Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1906, p. 3

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---- nal Notice ders of tags » Certficats redeemable fi, Preminmg wi to send thoes mn for re ary hout * delay Seome , a8 we will thea mium depa Sloss 6, after whi h © no il SOF Coupons wil] fe Sh leemed, i pire Tobacco Cop erican Tobacco c nada. . loude Company. ATS » pany Ompany We pay the HEST PRICE r Spring Ratg F. GOURDIER -80 Brock Str:et Quite Necessary As a little finishing touch to a business or every day' toilet is a -------- A RS Dainty Little Cravat Or Tie Pin ow exclusive designs in Pearls, pecial in a 1 Gold Knot k., set in the centre witha Diamond, at $6.00 ITH BROS. Jewelers-~Opticians p 666. of Marri age Licenses An M McKay The Reliable Buyer Vants 0, 000 ring Rats House, 149-153 Brock Street IS FRE t new style Dress Goods w advertised in the best ) centres. o need to a larger city for your ess, unless you want to ore for it, are vest out, and the y low, owing to our €x- being small as com- with the large concerns. as ours prices respectfully ask you to display and decide for ash Goods WASH GOODS sec= having a big run. these Ladies are antici- their wants for sum- nd buying now while ge is large. You pay e now than you will in r, and besides the s so much larger. S, ce Curtains our LACE CUR- bargains at 25¢. t0 $8 Every pair a winnet ' MAN & SHAW 2 . THE DAILY WHIG, MON "MONDAY, ABEL 2s. Irritation. If cans : o grine cloudy, highly offensive--it indicates g GENTLE KIDNEY PILL " -ju il) the weakened, clogged, overworked Kidneys to healthy action--and heals and soothes the irritated bladder "Bn-Ju" cures. We guarantee jt'and you can get your money Pack if "Bu-Ju™ disappoints. a do gists have * Buju" or will | jor you. peg Be CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED WINDSOR, ONT. ™ mt ---- FROM FOUR STATES. RE, timony to the Efficacy of the 5! 4 New Scientific Dandruff Treat- ment. ny James C. Rowe, of Livingston, Yon ne, "Herpicide cuted my 'dandruli 0 " ved wy hair falling. ol eC obs, St. Anthony, Ida- ' Herpic ide cleaned my scalp of oo and ma ade my hair soft as nd glossy : a H Otis, barber, Luampaign, 11}, #] used Herpic ide on one customer for dapdrufi and on another for falling excellent results. (assistant postmaster), "'Herpicide complete: falling hair?' Sheridan for cleaning Wyo. : lent the ibe. m stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co. Detroit, Mich. G.--W. Jahiod spe special agent NORTH- I.WEST LANDS. WANTED to take up 10.000 acr ster, on the line -of the Railway, on in Saskatchewan. A-syndicat gyndicate" price - $50 per ac £1.50 down after the land has been invosti- ated, balance on long terms 6 "per ot. Lends in this vicinity. are selling | retail from $12 to 11 an acre. There is no better proposition than this on the market to-day. Good railway fa dlities and' a prospective railway to mm through the - property--good wa tr. Profs McCoun, for nine years Government Explorer. of the North t, in speaking this vicinity his tra unsurpassed in the North-Wes its capacity to grow what; the < rich; the surface .is almost "level, 'a what slope there is | indines to the south." . The Govern- | ment" find GTR: Inspectors" report | this land A) E Applications for a few days received at the Canada Life Office, 18 Market Square, Kingston. J.O HUTTON. The great Uterine Tonic, and ) safe effectual nd. Sold in three age s ngth--No. 1, § ecs stronger, cial ea yy all dry Fa on" © pamphlet Wo MEO Co. TORONTO, ONT. Headquarters . For Real Estate and Insurance $5Clarence st., or. Post Office stimulates and | | | mass of riuins. Few of the inmates were] | (C continued roe, irom page 1.) were buried in various places, and the graves numbered South of Market strect the loss of life was mostly. brought "about by. the collapsing of many cheap and crowded lodging houses. By the caving in of | the Royal at Jortieth and Minna | streets, and the Portland, - Sixtieth street, betwen © Mission and Market streets, scores of persons werk en totnbed, but many were saved before the fire re ached the spot. The large five-store y Brunswick rooming house, with its three hund- fred réoms filled. with guests, at Six- tieth and Howard { and fire started amid the ruins five minutes later. It is estimat:d that over three hundred persons lost. their lives