Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1906, p. 14

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\TE are skating, snow-shoeing, Rk) ~hunti ' g "a lunch of PETER'S SWIS ts fatigue. Wholesome * Does not make you thirsty. ESCAPED IN BEER BARREL Accused of Killing a Man, An Italian is Buried For Days. New York, April 20.--Michael De Lauro's escape from the law when sought for the murder of Frank Roz- 20, of West Park, last summer, as appears from the disclosures of a Neptune township official, was more sen and .mystetious than any- thing ever told by a French novglist. De Lauro was accused of the murder of Frank Romo, of et Park, the tragedy being the result of a love al fair. Ate the' murder last summer De Lauro disappeared and although detectives and a posse scoured ° the country for miles about the hiding place of the murderce was never dis Chon 5 It appears now,. from the story of the township official, that De Lauro, on the night of the murder, was se erected in the house of a countryman. At break of day he was taken to the sand hills of West Park and literally buried ina deep gully at the side of the hill. Here he remained for a week, being supplied with provisions and water. On the seventh day after the murder, Dé Lauro was placed in When the steamer reached the pier in New York, the barrel, with its hu- man freight, was driven to the dock ol an outgoing Italian steamer bound for Naples. it was carefully lowered into" the hold, and as the lights of Sandy Hook drew. dim from the mailing steamer the suspected mprderer was rel from his » "hiding place, and, mingling (with his : companions' was rae and a rousing welcome by his zeacucte, ie i Dow. subd living peacefully in Italy, istur! hy fear 'of the law and safely 'con cenled from détection. Whether Te 5 will over pay THe pi of iti upon how Roezo's -. i tl th coun an thorities. are to' bring him to justice: BEAUTY UNIMPAIRED er. By the Development of Power at Niagara, Chicago, April &.--It was maintain ed in the house committee on rivers and harbors that Niagara river * was greater in volume at the present' time than it had been in years; that the i Juse-ol its waters for the development of power xo far had not detracted from the scenic beauty and that at Toast thirty per cent. of the stream might be taken before any difference in the of water, could be detected by the observers, This statement was made by F. A. Dudley, vice-president of the Niagara Falls Electrical Transmission com- pany, whose plant is now in the course of construction on the Cana- dian side and whose contracts for the furnishing of power are largely on the American side, The normal flow of water on the American side, he said, was a stream of water four feet thick over o fall 900 feet in width, On the Canadian side the normal flow was fourteen feet thick over a fall 1,500 feet wide. The taking of this water for power purposes to the full extent now authorized by franchises would dimin- ish the thickness of the American stream over the falls by between three and four inches. ------ Wife Leads Blind Chaplain. New York Press. x ew persons who, on visits to the house of representatives, see Mrs. Henry N. Couden, wife of the blind chaplain, fail to be impressed by her ntleness and dignity. With unfail- ing fidelity she accompanies her hus- band to the door of the house and ai- ter resigning him into the hands of a Boge. she waits in the lobby until the of his prayer: Then she accom- Ponies him Howe, Me; Couden seldom ngers in the house after his yer is Snibhod, but few of the Ta from the speaker down to the young- est recruit, fail to salute him and his fintle little wife. Mrs. Couden resem- les a Dresden figure in her flowered silk and old-fashioned bonmet. She cares not for changing styles, but year after vear whe wears mn simple gown of %lk, with a black bonnet, tied under her chin with flowered rib. bons. -- To Attract Settlers. The government of Now Zealand has awarded a $300,000 contract to Paint- erTobey-Jones Co., of Chicago, for exploiting the international exhibition of New d, which begins Novem ber Ist, also its tourists' resorts, and for colonizing its millions of acres of land with American farmers. The gov ernment recognizes the opportunities and advantages that will accrue in having its country better known to the United States and Canada: through advertising. A ------------ The post office telephone plant in London has a city for, 40,000 sub- #cribers, but in 1904 15,292 used the service, Young man, beware of the sau girl--she will make a sassy wife, oy News of Bernhardt--Forbes Rob- ertson to to Play Shakes- | pesre in America--Jose- phine" a P ; litical Review, Mrs. Laslie gave a special matinee of » 2 Ard of Mme, Sarah , on Friday in Chicago. The Wother of James K. Hackett has witnessed: gvery stage performance her [son has given since he became gy star. -. Robert Mantel has decided to revive John Augustin Stone's "Metamora, loriginally profluced by Edwin For considering for next season g new comedy by nald W. B. Pinero, a relative of Arthur Wing Piner 3 "0. . The tour of Winston Churchill's lit- tle eomedy, "The Title Mart," rather abruptly came to an end in Boston last week, - 'Charles Klein, the playwright, is on the Atlantic heading cast. He is rum- inating over a new play, with social- ism as its e In celebration of the seventh hund- red performance of "RaWes," Kyrie Bellew 'was presented by his company in_ Cincinnati with a silver loving cup. Mrs. Patrick Campbell gave the first Engli production of "La Raffael," this week in Birmingham. *"The Whirl wind," as it is renamed, was well re- ceived. Lewis Morrison, who for twenty years has been appearing in "Faust," will next season shelve the play, and will be scen in "The Master of Cere- monies." GEORGE SIDNEY, Who appears in 'Busy lazy's Vaea- tion," Grand: Opera - House, luesduy, April 24th. Ellen Terry, last week, received a dispatch from Sarah Bernbardt con gratulating her on the approaching Jubilee celebration of her fiftith year on the stage. At His Majesty's Theatre, London, on April 27th, Ellen Terry will cele brate her fiftieth year on the stage by appearing as Mrs. Ford in "The Mer- xy Wives of Windsor." : ".Aubrey Boucicault will be in the support of Arnold Daly when he re- vives "Arms and The Man," the Shaw play prodiced in New York some years 8g0 by Richard Mansfield. Nat. '0, 'Goodwin has returned from y and has secured the rights to "The Genius and the Model," in which he opened in Albany last night, with Edna Goodrich as "his leading wo- man, Michacl Morton's very successful farce "The Little Stranger," now run- ning in' London, ha¥ attractea the at- tentioh of the continental miihagers, and may shortly 'bo seen in France and Germany, Pagl Kester's dramatization of Charles Major's 'bumiptuous romantic novel, "Dorothy Vormon of + Haddon Hall," is soon fo be wiven a London presentation by - Julia Neilson and Fred. Terry,' Marcelline, the famous clown, has signed something novel in the way of a contract, Tt calls for 81,000 4 week for the reat of his life. He is now twenty-eight, 'and his father fived to be ninety-two, Forbes Robertson and Mrs. Robert- son (Gertrude Elliott) expect to come to America next fall for a tour of the entire country in Shakespeare reper- tory, Their English company will ac eompanv them. Mr. Williard anrcunced that he will act in America next vear, and that he is adding to his repertory' a new play by Kellett Chalmers, which gives him a part that in come resvects resembles Blenkarn in "The Middleman." A Vondon cable teil that George Meflellan, en behalf of the Shuberts, of New York, has aconired the English Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas have made themselves famous all over Canada' in a very short time, Crisp, inviting tasty. Different from any other cracker you. have ever eaten. v Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. i oh Tights which was pr X Tights I ited, at. the 'Iheatre. Francaise last " Rimini, ," with Miss Julia Marlowe in the title role and E. H. Sothern as the Faulo of Gab- §* nel d'Annunzio's tragedy, will be am- ong the intercsting theatrical novel- ties ol next wason., The stars are un- der engagement to the Shubert Broth Po i - ; reste] "Josephine," J. M. Barrie's "'poli- tical review in acts," which was produced last week at . the Comedy 'Theatre, takes. A MOST unpar- donable liberty with British politics. Tne heroine laughs at it, She laughs tho at dhs opis of gh' cure te ties, ; "forgive her. "The Social Whirl," ne Choi seems 10 be one of the'few successes of of "the New = York on. The cast, which is a notable one Maclpfles Adele Ritchie, Mabel Fenton, Ada Lewis; Blanche Deyo, M Raymond, Charles Ross, and F ic Bond, The latier is credited with, { hit "ol. the. show. ; # . bey Np Haddon . Chambers, the. brilliant En- glish playwright, whose "A Tyranny of Tears," proved so. admirable a, vehi- Isabel Irving, and also for Reeves Smith, some seasons ago, is in New York for a short visit. His new play "Sir Anthony," is underlined for an | early production there. Mme. Bernhardt's tent adventure in Texas. is to be followed by another experience in Terre. Haute on June 20th, She will appear there in a the atre in Lakeview Park, a summer re- sort, where ten cents iy charged dur ing the season. In the Tast two months it has been: the prize fight clubs' home, but the people of Terre Haute are determined to see her and in the park tieatre will welcome her, Ca 'N Stark, who appeared in Kingston in "Virginiug" with the Louis James company, is a former clever journalist and is at present en- gaged in writing a three-nct Indian vaudeville sketch, in which