Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1906, p. 6

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: hess HN § will be most remembered because of the valuable custom plication of secfet balms or salves. h r and to anoint each injury carefully with their favorite nature. roducts of a harmful was that Nature, having given to man the instinct to rub, might well be supposed to have secreted somewhere the proper substance to rub with, and a search amongst certain rare medicinal herbs showed how'some of them could be made to yield gums and juices possessing healing, soothing and antiseptic properties of a wonderful order. de w i tures or blendings of these juices, and Zam-buk, a combination with astonishing powers as a healer and antiseptic, was eventually secured. Many experiments were made with mix- Whoever watches the healing of a wound or sore with Zam-Buk is face to face with one of Nature's greatest wonders. The healing process thus set in motion is nothing but phenomenon of regeneration--a natural process of replacing dgstroyed tissues by new ones. The antiseptic substances: contain- od in Za@-Buk first attack and kill off the microbes or germs that are the cause of inflammation or disease, and then the healing ingredients proceed' to build up néw tissue to replace that which been New cells appear like a builder extending a new row of houses; the whole of the wounded area is gradually overlapped, and soon it is difficult to tell where the injury has been, so perfect and complete is the growth of the new skin. Zam-Buk is a household necessity. has damaged or lost. kin Healer reece: 1 ill always be remembered for the fine types of manhood found on their battlefields and in-fheir arenas, but perhaps these m . pe =r ey bequeathed to later ages of healing sore and injured places on their bodies by th The charioteers, gladiators and wrestlers seldom emerged from their contests without some severe bruise or gapin Balm was an indispensable part of the day's programme, ck in. external rubbing has 'prevailed right from the earliest times, and the only explanation of its survival. amidst so many changes in science, seems t fact that the external use of salves and balms is dictated to us by Nature herself. . ideal substance to apply td an injured or diseased surface is universally believed t : _ments and embrocations has hitherto been that they are imperfect in their action, and frequently contain quantities of rancid animal fat and mineral t : ! A simple yet navel theory provided the way out of the difficulty, ..Lhis Our own instinct tells us to rub a part that hurts; and in 2 d to have been found atlast. The objection to ointments, anly men € external If we go back In history we find that his 0 lie in' the am-Buk the salves, lini , ECZEMA CURED A TORONTO MAN'S EXPERIENCE George Rhinehart, of 210 Wilton avenue, Toronto, says: "y broke put on my arm, the cali of my. leg, and'on the hack of b I had sore and inflamed patches on these parts, which Fie ema.) th hands, pain and which, despite all the ointments and salves 1 ny he Fal signs of getting better. My wife advised me to try Zam-Buk, which, | By purely herbal, we thought would bé hetter than anything ola a tried. I bought a box, and it proved to bé so. Zam-Buk from the i. improved my condition, and in a short time rid me of all tase or st The sorés are now completely healed, Zam-Buk having succeeded in _-- ing a cure when all else had failed." What Zam-Buk Cures Zam-Buk is a pure, refined balm of extraordinary disease from the system and virtually creates new, especially valuable for cuts, bruises, burns, power. It healthy skin running sores, ringwory ks For skin disease, or injuries in home, irritation, ¢czema, psoriasis, sore backs, abscesses, boils, pimples, or 1 = = factory, field or workshop, Zam-Buk can be confidently recommended as well chaliing, chills, festering sores, poisoned wounds, scalds, piles tiffs I) _--. for its general efficiency as for its wholesomeness, its power and purity. swollen joints, sore throat, aching feet, sprains, rheumatism and ll om =F To the woman in the home Zam-Buk is the "good-fairy." Are her pains." Obtainable from all druggists at 50 cents a box, or post free tr ve hands raw--she rubs in Zam-Buk. Are her feet sore with being THE ZAM-BUK CO., COLBORNE STREET, TORONTO, upon reccint on Ey on them all day--Zam-Buk cools and eases, An eruption breaks out on price, six boxes for $2.50. : Rh. = --_-- her face--Zam-Buk removes all skin disfigurements like magic. Baby's i TRESS ' skin is chafing and hot--Zam-Buk is the purest and most wholesome SOS ECE, A TRA ROT Woy. Sis Te 5 emollient known. Her little boy cuts his finger, or her daughter burns . i. her hand--Zam-Buk again is the healer. The father, at the factory, | FREE SAMPI E BOX or on the farm, gets a nasty cut or bruise--Zam-Buk stops bleedings, ! stops the smarting, allays inflammation and heals. A dainty free sample box of Zam-Buk will be smi So it comes about that Zam-Buk is the greatest and all abeheants for same who cut out this coupon An . most universally used balm in all the countries where it has forwarfl it, with a one-cent stamp (to yay. it rn me heen introduced. You are now, for the first time, offered the postage), and full name and address to THE ZAM opportunity of 'purchasing it in Canada. BUK od COLBORNE STREET, TORONTO. : & hy COL NE § ET, , y = 0) Z ~ Daily Whig, April 27th, 1906, o hc SHERI RE SIRS Recor hemestsiermon ® 3 ~ i on gzZz Zz nt IZ 7 ZN RRS g ¥ % DO ="> oN Ny a \ = IZ a / 1 2) = = = MIRE ------ ---- % r --_-- -- 2 he SE pa "NE TT ---- ---- --- ote Be prepared for the change from Cashmere to Cotton Hose by - laying in your supply now. Fast Black Cotton Hose, for men, women and children, 124e¢., { 200, per pair... 