there. Part of the large Cosmo- politan house, Fifth and: Mission streets, collapsed at the first tremble. Many of the sleepers were buried in the ruins, and others escaped in their fight clothes. streets, collapsed, Mission i stréet, the Wilson | I with its four storeys, and {eighty rooms, fell to the ground, a j rescued, The Denver House, on low- Third street, fared the same, and it | may exe be known, how many were {killed. To the north of Market street, | the rooming house people fared better. | The | suffered { building. | through the {and ling druggists. Send | the Monthly iiator on which women can | Geo. Cliff, Specialist lew Monumental Works Lettering in Cemeteries a Specialty IAS. MULLEN, 372 Piiiibets St., -- Tpposite Y.M.C,A. (dian | (Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open frem 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place 0 get an all round lus the city. Meals of all kinds on t notice. English and Chinese --% Specialty. Phone 655. Wo. Murray, Auctioneer "27 'BROCK ST. v Carriages, Cutters, Harness, | ete., for sale. Sle of Horses Every Saturday | Auction Sales | Book your WM ret chojco "oo, 0f Furniture at once | conducy, 41) the | Ye the highest Phone, 665, br JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer Ty Myers' "Home. Made" | bad Cogs, ge The Auto Hearse. is bs wy his bones over the stones, 8 pauper whom nobody on, vg ic going out of date. aa bas a fine automobile ly ay B¢ With rubber tires i prover ents. Some : hover Some people a 1B hfe had a vide in an wv the latest and when dead. Malace, a cane with onl and tas Bramunel pu irked London, RE ortant sales and | ces | { he lay Luxemberg, rell Stockton and 0' three-storey from "the falling of tons of brick from an adjoining The falling mass crashed buildine, killing a At the Sutton street a brick chimney toppl ed over, and ¢érashing 'through the roof, killed one of the occupants as on his cot, at a stroets., severely, Fe man man woman. Purkish Baths Stories Greatly Exaggerated. Washington, D.C,, Apri} 2, superintendent the mint, Leagh, wires the secretary of the trea- y, from Oakland : "Stories of loss of life greatly rerated." Have | been. in every day from the first. Have | men reporting to me continually from [all parts of the city, and they believe the list will reach 400, timate from statements to. me are that the list will not reach 300, The five did not travel fast, and the auth { orities took trouble to keep ahead of the flames, notifying the people of canger and caring for <helpliss. The homeless are being cared for in Oak- land and other suburbs. Thousands are camped out in the park and other op- en eountry, south of the eiiv. Peovle are being enabled to get in the ruins in. places especially Market street, pnd I am informed that some of the mod ern buildings like the Spreckels, Crock er, Union Trust, Mutual Savings, all 'of which have banking institutions, can be fixed 86 as to allow banks to risiime after form in fow of | es ex do not My some a | A Smallpox Outbreak. "Oakland, Aptil 23.--A scourge smallpox threatens to further | the btricken inhabitants of Suan |eisco, nine eases aré now bein ed 'at the Presidio ro orval, house; they were found in the midst of the huddled refugees in Gol {den Gate Park, "and the temporary tenting ground of Jefferson squape. of afflict Fran- treat- nj pest very Facts About Stricken City. San Francisco was the sixth eity of the United States in population. It claimed over 500,000 people. It hop ed'im ten years to have mare people than either Boston or St. Louis. It we the fourth seaport of im portance on. the 'American continent in the value of her shipping and ma rine comnerce. San Francisco expect ed in the near future to he 'to the west what New York is to the east Eastern investors had a great deal of money - in Nan Francisco. They bought real estate, though the prices were continually - rising. Fortunés ere made in real estate dealing in the city. One block of land on Mar Let street sold at $10,000 per foot a' few months ag In the past thre | years real estate values in some quar ters of the city had increased = by three hundred and four hundred per cent, The demand for additional dwelling, mercantile, and manufacturing houses was enormous, and buildings were he my erected as rapidly as possibl 1 Francisco was described by a writer