interesting Items on Various | Sporting Matters. ! New York Giants won four straight om Philadelphia. h Ti, the an, will play baseball this season with Columbus. ! William McCracken, who founded the i trotting horse industry, of Kentucky, with a horse taken from Canada, 1s dead at the age of eighty ) The English court tennis champion- ships were won by H. L. Doherty and Miss D. K. Douglas in singles, and the Doherty Brothers and A. ¥. Wild- ing and Miss Douglas: in doubles, Chicago Record-Herald : Charlie Cart played a great game at first base for the Cincinnati Reds, making two one-handed stops or wild throws that probably . no other first sacker Would | have been able to reach. The continued successes of the Am: erican athletes appears to be causing ill-feeling among the spectators dt, the Olympic games. Yesterday the Greeks made but little effort to' con- their. displeasure and some hiss- ing was heard when announcements of American victories were made. The open golf championship, of Italy, played on the Rome club's course at Acqua Santa, has ended in the success of ° the holder, the Hon. Denys Scott, of the Sunningdale club, London. He beat his brother in' the final, and last year, when played at Florence, the runner-up -was F. R. Scovel, of the Chevy Chase club, Washington. In London, England, Hacken- schmidt, the Russian wrestler, demon- strated Saturday-night . that he is by far alone in his class when he lays itching instantly; makes hair glossy and soft as silk. It is a sure dandrufi destroyer. Sold by lead- ing druggists, Sand 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. TET VVVVTVTVLVT TTB ARRLTY | 4 IF vou lea. { WANTA | NEW YORK GOOD CHINESE QUALITY - SMITHING 83 Princess Street Open Jaw 10. 10.80 Fro to 3,00 am COAL TRY OUR CUMBERLAND. B. k P. Walth Spec: BR i i Th i 2Xhe. bos get an all round Lunch in the iy Wants 'of "an kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty: Lettering in Cemeteries a Specialty $a Opposite Y.M.C.A. Canadian Chinese Restauran Hiehion of the Minister of he 3 Li io King Stree essee shall ha . 381 : Ati, ve a dre fn oper. the 1b, Yithin one season 'trom the date. of "or Rovaity y for cach mile of river leased. don _ the rate of 2} per cent collect- Output after it exceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY, Duty of the Minister of the Interior Mvertisement will not be peig Auction Oo avok your 1 cond, esline the 5, "Phone for. of date. hiwhes 083 t prices (JOHN H. MILLS for each five miles. Rental. $10 ~~Unauthorized publication of this Sales ot tale of Furniture at once all the important sales and The Leading Auctioneer Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m shortest notice. fishes a specialty. Phone 655. '27 BROCK ST. ete., forsale. Restaurant New Monumental Works JAS. MULLEN, 372 Princess St., Phe best place to wét' an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on English and Chinese Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 'New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, Sale. of Horses Eyery Saturday latest "Terrible the | wrestled Madrali, the | Turk," for the championship of | world at catch-as-catch-can wrestling and defeated him with the utmost | ecse. There was an enormous, attend- | ance in the hall, and the Russian was | the favorite. He secured the first fall | in 1.31 and the second and the match | in exactly 4. From the outset Madrali | was on the défensive, plainly outclassed. What is regarded. as oneiof the most important moves fade in sporting cir- cles for a long while was taken at a special meeting of the Montreal Ama- teur Athletic Association held on Sat- urday evening, when resolutions were adopted providing that in the future, rather than have hidden professional- ism, the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association will permit its lacrosse, football, hockey and other clubs to hire professionals, and will permit its amateurs to play with these men, as well as to play against 'the profes- sionals that may be hired by rival clubs. and "he was F. W. GATES IS DEAD. Vice-President of Canada Life In- surance Company. Hamilton, May 1.