Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Apr 1906, p. 6

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GREEN TEA iperiority over all Japan Teas £06., 80c. and 60c. per Ib. At all Grocers ARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. Wholesome & Well-matured BOIVIN, WILSON @. CO., Montreal. a sa arse | RISCUIT The new shredded whole-wheat toast served with butter, cheese OF 'preserves -- more nourishing than bread. | Send for fhe "Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid, CANADIAN SHREDDED WIEAT CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. = : Toronto Office, 2 Church St. SEEPBEURIOEDOODD § DONTEO baMnEOad COVINO ©20600 eO8OEE® ®svee E. B. EDDY'S $ Rising , <i Star Parlor Match In neat attractive boxes containing about 780 MATCHES Ask Your Grocer For Them It will cost you only 5c. to try them. © P9090 9900090000 00002000 o Q @® PRE OO® . -1 . pedect ! design, of ease for the woman who wean it. You need not "break in" a D & A--and STORE YOUR TOVES We call for them, store them "for the summer, clean and deliver them in the fall for ~~ 82 each. Cheap enough, ~ isntit. And then think of { ' THE SIWPLE | WHERE IT ATTRACTS REAL . ATTENTION, Comunity * of Healthy People Who Liye on the Fruits of the Earth--Where Lent is Perpetu- al. London, April 10.- The simple life in its best form is known at the Lady Margaret hospital, Vromley, Kent, which is attracting much attention throughout England. Founded three years ago, it has had no animal killed for the food of a sin: gle inmate during the whole of that time. The full healthy faces of the patients and stafi get no thinner and paler, because their bodies are fully nourished with all the kindly iruits of the earth from every land. Oranges and apples jostle with bananas and lemons. The sun-dried raisins of Spain and the beautiful currants of Greece are found side by side with figs from Turkey and dates from Egvpt and plums from California and pines from Jamaica. There are the varieties of grass fRuits the rice and wheat + and barley and oats--and the leguminous fruits -- the peas and beans and lentils and dahls in small quantities. Besides these a nuts used freely after being put through nut mill and transformed into snowy meal; salads---especially the. fresh water cress grown on unpolluted well farms--vegetables, milk, butie, cheese and eggs In place of all the objectionable ani mal fats there is only used the snow white cocoanut oil. Malted nuts and vegetable oils are also freely used, At the Lady Margaret hospital there is no need for the festive Mi-Careme to alleviate the Lenten rigors, for Lent has no rigors--the is perpetual Lent, and those who have adopted it wisely have found it pleasant and healthful Sometimes it is asked, "Are vou not vegetarians *" and the answer is al ways "No." The hospital had no .con- nection with any vegetarian move ment, and wholly repudiate all the fads and extravagances that have been propagated under that name. year A Tailored School Frock. Frills and furbelows have no place in the schoolgirls wardrobe of every day frocks. The tailored dress is 10 her what the boy's shirt waist is to him--an absolute necessity. The long favored Russian blouse for very small boys and girls is thi ason Seen in the lines of garments for older girls those froy, eight to sixteen dividing favor with the popular Peter I'homp Any of the lightweight woollens will make up well after this the dress pictured employing a lightweight English mohair in a deep rich blue shade. The skirt, reaching half way between the knee and ankle, is laid in deep side pleats either side of the centre front box pleat, and the deep hem is finished with a single row of machine stitching. The rather long blouse has triple box pleats back and style, front, confined at the waistline hy a broad belt of the mohair, trimmed with two rows of black silk braid, fastening in front with a plain gun metal buckle. The broad sailor collar trimmed with braid, fastens in front beneath the centre box ple the low band at the neck showing uble rows of the braid. The full bishop sleeve je tucked about the wrist to simulate a euff, each tuck showing machine stitching. The jaunty sailor rlish and becoming with its b r and rosette of ribbon, through which twa long quills ave thrust -- News From Gananoque. Gananogue, April 12. The social held by the members of the Ganano que' East circuit at the parsonage, er James and Brock streets, attended by a good crowd the weather. An excellent pr was rendeked, and helpful enjdyment « were served at the > pla Mr. Mav, of Kingston, the new a sistant master for the high school, arrived here yesterday, His duties will not commence until after Faster, The engagement of Miss Myrtle Sarah Bamiord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bamford, Pine street to Roy Edward Marshall, is announc ed. The marriage will take place . Monday, April 23rd. The entertainment held in hall last evening unde the Gananoyue public library was well attended. E. Pauline Johnston and Walter McRay were the entertainers, ---- Have It In The House. Therd is nothing else you can have in your house worth 'so much that [costs so little as a bottle of Smith's White Liniment. It will enable vou to escape the discomfort of sprains, brnis es, swellings, neuralgia, rheumatism was considering ogranune an evening of . Refreshments on the town 'r. the auspices of J all the bother it saves you. 3 , WEN | y p | biz bottle at Wade's. Money i a N . ee. not satisfactory, | A § : ki rr. eh, a x A | and various aches and pains, ant lo come io anyone. Cost but 23¢. for a back if LIFE { | To Half a Hundred Prayer | Meeting Increase. | Battersea, April 10.