Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Apr 1906, p. 2

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EAL ESTATE ARGAINS town, a bargain, a) for a single frame I ing, 7 rooms, cellar, lot 45 feet front, , near Queen's versity, Collegi Insti sity, Collegiate Insti- ae he for a single frame 6 room ing, cca- setting Ir noun ; William Less, HAYS » St near Vitre street, the Years manager of the Collins Bay Reveal no shadow of imper- deep lot, good 'Store being hadly gutted. Emmanuel Wrecking company, has been given the fection. n » OWDEr| had insured his place, but had not { Position. The district extends from ; : rhs to Toronge on hoth fides of WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for e Jate and Nive, these- famous hats. SR -------- » Carnival. There's a neckwear carnival here with complicity in the robbery, sarly. Opes ult 8.90 tm: | guilty, 'to get. Chief Carpenter is trying to lo- a yuarter steel As . ke went to New York to purchase bur these verandahs Served a purpose in I glare' tools, establishment of Thomas Mills, a place they decided to try electricity, 'Em- manuel wrote to the Electric and secured two storage experiment Schacher Vickerson Fleotrie Ca. The second experiment. thermit, Fold wan purchasing the lat- ter with & crucible at the store William Abbott, St, This xpath resultad setting . # place of business in 8 dowlis ¥ manuel was arrested in Montreal since. saughe on Wednesday by Detectives D, | 5eon in A. McLanghlin and Viens, and is held to answer to several charges of (bur. ¥, Uhief Detertive Carpenter has dR of a conspiracy hatched in Montreal to commit a series of bur- glaries and throughout the country. Three of the men connected with the conspiracy are under affest, They gre William +edman, who is in Jail i Kingston: Unt., awajting trial on a charge of breaking into the fur store of John McKay & Co., of Hat place, and steali $5,000 wort furs and Charles ae furrier, 161 St. inique street, who is charged tr¥ing to get the man plied Chief Carpenter with the mation "be has, out of the city, gave him a leave unless they "did the right by him." He he was with them; 'that he was the work he"had déne he had run while with his gang. and the ---- ' Schacher Enquete Fixed. fore Judge Lefontaine in the morning, charged with * receiving stolen goods, he was nequittad, ac there was no evidence to hold him on the charge by the detectives, but he had no sooner discharged than he was rearrested on a warrant charging him with complicity in the MeKay robbery at Kingston. Schacher pleaded not and Judge Lafontaine held him Thursday, bot James €rankshaw ing here before he was sent to cused was entitled to have here if he desired it, quete in t in $3,000 bail to appear in Kingston case for Wednesday Iy be used as a wittesk for the prose cution afuinet Feldman and Schacher, Charles Emmanuel, a cousin of Feld- man, Who is at present in New York, and i& wanted here to answer to of receiving stolen goods and attempting to corrupt a witness, is he other man the detectives would like ; Beautiful. 'A correspondent writes : wards beautifying the the removal of - those sores, city wou venerable cate him in New York. Emmanuel Was arrested here last fall on the two mentioned, but jumped his bail while awaiting trial, The chief detective -has learned that while Feldman was in jail here last summer, he mict a prisoner who knew of a process.by which oxy-hydr, would soften steel so that it could be every summer, gre greeted by thi fence' to beauty, impressions of our city streets, our city hall we have one of the examples of classic stone walls defaced by these old of the city at heart. When the market building was Piel years ago by butchers' s cess and found it successful, The test was made by Feldman on an inch and plate, in his own house; sheltering the island marketers, the islanders now The money to buy the tools was supplied by Schacher. When them in order. This year's city : ; 3 perty committee has an opport to cistinguish itself. man decided that they would rob the that he had looted' once before. Tt was while they were on their way to ---------------- rob Mills' place, that they accidental. MANY DESERTIONS. real in gripe and bundles rolled in. ofl- He remarked that i k enclosed in a box made expressly for occurrence among the the purpose, and addressed toa friend When the gang returned from King | SOWMYy in the fall when early next month and grave entertained that they would the city for the tion. However if is now the soldiers will not Jleav