» - ful Ei i times prevailed, and that he has pleaded that he could not insist upon it as the law stood. Practically the inspection was noni-éfiective. The only | either for. officials answer is this : That the government should * have realized the situation | sooner, should have heen informed of it definitely, so that the remedy that is now sn apparent could have heen the enquiry is over certain surely he inanqueated,' and some of them will be these: (1) | A closer annual inspection by a staff large enough to do the work quickly and well; (2) a protection against any the investments or assets of the companies without the depart. maent's knowledge; and (3) a proviso that the company that cannot satisfy the reasonable demands of the com- missioner, after consultation with the minister of justice, shall not be censed, The period of sham NMatheson's New Scheme. 'Mr. Matheson, 'the provineisl 'trea: surer, has hit upon a happy expedient for the raising of hus for provincial purposes at a low rate of interest. large sum of money is paid courts annually in trust account, and Engine, from 1} to 20 Spark, Plug end Coils "from tank on our ur for some time, it is invested. treasurer finds that while three and one-half per cent. in: tevest is allowed an the deposits, Gf: they have been re corded, there was at the end of Febru: ary over a million dollars which were three and one-quarter "while prices are is ithe time to fill coal bin with best y SCRANTON CUAL It is not explained how the courts interest on money than it is receiving, but as there were a million and a hall of dollars carn- ing over {our per cent., that there was an evening up process, and that the courts managed in that' way to pay three and cent, interest all around. Then comes Mr, Matheson's happy thought of securing the courts' funds "all over half a million of dollars - security the three and one-hall per cent, bonds of Omtario, which he cannot sell oxeept at un dis edn pay a higher « Walsh's Yard BARRACK STRLET. A. E. HEROD IN THE REPAIR OF ALL ~ Boots and Shoes we are par- ~ tloulsr to maintain their or- OUR ANTI-SQUEEK, wed in all rosoling, is working per ~ 364 PRINCESS STREET. Temiscaming railway. They are pled: ged to the Bank of Montreal at a dis: count, and tbe province must Jose a hundred thousand dollars or so rather than that Mr. Matheson's Word should The independent press--which is sup- posed to give candidsadvice--has conn: selled against the carrying out of the hound hand and foot, it appears, hy the deal and cannot recede from it. Labor In The Prisons. The inspéctors of prisons pit in a strong plea for the employment of the convicts at hard labour, and it seems carry out the routine A Fortunate 1 one tending this way if you are a user of coal. IV's only the tith Way that we handle cael for. heating end cooking labour ix wot supplied, One gathers from the comments the inspectors that they do not see any objection to products of 'the prisons against products of the factory. But those who remember the old days of prison management will see conditions which they will mot want revived. In the Kingston factory, the cabinet fac: tthe coal We supe Ly when ordered. Like to | you eall, write ar "Phone were the number of the voter upon the re- ascertain during the process of count- ng, tor whom it was cast. "Clearly if the ballot is to 'be abso- Iutely secret; if it is to be aclu i acting at the } or anyone else to trace any vote that is cast--there must be nothing that connects the marked paper with the voter. The form ob dominion ballot provides for this, and at the same time, Jimmie of the pall officer satis lying himsell that the paper issued to the voter is the one actually deposit ed in the ballot box. Nothing of course can altogether prevent fraud officials; all that can be done is to reduce their opportupities to a mini mum." The question is not what the Roes government did, but what the Whitney government promised to do and failed. The numbered ballot had not been by any one acting for it. But the con- servatives declared that it was a men. ace to the elector, and the Whitney government passed an act which was friendly to the powers-that-be, as the World goes back upon it, and calls the Whitney ballot a violation of a solemn promise and enactment, it is tinie there was both an apology and remedy. Editorial Notes. No agreement on the coal question. Take a look av your bins ! Ave you ready for a strike ? Fight thousand five hundred em- ployees on the Intercolonial railway. About twice as many as there ought to he. Is it any wonder there are de- ficits ¥ John Dryden may become a perman- ent official of the agrienitural depart- ment of England. His knowledge of Canada would be of untold value to the British government. The Toronto Star favours the senate reform. Now is the time to do some- thing if ever. The liberals talked of reform, and they have a big enough majority to do what they like, ---- The Hamilton Herald suggests the appointment of a 'writing master if the public school pupils are to write well. The Whig agrees that some one must specially direct the writing or it will become very bad, -- The politicians