--F. W. Gates, vice-president of the Canada Life As- surance company, died, yesterday, af- ter a 'two weeks illness. He was «ighty-four years old, and his malady, diabetes, .has been troubling. him much recently, Mr. Gates was born in 'Montreal in- 1822. He was elected to the board of the Canada Life in 1858, and became vice-president in 1877. Mrs. Gates predeceased him by some years. The faniily surviving consists of five sons and one daugh- tor. Pale? Thin? How is it with the children these days? Have they plenty of grit, courage, strength? Or are they thin, pale, delicate ? This reminds you of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It does great things for children. It gives them a good appetite, improves their diges- tion, builds up their general health. | Ask your doctor if he endorses this. Ricmunn. We . " SS ATESS: Trial Package manent operation as sort to it only when the patient has become desperate from long-contiated pain and itself is every terday. When coming down Roblin's nerve: racking as the disease. Besides, Hill, the front board of the waggon |i i humiliating and expensive, and slipped or broke and let the cheese |,.r)y a success, . : : down upon the horses, who resented The wonderful Pyramid Tile Cure this by Fuphing away. Mr... Miller } vos an operation unnecessary. You managed to hold on to the lines and | a vourself with perfect case, in your own home, and for little pxponse, relief. and infiammation, and takes away all pain, itching and of the treatment is 0 give a permanent cure. the form of suppositories so that they the R. C. Yur, yesterday morning, | can he applied directly to the parts at cight o'clock when Miss Mary i without inconvenience, or interrupting Hughes, Bath, became the bride of Jo ur work in any way. Vincent Kouber, one of Napanee's we'l We are sending a trial treatment known citizens. Hes, Father Harti tree of chyrge, to e¥otkone who sends p) ceremony. e a i ddress. ¢ do this to gan performed eo name and' a I newly wedded couple took the noon prove what we say about this won- train for a honeymoon in Toronto | jog remedy is true. and Hamilton. J h o After you have tried the sample George L. Mair, spending 4 Millan, treatment, and you are satisfied, you ter with his daughter, Mrs. McMi ig can get a full regularized treatment in Finch, returned home ah ye of Pyramid File Cure at your drug- Arthur L. Date Jaye lot ay Fl gist's for 50 cents. if he hasn't it, Mexico "City i Ges % "H H send us the money and we will sel use ecorge I. Ham. He | ve o ' : : bb one. of Going 1. Sign, He [300d vader aC onc. Ly Cleall. another Napante boy, who i+ Send your name and address at goes to the same institution in i L once for a trial. al this marvellons City. William Henry leaves, to-day, quick, sure eure. Advlress Pyramid for Winnipeg. E A {Drug Co., - BISK Pyramid Building. The cornerstone of the Eastern Me Marshall, Mich. = Hadj Mohammed Mesfewi, When You Can Get a Quick, Sure oe For Your Piles by Simply Sending Your Name and Address? is Sent Absolutely Free, in Plain Wrapper to 'Bveryons Who Writes. Surgeons themsel¢es consider a per- cure of piles by a surgical very doubtiul, and re agony. But the operation bit as excruciating amd Pyramid Pile, Cure gives vou instant It immediately h@ls all sores ulcers, reduces congestion and irritation. Just a little usually sufficicnt Pyramid, Tile Cure is prepared in BEST IN THE WORLD IT SAVES B "B-BIES' LIVES Lactated Food surpasses all other prepared foods as a diet for the bab- ws in the hot weather. Lactated Food is the easiest to digest, and is of great nutritive value. Lactated Food is a perfect scientific substitute for mother's milk. It is a correetive in all cases of irritability of the stomach and bowels. No other food, sold' can boast of such valuable life-giving and life-building virtues. Lactated Food is the safest form of nourishinent for the baby during the time of teething. It saves from diarrhoca and dysentry. Lactated Food "'saves