first week in June and wl retain until fall, Storage New York, batteries. The proved, a failure, and sold the batteries to the Bloury street. Battery Supply company, The Lloyds Inspector. of James street. in Emumannel Canadian license Lloyds, did not go announced that Capt, Come, see the new Be. and 50. The H. Dp, ------ Children's Tams, $1.25, at Campbell Bros At. pays to buy + in New weeks recuperating. = Sb a of his miu found that it was made in = MAN Crowe's, St. G street, One 3 Fay employees oi the recoguized Feld- 2 man as the man w given the for receiving Schacher and his. brother have been who has sap- ticket to New York, but he sold that for $8, and refused ve thal they only gave him $20 or 230 during the time thai and he thought titled to much more for Feldman and ther 'was arrested here yester- | Charles | Schacher was before Judge day hy Detectives D. A McLaughlin Lafontaine, on Saturday. On Friday and Viens. When be was bought be- Judge Lafontaine held him in bonds . : of 3,000: to appear in Kingston, on hus been potained to defend Schacher, held that he should be given a hear ston, as there might not be sufficient evidence to warrant sencling him there, Judge Lafontaine said that the ac- a hearing and fixed the en And Make Our City Hall Entirely One step to- as one of their first structares is something not creditable ; 3 the city authorities, anc. is huh, easily bored. . When the two men ta hy . # t7'of jail, Feldman tested the jot liation to those who have the beauty: oceupy the interior of the infor- They of the future, v enthroned, when the truth would light- the of Mchay's in Kingston. When the gang he store ater fommitting the | Rev. Dr. "Swggil, Toronto, the Thor 7 Tbh tay leit a SRimyt behind} athen Contin . them. This was the clue that led to don-in "Bk Thaule - Oth -- Feldman's arrest. The "jimmy" wax tion - Pa Ee senitshere to Chief Carpenter, and one Church Services. . ; The sixty-second anniversary * of Chalmers church was observed yestor day, pod the services were attended bw S---- Very large congregations. fev: dohn : id $1.25 for the tool. | Neil. DD). of Westminster church, To- THE GANG CAME TO ROB |order and paid $1. 1 : W Rass MILLS. Feldmen was caught and taken | to | ronto, officiated. ' : ah . Kingston, -and 'a few days later Em- | Dr. Neil's discourse at the evening ---- service was based upon Isaiah's vis- tolen goods. While uel 'was | ion, concerning Christ's Kingdom, the oy on bail, he went to Crowe's to | words of the text, huing ia Josiah 3, Extensi beries--William influence the man who had | 1: 'And they shall beat their swords _t ve Rob Te EY a infuence not to identify | into plowshares and their spears into Feldman the Leader. Feldman, For this fie was arrested for | pruning Igy. mation shail not Ii on tredt Nr sig of George Park attempiing to corrupt a witness, Then up sword against nation, neither shall . i i i they learn war any more." er, plumber, St. Felix street, who was |b jumped his bail and has not been | they lea ¥ Isaiah had seen the forees of evil triumphant and the manifestations of decay in Israel, but he had & vision when God would be en every land and en all would be to | peace. Twenty-seven hundred years thing | have gone since this prophecy / of ® | 1sainh concerning the swords and risks . who King week, Id be o eye & of finest ! architecture in the |' country, and to have its beautiful cut wood occu ut |; pro unity y cast away, but they formed into a question dwelt, moulded so that plowshares, 'of would they be swords | and spears ¥ Satan could very easily | pervert the faculties, and hence every two dilapidated ve jah | ¢flort should be made by parents and {which disfigure the market sides of the city building. The thousands of excur- sionists who land at Folger's wharf, teachers to direct right way, and get possession of their faculties for God. way may be a way when wrongly used, can so great evil, was very fine. thems, "Fli er) S i Saviour" (Marks) Mist Massie and Mr. MéKeracher taking the 'solo parts, Miss Knight and Mr. Kelso sang as duett tails, A Sterne believed #" spears being tuned into plowshares and praning hooks, hut it has not yet been fulfilled. Today the nations are armed to the teeth, and even religion to some extent lends her sanction to the war spirit by. the erection in temples of tablets to soldiers and in the display of capfured banners. Put there are indications of better things, in peace conferences and humane treat- ment of the wounded in battle, and these indications point to a {ime