Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1906, p. 5

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Cm oy garment or any article at stand ready 10 deliver the advts. Our goods and our le t> our store to disaspoint advts, it's so," 's Suits, Trousers, . ats, : e have been claiming they are to find these exon] va. BIBBY CO. RR, uh un, Silk Blouses rday oken stock in Ladies' Lined Silk r spring and summer business in this mpered, with. odds and ends of inter prices were $4.95 and $5. We come in White, Cream and Sl and is: the same _ as are being shown for d see them Saturday. We won't ask you ou that when we advertise bargains we Ie you wonld like, instead of £1.95 and let Waists ww material for an all-over Waist is 7 inch Japanese Taffeta Silk, the 30c. with small ring figure, 40 sels Net have your choice of any shade of silk. als for the waist for .69 sbed Hose, 12}c. bhed Hose, from 5 inches wp to 9) © RY up in this line is worth 25¢. pair, Hose, 10c.' s and toes, seamless and best Egvp | guaranteed fast, all sizes, 8) to 10 of Grey Cottons, Gc. ong, in grey, two hundred pieces, wn Blouses. 75¢. each. nstre Waist, $1.25. hnston Store | Call! 1s crowds that have packed ays, and the cheaper goods have just exactly what we the HIGHER GRADE --Nothing Reserved Silver, f the Canadian Mercantile Co. table and in his drawing-room to have a splendid gilt chair placed ina position of honor. In it was a PX ture of Queen Victoria framed 10 gold, and adorned with gems. . never referred to the silent guest, or seemed, indeed, conscious of the pic tures presence, but there it always stood, a mark of his fidelity to his varly 'attachment. A Good Movement. The Home Gardening Association has been organized through the public schools of t he city of Cleveland This association last vear distributed 390 000 onecent packages of seed to be ased in the poorer sections of the city in window and yard gardening. The of ject. was to carry the beauty of color nto many sections in which hereto fore t had heen a stranger. ---------- The fever outbreak at Fort William S now control, S Jivinient 5 A large In many in addition to being a delicious, beverag = with nutritious elements and difelely [Henelits the health, CHASE & SA MONTREA 4 hgme is Lk. A BRIGHT SPOT | SEAL BRAND Coffee it builds body and brain NBORN If You Have a Thought That leans towards a Spring. Suit," are here to clinch it. Our display of the garments Men's and Young Men's Suits at $7.50, 9.50, 11.50, 13.50 and 15 Has no rival in this city, The styles and pat- terns are entirely away from the ready-made idea, and, outside of this store, can only be had at the first-class merchant tailor shops by paying almost double our prices. will give the others the go-by heréafier. to please you. Wear one of our suits this season, and you They are sure New Shirts, New Neckwear, New Gloves, etc. Roney .& Co. 127 PM finoess Street. G0- CARTS) 0 --AND-- CARRIAGES Something new and pretty, and durable, in 1906 designs, Pullman, Reclining Back Carriages. strong also Parasols, separate, Lace Covers, can be had Also old carriages repainted and up- halstered. Have your repairing and upholster- ing attend to at once, wi dy Fahl EE -- JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 264 and 256 Princess Street. -- os REJECTED MOTION, An Amendment Said to Be 'In- sulting. London, March 22.--The House of Commons, vesterday, rejected by. 378 0 110 votes a motion of Joseph formerly colonial secre- A nending the appointment " a royal commission to inquire into the economic aspects and the morale of Chinese labor in the Transvaal. The evening on was consumed in a de- hate upon motion of William Pol lard Biles, suring Lord Milner, for metly high commissioner for South Airica, for authorizing the flogging of cookies "in contr avention of the treaty ¥ith China, and on Under Colonial Secretary Churchill's amendment to that motion, recording - condemnation of the flogging, hit in the interests of Peace and canciliation