it is likely he will appear the coming fall. Mr. Stark has made a specialty of Indian character work, having successfully appeared in the western states, and it is likely his sketch will make a "hit. Mr. Stark is a Canadian, born at Port Stanley, Ont. Arrangements are beiiig made for Sarah Bernhardt to give a farewell performance--in. the Metropolitan Op- era House, New * York, in a bill in cluding ene act of Frou Frou, one act i of .L'Aiglon, one act of Francesca da | Rimini and one act of Hamlet, It is probable that she will give single per- formances of the same bill in the larger cities of the east before she re- turns to Paris, Offers are being made her, French managers for a tour of Australia, to follow her American en- t. "Maude Adams, the actress, is to have a private Pullman theatre car, which when finished, will be the only vehicle of its kind in existence. 'the plan is to relieve the actress of some of the inconveniences of one-night stands and long tours across the con- tinent. The car is to be a combina- tion of living apartments and a com- pletely equipped theatre for the re hefirsal of scenes and oneact pieces. It will be known as the 'linker Hell, and will cost wnen fully furnished from $25,000 so $30,000. The new picee, although, full of the most delightful Barrieisms, was re otived dubiously. "Josephine" is far too flippant and English polities far too serious for the pair to agree. Be- sides, Mr. Barrie has liberal leanings, ang his quips naturally touch off the tory weaknesses, As the hulk of the theatre-going public seems to be tory, many a joke went begging, and there was a "foggy" atmosphere gen- erally, The gay Josephine, who tra- Vesties Mr. Chamberlain is a skittish and self-seeking damsel who flirts with and engages herself to many and jilts in turn. the leader of every party, In Germany where the dramatic clas. sics figure so often in the theatres, close account is kept from year to your as to the representations of vari- ous .authors, 'Statistics recently pub- lished and believed. to relate to the subventioned theatres of the empire, show that Schiller leads all other au- thors, with 2210" performances. Shakespeare comes next, with 764; and is followed by Goethe, with 517; Less- ing, 244; Moljere, 184, and Von Kleist 167. Von Schonthaus heads the list of modern authors, with S19 perform- ances, and Suderman follows with 760; Hauptmann with 647, Fulda with 450, Ibsen with 414, Sardou with 226; Oscar Wilde with 186, Bjornson with 171 and Tolstoi with 24, While loyal to its own, it is seen that Germany is catholic in its recognition of geni- us, of whatever land. -------- Ants Kill A Rattler. Kansa§ City Journal. John Park, of Billings tells an in- teresting story of the way in which a colony of red ants put to death a rat- tlesnake which dared to disturb their abode. He was out hunting when he saw the. rattler, and started to put a load of shot into the reptile, wher he noticed that it was headed straight for an ant hill of unusual size, and waited to watch the proceedings. It had hardly gotten half way aeross the {mound when a big red ant hastened to the attack, ana sunk ite red nip- pers * into the snake's body. In less than two minutes he was joined by the whole colony, 'which practically covered the body of, the rattler, ach one sinking its seissor-like blades in- to the intrucer's body. The snake be. gan to thrash and squirm, but the ants held on like bulldogs, The rat- tler's fury grew so great that he sunk his fangs into his own body: and then straightened out after a few more con- vulsive efforts to get away, and was dead in less than ten minutes after the first ant had mounted his body. ------ Abolish Mosquitoes. - A Memphis, Mo., man has discovered 8 new way to get rid of mosquitoes. Ho says to rub alum on your face and hands. When the masquito takes a bite it puckers his buzzer so it can't sting. It sits down in a damp place, tries to dig thé pucker loose, catches its death of cold, and dies of pneu- monia, = A stubborn' fountain pen has inter rupted many a man's flow of thought. HAS COMICAL IDEAS. Wealthy, Hampstead Gentleman Goes to Bed in a Corn Sack. An enquiry otherwise of a wealthy retired gentleman, now an inmate of Borcatton Park Asylum, is being conducted in England. A num ber of medical and other witnesses gave evidence as to Mr. Gilchrist's behaviour. One said that respondent placed his food on the floor and would only eat it in the order in which it was tasted by a favorite cat. He said that at the creation fishes were form- ed first, then fowl, then pigs, and his deduction was that they should have fowl for mid-day meal, and pig at night. He wore an enormous amount of clothing, including a corn sack next his skin, and put still more clothing on when he went to bed. He had ac cused his present guardian of 'murder- ing two