when war will cease, The swords andl spears shall not he shall te--trans things 'more helplul to mankind. The forces of destruction will be turned inte forces for good, Those things in our nature which. un der the power of the devil, work: evil, shall, under Christ's direction, become helpful and' blessed. The apostle Paul is a striking efample of this. He was oN In the meantime Schacher will have sword and fa spear when he was {for enquete next Thursday, : to remain in jail if he cannot give a, Christ, but how different he Chief Carpenter said last night that | 4, good securities of $1,500 each. became when he was on Chribt's side. the name of the third pan under Jwdge Lafontaine said that the se- | He was transformed 'into a plowshare, arrest could pot be madé public for | curities waiild have to be gilt-edged. | and weed to upbuild the religion he the present, as it in he who bas fir -------- bad tried to throw down. nis wished che int, tion that. led tol. REMOVE THE VERANDAHS The future of the 'boys of to-day was thé arrest of . He will ike 0 m-- with which the preacher their character being! they would become Was the youths in the That which in one | Spear can in anothet plowshare, "The tongue, be a | | hut, on the other hand, what a bless ng it can be. The musical portion of the service | 4 were two _an- | sates" (Stain Oh My "Love Divine" (Stainer.) Mrs. | R. B. Williamson assisted Mrs, Jobbs in the musical service by play ng the voluntaries, Tighe, Bishop Mills based | his very earnest and eloquent address on the question of =. Paul, "Have | e reecived the Holy Ghost since The, bishop ye | pointed . out ly found MoKay's establishment, and : they decided to clean it opt and net The Battery Leave Takers Quite bother with Mills place jfst then. . Numerous. They took 86,000 worth of furs from |§ One of the battery sergeantd declar- McKay's, and brought them to Mont. | §» to-day, that there had been more desertions this year than any previous It was a common English battery- fears were . not be in Victoria day celebra- assured that until the probably was made with Lava a ? The selection: of Edwin Charles as inspector of Inland through. It is now spring styles, Bibby 2We. To $1. Men's and boys' cloth caps 15c. tq spring blood medi. Sines at Gibson's Red Cross drog Stare. All fresh there. "Phone 210. Rev, C. H. Daly, Lyn, has. loft for Ontario. He will "Phone, 3838, God had used this means of the lay ing on df hand? ahd thus through him, not as a mere channel, but as a source, came the Holy Ghost. Laying Stress on the fact that each personal He ie the Lone k ; iat cloth, and leit them in Schacher's | Yoor in his memory, "It is easy money, gk ye inwhich God slides house at 161 St. Dominique street, for any of the men to desert," he life "He felt that inasmuch as faith, | Schacher - paid 8600 for the furs, but | SOntinued, "as little or no search is repentance and = baptism were neces: | he deducted $200 for expenses as he | PU up for thew, unless some memy I ory to salvation the conviction ad paid the railway fares and bills Preps to the officers, or hy accident would surely come that the laying on at Kingston. One of the gang stopped. they just happen to be stumbled up- of hands was the next essential. He | at the British American hotel while | 9% I have known of cass where (do. remarked that while God is ready to they were in Kingston, while the | {71ers have remained in" town several: |) eatow on us, we must be ready to others lived at the home of a man days merely changing to civilian receive d -. : who was friendly towards Feldman | lothes." He said he could not under : ---- and knew what they were there = for, | Stand what prompted many of the > , Before they lit Kingston the bur. | Men to desert and return in the fail : St. Andrew's Church. eg flare took they: had Nand Were get when they knew they would have to F ; AL the Sunday evening service in by express to Toronto. They'. were spend a month or two in the toils, | St. 'Andrew's church, Rev. Alfred Bright, B.A], one of this year's, gra duates of Queen's, who has just re of Feldman. It was Feldman's inten. | Mo 10™kave Suiticient casa, take the | ceived an appointment to $t. Paul's, tion to go to Toronto to do a fow first boat In the spring across to the | Peterboro, preach~d a very gable ger jobs: later on. United States and return to the old { mon on the gospel of another chance. n they would | He referred to the Biblical story of | ston, gecording to the story (old Ly | 288 come to Canada for the harvest | Jeremiah going to the potters and | Chief Sant. they held a consulta. | "C0800. turning out hix first olay vessel, which tion 10 consider the best method cf It had been generally felt that the | resulted in failure. Then was made the safe. breaking, with the result that | Potteries would leave for Petewawa - Have you seen wonderfal "WAVERLY ?" 