Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1906, p. 2

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i £ ; g ; £ > ¥ £ gz - 2 - g & ft f § g 5 i 5 Hf memory of the whose form and voice were missed throughout all the day, was ut between the altar pillars. The Scott window, the finest in the cathedral, was much studied through- | the greater the num ; panel Peter, the other St. Paul, one apostle bearing his traditional keys, the other the sword of his martyrdom. Be neath St. Paul is a smaller light, re- our . Easter At St. Luke's. The sanctuary and chancel of the UA were bright with floral Gesrn tastefully arranged by Mrs. : ed of simple white low- | Thomas England. were large at all communicants compel not only con then were offered at ar by Canon Starr, while the sung. At four o'clock ts were admitled into the evensong the choir again did it- f and its painstaking parpanin and anthem ter = chosen was the old favorite, "Behold, 1 Show You a Mystery," The bishop in the was very beautifully de- corated, among the much appreciated ifta of flowers being some rom the cross of the dean, much the scrutiny of beauties presents St. on the amascus, the light beneath Peter esent in nt Hix Younus Lord's The altar and res. servioes. The It was a day of joy and praise and all present seomed animated witn the occasion. In the afternoon bright and happy Sunday school ser- William Carroll, superintendent, who had taken great pains with the preparations. The Len- the members of the school amounted to $30. After evening service, the rector, on behalf of the congregation af having to part with W, H. Medley, their choirmaster, services and efforts to im- prove the singing they highly -appreci- ated. The good wishes of all follow him in his new position. apitiy of the t Te Was a expressed whose would In St. Mary's Cathedral. The queen of festivals was observed ® |in St. Mary's cathedral with all the solemnity and of the fitual: The altar was beautiful- ly decorated with lilies and roses and at vespers was brilliantly illuminated with waxen tapers and colored lights His grace, the archbishop, on Sunday grandeur celebrated A Master Mechanic's Investigation Reveals Mechanical Perfection of the (RT.R., writes an interesting letter "Who is a better jud, Construction than a who has years of the most careful train. and a lifetime of experience. , in a letter about the ms Piano, declares the instrument to be vastly superior to any of Mechanical er Mechanic, When the necessity for selecting a Piano was brought to my attention, I 'rather preferred avoiding the task. of a Piano for the home, ance as to eration, but a investigation. With this idea, y investigate Costin of the brigade staf, "A" Bat- of Bought Up Most of BT, Poron to and Eaton company: cf up enough of the x ® Faton presi- of the Eaton peasurer, and H company, on the oh Magee of the ho arehb board of directors. Cyrus A. Birge, In a ing shop "were | Who was vice-pregiden - and seviral sung and the benediction of the holy | other Hamilton mien have dropped out sacrament imparted, the archbis of the company. John Moodie, Jr., who was president of the company, has been electea president. He says he still controls a majority of the stock, and that the Eaton com- pany had not yet acquired a control ling interest, but he intimated "that it might do so in the pear future. The company is talking of puttine another boat on' the route, but wothing defin- ite has been decided yet. The steamer Turbinia, which during the winter months was running between Cuba and Kingston, Jamaiea, is now on its way to Toronto, to resume the service between Toronto gud Hamilton. R.CH.A., after an illness since = Exodus Of Mariners. + This week will mark a general exo- dus from town of many of the masters 'and mates, leaving for other ports to get in readiness for fle coming season, the various upper lake steamers, which are commanded by many Kingston- ians, 0. J. Dix, secrétary of the Masters' and Mates' Association, Rign), by Miss L. splendid effort and won her praise and admiration. {DEATH OF SERGT. COSTIN, He Was a Soldier for' the Past Twenty-One Years. The last bugle call has sounded for one of Aingston's well-known military ml, with the passing away eacly Sunday morning, at lus late home, 240 Wellington street, of Sergt. Angus tery, coming home from camp at Petawawa, last" October. : { Bergt. Costin was born in the city of Quebec, forty-three years ago, the son of the late John D. Costing He was educated in Point Levis College, His military career comuienced when be was called for garrison duty at the commencement of the North-West rebellion in 1865, and for eight months he did duty in the citadel at Quebec, with the Levis garrison artil- lery. On the 14th of January, 1886, he joined the Royal Artillery, stationed at Quebec citadel. Hix first promotion, to supernumerary acting bombadier, came June Oth, 188 and o = days later he was again raised to rank | ter