a few months ago as the wealthiest, most prosperous, and most powerful city of its size in the world | The James Flood office building und the. land. on wifich it stood, re present an investment of 85,000,000 It was one of the largest oft 1 ings in America. The post off Y cently finished, cost 33,000,000 The city's hotels, restaurs and theatres were pronounced be the most elegant in the worlid Paris is the only city in the world which rivals San © Francisco in her love of brilliant clectrie tHumination [ At night the streets were a blaze. of | light, and crowds of people promen | @ aded on them The police and fire departments of | the city ranked amang the best in the { nited States. $ San Francisco has three suburbs, Oakland; Berkeley and Afdmeda, with combined population of 100,000 Two ferry systems carried the people etween the city and the suburbs, The city, is supposed-tot fave the | most advanced charter ever granted [to a municipality in the Un.ted Statds, Several years ago, the politi | cal bosses were routed, and the ehar ter movenfent began. A new organic law for the city was adopted. It took effect in January, 1900, and: was | prepared by a board of frecholders Sore Lungs We wint everybody who has a hard cold in the chest to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Our long experi- ence with it, over sixty years, tells us there is nothing its equal for coughs, colds in the chest, bronchi- tis, hoarseness, sore lungs, weak throats, and weak lungs. doctor about this. We have ne secrets | We peblish he tormuies of al our wedicees | Ask your affair, ! administration of the city" was divor- ced entirely from that of the state. The city did not need to go to the state legislature to ask for any lav. Big public improvements were plan- ned recently. By a two-thirds vote, the people approved the issuance of honds lor. 8]17.000,000 for parks and school houses, a drain play grounds, | SIGNOR GIUSEPPE BIANCHEKRI, Lhe of the: Italian Chamber of Depu , Deputy for fifty three y t time he has presided over nearly thirty years: He was Ventimiglia, italy, in 1823 and is. considered to-day the 'oldest pardamenturian in the world system, a ry and a ho ital, Fhe mssessment roll of city property amounts to 8524 000,000, and the tax 1ate for éity, county, and state pur poses is about 81.60 on every 8100. Property was assessed at about se venty-five per eent. of its market value. No that the value of property would be abe £650,000,000, n Franciscor had "many parks; but wst of them were small. The pride of the city was the Golden ( "ark, comprising 1,013 , and stretching from the city to the sca To Rebuild Ruined City. were projected . along the coast call ng for upward of 100.000 tons of steel, about half of which Francisco. and its 'neigh Within © the last few weeks Nan contracts have been placed thout (153,000 tons of = | buildings were relatively It isn Pacific coast people who a NOW living in abundantly thle to bear burden which interests call ark re nts at San Fran Mills, Hunt ms and Tevi wl that ther Are an here owning real este a 1 len iat San Francisco. will require about YOO tons of structural sted to re pair her loss and erect new: bald mys, according FE. H. Gary, head of the United State Steel Corpora tion, amd other anthorities interview od vesterday I'h fire: in Baltimore and the , re in. San Fran wary, "have demon tisfaction of every structures are the permanent of all onseanence, 1 have of _ in 'buildings gely increased, It all surprising 'if within th next two or three years ther ere used. in new chuildings in San ancisco 250,000 tons of steel Ne wibt all the larger new build i ill be of dtecl)" Quakes In Oregon. Ottawa, April 23. The earthquake hicks reported from Oregon as occur- ring + o'clock, this morning, was on the seismograph at the I observatory The pre liminary tremor arrived at 4:16:45 hours eastern time, The principal wave traversed. at 1:2% a.m. and reached its maximum qt 431 am. 'The quakes then began to decrease and disappear ed at 5:10 a.m Be Ready For Colds. A hard cold so lowers the vitality that it takes the svstemi a month to | throw it-ofi. These are danger periods ' when ailments more serious than colds get their start. Don't have colds they can absolutely be prevented by prompt nge of Wade's Cold Cure Tab lots - (Inxativel: A onre also fdr la grippe, headache and constipation, In hoses, 23 only at Wade's drug store. Money kif not satisfactory A Small Beginning. A plunge into newspaper adver tising isn t necessary il your wants are not large. If yéu . have a little want, a little want advt. at a cost of a few cents, will find it. {1 von have a small business commence with small adver thsing, New York, April 23.