Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Mar 1906, p. 6

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| What Do You Know of Ontario Where are you trying to do * business? Do. you know all about Ontario ? »Ontario has over one-third jon to wage earners and over 51% of the salaries. - Has over 51% of the . capital of the Dominion ot in Manufacturing. | Don't you think it's worth advertising to your neighbors. The "News" covers the whole Province--goes into 2,475 Post. Offices daily. The rate is Flat 56 cents per inch. - advertisement would cost W. Co Taylor, 1s A $430 per day In The News Women Angrily Aroused All Over The Dominion -------- Information from various provinces of Canada points to the fact that many women have been deceived and induced to use the weak and adulter- ated package dyes putup by unskilled and unacrupulous manufacturers to im- tate the popular DIAMOND DYES. Our = Canadian women, thoroughly aroused, after loss of time, money and valuable materials through the use of muddy, Dlotchp and weak dyes, have J divectly laid the blame for their losses on the retail merchants who sold them The deceptive dyes, his action of indignant women has caused many of our retail and whole { sale dealers to pack up and return to the manufacturers responsible, their worthless and dangerous dyes, MORAL : When ladies decide to do home dyeing work, it pays to use the celohrated and popular DIAMOND DYES, which have been the home friends of the adies for over twenty- five years. When buying, see that each package handed to ybu bears the words DIAMOND PACKAGE DYES. Users of DIAMOND DYES soon he- come experts in the fascinating work- of home coloring, and find that a ten _ kage will renew the life of any d dingy suit, dress, skies, blouse, jacket, cape or husband's or son's coat, vest or trousers. Allow no dealer to offer you the something he calls "JUST AS GOOD." No other dyes equal the DIAMOND DYES, il od your name and address to Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, Mon- treal, P.Q., and you will receive free of cost new Dye k, Card of Dyed Cloth Samples and Booklet in verse, entitled * Longiohn's Trip to the Klondike," ENTER NOW OI tras, Shorthand or Are At Verona. The "Jolly Pathfinders" are at Ver Jona. William J. McQuinn is the man- Jay GC. Safincy, comedian; Li lancer; iehlang i I Bicd i ih - i. J. Neff leave this week for the west, It's a girl at KR. Govey's. Mrs. MN. Plunkett retarned, on Saturday, alike spending the 'winter in Gananoque, 'M, iW. Kavanagh and W. Cowan, made a flying trip to Brockville, last week, Miss Ida Beach has returned to her home, in Forfar, after a few days' Peinit with friends . Mr. and Mrs, . Saturday and $ in Harlem. C, Heffran and Mise U, Stevens visited at T. Fos t's, on Weduceds YOu Shine ne opens to-day, tors : Miss Hat rat! » Caintown; F. Slack, Long Point; B, Hayes, Union Valley; John Foster, - Toledo; D. Slack, Long Pointy Miss Jennie Eyre, Morton; ihe Misses Julia, Nellie and Fatinie Hud: son, returned home © on 17th, after ing the winter months at Jersey City, NJ. A party was made in' their honor, Piceadilla Jottings. Piceadilla, March 20--1he recent snow has been of great benefit to the fpeople of this vicinity, getting away thew wood afd logs, A. Brown is do ing a rashind business in his saw-mill. David: Walkér has moved in his own home 'again: William Craig, Jr., and wife, Bave {sken quarters at Myles Goodberry's for the present. There was & large attendance at the sale of Donald Craig and Frances Riley, David Leake hus parchasell a Incubator fav the chicks. The party in the hall on Friday night, in aid of the Orange Lodge was a grand success. Lot God: frey is smiling again over another hoy drrival. Mr. Harker spent Sunday at DJ. Goodfollow's, Mrs, Gregory, Sr, Ml for some weeks, is improving, Miss Goodfellow, Parham, is at RB. Howse's. The childesn of Pick school have chicken pox; those of Oak flats have mumps. Charles Reynolds is very sick, Dr. McCarter has purchased a fine horse from C, D. Godfrey. A Slipper Social, Mississippi, March 26.