Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1906, p. 2

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Seeds Free, the Results to Be Exhibited at the Flower show, Civic Improvement Society was inetioued , and is a part of, the Fro i te Hmorieat akening of a8 its object tl awakening our citizens, in the matter of individual effort, in the beautifying of their home plots. For the love they have of flow- ines and shrubs, and for the love of order and wrrangement, many now devote some care to their lawns and gardens. If every house holder in Kingston did so the city would be a model to be held up for all the world to' see. The society ven- tures 'to that, many citizens 4 would be glad to help in this matter, ion were of sin more from il an occasional su fered them, for we al suiy | want of thought than from want of Axminster, Carpets or the New stock, heautiful color efla-ts tones ussels (English © import), best wear- i Carpet, fine range, $1, $1.25, $1.85. Tapestry, largest variety, dood Wear- some great values at 45¢., 58¢c. and © Rugs Austrian Axminsters, color effects, un- ssed, nll sizes. ; Curtains Stock of Austrian and Swiss makes passed the customs, some beauties uy early while stocks are large. , F. HARRISON 00. esetones SWIFT'S SCRANTON COAL Has the ring of ~The best of every- f thing in Rugs and Car- f pets are here to be . & shown you. : t Gr thojcest Mein argest English, $ Austrian and German ~ & mills at lower prices for § better qualities. See our .window for a Velvet Carpet at 75¢, £3 pieces only left. "ay Rent ? Buy One of These Homes 1 2150, new Single Frame, seven- rooms, bath and closet, good cellar, deep lot. 50, for a Single Frame, six-rooms, Rood cellar and barn, désp Tot. 00, will. 'hiy,a neat Frame Cottage, good cellar, nice lot, central location. L400, Single Frame Bay Window seven- . rooms, good cellar, bath and closet, : West end, near street car line, almost new. 4800, Singte Brick, seven-rooms, bath and closet," deep lot, with stable, on ROOd street. 8350, Double Frame, rood. garden, 00, Single Brick, double parlors; e¥- tension dining rooms and kituien, hot water furnace; near Collegiate Suture, : If you want to buy right call five-rooms each, heart. : When a move fh connection with civ- ic improvement (was first made, sever- al people came forward and offered prizes, a list of which follows : For the greatest improvement, in- cluding general appearance, architec ture, painting, lawns, vines' and flow. ers. A 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Houses of $500... sin B 2 1 Houses of $500 to $1,000... 5 2 1 Houses of $1,000 to $2,000 5 2 1 Houses of over $2,000... .. 5 3.1 Conditions : Those wishing. to 'enter competition must advise the secretary, Miss Loraine Dalton, Johnson street, before July 15th, 1906. The decision will be made between July 15th and August Ist. The prizes are all cash prizes and will be paid to the suc cessful ones by the secretary. A prize of $5 is offered for the most artistic and effective device for pre- venting people from cutting across the corners of Pewin, For the best display of window boxes (two or more), first prize, 85; second, $2; third, $1. A prize of 85 is offered to the jani- tors of schools, churches or any other public building, for the best appear- ance of the property under their care; such as lawns, flower beds, vines, hedges, ete., and it is especially hop- ed that the church authorities will en- courage the growth of vines, such as the various ivies, suited to either brick or stone, buildings. Four prizes of $2 four of $1, are offered for children who grow the best bed of flowers from the seed which the society gives away. The flowers must be © far by the children them: selves, and they must register their hames and resses when they the seed, otherwise the committee would not know. of their desire to enter the competition, The society will give absolutely free to any person three packages of the best quality flower seed to be chosen from the following varieties: Liunia, portulaca, aster, balsam, poppy, nas- turtiums, sweet