Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1906, p. 2

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Seats, Si price; * New stock from Foglish Mills ust in, Wiltons, Axminsters, Brussels. Some handsome shades In Greens, Browns Pawns, Crimsons. Rugs New importation direct from Austria. some beautiful effects, in handwome pit- terns. All sizes, Axminsters. These are beauties. Rugs--all sizes {Tapestry and Bal woral, ~~ OPEN EVENINGS T. F. HARRISON G0. Seti etes SWIFT'S SCRANTON GOAL Goes Farthest JAMES SWIFT & co. & Now is the time to make your choice Our stock is all complete, ard Better patterns Lower prices Every n ake of Oar;ets. Every mak) ard sire of Rags fo be found in this first-class QOarpet Warehouse, ! ~Progerty acquired by in- dustry proves uspall more "le sting than lands Br doce Here Is YourChance Nos. 19 and 21 Union St., facing Arch St., 6 and 7 rooms, deep lot, rents for - $180 per year. Cheap at $1700, but make an er. Princess St, single " brick, 7 rooms, bl Similar houses adjéin- ing sold for $1400. Make an offer. and Elm St, 5 a ah. stable - ue garden, rental $1 ill pay 12% on $900. Make Lo ote , il you have a large and varied There is no better choice than Divans, Work: No AT THE GRAND. Was a Audience. The Kingston atmosphere provided "Under Southern Skies, ' as presented by 'a capable and well-bajanced com- pany, at the-Grand Opera House, on Tuesday evening, wads, "1 reckon, anything but damp. 1 he large audience showed © its appreciation in the very fsunniest'"" of applause, and' the quick succession of emotions; faughter and tears, as much in the "elements" as the mponbeams on the rippling river, or the twinkling of the stars on a bright mid suomer's night. The story of the play is very sweet, full of heart interdst and who cares if it did linish ax does the novels of Bertha M. Clay: it sent the girl who delights in fudge, away, all smiles, declaring it, "perfectly swell." The stage settings There' Very Fine i------ * R. A. Ross, of Montreal, to Go Over the Plans Prepared hy Mr. Campbell -- she City Council to Ratify His Ap- pointment. The by-law for extensions to the light heat and power plant will not be submitted to the city council this evening. At its meeting yesterday af- tornoon the light committee decided to withdraw the by-law, in the meantime, until the report of an outside expert upon the necessary extensions is made. The city council on . Monday i Aas, melting evening next will pass upon the en- | were pretty, expecially Act i ga gaging of RB. A, Ross, of Montreal, an | den of Mayor Crofton's home, in electrical, gas and steam expert, who | Southern Louisiana, being particular went over the plant two years ago. | ly effective, The Hallowe'on festivities The following resolution was unani- | in the second act were well put on, mously adopted at yesterday after- | and recalled many an old-time custom, noon's committee meeting, on motion [in the merry-making of this night f Si Py nights, 2. Ellon, wwonded by Ald. | Tie "Lelia Crofton" of Mabel "That R. A. Ross, electrical en | Trunnelle was dainty and hrivht, bear ginieer, of Montreal, be engaged as ex- {ing the marks of careful study, pert' to examine the gas and selectric {had 'a decidedly pleasing Southern dic She works and all appertaining thereto; (tion. George Le Guere gave a happy also the plans and specifications of the | overly" lover touch to his Bur proposed extensions, to recommend 'feigh Manor, that the while was man any changes or improvements which in ly and good. iil place detail was his Spitiion are necessary, the cost in ck of time and place detail wa detail of all extensions tothe present Maw, aw She het. Say EY wey Idecidedly up-to-date, and excepting M_FMiott said the object of > en. | th 5 aid fous! o. did ny he gaging an expert was to prove to the jp Louisiana during 1575, people that the proposed extensions | were the very best. There was a feel | ing among the people that they should | have more information as to the need | af spending so much money, The sub. | mission of the matter to an outside expert, he felt would he the means of carrying the by-law, «Ald. Toye stated that Mr. Campbell was pleased ta have the. committee appoint Mr. Ross to examine his plans and go over the whole situation. Mr, Ross, according to Mr. Campbell, was one of the very best