1' the. sevens most popular TWO DOLLAR Your Pars stared wad Tusured againet loss by fice, moth or theft. Shall we send for them + that in all the history of the church, | cach of the | ing | trac | $1 | $16.40; Whig, 817.10. i city council | be? appointed second a second chance be given the Jews, in their second chance, rise. The choir rendered At 5t. Mary's Cathedral. In St. Mary's cathedral! yesterday, the usual ceremonies in connection with Palm Sunday were carrind out. The palm branches were blessed by the reverend rector and the usual pro cession took place. At high mass the officiating priest read the passion of our Lord. varions oils used in the services the church. He large numbér of diocese, of will be assisted by a the priests of the 7 . . -- Singing At St. George' Sunday being Palm Suny ean Milman's magnificent hymn, "Ride On, Ride On, In. Majesty." to Dyke's tune, was sung at hoth services at St. George's cathedral. The ofiértory at the' morming 'serviee "The Palms," 'and at evensong a very beau- tifal duet by Fadre, "All Ye That Weep," was well sung by Col. Taylor and Charles Harvey. woe AT THE GRAND. Hoyt's "A Bunch Of Keys,' To- Night. "Action and achievement" are Gus Bothner's watch words,. when" he pre- sents Hoyt's 'A Bunch Of Keys" admiring audiences season after son. The performance is well keyed up to a high pitch by the engagement of capable comedians, chit soubrettes and comely chorus ladies. The fun * comes fast and furious, the specialties are refined and novel, the songs are bright and catchy, the dances are master: pieces 'of artistic evolution and the whole effect is one to he obtained on ly through ceaseless vigilance on the manager's part. No sluggards or lag gards ever sneak into a east of "A Bunch Of Keys" for Bothner has a maintain and 1 standard -{ 1 that ¢ the twenty-first season . "A Bunch Of Key smple evidence | that he maintains it. This ye exception. ¥A Bunch Of Keys" sented at the Grand to-night, r is ro is pre. -- Frank Deshon Coming. At the Grand on Thursday, April 12th, Messrs, Nixon & Zimmerman will offer one of their most important at- tractions. This wi be none other than our old friend Frank Beshon, who will be sgen in his latest comedy contribution, '"ThikOffice Bov."" The character given to Mr. Deshon, that of a mischievous office boy, is from all accounts, one of the most suitable to his peculiar style, that has come to him in his career. A talented com- pany and fine production are said be part of the offering. to "Big Hearted Jim." There is the true ring abont the i new play which George Klimt chose to | star himself in this season, under the management of Klimt & Gazzolo, and | thas \ | which will be seen here at the Grand Feldman returned from New York, it ne hing, aud he Wiehe Strue. Confirmation Service. {on Friday, April 13th, matinee and was decided to go to Kingston, and shuld be Teal Whe os it ne Following evensong, in St. Paul's | night. The title, Big" Hearted Jim, rob a jewellery store there, as it Was | penuty would be addi 1 . A uild church, Sunday, the Bishop of On | gives the keyifote and the fine, though | not thought safe to do any work im [oo and AITO p> ° LX Bug pe! tario performed the rite of confirma: | rough personality of Jim Saxon, the Montreal just then, Feldman, Schach- x present wu line oe - boil a tion to twenty-four candidates of | sheriff, of Medicine Lodge, Montana, oF, a man named Elmar, and thé man grass plots i» littl . sh rab wh ng i | Whom eleven were of the male sex. | 18 a fitting central figure for such a who has supplied the information to some flowers to i y ae 1 Sh The church was filled to its seating | story. the detectives, went to Kingston. |, 0 to .our oni mal uikdin -- capacity for the . service, Assisting | a -------- they reached Kingston ~ they | aie 0 on, a or ng. OU Fovtor. Archdeacon Carey, the | TENDERS AWARDED found that it would not be safe to wonld F sturoly op an a yx re ger curate, Rev. Mr. Lipscombe! and Rev. | Yerack" the jewellery store, se Feld dy 'ax, pride in keeping For Civie Printing--Consolidation of By-Laws. : The civic printing committee met on Saturday printing tenders. The first named in following paragraphs, be