Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1906, p. 7

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ler these manly mep dies by the eB € or gaping wound ; Ty we find that this y SEEMS 10 lie in' the ind in Zam-Byk the itments, salves, lini RED PERIENCE oronto, says "Foz ma. + the back of both hands which caused ye aredt Ives I tried, showed * pg y Zam-Buk, which. being + anything else, wo had Zam-Buk from the first me of all t¥ace of ocn ma, having succeedid in offect- Cures inary power. It expels ew, healthy skin. Tt NE sores, ringw » scalp » boils, pimples, cracks scalds, piles, stiffness 4 rheumatism and all nerve 8s a box, or post free from RONTO, upon re t of PRT ROTTED WORT E BOX {-Zam-Buk 'will be smi » cut out this coupon Wb stamp (to pay ret address to THE , TORONTO, to and rn ZAN- April 2 7th, 1006, in the y on have the public had LI. SHOES as we are always been noted for we have surpassed all many natty styles it enumerate them, A our claim of being the \SHIONS, 1d & Bro. joe Making "I tell you, Sir, I know 'Bu=Ju' will cure you." "T have seen hundreds of 'cases treated by 'BulJu' and CURED--after all.other treatment had been a complete failure. I know of acute attacks of Bright's Disease, successfully overcome by 'Bu-Ju'--and the diseased kidneys completely cured. 1 hm-acquainted with men, who were all crippled up with Rheumatism and suffered agony with the pain. To-day, they are well and happy--thanks to 'Bu-Ju.' I know of women---whose kidneys were weakened by childbirth--who regained their former robust health with no other medicine than * Bu-Ju.' I know that 'Bu-Ju' will do you good-will make you feel petter--and will cure_you of Kidney and Bladder Trouble-- and Rheumatism. ~ If your hands and feet are swollen--if there is a constant desire tb urinate--if there is pain in the back and through the hips--if the bowe ls are constipated--stomach Hipset- I tell you right now to te ake 'Bu-Ju.' They are guaranteed to ciire you. If they don't, you can get your money back." THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., Limited. WINDSOR, Ont. WHAT WE MAKE WE GUARANTEZ "Ring Out the Old Ring in the New The present is.an opportune time to let your old ccok stove go, and if undecided. what make to buy, just ask the advice of some of your neighbers who are using ¢ "Happy Thought" Range There are 2000 of these ranges in use in this district-- the kind that make glad. hearts and sweet tempers. We take old stoves in exchange, McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock St. 00800 00800 PEELE VEO VOOCEE y) )! ® 0 : TY $3.00 'Shoes } For Men and Women Our qualities at this price are unsurpassed. 8 Splendid Stock Nobby Shapes gros Fitters eee e@®e . : csee®® ® . doses 99902809 3000S ® 9000800 Prof. THE DAILY WHIG, MORE LIGHT THROWN ' IN THE VEXED QUESTION OF VACCINATION. Dufty Says it is An In- fringement of Personal Liber- ty--Ranks it With Slavery and Religious Persecutions. Kingston, April 23.--(To the Edi- tor) : Since wnting io the papers on the subject of vaccination in particul- ar, there has been a good deal of dis- cussion on this question. This was the design of the letter which appeared in the Whig of the 17th inst, 1 am told by some who favor vaccination, that 1 should keep to my profession, and mind my own business. Let it be said that in this matter I claim" only what is the right of every free man, the right {to express opinions on this or any other subject that concerns the welfare of all the people. t is none of *my business--well let 1f the compulsory laws are in forced in this city, as long as 1 ama resident here, am I not compelled to comply, or be subject to a finé or incarceration in jail, and be treated as an outlaw, and a criminal With all that that implies ? It was my privilege to go with some friends to one of our city churches, last Sunday morning, and listen to one of the popular pastors of the city preach from the text "Let every one be fully persuaded in his own mind,' Amongst many other things spoken of was the subject of compulsory vaccin- ation, 'abd the text was applied in a very eloquent and forceful manner to this subject. 