Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Apr 1906, p. 7

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n Design. 2 Perfect in Taste --------------------, LINE PERS ery House." Menzie Line Wall | that is artistic El i wall very roll "i nited, TORONTO aaa Lh REE BAR] rich native silver the famous Gillies ' of Cobalt. cond issue of 100 p-- WELL DRESSE WOMAN dreams' woman to have a pretty and attractive foot. the natty Spring Shoes we are showing can not be found "THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, AREIL 12, nof advertidementy. Sepelnds of Blue Welbon oa. Fach And pretty shoes are boon companions. Many of elsewhere in Kingston. 5, Kingston, Ont, eesicmmen] 0 Ea CAA SR NNN TERA SRES ting pan, medium and low heels.' Ideal Kid, Vici Kid, Patent Colt Skin, 'High, Cu- tlow shoes.. In Canvas Shoes we are showing over twenty dif. ferent styles in white, blue, grey, white, tan and other new shades. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. ' "Come in and see our shoes ~4 The House of Good Shoe Making BARRIS ESET RSA 8 = dial invitation to vou to 1's, Boys' and Chil dren's wn. Easter has become irments of winter to the 25 E : Come in and see the , we are sure. You will that "are from $1 to § lity Chocolates, unsurpassed by any. Suit Neckwear we its and are SEE. Saturday ed if you want it. You POET RSLASITaARAR: ama CO. aaa EET. ace. SE ---- TH --E-- CE i Immediate Delivery CET OUR PRICES Metal Co. "Phone Main 1729 ARE SRSREANNANS fanong's G. B. Chngolates that speak: 33 and 4 pounds. A. J. RBES, SPP PTLTPLPTPOTTO 35 Years Has been before "the public and for it elf. Manufacturers of the highest qua- Sold in bulk and packages, 1, 1, Ask for G. B. Evangelines 166 Princess Street FATE OF TAILOR WHO CAST . AWAY MINE SHARES. Early Days of Rossland--Gave Suit of Clothes for 5,000 Shares Le Roi Mine and Despaired of Claim Being Worth Anything. Rossland, apn ays of Rossland, when Le Ruissbares selling at conts, a shabbaly- man entered small aor av n. in 12H the® early Wer ne dressed shop in a small town in Ore a suit of wall 5,000 1 want money said he, I have no Iu Lailor, but, mak me a suet shares of Le a clothes i ye . fon The lady | who called the beautiful spring shoes we are I was not far wrong. It is the dream of every | All widths' and' sizes are | here to please the well dressed woman, either in high a STOVES STORED Having one of the largest and best Stoie- Houses in the city, we are prepared to take down, remove and store your stove at $1.00 per season. The Happy Home Range Still leads. It is the largest and best Baking Stove inthe market, ELLIOTT BROS 77 Princess Speer "Phone 35. grew PEEPPOPP Pe2PED sersonss You're a Back Number 3 1f you do not use a Type- wiiter The visible writirg EMPIRE will please 'you ard draw trade. * Price, $60. Try one for a month. ---- J.B. C. DOBBS & €0., 171 Wellington St. 4 4 333434443 34430440 203440 PA 334334444404 | . UPHOLSTERING .. Nqw is the fini to have your Parlor 'Sets and Couches and Fancy Odd Chairs Recovered. As we have a nice line of Eng- lish and French imported Cover- ing to select from. « We have also increased our staff of Upholsterers, which are at your service. INES ED, T THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Ld Roi stuck... demurred at but after awhile of th accepted thi the clothes, © 1hre Careful development Le Roi mine ih first, He the per tail bh; mers and he wanted cas R Ie Pe shares in ex years an old rubbish. He had ol the mine, | he wd the stoek® as mo al f t-as good as g Finally he decided to look ut ritficates and wo his joyful sn found they ones t t re ow \ 8 upon payiient of thei | value and departed for Fatherland cal imcident has just Francisco. | w well; anyway, in Tonopah-"Bill,' | res a bunch of Tonopi fitty $ apital was $80, hut | di I gave him the money ight a round of drinks, which then v San Fran th ock behind when he He later returned fon formed by the landlady en thrown into the rul + cellar and niight possibly There in an ash-barrel which three s ago R27.500° Schoenstien put 1 a bank. Four wesks aco an offer of 82.300 for th tock accepted. A little later he learned to hic sorrow that the stock vas worth 227.500 at 'the time he sole ned that Schwab the had sold for R500,0G0 Approach Of Rheumatism. Much is gained' 'when any tendency rheumatism is noted and carly. If your digestion _is if the Kidneys are inactive; ceretion of urine high colored land scanty, if you feel stiff in the morning or have vague muscular pains, vour system is in the condition that brings on rheumatism, Inke at once Dr. Hall's Ideumatic Cure. The remedy will not only re- move the symptoms but will cleanse and vitahze the entire system and build up your geneval health, s; that rheumatism or other disease cannot get hold of you. Price 50c. Sold only at Wade's Drug Store. This is the pre paration that -cumed 