RSE CURS --TO--_ adian Horseghy, TORONTO .SDAY April , ' 4th, 10 URDAY, Apr) 28th n tickets will 1. issue oing April 25 : = 85% oing April 286, ign 27 a and 423, $770 ril 80th, 190g on or jen. brates "include'one oq Show. admission 4, ickets, odatiyy Jokin. THUSIASTIC SEND.opp Prince Arthur of Cop ught -- Ottawa Notes. va, Spril 21 Ihe i given H.R. Hast naught, at the (yu tat HIT salu n, orning, left no « dt for him her, to the station, oy the Mounted | in that capacity station there « tion," the platiory | nL carriage to train, scription in Jeter Speed to H.R. H. p naught.' Aq ji, l G.T.R. train, the pny ce a hearty cheer Hoe Pies wer d Townsend, tinemitl and taken "ti "Tore, IZ, to be tried for forged cheque. 1, e a mistake. «Jenkins, Londo : Ont is ng for divorde from his wife ay La resident at Ha on ------e eryman's Uniform Found morning, the pol § uniform in the house, and t} od to the police hing beside the suit w an ¥ upon which in a very loos was written, "Meet me at use, one o 1 WH mh n was of Britain Prepares. , Egypt, April 21.--The British ment has ed to increase rength of the Pritish garrison pt, owing to the attitwln of rkish government in the Tal gh wry dispute and its possible of. 1 the Islamic population. tins deel the life giving 'current the vou take it. A gentle sooth rmth, fills the nerves and blood ife. It's a real pleasure to take Rocky Mountain Ton * Tablets. Mahood's Deg ore ess lawn gra ced. makes ul lawns, 20c, 1b. at Chown's. STREETS s in Skirts ¢, Navy and Cream, d Serges, in all colors, and Fancy Weaves, , kilted style, Black e in latest tashion. 'E OF CHARGE and ed ts t and style, all sizes uses 500 new spring ideas, - 1S irs, 15¢, 20C, 25C, ades ed on any particular . able and price. TAINS, ong, pair. illed Muslin , Pro Diseases, =. you on be ELL i dont but the rem: ir re pots of each in ber he will give you a cure, "making you and healYny, restori and Rrengtd, before ho asks for a ake advantage of this liberal offer HKemember, no charge is made Jor advice, and you will be made ) haan would dare to make unless ee 111 his ability to make you a Deli ad eradicate tron Jour, system forever the. requirem Rael! are cul ination pealthy man, an all trace of disea wit and your case To for Canadian patient ous Debility, dency, Sex BO rrhiod, and F, Price §1 pe rl os vio cure. al ] pl (formerly Windsor) "Mayrore that's the name of the aikeofsoapthit makes syctesstul dyciog al home cleanly, successful colors are fast and brilliant. Tt eG we any skade. Maypole Soap Made in England, but sold evervihere 0c for colors. 15c for black, SAULT STE. MARIE CANAL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED to the undersi der for Despening this office until the 80th of April, and Widening of Upper Entra Laval. "lans and can be 2 a on 17th of 2 Engineer ars and Canals the Engincer Marie, Gnta tender 1 Canadig used in conr In the ca tached the name, the natu couipany the accepted: che to the Mir Departiient ot Newspape ment wi the 1 Partme w President TRAGEDY FOLLOWS. Discover y Wounded, Louisville Tasker Anderson Leo Athert ad Chestpyy toon, Bamity,, District ork deen, Wine "lf a yi ' Ow that Mr, nine. Heart Jaipitatioh co Trem wasts your time and money and ri on harmful Jeimedien nd poison ng when suc ting medicines No ae wear off, leave beral offer is made you. are sent you, which after yon in a worse condition edies aro prepared to meet cent. You pay after you cured. to today and t spelore it 1 too late. ts sent from Windsor. (nt. | fon charges prepa ress i = BE Sa lg + 208 Woodward Avenue, Blood in old pa Nero- sired "One i six by all druggists or mailed in ig a ipt of price, New pamphlet Wi Mod 0 trouble. Give yoursell 4 cleanly * Maypole! and -at the office of which places forms of THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1863 Richard Cartwright ' Managing "Director. Gold -- Marshall ther of Davis is dan » the courts by Tater B Pa th near Ea Bad Names. ST A LOYAL OUTBU BURST wil HEN PROPOSAL TO INVITE KING CAME UP. EE the Commohs--Belcourt Made Speech of Exceeding Grace-- - Change in Minisiry Spoken of --G.T.P. Costing More Than Expected. From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, April 25.--1he, scene in the Commons. when the resolution to in- vite his majesty, King Edward, and Queen Alexandra, to 'visit Canada, was remarkable for the spontaneous ex- pression of loyalty from both sides of ithe house, and from all nationalitios and creeds that are represented fin our dominions The Hom. N. A, Belcourt, a distinguished Fre iwch-Canadian,. moved the resolution, and did so in a speech of * exceeding, grace, through' which thére breathed 4 deep spirit of devo tion to the person of the king, and a respect for British institutions. 