dich a ' or 4 Tr z FEET en ~ in = " hatte ke whe RR RR RR TE OB CEASA BS fel hor 3 - ERE STRAY, +¥ wie "rrr a Se IERIE : Ep RRS SRY x L ve Pe rn SOLE x ] ne: : CAMRY : LR ¥ Ha ht i yp risa de ATOR ART TERY CREE ERR Eh are rv RL " RE 53 py or iE RS rr wen hy pi Sted Hie oe ou we Ba Auieies y Reed 3 J we i | WAT > Ewa vn ey 4 } TR A RE SR nESRERNR ELEY = LN ul : In order to give everybody an opportunity to become interested : in the Town of North Cobalt, the Land Company have decided THY: I$: that as these lots offered for sale will be sold without reserve, in- =a AMAL tending purchasers who are unable to be present at the auction may 1 "iff choose a lot or lots on the plan and submit a bid for the lot or lots, Php designating the same by their number and street. and remit with it, ---- either by marked cheque, post office order or express order the nb oftheir bic pa yable te Charles M. Henderson, Auctioneer, 87 ing Street East, Toronto. put up for sale at auction without reserve, and if the offer made by mail is : pein' le hid received for the same lot at the auctior, the lot or lots will be bought in for the al ; if the bid should bé greater than the offer received b mail, the marked cheque, 8 y 1 : if Or express order will be returned to the sender, Pa To. coupon hereto attached m ay be filled in and sent to the Auctioneer, when it will be regis- | tered and receive attention in the order in which it is received. Ah haa dan ha . Be 2 Wm Ec BEE A AT : To CG. M. 'HENDERSON"Auctioneer, 87 King St. East, Toronto, Can.: | ~ ' "The LUhdérsigned hereby offers for Lots No......... Street... I Town 'of North Cobalt, thesum of... anads has Dollars, for which'Marked Cheque, Post Office Order or E xpress Money Order i is enclosed. 'Being payment In full, including deed, for the above. If +a higher bid is received, the enclosed to be returned to me. Name adeas i dasa eaassseisisss is . P.O. Addréss... ©.0 mre pep MAKE getting in now on the ground floor and waiting for the rise! By "" value in the future. NORTH CONCESSION 2. LAKE PLAN TEMISK AMING Fi-E TOWN oF COBALT PARTS OF LOTS 12,13,14 & 15. TOWNSHIP OF BUCKE NIPISSING DISTRICT or Real estate is so called because it is real, tangible, can't run away; A plot of land in a growing ining town site makes money while: you sleep. This Property i is within five minutes by rail. of the present Cobalt Station, TE NORTH COBALT LAND CORPORATION, Limited A 4 hy 16 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. Will Be. Heda, Hy ord, 4th and My Toronto: May 7th and 8th, at HRNDERSON'S AUCTION ROONS KING ST. BL i ti byt 3 EERE | CO = A LT is alioady feeling the want of room. It is equally well recognized that the immense wealth of the district will lead to the immediate growth of a large town or city. To meet the pressing need THE NORTH COBALT LAND CORPORATION, LIMITED, have acquired 640 miles north of Cobalt Station, and fronting and sloping towards Lake Temiskaming The Tv'& N. O. Railway cuts through the northwest end of the property, and at the southwest end the railway track and its Argentite Station are within 500 feet of it. From Argentite Sta: tion a water-course stretches into the Kerr Lake Min- ing District, and during the season of navigation all the rsupplies for the Kerr Lake Mining Region are forward- ed from this station, NORTH COBALT is the Centre of the Active Mining Region MONEY it has value now and will have greater acres of land, beginning at a point two and one half 2 Shoe Pol ; pootblacks al 31m 1" Shoe Polish- Pleased customers f them many al" isaleather reserves gol or > orburn s! Don't take "substity Black and TENDE For Construction of Church to be Erected for Victoria Avenue | (harch, Belleville up to 24th Fe, Lrickwol Will be received plumbin and ligh ed either v tender no Plar nd specific je seen at Stroud Bros. Front St. De Ed Xion Rooms From $1,00 Per ite Gi d Central Oppesite Lr Ee Yor BAGGAGE 5:2, Jip nes. ong Jeon Beir trmeity Windsor) Parone ENTER N For Ovi Service Courses fagston Business Limited Head of Queen St: Kingston - - = '( Spacious apartuents, equipment, exc ellent § Wreduates In demand. ° Individual {unt tio; ] ' petent and expe nce every departiient. Open out the whole year. ( free. J.B. MeKAY, AH. F. ME President. ¥ Masa a nae uA ae At Strachan's H. Missrssasasase IF YOU WANT A GOOD QUALITY SMITHING COAL... TRY OUR CUMBERL iP Walsh 36:57 : Re » Wein oy BHBOSSING for Paper and ENGRAVING ef Pr classes. of X card to a TE whig, SN ---- THE Fi ONTEN A LAR & inves Tagen Pride STABLISKED 18 ir Richard ( EL! Woties) Otned on City an tang Manicipa| i © No, Ortgages he 3 5 ¢ Ng Inte rest prea 2e y ill, ios : (Oley; Clare, nce street Node! rt s ivtoud 3 Syn rp