babies lives: Druggists sol it. - "wa VELLIPG CALIFORNTA Canadian Pacific Railway" RETURN FARB FROM KING- STON TO San Francisco $92.00 Going via American lines and returning via : Canadian or v.ce w "Frisco and Los Angeles $79.50 Via Detroit and direct lives each way. CHOICE OF ROUTES ! top « vers weet of Miss mi River. Going April 23th to May 5th. Returning until July 31st. Full particulars at K, & ¥, and R. Ticket Oflice, Oututiv streot. ¥F. CONWAY, A. FOLOMR, Gen. Pass Agent. ten, Supt. Cp, pn, Hay of Quinte Railway New' short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, end all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B.Q.Ry.. Kingston. ALLAN LINE Boval Mail ers MONTREAL T0 Li vase Parisian May 38, 9 am. Virgiman May 10, 4 a.m Tunisian May 17, 9 a.m Victorian May 31, 4 a.m. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. (moderato rate service.) Numidian May Oth, daylight Mongolian May 16th, daylight. and weekly thereafter. For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY Agent, G.. T. R J. P. GILDER- SLERVE, Agent, CP.R MURDERED 36 WOMEN. Fiendish Old Morocco Will Be Crucified. London, May 1.--A Daily: Mail cor- respondent wiring front Mogador, Mor- occo, via Tangier, on Saturday, re ports : "A series of murders, probably un- exampled in the annals of crime, was traced last week to a native cobbler Shoemaker in "Under his shop in the Rayad Zei- toun no fewer than twentV-six corpses were unearthed. This 'led to the dis- covery of ten more in a yard which had been rented by the murderer. "All these victims wie women. "Mestewi will be eruclfied on Thurs- day next, when an immense concourse of spectators is certain. £1 "This form of capital punishment has hot been practised within living memory." 1 gp -- Esquimalt Garrison. Ottawa, Hay 1.--The militia depart- { ment too over, Esquimalt to-day, { Maj. Watts, Halifax, = sssisted in the | transfer to the Dominion government. i The strength of the garrison will re- main about the same as at presint. or | CONDENSED ADVERTISING - RATES First insertion, lc. a word. Each 'con secutive insertion thereafter dc. a word. Minimum charge for one - sertion, 25¢. Advt. 4 lines or under a Week, $1. Advt. 4 lines or under a wonth.$3. Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG |. EE ---- ---------- WANTED. ¢ A MAN. APPLY WOOD'S FAIR. GIRLS. APPLY N. C. ma ------------------------ A RAW ROLLER. APPLY BOX 22, Whig office. POLSON & Cu. BOY. APPLY HENDERSON PHOTO- Rraph Studio, Princess 4 street. A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO Non SATE, LADY'S ORESENT BICYCLE -axcellent condition. Apply thi is ome. IN pepe eee FARM PROPERTIES. ory My Sale. pay. De Parument "Do 208 'Wallington St. STONE HOUSE, LARGE LOT; WITH fruit trees, rooms. large, agement and cellar, city water, College, $1,600.00. Owaer Box P., this Office. RESIDENCE OF LATE DR. HERALD, 199 King St. All modern improve. ments, hot water ' heating, gas and electric light. Central Jocation, For full information, apply. to E. E. Horsey, Market street. Clarence street. HOUSE, 287 QUEEN pr 10 ROOM BRICK b) i ft) 1st. Eh Ft LARGE FRON 00M 7 RC ON AND, Aoply Scenes Sramn Wellington » B HOUSE, 0 ARCH STREET, Ay OniraY, A A Box, TH roidence of the late: Dr. Walkem: No. "X.¥.Z." WHR oes," ii also the wo brick houses on John son iy Noa 116 an 18, Jealen MAY THE FI FIRST. A Sogn D BRICK mon en ouse, J ohnso t. Ho a hiy "to Walkem & Walkem, improvements i! modern Hea furnace. Apply R. Nesbitt, 387 A St. x Ki SPLENDID INVESTMENT, OWNER THE TWO LARGE OFFICE ROOM -- eanein Bakpaunck, 191 Blog ahh Four, (4) mood tennea- in Frontenac Loan and nt ments. 'Three (3) that, rent Jou over Hocisty » Building, 3 Som 2 SE oT OY § APPLY $200. The fourth includes roer A A ST Lo ALLY ~ grocery, and up-to-date living rooms. Mudie, Master in' Chancery. Robinson, Foreman, Good clean jceal ty. Good A ETT IN trade estoblished. ditigns. A 1, | FURNISHED 'FROM MAY 13TH, TO A GOOD COOK ; NO OTHER DUTIES Price. 