Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1906, p. 8

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SaleSaturday a at 8.30 O'clock | 250 MENS | WATERPROOF | coats Regular values $7 50, $9, $10, $12 50 "Your Choice for Notice the excellence of the material. Ex- amine closely the superior workmanship and tai- loring in each garment, the well set up should- ers, the neatly finished collars. Every garment is made extra wide in the skirt, 'providing ample stride room. We are not allowed to mention the name of the manufacturer, owing to the great reduction ip the price they usually sell for. = Every size in this lot. : See Window Display of These Coats p + Sale Saturday Morning At 8.30 O'clock. : &£ R. WALDRON TRTINC ee ---- COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Diamonds "Are Not Like Anything Else They never wear out, wear off, get old, have World--The Markets. In San Franciso, within 12 the lumber trust has nr thousand feet on fir months bousted prices $¢ to be repaired or sold New Yorkers ostimate that about 4. for junk 000,000 boxes of Neapolitan macarohi or J . will be imported into the United States They are the most this year. profitable investment It is announced that the Baden, Elber- feld and "lrepton Aniline chemical colur« ine factories will ital of 850,000,000, you can make for adorn- combine, ment, with a cap- Wo have one of the ; The Canadian " swtinghouse company A ¢ see: n 0 varned 420,040, und $140, mast carclully selected 100 was paid in dividends. There was stocks in Canada, and $232,041.85 : " carvisd forward we make diamond buying Lucknow, Ont. vasy for you with quality assured and guaranteed, council will purchnsp- the Congrain property for the proposed Mew town hall and public library, to be with 87.500 donated by My Close buying enables wie . » Meaford 1 t . a Meaford. Ont will guarantee a loan » us to offer stones at of the Georgian Bay Milling and Power prices mo - higher than company. The company will develop all generally asked for in- r to supply electricity for lighting Wer 'The March output of the is estimuted at 440,800 fine compared with 407,668 fine ounces in Febuary. and 428 6: in January. This i8 a new high record ii the history of the Transvanl. Value of the above est- hy mate, reckoning one ounce roughly at dl 8214, is 89,850,000, agninst $8 668.320 in February, and $9.103.695 in January Priar to the Boer war the high record of Rand production $8,004,000 in August, 1899 ---- ho ferior qualities, SPANGENBERC Jeweler, King St.' Rand mings ounces, as was ho Every man will want an Easter Tie. LIVINGSTON wants every man who is particular about his. tie to see our Easter Display of Elegant Neckwear. It's a most unusual collection in ev ery respect. Diversity of shapes,' swellness of the styles, brightness anil 7 : snappiness of the patterns and rich- Fat of the silk.' Exclusive goods can not he had elsewhere in Kingston, and prices only 50c., 750. and $1. AN ITALIAN, Duke of Abruzei Making Prepara- "tions--He is Confident That He Will Reach. the Top of Mount Ruwenszori. ! THE DUKE OF THE APRU Rome April 5 The Dike of "the "Abruzzi has almost completed his ar- rangemedts for his attanpt to make the ascent of Mount Ruwen- zori, in Equatorial Africa. In view of the experiences of Douglas Freshfield and "other explorers, the duke consid ers that the time he has selected js the most propitious season for the at tempt. Ruwenzori which has an alti tude of about 17,000, is between the Lakes Albert 'Nyanza and Albert Ed ward Nyanza and is identified by Stanley as one of the Mountains of the Moon" the range where Ptolemy, the Greek geographer of thei second next July century, believed was the source of the Nile. . The duke and the Italians who will accompany him will probably land at ! Mombasa, and will travel by train to | Port Florence on Lake Victoria, where the expedition will embark and cross the lake in order to reach the west shores. It is here that the real' ex-* pedition will be rganized. Besides the Italians it will consists of about 100 natives, to be employed in transport- ing the baggage of the expedition. Leaving Lake Victoria, the expedi- tion will cross that part of Uganda which lies between the lake and the outlying spurs of Ruwenzori. This is expected to take fifteen days. As this region is under the British protector ate it is not expectod that the ex pedition will meet with any difficul- ties. He will take with him 5 num: bor of the newest scientific instru- ments which have been tested in the meteorological observatory "here. The duke is confident that he will succeed in hie