~The Slipper ial, given in Oliver's hall, was a ! Jsuectoss, and is due to the ladies who so diligently strived for its su . The proceeds amounted to 362. The "Jolly Path- finders" entertained in Minto hall, on Friday night last 'to a fairly filled house, The recent fall of snow has brought life to the place. Isaac Allan spent a few days. in the city, last week, on business. J. D. Allan dnd [daughter, Viola, are on a visit in Kingston. William McKinnon, Pilot Mound, Man., after a week's business trip here, returned last week. M. G. Storms bas been appointed issuer of marriage licenses for this place. Mrs. Deyo has taken up her abode in our midst again. Ira Cook leaves this week for New Ontario. Charles Warn- ef and wife were guests in the village for a few days last week. John Roche, our genial operator, spent Sunday, at hi® home in Wilbur. Want Lands Added. Denbigh, March 23.--A special meet: ing of our municipal council was held on Monday, 19th inst, at the Denbigh House. Some uncollectable arrears of taxed were cancelled and a satisfac tory settlement with the collector for 1905 was offected. Notice of a by-law 10 be passed next election, to close up an almost impassable and very little used piece of public road, the repairs of which would come very high, was given, and provision made for the proper establishment of several roads, the land for which had been purchas- od or obtained from private parties. A petition to the vincial legislature has been forwarded, asking that the laids in. Ashby township be added to this free grant district (Denbigh agen. ov). J Nir. Lockwood, Marlbank, is spending a week or so with his broth. er t, and may equip and operate the Denbigh cheese fy i if he can make suitable arrangements and meots with fair encouragement as to patronage, We have had sufficient snow this week to make passable roads, but by no means good sleighing, and our roads are fairly alive with teams. Our local sawmills are also getting a very wolcome addition to their, so far, very limited supply of logs. : Philipsville News. y Philipsville, March 96. --Miss' Celia Kennedy, of Watertown, NY, spent a while with her mower and sisters. A. Denney and wife are spending a few days with friends near Lyn. The Philipsville cheeso factory opened the doors for the reception of milk on March 2st and took in nearly 4,000 pounds. It was not known by wany that the factory was going to open 'How's This ? . on, fet Jur Hundred Bsliars Reward cured by Hall's Cater hat F. J. CHENEY & CO,, Toledo, ©. eney for" pdaned have IE im ere ; years, and be- TE oii his dl wy } WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Drugeists i in, the world. - Do not allow a weak stomach or a bad liver to rob you of the joy of and the ughs with you. No need then for rose-colored glasses, Beechant's Pills start health vibrations to all parts of the body; while putting a ruddy tint on lips and cheeks. There's health in every box. Health for- every man, woman and child. Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. BOILS ALL OVER H'S FACE AND NECK BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS DID FOR HIM WHAT FOUR DOCTORS FAILED TO DO KExwariv, Opr., July 28th. 1908, | Musume. Tan T. Mitsuny Co., Lr. Tonowro, Oxr., Dean Sras:--I am writing to let you know Burdock AM» young man: twenty soars oHOLod § HERR REE sick, and was greatly 1 op had vor Hl octet cure mw but they had very y would stop or six weeks Would bo as bad as Sve advertised wie Cp it dion pind till wi Al JAst ng day, last try i Bitters for " I was to tr: EE om B.B.B. It 3 keep in th Re ea es Yours truly, : HENRY A. SMITH. A TOUBTING THOMAS. Had His Falling Hair Stopped, and Dandruff Cured, Without Faith, H. B. Fletcher, 