pinks, bedding drummondi, 'ach package carries printed dirce- tions, and can be depended upon 10 contain first-class seed. These seeds may be obtained from Dr. A. VP. Chown, Princess street, between four and six, April 30th, to May 5th, who will register the name and address of the applicant for the purposes of the flower show--as stated below. At a date ana place to be decided later, and which will be advertised in the daily papers, the society will hold a flower show, at which prizes will be awarded for the best display of flow- ers grown from the seed given away as above, and also prizes for flowers raised by amateur gardeners, where no paid help has been employed. The society hopes that a great many peo- ple will avail themselves of the free seed offer. Tt will help make our city beautiful ana thev will receive much pleasure in so doing. Be Ready For Colds. A hard cold so lowers the vitality that it takes the system a month to throw it off. These are danger periods when ailménts more serious than colds get their start. Don't have colds they can absolutely 'be prevented by prompt use of Wade's Cold Cure Tab- lets (laxative). A cure also for la grippe, headache and constipation, In boxes, 25¢. Sold only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. The R.M.C. Examiners. The following officers are authorized to conduct examinations for admission to the Royal Military College: Teoronto--Lieut,-Col, J, Galloway, Capt. J. G. Burnham, Lieut: F. S, Morrison, Kingston--Lieut.-Col, D. D. Young, and two officers from the R.C.H.A. Ottawa--Lieut, Col. W. KE. Hodgins, Capt. E, E, Clarke and one militia officer. Another Lady Safe. Thomas Mills heard from Miss Neamata Van Pelt, to-day; and she and her father are safe, barely es "aped with their lives, and last all their belongings. Her present address is Isleton, California, care of Capt. G. F. Terschuren. 3 To Cure A Cold In One Day. Toke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets, Druggiats refund money if it fails to cure, KE. W. Grove's signature is on each box; 2c. Rev, - Father Staley, of the arch- bishop's palace, has gone to Water town, N.Y. to assist in church work there for a couple of months, Society, and has |X a My Hair Perhaps your mother has thin hair! Bat that is no reason why you must 20 through life with half-starved hair. If you want long, thick, heavy hair, you must feed it. Feed it with a regu- lar hair-food-- Ayer's Hair Vigor. Well-fed hair stops falling out, keeps soft and smooth, and grows long and heavy. Feed your hair! J. ayetce., ,"". the musical farce uoed at the Grand Opera house, t night, was the best of its kind witnessed here during the season. The musical | numbers are all exceptionally id; the company headed by Frank jels, the veteran omar, is cap- able in ev respect, dd the settings are beautifully artistic. There is fun lore in the production. Mr. Daniels 3% in his element as the sergeant "cop- rv' who aimé to be an inspector. His song "1 was born on a Friday" made a hit. Annabelle Whitford de lighted the audience with her render- ing of "Saturday After Two," and "Dearie." Perhaps the daintiest musi- cal number was the duet. "A Cup of Tea," by Clara Belle-Jerome and Charleworth Meakins. Miss Jerome al- s0 enthused. the audience in ** Nora My Irish Rose." Another fine number was a trio "Put Me In My Little Cell," by Charlés H. Drew, Nace Bon- ville and David Bennett. The produc tion gave thorough satisfaction, which is more than can be said of the gen- eral run-of musical farces or come dies. The Holy City. Announcements of "The Holy City" interest all lasses of theatre-goers, The great Biblical drama, its sump- tuous production, the strength of the acting company, the music and grand spectacle with which the play abounds, furnish dramatic satisfaction 'and scenic pleasure so complete that the performances are featured in all col- umns containing theatrical news. Sel- , dom has a play been so noticed, be- j cause seldom has one play so many distinguished points. In the thrilling "story of the Apostle John the stu- rdious will find occasions for much fol- lowing. thought, those who are more gratified by brilliant dressing and wonderful stage' effects, will be held by lavish preparation and perfect i None need fear that this execution, ! Biblical drama is not for them, there '18 not a. moment during the - plav's duration that superior stagecraft is not in evidence, or that accomplished acting may not be seen. The "Holy ; City" will be at the Grand on Sat- urday, April 28th, matinee and night. ---- Kyrle Bellew In "Raffies."' Handsome and talented Kyrle Bel lew's forthcoming appearance at the Grand on Thursday, Mav 3rd, in his interesting New York success, "Raf- jfles, the Amateur Cracksman," is an event which all lovers of high class, modern drama are awaiting eagerly. eee > CLOSING EXERCISES. #et's Y.M.C.A. Gymnasium Work of a High Order. The closing . gymnastic exercises of the juniors of the Y.M.C.A. attracted a good-sized crowd to the association butlding, Thursday evening. The work put on was of a very high or der and showed the very efficient train- ing of the physical instructor, H. Beall. In all forty boys took part: opening exhibition was a dumbbell drill by the afternoon and night class. cs, Harry Warwick, A. Asselstine, E. Goodwin, W. Goodearle were the lead- rs of some clever apparatus work. The school boys did some splendid horizontal bar work. "A" division of the business hoys' class, cleverly exe ented double apparatus work, a com bination of buck and horse and two spring boards. A feature quite worth while and of livelv amusement "was the mounted wrestling, two boys on top of two others, the four endeavor ing to ymke a throw. The business boys put on a bombardmént. A very pretty, as well as intricate exhibition was the fancy run led by J. Gratton and I. Meek, Two lively basketball matches were an attrgetion, conclud ing the programm, the school hoys defeating the busines . boys to the tune of sixteen to seven, in. the first sct-to and the Chinatins being vic torious over the Tom Thumbs hy four to nothing; in the second battle. GANANOQUE LODGES to Local Oddfellows and Rebekahs. A large number of Gananoque lodge No. 114, 1LO.O.F., and Harmony lodge of Daughters of nebekah from the same town paid a return visit to the local lodges of Oadiellows and Re bekahs last evening, and were given a most cordial welcome, The city and Ontario. halls were engaged for the reception. The visiting and local Re- bekahs held a meeting in the lodge room at the Y.M.C.A. building, where the Louise lodge of this city exempli- fied-a degree, In the city hall the tis iting and local Oddfellows, three lodges' of the latter, had their meet ing. Dr. Abbott, noble grand of Granite lodge, presided. Addresses of welcome were given by Dr. Abbott, Dr, A. W. Richardson, R. Meek and others, District Deputy Grandmaster Knight, of Gananoque, accompanied the visits ors. The secgnd degree was exempli- fied by the Gananoque lodge. At 1130 o'clock, refresaments were served in Ontario hall by the Re bekahs, and afterwards an impromptu Pay Visit dance fook place, music being fur nished by Salsbury's orchestra. The affair broke up about two o'clock, the visitors being accompanied to the G.T.R. 'train east by the local fra- ternity, 1 Married In Toronto. Miss Elizabeth Thompson and Wil- liam J. Keves, formerly of Kingston, were married, Wednesday afternoon, at the residence of the bride's father, Ro- bert. Th on, 3 Russell street, Tor- onto, Rev. James Thompson, Inger- soll, uncle of the bride officiating. The bride was handsomely gowned in ivory silk over taffeta, with trimmings of chiffon and applique. The veil worn by the bride was that worn by her mother, at her marriage. The bride was attended by Miss Ethel Keyes, R. N., Canandaigua, N.Y., sister. of the groom," and the groom by Stanley Fd. wards, Toronto, rr ------------------ Great Print Sale, . Saturday, 1,000 yards print}; at Se. and 10c. per yard: all colors. J. Al- ramsky, 265 Princess street, opposite John's grocery. RECOMMEND THE