attempt, unless heavy rains or mists should interfere It is stated that only one man, a German member of the Alpine Club, has ever succeeded in reaching the top of Ruwenzori. GREAT PIECE OF ROBBERY. This is Curry's View ' of York Loan. Poronto, April 5K. J. Burt was again a witness in the Phillips con- spiracy case, to«day, and was ques- tioned farther regarding checks he had received from the Toronto Life. In two vears and three months, he drew 817 - 209 from the company and said he now had $6,000 besides his interest in the Toronte Life. The witness, how ever, 'in detailing his possession neg lected to mention the note for $2,650 given him by Joseph Phillips. "I bad forgotten that note," he said. "It looks as if that note was a mere matter of form ¥" the magie said r---- trate. What Is Going On In the Business | The witness admitted ho had receiv: ed commissions on stock sold to Mrs. Barrett and Joseph Phillips and com nussions an three blank applications for stock, which were afterwards filled nm. "Tt is the greatest piece of robbery I have over seen for some time," re marked Crown Attorney Curry as the court adjourned AN AWFUL CRIME Outraged and. Then Killed a Child, Montreal, April 3-There is now little, or no doubt, that little Edith May Ahern, whose body was found this morning, at Cote St. Paul, was the vietim of a foul monster who, af ter outraging the little. one, strangled her, and threw her body into a clump of bushes and made off, The' coroner will hold an inquest to-morrow, They body was devoid of clothi whin found. The horrible affair hal used great indignation, 'and it WY re hard with the monster who committed the crime if Hie falls into the. hands of the ftiends of the family of the little ¢ one. Every plan known to the police {has been set at work to appithend the murderer. WILL CUT HER IN TWO. A Steamer to Go in the Western Trade. Toronto, April 5,-A big steel freighter, the Scottish King, now ply ing in the Cape Scotia coal and ore trade, is to he brought up the St. Lawrence and put on the upper lake trade. The Canadian Lake and Ocean Navigation company is bringing the steamer here. The Scottish King is too big to .get through the St. Lawrence and Welland canals, so Will be eut in two at Que bee and hronght through ! in that way. Breton and Nova The Idea Sanctioned. There wat a meeting of the: exeen tive of the Daughters of the Empire on Wednesday, when it 'was decided to hold a tea, at an early date, to raise funds to further the object the so- ciety has in hand, vig, the prevention and cure of tuberculosis. The head office, in Toronto has sanctioned this most worthy scheme 1906 garden -dnd flower seeds at Best's, ¥ ASCENT OF MOUNTAIN IN AFRICA TO BE MADE BY THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 5. . oe v " ----- mi" ---- Soe mR FELL WITH A CRASHIT™ EE ---- ---------- Newsy Paragraphs Pi p By ® y Repo! on Their Rounds. : ------------ ramen Se ot Canes. |COLLAPSE OF A TOWER AT ltl, Sweet pea seeds, 19 varieties at OTTAWA. o J ee" ) a Best's. . : - Four packages laundry starch 25e. % 'at Mullin's. It Was Being Built to Wast aa-- ° There was nothing doing at police Block of Parliament Buildings : i y SEE JE § S-- cougt to-day. -- No One Was Injured -- A I , rt t L Hoyt's "A Bunch Of Keys," will be : po : t at the Grand co Monday, April th, Danger Discovered in Time. n } m an 1S or The crow of the steamer Lake Michi- Ottawa, April: 5.---With an awful gan have arrived to fit out that ves- sel for traffic on the Georgian Bay. | Pond's Extract witch hazel soap, sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230 for prompt delivery. 'the Louis James company arrived 'at noon from Relleville to play 'The Merchant of Venice," at the Grand to-night. . Hard or soft corns cured with three applications of Peck's Corn' _salve. Guaranteed. Money back if not satis factory. In boxes, 13c.,. at Wade's drug store. Have no bqual as a prompt and posi- tive cure for sick headache, Dbilious ness, constipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles, Carter's: Little Liver Pills. Try them. PITH OF THE NEWS. --e The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World, of the teachers at Rte Yar gebt The salaries the Stratford gl) Hititute - have been increased. A man who claims to be a step- brother of; Marie Corelli committed suicide «in New York. " James Alexander Dowie declares he will return to Zion City, in which event he may be arrested for misuse of funds. > The body of Robert Loudon, the Toronto letter-carrier who disappear- eld on December 19th last, was found floating in the bay. Glanders have created