--~Om Sunday, the first, Rev, Mr. Waddell exchanged pul- | pits with Rev. Mr. Richards, Inverary The latter's discourses were much ap preciated here. The Thursday night | prayer meetings have greatly improv ed under the present pastorate, both | from point of httendance and interest manifested. The regular attendance has increased from half a dozen to half a hundred. The choir leads the singing with Miss Maggie Clark as organist. On the 28th ult, the L, O. Il. eon ducted a concert in theip hall. The programme was varied, and contribut ed entirely by local talent. A fairly good crowd was in attendance, and a nice sum realized to apply on the piano debt. Charles Anglin has begun in connection with improving of his farm residen Stonese purchased 4 fine teg es from Joseph Toland, ! week. 'Anderson Knapp also a good single driver in the Jamieson lost a valuable and Thomas Abbott suffered 1 of a colt. The cheese factory operations | the enlarging 'and Giles Valleau erations on Monday, with again as maker. He is ably assisted ! by two Yeung men from Napanee, Messrs. Chadsby_and 8 Anglin will again act a salestnan, and the followir ers as' committee of management Charles Sleeth, Thomas Clark, James Hughes, W., H. Jamieson and W. Ormshee. A new camet floor was put in the factory this spring, and other improvements added, under the® sup erintendency of W. H. Jamieson George Matthews has completed the wark of moving AR Saipte church, in Kingston, It proved & much more dif fult task than he expected. Probably he under-estimated the weight of sin in it, Misses Mabel Lake and Ethel | Clark are. visiting at the parsonage, | Seeley's Bay. Visitors in our midst Lloyd Buck at W. .J,:Anglin's. Miss Bert Elmer, Kingston. at 1. Vanluv- | en's. Mi Wales, Seeley's Bay, at | Everett Card's. Buy yopr corsets at New York Dress) Reform and you will be sur fect fit, The small boy can never under stand how a grown man can let a doctor keep him from eating things he likes, of a per Sar? ( | JE | WHISKY | Richest in Color. : Choicest in Design 'Perfect in Taste -- Taste. m MENZIE LINE WALL PAPERS "For Every Room in Every House." Ask your dealer to show you the Menzie Line Wan Papers, T » the embodiment of all that is artistic in wall decorations. fe you sce the name on every roll z NOT IN ANY COMBINE. THE MENZIE WALL PAPER. CO., Limited, TORONTO, TERS, RO EE A TRC i: A A A EN EST TRE CE To T THE SILVER BA The Silver Bar property is situated strictly within the rich native silver and cobalt zone and .adjoining the richest "portion of the famous Gillies Timber Limit and one 'and a half miles from the Town of Cobalt. First allotment over-subscribed in a few houts. coo shares now selling. Par value $1.00, " i -- Second issue of 100, - 'For shares and information apply to J Messrs. Mills & Cunningham, Bankers, Kingston, Ont Carcass i) om ~ ISSEISNEEIEHSEISISIERR wane ALSSEE: BS a 5 ES SE SE SS SE SS SHH SHES Sess ) . 3% WARN PRENSRGS Easter Greeting a EE Cm TEER ES REE SSSR ASSESS SESE Ee: OCCT TUEeY It's a pleasure to add to our Easter Greeting a cordial invitation to you to come and see the Landsomest lines of Men's, Young Men's, Boys' and Children's Ready-to-Wear Apparel for spring that we have ever shown the vaccepted occasion for the change from the lighter and brighter apparel for spring. ! : 3 We would like to furnish your Easter Outfit--may we? Come in and see the New Spring Ideas and you will make your selection here, we are sure. You will find everything that is new and up to-date, and at prices that "are from $1 to $4 below the other fellows. Easter has become heavy garments of winter to the 23.50 Our Display of New Neckwear for Easter n \ harm Gloves Shirts Many of the smart, handsome lines of Suits, Top Coats ard Neckwear we are showing this season are exclusive with us. - COME AND SEE. A Few Specials for Saturday MEN'S SOPT COLORED SHIRTS Regular 75 MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS Regular 50 ; ial Sat A h x MEN'S TWEED PANTS: Three patterns, regular $1.9 Saturday, per pair ...... MEN'S GOOD HEAVY OVERALLS With a vit} bibs, regular 75 special, Saturday 'a : id 7 MEN'S DARK TWEED SUITS -New patterns, regular $8.50. «1 Saturda Our guarantee goes with our goods. Money refunded if you want it. You ire suie to do better here than elsewhere. COME, SEE. RRR oy g > 5 Saas Sass ESSE E83 CELEETRLLEeY SS HS SE EE SS 8 558 SS SH ET SEPP PETE SSS SRE Basa 3 S $ | RONEY & CO. Design Registered, . : ) 2 Fifty 'cent tape girdle corsets for 5c. New York Dress Reform. | = SN LARA AS ARSE eee 127 PRINCESS STREET. The Store That Sets the Pace. : : mmediate eliver SHEET LEAD CET OUR "PRICES The Canada Metal Co. 'Phone Main 1729 T ! : oo ght way. Buy ap | Willium Street, Tororito. and fo low direc tions. h + WELL DRESSED WOMAN And pretty shoes are who called the beautiful «jreams" was not far v woman to have a pretty the natty Spring Shoes -w elsewhere in Kingston. Ideal Kid, Vici Kid, pan, medium and low he here to please the well orlow shoes. In Canvas Shoes wi ferent styles in white, bl new shades. "Come in ¢ J. H. Suth The House oi Ae ney. -. 35 Years fanong's G. B. Ol the Has been before that speaks for it elf. Manufacturers of the | lity Chocolates, unsurpasse Sold in bulk and pacl 3 3and 4 pounds. Ask for G. B. Eva A J. REES, 166 Prin STOVES Having one of th Houses in the city, down, remove and per season. The Happy Still leads, inthe market, ELLIO" 77 Princess Stree It is the HELPP POPP aaa \( will EN dra * Price, $60. ---- IB. C. DOBBS & $44 2400884 ta -------- PPL PLTPLPLTPOPPTO

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