'Thomas Todd, Brewer's Mills, - SE School Results. The following ard the marks obtain ed by the pypils of the senior fourth class, Fronyenue school, on the week ly revie held. since Junuary 3rd, 1906, Motta obtainable Eari Ryder, 512; _Muggie Lesage, 533; Myrtle Jenkins Louise King, 610; Har Loy Quirt, 496; George Stagg, 494. James © Connor, Lillie Thompson, 160; Eddie Folg 111; May Elliott, 13% Gladys Culdbad k, 423; Thomas Mellroy, 110; James Elliott, 404; Lewis Robinsor 39: Laura Reilly, Rin Moo NE: Willie Mowat), 37%; Annie Matthews, 353; Stella Arniel, 344; Robart Wo wrison, 335; George Friend ship, Kenneth Pipe, 315; Norma Mc Fe Irie w 253; Norman Buicher, 205; Mary Potter, 111. Spring Importation Of 1906. Prevost, Brock street, has received two cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English twecds, serges cheviots and Vieunas. His 815 suiting made to order beats anything of pre vious years. The wear and fitting is guaranteed. G.T.R. Travelling Exhibition. The Grand Trunk travelling pic ture sshibition car which is visiting a numbér of © cities, in the southern states, fs attracting a considerable amount' of © attention. From advices received at the general offices, the at tendance is running from five hundred to fifteen hundred visitors a dav. It has already visited fourteen eities, with an aggregate attendance of 11. 000. The car has just left Kentucky, and is traveling through Hhinois, from which state it «Will visit Ohio and thenee proceed to Indiana. Ohio. ontinning east through Pennsylvania and New York Spring Shirts. - We have exclusive patterns incspring shirts, Evg looker says they are handsome x. and 81." 'The H. DP. Bibby Co. Sale Of Western Beef. 'At Davies'. Pot roasts Te, 9c, oven roasts, fe. to 12e, Hamburg steak, made from choice ends of beef, 10c. Ib, THROWN IN BARREL, nner won upon | eating bis- cuits and biscuit eat- ing One I may eat a biscuit and not taste itt. but when you think of bis {cuit eating you think instantly of | Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Crisp, delicious and tasty. Absolutely and distinétly J superior to any other make. Say "Mogney's" to your grocer. Thousands of ooysall over this countrv, who never had much money to call their own, are happy now at the merry jingle of cash in their pockets, mate by selling THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Friday afternoons and Saturdays. They have no better chances, they are no brignter than you. It's just this--instead of dreaming about the. good times to come, they got right down to business and hustled for what they wanted. You can de the same. Don't lose any time about it. Write a letter to.day asking us to send you our hand- some booklet about boys who make money, also the complete outfit for starting in business. With this will come ten free copies of The Post, which you can sell at 5c each. After this you buy as many copies as you need at whole. sale prices. As an inducement to do good work we give, among other prizes, watches, sweaters, etc., to boys who sell a certain number of copies. And in addition $250 in Extra Cash Prizes wees EACH MONTH sss THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY ~ 1728 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Yory important it is ©» this age of reo heal to have a clear cool he. strong heart steady nerves. Too much rush 'and bustle, work and worry, fall to the lot of the average business man-- his heart and nerve system will not stand it he gives them too NERVES much work to do. Women also are doing the same thing attending to their house- hold duties and looking after their social obligations, The constant strain under which they have to continue day in and day out, the irregularities of habits and loss of rest will soon shatter the strongest system. Beiore long you become nervous, starting at the least sudden sound, the heart flutters and palpitates, specks float before the eyes, the pulse es weak and irregular, you have faint and dizzy spells, lack of self-confidence, rush of blood to the head, irritability of temper, short- ness of breath, starting in sleep, sensation of pins and needles, sleeplessness, restless. ness and finally physical breakdown or nervous prostration. MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS ais the remedy you require to restore your rength and health. ir eptraordinary i power manifests itself immediately they are taken. Through the medium of the nervous system they impart a strength- ening and restorative influence to every organ and tissue of the body. «+ Man re Seen cured, among them being Mr. Coomier, Ww, ington, P.E.L, Mra. E {ilmer, Hun¥herstone, Ont., Mrs. C. Mc. Donald, Portage la Prairie, Man., Mr. Walter Cleveland, Bayswater, N.S., Mrs, Owen Martin, Alma, X.B. and thousands of others. The price of Milburn's Heart and Norsa Pilla i bo: os for ag and EN -- i] price