'The leaders of both parties joined in the expressions of good will and loyal ty, and the prevailing note was a re- cognition of the value of the sover in international complications. Mr. Borden declared that the days were long gone hy when it was thought that: the crown was® the mere figure-head institution, and played no part in the destiny of the nation, hut to-day it was generally recogmized that the sovercien's influence extended where th i and especially to the dominions be yond the sens, was he the institution around which the=dearest"santiments lingered. While nothing definite as tg the out come of the invitation was said by any of the spegkers, there vet seemed to be a--confidenee--in--the words --of the pre mier, that his majesty would accept the idvitation, and Sir Wilirid ex- patiated upon the strengthening of the bonds between the motherland and Canada, which the visit would effect. He warmly endorsid the spirit® which had prompted the resolution, and evinced the , deepest concern to have the British sovéreign for the first time in "history, visit his Canadian do main. The Hon. W. 8. Fielding has return- ed to parliament, and as he entered of parliament did not go, the house on his crutches, there was a rousing cheer from both sides. His value to the government was in a very few moments made manifest, and it must have heen a welcome reliof te the premier. to have his minister of finance once again by his side. There is no need to hide the fact that with out Mr. Fielding, the government bhul- warks have heen weak, and on many occasions this session gn easy prey to the attack of Mr, Borden and Mr. Foster. Mr. Fielding, Mr. Fitzpatrick and the premier, however, made a trio of infinite power and resource. 'They are 'the men and the brains of the cab inet, at least, so far as appearance in the house can testify, and they have made a stamnch front for the govern ment duri the long years wherein minister after nfinister of strength and repute-hae either deserted or left the political arena. A glance back at the cabinet of to-day, shows at once the rents that. have been made jn that magnificent band . of intelleét apd L | statesmanship. Talking on- this sib feet, it is compen report that there will be oiié change soon in the minis means. coming up to the requirements of office No sooner had Mr. Fielding returned to parliament than he was called up on' By "Mr. Borden to pronounce upon the vexed question of the investment that in the old country there ic an of ficial list of securities in which trust Drunkard Secretly at Home Sent Sealed to All Who Write Let no woman despair. Tie auick, permanent cure for has been found It is Golden Specific. It has no. odor It has no taste. Just a little is put the drunkards cup of ed his food. He will never » before he realizes it, and h r know why he abandoned the liguor, sure Grunken tics Gone Mad From Whisky His desire for drink disappears: also lutely, and he . will even abhor the sight and smell of whiskey The vigor he has wasted away Ly drink Will be restored to hith, and health' and strength and cheerfulness w return to brighten your Golden Specific has cy we of th violent cis in a 7 » thie. Ph Is proven LY many ladies . have ried it Mrs. Mattie Balking Nanceburg, Ky says < "My, hushand took two doses of your medicine about five months ago and has not taken a drink or had any desire for lquor since then. Our home is so. differ Malet Zink; R. F..D. No. 6 . Oregon, says husband has - not touched licuor ¢ him the sample package of Specific." Save your loved one from premature death and the territle consequences of the drink curse and save vourself from poverty and misery t'. cosis absolutely nothing to Send vour name and address to W. Haines, 6274 Glenn Buildings Cinnati, Ohio, and he will at you a free package of the iden Specific in a plain, sealed wrup- De He will also send yon the stronoest cenelusive proof of what a blessing it 'hrs been to thomsands of families Send for a free tric] pactace of Guld- en Specific to-day, know if it were po pointed out that had to D Hgin long and hard to get on that it aitlicult to aé- provinces, but he would Fo ho could be done. 'There is 'no doubt about it that in the Unitcd Kingdom there is a vague Canadian securities, It does not seem to be forgotten English gold has country, and some hearts are sore yof, somewhat silly mess to to retain so long investment in Canada, and there is nothing to be done but grin and bear. it, vinees obtain entry heey ment and the public, postmaster-general, "pried the attention of the house. practice, and in so doing has been EL in zg matters before the appearing which are has heen ir to put ules in the peeling positi m of try minis ster political farce of the would give decisions contrary of judges himself, he should leave The expectations o the cabinét®in 1896, and a review of the try, one holder' of & portfolio by no As estimated length be SHO 000 0060 of of provincial honds. The situation is hn done ; [i ost funds may he invested only. There are Lost, '| Drunkards Gured in 24 Hours An§ Lady Can Cure the Most Voilent Connanght when Observane He left presented, but "he for five To Prove It, A Free Trial Package Is stores [ Jewish fathers and mothers from monotony of their home surroundings. cal certainty vesterday at the meeting of the Chicago