-The Journal of Commerce says: That no time wi' be lost in the work of rebuilding San Francisco is evident from the fact that the engineering and contracting firms ar nding their most expert men to inyestifate the ruins with a view of discoveriby which form of construction best withstood the shosk I'he report of these experts; it is be lieved, will have a at deal to do with the censtructing business in the future. before - the earthquake i building was in progress from preliminary reports, it 1s ell that prompt action will be taken for a renewal of contracts. It ix only within the last vear that there has been much aetivity in steel con ion on the Pacilic coast. rly this vear building 'enterpri ted by the people. It conferred I* 3 LIVI G BEINGS. labge powers and responsibilities on ALD. GA the mayor. » 1 HE i It meant home rule ta the eity. The " T0 A LETTER THE WHIG OF SATURDAY. ---- He Feels a Market Clerk is a Much-Needed Official--Is Not Actuated by Friendship, But by, Desire for Good of Citizens. ~ Kingston, April 2.--(To the Edi tor) : My attention was called to a letter in the Whig of Saturday; in which it was intimated that the only motive that Ald. Elliott and 1' had for advocating the retention of the market clerk in his present position was friendship. Wane d cannot account for Ald. » Elliott's action, 1 have no hesitation in stating my position in the matter. 1 am in favor of the fore stalling by-law and 1 believe that nine-tenths of the people of Kingston are with me in that, therciore, 1 de sire to see it enforced, The only way to secure that end i€ through an officer who is competent in every respect, and who is in particular a jedge of all kinds of meat: I am not working for Mr. McCammon as a man, but because he is the market clerk; ap officer whose services 1 am #teongly. of opin jon should be retained. There is no by-law in the-book that is of more importance to the citizens than that .df@she forestalling by-l It legislates in hehall of the working people, inasigpeh as it enables them to sbeure produce at first cost, and pre vents dealers from, yowulling 'Woods un til after such time as all good wives have had 'plenty of Opportunity of securing what. they, Smt {or their families. Complaint had heen made | that that Mr. MeCammon does not i enforce the by-law. , 1{ lke does not, that introduces another icature into the discussion, but this 1 do know, that only last week he discovered a load of potatoes, in which every bag except one was dight. Had there been no clerk these : potatoes would have been sold tg citizens. bE could mention many. recent cases of this Kind to prove 'the value of a clerk on the Kingston market. When I moved the, resolution in the council to retain the market clerk, | was acting in the interests of the city for the reasons above mentioned. am in favor of Mr. McCammon collecting the market tolls, so that the city will get all that th is in them, and if there is not enough duty to keep him employed all his at tithe, to place him the disposal of~the mayor for the petformance of Work for which the city is paying numerous sums during the Further, © there are occasions the services of a harbor master very much required, shipping place important often arise, year. when "are this being and consequently marine port. Disputes very and unless there ponsible- officer to appeal proper. time, the results' may be seri ous and detrimental to the city. In the of these facts to say that 1 am actuated by friendship is simply ridiculous, snd not worth considering. I am not 'i- the habit of cither writ ing or answiring anomymous letters, hut suspecting who the anthor of the a an is a res to at the face letter is of Saturday, and signed "One Who Pays Taxes," 1 decided to make an exception in this ease. If he paid taxes, he would have signed his own name fo his letter. He, to mv mind, is like others who are after Mr, Mc Cammon, they dd not own an inch of redl estate in, the city, If he will {ake a manly course in dealing with person al matter. and give the public his name, I will cuarantee that Ald. F) liott and 1 will at least give a lot of information, why a clerk should he retained on mar bet, and One. who is. analified to fill the position =~ JOHAN GASKIN, POOR MAN MADE RICH. Australian Uncle Settled $2,000 000 on Nephew. Dunkirk, N.Y., 'April 23.