1t will be remembered that freedom in this matter is what we are contending for. Freedom of speech, and freedom of action.' As a free man, 1 claim the right to the con- trol of my own body, as long as 1am sane and in health. We claim compulsory vaccination is an infringe ment of individual liberty, and ranks with slavery - and religious persecu- tions, and should not be tolerated by a free people: We hold that no man nor no set of men, call them what you will, should be entrusted with a chance of tampering with a fellow man's blood. Especially when there is such a disagreement among its most us see, earnest advocates, as to the kind of horse grease, 0OW-POX, or glyecerenated lymph (call it what "you choose) should be used. If we subinit to be inoculated with one kind of lymph where are we go ing to stop, when we have scrums, anti-toxing, and lvmphs galore? In fact we have some kind of nostrum that is. lauded. to. the skies for every real and imaginary disease that hu- man flesh is heir to., It is generally admitted. that small pox is a filth disease. It has also been proved . times without number, that cleanliness of body and surround- ings is the best, and it might be add- ed, the only real preventive of small: pox or for the matter of that, any other disease. What we advocate is hygiene, personal and sanitary. If these were studied and practised small-pox would soon be a thing of the past. We hear a great deal of late about beautifying the city. Would it not he more to 'the point, if we heard more about cleansing the stroets and lawns, .and Hack yards It notorious that on" Princess street, (which with a little expense and la hor could be made a credit to this fair city), the accumulation of mud and filth, from the long winter months has only just been removed. not to mention nearly all the other streets, where little or no attempt has vet been made. The question of ten suggests itself, "Would it be any wonder if we had an outbreak of small-pox or other disease ?" Kingston is or could be made, is some one one of which its citizens could be justly proud. "Beautiful for situa tion" as it is, with an intelligent, en surely our board of all terprising people, health can find fots of scope for their engrgies, as suggested without resorting © to compulsory vaccination, which is so objectionable to a large and ever-increasing. number of people Let it be remembered that anti-vac ¢inationists are a law-abiding; peace able people, who believe in using all honorable means of pre object to means. - natural and venting disease, and only unnatural and dishonorable PROF. J. DUFTY, M.P.A Degraded For Odd Offence. April 27.--An officer of the of the 87th Infantry Re just sentenced to imprisonment and de strange circumstances duty from mid-day until the next morning. During the night he would not allow the men under his command to fall asleep, but com pelled them to play cards with 'him until next morning. The soldiers lost the little money they possessed to the officer. . There were complaints, amd the officer's explanation. not being sa tisfactory he was court-martialed and found. guilty. Berlin, "th company giment" has four months' graded been under was on Price Of Twine. Mr. Elson told by Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick that the government man factured binder twine at the peniten tiary, and on March 30th last there were. 736,200 pounds on hand. There was 90% STITT PETTTPPT TPPOOET You're a Back Number It you do not use a Type- writer. The visible writing EMPIRE will please you and draw trade. z = Die, $60. Try one for a month. had: been: some twine left over from last year unsold. The government alco manufactured rope at the peni- tentiary. The probable price of twine for the coming season would be, in small lots, 11jc. a pound for pure manilla, and 104c. a pound for mixed In ton lots it would be lle. a pound for pure manilla and 10c. for mixed. Arm Gashed ; Finger Jammed. F. Belch, Syracuse, visiting . rela- tives in the city, suffered a painful gash of his right arm on Thuredne, while holding a pane of glass which broke. The cut was so deep that sev eral stitches were necessary. An Assyrian laborer at the locomo- tive works got a finger caught in same machinery. and had the member severely jammed. Corsets 25c., 40c., 50c. and up, , ayer fifty kinds to choose from, We Know style 'that will suit figure. New York Dress Reform. Wade's Compound Syrup oi Tar and # Wild Cherry for coughs. Big bottles 20c. at Wade's drug store, that | of A the finest cities of this fair dominion, |! FRIDAY, COLD CURE Price 25 slieves aN . x head, KY throat, and lungs J almost imme- IE dis toly. { WILL REFUND YOUR MOKEY IF IT FAILS "MUNYON, Philadelphia KIDNEY DISEASE AND ITS DANGERS CAN BE QUICKLY CURED BY ~ DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Kidney disease comes on quietly, it may have been in the system for a long time before you pill. the real cause of your trouble. There may have been backachies, swelling of the feet and ankles; disturb- ances of the urinary organs, such as, brick dust deposit in urine, higly colored, scanty or cloudy