20th, 1899, says: people, 1. have been troubled for years with dandraffi, and within the last few months my hair came out go badly that I. was compelled to have what I had left clipped very close. A friend recommended Newbro's . Herpi- cide, 1 confess that 1 doubted : his story, but I gave Herpicide a trial; now my hair is as thick as ever, and entirely free from dandrufi." "De. stroy the cause, vou remove the of- fect." Herpicide ic a delightful haic dressing for regular use. Sold by leading druggists. Send = 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. Butte, Mont., Oct. "Like many other A ---------------- A -------------------------- so early. Dealers in calf skins are as thick as toads aiter a shower. Some are offering 75c. a, piece. Rev. Mr, Garrett occupied the pulpit in the Baptist church on Sunday for" the first time in many weeks, Owing to a seri ous illness he has not been able to at- tend to his work for some time. Wes- ley Tackebery is improving. At one time it was thought that he would nots of pneumonia. Walter Peer, is very poorly, Peter Nolan has just returned from Bluefield, West Virginia, where he spent a couple of months with his sister. He started this moming for Kingston to attend the dairy: school, Miss Laura Phelps, of Delta, is spend- ing a few wecks with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Whitmore, Miss Phelps is not in the best of health, Ventnor Budget. Ventnor, March 26.---The sleighing of the past few days was ly en: joyed. Some of our farmers are tap- ing their sugar bushes to-day, Nr, Gawble has returned home from Otta- wa. Mr, and Mrs. E. Cook, Cardinal, spent Sunday with friends here. W. Davison, Kemptville, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Imrie, Winchester, spent the last, couple of days with © friends here. Mrs. Ww the guest of her brother,.A Montgom- ory, at present. Mrs. John Lockerby is very ill at present. Mrs, P, Sloan is able fo be out again after her recent illness. Mrs. A. Grue is improving rapidly and her many friends hope Soon to see her amo them again. Mr. and Mrs. D. McAuley and children, Spencerville, spent 8 with Mr. and Mrs. L. MeAuley, of this place. Elisha Adaws is having a new store- room erected. Rev, Mr. Wood, holding revival Sarvicte with Rev. . Me: i Froshytesian church here. Wallace Davison, in Montreal a few ago, and had ome of his Timbs amputated, is improving nicely, recover. He had a very severe attack' illiam Greer, Ottawa, _is : lation they are 5 > i 2 § £ s g 5 sold at 87; hight, 87.75; sows, ; stags, N 50 per 100 lbs. Montreal, March 26. --About S00 head of butchers' eattle, critters. Prius bs beeves sold at oo 53. per lb. ty good cattle, 33c. to 4%¢., and the on stock at 2je. to 3%c, per lb. There were a number of large bulls, which sold at 3jec. to dic, per Ib. Milch cows sold at $23 to $60 each. Mr. Hogg, Longue Pointe, bought 12 good cows at 850 each. The calves sold at $1.50'to 8 each. Sheep sold at about $8 each, and the spring lambs ut £3 to $6 each. Good lots of fat hogs sold at about 7ic. per lb. Toronto Street Market. Toronto, March 26.-- Wheat, white, per bush., Tde. to hc; wheat, red, per bush, Tic. to Te; wheat, spring, per bush., 75¢c.; wheat, goose, per bush, Tle, to 72c.; oats, per bush., 380, to Me; barley, per bush, Sle. to 52c.; peas, per bush., 79c.; rye, per bush., 75¢.; hay, timothy, per ton, $9 to $11; hay, mixed, per ton, $6 to 8%: straw, per 'ton, $9 to $10; dressed hogs, $9 to $9.50; apples, per hbl., 82.75 to 84; eggs, new laid, per doz, 8c. to le; butter, dairy, 25ec, t; 30c.: butter, creamery, 30e.;. chickens. per Ib. Ke. to 16c.; fowl, per 1b., 10c, to 12c.; turkeys, per lb., 17. to M¢.; geese, per 1b., 1%. to lde.: cabbage, per doz, 10c. to 5%; cauliflower, per dozen, The. to SI; potatoes, per bag, S0c. to 90c.; onions, per bag, 9c. to hindquarters, 87.50 tq 89. beef, fore- quarters, $5 (0.86.25; beef, choice, car- case, 87 to 88; beef, medium, carcase, £6 to $6.50; mutton, per ewt,, £9.50 to 210.50; verl, per owt. #0 TONG lamb, per cwt., $11 to $12. The Little Party Frock. The simplicity of this pretty little party frock is its chief charm. Over a body lining of white lawn the baby blue henrietta waist is slightly blous- ed in the front, and drawn down snug- ly in the back, front and back finely tucked either side of the box pleat, and to this is joined ihe very full and short skirt which stands out so smartly over the houffant lingerie pet- ticoats, A fitted bertha of the henri- etta, edged with a rose pattern passe- menterie in white, fits round Dutch neck and a similar shaped piece, much narrower in width though, and lace edged, acts as a finish for the little el- bow sleeve. About the waist is tied a sash of baby blue, or - the dress may be worn without this with protty ef- feet. . . EE EE ---------- STOP THAT HEADACHE. Foolish to Suffer When a Simple i Remedy Will Prevent and | Cure. Ever stop to think what caused Your headaches ? Probably not. Then look wels and stomach and you'll plenty of cause. Chances are you'll find constipation, liver is sluggish, stomach overburdened with hali- digested food, No wonder you are dull and tired, restless day and night. You need the cleansing influence of Dr. Hamilton's Pills which cure your condition in short order. Being composed of natural veget- able remedies, Dr. Hamilton's Pills possess great power, yet they are harmless. . They aid all organs con- nected 'with the stomach, liver and bowels. In consequence food is proper- ly digested; the blood is pure and nourishing, the body is kept strong and resists disease. eadaches never known to {hose who use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and this faet is vouched for by the as ing manager of the Poultry Suec- tess Magazine, of Springfield, 0., J. H. Callandar, who i "No het- | deo wedicine than Dr. Hamilton's Pills. We use them regularly and know of marvellous cures that resisted everything else. They cleanse the whole systems, act as a tonic on the blood, enliven digestion, help the stomach and make vou feel strong and well. For headaches, indigestion and stom- ach disorders T am confident that the Oue prescription is Dv. Hamilton's Pills." 2p) oly on Dr, Bouiton's Pills el confidence; wonderful to the find ir effect is . As.a general family all dealers." Price 25c. per j boxes for $1, or by mail from N. C, + Polson. & Co', Kingston, Ont. Hartford, Conn, U.S.A, $1; celery, per doz., 40c. to 45¢c.; beef, | Ral BY OND another, Why Tea Quality Varies Y?° One day sweet, compact, well ripened, well colored richly flavored--next day it rains, is cloudy, fol picking is soggy, sour, green, coarsely-flavored poor. Tea, also, on account cof its volatility of flavor picking and during the curing process is very Gesceptible to weather charged. "A few hours of sunshine or bad weather after picking may make the difference between So that while one picking may be first class, t from the same garden may be véry poor. I select only the pickings which come up to the Red Rose standards of tichness and strength in Indian, and delicacy and fragrance in Ceylon teas, and thus that "rich, fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea is produced and maintained. Red Rose is good Tea T. H. Estabrooks St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg U know how the quality of strawberries from the same patch will sometimes vary from one day to lowing after he next ALN 0 a ESSE Pte] 3 PURITY BRILLIANCY « UNIFORMITY. J. S. HENDERSON, AGENT, KINGSTON DON'T DO IT Don't use cheap inferior paint, or pay. three prices for a good paint, but ccme to us for STERLING PAINT It's good paint at a fair price -- $1.40 per gal Ba ---_u--------" LEMMON & SONS King Street Let Us Te our line of For Houses, nishes. Brushes of all kinds. required by Call