RE-BUILD- ING OF THE WALK Through City Park on Local Im- provement Plan--Aldermen to Meet St. George's Cathedral Finance Committee. The Parks committee had a meeting, yesterday, afternoon, Jresont were Aldermen Givens (chairman), Hark: ness, Toye and Hoag. : The chairman reported that the city engineer estimated it. would cost 5 to construct 'a walk. through the city park from Wellington to Stoart streets, to replace the present delupi- dated one, © He held that the parks committee should noi be expected "to constrict ghie walk, which was noth ing less than a thoroughfare. It was decided to recommend to the council that the integlien of the hoard of works be 'drawn fo the walk and to MRS. J. J. HARTY, Formerly Miss Anna Powell, married in Montreal, on Tuesday. misma aitihbdmeieeserpeee the necessity' of its being replaced. The walk could be laid under the local im- provement plan, at g cost of about twenty-five dollafs a year-fer twenty Years, Fhe parks'. committee's appropria- tion so far is' only $1,000, of which S860 is already practically taken. However, the chairman announced that the finance committee had = ex- pressed itself in faver of making an additional grant for parks, when the extra amount of liquor license fees is definitely known. In that way, some work. will be @one on the King' street breakwater. Some of the gun careiages in jhe parks are out of repair. It was decid- ed to get from the city engineer an estimate of erecting conerete founda- tions, Aldermen Hoag and Toye were appointed to meet St, George's cathedral finance committee relative to moving the fence hetween the cathed- ral property and the; . new' Clarence street park plot. The purchase of flowers was left in the hands of the chairman and the superintendent of parks, Tenders will be asked for the repair and painting of the band stands and benches in the parks. The chairman stated of Montreal, the Givens, Mr. Todd artist, that landscape who was here last week," had stated that fully one-third of the trees in the city park should be cut-out... He proposed sending to Mr. Tod plans of the city park, prepared by 'the en gineer, and get him: to mark fipon them the portions where shrubbery should be placed and where there should he open spaces in the matter of 'trees Eor Men. - Don't miss seeing our display of spring -hats. We handle the celebrated Woodrow? the. Barrington and the Christy, English hats. Price $1.50, $2, $2 50, 83. The H. D. Bibby Co. William Wylie, son of the late Col. Wylie," for many years editor of the Brockville Recorder, is dead in Cal gary; from a short illness from pneu mona. Miss Victoria Henry, North Augusta, and Henry W. Smith, Maitland, were married thit week, Miss Mabel Pearce and. Charles Leslie Glazier were married, in Brock ville, this week Mrs. Thomas Clemo, a well-known resident of Smith's Falls, died on Tuesday. "* Merrily We Roll Along ~ Our "Hawes' ** Derby is a recognized leader in style, and stands the wear too. (Price the world over $3.00. Our famous $2.00 "Wa- verly" Derbys are increasing in popalarity. . Sole Agents for Kingston 'hat in Canada. The EIR 7 | | | t WAS REMANDED. Schacher Was Held For Another Week. Police court, this morning; was characterized = with an old-time doe- ket. : Oscar Runnians was charged with stealing from an . Ontario street citi i zen a bridle and reins. "Guilty," sheepishly replied the thief as he nervously played with his soft felt hat. Two months in jail was the sen tence of the court. Thomas Rogers, the fireman who got left from the steamer Westmount and Was arrested for being drunk, pleaded guilty and was dismissed. . After some very good advice, the magistrate dismissed the second vouth implicated in the Randolph hotel rob bery. x For non-payment oi his statute la- bor tax, a citizen was fined f1 and ordered to pay his tay, ip all $2.05, within two weeks. : Charles Schachery of McKay fur robbery fame, was, remanded for one week ag the request of his counsel, W. E. Nickle, out of the city. Y John Wood, the star witness of the Feldman trial, and the confessed mem- | ber of the fur burglarizing quartette, attracted the large: erowd to the court, but nothing was done in his case, as he will) have to be held until the case against Schacher is conelud- ed. FOOD AND FUEL TEA. Club's Subscribers Given Concert and Feast. A most enjoyable pragramme; fol- | lowed by a sumptuous feast, was given by Charity Circle of The King's Daughters, in St. Andrew's hall, on Thursday night, to the members of the Food and Fuel Chul). Theré was a fime sprinkling of children, too, who helped enjoy the twenty-one cakes -and other' refreshments provided. 