400. Particul re. Sépt. 15, a pl tly and -conveni- expected. Apply Mrs. N. C. Poison, Wellington St., Dept. "PD. ently situated eidht-roomed cot a7 University | Avenue. gas, 1 modern SonVguiencse, piano - Apply Kir patrick, A YOUNG MAN AS GROOM, ONE Rogers & Nickle, who can make himself generally use- Be ADDIY C45 King street. IRIKRIIIIIIRIIIINOCEE FURNISHED ERICK SE A BARBER, WITH ONE OR TWO omality. R atonghiy. $25 to years experience, wishing to improve. Small condensed advts. Also unfu nn g other houses, $15 Aunly to R. H. Elmer, 161 Princess in the WHIG bring § A cartinet, Wik mouth, Ju ohn . Have 'you trie GENERAL SERVANT, REOOMMEND- sults 9? y FIRST : €L:A ox ST ATED, AND , nurse kept. No washing or iron- it yet ° tracted Fooms, img. Apply in the evening, 154 Barl » . Sony u i _ ro street. SINE detached roves Birior Xo ~ ¢ 8 > near Srp church. Po: on SOME PERSON WHO 15 CoMPEL next months, ma Yi, % seh. J. ant to make up Ladies' Blouses a 4 their own home. Apply , Box 20, bread, 196 Unlon St. West. Whig office. i eee ete ARCHITECTS. FROM TAY i 8st 1906. NE HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. SITU: | emmy suburban nas 4 4 lawn,' Ly on Uni LW Mons vacant domeetcs.mior® 308 | WM. NEWLANDS. ARCHITECT, OF- now 'occupied by alor. 8 t. Wellington street. . fice, second! floor over Mahood's Drug water heating; out. uiigimer 3 store, corner Princess and Bagot garden Sraubda, A GOOD PARLOR MAID, IMMEDIATE- streets. JHubrance on = Bafoy Steet £5" Bani yon, "Oinrens ly. Must have city references. Ap- * =r ply after 7 p.m., to Bishop Court, agro ; Kirt vero SHest. POWER 4 SON. ARCHITECT, MR | MONEY AND BUSINESS. : po . ~ chant's Ba ulldine, corner rock | esc gsr eee Boys, OVER 14 YRARS - er AGE, and Wellington streets. 'Phone. 213. UVERPOOL. LONDON A y ould & C OF z Fite nsurance C ny v fultable ; Avuly to Jo A aod & Ca. Cor. | ANTHUR | BLIJS, ARCHITECT, OF: ts $01,187,215. In. & Rand si i fice site of New Drill Hall, near cor oh the poliey Rogers | nave fo IMMEDIATELY, A MAID, FOR GEN ner of Quen' and Montreal attests, Seurity the anil Farm and tabllity 5 . ii eo 8 Ol eral housewark, two in family. verty T.aundry given out. Apoly Miss Mac- insu donnell, 167 King street. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square, 'Phone, 345. new business vet & St SENTLEMEN TO 'HAVE THEIR ta pressed and cleaned carefully by Rand also bring your cloth have p-to-date suit Gallo- way' wr 131 Brock street. GENTLEMAN OF 40, WEIGHT 198, height over 6 foot, desires chance to learn somo business. Full knowledge of horses. Has family and would Begin at $7 $9 per week. Apply Box, No. 555, Whig office. 100.000 PLUMBERS, Bricklayers wanted co: we prepare you in few weeks : Union c¢ard guaranteed. Free Cata- logue. Coyne Bros., Trade Schools, New York, Chicago, St. Louis PLASTERERS, for San Francis- RICK DWELLING, FOUR BLOCKS from Post Office ; ten rooms, hot bo JST T first Aon I he In nh BL LANK BOOK FINISHERS TO WORK pr inMour Bramplon FREtoty, nerd . g wages. Arvly The Copeland-Chatter- *T LOST. - son Co., Ltd.,, Toronto or Bramp- FOR SALE OR TO-LFT. 4 ton. nny A PEARL. CRESCENT ' STICK P 3 Ti SALESMEN, FOR AUTOSPRAY. Sor 83, 30m Pt PILING iL | © 'on Sunday evening. Rewans ior CR Liber, vd a Sample Hi for Sther property, John ay a . machine free to approved agents. A Gardimer, 151" Wellington St. FOX TERRIER, Cavers Bros., Galt. Ont. occupied by Dr. Jan, vtreal and Brock streets corner Mon- MISCELLANEOUS. FARM HELP, AND ALL OTHER May 1st, 1900. Gardiner, 151 : ! BLACK BROOCH, Ji MEDICALS. i ¢8 In JR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY James' church a "B Finder K'ndly leave at W ue ones or 127 Bagot street. A SMALL BLACK coty PURSE, ard Kim iE tween Barriefield and tario by way of On on Sunday ad, unas bil kinds of help supplied. Department ,'* 208 Wellington strect. gl TRUN ER LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Efféct Jan. 2nd, 1906. Traine will leave and arriva at City Nepot, Foot of Johnston street. GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City No. 5 Mail wl245 am. LlSam o 3 Express 2.26 a.m. 3.06 a.m *" 11 Loeal 9.15 a.m. 9.47 a.m. * 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 p.m 7 Mail 39pm. 3.51 pm 16 Local 7.03 pn. 7.38 p.m GOING EAST Lve. City Arr. City vo. 8 Mail ... .. 