in, South Af tien, objecting to the censure of in- dividogls Josaph despicable to humiliate a great public sevant for ga single error of judgment. Lond Milne hud frankly expressed re- 2% for the error. Arthur J. Palfour, *choing My, ¢ hamberlain"s sentiments, id. th amendment © offered hy Mr. ier was more insulting than the ---------- Be Ready For Pain. A Rniment may he needed any hour. *P a bottle of Smith's White Lini- ent in the home ready for any emer- BneY. This is the hest of all family ge bottle for the price 'medy meets a wide range of Cures neuralgia, rheumatism, Stff joints or museles, pain te ack and all ordinary hurts. . ¢ Midactors" Money back if not ---- Lonstantingy, le hone ar, being {4 of King Visit the sultan, States that prepara- made for the reception 4d, who is expected to coming direct hy sea, ate Snorer caused by a' bilious ag. i. the 'system can he cured by Arter's Litde * Pills. No pam, Chamberlain said it would be In jConnesty n London, Mare Ciaze tte ways that Russian goyernme naval Bo agune, pel nértugt ¥ New York, management of t railroad, to take fxame Detioit, will meet, here, open bids fos the tunnel. The river about a' mile will he one of. tun health is better Free Package nea ey a Siseomiforg attending their THE SAMARIA ® "a mberio jordan $4 posed tunnel mpder "Mich., to Windsor, afternoon, to fo, ls or mame re" {ma + With a Vy. XR. ~The 1 it hears nt has pre involving 100000, OF during The TO *SPEND $100,000,000 New 'all Mall that the pared a the ex the next t. vears of which amount Brit ish ship-builders will seenre a good share. The sum of $25,000,000, the pa por adds, has 'been 'allocated for four first-casg battle ships to those now building - in' "Fapan. Bids For Detroit-Canada Tunnel. March 22. board of enginears appointed by advisory the he Michigan Central charge of the Detr this the pro oit river, Ont construction of the nel, *includi a half in every way ng under section and approaches, will be 'and thé biggest undertak ings of that kind in this country. long, and Cured of Drunkennes: How a Moatreal lady cured her husband of taluttin' Wilh 4 seieel Nout signed #1 want to tell you that taste less Samaria ion ba way than ot yo! ! full elon. Smeal sealed enve e-nfidential. ME ny. co, ag Cor 5 | Jorda Alsg for sale, by Hoary Waites" little tea, yesterday, "| teacher, Miss Muriel King gave a delightful . her dig Miss Mosher, and for Miss Burbank also a close friend, the two ladies who gave such an enjoyable lec- ture-recital in Convocation hall last night. Her sisters, Miss Alice, Miss Margaret and Mise Mabel King, helped the young hostess to make it the pleasant affair it was. A feature of the afternoon, and an honor, too, for the youthful pianiste, was the piado solo, "Valse Arabesque," by Miss Eleanor Macdonnell, who played very cleverly, and received much praise from the great lady, Among the guests were Mrs. Daniel Gordon, Mrs, Adam Shortt, Mrs. Francis King, Mrs, Benjamin Folger, Jr. Toronto, Miss Machar, Miss Drummond, Miss Sarah sibson, Miss" Mona Knight, Mr. Me- phail, M¢. Callender, Mr. Percy Ly- man, Mr. J. D. Calvin, and Mg. Stuart Dobbs, " 8 ® Walter Rowan gave an after- noon euchre and' dance, on Tuesday, in Ottawa, for Miss Jessie McCann, who was spending a few days with Mrs. her. Miss McCann has been kept busy with all the gaieties "of the Ottawa season. 1 Miss Macaulay will not be at home on Fridays till after Easter. - . . » Mrs. Angus Orr, Sydenham street, will not receive again. till further notice, #2 aie Y.W.C.A., Saturday, sale of home- made food. Also sale of pineannle sherbet, tea and cake, aftermoon and evening. \ . » - . Mrs. John Bromley has asked some of her girl friends to come in and see her wedding gifts this evening. * * » - Miss Agnes Davis _ returned to Ot- tawa, last week, after visiting Mrs, Michael Sullivan for a week or so. Miss Barnett is the guest of Mrs. Colin Macpherson, Earl street. Mrs. Brooke has been the guest of her niece, Mrs, Harry Betts, for the past few days. Mr. Ramsay