at Washington talk about limiting the terms of the judges because one of them gave a decision in favor of the meat packers. The law must have been in their favour and the judges are not responsible for defective legislation. A Chicago man, in Kingston last week, said Mr, Dame was a fair mayor. He was going to give the people municipal ownership and did not. Whose fault is that? Not his. He could not deag the council into service, and a lone hand is not alk | ways a winning one, -- Leaniington's postmaster is a Pooh: bah man. He not only handles the mail, but collects the gas and water rates, acts as lowa treasurer, secre: tary of the school board, and over. seer of telegraph Vines and general re- pairs. . He may be the only 'man in the place. If not, some of his duties should be removed, Spoke Too Soon. | Ottawa J ournal. | It begins to be evident that the cer | tificate of character which Superinten- i ied 3 Biel ¢! : d 33d be clear. It is true that only the bal- lot paper itself and the counterfoil associated by number, and that ter was not placed upon the coun- a But though no means existed which any third party could iden- tly a voter with the particolar paper issaed to him, it would be possible for t ing officer to note the number of any lot issued and thus on the part of unscrupulous polling | abused by the liberal government, or | supposed to abolish it, When papers so | must be But he felt strongly uj of the board of wincation, because of the raise in its. official increases were made after the had been practically put thro 0 inereases hip-hip-laurah fash tunate that the officials of education were increased pense of the civic officials, who "work, and drawing smaller salaries than the officials tached to the hoard of education. Ald n closing the discus- he purpose of the re bring to the attention e people the fact 'that the school trustees should be as sible money matiers as the . latter, however, had 'to ctand all demands of they are SO 4 2 2 fd i= to rock. municipal lation giv Ald, stop to i od with cation. gained hy no burden impressed. them the hoard salaries paid her they have that their money of the schools, If 1 then Jet The latter were vice and time, Mayor Mowa favor of the on: That the on the | upon the city of the increases to Paid, in order to be retained, pon the budget doing harder burden. If the poses were to was the money Drugs to Best's, power to review the of tha board alternative that the legislature favor of the motion. come to a taxes, more. The Ald: Cra), right in theory, but what was to be hoard of edueat to the people &% wa He would like ent out the clause flectin, the faith} 1 ; eon faithlessness of the Ald. Givens course hut very wa Md, Cox hold up the hoard of education. were the salaries of teachers ol? Simply becanse teachers leaving. To retain them, the board | had to raise the salaries. abn said the city had a re- rd who were wying to keep down expenses. More money X had" to be : Then she must brush her eyebrows, and paid teachers in order to obtain Ald. McC liable how Ald. Bassam 5 who had no education, morc salary than educa He thought th tion should be Jef: Ald. Nickie and seconder w tion as it was mang, hoard Il. Carson i sion said that t solution was to of th burdened the city council Carson, Sunlight soane, hut ri best when Suni the wav, ty and ow directions. E , so far as council is concerned, and have to be met, even if the Streets and walks go Ald. Carson of education eity council i the this eowncil is of opinion that councils should be of he it. 'The members of to h oi 4 e maid it wasn't fair v ayor Nowa and lds, An. , Couper, Elliott, Gas kin, Givens, Harkness, Rent, Millan, Riguey, Tove--12, Nays.--Alds, Bassam Hoag, McCann, Nickle, Rose --7, sini, require- , are uncom- Gaskin : That the board last year, o ng chiefly made up "salaries, of teach- "and, whereas, as the the city cotmeil fesist such a demand; tia neither expedient, the body on which onus of fixing the tax rate and collecting the taxes, ; 'woice as to how so of them should be ex- whe it resolved that ng folks te, : For that's when life's, worth living ! When the snow lies packed With. its not cracked, ! for * ine" giving, Then wo hear the shout Of "Look out! Turn out 1" h For that's when life's worth living 4 the hearth's bright glow Flits across the snow, The white a red Linas giving, Rican the day "TY When life was worth the living ! The Age Of Doubters. Pall Mall Gazette. Uld myths ure doomed without a saving m rr, The demigods have lust their souls -- 'because They're simply solar. In these sad days, when idois fall to dust, I can't feel sure of Cassar or of Nero ; The one may prove a drits, the other Just A culture hero. Gone is the vision of an ace of goll, ind science scouts a paradise forruken. Hacon was Shakespinre--we shall soon Le to That Hogg was Bion. Tell never lived, although so fondly Pra + Aud so, of courss, he never shot the apple * . Uelert was just a Celtic saint, whe raised A wayside chapel, The Piper Pied of Hamelip has passed Into a wind myth wth his nagic whistle, And Bishop Hatto with his . mice is cast In stern dismissal. n financial demands and education, or in the | Few the historic elorics left to ns, board should lev, collect its own taxes; and be farther résolved that the Ontario requested to pass is. effect to these Joi #aid he was heartily in The conncil had point when it had to put a ncreases. © Property was load- She Couldnt Stained board ucation should be required to' submit its report the- pivie- finns committes for ratlfl: g said the motion was all ion were as responsible 8 the city council. 