experts in Can- ada, All the members of the were in favor of bringing in an out- side expert in order to get as much advice as possible, Mayor Mowat was present and expréssed bimeslf in favor of the action of the committee, Ald. Elliott said he was very much Benson over the statement made by r. Campbell that an outside expert, should be engaged, He asked Mr. Campbell how long it would take r. Ross to go over the situation. Mr. Campbell replied that go couple of days should suflice, as Mr. Ross knew the plant pretty well, n attendance at the meeting were Alds, Toye (chairman), Gaskin, Hoag, Elliott, Givens and Kent, The question arose as to noticeable in the costuming. especially in the suits of the men. They were may or' committee the au- thority of the chairmen of standing committees to issue orders for the expenditure of sums under twenty dal lars. The by-law provides that a com- mittee may- expend up to twenty dol- lars without calling for tenders, hut no mention is made of chairmen having the authority, Ald. Toye said The | precedent seemed to have given the chairman the right to sign orders lor small expenditures: without consulting the committee. In any case, the au- ditor had to pass on all expenditures, It was decided that the chairman, Ald, Givens and the city solicitor | should look into the by-law regarding | the purchase of supplies so far as it affects the light committee and recom mend any changes necessary Jobn McIntyre, K.C., licitor, reported as to tion of clause 12 in the MISS FLLIS She wiil he at JEFFREYS the Grand, To-night. Miss Ellis Jeffrey's To-Night. Society has a treat in store in the coming visit of Miss Ellis Jefiveys, the | distinguished English the Grand, on Wednesday, April 4th, This tween the city and the street railway is Miss Jeffreys' second professional regarding the charge of power to | visit to America, Miss Jofireys is the sweepers and motor cars, and stated | daughter of an Irish captain in the that the charge for these was 1 2-3¢. | British army, and was formerly the a kilowatt hour.at the switch board. | wife of the brother of Earl Howe, » Ald. Elliott pointed out that title which may some day come to her acting city so- the interpreta- agreement he actress, to his question had really not heen answered, [son. "The Fascinating Mr. Vander Supposing - sweepers and motor cars | veldt," in which Miss Jefireys has were run, and the average rate a day | scored such a success, is a comedy exceeded 82.50, would the extra written expressly for her amount be changed ? His opinion was | that when' swoepers und motor 'The Merchant Of Venice." Cars were put in operation, then the That colossus of the drama--physi straight rate of 1 2.30. should be | cally, temperamentally and artistical- charged for all cars. Sweepers and ly, Louis James, is announced for motors were not intended to come un- | Thursday, April 5th, at the Grand, der the $2.50 rate, hut only passenger | and will be seen in "The Merchant of cars. Ald. Givens held that AM. El | Venice." A veritable and dramatic liott's idea could not be read into the | treat is in store for all lovers of the agreement, no matter what the mten- | legitimate and classic drama. Mr. tion of last year's committee was, | James has been. identified with the Mr. Campbell said that no trouble | classic drama for over forty years, had yet arisen. The amount for a car {and at all times has disclosed a per a day had not yet reached $2.50, The spicuity of stage craft that, sad to committee decided to leave the mat- ter over until. trouble did arise, communication was read from the mayor of Toronto asking that a dele. | gation be sent to aid a deputation in pressing upon the Ontario government the advisability of developing power at Niagara Falls. No action was taken upon the communication. Mr. Campbell stated that" y | say, is gradually dying out among the Younger gentration. of actors YOUNG MEN'S SUPPER. | Bethel Church Enjoyable Last Night. Last evening, | Bethel church, Event in the school room of the second tea was y recently | &ven to the young men of the chirch an Ontario government representative | and 'Sunday school and their, iriends. had been through this district in | About twenty-five sat down to the ex regard to development of Power and | collent supper, prepared by the ladies, he had given him some