Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1906, p. 12

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sanmRarTue "Is positively fres J| from all deletori. ernment Analyst, It is strongly re- commended for 'Ansmia, Loss of Elecp, Dyspepsia, kn Grippe, Gene- young man see her with her hair transfer his affections, man's popularity BUSY GOTHAM. LL ---- American Tourists Abroad. men whom the howling dervishes Delinquents. - : for the walls « source of wortiment to bers who are Reapantibile for their suecesstul out: . came. But to-day it is found that the is way to reach the delinquents is by the adoption of modern business methods, There is really as muck need and moro reason for systematized work . Me in the business of 'the church ws in any : other kind of business. To rely on an appeal frog os oudett to Brincie ted : tithes is not only unsuccessful, * hut ga quite distasteful as well. v A Where a judicious use of the follow: up systom has been installed, a re { markable benefit has . been peceived. . The official bowrd of the NostFand M. N E. church of Brooklyn, New York, sent ; out this spring to all ite mombers a Nad convincing little booklet entitled **Ac- . & cording to Your Ability," By argu- ment and illustration it laid before each shetshior the need of systematic giving, It appealed to them not as alms-giverd, but. as Business men, Many instances might be cited of notable returns received from such. a follow-up system, One chureh in the suburb of Chicago had every year great difficulty in keeping itself out of debt. Rut one year the pastor, Rev: C. A. Kelley, resolved to earry on the finances in a wore 'systematic form. letter through the mail and the an- count was kent publicly in the vesti- {A BUDGET OF GossIP FROM "| How Can There Be Equality Be- . fore, the Law ?--Hotel Men Want Escape From the Suicide Nuisance--Mob . of _ New York, April 7.--The public have | Just to been very much interested in the treat- ment by Mr. Jerome of the insnrance the press have been demanding. be sent to ison or set . to work on Black- well's Island. Equality before the law is what they are all shouting, but how can there be squality before the law ? To catch a tramp, and conviet him of theft, and send him to prison inflicts but little punishment upon -- him. He finds delight in it in Sots re FOLLOW YSTEM t, for he has, now that he is in 2 IES : od. a Sout aver bin Heal, pi good 3 i food, and he i o from al arms, Useful in Getting After Church i #tone are thick and se. . He i t kept awake | Church finances have often been o | #7078 He is not kept awake by pangs DUKE CARL THEOD ORE OF BAVARIA The Austrian Emperor's broth er-in-law, and his wife, Princess The appeal was made by booklet and Maria Josepha of Portugal, occu the members of royal families in nowncement from the pulvit was mere- | oculist and recently performed ths five the ly in emphasis of the ingividusl lot. act opesation. Hi§ Wil§, who is a trained o WF The record of each member's ae- | in his work, hy homes nowhere; stare That discovery is, that to have Tr iow A : ; 0 4 y an exceptional position among urope. The Duke is a famous Sandth successful eatar- nurse, ably assists him AN AUTOMATIC A FIGURE WALKS, RIDES A WHEEL AND WRITES, | RE are scarcely . ever ven thousand emigrants % "York in one day last weeks, They came over sea, breaking Can Do Almost as Much as We Can--Guicksilver Place--Wonderful all and cde here to start But. ihe tourists start they go over the sea ther heople or land- scapes, or b ng. Thev feel no in- terest in the visit, and none of | on the land they leave. . The theatre managers have pricked up their cars as the tidings of Mme, Sarah t's experience with tents have come to town. Instead of being driven "out of business Ly the trust's churlish . act in refusing her any theatre in the south, she's right in it,50 to speak, having done the largest business of career, and way down in what are considered poor places for big houses in the theatrical cireles, She has made a discovery, not only for herself, but for all the profession, Clothes washed b are cleaner and whit er than if wag in ay other way. hed ed the actions of the hu- dirt but always ; player swept all this 'automaton the ches done by "the man behing the most