Your Attentio PAINTS! Carriages and Boats. They not only look well but wear well. Floor and Furniture Stains and Var- Paint Oils, Glass, Putty and everything the painter may be had at the BIG BLUE HARDWARE STORE. ~-McKELVEY & BIRCH- 69 and 71 Brock Street. A Ripe Bananas Ripe Pineapples Ripe Tomatoes --l Pe A. J. Rees', 166 Princess St. Ca Ca CC CaCl CCRC CCl laf Vi + ule me "Hl A eee == OF CANADIAN RO: HOMESTEAD REGULA Any even numbered section « we ds in Mamitgba on th Provinces, excepting al wast Eo may be homesteaded person who is the solv b iy or any male over 1% to the extent of one-qui . tiem, of 160 acres more or le ¥ may be made persons -- office for the district the to be taken ia_situnliy er desires, be may, pomaestea de the Minister of the tava, the Commissioner of ton, Winnipeg, or the Jocal the district in which the lan ate receive authority for sox try for him: MES SAD DUTIES ¥ A has been granted an eatry fo stead is required to perieru ditions connected therewith un lowing "ans : : edo ean six months resi and Cultivation of the land in during the term of three year (2) If the Inther ny is deceased) of a ie to make a homestead ger provisions of this A upon a farm in the vicinity of entered for by such person as stead. the requirerients of this / residence prior to obtaining p he satisfied by such person resi er or mother. the, the settler has 2 1 jdeite upon farming lan he in the Vicinity of biz homes requirements of this ACL as t way be satisfied bv residence Br ICATION FOR PATEN he made at the end of three ) fore the Local Avent, Sub-Agt omestead Inspector. Before making annlications I he settler must give six mont fn writing to the Commissions minlon Lands at Ottawa, of his o do so. YNORSIS OF CANADIAN WEST MINING REGULAT Coal.--Coal lands may be pun $10 per acre for soft coal and anthracite. Not more than 320 bs atguired by one "individual many. Royalty at the rate of per tom of 2,000 pounds shail be on the gross output. . Quarts.--A free miner's vranted upon payment in ad $5 per annum for an indivi from $50 to $100 per annum fo pany 'according to capital. A free miner, havine discovers fn place, may, 500 feet. The foe for recording a clain At least $100 must bb expen claim each year or paid to the u 0 in lieu thereof. When bean expended or paid, the loc won having a survey made, @ complying with other requirem chase the land at 1 an acre. The patent provides for the pe royalty of 24 per cent on the s PLACER mining claims gen entry fee $5, cert locate a claim square ; yearly. A free miner mov obtain two dredge for gold of five miles term bf twenty vears, renewal discretion of the Minister of the The lessee shall have a dred ation within one season from t the lease for each five wiles. FH wf annum for each mile of riv Royalty at the rate of 24 per cs Mon the output after it excced WwW. W. C¢ Deputy of the Minister of th N.B~Un orized publicati advertisemént will not be pais At Strachan's Ha APPLICATION TO PAR NOTICE 1S HEREBY Yeh bpiication will be m lative Assembly of the } At its next Session Provide that, beginning wi 1907, the aldermen who © highest number of votes in I the City of Kingston at Smal Eicctions shall hold offi Jr and that the arder Obtain the next highest numb mn each ward shall hold offi Years, and that the alde Main the third highest Yotes in each ward shall hol S08 year, and that thereafte man be clected for each We ¥ to hold office for three ; Ke other purposes. : DONALD M. MeINTY X Solicitor for the A 'igston, February 14th, 1! ---- TORAGE FO FURNITURE & VE Fine building, clean a Rates very moderate. E: 299 Queen St., or "phone Carriage Painting Specialty WV. G. FR( Carriage Painter and Stora 29 Quen Street, uu. m---------- -------- Hon Quaran We guarantee OUR milk 1 SOLUTELY pure; put up in bottle. It ig the best. Try Kingston Milk "Phone 567, is

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