'Fancy Drop Stitch Cotton Hose, also fast black, 25c., 35¢. per pair. Faney swork, Lisle Thread Hose, full fashioned, English make, 35c. and 40c, per pair. ; E Whi Wai > White Lawn Waists tA new shipment of White Lawn Waists to hand yesterday. Wo thought ps "When the ast ones arrived nothing could be prettier, but we have to acknowledge our: mistake. Seeure na: few carly, before your size is gone, for even if vou have a stock of new ones, it cannot he complete without 'the addition of one or two of these new beauties. ee Corsets How ahout a now pair of Corsets ? We carry mothing but the best known ©. makes, such as the ET, D. &A, and R. & G., and these awe so well known and liked that they need no further praise from us. All sizes. Prices from 50c. to $1,75 per pair. : ' CASH COUPONS 15¢. and ----- 4 The onte 2 emeay y wn to *"sehich will positive 10st manhood 1s" RESTORINE + w t re i De march Rr eras dy 4 Dr, Jules 3 Kolb. It Srantrgiied in tl soa br Roht { ine Compa AONCErD. Ww Ighe Siandin, th edie wor 'This 'reatment hasew men, youn and old, wien the best known 1 have failed, are suffering from dissases of the generative organs such as lost manhood, exhausts ing drains, nervous debility, the results of abuse, (his fem will cure you lo slay cured, The headache, pir. 3 Stn nd w ain rd Roe Peek and feiling Ar Appear completely in the worst cases in fi on to week's treatment, We make the honest offer a eure of return your Homer, sands of a respoudence at 3 treatment eat free with a boo! rules for health, ae al vice. Our greatestsuccesses have been those who ' . with other treatments. This ¥ latiy uted in the French and German armies, and : ; soldiers in these countries are models of strength for sample Lue Securely sealed in plain wrapper. Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.0. Drawer L, 2341, Montrec> y LEAD OUR. PRICES GET . Metal Co. HOSIERY! Immediate Delivery: | NAPANEE BUDGET. Late News From An Adjacent Town, Napanee, April 27.--J. S. Ross re turned this week from a trip to Win- nipeg. Thomas Mooney returned last week from Winnipeg. Dr. Bissonnette, Stirling, spent a few' hours this week calling on old friends in Napanee. W, G. Schell left 'Thursday for Strath- cona, Alberta. Mrs. (Dr.) Wartman, Belleville, spent a few days this week renewing acquaintances in town. Charles Mcleod received letters: from his brother-in-law, George Colpe and alse his mother, from Stockton, Cal, déseribing the earthquake of the ISth. Mrs, McLeod writes that no matter how bad the papers depict the earthquake that it was even worse tp be present and witness the terrible calamity. She says the threo minutes that it lasted seemed an eternity to them. \ Rev. W. H. Emsley and two daugh- ter left, yesterday, to attend the fineral of a relative in Toronto. Ar- thur Dafoe leaves next week for Mexico City,: Mexico, where he enters the employ of the bank, where F.'S. Lapum recently went, Mrs, (Dr) Stratton is slightly better the past few days. Thomas Mance left, yester day, for Melfort, Saskatchewan. SALE OF A HOTEL. Much-Reduced Claim in nection With Albion. Montreal Witness : In April, 1905, the plaintiff, Ad- olphs Duperrpault, bought from James Devlin, the business of the Albion Hotel, in this city, with the furniture and effects, for $22,000, and by the present action, he sought to recover, under seizure, goods of a value of about one thousand dollars, alleged to Con- have been unduly removed from the premises by the vendor, In rendering indgment, the court held" that defendant's pretension that most of the effects referred to did not form. part of the hotel, was well founded, and the seizure was held good and valid only ae recards a cash register, already returned, a lounge and a rocking. chair.. The judgment, therefore, merely condemned the de fendant to return the two last-men- tioned articles, or,'in default, pav the sum of 1350 value thereof, and also to pay the costs of an action, $18, ---------------- '"Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows' Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity. ~ Distillers to His Majesty the King. -------------------- "The evar and czarina of Russia, ac- eompaniocd by dheie ehildren," will start at the end of August for a long visit 'ww th the Grand Duke of Hesse, a brother of the ezarina. The French governthent has received positive assurance that the labor "Phone Main 1729 leaders do not intend to permit dis- order on May lst. ASSASSIN TURNS FARMER. Slayer of Russian Minister is Prospering. Geneva, April 25.--George Sasanoff, the murderer of late M. Plehve, Rus- sian minister of the' interior, is pros- pering in America. A 'Russian revolutionary leader, who helped Sasanofi when he escaped from St. Petersburg to Geneva, after the assassination, has received a letter from him, dated Chicago, in which he says : "I have a large and well stocked farm{Pp00 miles from Chicago. Of course I have changed my name, and am engaged to be married to an Am- erican girl, who knows my secret. "I do not regret my crime, and am happy. SOLD WIFE FOR $500. -- Attempted to Blackmail Then Purchaser. Berlin, April 25.