data. The ex | after which an interesting debate took pert was of opinion power could be | place : "Resolved, that a young man developed at the Trent River, and that | should gO wost to hettor his condi Kingston might be benefitted. tion." The affirmative won. Helpful McCallum, i= leaving this to work among the meting ended at. 9:30 all agred that a profit enjoyable evening had been -- -- addresses followed, hy Mrs See Woman's A:t Association hi- | and 3 Mudnon bits of oil and watercolors, shotcHor { We lor The carving, china, ete, Kirkpatrick's pal. | bo Hl { lery, 10¢, Afternoon tea. bie _-- William Swain, piano tuner. Orders | 10° © received at Neduley's Book Store, j nent The annua examination of candi ' dates and probationers for {he minis- FIRE ON FERRY. who try will be held in the Sydenham Street Methodist church, on April | Blaze Does $200 Damage to Wolfe 18th. Islander. About eight o'clock, Tuestlay night, a brisk blaze, resulting from the ex. plosion of .a_ lamp while the men were working: with oakum, did material damage {5 the steamer Wolfe Islander, [lving at Garden Island, after her' in- itial and fruitless attempt to cross to the city. The blaze was entirely fined to "the passageway on the main deck and along the port side, where fire scorched the newly painted boards, The flames, however," were extinguishy Your Cold How will your cold be * tonight? Worse, probably. How about tomor- con: ed, very shortly and 8200 will fully cover the damage done. £5 mm----------r Campbell Bros, For Scott's; Christy's, Stetson's, THE DAILY ORGANIZE. ? A -------- A cily League Probable, Again This Year--8t. James, Y.M.C. A. and Irishmen. With "the continued warm, bright, weather baseball enthusiasts are, as it were, "siting up and taking a httle nourishment," Doings oi the diamond are commencing to form the talk amongst the local sports and organiz- ing is in the air with as bright pros pects as the summer like face of Old Sol for the past few days be seen with glove ana ball praciicing new winter-hatehed curves Yesterday, the cricket field and several vacant lots about town were scenes of activi ty with "Casey at the bat." It is expected, go again he formea thie good old days, and though last vear's ended in the deciding match being somewhat of =» oe, renewed vigor will enter into this year's league, The city hockey le may throw away their pucks and sticks for ball and bat, as itis possible that all the teams could put on a baseball apore gation, though not probable the Wan {derers would, , 1 The YMCA. intend organizing again this vear, and will hold x meet ing in the association building on Fri | day night. The Oriental team is prac tags: city league will year as in the lie ticads \ ] Last vear's Irishmen have called a meeting for to-night St. James' elub are alco casting eves at the diamond, and intend talk ing things over, Thursday night. when a baseball club will be formed. Tt is also the intention of these athletes to get together an association football aggregation for the coming season, CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION. The Officers Elected for the Ensu- ing Wear. Last evening, the annual meeting of the hingston mseryative Association wax held. W. F. Nickle presided. These othcers were elected : President, H, W. Richardson; first vice president, Dr. A, k. Koss; second vice-president, J ames A. Minpes; third vice-presigiont; T. J. Rigney; «fourth vice-president, John stcretaries, 'H, Angrove. and r i treasurer, George Sears. onded by T, J, Rigney, endors- ing the action and policy of 'the oppo- sition at Ottawa, was carried un animously, A resolution, moved by W. KF. Nickle, seconded by H. Douglas, expressing the utmost confidence in the Ontario government, was also carried, Mr, Nickle speaking at length on the desirable legislation passed by the government, ana expressing the + hope that Kingston would pet a nor- mal school. He also strongly com. mended Hon, Mr. Whitney for his de- cision' not - to dismiss officers unless they were discovered taking an active part in politics. Any other decision would have meant a very serious thing for the country. Resolutions of condolence in connec-_ tion with the death of George Rich- ardson and Dr. R. PF. Walkem, K.C., Wo ex-presiflents, were moved by John McIntyre, 'K.