the lowest, was awarded the con pt: nhossed stationery Ww. 15; Whig, S38 * Minutes of News, 8392 55 Voters' lists Auditors' 10 Jackson, Whig, $150. report--News, $128. Whig, Election forms- Whig, £38.63: News, R40 SATE Poll hooks and ballots Whig, $58. Printing for city clerk Whig, $15.50; News, $16.75 Printing for city engineer--News Printing for city $79.50; Whig, $83.40. Printing for city assessor 24.75; Whig, 896. for health » $20.50; Whig, £20 for water works Whig, 265.50. Printing for police department" News, $9.35. Whig, $9.00, treasurer--News 8 News, News, 861; Printing for hght department Ww. Jackson, $26.25: New s, 830.25; Whi, $32.25 ; Printing for Jackson, £11.50; $13.75. It was deciddd to / fire department Ww. News, £13.30; Whig, recommend to the that a special committee 0._consolidate the city by-laws and have them printed. , -- To Mect The Outside Expert. The light," heat and Power commit - tee was called to meet at 9:30 o'clock this afternoon to meet R.A. Ross, of Montreal, who is ta be engaged as an outside expert to report upon the plant extensions, It it understood that Mr. Ross' fee will be $75 a day and expenses.' He could paver the work in two days, The committes wishes to outline cledirly. what it 'de sires Mr. Ross to do. The Montreal expert will have at his disposal all Nr, Camphell's plans and estimates, -------- : Special For Men; The correct things for men are here. See our see our special all special $1 street gloves: $1 colored shirts; see our special 50¢, neckwear; see our special $2 hats. The H. Bibby Co. ------ J.C. Hamer, granted a patent moving frost, windows, Kingston! has been on devices for re steam or fhe like from Orders tempt with the splendid' re sult. As Jeremiah had done, he urged and that we encourage those who have 'failed, and are down that they niay a very effective anthem, "Conquering Kings Their -- ui Simca Medars. Skeane and | Geourrences In The City And Simpson taking the solos. The Std Vicinit Brief T of rew's quartette, Miss 2. Tandy 3 : and Messrs. Craig, Simpson: and Interest Easily Read and Strange also sang. Remembered. fo Archbishop Gauthier will officiate on- |Maunday Thursday in blessing of the to | sea- | afternoon and awarded the | council---Whig, £361.25. | department | THE DAY'S EPISOD Sis GENERAL." . The County. Orange lodge 'Will "hold ifs semi-annual meeting, April 12th. The Polo Club will have its annual meeting, Tuesday, at 5:30 o'clock in the armouries. Thirteen new pupils, of whom five | were city children, have been admitted, 'Iso far this month, to the public schools. Sunlight Soap is better than other Sunlight way. Buy and follow directions. The erection of the homely ice house on the lot adjoining the Rathbun coal yard, King street west, is not in line with the new.movement to | "Make Kingston Beautiful." "A" compahy, of the 14th Regi ment, had a splendid turnout at the armouries 'on Friday night. Thurs day might was selected as their drill night. This week the uniforms will he issued. Bog fanciers are talking of organiz- ing with the possibility of a kennel show in the early fall. This wenld be a unique venture for Kingston, but would likely prove a success, as' the city has some fine dogs. A special meeting of the civie salar committee was held, on Saturday evening, but nothing was upon. * Several of the members not understand that the had adjourned to meet in May, after the liquor license revenue was known MARINE NEWS. ---- What is Gathered From Around the Harbor. The Welland canal will open on ril 16th. The steambarge Navajo cleared ves terday for Charlotte. The M. T. Co's Advance entered the dry-dock this morning. The river is now about clear of ice, the high winds of last night having blown it out into the lake. The ateamer - New Tsland Wanderer left the dry-dock yesterday and made a trip to Cape Vipeent this morning | The old schooner Fleetwing, lvingr on bottom below the bridge, i# being got { ready for navigation again. She will {| carry stone to Toronto. =~ JUST TO COME AND SEE. Sunfight Soap Ap- As Freely Welcome as if Going to a Millinery Opening. 