great havoe amongst "the horses in klma town ship. To date over forty have been shot by" order of the Dominion gov ernmentfngpector. Objection to some of the clanses %o Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick's Lord's Day act was taken by the parliamentary committee of the Canadian Manufac- turer's Association. . <The. North Atlantic Trading com pany, which drew "over $111,000 last year from the Dominion treasury, has employed J. A, Smart, formerly de pity minister of the interior, as its | Canadian agent. | SPR. | | Navigation is Now Opened. The lake steamer Neepewah, of the Montreal and Lake Superior transport- ation line, may fairly be said to have opened navigation into Kingston, hy arriving in port from Toronto, at three o'clock this afternoon. From the time she left the Queen City, to her arrival at the dry dock pier, just fi ten hours had elapsed. Capt. Oliver Fatencaude, stepping on the wharf, re- ceived many warm eroctings. He said the lake is entirely free from none being encountered until Nine Mile Point was reached. Frem there to the wharf the ice is pretty tough. The Neepewah will enter the govern ment dry dock, as soon as the steam- | er Caspian is able to be let ont. She will undergo geniral repairs. NEEPEWAH ARRIVES. Fairly A Robber Act. | Toronto News v I Mr. Pratt, of South Norfolk, has a bill before the legislature to regulate the manufacture and sale of proprie tary and patent medicines. The first clause makes it necessary to publish the formula of any such medicine on the outside wrapper of the package I his partakes more of the character lof confiscation than regulation. If | the provrietor of a patent medicine were obliged to disclose its nature to 1 pukhe it would cease to be pri I vate property, and cease to have value to the manufacturer. We doubt { if there i v serious demand for . and we are certain such le that great injustice would result from its "adoption. On the other hand, there are medicines' on the market which should be prohibited as injur ious alike to the public health and the public morals. It has been suggested, and we think wisely, that a hoard of expert , analysts ould be appointed by the {de gpl government, who should analyze all"medicines of a proprietary. character and sanction the sale only 1 of such as are safe and beneficial. This would affedh ample protection to the public, & "no injustice to the pro rietors of useful articles, and avert confiscation of the vast sums of money which: the proprietors have devoted to the establishment "and extension of this business, Orders Power Cut Of. On account of the action of the pry: vincial secretary in ordering that no {more electricity he furnished to the Church of the Good Thief, Ports mouth, from the Rockwood Asylum plant, an endeavor will be made to have connection from the city plant {made with that church edifice. For several years, the Church of the Good Thief received electricity from the asvium, Hon. Mr. Hanna will allow no more to be supplied, To. Restrain The Company. Toronto, Ont., April 6.--Anna Rob imson, Toronto, has issued a writ against the Aetia Life company, Vir ginia, Minnie and John Canavan, Jr. and Janes McBride, for an injunction to restrain the company from paving a 86,000 policy on the life of John Canavan, recently struck by a wag gon. and who 'died of injuries, to any of the defendants. The policy was made payable to the @hildren and as sived to MeBride, but the plaintiff claims a prior lien on it. Will Look Into Yt. Torongo, April 5.~The claim of the government, as owners of the water power sought eo be exploited by the Current River Power company, "brought the company's hill to a stand { before the Private Bills Committee, ! The point was raised by the town of Port Arthur, which objects to it com- ing into competition with the town plant. George Marks assured "the | committeé that his company owned «the power: The bilt--was postponed wll next week, i i crash the tower erected 'this past wint- er on the northern side of 'the west block tumbled shortly before noon to- day and lies in a heap of ruins. About 11:30 Charles McCool, M.P., acho was approaching the. west bldek, from the parliament buildings, sew the cracks in the toWer and ling of a practical mind hurried to the: public works offices and advised fhat if any one was working near the flower that they had better be taken off, This was done and ten minutes later the tower crashed to the earth and lies a heap of stone and cement. : No one was quite cledr as to. the exact cause, hut it was credited to winter building, and probably insufli cient binding in the stone, The theory is advanced that the sun on the out- side dried , the outer stone work, causing it to sink into sition, while there being no heat gide the cement and filling remained, we , cintributing to the collapse. The work was done by Contractor Georee Coodwin, nf Otta wa, who algo has the contract for the million dollar Victoria. Memorial Mu- seum building. About sixty feet of the tower fell and the damage is estimated at about 810,000. The whole addition to, the block is costing $75,000, PERSONAL MENTION. -- Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. 