Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Apr 1906, p. 5

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SWISS miLy | CHOCOLAT > i hildren can eat with- iter for. Wholesome irresistibly delicious, dmmon Street, Montreal. a The H. D. Bibby Co, ! \ \. UT NOW nearly every man has the s mind. Many will come our part. omer drops out, perhaps he comes back again and our clothing--Ilikes the fit, manship and our prices. reputation for selling the ouly the best productions othing Makers e Spring Suits and 'eun | can get here for 00, 14, 15t0 18 | New Hats! BIBBY CO. e Pricz Clothing House : LX N DRES w. outfit. An Easter Weck Sale of of Suitings and Dress Fabri er cent. off. We are going to ma big sale of Spring Dress. Goods. 0 choose from, as follows or Suitings ht, medium and dark check and 51 inches wide. Speci nd Wool, with an unusually bright v, Alice Blue, Reseda, Tan a ating Serge ory best varn and guarante 1. fast mm, Green and Cardinal, ful rrow, at, per yard n Sicilian us finish, full 51 inches wide Wellington Street hnston Store JES WE ARE AGENTS t our ladies 0' our than | the t de- sy to e foot r Bal, THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL '1. was troubled with a tumor which kept growing, causing v and great mental depres- ble to attend to my house a burden tome. I to my bed, lost my 'f the value of Lydia E. dy mpound to sick women Je hope of recovery, and : E the while the tumor lessened continued to build u; and the tumor: seem: il; in seven months, the ly gone andl a well hankful for my recovery ywublish my letter in news- wn may know of the Ly 1s, weakness, displa- -down feeling, in- flatulence, general and nervous pros- ald remember there is e Compound at once o in the world has re- other medicine has » vears under her directi ember that it is Lydia E. Pink- Vegetable Compound that is euring y and don't allow any d i you anything else in its place. = ASK FOR DELAY 1 Considering the Bill Regarding governors it was de «ts upon the insti- gl profession. There is mportanity of expressing their opin- aa spon an act which takes from governors and medical rate and independent Terror of Spring Is Sickness Wiat Are You Doing to Protect Your Weak Body Against germs and weak- % ; of Your small re- and begin building up Jor weakness, overwork means new strength ill dance in your . Mrs. John sickly in the spring- . nervous and had blood was weak and ! Was unstrung and ing wn, Procesgegroing Ong made a nef per- ne for the spring Spirits and vigor ¥, Kas- nother ingredi- €t Zutoo will cure NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. ------ The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. News From Mountain Grove. Mountain Inn, April 10.--The sale at Mr, Fox was well attended on Wednesday. last. Farmers are busy working at: their bush, making syrup at present. Mrs, G. Summers is able to be out, aiter a recent illness. Mrs: 8. Wood spent Sunday with friends at Arden. Our cheese factory will re-open soon under the management of D. J. Cronk, A Sugar Social. was shocked, on Sunday morning' at the announcement of the death of Ja- cob Rombough, after a few days' ill- ness, with a stroke. He was eighty years of age. The funeral took place to-day, 'at the White church. S. P. Beli is on the sick list. The presents to Miss Bertie May Smith at her mar riage, on Wednesday, were numerous, costly and useful. A sugar social is the Brick. chureh, this evening. E Charleston Tidings. Charleston, April 9.--Farmers are busy making sugar. Miss B. Slack has gonento Prescott te spend a fon months with her aunt, Mrs. T. Lafian Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hanson are ex pected to arrive in May. A number of our voungsters were treated to warm sugar at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F Botsford, on Friday evening. R. Fos ter is having his hotel lighted with acetylene gas. Miss Hattie Mulvenna has returned from Brockville, where she was visiting friends. , Lombardy Items. Lombardy, April '10.