Hebrew insti- i B'Nai Jewish offering to amaliza nate to carry the project to one of the strongest ---- Selecting Eggs For Sitting. a reasonable price, An Easy Mark. no Canadian provincial sécurities on is hi Borden wanted to " ible to have them finance then dominion itself, even to finc® in this © it is, win back the As a people we and we have . Borden showed (hat did thépeg- to the trustee list; inci securities z "The be that the govern- i anxious responsibility these Avie ds parlia ne oesu them the cabinet. it "was were hy the dominion. to jus it was Judges in ondangeri their pro- lebate it minister of intended! to * opportun Avlesworth was In such a appointment present was British minister contended postmastergencral should of his 15 not retire, appear be from + the from 66 miles, he much enitics, an'l has in indem nation Commons there over, GHETTO CLUBHOUSE. $100,000 Building congested Jalsted street hav © equip. ped 'throughout and "with ic oppor mprove- of social life as will attracs the the and the practi annual sitting should certainly not should distance, post, on Hip they hourg. an egps re ordinaty shape and th Surface and fairly hatch or mis mist he ay to be pur "obtain them trom a vendor of as » economy to hateh of Hu chickens result mp ly compensat Mark Twain got.a kiss every time he Vissar the last heard of the old man he was sending the man. If statement to of Sir i enly felt Sir Wilfrid Fao hard problems years, government Transcontinen- realized. to In road conuhl he built and cine for' the. running of R20,000 a the with must that wy a THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 21 : PAGE NEWS OF DISTRICT LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And 'What They Are Saying. » J. L. fralick, 1aeton, has sold his residence to Mrs. Cumming, a sooth cen lady. ivcuben Head, am oll and respectod resident of Pert Miliord, died on Ap- rl Ith: Hugh Murphy, Lanark, a pioneer of the ne ighbot hood, passed away 'lues day morning. Mrs, kdnott, Tweed, has sold her her farm "to Thomas Adaws for 36,250 and moved 10 Stirling, The. Bayi of Quinte Clerical Union will hold @heir semi-annual conven tion in® 'Trenton next week, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Creeper, Shan- nonville, celebrated the fiftieth anni- versary of their wedding on Monday the 16th. Th pussed away at his late resi resident in the person of James Smith, aged seventysis Patrick Kelly, an-amnarried middle dead in bed, Thursday Sanitary company to the plamGff by coming in contact for the plaintiff for $2,000 damages. Mrs. A. N. Carscallen, Deseronto, Mon murriage to Fred. C. Nolmes, Peter Mrs, Solmes left for their new hom in Peterboro. Isra Ellis, Milford, has entered ac tion against {he Standard Ideal ¢om up the dock ran against the factory his eye, destroying the sight. At the annual meeting of the Carle officors were elected : Hon, commo dore, A. Neilson; Hon. vice-commo W. Mcllguham; commodore, H. Hick in: vice-commodoreg, ('. Lamb and 1 J season of 1905, $113 $362.06, Marriage After Probation. In "Fexaz, where people do surpris ing and osiginal things, the institu been introduced. The thing was start the lady anstitution for which success in mer excellent housekeeper may make band. Played Out. Marshall Field, of Chicago, was A Chicagoan, according to the. Tr beguite lost. (nee at a dinner Mr. Field, 'Do vou know him? have met him." the other answer can talk brilliantly for an hour at streteh." "Then, whem 1 met him the beginning of the second how Wrong Translation, ludelph a TLedg That" means Frouch is ap "Well, Pll ke blamed ! ken her that hom" Centenarians Married. ple at Mayevilk room is Cant of a conternrian Ohio The = bri Ready On The Shelf. pleasant to take that even little child are used avery day Polson's Nervilind does, prevent ill nesk, it does case pain and inflamma tion and by Being handy wills save "at all dealers, EARTHQUAKE FORCES May Some Day Burst the World Like a Shrapnel. VERVBODY'S AUTOMOBILE reached the stage of 'being a practical the cataclysm at San Francisco was one of the most the earth upon which they walk and to which they eventually return seems + words of Macheth, that at San Francisco remind. of fixity capable | any means displace surface as the sea It sinks and swells i be ridden almost anywhere that this latest A AStFoe: + moment_astonishes And the price is within the reach of dence, Lanark township, a respéeted Soon pays forg itself dmthe say widespread devasta aged man, living at Burleigh wit, his brother-in-law, Mr. Darcey, Who owas A . ; x b and desolate, of the Burleigh Falls Holel, was found hi n At the Picton spring assizes in an action, Ezrg Ellis, Vs. Standard Ideal -|Silver Ribbon Massey mountain slide that comunity as a sponge®wipes Wied ures from a slate, but they do not oppress ithe , for injuries caused with 4 barbed wire fonee Verdict was A pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents; Mv, and day, April 16th, when their second daughter, Emma May, was-united in are unchained and boro, formerly of