dainty hands that use jt b absolutely pure and c injurious chemicals o Sunlight Soap shi be used as directed. or hard rubbin selves lately ip pre tc man made of which rides a bicyel oducing an gutoma- springs and metal, : Ti 1 : nd in Cuticura R man figure which can that we can, The house that a house can't hold, one has android walks, rides other soap, but is used in the Sunligh like a creature of flesh qa Frederick Irelane figure, which is named t five foot, seven inches" tall, weig composed of 305 "differe oi iron, the lower limbs of Lever Brothers Limited, Toronte steel and copper, Mr seven. ototors in the being in part driven in part Ly clectriéity, strongest motors move bers and thus cause the forty accumulators of delivering 2,700 am- » which provide the rd eighty-four volts, ath maintain the- balance," ent as is possible lano 'has. copied the internal mechan- Possessing all the grace, style, elegance and comfort 'qualities for which D (& A corsets are famous, the "Crest" is the only corset made that will not break at the waist-- will not break and discomfort and ill fitting Juids in the semi- nerves of these canals to the brain th closed liquid. In silver is used in the the making and brea trie current by the from the motion of the © position of the en. + Suitable fer any king of anole: day and all the da work in, walk in or rest in. ashion approves it--common sense and comfort demand it. Ask for the corset that bule of the church and checked off by the treadurer each week, The pegult is vaving, but the friends of the church 20 individonls wre turning in their re- gular contributions. picion of wrong . doing, which may Set m---------- never be established, be becomes a STRANGE ARTICLES flaring picture before the public at | Brought Into Law Courts as Ex. Strange articles sometimes find th way inte the law courts as "ex- h Mo cop), slabs of bite." "Lumps pewter, boxes of cigars, hottles of whiskey, automatic machines, stow pans, "Bram' jewelry, have all at , different times been put in evidence. Once an anchor, weighing soveral tons, was "produced," but owing to its un. way ; wieldy wize, it Was left in the open fio i i 3 Reo : what to the tramp is luxury, in to gr for , Mspection. roently, Justico them excruciating torture, There is no | Farwell's court had some of the foa- equality of punishment at all in the ) » 3 A ' two classes of cases. The point that porlum. From counscly' desks the Mr. Jerome seeks to impress upon the ™ 4 court and the public, is that it is a : phones were turned towards his lord such more serious mabler 10 Scouse. § the battery need strengthening. I ho | 1080 of standing and prominence than action in progress had reference to | it is an ordinary knave. And in the { 3 1 5 ™ i T y ng « » 1- | alleged infringement of a patented de. | matter of calling any pay wr | vice for conducting the sound waves | tical contributions larceny ) ir. u hd ¢ i wi inks it is thu | frenerated in the sound-box through evidently thinks it oud fi oy | the multiplying horn to any desired] | designate w int has been do e bs ri { point. For the purpose of elucidating | Without juestion by men of character tures of a musical instrument em- huge trumpets of six or eight gramo. | ship, and others lay in hiding shouhl i : / f of i the comparative merits of different | wWhhout any Songht vy | instruments, a number of records wert Tend. It looks too much like a k n also brought, reproducing, amongst | ing people's reputation on _ technicali ting of Kubelik.: But counsel's choice | was commiting larceny when he hand went in un less classical direction, pn ed over money of the New York Life fixed upon the comic slement. So the | Insurance company to a representa- ! late Daniel Leno's voice begun to | tive of a political party. So a ding "Mrs. Kelly" to his Inrdshin, A contrysting picture was presented | Yory little sufliced, for after liste ning | in court at the very moment that Mr, to a few bars the leamed judge initi- | Perkins was arrested. A boy of thir teen was sent to a correctional institu. -------- tion for three years for stealing a Little Tasks Of Life. . cent. But the stealing of 'that cent It is while you are patiently toiling | showed that the boy possessed of the at the little tasks of life that the mean- | Very quintessence of the spirit of theft: | ling and shape of the great whol of | that he almost strangled wu little girl | mated that he was qoite satisfied. | life dawns upon you, It is while sou | 10 met her penny away from her be aro resisting little temptations a | Brooks, with dishonesty, and when he was be, -------- ing taken away for punishment he A man way want to be abl turned and laughed. Theft is theft. 