patients. The enquiry adjourned. as to the insanity or was ------ 2 Past Finding Out. Oh, why will men go out at night To clubs and ofher places, Neglecting 'home to take delight In pipes, cigars and aces, When solid comfort without price At home is overflowing, To nothing say of good advice From wives discreet and knowing ? At home in some cozy ingle nook, 'The leaves of some book turning, They might sit back and At high priced fuel burning. Or on the children roundabout Might lavish their caresses And listen while their wife, laid out The plans for three new dresses But, No: the meal is hardly o'er Betore they rise to scatter Ard make a grand rush for the door On somo. grave business matter. But 18 it business in their eye The truth is they are i To where the old and m Is round the table flowing. It is the nature of the man : No one can guess the riddle. Although the edges he may scan And pry inte. the e. A troblem worthy of the skill Of student and romancer, Though tried by many, unsolved still, Because there Js no answer. Wanted The Whole Word. Americans do not care for Scottish teame exclusively' | "Well," he songs. In Chicago Watkin Mills was called upon by a handful of: Scotsmen to sing Hatton's "The Marriage of Shon Maclean," but when the song was over the applause, savs "M.A.P." from the men' who had demanded it. "What does he méan hy 'every piper was fu' '?" asked the i puzzled Chicagoan of one of the Scots- men. "Fu'"' means full was the reply. snapped, "and what's the matter with the whole word, any- how . Percy Carlyle Gilchrist, " MENZIE LINE "For Every Room in Every House." Ask your dealer to show you the Menzie Line Wall Papers. They are the embodiment of all that is artistic in wall decorations. THE MENZIE WALL PAPER CO., Limited, TORONTO. doze and look | v ] Melntyre & McIntyre $x - More Bread in a Barrel. . pl PY That #tra Fost "per barrel which your grocer asks you fore' : 2 Ogilvie's Royal "Household cle for John Drew, Ida Conquest, 'and {. doesn't go. into-anybody's pocket. It comes back to you. It is the difference in money between flour you are sure of and flour you are nqt. It covers the cost of inspecting the entire wheat crop of the country, and selecting the choicest grain, It pays for advanced i methods, for cleanliness, for purity and tor scientific flour-makin : It comes back to you in the shape of light, wholesome, nourishing bread and pastry. A barrel of Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour goes farther than a barrel of any other flour. It makes more bread and better bread. : You are not really spending that extra amount --you are investing it, Do not let it stand between your family and geod baking. Go to your grocer and say " Royal ousehold." Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited Montreal. 'Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," contains 130 pages, of excellent recipes, some never published before. Your grocer car tell you how to get it FREE. Richest in Color. Choicest in Design. Perfect in Taste. "WALL PAPERS Be sure you see the name on every roll. NOT IN ANY GOMBIXNE. Having one "of the largest and best Store. Houses in the city, we are prepared to take down, remove and store your stove at $1.00 per season. The Happy Home Range Still leads, in the market. ELLIOTT BROS 77 Princess Stréet. "Phone 35. It is the largest and best: Baking Stove FISHIBICIIIIIIIIIISINNG SHOIGISIASIRICIACIASICIAHOIIN AK FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - If You Want a Home The business of the late Oy G. Or Insurance, have » Oliver, will be carried on ia his talk with office, 9 Clarence street. . - on sa George Zeigler, RE EL NSURAN E S Ai BATEMAN 57 Brock Street. Who for the last five years has been associated with Mr, Oliver. Money to Loan FOR SALE A General business in a Kingston district. 1 :: - BARRISTERS :: apply to T. J. LOCKHART, Real Estate Agent, 139 Welling ing Street 4 Kingsten ton St., Kingston. OIA IH FISICA em Store doing a large smart village, in For particulars NAA AAAS FHA NANA + SHEET LEAD ger oun paces The Canada Metal Co. Willium Street, Toronto. "Phone Main 1729 | TeaFl T HI greater when con but thinner tea flavor "of Red goes further--re strength than an Red Rose, richness of India of Ceylon tea. i y aGos PORT OPINION OF THE VINCIAL GOVERN ANALYST. I here by certify have analyzed W hwalids' Port and contains the best of ) Port Wine and Ex Cinchona Bark as 1 principles, These principles are blen the rroper propor act as on excellent fizer and a most ag 'tonic and Jortifier. Dollar Pag FRE Man Medicine You can now u once my the pulse More profitan ] tag 10 3: 0. Ley than obi) ROTI haa Et You tierenma " ID BOOK (thousands soud at | IRD BREAD 10 Ci ® i Y va Citic KENS" showin 3 br fur 1s. stags oF | TTAM BIRD SEED, '

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