ship, B. F,- James. He left town of acting bombadier. Then in the following October he was promoted to bombadier and in that November, he was appointed sergeant. In December, 1892, he was promoted corporal, that year he re-engaged. July 1st, 1804 he was promoted sergeant and again on Dominion day, 1899, he was appoint: td battery quartermastor-sergeant. Six years ago, he was transferred and attached to "A" Battely of King. ston, Y Sergt. Costin bad run a soldier's life. On the 9th of April, 19M, he re ceived his long service and good con- duct medal and had been recommended for a meritorious medal, but was called away before that was received, Sergt. Costin was considered one of the finest men attached to "A" Bat- tery and since his first enlistment had not received a single punishment for disobedience of orders. fie wae a mem- Detroit and will be one of the largest | hoats to ply between Duluth and Bui- {alo the coming summer. As she will not go into gommiskion until May, dillac, Pa., to ship on the steamer Wariner. ties on the barge Agawa, of "the Al goma Central Steamship company. O., to ship on the steamer Craig: the steamer M for Buffalo. on the Glenella. ------ Along The Harbor Front. The steamer Donnelly arrived yester- caught in the ice last fall. . The 8.8... Gordon Opnpbell made the |Pgiat, Cous Laval, Qube, COP... | trip." down from Cobourg: vemariol government dry- rip She will go on: the dock for repairs to a broken wheel, The steamer Alotha made Amherst Island this morning, and af- ter her return to the city, left this af- ternoon on her first ran up to Picton. Navigation has opened now with the outgoing of the M. 7' company's fleet. The §s Fairmount went into winter quarters at Midland, the 8.8, Westmount at Sarnia, and the 8.8. Rosemount gt Collingwood. The former vessel was given orders to sail yesterday and the latter two to- day. All three will proceed to Fort William, and load grain for Kingston. ---- General Marine Notes. Navigation between Lakes Besides his widow he leaves to sur vive_him, four brothers, Joseph FE. and Thomas, Montreal; Roderick, of Boston, Mass; Malcolm, Duluth, Minn. and two sisters, Mrs. A. Jeanotte and Miss Henrietta, Montreal, The funeral, on Tuesday morning, will bo conduct- od with military honors to St. Mary's cathedral. The remaine will hé taken to Quebec, for burial. At 'St. Mary's cathedral a solemn roguiem . mass will be said, Miss 1. Lyons will sing as a solo, "Oh Wh: Wert Thou Taken Away" (Pie Jesus) by request. Death: Of Mrs. Arthurs. Mrs. Sarah Arthurs, wife of William Arthurs, died at Portsmouth, Sunday morning, aged forty years. Besides her Huron husband, she leaves four daughters, and Superior will, itis expected, open Mabel, Madeline, Rebekah and to-day. The stenmers Midland Queen Lucy; two sons, Robert and Wil. |and Midland King from Midland, are lang one sister, Mrs. Joseph Allen, of Saulte Ste. Marie, and one brother, William Scott, of Toronto. She was the oldest daughter ofthe late Michie] and Annie Scott. Funeral services were held "at the house, 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, Rev. J, 0. Crisp, of St. John's churcu, omciating. Burial took place at Cataraqui. , now. at Detour, The ship -canal was opened at the Soo, Saturday after noon, by the tug W. A, Rooth passing up through, . has cabled to the shipping interests in north shore, and When these are working there will be a complete overlapping system of wireless telegraphy available from Quebec via Grosse Isle, Father Point, Seven Islands and Fame Point to the Straits of Belle- Isle, on the north and to Cape Race on the south, covering the whole arca' of the approaches to Canadian ports. The Allan mail boats and the new Empresses are fitted with wireless telegraphy and the system is likely to be rapidly extended to other at Fisher Point. Er COMPANY INSOLVENT. Frontenac Cereal Company to Be Wound Up. Toronto Star. P © Frontenac Cereal company, a Kingston milling and elevator con- cern, with a capital stock of $600,000, Is to be wound up. This action is taken with the consent of the direc tors, and the business is to be carried on by the liquidator in order that the | SMPs when the land system is com- assets may be realized on at their pleted. } ' highest possible value. The government jce-breaker Mont- The order was made dy Chief Jus- tice Mulock on JAhe application of the Ontario Bank, fe whom the company is indebted for £104,000. Half of this amount is secured to the bank. Th company admits its insolvency. The $600,000 stock is divided into 6,000 shares, all of which are paid up with the exception of $1,023 of the preferred. stock. The - company has other debts which the directors admit they have not the funds to pay. Y.I.C.B.A. Baseballers. The Y.LC.BU. baseball club has been formed with the following officers appointed : President, M. Campbell; treasurer, George Hansen; decretary, J. O'Neil; manager, Peter Donoghue. The young Irishmen