1s 'od : "10 | there any relationship between that wurk, but that is' no Sign that he boy's forcible taking 'of that penny rhe wank, VEER Kitud and Perkin's bestowal of a contribu wistakes due to wih Bris ie ol Lyion on-a political party ? -- ul at the restored health of m: recommendation I consider it my to arvisburg, Pa., says this after ha ly Dr. Agnew's Catarthal Powders. athers ha BX EK WADE, appearance and scaring the servant lows for such an infliction suicide it is felt to be an infliction rer from heart disease and nervousness. | mode nobody. It would seem that the ran down in health and ber was | suicide would seek to make his exit friends, who had proved its worth, she obtained Dr. | from the world as little objectionable fore one bottle had been taken was able to lie in as possible, but this can hardly be ex oF auifu Gute wis | pected, for the suicide is essentially of selfish, and it is but a slight matter has snatched thousands from death's in his mind to expect other people to evidence of heart disorders, such on, 'flutiering. oF uneds: This dy will relieve } bl take care of his body after he has and will cure the stomach and ne ) : "When I know a thi of 'mal Eh | tired of i himself. : Eves: N J Tt is stated that the mob of Ameri tell of can tourists abroad is expected 1, ured show twenty per cent. increase this ve said and can say of it. Don't neglect | Vear over last, There is a class of per lead to chronic catarrh. Dr. Agnew's | Sons in sult, Population whe an eter ise ied. Keep at rest. hey flit to the southward; uly pplind : itusar you if you then to the northward: then they take a trip to the west, only to turn upon cures all skin of conscience, nor does he worry about that not = only are the 214 membors what the public think of him, Indeed, he knows that the public isn't giving have heen 'stimulated to helt and aver | him a thought---he's too obscure, But take the rich man. On the merest sus- once, and continues such for months and months, while the newspapers are trying him and convicting hiy, to their hibits, own satisfaction. I we may judge from the effect on many during the past few months, whom this: treat- «als ment has brought to utter prostration, | Branite, = sacks oF bay, tumios, okl with health ruined, we must suppose that these men 'are in hell from the very first moment they are accused, and continue in the inferno from then until they die. If the law clears them their reputations are blackened any- 1 convicted and sent to prison, r-- | to secure a tent; that a good perforn- ance can be given in a tent, and 'to an audience that coyldn't get within sight of a theatre door: that the drawing power of a tent is far supers ior to that of any modern theatrem and that a tent can draw. au diences that couldn't possibly be ae- commodated within walls. These are important discoveries to have made for. the theatrical profession. A trust cannot possibly preempt all the de sirable stands for a tent, and if the play doesn't draw in one locality it Bn casily be shifted to another place where theatres are more plentiful, and better patronage awaits the perform- ance. The troupe is more independent, of romance, which, added to the romance in the play. brings the ideal part up to a high level, The enormous sum taken in by Mme, Bernhardt awakens the envy of and there is a spi other. coneert-room atteactions, the | ties. Nobody can think for a moment | singing of Melba, and the violin play- | that George = W. Perkins thought he that | cause he wanted to steal cit. He was you are growing stronger. --Phillips truly a thief, thoroughly impregnated The hotel men are praying for some escape for their hostelries from the | rr ------------ _ -- ot wr suicide nuisance. The landlord hires J out his rooms to those that come, and x when a' suicide comes und delivers his corpse, giving