( . and seconded hy F. J. Hoag, and tarried unanimously. -- FOUND DEAD. Wolfe Islander"s Sudden Passing Away. A well-to-do farmer C. Watts, aged seventy-five years, was found dead in bed, Tuesday morning The old gentleman had = beent ailing for some time with general debility and age, but his passing away cau as: a4 sudden shock to his many friends. Mr. Watts had lived on the island all his life and was respected by all who knew him. He was a member of the Church of England Beside his widow, he leaves to | sur vive him, two daughters and six sons, Joseph Watts, Wolfe Island, is a brother of deceased ---------- Haunts Of Fish And Game. The above caption is the title of a concise, interesting and instructive book, issued by the Grand Trunk railway system, sand contains valuable information regarding the hinting and fishing territory reached hy their lines. It is handsomely illustrated vith hali tones reproduced from direct photographs, giv force in the different states and pro Vinees, contains maps and all infor mation desired by the hunter. The publication is sent free on application to bo Quinlan, distriet passenger agent, Bonaventure Station, Montreal -------- Talked To Instructors. 1. A Ruddick, Ottawa, chicf dairy WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4. -------- | versy. ' | THE CLUBS ARE ABOUT T0| Kingston, Ave (To the Editor): | The youths of. the town are now to | lact and wil pe strong as | lution, moved by Captain Gas- | of Wolfe Island, 's the game laws in | | Would Be Result of a Contro- It looks as if any controversy between { "Anti-Extravagance'" and mysel | would 'be a series of contrary affirma i I will maintain' that the his- { tory of Canada from the coming of | { the first French settler, cared for by | | the French government and his path | { made as easy as possible, to the pres { ent day, when Kingston wants the | | Bovernment to erect buildings in order | to stimulate tradessdms been one long | | story of the "undermining of enter | prise, courage, resourcefulness, inde | pendence of Canadians by the willing i ness of government to assist them. If | "Anti-Extravagance" will read the | early unaided struggles of the pioneers {in the states, and the quicker develop ment of their country through the en terprise developed thereby, and then | read the history of Canada's pioneers, | { tions, we have been crippled here from the | very beginning of our history by gov- ernment patronage. It is a great deet] casier to be helped than to be inde pendent, but independence pays over and over again. A prominent manufacturer has ofier- | ed a local society 825 if it can suc | ceed in having the designation of the | penitentiary and asylum changed to Portsmouth instead of Kingston. It is | | @ sign of the awakening that the pre sence of government institutions | not always helpful "to a city. | H "Anti-Extravagance"' deems King- loyal to their city, full of faith in_ it and enterprise; public spirited, then our definitions of these terms 'differ, for 1 know no place where citi zens speak so unfavorably of it, and who are so fault-finding as Kingston- jians, T affirm that the citizens have | been crippled by so much government | Patronage that any measure shoul | welcomed that would create public | spirit, resourcefulness, enterprise and | independence. -- INDEPENDENCE. v { are | he eee A WORD OF APPRECIATION Of the Marine Lectures Given by Capt. Thomas Donnelly. At the last lectures at the Marine | School, the following address of ap- | preciation was read to Capt. Thomas | Donnelly, who has bern in charge of the school : "The Kingston Association of Mas ters and Mates desire 1 express- their Arnest appreciation of, and- the. bene- | fit your marine lectures have been to them. during the season about clos- ing. We are aware that munch thought. and labor wag necessary in the pre- paration of these lectures, and fully believe we that you have not spared any and- every effort' to make them both interesting and profitable to those who were fortunate enough © to attend. These lectures have been alike useful to old as well as young mari ners, and the knowledge we have. quired has certainly increased our use fulness to our employers, and has made us feel a much greater degree of admiration for our profession. "The steady attendance of our sail ors and yachtsmen is a proof of the very great interest = which the marine men of this vicinity have taken in the marine school," and we feel that the merine men of this city and vicin ity have" mich to B56" thankful for ia being privileged to attend it. | "Already steps have heen taken to bring your merits and work to the no tice of the department. of marine and | we sincerely hope that department will continue the good work which has been so ably carried forward this winter under your supervision, Signed on behalf of the association, | CAPT. MARTIN, Master; 0. J. DIX. Purser. | | ac | « i « ------ OFFERS TO SUPPLY COAL At a Cheaper Figure Than That Offered Waterworks. | There was much' dissatisfaction | among local coal dealers over the ac u ; p | 8 Jd OC : or = | tion of the water works committee, | h Sa mtie 1 2 Il onne 1, Wet Tio n, N.Y. T i | ha y mee » y 8 | They were given no chance to quote | .--- mS ha one n the hig. J t Any : eek, to rest le | prices. on Nova Scotia screenings. A any man in Canada representative of a local firm stated : > 1 his morning that any time during the BASEBALL GOSSIP], =e smemscers yp sizes, at Best { ness visitor in town yesterday. | Chickerings;~at McAuley's book store. IT am sure he must be convineed Kg) { Gertrude Hornsby, the of the Hotel Frontenac, that hostel 1 and come. under the the only as the building would have to he | mer, but the bondholders would entertain it. hotel for knd the canvassing for Engine Sparks Ignite Fifty Tons | a huge Sunday afterncon Henry Bolton, from the railroad track an 0 1] its dry, brittle state, for 'a brilliant blaze, The loss is: es timated at R430 Yesterday the Gl Vestigating, and it js tory settlement wil to take place at DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered, | The board of health did not meet vesterday, Moth Camphor and tar bags, all A. Freeman, Toronto, vesterday and to-day. W. D. Black, Parham, was in town was a busi enry Cunningham, tuner from Master Edward Burke, Portsmouth, is in Winnipeg visiting'his' brother James. : Miss Florence *Shangraw and Frank 'atterson, Harrowsmith, spent last Sunday, visiting friends at Tamworth, Quartermaster-Sergie Instructor Jor- dan, Kingston, will be with the Ham- ilton artillervmen three nights a week, Mr. and Mrs, William Shangraw of Harrowsmith, wer At Home" to a number of their friends on Saturday evening. The robins are now to be seen in greater numbers; little Miss Clarabella Louise Flint, Union street, saw in the park, Tuesday. See exhibit home industries, Canadian homespun, Ringston-made four French Donkhoher york curtains, lace, ete., Woman's Art Association, Kirkpat rick's gallery, 10 sents, Kingstoniane will he pleased with Miss soprano, who will assist at the organ recital jn Sy denham Street Methodist church, the evening of April 10th, 5 An old-time Kingstenian came back to his nafive strand, last night, and made. his sleeping on ¢ apartments in the police station, He came from Wood stock and wanted" to see a few old friends before going to Winnipeg, ------ THE AUCTION SALE Of British-American and Front! enac To-Morrow. At noon, to-morrow, in the rotunda the aged British- American will auction hammer of JJ. H. Mills. The bondholders are desir ous of getting these hotels off their hands, though they do not intend giv ing them away. The auction to-mor row will bring out the figure at which the places "are valued, It is under stood that the British American was held for $37,000 some time ago, hut offer suggested was £25,000, com An offer was made Frontenac for the sum pletely torn down, to: lease the not A heen done hy of citizens ap * building of an of a company stock, Nothing further has the local committee pointed to consider the the forming -------- HAY STACKS BURNED. -- ¢ of Fodder. Five stacks of hay, a bulk of fifty tons of the best of fodder, went up in blaze and clouds of smoke, on the farm of Kingston Mills, A spark the engine of a passing Grand Frank train is said to have done the lamage and Mr. Bolton will seek dam ies. The hay was in the field along ) ro. id was in phe best of condition, in R. claim man was on the farm i, likely a satisfac be made, -- Wrestling Match Saturday. Russell Ellerbeck accepted the chal enge and a match has heen arranged id - | WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY if Moré'profitanie han che You'll get $2.50 0 $5.00 each for Young