Deseronto, Mr. and running qualities t. =h pany, for unftated damages, and the et will come up at the assizes in Picton this week. On the évening of TWO REASONS WHY THE Nigar You Fannot expect success with a ear designed for one Kind of roads and 'conditions when it is to be used under vastly different circumstances. "Made in Canada" Mark these points i 1. -TREAD- Standard waggon tread in Canada is 56 to 564 inches, in oth er countries it varies from 49) inches up. Ask what the tread of a car is before you buy. You do not always nse a car in town, and one wheel in the rut, and the other--well, any- where, is not fun for cither car ov driver Russet tread ie 56% inches. Will track with a waggon on any roads in Canada. \_~ "2. CLEARANCE -Tn countries where all roads are parkways the mechanism of a car may be suspended low--not #0 in Canada. A car Ao be safe should have at least 9 inches | road clearance, The lowest point in front or rear axle of the RUSSELL 15 NINE INCHES from the ground, and no fly wheel, gears, or vital parts are lower than 11 inches. Think what that means for Canadian roads. MODEL A---12 H.P. 2 evlinder Lourifig CBE Jaiaiiie dake $1300 MODEL B--16-18 H.P. touring CRE Sash Hl isaesiohe Teiieinine MODEL C24 H:P. 4 evlinder December Ist, Ellis came in on the schooner Maxwell, and when walking fence. A piece of the wire penetrated and Pompeii from mortal sight ton Place Canoe. Club the following in an island of whose Pas t events "rapidly stirring period of dores, R. F. Preston, R. (. Patterson, ! 22500 touring car WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited "Makers of the World's Best Bicycles" 'Toronto Junction, IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. Leger; seerciary-treasurer, L. J. Mc Diarmid; captain, A. Keyworth; 'sub captain, A. Knox. Receipts for the expenditures, + horrors of half a city quake has destro tiop of marriage after probation has carthypuake in Formosa events HAY with this ater phenomenon in_San Francisco gf ed by a rich farmer who advertised for a wife, hut speeitied that the ap plicant ~ should® Merve af his hose keeper for a certam length of time in order that he should have a chance to prove her ability and temper. It happened that the farmer wis satisficd with his first applicant and married iter a brief period © housekeeping probation. It is to he hoped that the pair will live happily ever after. Put the real fact is that their "probation" hegan only afte they were married § Mariage is an REPRESENT 'THE SUCCESS w sewine MACHINE MANUFACTURE. exceent WORK, ARTISTIC APPEARANCE ano ABSOLUTE DURABLE CONSTRUCTION. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME ' le AE, conclusion housekeeping is no test at all. An ex very poor wife amd a good employer does not always nmake a good hus Kindly man, aid = never intentionally said anything that would cause pain Small Boy's Sailor Times, praising Mr. Field, said : "Mr, Field spoke ill of no one. And when his opinion was asked of a person and it was not a favorable opinion he would express it in guch a centh OOMPANY OTFICES TORONTO, LONDON, and quaint way that ite sting would praised the conversational talent of a man across the table. I saidk tos ThellewlWelliamé . THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. TREAL, P. Q. HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. LIMITED, Well. he ig a clover chap,' said 1h said Mr, Field, 'it must have been at nator Quay was fond of telling story of an experience * of his in counry | Jd near Pittsburg, Hanging on the wall in the parlor was {an inscription, "lei on parl Francais." The senator noted "the sig and turning to the landlord said, "1, You speak Frenel y': "No," the man reolied, "United States will do for me." "Well, "then, id © Quay, "why dg, vou have that notice on the wall * ciaculated the hotelkeoper. - "A young chap sold | ame for "God Bles oir od in by a broad belt of apple-g The marriage has just taken place Rubne, aged 10. a veteran of | the | Mexican and civil wars, while 'the bride, Mrs. Sarah Crawford, has just passed her hondredth birthday, Their courtship commencid seventy years | ago. | ming of «lar and bands is of the gree That's where . vou find "Nerviline," full 'and tucked to in every well regulated houschold, So ren don't object to its use; go certain to cure coughs, sudden "colds and tight chest that thousands of bottes Without these talents a wife Unless she takes Rocky worry, and keep o. down the doctor { 2 bills, Large hottles sold for a quarter [JAMES REID, church at a cost of Asphalt Ready Is prepared ready for immediate use. Roofing Unaffected by heat or cold. Easy to Lay a Durable and cheaper than shingles, CALL OR WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock St. UPHOLSTERING Now is the time to have your Parlor Sets and Couches and Fancy Odd Chairs Recovered. . ie As we have a nice line of t Engd lish and French imported Cover- ing to select from. We have also increased our staff of Upholsterers, which are at your service," : THE LEADING UNDERTAKER