--Charles Wantshouse of Westfield, well-known in Dunkirk and * throughout the sur rounding country, is in receipt of a letter from an uncle in Australia, con veying the information that the latter has settled upon his nephe w $2,000 000 and also a communication from a New York banking house stating that 500,000 of that amount is at Mr Wantshouse's disposal The fortunate san is a carpenter hy trade and in moderafé ciremmstances A short time ago he hired out hy the day to Contractor DB. F. Aldrich of this city, and was at work on the new foundry building at the U.S, Radiator Works, when the news of his windfall reached him. He immediately quit kis Job and returned to his hor in West field, where he intends to build hin If and family au palatial residence and spend 'the rest of 'his life in case and comfort. The uncle to whose princely generis ity he owes his good fortune has heen iny Australia for nearly twenty years and has amassed great wealth in min- ing and sheep raising ventures, He is rated at 35,000,000. Ten years ago he visited the" United States and spent some time at the home of his nephew, Mr. Wantshouse He displayed a great liking for the latter and upon his de parture laughingly declared he would make the nephew a rich man some day. Wantshouse took the assertion in the nature of a joke and dnformed hi Junclg that he waz always apen to of fersfof wealth. He was unaware at the time that his Australian relative was possessed of the immense wealth that it later developed he was. Mr Wantshouse intends to give lib erally to charity. Baseball Results. National Leagne. At Cincinnati, 6; St. Louis, 7. At Chicago, 3; Pitts burg, 1. American League At Chicago, 7: Cleveland, 6 At . St. Lonig, 3 "1 trait, 4, The choice of rovalty, McCopkey's high class candy, Sold only at Gib som's Red Cross drug store. Never sold in bulk. At the rate of a pint and a half of liquid a day, _a man dginks 32,850 pints during hig life. x The only candy. sold" in Kingston the choice of rovalty MeConke high Velass candy. Sold only at « L Red Cross drug store, Phone 330, AHIR CONDENSED ADVERTISING | FOR SALE. TO-LET. RATES CITY "AND FARM = PROPERTIES. | STORAGE SPACK. KOR PUTIL First insertion; lc. a word. Each con: Our plan. No Sale. Nie, eta. W, @@ #rost, zvy sedutive insertion therealter 46: & partment *'D.,"" 208 Wellington St. Queen sureet. . word. Minimum charge for one ib: | orpAM YACHT, 80x74 BEAM SPEED | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, sertion, 25¢. ' 74 miles an hour, will be sold cheap. offices, stores and dwellings. Mew Advt. 4 lines or under a week, $1. Avniy Serer Sager, Box 414, Nap- Cann, 51 Brock street. Advt. 4 lines or under a 'month,$2, : : = BORE aan Nomrre---- . S710} E AND ANELLING, COR. Sweet iS ry taCisa ra olborne and lergy. Sts. Apply to bod: Reads the JET GOOD SINGLE HARNESS, ONE G. A & Everybody in Kingston WHI] OO I A Eten ouchinvole, 148" Stuart "strat. nearly new, in first class condition. . 5 WANTED. Apply to S. Hyland, 427 Alfred St. | 106 WELLINGTON ST, IMMEDIATE Pose ssion, Suders conveniences. Ap- ap s SIT \r in ply to daniel Ree: STRONG © BOY. APPLY N. C. POL: {QpACEINTHIS COLUMN. . IT WON'T | premises. thE, un un son & Co cost you much (see schedule of Fates - . in upper left 'hand corner), and the | 10 ROOM BRIC VE TWO SMART GIRLS. APPLY. AT return will Le quick and satisfactory.q * nodern RICK we, LING, ALL Kingston Laundry. - ----- " May 1st. John A. Gardiner, 151 SE TT {480 ACRES, ALBERTA LAND, W Wellington street. TWO SMART GIRLS. APPLY AT in one mile of last survey G.T.P. | Kingston Laundry will double in two vears. Apply IRE A . en Geo. A: Bateman, 79 Clarence St., | HOSE, 237 QUE ALSO 203 A COUPLE OF SMART BOYS. AD Kingston. Permit for inspection, Aly oi : my J. A, Gould & Co. Steacy & Steacy. . r ' A NEW CLEVELAND BICYCLE, 24 =e YOUR WANTS CEASE TO BE ineh frame, new Morrow couster brake, | «ay THE , ; wants when you advertise them in Dunlop tires. Only been used a short AY ne IRS SoD BRICK the Whig. rock