expects to put up a strong team in the city league this year, as a fine bineh of players have signed to play for them. They will get out for practice, this week, The jumping over Dad's ° - Stetson little because, even if he should fall, he cannot hurt the hat. His father always buys the Stetson because he cannot find a better hat 'anywhere, and millions of men in all parts of the world do likewise, season | after season. : To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets, Druggie ts refund money if it fail to cure. W. Groves signature is io each box, 25¢. : " We bave the latest Steisos Soft and Derby Hats. Ring up 230 for drig store wants, and the Red Cross messenger will de- liver vor parcel in a fow minutes. ig The only drug store with a special bicycle messenger. Gilison's Red Cross drug store, opposite Whig office. has shipped with the lake steamer James Laugh- lin, which was launched iast week in Dix will in the meantime be on a sis- to-day. Capt. Johh Grant leaves: for Cleveland to®fit out the steamer (g- Luther Donnelly goes to Ashtabulla, Capt. C. Irwin left = yesterday for Sault Ste. Marine to enter oi his du- Edmund Staley has gone to Toledo, John Mullen: will 'be wheelsman on inneapolis and has left Herbert Bryan will make hig first trip of the season out of Owen Sound day from Presque Isle, where she was a trip to in earnest, The minister of marine and fisheries England that Marconi 'stations will be established at Scven 'Islands, on the fellow enjoys re open all win- ter,.is now free of ice, and schooners from the intermediate north and south shore are - arrivin daily to obtain cargoes of provisions. The ice points of the formation in Lake St. Peter, that stops navigation to Montreal, is still firm, and it is only guess-work to say when it will give way and float down the river. In the meantime all the government steamers with their complement of gas and other buoys on board, are waiting in readiness t, sail up and down the St. Lawrence as soon as the lake ics" goes, to place the buoys in position. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. _ Louis James Gave Fine Presents- tion of "Virginius." It is to be regretted that the Louis James company's return engagement at the Grand Opera House, Saturday night in the famous tragedy, "Virgi- niu" was a Lenten presentation, for the city folk who naturally attend such attractions, were noticeably ab- sent, and the many empty seats were of a necessity discouraging. The , per- formance was one of unusual merit. Mr. James in stature and physique is aptly suifed to the role of the Ro- man father, "Virginius," and his de lineation of the character was per- fect. In the final scene, in the dun- geon, where in his madness from the effect of his murdering his daughter, who was about to be made a slave, he strangles "Appius Claudius," particularly strong bit of work. Arth- ur Young was the clever "Appius Claudius," playing up well in his death agony. Norman Hackett was happily fitted to the lover-brave, "Icilius," though he did not seem' to be playing with that whole-hearted spirit which char- acteriger his former appearance in the "Merchant of Venice." Alphie James was more at home as "Virginia," than in her. "Portia," of a week ago, in that the character suited her in- stead of her suiting it. CN Stark as "Titus," with the lusty voice, was the burly leader of the Roman mob--by the way a bunch of "supers" who didn't co half bad. The scenic effects were very fine, the drapings in Virginins' and Lumi- torius' home being of a magnificent richness. The costumes while exceed- ingly beautiful were correct to minute details, Marks' Company To-Night. No company travelling to-day has a more enviable reputation than the well known and popular stock company bearing the name of Marks Bros., who will appear at the Grand Opera House for six nights and two matinees, com- mencing this evening. It is an organi- zation that is accepted throughout the country as a standard of excellence, and the reputation it has acquired during the past den years of unvary- ing success will be more than sustain- ed during the present season. The company is headed by the charming actress May A. Bell .uarks and the fupporting company is large and well anced, containing in its roster some good artists. It is perfectly equipped with all the attributes and embellishments necessary for a first class performance, every play being presented with special scenery, beauti- ful and expensive costumes, Miss Marks alone wearing over fifty gowns during the engagement. The following is the repertoire for the engagement : Monday, Lost In London: Tuesday, The Bankers Wife: Wednesday, 'I'he Duke's Daughter; Thursday, Girl From 'Frisco, Friday, For His Sake: Satur. day, A Bird in a Cage. Matinees, Wednesday, Under Two Flags; Satur day, eMabel Heath. Ladies' tickets, 15c. Monday evening limited to 200 if bought at the advance sale before 6 p.m. Monday. : RANDOLPH HOTEL