by The T. Milbute p depend. Sold in three degrees "a of strength--No. 1, i No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, No. 3, fc - special cases, per box. Soll by all druggists, or sent wepaid on receipt of Prive . fue pr hlet. A ram 700K Mevioms Co., , Uormerly V Vida) © | STOCK MARKETS. Cracker The Prices Paid at Various { Centres. Charm |! | April 9. About 1,100 head f bu Seattls, 30-milelr cows, 120 There is « » 1 )S and 100 at the all the diff- Tho put ; rade wa erence . in fig Several ox the world ' i between SORROW AT Death of Vills | \ Over the rumor that a several along plac The improved m deen outside th s¢ Iv. is a source of gn ander Rickey has a the farmers' imple begin work. Miss home from Tor casily, ther If you tire thoroughly, if 4 sense of weariness « At Davies, very ¢ SEALED TENDE work contracted pot accepted the chee accept the low ¥ Department of Public Ottawa, April ment Without partment, will ent, wil not h he A WARM There's nothing In of the year. It science, hut that's w wo ur customers pays way to win business Booth Fhone 133. ESTABLISH President--Sir Ri perties. Municipal tures. Mortgages pi veceived and interest S. C. McGill, Office, 97 ' Clarence "BARRIEFIELD in Green water. fi anners of the chil onto. Be Done Being Tired. vou need is new, rich tissue-building and nervestrengthening blood, Wade's Iron Tonic Pills: supply just the aid required every time. They give quick and thorough benefit They are. a great nerve st and blood maker. In box Wade's Drug Ste Mons back if nt satisfactory, Campbell Bros. For Seott's, Carter's Christy' Stetson's and al the best makes of lin hats, $2 to £5 New Creamery Butter ened and endorsed Ten rv at' Guelph, Ont will this office until Tuesday , inclusively for the con truction of an Armoury at Guelph Ont Plans ind specifiention. can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Department or on application caretaker of Public Building, Out Persons tendering are notified' that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed form surpliod, and signed with their actual signatures Ea uelf tender must Le LATTHE BRS 4 an aclepted cheque on a ch red honk made payable to the pr of the Hoy buruble the Minister' of Public Works equal to ten per cent (10 pc.) of the imount of the tender. which will be for- feited if the purty tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fail t complete the oc "rhe Department does not hind itself to Newspapers inserting authority much interested in as Coal at this time may speak of coal buying and selling as a important discoveries made are that complete satisfaction to FOOT OF WEST ST. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Money loaned on U and Managing Director, Charles Belwa, Clerk 0X industries other ont of the same general Alex- hool, and vat comfort busy time getting wents in order to Florence Muller | if you never rest ei a constant r exhaustion, what 95 oe, 1h. hoice, RS ADDRESSED the will he return tender be ne any tender der, . GELINAS, Secretary. Works 7, 1906, this advertise from the De- paid for it. SUBJECT the world we're so sound queer to hat we've made it. we have best, and that the is to deserve it. & Co. rd Cartwright ity and Farm Uro- County Debhen- urchased. allowed. Deposits PAGE SEVEN. SEAL BRAND A BRIGHT SPOT B Sele Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON, Wholesale Agents, y Coffee i CHASE & SANBORN _ Mm AONTREAL ; DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GEMUINE) Colds, : yl tshma, Coughs, CHR 2 Bronchitis. CHLORD DYN Ettnbmins CRLORDD YN Eis: a 1 a cf » in DIARRHOEA, CRLO ROD YH Ets ps mma foctunlly cuts short all' attacks of CREORD BY AE Emascine sin i NEURALGIA, CHLORODYNE: ie Always ask for "DR. J. C( IS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and bewar COTAIS BROWNE'S CHIORODYNE" an. titiovmrament. Stamp of oa hettle, Sold in battle Pr n England, 1s 13d, 3s. 9d. 4s. ¢ ich (Overwhelming Medical Testiniony accompanies each bottle; LYMAN BRO3, & CO., Linited, Toronto. NOTED FOR ; PURITY LL TH J. S. HENDERSON, AGENT, KINGSTON Our Easter Footwear wins admiration at every hand. The New Styles are attracting the attention of dressers. A Better Shoes were never shown anywhere. everybody will want New Shoes Easter Sunday, For Men choice leathers, Lace, every pair of them, - $3. $3.50, $4 to $5 ers, in Black or Tans, $3.00, $3.50 to $4.50. The "Piccadilly" last is a perfect fitter. Eadior Shoes all good We've the new Spring Styles of narrow and medium toes, swing or straight lasts, But- ton or Bluche's - Swell Shoes Oxfords, Ties and Bluche For Women We've a host of dainty creations. Shoes in extreme or conservative styles, high ° or medium heels, selected leathers. Oxfords, Ribbon Ties, Slippers, White and Brown Footwear. $1.25, $1.50. $2.50.$3.50 ( street, Kingston

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