'Keeping abreast of the changing styles=often ahead of them." has heen | one great factor in the success of the Slater shoe, and the manager<of the Sla'er shoe store says that this emphatically true of the Slater wo men's shoe. The new styles have ar rived from the factory, and thev are ready for freg inspection, 'We want ¥oR ta ee---and. we won't urge gon'to buy." x is Sm Death Of Miss Mills. | After a long illness there passed { away, Mamie, aged forty eight years, daughter oi the late James (a Mills, lat the howe of her mother, 138 Bagot street, on Sunday. Deceased was a | valued member of St. many friends by | disposition. She Paul's and won her kind, charitable was a sister of John | H. Mills, the well known city aueti | oneer, who survives, besides her moths | er, a sister, Yiss Apnie; and a broth | | er, Isaac, ! "Bibby's"--Easter--"Bibby's."" There are many swagger shapes im soft hats this season, but none of the correct things a missing from Lines, at $1 do $350. The H. Bish Co, our 0 Maple Syrup Swindle. Citizens have complained that since maple Syrup came on the market, the old melted brown sugar gag has been | Blayed by some of the corner groce Many a housewife has paid 25¢. a quart for a swindle. Stringent meth oos should he used to prevent this fake business; 'but doubtless .at this season, it is as hound to be with us as the spring poet. Pin Your Faith On Ferrozone es A Time Honored Cure for Spring Ailments That Every Physi- cian Recommends. ---- But every year has 'seen the pop larity of Ferrozone increase, and to- day it is used by the people of many nations of weaknesss;, wdebility and the characteristic ailments sof spring. Let Ferrozone help you ! It enriches the blood supply thereby vitalizes and quickens whole body. Humors and impurities are © driven off. Disease germs of every kind are destroyed, Nutritious material is supplied il restoring the waste, and day by day the process of rebuilding goes on till health that outlasts old age is estab- lished. = W. A. Renwick, of 95 Hvnter street, Hamblton, Ont., writes: "AX year ago I became. run down and lost my health. My strength was greatly reduced and on account of the weah- mess of my heart 1 was afraid to take wp work. On going up stairs or walking fast my heart would beat like an engine: 1 and the would gasp for breath and get. ex hausted quickly. At night 1 would wake up in an excited condition: © and find my heart going like mad. In this terrible state nothing help- ed me hut Ferrozone. Such it did me I can hardly explain. It built Up my strength, put new life in my heart and made me feel like a new man." Even in advanced cases of weakness Ferrozone i# unfailing. Your druggist sells it, 50c. per box or six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or by mail from William Swain, piano tuner. received at MeAuley's Book Store. N. C. Polson & Co., Hartiord, Conn. LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN soaps, but it is best when used in the decided did | committee 1 WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY if |7 FAILS MUNYON, Philadelphia RATS HIGHEST PRICE for Spring Rats W. FE. COURDIER 78-80 Brock Street APRIL and Eastertide Is fas nized 9 a season for Dainty Gift-Giving Among Friends becoming Our stock and wi appropriate to thi Ons season The DIAMOXD i= 4h Birthstone for April | Smith Bros. Jewalers--Opticians Issues of Marriage Licinses Phoas 683. Grand Union Hotel R.ooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Grand Fentral Station BAGGAGE}: F REE ISEN ARO WOMiEn, Use Big & for unnatural discharg s,iz or sent in plain by expres, pr Is Near] Change Your Dress At Once ! If it be a ready-to-wear suit we have the correct thing ata big range of prices, from $6 to $15, or if you want gocds by the yard we are in a posi- tion to show you a range of the newest weaves, unequalled by any other store in the city. Only the latest - can find 2 placa in our display 1 he ruling prices are 50¢., 75% and $1 a yard. See for your- self. : Coats | Coats! We are doing the Coat trade of the city. Every Coat shown Jy us isa perfect le and the prices are reasojabie. A new lot received to-day. Curtains & Curtain Poles stale Big 'sale of Lace Curtain and Cotdin Poles all thi week. © Get your supply v the low prices are in Vogue. ' US.A, and Kingston,*Ont. x NEWMAN & SAW | = p-- ree ( Use SUNI The Coupons for which you Users of SU} -« mothing 3 Read circular A gift is of Ii 'n exchange ! wery day. SAVE S 00800 @O®E E The finest an ST ® ever shown, Iter 4 signed for men, makes, only depe: prices that will inc pair sold, THE LATE McDermc LOCCOTOOTOOIE LABATT Ale and are. Nature's? Best To products, made from t and best selected hops healthful and aid dig are very palatable bey + With the most delicate JAS. McP! *339 "Phone 274, TT At' Strachan's Har EMBOSSING Besidey Pristing The or Paper and RAVING Lotte AN _clasita of Lat voi trom card to, a WHIG,

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