'About ninety people, including the entertain ers, were present. q Miss Nan Skinner opened the -pro gramme with a 'short address, and Miss Elliott, deaconess, gave a Bibl: reading, the programme consisting of songs, by Miss B. Tandy solos by little Miss Mignon Telgmann, and recitations by Miss Phyllis Welsh, | which brought down the house. Miss Shaw played all the accompaniments, | and Miss 'Gertrude Whitehead {lave catchy music while refreshments were being served. | A message was sent from Miss Gertrude Strange, regret ting her absence fromthe fi gath- ering of the kind for cleven years, The members who assisted were Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. Mellis Ferguson, . Miss Deacon, Miss Etta Richmond, Miss Ethel Minnes, Miss Kirkpatrick, "Miss Flortnce Cunningham and" Miss May 'Ross. The national anthem closed a most cessful evening. Louise sue- Portsmouth Methodist Church. A tea and concert Thursday night, in thodist church, which was well at tended. The audience increased till after 8 p.m., when the proceedings commenced. 'l'ea, coffee, sandwiches, cte., were served promptly after the prelimi When all had regaled them :, the pastor called T. F. Harrison to the chair. His remarks were full of good sense and humour The concert was given by the Syden- ham street choir and was remarkably good. Solos were given by 6. B. Cammings and M spirit and Manning the close were given, Portsmouth Me = Rev, cultured taste. made a happy speech. "At Rev. JJ. M. Shaver moved a rote of thanks to all. who had made the affair a Mr. G conded it, was carried unani mously. SUCCESS, Greer se and it Expert's Report Received. This morning, the report on the light plant and the proposed exten- sions was received from R. Ross, the Montreal expert, by the city clerk The report contains twenty-seven type written pages, but nothing of it will be given out at present. The light committee has been called by Ald. Toye to meet on Monday afternoon at four o'clock, to consider the report. Sergt. Grey Missing. Farrier-Sergeant E. B. Grey, of the R.C.H.A. has been absent without cave for the past twelve days, and | the artiilery authorities are wonder ing. On two previous occasions Sergt. Grey (then corporal)went off without leave but returned. On occasion he went to Germany to look up a for tune he thought "was -due him. He is of German birth. one Bishop Of Alexandria. The authorities at the archbishop's palace were notified, to-day, of the appointment of Rev. A. Macdondld. of Alexandria, = Ont., to be bishop of Alexandria, in succession to the late Pishop Macdonell. New Headgefr. For the children at Ca of Bros. John Woods and Charles Schacher were driven back to their quarters at the county jail, at noon, in charge of Police Constable Bateson. At the sta tion Woods was given a magazine to take with him for reading matter. Those who are trying to revive the hoard of trade an initial fee of twenty-five dollars for membership, and ten dollars a year thereafter. Funds are needed in order to run the affairs of the board. : Mrs. Betts, for fifteen years choir leader of $t. Paul's 'chiirch, sent in her resignation yesterday, to the great egret of the congregation. ' Telephone orders are received from all: over the city for the prompt - de- livery from Gibson's Red Cross" Drug Store. "Phone 230: Manager H. W. Snelling says that it is doubtful if the transfer to the new office will be. made this week. Things are not yet quite ready. Robert Potter; science