Will sell cheap. Apply 460 improvements. Heated by Find rock street. . Apply R, AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID Nesbitt, 887 Johnson St. Apply to Mrs. Abbott, gw Bank of GOING WEST, SEVEN -------------------------------------- Montreal. n room frame dwelling, 92 Victoria | BRICK DWELLING, NO. 19 SYDEN- i} St. Splendid cellar, good well. ham street West, at present occupied GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA. APPLY small barn, large lot. Genuine snap by H. Youlden, possession 1st Kent Bros. Mica Works, foot of at $1,000, Department "D." 203 May. Apply to Jas. Richardson & Princess street. Wellington street. Sons. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- | RE SIENCE oF LATE DR. HERALD, | FIRST CLASS SITUATED, AND vant References required Apply St. All modern improve constructed brick house, 11 rooms, Mrs. Polson, 317 University Avenue wa heativig, - gas and modern muprovements, fronts north, - eo -------------------------------------------- eles light, tral location. For detached, opposite. Street. Railway, A SMART BOY, TO CARRY SOME 1 formation, apply to E. E. near. Baptist church. Possession parcels, und . make himself generally He 6 Market street. next month, may sell. J. White useful. Apply The Lockett Shoe bread, 196 Union St. West. Store. Er THE HOUS ON ARCH STREET, BEST ATED HOUSE IN CITY \ GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, FOR the residence. of the late Dr Walkem:| "5 4p' prepared to rent my. tows a small family. Apply 3 atioen Noo 116 and 118, rented residence to a suitable tenant, 14 Bernard Browne, at 108 Bagot St 5 $18 n month _each., For terms rooms and a billiard room, office' West I A Ween Wann, will be made entirely scparate. db ren By ete ' Parties with small children need not HELP, THEE YEAR ROUND. SITU- EET apply, D. 'Allan Black, King St. ations vacant, domestics, hotel and a-- factories. Department 208 MISCELLANEOUS. FROM MAY 18T, 1908. FINB Wellington street. Eien ge oe » suburban residence known as Rese -- riers eres Semen. | (x pay "Ty LP AND ALL OTHER lawn," situate on Union street Wi A YOUNG GIRL, TO ASSIST IN spy : 4 now occupied by Mijor - Grant. Hot kinds of help supplied. Department \ the care of children. One to sleep at 'i. 208 Wellington street. water heating, good out buildings, home preferred.' Apply at once to +! 200 : garden and spacious grounds. Apply 239 Division street S-- a-- ---- 0 Cunnin~ham & Lyon, 79 Clarence ce nes ~---------- | WHEN YOU WANT A: GARTER TO street, Kingston, Ont. GOOD PRINTER TO SET ADS. PER- move, or your ashes carted away, Ath a ent osition and good oppor man to clean your carpets, call or QUmILY to heht man. Address. eiving send a postcard to 157 York street. FOR SALE OR TO-LFT. references, The Ehening Journal es right. D. Dougherty. Ottawa, Ont ------ A FRAME HOUSE. RENT Move te -- ate, or will sell on monthly pay- A SMART BOY. OF GOOD APPEAR- ARCHITECTS. ments for what it rents for. Apply ance, and fair education, te learn rn Dr. Curtis. the Shoe business. Must be able to lwar N AND ARCH" - Write wood. wag. Apply The | fice, - second floor over MaKoo STORE. AND DWELLING. SELL Loekett Shoe Store store, corner Princess and for $2,500, rent $15 per month, or _- rs streets. Entrance on Bagot street. exchange for other prope perty. John TWENTY-FIVE OR" THIRTY FOOT 'Phone, 608, A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington St. Cruising ~~ Yacht. Must be in wood shape. fot too much draft. Will buy . : aH SR. | BRICK DWELLING, YOUR BLOCKS or Teharter. ©. "ind HS care Craw. | POWER & SON. ARCHITECT, MER. [BRICK DWELLING, FOI : Tord 4 Wutsh, Taliors. and Wellington streets. -Phone. 213. water heating, modern improvements, -- AY. 1 -- -- ee ---- fra class "1H dt Fear. Soh Son SALESMEN, FOR AUTO-SPR » TI . ac IP May 1st, 1906 ply ohn . made. Liberal terms. ' Sample B * L355, if isin oy to approved agents, ner of Queen and Montreal streets. SEDGEWOOD HOME. 109 UNION eT. Qavers Rican Galt, Onl, HENRY P, SMITH, ARCHITECT, all modern Conveniences ; petXcollent : ote 0 ilding ot 8 4 3 lar ounds ossession, GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR ste. Anchor Building, Market Square, Joat oni he fro i re suits pressed and cleaned carefully hy Phone, D. sale. For particulars and torms. hand ;: also bring your cloth and have Apply