urine, bladder pains, frequent urination, stone in bladder, cte. Perhaps you did not know that thess were symptoms of kidney disease, so the trouble kept wing worse, until Neu- ralgia, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Dropsy, and worst of all, Bright's Disease have taken hold of your system. Doan's Kidney Pills should be taken at the first sign of anything wrong. = There is no other safe way, (plagters and lini- ments.are useless), as the trouble must be - eradicated from the system. Doan's Kidney Pills go to tho seat of the trouble, strengthen the kidneys, and help them to filter the blood properly and flush off all the. impurities which cause Midney trouble, Mr. Thomas Mayhew, Bmith's Falls, Ont., writes: 'For over four months I wes troubled with my kid- neys, and my back got so lame I felt miser- able all over. After taking five boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills I was as well as ever." ice 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. Wood's Thosphodine, The Great English Remed, Tones and invigurates the whole nervous systein, makes now Blood in old d Veins, Cures Nero- Vorry, Pr 1 he six for 85. Onc won 1 P x Perea r' So 1a'b aN; druggists or mailed = plain i p on is poeipt OF Prd ©. en ww 0 furmaphiet Jaded Windoor) or Grand Union Hotel R.ooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Gran nd Foriral Station [CARTERS] ITTLE IVEK | PILLS. CURE wick Headnche and rolieveall the troubies inch écot to a bilious stato of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausoca, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, ain in the Bide, &c. While their most semarkable success hae been shown in curing SICK ateadache, yot Curtor's Little Liver Pills ave equally v: Bit in Constipation, curing and pre- venting thisannoyingcomplaint, while they also orrect all disorders of the tomach stimulate the Sues ag regulate tho bowels, Even if they only HEAD Ache they wonld be almoot priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but forte Dately their goodness does notend here,and those whooncetry them will find these little pills valo- oe in so gaany ways that they hi ots bo pv We 10do Fithout them. Butafter ACHE Ate bane of so many lives that hero is where 'We make our great boast, Our pills cure it while Rhers.do not. ! Qsrter's Little Liver Pills are vory small and yery easy to tako. Ouo or two pills maken dec. They are strictly vegotablo and do not gripe ox purge, but by their loaction please all wha In vialaat 25 conta ; five for $1. Sold by draggists everywhere, or sent by C/RTER MEDICINE CO., New York, foal PL Small Duss Small Prim ALL THEWHEAT Thde's Good To Eat. _ Beaver Flour contains ALL the nutri- tion--the the wheat' Beaver Flour is a blend of Masih oh Si heat and makes Cake, Pe and Bread that are delights to the eye and pleasing to the taste, and are alo true foods in way. No Bleaching process ed wa the grade of wheat we use. At your Grocer's. iy protein, phosphates--of ernel Sone men don't care how dull busi- ness is if it is equally bad with their rivals. APRIL 27 BAGGAGE}: FREE GANANOQUE NEWS. a -- The Merchants Complaining About Dusty Streets. Gananojue, April 26. ~The Optimus Minimus Club held a dance in Turner's hall last evening. - The drawing in connection with the St. John's church bazaar took place . in the townhall * last evening. There was an_extra large attendance. : "Fahio Romani," was the attrac- tion at the Colonial last evening. At McKenzie's Opera House, last night, "The Holy City" attracted quite a large crowd. x T. M. Galbraith, science 'master of the high school, and Mr. May, Eng lish master, were in Kingston, on Wednesday, receiving their B.A. de- gree, from Queen's, The funeral of the late Alfred Cdsier took place TRursday afternoon. The Oddfellows were in attendance. Mr. McIntosh and his wife, formerly Miss Madge Wallace, who have been making a short visit here with rela tives, left, yesterday, for Brockville: J. J. Campbell, of Albany, N.Y., is spending a few days in town with' frinde. Me. and Mrs. John Dorey. who have been visiting friends and relatives in Seceley's Bay, returhed home to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Skinner are -spending a few days, this week, in Toronto. The Merchants along King 'street are complaining of the dust, as they can not show their goods outside, They think it time that the watering cart got to work, es Three Fingers Cut Off. Gananoque, Apiil 27. ~Adolphus = S. Wiltse, North stree met with a vere accident at the carpenter shop of Mitchell and Wilson, whereby he se- three fingers, while running a plainer. The