-- Large quanti ties of maple syrup aré being made present and is retailing at a gallon. Miss Agnes Dooher and Miss Helen Loucks spent Saturday in Smith's Falls. Thomas Millar, J.P., left on Saturday for Warren, New On tario, with a carload of horses. Clin turday to try his fortune in the min ing region. Services' will be held in the Roman Catholic church here on Faster Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Father Hanley. Edward Dooher sold a carload of fat cattle to E. O'Mara for the Easter murket at Montreal. Keelerville Notes. Keelerville, April ©The roads are getting "quite: dry. John Anglin is Iv add to the general appearance of his residence. R. J. Stanley has put a new boiler in his cheese factory, besides' other repairs. He has also put up a new whey tank. We expect the factory will open next week. Vis- i 5 Mrs. James Clark, a, spent a few days of last week visiting friends iw this place. Ambrose Patterson, Sunbury, spent Sunday 'at C.. Hanley's; W. MeAlroy, Seeléi"s Bay, at J. Patterson's; My and Mrs. Valleau, Battersea, at R. .J. Stanley's. Lansdowne Tidings. Lansdowne, April 10.--Last Wednes- day evening, at the residence of Jos- eph Doak, Miss May Tackaberry, and George Humphréy were unitefl in'mar riage. After a splendid supper, the couple left for Ottawa, and other vastern points. Both young people are well known and popular, and all good wishes. are extended to them. ieslie Robinson has secured a position in the Merchants bank here. J. H. War ren, and S. O'Brien, have bought the mill machinery from Verrill & Nunn, will® remove it to Mr. Warren's pro- perty. The agricultural society intend erecting a handsome grand stand on the fair grounds this spring. Henry Giles is ill with pleurisg¢. Westport Warblings. Westport, April 9.--We are pleased to state that Peter Murphy who has been ill for some time is able to be around again at his work. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Speagle spent 4 few days in Perth last week visiting friends. James Egan is having an auction sale and intends moving into the village this week. Daniel McParland, Micaville, vi 1 friends in Westport, on Sunday last. Peter Quigley was in town last week. P. K. McCann has returned doing some up-to-date jobs of paint- ing and decorating, for the past two or three .weeks. W. Blair has gone in partnership with P. J. McParland in the butcher business, Maberly Matters. Maberly, April 10.--People complain maple syrup. G. Rigney has returned from college, looking hale and heart from Mr. Dixon. William will com- mence operations on his farm soon. Mise Sarah Buchanan has gone to spend a week with friends in Bathurst. Thursday for the Easter holidays and our popular teacher. Miss Glenn, will have: a wellearned rest at her home in Perth. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Man- Sunday. Miss Ethel Elliott is on the sidk list. Atkinson Affairs. ; Atkinson, Wpril 10--The manufac- ture of cheese begins to-day. at Cen- tral and Springfield factories, The milk supply is not very great. At the meetings there were representatives from three banks, representatives to take care of the patrons' money = and pay them interest, two from Gana- noque, and one from Seeley's Bay. James Atkinson lost a' fine Clyde horse lately. '1. T. Ellis, Gananoque, owner of a farm near Doysley's Cor ners, had ten fine sheep killed hy dogs. The Church of England will be opened on Sunday 22nd. Dr. Nimmo and other ministers will be present. Oscar Lloyd, is starting to preach in comncetion with the Methodist church, He held service in three of the Pitts- burg churches on April 1st. Miss An niv Conner attending the high school, Gananoque, and Kathleen, teaching at Pittsferry will spend the Easter holi- days at their home. Leo Lake Jottings. Leo Lake, April 9.--Jackson broth- ers are engaged sawing wood for R. Webb. J. P. Bower has two men en- gaged for the coming season. John Sutherland lost a valuable cow last week. «Little Marquis McMullen is re covering from the effects of a severe Ruri NG left, Sunday, for Buffalc Y. G: Webb has leit for Elgin, Where he has secured work for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. M. Forres. Morven, April 10.--This neighborhood ton Williams went - to Cobalt on Sa- | { Crozier at James Barr' proving his lawn, which will_great- | { Cronk, of home from Athens, where he has been | William Moore purchased a fine colt | William White, Bathurst, visited | friends in this vicinity on Saturday | und Sunday. School will close on | ter paid a jisit to the latter's uncle, C. Langwith] Sunbury, who is serious- ly ill. W. Bower made a business trip to Lansdowne. Miss E. A. Webb is on the sick list. J. Thompson, Belleville, is visiting Mrs. M. Webh. J. A. Don nelly spent: Sunday in Kingston. At Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake, April 10.