to R. W. Analin. Easex, Ont. an up-to-date suit made. Gallo- MEDICALS. . way's, 131 Brock street. nO v w ss NTLEMAN OF. 40, WEIGHT 198, | JR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY NEY AND HUSINESS. height Over 6 foot, disires chauce to occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon- -- v Tob lenrn some business. Full knowledge treal and Brock streets. CL ates Com DO! A a ASaiks ¥ ey Ri a "WILLIAM GIBSON, PHYSICIAN, |* $61.1 begin at oy cS Y IDR. LIIAM GIBSON, "S1C ' 2 Rox, No. 563, Whig office Surgeon, etc. Late Resident House which he Potiey' holders. "nave 8 epee secdrity the unlimited liability or all NN TIN a. Susie Kingston General Hospital the stockholders. Farm and city pro- MEN AND BOYS: LIBARN PLUMB- Ofica-- 252 Kine street. apposite Bank rarared: Tat lowest postin Bricklaying Plastering: three of Montreal. 'Phones, 48. rates. Beforo renewing old or giving trades 8 a overgment em new busi get - rates from Strange graduates. Union cards guar 8 & Strange, Agents American, Mme. Schumann-Heink k out naturalization papers about cighteen months ago. Before the news of her intention had got she was to. bring ger children to America, to. get po boys she w to Germany her three When she ssion of the opposed by her first husband, who fought for their enstody and also for 365,000 worth of property which the singer had in Ger many. The case was tried in the man courts, and on the recent of the was successful both cases. Ihe singer; able youn endeavored three older Ger visit in singer she her husband and her children went to New Rochelle, where Mr. Rapp has'a house. The "coming summer the family will move to the state on Caldwell Mountain, near Montclair, N.J..> which Mile. Sehu mann-Heink purchased last year. They will make their home in the handsome house erected by William Ryle, a silk manufacturer, and 'wil 100 acres for themselves and the cows and other animals they intend to . Mme, Schumann-Henk she will be glad of a ehanee to be housekeeper and to make her own bread and butter, as she did when she was young. While abroad the singer filled concert and opera engagements first had and had there, have says sever It mn was al was the Germany time she four the return sung in vears, she welcome she to Germany in May part in the Bavreuth fes tival. Upon her return she will rest for a time at her home, and "in the au tumn will begin a concert tour of Am erica under the management of Henry Wolfsehn. She will also have some special appearances with the Metropo- litan opera. clated over She will and will take Henry Cunningham. tuner from ie hickerings; at McAuley's book store, At the request of his wife, who. de- sired to be near -the pulpit, Walter Lip- pincott, recently "paid $1,000 for in Holy Trinity church, at an auction. Over 20,000 members tion Army celebrated birthday The gifts of self-denial ported at $500,000. Australia has no orphan Ge of the pew 37 Philadelphia, Salva- neral Booth's at the Crystal palace, London. week were re- Ev- asylums. ery child not supported. by its parents becomes a ward of the sta te, receives a pension, and is placed in a private fam- tly.» wher¢ board and clot vided. Princeton university is the deams of avarice, yet hes are pro- rich beyond at last meét- ing of the board of trustees gifts to the extent of $245.5 sides $300,000, estate of Mrs. J. Under the 'will of the lat yde, head of the Cunarc and New York scamen's beneficiaries by $250,000. thousand more was left charities in Scotland, At Plumstead. England. 77 were reported, a prospective residuary bequest of be- T. Sivan. e Lord Inver- i line, Boston charities are Five hundred to _scamen's and $250,000 for } Liverpool and Manchester. 600 men and women gathered at the Wesleyan Cen- ral Hall with the object of praying "for the conversion 'of Robert the editor of the Clarion. opponent of Christianity." nestness was shown. Many orthodox priests those elected to the secondary tions in Russia. but not been returned to parliament. three Catholi¢ priests; one other hand, rahbi and one mollah (a priest) were chosen. Blatchford, and a leading Infense ear- were among conven- a one has On the Mohammedan The Ameer of Afghanistan has given progressive rulers a lesson. trologers recently presence that Afghanistan prophesied C ertain ag in his would withth three months lose by pestilence hun- dreds