1. J. Latour, Brighton, is in town on business, Arthur Macnee has returned from a ness trip to Toronto. M. Storey and his son, Stanley, have gone to Regina, N.W.I. ' Miss Sophia Muller, Toronto, is visiting her mother in Barriefield. Mr. and Mrs. N. Evans, Toronta, aré guests at the Randolph hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herriman, Ogdensburg, are spending a few day in town. Tne Crown Bank has just opened a new branch at Napanee, Ont., Burnett Laing has been appointed acting man- ager. Mrs. - Sills, Sydenham street, moved vesterday. to Bellewdlle, to join her son, Robert, who is clerk in a drug store there, Ernest Stephens. late assistant sec- retary at the Y.M.C.A,, who has been spending a few days in Cornwall, was in the city to-day. en route for To ronto, and thenee to St. Mary's. \ requiem mass was celebrated at the chapel of the House of- Providence for the repose of the soul of the late John Hunt. There was 'a large at tendance of relatives and friends. Mrs. James Climie has returned to Hamilton after a few days' visit with her and Mrs." William McCammon. She accompanied her mother, Mrs. Ste wart, of Montreal, .who had been visit ing her, as far as the Limestone City May Irwin is to have a handsome new stone cottage built on Club Je land. The new cottage will be built on _the site of the present one. which willbe moved to the rear of the%s land and occupied while the new one is in course of construction. James Reid, the city lineman. acc dentally injured, yesterday, bv a cross iron cutting a deep gash in his hand, was not so well The doctor, in attendance, how ver, does not think the case to he ous. to-day. How -To Avoid Seasickness. "Seasickness," says a medical au thority, "is the result of nerve irrita tion. The motion of the steamer in duces a corresponding movement of the internal organs, especially the liver, which irritates the solar plexus and the nerve centres of the brain, If there is no unnatural motion of the liver, ete, there can be no seasick This suggests to the lay mind two ways to avoid seasickness--to nail the liver down before embarking, or » to stay on land and let the fish ory go hun- Novel Fund-Raising, ' A fund has been started by a num ber of Hungarian society women ior the Hungarian opposition who have heen dismissed. Over £8000 was collected during o musical soiree given by Countess Lud wig Batthyany. The laglies talked the political sithation, and Countess Aurel Dessewily started the fund by taking able pearls Many others officials over off a string of valu followed her example, sacrificing diamonds, rings and var rings. -- A Serious Charge. A complaint 'is to be made to the police concerning "an makes a practice girls into his house. *The offender has already been before the police magis trate for a serious misdemeancr. uptown man who of enticing little a ---- Paid His Fees. The local branch of the Woman's Na- tional Council is very pleased over the acquisition of a new member--Maj. Bruce Carruthers, A.A.G., who lately paid his fee to Mrs. Hugh Fraser, the president. Addressed The Instructors. G. A. Putnam, Toronto, superinten dent of the Farmers' and Woman's Institutes, is in town for a couple of days. He addressed the instructors' class at the dairy school, this after- noon. : Reached New York. A telegram received this afternoon, announced the arrival in New York of Archbishop Gauthier, LMme. Nakayama Aiko, a matérnal andmother 'of the Japanese empéror, is dead, aged ninety. Thirteen million sterling is the year- ly value of potatoes grown in the U a- ited Kingdom, Sulphur, cream' of tartar and mo the Housekeeper I' was aboutgone year ago that the prices of Linens were est, and that we foresaw the coming advance We at once added to our usual order, and purchase ing extent--purchased a stock which we hoped wo one year or more. And now it is, that you--our low. same; d to ag in id last us for patrons in the . pi rea the great benefit of our foresight. For to-day we are tual selling many lines at prices lower than the present