--Mrs, D. | Babcock, who has been quite ill, is | slightly improved. Ernest Babcock | went to Havelock on Monday, 1, take ia situation as fireman on the C.P.R. { Albert Buell has obtained. a position {as express messenger on the K. & Pu irailway. He begin duty this morning. i Mrs. James Butterill is the guest of {George Butterill, Fermoy. Rovert Wil- | liamson made an off i L vant this week. Mr. Shorey, ington, spent Sunday here. Mrs, Gil- iroy of Smith's Falls, is the guest for a few days at W. H. Mallett's, Miss Dewall, who has been visiting at Dr! Kilborz's, turned to her home al Bishop's Mills, on Saturday. Dr. Cout- lee, has men engaged excavating the foundatfon for his new house. Burridge Locals. Burridge, April 10.-Quite a number of "people around here have tapped their maple trees, .and report a good run. School will close this Thursday, for Easter holidays. A new choir has recently been formed in. the Method- ist church here. N. and W. Anderson intend leaving this week for Brown ville, N.Y. N. Shellington and Shel don' Barr made a busin ss trip to Kingston last week. A number of tly voung people attended the sugar party at Mr. Edward Madden's last Thurs- day evening. Visitors: Misses Hill at C. Thompson's; Miss Maggie Young, Mis§ Abbie Bresee and James Brash, at B. Botting's, Fermoy; Isaac Thomp- son at J, Cook's; G. Couk and J. Stanley Me eil at William Quinn's; W. Thomp son, in Fermoy. Got A New Buggy. Marysville, Tyvendinaga, April 11.-- Dean O'Connor left for Kingston, this week, to be present at the home-com- ing of Archbishop Gauthier. George Exley. has returned home after visiting friends at FErnesttown. Mrs. James McDonald, after a pleasant visit with | friends here, has left for her home in Marmora. We are so pleased to hear that Michael Fahey is gaining rapidly since the painful operation he. under- went in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston. Lg- retta Meagher has returned home ai ter spending part of last 'week at Mel rose. Hugh Thompson, Deseronto, and James Dunn, Belleville, spent Sunday {in the village. We regret to hear of the removal of Frank Morrison, sec- tion boss on the GT.R. to Brighton. Mr. Foote has alréady taken his place. John McCarthy is sporting a new buggy. Wellington Happenings. Wellington, April 10.--Mrs. Ann Fraleigh has gone to Lindsay to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. Annie Humphrey has gone to Washington state to visit her two daughters, Mrs. Violet Osterhout and { son, of Picton, are the guests of Mrs. Walter Chadsey. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Clark were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. 8S. Higgins ow Sunday. Mrs. Cora Belleville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark. W. P. Niles will soon commence the constructing of his new terrace on West street. Ryerson Rankin and fa- mily have movell here to stay for the future, having rented his property on Big Island. G. McMahon has moved his butcher business in the office, for- merly occupied by H. "C. Climinson, and has placed a new refrigerator in it. J. S. Hodgins is - moving in his new dwelling. Walter Chadsey has re- turned from Hamilton where he has been visiting his mother and sister. Died On Wednesday. One of Kingston's octogenasjan citi- zens, John Van Winckel, 5 resident of the city for the past ten years, passed peacefully away, carly Wednesday morning, at the residence of his son, N. PP. Van Winckel, 117 Ordnance'streot, Mr. Van Winckel was born in the township of Ernesttown, eighty-four years ago, of Holland-Dutch descent. : ; ain | His parents were U.E.Ls. Before com- of this being a poor year for making | ing to live in the city: he was a farm- |er in the township of his birth, A | vear ago his wife died. He had always been an active Methodist church work- er. Surviving him are two brothers, Benjamin, Williamsville, and William, Toronto; and two sons, Jacob, Toron- to, and Nial P. of the city. St. Paul's W. A, The election of officers of St, Paul's Woman's Auxiliary resulted as fol- lows > President, Mrs, W. B. Carey; | vice-president, Mrs. Savage; secretary, ders visited at John Manders' on! / Miss. Annie Daly; treasurer, Mrs. W. Mitchell; delegate to annual meeting, Mrs. Nelson F. Woodrowe; substitutes, Mrs. J. B. Dewey and Miss Hentig. Easter Table Suggestion. Use Davies' jellied ox tongue, spiced beef ham, roast leg of pork with dress- ing, jellied veal, English brawn, jellied hocks, jellied chicken. For biliousness try Bileans, Always fresh at Gibson's Red Cross = Drug Store, . Asgene Soulges, the man arrested at Massena Spriags, N.Y, is now at liberty. The police are satisfied that he had nothing to do with the mat- ter. Perfume--delicate odors in dainty boxes, for Easter gifts at Best's, The man who firts with trouble is apt to get it where Uncle Bill got the carbuncle, GENERAL. -- J Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and RR . "Cures 'all coughs," Best's Short Stop, 8c. not 20c, : Several styles of corsets, 30¢. New York Dress Reform. Fresh moth camphor, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Distribution of fish from the Cape Vincent state hatchery has pegun, William Swain, piano tuner. Urdérs received at McAuley's Book Store. "The Holy Gity," a great Biblical production will be presented at the Grand on Saturday, April 25th, The impression is that . Kingston will get one of the proposed normal schools. Four is the namber mention ed. Fresh chocolates in fancy boxes for Faster, at Best's. The Lotus Hotel at St. Lawrone Park, will be under the management of Charles R. Skinner, Watertown, N Y., during the coming season. Fresh seidlitz powders in tin boxes, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230 for prompt delivery. The" Anglo-American - Boaders chal lenge the Whig Job Department for the amateur championship of King ston in baseball, to be played. on April 21st. Brockville council has fixed the rate of taxation at twenty-five mills, The total net assessment of Brock ville from all sources is placed at $3, 625,775; an_ increase of ¥170.000. A requisite in successful advertising, the seller 'must appeal to the buyer's reason. Then, after that, there is ar other requisite--the "ad." must be Ww people will see it. Use th Whig. None "just as good," as Best's Snowflake baking powder, 25 Afittle girl of tender ve ed before Magistrate Farrell, in a private session of police court, this mornilig, on the charge of the theft of a ring and some wearing apparel Her father made good to the amount of the articles stolen and the chill was mllowed to go on suspended sen tence, Ars appear THE WRONG DIAGNOSIS. @ Prompt the Use of Worthless Remedies. Even an experienced physician will sometimes make a mistake in diagnos is, in which evemt his entire treatment is wasted and may even be injurious to the patient. The advocates of all other hair re storatlives save Herpieide have wrong ly diagnosed the cause of Dandruff and Falling Hair. They figure on a functional disease, whereas it is now known and eencral ted that hair loss is due toa germ which Newbro's Herpi roys. There is no substitute for Herpicide, accept nore, Sold by leading druggists, Send 10c. in stamps for sample The Herpicide Detroit, Mich G. H. Mahood, special agent. The Portsmouth Council. The Portsmouth council met last evening. The collector's time for re turn of the rolls was extended till July Ist. W. F. Nickle, H, C. Nickle and A. K. Kirkpatrick appeared before the council on behalf of the street rail way company to get permission to build a loop opposite the asylum gate. The permission was granted, on the company giving a bond of * for thi-putting of the roads in proper condition ager construction. Finished Work Here. R. A. Ross, the expert engaged by the city to go over .the light and power plant, left for Montreal at noon to-day, having completed his =work here. This morning Ald. Toye and Mr. Campbell accompaaied him over the outlying sections of the city where extensions are proposed. Mr. Ross ex- pects to have his report completed within a week, and will send it to the city clerk as soon as it is ready. cide des He Would Not Say. Ottawa, April 11.-About twenty-five postmasters, representing the rural of fices; waited on Hon. A. B. Ayles worth, to-day, and asked for salary allowances, owing to the changed con ditions and increased cost of living. Mr. Avlesworth promised considera- tion and said that the departmental surplus would be put back into the service, but whether increased salaries or extended postal facilities he could not say. Amongst The 57 Varieties. Of new early vegetables we have for Easter, are new potatoes and new onions from Bermuda, new cabbage, new celery and' ripe tomatoes from Florida at Carnovsky's. ---------------------- Sir William J. Lyne, minister of trade and customs in the Australian government, is on.his way across the Pacific recupergte. He "intends to visit Banfi, Yesterday was not only J. E. Clarke's seventy-fiith birthday, but