eke, 0 get you fui COTTAM BIRD BOOK (thuusenisr 2 BIRD BREAD 190 and "CANARY vi. CHIC KENS, bo With canaries. all for 15c. stung oy al COTTAM BIRD SEED irritations op 2 Preves.s Contayion, »@ RTREEVANS Chemical Ga. CINCINNATI G, recommend that more time to each ind al<o do #50 ieason. .. (TR, 78-80 Brock Street Fur Store. CIs the Symbol and "Pledge of True [Friendship It is uniading and reases in goes on. value a Our sett are varied privid range in single stonss from $25 as high as von wish to go, value at $80, We tee the quality and val ne of cach stone Smith Bros. Jewelers--Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses with special positively gnaran | ¥ the Grand 0) wra . | coming season it could supply Rey House on Saturday. April 7th 0'Con noldsville screenings, the coal asked | nell agrees to throw Ellerbeck four for by thé tender, and used all along ( 0 within an hour or forfeit £100 at the water works pumphouse, for 8 | There will be good preliminaries, A price lower than that quoted by the | man from Odessa will wrestle a citi Of Dress Goods. Suit Dominion Coal company for Nova zen; also two batterymen will wrestle : : Scotia screenings. There Was no neces- |p natoh. Seperate Skirts, and ot sity, he said for such haste by the | water works committee when it had | Changes In Wholesale Business. | 2¥¢ well worthy an coal enough to last six months, He | The wholesale boot ana shoe busi Come Thursday would guarantee to supply all the coal i wif Kt from you. ' J g Ppl | ness of F. G. Lockett the water works | i required for another vear for a figure lower ton, It seems that the light and power plant has coal enough to last only about two months longer. Ald. Toye has not vet called for tenders, as is confident that he can g lower price later in the now, than £3.70 | Ci p he | L et coal at 8 | season than commissioner, is in town jor a couple of days. Tuesday he gave a practical talk to the instructors at the Eastern Dairy School --_-- FIRE| MOTH ! THEFT! For many vears.we have made a business of STORING FURS and Fur Garments during the summer months, "insuring them at moderate cost against loss by fire, moth, or theft. Our numer ous patrons can testify that furs left In our care have been well looked after gnd returned to them in good condition, We can also state WITHOUT FEAR oF CONTRADICTION, that our faeilities for storing Furs are unequalled in this city and this, together with the re membranee of our - long experi: ence as specialists in everything pertaining to Furs is the reason why so many people entrust with us the care 'of their, Furs RING UP PHONE 2% and we'll do the rest, Fur Specialists' and all the best makes of fine hats, Wild Cherry The Dominion Co al company's tend er holds good only till to-night, 0 O-ny 80 In the report of the minister of jus: that as the City council is not to tice of the Kingston penitentiary for meet, it will no doubt be allowed to 1905, we find that more tailors are expire, | serving time than any other class of Se ------ mechanics. The canse js perhaps ex WILL BE HERE MONDAY. plained, when it is understood that ---- it takes nine 10 Ross and Campbell Have Ap- peared as Advisors Before. The city council meeting called. for | W this evening has been cancelled, and | ™ the light plant extension matter will come up at the regular meeting of the Lp council next Monday evening, when | the engagement of R. A. Ross, of | Montreal, as outside expert to report upon the proposed extensions ratified. Mr. Ross was got | phone last evening, and he will arrive | here on Monday afternoon next. "In the arbitration between the city | and the late light, heat and power | company, Mr. Ross was the city's ex- | pert. Om several occasions since then | Mr. Campbell and Mr. ap- | peared on { will be tele- Ross have been taken over by the | tended business are very Picton Gazette carpenters are In Two Weeks after the Foundation is Completed | the prinniple items of cost, Delays on account of bad weather--long waits for mortdr to dr money loss Metal Walls and Ceilings Jiutest you against delays and excessive a of this city has + Midland Shoe ompany, who will carry it'gn in the ame stand, 187 Princess street. The apital has been increased and the rospects for a larger and more ©ox bright, F, G retains. controlling inter concern, ockett still in the -- Tailors Predominate. make a man. The a close second, with the ainters a close third: the printers, e are glad to notice are among the 10st law "abiding. How to Build a Home In all estimates for puilding, one of s labor. --also mean a see the display. Men's You will by so doing. Three Extra Good Snaps for Thurs- day Shoppers Negligee Shirts Fancy Negligee ed, very tra well 75¢c. is made, they'll be 50c to 17. AER Curtain Poles Another lot of 25c. Brass Curta Poles complete, for 15¢ s Kid Gloves i Blain wey, 8 Prepaid, Ottley 73 IT FAILS MUNYON, Philadelphia EASY MONEY AT Hon 8. All indoor gers ve 2 and tw, a CENTS, nA dr 32 Bt, Londen, gg, AEN 20 Wom: 4, Q for un Hecharg s. infamy UN and Remodel] Your old Furs and we this he done now, as we can devote garment, at less ex- pense than gin the wiper W. F. GOURDIE Kingston's Only Exclusive Our Easter: Coats, Shirts, tach- with soft bosom, cuffs attach pretty patterns, ex: ¥ the 1 usual price, but on Thursday each, sizes 14} EA ERE in $1.25 Kid Gloves made by one of n opposite les as experts | an "ao 2 building juay be put up of the best French makers, all representing municipalities 'and com | A conditions rhe aval dwell- the newest shades including panies, the manager of . the Kingston ing may be erected complete, above the 3 G all sizes, with plant having a reputation as one of | foundation in two weeks' time. Once in Silver regs 2 cial price the jeading electrical autharities of place, Metal Walls and Ceilings never guarantee. Our special i Canada. Mr. Campbell has expressgd repairs, last as loug as the house is $1. himself as being very much pleased | ang make rooms absolutel fireproof. over the action of the light commit- To those building or Tom oe homes, tee in engaging an expert of the abi- lity of Mr. Ross. ---- Wade's Compound Syrup of Tar and for coughs. Big bottles 20c. at Wade's drug store, The Metal Shingle & Siding Co., of Preston mention this r, their handsomely illustrated tio ~ the beautiful Metal Goods, mited, . Ont, will send, free, if you e showing many of por oy they make in Art NEWMAN & SHAW Foe, dnd 16th. Vy, me Ualoads the Liver, Open AP} The Safest Household > CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railw "ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP VIA ADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 3 RETURNING APR [UNTIL ANI ~ Lesive APRIL 17 For train times and ee nearest fic agent. Full particulars at K. & P, R. Ticket Office, Ontario street F, CONWAY F. A. rol. " Gen. Pas ent Bay of Quine Rai line for Tweed, local point Depot at 4 Ki Now short ronto; and all save City Hall WONWAY,~ Agenit B. Q. Ry. a1 AE: EASTER HOLID 1906 will be Round trip tickets Single Firs Class Far Saturg 13 On Thursday, Friday day ang. Monday, April 12, lid for return on Tuesday, April 17th, 1906. For ticket Pulliian reserv any other information apply t« J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corn 1 0 » streets ALLAN LINE Hora! TO LIVERPOOL Triple Screw Steamers-- VIC and VIRGINIAN--Turbine En Vebration. The Finest and Faste: the Canadian Rout From St. John Fro: = Parisian, Sate, Mar. 31. Mon. Virginian, Sat pril 7. Mon., Tunisian, Sat ril 14. Mon. Victorian, Sat ril 21. Mon. For F aptly to loc The Allan TO PARI HEREBY on will be sembly of the P next Session beginning wit lermen who ol votes in Y of Kingston at tions shall hold office and that the aider: Obtain the next hichest numbe fo each ward shall hold offic ¥oars, and that the alder obtain the Ahird highest tr votes in euch ward shall hold One year, and that thereafter fran be clected for each Wai Iv to hold office for three y F other p noses DONALD M. MCINTY} Selicitor for the Ap Kingston, February 14th, 19 A WARM SUB There's nothing in the warle much lnterested in as Coal at of the year It may sound Speak 'of coal buying and se Xieuce, but that's what we've Two yy portant discoveries Bade arg that complete satis Ur Customers pays best, anc vay to win business is to de Booth & FOOT OF WEST S71 Fhone 133, -- Luella A Knapp, A (Pupil of Mp. A. S. Teacher of Piano and Pupils prepared for Dservitory Examinatio Far terms apply to 33 ston Street. S-- A. E. HEF In THE REPAIR OF Boots ang Shoes we a tieulap tos maigtain. th ginal shape. . OUR ANTL.SQUEEK, all ling, is worki

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