the'room a gruesome $d - * ' SAVED SUFFERIN --DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL PO NEVER FAIL IN girls, the landlord wants to know of | G AND BROUGHT BACK HEALTH maa why he has been distifiguished | GREAT HEART CURE AND i A corpse is not an agreeable WDER DEFY DISEASE AND object under the best of circumstances, THEIR MISSION OF HEALING but when the dead body is that of a y daughter that if any use can be made upon ordinary rights, Why don't the eased Mr. George Weels, of Ont., says in | wuicide seicct a place to shuflle off this | to the wonderful curative qualities of Dr, Agnew's Cure for the | mortal coil in which he can discon all actors, but none of them wish to deny it to her, as they sce that she hasshenefited the profession in its en- tiroty. The religions' people have in- vaded the city with meetings held in tents, and now we may expect to have the theatre people do the same. Even the trust may be brought to it. Mr. Carnegio's latest society. which spelling of the language, needs to be checked in order that the delight afforded to the eye in printed page of English spell ing, may not be extinguished. Under the work of the Canny Seot the types that, at present, make the look of the English language superior to that of any other, will soon he trans formed into outlandish and grotesque wants to tinker with the forms, almost as distaseful to the vis ion as the Russian or Indian or Chi nese types that distract and distress thd eye in search of pleasing reading A line of English as she is written to tay means and suggests business. The words go right along and do their work while the new style offends the ory' word. Ouve can take no oye aty ev pleasure in the absurd looking char acters in twisted juxtaposition, and the letters looking as they were not ac quainted with each other apd never would be, Let us be allowed to keep our trim, symmetrical, pleasing, and altogether satisfactory printed page, without distorted words, framed of letters that seemingly have no rela tion to each other. That anybody can learn to. spell "the abominable words after they have han squeezed into distorted © substitutes for words that we all are familine with, is ridi culous. If Carnegie were to go the rounds of his libraries and learn « new mis-spelled word in cach one of them, he © would forget in bic last li brary the word he learned in the fiest one Visitors. to this city, especially those from rural regions, are surprised to sev horse-cars going to and fro on regular routes of travel, and they find. much amusement in the fact that ~a city so large as this still clings to the obsolete vehicle, There are many lines on which okl-fashioned horse-care are used, and they supply a need that it has so far Leen found impossible to supply in any other way, as trolleys could not be introduend in their stead | at once. Two of the greatest lines in the city, extending from one end of it to the other, ave run with horse-cars. The state railroad commission is con. sidering the matter, on complaint of citizens, but a ride on an old-fashion- ed horse-car is the most comfortable | One a man can find in the city. OLD TIMER, > A Different Liniment. It is well worth while to' learn the merits of a lniment that does more than all' ordinary liniments ecan--and does it quicker. Such a remedy is Smith's White Liniment, It cures when common liniment, will not evén re- their atepr. and sro castonl. T) . phere. Use it whenever pain, aches or T ir steps al $O eas a . he spo oY doses 10 cents. 5 Son bo ta thew least. As to Europe they they consider home knows and sees 25 cents gt Watle's, Money back if not Swan satisfactory, ' i ness exists, Exira large bottles, cannot break at the waist motion pushes fi moving to the left, Bug at this move- quicksilver, which comes in contact 'with same thing occurs the e other movements are a similar but far more - roses | )! by writing its name on and riding o bicyele," RR -------- Mourns For Two. Cannifton, April 3, our village has not mourn for two of her citizo , but such was the Mrs, John, Walker, --For many years JOE Str Parlor Match In neat attractive boxes containing about 780 MATCHES Ask Your Grocer For Them week, Un Tuesday, was called away, Mrs J | , passed over to join the silent