also the forty-sixth anniversary of his mar: riage. Easter gifts of good wholesome chocolates, are always appreciated. Don't buy till you see Best's Easter display. . Fifty cent tape girdle corsets for 35e. New York Dress Reform. HairGone? Suppose your' hair should all leave you! Then what? Weak hair is the kind that falls out; not strong hair! Just learh a lesson from this. If your hair is falling out, strengthen it. Give it food, hair-food--Ayer's Hair Vigor. [It checks falling hair, cures dandruff, and makes the hair soft and smooth. THE DAYS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN ! Nothing contributes eat as flour, and therefor is the whitest, cleanest and ~ eee HE cost of living is an important thing ¢ in most homes. You may have to figure close- ly in these matters. A little 'extra on a barrel of flour may look big to you. But there is a differ ence between spending money wisely and spend- ing it foolishly. Sometimes 'it is econo- my to spend instead of to save. It is in the case of Royal Household Flour. Those few extra cents a week, that give you Royal Household Flour in preference to inferior flour, buy health. so much to the tood you ¢ nothing should be more - carefully bought. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour most nutritious flour that's milled. Itistheonly flour that is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer, a1 ' + Ogilvie Flour Mills Co.; Ltd, Montreal. : "Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," contains 130 pages of excellent recipes, some never published bee fore. Your grocer can tell yoa how to get it FREE. Iit-Reform distinct Little niceties of Fit- Reform attract: ter fit cforst winted by almost daily. E. P. Jenkins. . ® Fancy Baskets with SEE OUR "Little Things" that make Fit-Reform the ideal tailor-made garments. Little touches of elec: bigger values--that make Fit 15 .in Spring Suits arriving FACIAOP FIG HOO ~." Easter Novelties ... Chocolate Eggs, from 1c. to soc. each. Boxes of 24, 12, 6 and 4 Eggs for 35¢. Chicks, Roosters, etc. nake we. ~-110IC MOre Weir cvery maa. 7 Eggs. WINDOW, A. J. Rees'. 166 Princess St. RY JAMES REID, THE L HASHOK SHIRAI oH FINANCE AND INSURANCE BROGFG @AAEFGEGIMIEE GGG . UPHOLSTERING .. Now is the time to have your Parlor Sets and Couches and Fancy Odd Chairs Reéovered. As we have a nice line of Eng- lish and French imported Cover- ing to select from. We have also increased our staff of Upholsterers, which are at your service. EADING UNDERTAKER - CUSTOMS BROKER - The business of the late CO, G. Oliver, will be carried on im his office, v9 Clarence stroet. G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has been associated with Mr. Oli Money to Loan Mcintyre & McIntyre =: BARRISTERS :: King Street : : : Kingston If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a talk with George Zeigler, "54% Sate 57 Brock Street. iiikgt : hi! rt ------ FOR SALE A General Store doing & large business in a smart village, in Kingston district. For particulars apply to T. J. LOCKHART, Real Estate Agent; 159 Welling- ton St, Kingston. ! particulars at K: & © R. Ticket Office, Ontario v Gen. Pass: Agent. Bay of Quinte Railway New .short fine for 'eseronto, and all loeal leave City Hall Depot at 4 pam Fy JONWAY, Agent B.Q:Ry., Kingston. ---------------------------------------------------------- [EASTER HOLIDAYS {re 1906 Round trip deers 'will be issued 'nt gle First- Class Fare On Thursday, Friday, Suturay, Sun day and Monday, April 13, 13, 14, 15, and 16th. Valid for return on or belore | Tuesday, April 17th, 1906. For tickets, Pullman reservation and { any other information apply to . HANLEY, Agent. Corner Jolin. | ston and Ontario streets: ALLAN LINE ® TO LIVERPOOL ant VIROSNIAN 3 v tion The Finest and Fastest on. ths Canadian Route St: John From Dalits > | ship~ Agent, or to The | Yonge street, Toronto. | SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS numbercd seeti mins in Manitoba rl od Domine ou, Acrés more or less. Entry wm he made nally local land othos for the diatrict in Shien 8 takea Is Situated, or if the leader res, he cation to the Mipister Ottawa, the Commissioner of ans and cultivation of onthe reli Muon i 2 ) © make a homestead jupon a farm in the wicim fi bv residence upoa CANADIAN NORTH« WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal lands may be $10 per acre for soft at ph uiracite, Not more hog RR ©

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