ROBRERY. Youthful Culprit Guilty of Stealing. William Heath had his"second tumble from the water-waggon, in two weeks and landed in police station Satur- day 'night. He was fined $3 and costs or twenty days by Magistrate Farrell this morning. Addressing a boy, the court said : "You are charged with stealing four coats and eight pair of trousers from the Randolph hotel." "Guilty" answered the cighteen-vear- old boy," but there were two other fellows with me who tock the most of it. He was remanded until Friday when it is expected the other culprits in the hotel stealing will be also un- der the law. " ---- When The Jext Cold Starts Procure immediately Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (laxative.) This remedy will eure the cold in twelve hours, and leave vou in bett condition than before the cold began. Fhe remedy is also a positive cure for ln grippe, headache; constipation. In hoxes, 25 cents. Sold only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satis- factory. a package of er -------- Yukon Health Officer. Dr. W. T. Barrett has heen appoint- ed 'health officer for Yukon and Daw son. His duties are to see °S a to "the health of the district by enforcing the ordinances, concerning the inspection of meats, ete, : The Yukon World says: "Dr. Bar rett's appointment will. meet with the approval of evervone. He is popular has a large practice, and is at the head of his profession in Dawson."' Dr. Barrett is well-known in King- ston where ke formerly lived. ----------n To Assist Secretary. On Saturday evening at the Alina Mater Society of Queen's a committee was appointed to assist the seeretary. treasurer of the athletic committee in handling the details of the erection of the college "gym. this summer. The committee selected ig composed of Messrs. R. K. Patterson: G. T. Rich- {ardson, R. NM. Mills, and Prof. Math- son. -------- . Eat a' Lax-et at bed time and feel brieht the next day, Sold by all dealers, ; was a | Davsland. A MUSICAL SERVICE DIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. Device Représenting the Opened Gates of the Sepulchre--A De- lightful Programme--The . Ser- mons by Rev. W. H. Sparl- ing. : Though the weather conditions were not of the best, the services, morning, afternoon and © evening, in Queen Street Methodist church, "were fully as well attended and as profifible as usual in former years. In the morn- ing, the" pastor dwelt on the wonder- ful proofs of 'that central and all im- rtant fact, .she reswrrection, which ies at the base of Christian belief: His exposition was based on the tex "He is not here, for He is rise He said." The anthems werec " Is Christ Risen," by the choir, "Come, Sing Ye Loud Hosannas,"" by Mr. Rutherford and the choir. In the afternoon the customary spe- cial musical service was given. by the Sunday school in the auditorium "of the chiirch, which had been beautifully decorated by Mrs. Squire and Mrs. G, Birch, assisted by the young men of Mrs. Squire's class, some of whom acted as ushers. ; A device representing the opened gates of the sepulchre, symbolizing Christ's glorious victory, which 'had been executed, by Mr. Law, formed a centre picce, and the pastor, during the service, pointed the significance of its meaning. A delightful programme was rendered by members of 'the Sun- day school, representing all sectibns. assisted organ, sulted in the Chorus, "The Bi King," by the sel of the "Jesus Arose," dress' by cause of Happy Easter," by by the the school; Mis=. Robinson; Emblems," primary class; recitation, Bateman; chorus, "Jesus Is by the school; Risen Saviour," stine and Edna Lake Legend of the Lil with; chorus, "Lili house's class: Of Easter benediction. Mildred Worm Miss Morning," by dwelt. on the incident of the Christ's the first Faster day, and the that was brought, doubting hearts, by the reality of His return to from the grave. . The _ music the choir; "Come, Sing Ye Hosannas,"" Mr. Rutherford and choir; and a beautiful solo i "Abide With Me," by Miss Mitchell. CAUSE OF THEIR DEFEAT. Slater Ladies' Shoe Forces Confes- sion From Boston Shoe Makers. The commercial war between eoun- tries dates back to the establishment of the first. customs house. Busimess war between Canada' and - United States looked 'like a victory neighbors twenty-five years ago. first men on the other side do openly confess defeat at the hands of Can- ada were tha shoe manufacturers. They admit that they cannot compete with the Slater shoe im Canada, .and when anyone compares a $3.50 ladies' shoe made by the Slater Shoe pany with a $1 imported shoe, « the cause of the American confession = of weakness is apparent. "The sterling make of the Slater women's shoe is emphasized by its finish," fashion and style. a t---- Sale Of Western Lands. D. A. Cays returned from Téronto, where he -sold" over 11,000 acres of land in the North-West, held by the Alberta Central Land Corporation, limited. This morning he received a letter