<A =horse dealer named Krahmer, when released from prison some time ago, found that his wife had cloped. with a rich banker. Krahmer consoled himself with a second wile, after drawing up 'a form- al contract by which he sold his first wife to the banker! for the sum of £500. Krahmer subsequently attempted to obtain blackmail by means of this contract. He was denounced, and - has now been tried and sgntenedd to a year's imprisonment. Avenger Kills Negro. Grosback, Texas, April 26.--While being conveyed to jail in the custody of two officers a negro, whom, it is alleged, assaulted the danghter of J. A. Eastland," a farmer of Delia, at an carly hour yesterday morning, was taken from officers by a posse of citi- zens, and held until the arrival of the girl's father, 2 : When Eastland rode up he oreered the erowd to stand back. and emptied both barrels of his shotoun' loaded with buckshot, into the negro, killing him instantly, : Spring Importation Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received two cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, made to order beats anything of pre' vious years. The wear and fitting is guaranteed. a stableman, was imjured, and four valuable horses {burned, in a fire in a box car in Carleton Place, Sunday last, James W. Crate, for many years a resident of Smith's Falls, passed away. Sunlight Soap is better than other coans, hut it is best whén used in the Calixte Denean, . Sunlight wav. Buy ' Senfight Soap and "follow directions. {ing for those partinular cas cheviots and Vicunas. His $15 suiting/| VER AN EXPENSIVE JOKE. | The Woman Had to Pay For Her Fun. Berlin, April 27.--The documents in an intefesting case, which occupied the attention of the imperial postal au thorities, and . of the Bochum postal authorities, have just been filed: They divulge an interesting story of a practical joke, which sadly failed. A lady in Bochum wishing to give her young nephew, domiciled in a neigh boring town, a pleasant bought =a tablet of chocolate, and posted it to him in an envelope, marked, "Value $25,000." "The packet, on account of its hivh declared value, attracted the notice of the postal au thorities, who demanded about £3 extra fee on delivery. The nephew, gcenting - a hoax, refused the letter, whicn was duly returned to Pochum and the sender advised. The lady, half ashamed, declared that the en velope contained nothing of real value but 'it was pointed out to her that the contents, whatever they might be, were declared to be worth $25,000, and she must pay. With a sigh, the poor lady signgd the receipt, but.then was told, to . her dismay, that a double fee had been incurred, owing to the retutn of the letter to Bochum. The total charge amounted to nearly 87. The lady paid and, at the same time vowed, that she would never again try to play pranks with the postal authoritips again. surprise, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Law Required Hotel Dieu to Refuse Contagious Cases. Kingston, April 26.--(To the Editor): Relative to an article appearing in eity papers about 18th inst, that there is a likelihood that the isolation de- partment for contagious diseases at the Hotel Dieu, will cease to exist in the near future. I am in a position to say that it is only on account of the law compelling hospitals to have iso- } lated buildings for that' class of pati- cents, that the sisters are forced to ' refuse admittance, and not on account of the loss of reventie or labor, in car- . Jet us hope that the friends of the Hotel Dieu, will come to their assistance, and in the near future erect an isola- tion building that the good work me be carried on to completion. --OBSE A Field Of Poles. Kingston, .. April 26.--(To the Edi- tor) : Has Migs Chown's Civic Im- provement . society = passed 'judgment upon the array of poles that are bhe- ing erected around the' cricket field ? The city orderad them up, but could they not have been placed in a less conspicuous position. They will not add to the beguty of the cricket field and court house grounds» It is tg be hoped the council will at least spend a few dollars in painting them. --~KNOCKER, Never Before History Of the shoe business in Kingston have the public had the chance to see so many SWELIL SHOES as we are showing this spring. We have always been noted for our exclusive styles. This season we have surpassed all previous efforts. There are so many natty styles it would be impossible to start to enumerate them, A glance at our windows will prove our claim of being the LEADERS IN FOOTWEAR FASHIONS, J. H. Sutherland & Bro. The House of Good Shoe Making LABATT'S are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. They are very healthful and aid digestion. - Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree pr with the most delicate stomach. Re ; NT JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT 339 and 341 King St. "Phone 274, . , ! A in the ol ER J "1 have seen CURED--after all.c 1 know of acu overcome by 'Bu- cured. 1 am acquainte Rheumatism and su are well and happy- I know of wr childbirth--who reg other medicine than I know that 'B petter--and will cu and Rheumatism. If your hands : desire tb urinate--if hips--ifithe bowels right now to take They are guar: get your money bac THE CLAFLIN CHI LL AN WHAT WE MAKE WE GUARANTE "Ring Out th The present is. stove go, and if un advice of some of you 6 "Hap, There are 2000 the kind that make g old stoves in exchan; @® Mq Our qualities ® Splendid © Ne TET ECOTETE@DE®W® .. : *[cDermr

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