1 suid the hoard of edn- cation would be more impressed with its duty to the people if it had meet the burden in some way. It had tn moet, and hence wasn't g board of education had: ind aries of § i nd nersased salar I its officials was unable to increase civie officials, and, there wan no the city council the salaries of es Jt was inereas- aid that many clerks were getting ted teachers, ah the board of educa- $_ alone. hoped that the mover ould withdraw the mo a reflection upon the gement of the school affairs t ingston is losing some of its good teachers hecause of the small ' it would be disas- trous if the. cif y com il should the right of review of education's management one way for the people the board « There is only > peopl a aalise thas an interest in the and that is that they should i goes to the 'support hey are dissastisfied, them change the trustees, giving valuable ser. and receiving no thanks. t said that he was resolution for this reas rate of taxes depends up- of education as well council, He was in favor the teachers who Is salaries, which budget rh. The were made in the jon. It was mmfor- the hoard at the ex- est remedy in the world for piles we are ready and willing to staml or fall by the verdict of those who make the trial. We have beerr™doing this for Some years now and we fever yet have had occasion to regret it. for school pur. be 80' increased, where to come from' to ir the streets ! The peoplé would re stand for increased taxation, Ieeguse now, but how could conduct the business of the city with the school demands ' § r resol division : | Yeas. NI srove, ition was carried on this ow Cooke, Craie, is better than other "When used in the t Soap for "the Best," always go Our Wellington is proving fahulous-- At least, he never said, 'Up guards. at 'em !" Though we pepat them. Perhaps St. Patrick has no right t live-- St. George is something typical of Seasons : I'm doubtful of our Nelson and can give Some cogent reasoils. » What is the use of hopes and dreams that move The earpest soul in glory's cause en- listed, When future critics may grise to prove. X The Beauty, Fad. Cleveland Plain Dealer. 2 The family all giggle when Mildred says "Goodnight," They know that 'twill be hours ere she turns out the light : For ardent "beauty culture" is Mildred's present fad, And she's 50 very mealous she drives her "Parents mad. Fach evening rather early up to her room 'she hies And locks the door secu¥ely for fear of | prying eyes, Her heavy hair she hrushes, massages, braids and scents, And then proceeds to doctor her «faults less lineaments. Into ber sparkline eybs she drops some mystic lotion, : Aud down her lovely throat she pours a beauty potion. And then o'er hoiling water, her face to y And nN her five complexion she rubs a soothing cream, Next comes her calesthenics, which take about an hour, These weird and wild gyrations sSuUppos- edly have power To make her small waist smaller, and plumpen her plump throat-- For fatness and for thinness they are the antidote. "clothes-pinize" her nose, {She's pretty, but she thinks she has all sorts of beauty woes). These thines done, she is thankful into her hed to creep Forgetting absolutely the need of "beauty leep." PILES CURED; QUICKLY AT HOME j Without Pain, Cutting or Surgery ~Instant Relief. We Prove It--Sample Package Free. Seven people out of ten are said to have piles, Not one man in a million need have them and we are proving it every day at our own expense, We send a sample package of the wonderful Pyramid Pile Cure to any person ab- solutely free. We don't do this as a matter of amusement or philanthropy, but be- cause it 1s to our interest to do so. We know that the sufferer from piles, tormented and driven almost crazy by this 'wretched trouble, will find such immediate relief that he will go at once to his druggist and buy a box and get well, We know that we have got the great- , and And the remedy at the drug stora is Just as good as the ®ample we sond out. As, for instances here is a man who got such immediate relief from the sample that he BL once bought » box. Was it just as good? Undoubted- ly, since it cured him after all sorts and kinds of things had failed. And it wasn't one of those simple cases of a few years' standing--it had existed fifty years, Here is a sample of the kind of Jot- ters we get avery day and we don't have to ask for them. "Friend, T write to tell what good your Pyramid Pile Cure bas done for me. [ used your sample. and it did me so mnch good | I went and got two boxes, and | used one and | am now another man altogether. I have no pain, no piles, and 1 have been troubl- od with them for over fifty vears, and could find no relief