funeral of the late Alfred Cosier yesterday afternoon was largely at tended. Gananoque lodge, No. 114, LOOM, performed their burial ser vice at the grave. Rev, William Tim berlake was in attendance, perform- ing the rites of the Methodist church, of which Mr. Cosier had been a mem her for more than forty years. About cighty of the 1LO.0O.F. were in the cortege, A special meeting ok the town coun cil was held on Tuesday evening, at which the contract for street watering was given to William Cumpson. The streets yesterday showed the benefit of the water received. Louis Beaubien, of Howe Island, passed away at the family residence, vesterday, in the vightieth vear of his age. He had been in feeble health for some time and the end was expected. The funeral will take place, Saturday morning to St. Philemon's church, thenee to Howe Island cemetery. De eased was father of F. X. Beaubien, of Maple street, Gmnanogue, , Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hubbell and son, of Edmonton, Alberta, who have wr some time past with G. NN. Asselstine, Prin have returned home. Jr, son of Mr. 'and Mrs, Brock street, who has been heen visiting f Mr. and Mrs. cess street, John Lee, Johm Lee, travelling through the New England States, with De Rue Bros' minstrels for the past three months, has re- turned and expects to resume his old pokition as landing 'waiter on Tues day next. Mrs, Walter Toronto, is spending a few days with her parents, Begy, Mr.-and Mrs. Alexander , Market streets, Mrs. 2). Bovine, Kingston, who has been visiting with friends in town, has returned home. William Swain, piano tuner, Orders received at McAuley's Book Store. EE REE SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- ion Lands in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, vot reserved, may be homesteaded upon LY any person who is the solv head of a family, or any male over 18 years of sue, to the extent of one-quarter sec- tion, of 160 acres more or less. Entry must be made personally at the local lund oflice for the district in which the land is situate. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : § settler who has heen granted an entry for a homne- stead 1s required, to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one of the following vlans : (1) At least six months residence. upon and cultivation of the land in each yeur during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the lather is deceased) of any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land eutered for by such person as a home- stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied hy such person residing with the father or mother. (8) If the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this "Act as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said land APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, he- fore the Local Agent, Sulb-Agent or the Hlomestead Inspector. Before making anolications for the settler must give six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to A- so. patent OF CANADIAN NORTH- T' MINING REGULATIONS: Coal.--Coal lands may be purchased at £10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for snthracite. Not more than 320 acres. can Le acquired by one individual or com- ny. Royalty at the rate of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collegted on the gross output. Quartz.--A free miner's oranted upon payment in advance e5 per annum for an individual, from $50 to $100 per annum "any according to capital. A free mincr, having discovered mineral jn place, may, locate a claim 1,600x1,- 500 fect. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining re- corder ia lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and - upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase the lind nt $1 an acre. The patent nrovides. for the payment of a royally of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mininr claims generally are 100 feet square : entry fce $5, renewable vearly. A free miner may obtain two leases to Aredge for gokl of five miles each fora term of twenty years, discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for each -five miles. Rental, $10 "cr annum for cach mile of river lensed. Royalty at tho rate of 24 per cent collect- «d on the output after it exceeds $10,000, WwW. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B,~Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for, is of and for a com- certificate lost| renewnble at the | Remember you use only % as much as of other cocoas, and it costs you only J2 a cent per cup. he Cocoa with the Yellow Wrapper; . THAT'S BENSDORP'S, ALL GROCERS. JILTED SWAIN FIXES BOMB. Narrowly' Escape Death When They Pick It Up. Were People Things Easer Than Now. Content to Take Paris, April 07.