student at Queen's, left, yesterday, to join the engineering stall of the G. T. P., at Winnipeg, Rev. Father Collins, stationed at the palace, here, has been transferred to Peterboro, for a short time. House-cleaning needs--ammonia, H. & H. soap, furniture polish, the best quality only at Best's, We, believe that wirgéll the best $2.95 3 D. Bibby Co. "Pay water rate and save discount." propose violin | Larke, with fine | «© 1 10m, mm Te Te Final Notice All holders of 14. certify coupons redeemable |, yi Dem or requested to send then, ©; Mili tion without THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. ) delay | . / premiums, as we yi] ; 8% our premiu depart | Occurrences In The ~Cit§ Ana |Soeh, To0c wr. hint on' Ap Vicinity--Other Items of /| e=rtlficates or Coupons wir} 0 tag Interest Easi v 'and od or redeemed, Oe reeoiy. Remembered, . \ Dr. Bell, V.S.| was in Brockville, Wednesday, on a business trip. The estate of the late. Robert Wad- dell has been probated at $60,000. Arthur Cooké and J. L. Wallace, Harrowsmith, spent the dav in town. John McLenna and. John Wilson, Lindsay, were in town, yésterday and The Empire Tobacco Company The American Tob . of Canad. Poa Company The B. Houde Company, RATS on to-day. ; | Miss Ethel Alford, * Kingston; "has been appointed a teacher in Lanark public school. Get Dr. Shoop's Free Book ion; Rheu- matism. - Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Tab- | lets are sold by all dealers, . i William Reid, of W. H. Reid, {has passed his final examipations in [ dentistry; at the Dental College, Tor- | onto. J | A citizen complains 'that the board {walk on Johnson street, the block | from Bagot to Wellington, is in a bad | condition of repair. {It is Joseph Windburn, not (David, who is mate of" the steamship son We pay the for Spring Rats | Turbinia, and' in town awaiting the arrival of the steamer. Come, see our display = of. spring { shirts. Every pattern a new ohe, and them are exclusive many of with us. | Price $1, The H. D. Bibby Co. 1 | Several other statute labor tax de J § linquents are to be summoned before the police magistrate for failure to pay their yearly dollar due the city treasury. {| Word has been received from SN, S| | Montgomery, of this ecity,.now in San i Francisco, He is safe and well. . Th. | message was written 'on a piece of 78-80 Brock Str y Quite #8 Necessary -- | grev cardboard. Church notes from Fonthill tell us | that R. Easton Burns sang "Beauti i tok tial Isle of Somewhere, s an offer- | Asa little finishing touch | tory solo in the church there on Eas- | to a business or every tay { ter day. It was much enjoyed. ilet i | "Mrs. Goodfellow, Mrs: Dull, Mrs toilet is a { Black, Mrs. Killins,. Miss Allison, Miss Dainty Little Cravat Or Tie Pin We show exclusive designs io Pearls, | with a special in a Dull Gold Knot In 14k, set in the centre witha | Genuine Diamond, at | $6.00 'SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians 'Phone 866. Issuers of Marriage Licenses Miss the Miss Bertram and Blair, Parham, attended Oddfellows reception last evening. It was not in. Anglin's yard that Vandewater, of Verona, was jammed against 'a lumber pile whils jumping { from a train. Mr. Anglin says there are no piles near enough the for any persons to get hurt. When the steamer St. Lawrence is released from the dry tock, the steam er Kingston of the R. & 0. Navigation company will go in to have her hull scraped. Tuesday, May Ist, the Tur- binia goes in to be scraped and paint ed, and then proceeds to Toronto, to go on her Hamilton-Toronto route. Hats to suit any and everybody in town. See our Barrington, $2.25 derby. The H. D. Bibby Co. A man employed at the General | Hospital, who appeared before Police | | | Thompson, | Lena A. track | Magistrate Farrell, a couple of Weeks ago, and was dismissed, was arrested {on the square 'this.noon, after a tum- ble from the watér waggon, and plac ed in the cooler to await to-morrow's | police. court. | Dr. Shoop has created at his labora: | toriss a superior, sweet, toothsome | | John McKay candy tablet named Lax-cts. The in- The Reliable Buyer gredients are printed on the very at- tractive little lithographéd metal | boxes, in which these tablets are sold. | | Lax-ets sell at the very low price of | be. per box. A better, safer, or more | S O O O00 certain laxative than Lax-ets is, Dr. | 9 Shoop believes, absolutely impossible. | . | Spring Rats Lax-ets. are for constipation, sour {The Far House, 149-153 Brock Street stomach. bad lreath, sallow complex- i biliousness, * headache, dizziness, { ete. Sold by all dealers. Did You Get One of Our Pretty Suits To-day ? If mot, you ought to at least see them on range is not as large as it was to-day, still garments on show, and the price ticket attached to each n saving in the price of fully twenty-five per cent. Saturday, a wi there are some ver When in the Ready-to-wear Department be sure and the si White Lustre Waists at $1.50, sizes 32 to 40, and the White| Lawn Waist with separate collar and emihroiders trimmigg for 81, and tl line of Ladies' lor-made Skirts in odd sizes, 38 to 43, regular $2 and S350 goods' for $2.50 each, and the extra neat Print Wrappers at Ste. and Ll TULRVLLLTTLVT TLV VLRVLLTT TLVVATTTRTTLITITT LSID A Few Items That Will Prove Themselves To Be Extra Big Snaps 16. inch Roller. Towelling. with fast color border, r for 6c: a yard. , all linen, egular 10c,, 20 inch Check in most morning 6lc. a yard. Glass . Towelling, sold stores at' 10¢., Saturdas good 9. a Victoria Lawn, 10 inches wide, qualify for 124c., Saturday yard, Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, ex tra valué at 18¢. a pair. Saturday 2 pairs for 25c.> - TTT THLET TEETER TT TERED STALL TATTL/TTTITTTRTTRIBASCS , : sessss STs setRssscsse PS dd : oH chi as + sold in Kingston at Positively the best Nottingham Lace Curtains ever sold in RN one dollar a pair are what we offer for Saturday. They ar long, 51 inches wide, made with strong double thread, boun full 34 yards real stylish pattern. We have piles of other styles at from =o pair. ' S . : sd : : : , : 1 eo cil at 13¢ anf Still selling the best line of Brass Curtain Poles in the cily al 900 19¢.. complete, éasily adjusted to fit any windoyon door Hp in width. Time For a Change in Underwear = 5 . te al I up: We have special values inBadies' Ribbed Vests at 12c. an Men's Balbriggan Shirts andy Prawers at 50c. a garment HIGHEST PRic- that so many of ov occurs again Sat Montreal Bankru| seems to be worth ------------ Price Advi Be y ITS 3 o=50 MEN'S SU + soems riduculous to se at $3.95, but. they are a that have been rather handling, and we have clear them at this rid; They consist of Car miktures, all worthy. | regularly from $7.60 to Qaturday 'a man can ha fit for em 6 BOYS 3 PIECE BLACK SERGE SUIT: finished, - correctly made whore at $6.50 to $7.50 Our price on Saturday -- % ME RAINCOAT fawn, and tweed effec price $10 and 812. On sal: Saturday ........ Come early and get yo ----e ap 150 MEN'S FANCY VES grounds with fashionah stripes, polka-dots, and est noveltiss the dressy in a wash vest, Sizes vided in 3 lots 1-- Lot 1--Warth $1.50, fo Lot 2-Worth $2.50, fo Worth $3.50, fo Saturday Price Lot 20 YARDS DAMASK EN, unbleached, 61 Regular price 50c. yar: Un sale Saturday, per 15 PAIRS "TAPESTRY C green, sage and red, | signs, 48 inches 'wide, Regular price $6.50 pai Yours on Saturday, pe © SWISS , in beautiful yards long and 56 incl ular price $3.50 to 4. On sale Saturday .. --------r i pa--a-- 500 LADIES' VESTS, short long sleeves, RIBBE sleeve: Worth & Our price for Saturday cach . -- $0 YARDS FINE CHE PLAIN GLASS Worth any time Sc. ya On Sale Saturday, pe A limit of 10 yards to N------ Cot and . to 3 PAIRS LADIES' B&C op, : lar price from On sale Saturday, pa Startli Fin Bl Veil and Girls' F Children's Hose ck Face 20 Bove Suppo) Black amd White Hat 3000 packages Needles, 20 vard S 2M Ladics' EY . pools Threa Lace Trim oul v dood: Nail Brushes, wi Faney Laos Trimmed | -- The prices Sure you take ac ------ THE NONTR 180 Betweer

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