till now, thanks to your timely%eure. Use my name jf it will do vou any good. Isaac Smith, Wharton, New: York." Pyramid © Pile Core is for sple at every druegist's at 50c. a box or, if you would like to trv a sample first, you will receive one br return mail hy sendine vour name and address to The Pyramid Drug company, 2165 Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich, clause-- q The erities fall on' then with Jdatg wad Oh WR WR Wh, Wh wm, wn em ¢ The H. D. Bibby Co, The HM. D. Bibby Co, HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S RAINGOATS The Raincoats we sell are made from all wool fabrics, proofed by the Cravenette process. They are different from the cheap Raincoats, as is our other cloth ng from inferior sorts. COME AND LOOK AT THE NEW SPRING STYLES $8.50, 10, 1250, 15, 16.50 fo 8 _ Nobby, swagger materials, with full sunny day style in addition to rainy day service, Rubber Coats Mclntoshs, etc, $2.50, 3 00 to 10.00. We ne'er existed ? 2 T Umbrellas We catry a fine selected stock of Men's Um- brellas from soc. up to $2.00. 2 50, 3 50, etc. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. 0 wal BB ll lieing, Where Would You Expect To find prettier feet than the feet of the young lady in her teens! But, Oh ! how often her feet are injuréd by wearing ill-fitting shoes ! Every young lady wh» sees our SPRING SHOES falls in love with them on sight. COMFORTABLE, fitting the foot rightly, STYLISH, having every late SATISFACTORY, because they wear so well. The Young Miss who once buys & pair of shoes here never thinks of going elsewhere in +f ture. Every good leather, every correct toe and heel, every width and size, every price just right, too. J. H. Sutherland & Bro, THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOE kink of fashion in them, MAKING. and trusts that this is caso in which some one has SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Praise For Mr. Harcourt Toronto Mail and Empire. Harconrt's reply (0 the budget yesterday was a well:seasoned and was received by the house A Big Contract. According to Senator Milk reform might take" the sh plying the older members The Facts Will Out. Hamilton Spectator. } insurance commission some unpleasant about companies that were, not long ago, above suspicion. Limit On Talk. place an age limit limit for these venerable 3 -------- Some One Blundered. Cure Fo Brantford Expodtor, } A Guaranteed lieve that the government deliberately piles. Druggists are dd | lund anoney if Pazo cure in 6 to 14 days, # that "the. numbered ballot" had been -- famdian Chinese Re 831 King Street from 10.30 a.m. to phe best place to get an : ch in the city. Meals of a jm English an t notice. note: specialty. Phone 653 Joes ma Wm. Murray, Auet 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, etc., for sale: Sule of Horses Every | se -- SOMBOCIOTISIOGBOITK R J. FREE, CONTR. Estimates wivem for ail 3 ¢ rk, Plasterin Mason on Son Se Ph ne » . Auction S Book your sale of Furnitu and get choice of 'date. c: all the portant oud fhest. prices. rphone, 665. JOHN H. MIL The Leading Au "iss Resta 83 Princess Stree Open from 10.80 a.m. to 3. t place to wet an i ee OILY Meals of a * notice. English anc dishes a specialty: Money to L McINTYRE & MeINTY Barristers % Kin Kingston ™N GARDINE] Insurance and Real Est Eight Companies at Lowest ¥nnay to Loam Real E 151 Wellington | Try Myors' "Home-} Head Cheese. C. HH POWI CARPENTER AND JOE 103 Raglan St FALL OF ALD. GIVE He Has Succumbed to th the Ladies. Ald. Givens, as chairman has heen desperately striving out of hot water with lad tutions, and has been cong himseli that he was more « Ald. Angrove, who was in of YW.C A, troubles last we AM. Givens has_already got Water with the ladies, before tle breezes of spring have waft themselves over the eit last meeting of the parks' e three ladies from the Hist ety waited upon Ald. Give ty bunch, to make several hey were told that the pa mittee could help them only tain extent. The communica Sent to the council had to g other committees as = we ladies howed before the eon committee, and 1 members arose a the parks commit to the ladies as they retir the parks' committee would thing in its power to assis dis' Historical Soc ety in teavors to beautify Kingst Chairman Givens failed to 1 port to co i neil drawing att the fact, that the Historical better should ho referred to of works and waterworks 8 well. Now, the ladies much annoved because of hat will cnsue, by reason 0 wait another fortnight ¢ 2 month hefore they can g Wer to their request, | Givens, like many other men a victint 10 the ladies. him nance, ---------- "Just clike new," Kunde Silver polish, makes old sil Sold only. at Gibson's Red ( Stor, 2 packages, 93¢, 'P) Prom delivery, All It Needed. here is more real oxy, quilied form jn the "Sol Ozone (the coupon kind)" tl other preparation of a simi *.& prompt cure in the kil side germ of throat, lungs or bowels it has n With "(¢} laxative, That the string a tonic of this natu ve the best results -- at the Pullic Drug com ridgebury, Ont., offer thre ruggist a free package dons with every fifty eo ar. bottle of "Solutios toupon kind),"