from Frank P. Grass, who pur chased 960 acres and purchased it on April 5th. He writes ;- #As for the land T find it very fine and am well pleased with. the section." He = has boyght a hotise in the new fawn. of Those in Kingston and vicinity who purchased sections are gratified to learn from manv sources, and through people from this vicinity who have settled there, how excellent is their choice of the linds Which were offered for sale by Mr. Cays. and secured by them. The Whig Told A telephone" message from unknown sources received hy Capt. Booth the other day, recalls to mind a disaster which happened a few years ago just off Nine Mile point, when the schooner Jessie Breck capsized and went down with all hands. The mess. age to the captain requested the date of the unfortunate occurrence and on looking up an old edition ' of the British Whig, the captain was able to fix the exact time 'ag noon on Saturday, May 23rd, 1890, : Nervous? There are many causeq of nervous- ness, but poor blood heads the list. The doctors call itinemia. The blood lacks red corpuscles. At your first opportunity, consult your doctor about taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ask him if he has anything better for weak: debility, nervousness. If he has, . If not, take Ayers lla, Get well, that's what you are after. hove 00 seerety ay Supa aa Mass. The training of the scholars for which great credit is due to Miss Allen, ably by Miss Wormwith, at the Mr. Allen, cornettist, and the Misses Roadhouse, Meek and Milo, re- following programme : Risen 3 responsive read- ing, superintendent and teachers; pray- er by pastor, followed by the Lord's prayer, chanted by the school; chorus, school; ad- the pastor; recitation, "Be- Olive Funnell; chorus, "Easter Is Here," bv chorus, by the kindergar- ten: solo, "Glory to the King," by Wilie Evans; reading, "The Garden," recitation, "Little by eight girls chorus, 'the Norman Risen," duett, "Sing Of. a Misses Lena Assel- recitation, "The Road- chorus, "Golden Gates the school; In the evening, to a large congrega- tion, the pastor, Rev, W. H. Sparling, risen appearance to the disciples in the tipper room, on the cvening of . peace to. dheir fearful, the evidence of them consisted of three wn thems, "0 Gift of Love Eternal," Mr. Shea and choir; "The Btrife Is O'er," Loud rendering of for our The com- Wild Cherry for. coughs. 20c. at Wade's drug store. ts . : Final Notice All holders of tags, cortifieat coupons redeemable fr Prem requested to send them i, for ho' tion without delay and ot emp. premiums, as we will Positively = our premium department op A : 30th, 1906, alter which dat. pe (Pb z=siaficates or coupons will be p ae, ed or redeemed. Soelv. The Empire Tobacco Te Company The B. Houde Company. RATS We pay the HIGHEST PRICE " for Spring Rats W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street and Bastertide Is fast becoming re nized as a scason fo Dainty Gift-Giving Among Friends Our stock and *windov contain many ty and useful suggest appropriate to this jov- ous season, The DIAMOND is the Birthstone for April, Smith Bros. Jewelers--Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses Phone 666. The Great English Remed, 'Tones and invigorates the whole ous , Mental and Brain Worry, Des Debritity. Mex Weakness, Emissions, Sper ma and Effects of Abuse or Excesses. Price $1 per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain . on Tooth of price. New pamphlet iled free. The Formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont. Lace Curtains In the newest and most up-to date styles are the only kind to be seen in our display, whether you want a pair at 25c. for an attic window or a fine pair at $650 for the drawing room, it matters not, the style will be found in a de- gree much greater than can be had in same price cur- tains shown by other stores. We would like to show you the difference. Extension Poles Brass Extension Poles for sash curtains complete at 15¢C. Brass Extension Poles for windows or doors, spe- cial at 15¢. and 19c. com- plete. Great values in Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Bed Spreads, NEWMAN & SHAW > Syrup oi Tarand Wadels Compound Syrup Big bottles Sunlight Soap is better than other aad follow directions. it & wd in the soans, t it is best when used 1 ght way. ~Buy Sunfight Sos 'Wood's Phosphoding, Nervous = mn, new in old Veins, Cures Nero The Sil and cobalt Timber Li Second a and is'now For shar Messrs. Mill cn McKEL » 69 and 7] 35 ¥ fanong's G. E Has been befo that speaks for itself Manufacturers c lity Chocolates, unst Sold in bulk an * 3, 3and 4 pounds. Ask for G. B, A J. REES, 166 EE ------ WELL DRESSE WOMAN And pretty sho b Vho called the bea {2 Ss was not . Woman to have a the natty Spring Sh here in Kings Ideal Kid, Vig | 80, medium and | to please the shoes. In Canvas Sho styles 'in wh shades. "Con UH. Su The Ho Street, To

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