--~A homb prepared If our forefathers could hehold the by a jilted sweetheart 'nearly Killed {modern locomotives, automobiles and two young persons at Toury, near electric cars, they would hold up their Chartres, The young couple, Jean] hands in astonishment, = Fleuriot and Marguerite Renvoye, were § The stagecoach "was fast enough walking home from the railway station | ther--people were more content to when they saw a tin box in the road. | take things easy. They picked it up, and it at once | "They used to be satisfied with an exploded, with a terrific" report. Both |sort-of a hair lotion that" esme along were flung to the side of the rogd, and when picked sustained The force of made .a hole in and wrecked at --if it did not prevent baldness they thought it was because baldness could not be prevented. It's different now. People know that germs cause baldness and 'that New- bro's Hgrpicide kills the germ, thus uring dandruff and preventing bhald- ¥ ness, Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e in stamps for sample to *"The Herpi cide Co., Detroit, Mich. G, W, Ma. hood, special agent. found 6 have injuries, the exploding homh the road three feet the walls of two houses the roadside, The box had been charged 'with two ounces of dynamite, and inquiries showed that it had been placed in the way of the conple by a young man whom Marguerite had jilted, up were severe SHOULD. PROVIDE QUARTERS | sesssssssssass scsaaseer hah la mam For the Use of the Frontenac ¢ IF YOU 4 Cheese Board. WANT A 1t has been suggested by members GOOD of the cheese board, that inasmuch as the Frontenac cheese men bring a large amount of trade into Kingston, that the city should provide free, a room for the. board. They do not ex- pect or wish any private citizen to do this. It is argued that if the fae: tories changed and boarded on Brock- QUALITY SMITHING "COAL TRY OUR CUMBERLAND. ville market, the trade would revert P Ww. 1 55-57 Barrack from the limestone to the island city, ¢ . a S St. "Phone 109. therefore, the city should do some : ¢ thing to keep the cheese board, here. | SeSsssesee -e "The county of Frontenac, however, has never yet gone begging and it won't start now," declared a promin- ent farmer and cheesemaker. on Doing Good Service. a dopo . i thse | rath The, governor-general of Canada, has ' 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 3, agreed to hecomo first patron of the x aa Racial cases, Jer 5 Canadian Bible Society auxiliary to id on receipt of price. the British and Foreign Bible soc iety. ot. Address : Besides remitting $17,080 to the par- 00k Mota Go. Toro, . Yormerly W ent society in England for its world- wide work, the Canadian Bible society MEN AND WOMER, seeks to supply the foreign Immi- ai Deg for vonatutal grants, especially in the North-West, irritations or ulcerations with the scriptures in their own lan- guage. Bibles are being sold in the ie by oun. immigration hall, Winnipeg, in nine A or ont BI passin, languages, and in the Bible House, OXProw, repaid, fof 8100. 3 Lot Winnipeg, in forty-five languages. Lt wn, Men ! The man who travels over the path We're making a op ad on gloves, | behind you wisely looks at your See our special $1 Enolish gloves, | footprints and sees where you could other lines, 81.25 and $1.50. The- 1H. | have avoided mane a pitfall, D. Bibby Co. Ladies, we have the largest assort- : ment in corsets to choose from, €all Henry Cunningham, - tuner from [and examine stock. New York Dress Chickerings, at McAuley's book store. ! Reform, An Opportunity to 300 Men! The bargain wave has once more turned our way and we have secured from the makers joo MEN'S SUITS at special prices. If ever grace, distinction, fashion, fit, wear and all round excellence were compressed into suits for men, they are in these pure Fancy Worsted, Black Worsted, Tweeds in the new grey slate effects and navy blue garments. Suits that fit, that are shaped, that have 'tone.' Not one detail neglected, not this shape or that shape in particular, but every style that's shapely, They will give satisfaction from the time you put them on until they are threadbare. Regular prices $15.00 and $18.00. ! All Sizes Offered at $10 GENTS' FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES - Louis Abramson, 336 Princess Street.' THE Up-Town Clothier. GEOOE QOOGROOR FRG Ripe Bananas Ripe Tomatoes Ripe Pineapples A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St.

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