of inhabitants. The been placed comfortably ii their predictions fail they prophets have] i gaol, and if will be tor- anteed. Catalogue free Cayne ros LOST. rk Ser w=--=====|nyR POLICIES COVER MORE ON TE TTT] (OTe ou wi | Bite eh ie tia si sb 0 TAKE (TAG a finder will be suitably Te ompa PY Sy Ra a A ne oF rin in Stee Su r Godwin: s Insurance Emporium, Mark. he a. gi want a clerk, a ---- r------------n-- -------------- --' et Souare. bookkeeper, a servant in fact, hein J WILL FINDER OF GOLD AND -------------------------- ny kied, a small advt. will silver bullet brooch, bearing RM.C. ¢ v it. The cost is small; the re- crest; kindly return to 41 George BUSINESS CHANCES. sponse prompt and sure street, and ve rd. COBALT, THE GREATEST MINING- ere -- I POCK i ET no BOOK NTA camp du the world. Foryuney ade "oc AGERTS WANTED. . ora Yer Winguin | daily. _Shaten phichastd JON trikes VESTRUCTION , OF SAN FRANC Chemical co 1 on cover made daily. Our weekly letter tells Best Book. Large profits. Act Finder will he rewarded by leaving all about it. Wills & Co., Cobalt, x. Simple fre Globe Company, t at this OfMce. 0 Chestnut St, Phila 1 nt. PY ' GENERAL ITEMS. tured to death. No doubt, at the pres- OPERA SINGER'S: SONS. ent moment they are praying hard for a - a i cholera epidemic. Mme Schumann-Heink to Live on Go yi Head ot Fron Many The abbe of a parish in the suburbs a Farm. oinis, of Paris has converted himself and his nl The late Raebert Whitehead, of tor- | assistant priests into a commercial firm New York, Apri 23.-Mme. Schu Foode fame, left $4,500,000, to manuiacture chocolate, with .. the mann Heink, the opera singer, arvived | 90 600 dress the Sultan of Johore | trade-mark, "Our Lady of Work". In n New York, Sunday, on the Blucher | wears diamonds worth $12,000,000. this way thev hope to maintain Roman from Hamburg. She brought with her South African mining shares have | Catholicism in a parish of 40,000 souls, the three sons, to fight for whose cus: | qepreciated- $325,000,000 within a year. |not one of whom has a centime beyond tody she went to Germany in Janu Returns show that 700 workhouses in | the daily wage for manual toil; not one ary. She intends that these youths | England and Wales give shelter to 103 | is able to pay a centime for the church's shall becomes American citizens, and in | former ministers, many of whom pos- | services at a marriage or burial. consequence of this intention she had | sess university degrees. tides a lot of trouble in the Dresden Guar At Braybrook church, England, may The Contented Spirit. dians' court in getting possession "of | be seen a trumpet two yards long, used The visitor in the South 'was 'offering them, instead of bells 'a century ago to sum- his sympathies to the old colored par- After her marriage to W. D. Rapp, | mon the people to church. son, "It was a shame, uncle, that the congregation should drop buttons in the plate when you were collecting your salary." "Daf doan mattah, sah" replied the 01d man with a Tuminous smile. "Ah kin use dem in dat old paih ob trousers de kernal 'gib me." oye, they dropped mails in the plate also. "Just what Ah need, sah. Yo' see Ah'm guine to build a cornhouse en An, Il need de nails to drive in de shin- eS. "But the lead nickels. 'What are you going_ to do with them, throw them away?" "Ng, sah; Ah'm guine to make sink- ers foh mah fishing lines. Glory, hal- leluyah!" . Debts Of Honor. Strangely, debts contracted in amb- ling are called debts of honor. It is difficult to see the point of honor, ex- cept that, as no securities are given, the only hold the winner has upon the loser is as promise. Men are punctilious in paving these so-called debts of hon- or. But there is a debt" of hon- or which should make a man or wo- man exceedingly punctilious- in spirit. Tt is contracted by oral or written promise to God's house~the church. The debt is due to God himself, in whose hands are all things, blessings temporal and spiritual. This debt should be dis- charged first of all. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows' Irish Whiskey, famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity. Distillers to Bis Majesty the King. The choice of réyalty Mel: onkey Raid only at "Gib- Red Cross drag store. Never high class candy, son's' in bulk, *

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