148 am. 223am. " 2Fast Exp. 226 am. 3.05am " 16 Local ...... 8.16 am, 8.47 a.m. *" 0 Mail .....12,16 noon 12.4G p.m, * 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 p.m. 1.29 p.m *" 12 Local "Joi p.a 130 pe Nos. 1,9, 8, daily. «nd 8 run For Tog ox + Monday. AD yo B-] trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Torento, Peterboro, Hamilton, Aa Buflale, London, uber. cago, ay City, Saginaw ontreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Joka. Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Actommodation, Tickets, wand all other imformation. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnston and Ontario streets. Kingston, Ont. KING AND QUEEN Have Left Naples for England-- - Saw" Vesuvius. Naples, May . 1,--King Edward and Queen Alexandra, with the Duke and Duchess of Aosta, yesterday afternoon visited the observatory on Mount Ve- suvius, where they were met by Prof. Mattucci and Prof. Bers. The king congratulated both scientists on their work, and drew from them a minute account of their experience. After- wards the royal party ascended above the observatory, and had a splendid view of the smoking volcano beneath, which spread the devastated plains and valleys. King Edward and Queen Alexandra lefi Naples, last® night, for England. : {ss makes oath that he of the firm of F. J, Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for cach and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to Leflore me and subscribed in wy presence, th's ¥th day of Decemier, A.D... 1886. / (Seal) A. W. QL BASON, Notarv Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken ly. dnd acts directly on the' mucous surfaces of the for testimonials free, F'J. CHENEY, & Cd., State of Ohio, City of Toleda, © « Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney is senior partner hlood and system. Send Toledo, 0." Canada has been paying for the cost of the garrison for some time past. internal-/ that we have the styles shoppers most at our disposal thar We trim to order in any style you so much to do, and no chance to rush An ~~ Honest Guarantee We guarantee our milk to be ABSOLUTELY pure ; put up in sterilized bottles. It is the best. Try it. Kingston Milk Depot or. Breck and Bagot Sts. Waggons. Buggies. As there has not been much of the beautiful snow this season, Waggons will be more used. HH you 'are in need of a 'Waggon or Bugay of amy special desim, It will be to your interest to call on ° das. Laturney-| Sold hv all Druggists, Take Hall's Family palion. 75e. Pills for consti- 'The Carriage Maker 390 Princess Street, Kingston we ever remember, small coin and teh kav. wal for its return to above address. Success With Millinery The biggest fact in connbetion with this season's Millinery business is admire, with more attractive things Wish there was a ocewspaper way of showing how very\different our styles are." Ladics in any sense hard to please are just the kind of customers we want. : ¥ See the now Hats Seo the new Flowers . Soo the new Sailors See the new Trimmings The stock is as you want it; with ample variety to choose Irom and sur} ng economy in the values. Easily and beyond question the most at- tractive Millinery showing within your reach. say. Give us all the time you can-- , on good work, THE SOMERVILLE CO. ATTEND rHE BEST Ambitious men Ww rt SERIE Sn, No Rh Jon in Shortha; writing, Book- kespine, ste. ete., pr a Civil Service course, in Frontenac | BusinessCollege Kingston, Ontario The best equipped and .ro up-to- date - business traini i Eastern Ontario. tor ne iio n tudents may en at ina alt graduates. are assisted | to ime ine Situations. Write for catalogue Td 680 rine 'Phone W. H Shaw, 1. N. Stockdale, President. oe and | oe allo k sc Ea, wed. Office, 97 Clarence street, Kingston: tes. Rotors. renewi 1d or v ra ore ng Dla ving rites from : he a > i at Wi EC y

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