wholesale fi. gures for the same. This sounds almost unreasonable, you'll give us an opportunity we'll prove it very clearly. it's true also of nearly all our household materials ( Sheetings, Tickings, etc., as well as Linens. the great saving this means to you ? but if And Ottons, Can you realize A reading of the following list will pay you IRISH TABLE LI bleached to snowy guaranteed all special, , pure whiteness, linen, vard MADAPOLAM SS lish cottons of wl fo ~ of extra ting : 25 | our sive ladies anderw IRISH. TABLE LINEN, pure bleached, fine close weaves. in i per yard, 124, 5 20¢c., and LONSDALE CAMBRICS : dainty new designs, per three extra-fin $1 yard, 63, 65, 69, 1 50 makes, per vard, 1 1% 80 and 95¢c., to .......... y 124c., and . 1LLO SINGS | : IRISH LINEN TABLE .NAP- riLOw Hn ter ob KINS, to match several of our 40 to 52 inche i rom most popular. designs 'in Table according tow. Ip Linen, according to and width. fro 1 2 size and quality, 6 00 5 . -- per dozen from 1.00 to V* PILLOW CASINGS i FINE WHITE COTTONS, for la popular English Li » of Sa 14 , fine even cot her} dies' and children's un- : th pi ay derwear, per vard, Se. 10 Be a h } By nn ie dine ar Yr. GOOD ~SERVICEABLE WHITE ENGLISH SHEETINGS, COTTON, for less t bleached, "in cithie 1w 07 plain urakes, { . to width, 25 30 par- ticular uge; per vard 6c. and ..... caasrravane Fhe. and HORROCKSES' ENGLISH TICKINGS, with «itl narrow WHITE COTTON, of good or medium Iths of pes weight, finished soft and per- or fancy « r feetly free from any vard, 123, 15, IS and dressing, all ready for 0c: and » the needle, per yard . * PILLOW TICKINGS, 20 and 25 A Late Importation of English Oxford Shirtings If ever we could congratulate ourselves upon an as- sortment of new and worthy shirting materials, it is now--right now. Our latest arrival is of a special line showing the novel light dainty patterns. Besides their use as shirting materials--their adaptability for the making of Children's Wash Dresses is at once appa- * rent. Now in three qualities, selling at special prices, you'll willingly pay, per yard, 15¢c., 18c. and 20c, olka "THE TOAST OF THE TOWN" IS TRISCU The shredded whole wheat wafer, MADE IN CANADA, of the - choicest Ontario wheat, makes the white flour cracker look sickly and pale. A natural remcdy for constipation and indi- gestion. Try it toasted with butter. Send for the "Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, ( ] Toroute Office, 3 Church St ne @ 3 a ol stm sae wm ar LABATT'S Ale and Porter are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. They are very healthful and aid digestion. Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St.' "*Phane 274. : of Gents Burtt & Packard's Pa- tent Colt Shoes There is some satisfac: tion to the purch they know that the Shoe they paid $500 tes 23 a J I yo going to crxck 0 weeks, or if the get a new pair. | lasses, 15¢. at Best's, As We Said Before We guarantee every Par asers when EE YEAR 73. -- g, P Jenkins Cl Spring Suite, Spi and , Spring Three-quarte The name "Fit Ri guarantee of Materia) Workmanship. Every sto lines : less. Men appreciate *'] and the demand is gr Blue and Blac More of tho: the best ¢ by wearin nf these Navy winners. to-day. Be you can form." E. P. Jenkins Clo This W April 2ad to We introduce to I NEW TEA. Melaga Everybody to call at our cup. Jas: Redden Importers of Fine ¢ Luella A, Knapp, (Pupil of Mr. A. Teacher of Piano a Pupils prepared . fi is cordi store Conservatory Examin: For terms apply to ston Street. THE BEST LF IN. THE WOI "FRENCH C IT IS THE ST! LEATHER US OUR SHOES, Wear "All Military Bootma 84 Brock St. Sign of -- THE FRONTEN LOAN & INVESTMENT ESTABLISKED President--Sir Richard Mone vaned on. City a perties Municipal and ! tures. Mortgages purchas received und interest aliow S. C. McGill, Managix Office, 97 Clarence stree TENDERS WA SEALED TENDERS teived Ly the undersigne 0 clock; pm.; A5th of Ay the construction of a Sy ridge, necess MAX i For the Best In In all its bras go to SWIFT'S Real zstam SI re tA DIRECT FROM pay good pric Carpets, Stove trading, buyi r ho r place than Turk's Second-H: 398 Princess § The Proper Pl Protesting in the Reo fat Chronicle against' of d advertising Bays Speaking person net buy thing thus a ply or ount of the an "i ~4 resents the bel "rT 1h so much ty housewife, he by livtering of fos Yard and street with che print generally, W WE she goes to 1 ¢ helongs ther to find any ot nature, Ady ot ee Campbell Br + For the largest stock Only heaven's seales i Tad Abe ideal js the mold 1% cast, Peal

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