majority, » and both leave B about two Years daughter of the late Alexander Robert aughter of Mrs, Calla- came here a bride It will cost you only §c. to try them Mr. Steele lef on M friends hope to seo . Completely restored. offering services in the Me- th here, were conduct ounts to the neat 15. Miss Spafford very sweetly, on friends in Roslin, was taking care Thursday. Another stay with Willian Craig on Monday. Miss Minnie Wilson the vicinity, The league was conauet- evening, by Miss Rush, LN » AGE LER 4 fF. Iwges J. S. HENDERSON, AGENT, KIN interesting map talk cd pone" omar TY BRILL ---------- Trowbridge id Be ston asks vou what vou t} 5 but vet I doubt it," For every simple no --r------ Quite Right acho" there its voice of singing, does a little deed, nerchance, observe tha the package of Ala like balls of snow, Kept rolling on through Enlarge their fullness us they Until they bind the Church's Alabastine becanse it doesn't pay us to try to fool our customers with alls an] ceilings of your rooms when they begin to rub and scale off, as then Ht is such a "nasty mitisi'7 to wash ahd ser want to do it over again, When some one lifts a From mother's knee, Doubt not that God ig that lisp, or falter ; © SO proud and blind, and cold misgiving, which all may find But know, O ma These little gems, ------ : Croal, alive i Edinburg, at ninety-seven, was an in- timate and personal friend of Nove who died in 1832. Croal buy ALADASTING because it will pense. It will last for yen They are XEver sof ALABASTINE Specia fnfematidu if you wrie-- THE ALASAGTIN COMPANY, LI Almost any woman will believe story that bas a scandal attached to FIGURED WITH E Brushed Scales from Fac der--Under Physician: But Grew Worse -- Face Would Be Marke Now Without afBlemi CUTICURA REME! WORK W «As 1 was a sufferer rite to tell you what a six mi tried t but di better. my bo feet s 1 coul a pin a A F zema. LT covered, my eyebrows ca en it got in my eye, i orton. He ask 1 was taking for it, and Cuticura. He said that good thing, but that he ! my face would be marked | Cuticura did its work an now just as clear as it ev, "My brother-in-law to 'the wonderful Cuticur: 1 took his advice and got t Soap, and Resolvent. 1 the Cuticura Soap and the Ointment, and tol Resolvent as directed. time my face began to ge when I had taken 'or Resolvent I could brus off my face like a powd had taken four bottles m cle ever. ; told all my frien remarkable cure. 1 feel I, want everybody far know what Cuticura can sure cure for eczema. Emma White, 641 Ch Camden, N. J., April 25, te External and Interna a Pimples to Scr g of Cut Con Free to You My Free to You and Every S Suffering from Woma: L will mail, free of any oc ~jreatment with full instructio from woman's ailments. I about this cure--you, purself, you daughter, your to tell you Iv without the } Men cannot understand wor What we women know fron know better than any doctor, home treatm Leucorrheea or Whitish Dische Displacement or Falling of fuse, Scanty or Painful Pet Ovarian Tumors or Growths, head, back and bowels, bearin Mervousncss, creeping feeling Melancholy, hot flashes, wi and bladder troubles where messes peculiar to our sex. nt is a safe ay I want to send you a co treatment entirely free to you can cure yourself at hom and surely Remember that nothing to give the treatmen and if you should wish to cost yort only about 12 ceuts a 1 two cents a day, "It will not in work or occupation. Just sen and address, tell me how -y and I'will: send you f) case, entirely free, in I will also se: WOTIAN'S OWN VISER," with explanatory iI ing why women suffer, and easily cure themselves at hom should have it, and learn ® herself. Then when tl *You must have an operation for yourself. Thousands of w themselves with my home 1 old or yung. © mothers or daughters simple home treatment whi ctually cures Leucorrhaa of irregular mens Pness and heal y cures all ° kes women well, st Just send m and the free ten « ) the bool. Wr ce this offer again. MRS. M, SUM Wind The Celebrat English Coco An admirable food, Us natural quelitie Us excellent: Coc tains the system | ys health, ani enables it _ Winter's extrefi | COC The Most Nute and Heonomie The officers ¢,, the captuy fers ww. ue

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