Brooke has gone to Cobalt, where it is hop- ed he will be one of the highly for- tunate ones, Letters from Mr. E. that he is very things, as they Que, and that R. C. Dobhs say pleased with all are at Buckingham, he has met some plea- sant people. * . . * Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Folger and their little boy are in town. Mr. Herbert Wood, of Peterhoro, who is home for a holiday from his transcontinental survey party, has been in town for a few days, visiting his brother, Mr, A. V, Wood. Mys. John Gallagher, of Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. James Volume, Al- frod street, Miss Lenore Dennis, he has heen visiting Mrs. Joseph Power, Syden- ham street, left vesterday for her home in Cobourg. Miss Gertrude Power accompanied her for a month's visit, *« ee =m Miss Geraldine Sears, of St. John, N.B., is the guest of Mrs. George Sears. Mrs. Archibald Strachan and Mr. Bruce Strachan went up to Lanark yesterday to pay a visit to Mrs. y Bb. Caldwell. They will also go to Ot- tawa Mrs, C. F. Muund, William street, is laid up, with illness, On Thursday last, Miss Phyllis Hen- derson, daughter of the late Dr. W. H. Henderson, of Kingston, joined Miss Hill and her party, at Toronto, and left to spend some months travelling in Europe, Miss Carrie Snelling Monday, to Warcester, long stay at home, Mrs. Richard Baxter't¢ in town, and will stay with relations while here. . ® - * returned, Mass., on after a The engagement is announced of: Miss Edna Farrell, youngest daugh- ter of the late W, H. Farrell, Ottawa, to Mr. Edwin Hawken, of the depart- ment of marine and fisheries, The marriage will take place shortly after 'aster, Miss_ Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong, of Toronto, to Dr. A. Frederick Demary of East Toronto. The marriage will take place early in April, Miss Mabel Clementi Barlee, daujrh- ter of the late George Barlee, of Pet- erboro, to Mr. Hazen Ritchie, son of the late Chief Justice Sir William Rit- chie of Ottawa. Mr. William Marr MacPherson, man- ager of the Union Bank of Canada, Metcalfe, Ont., and Elizabeth Annie, daughter of Mrs. Alexander Cochrane, Morewood. Unt, The wedding will take place in April. ! Miss Mina leone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kingsley, Concord, N, H., to Mr. Rodney C. Smith, Ottawa, Miss Grace Harvey, daughter of Mr. John H. Harvey, of Halifax, te Colon- el Bowles, of the Royal Engineers, at present stationed in Halifax, «Miss Jean Craig Graham, vouncest'] daughter of Mr. John Graham, of the civil service, Ottawa, to Mr. Charles Leicester Wise of Montreal, The mar- riage will take place April 16h, Miss Edit May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Northwood, Chatham, to ne. Richard Davison, of Montreal, "Don't Smoke, Boys." Gen. Baden-Powell, writing to a Bolton schoolboy, 'says he believes that "'smoking by fellows who are still growing does them an infinite amount of harm, and those who are sensible don't take up smoking until after they are twenty years of age or so. Fellows who smoke before that age generally turn out rooters afterward, They only do it because they think | it looks swagger and manly to smoke, but any man who has done any scout- ing or big game hunting knows that | they are fools." Tayvlor-made chorolate chips, in 28c. and J hoxes, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, CCW. Price tells stfange things of the -new women . of Turkey, aring that the young Turkish husbands are charmed by the innovations of the past few years. But it must be borne in mind that the advanee of Turkish womanhood not at first to follow intellectual ines, More of freedom is just now the goal toward which she is success. fully, working, nor could anything have more materially than the growing prevalence of monogamy, To-day practically only the sultan goes in for more: 'one wife, The rich young Turks of the generation just coming. into control are most of them travelled nen. They have kaown the cleverer women of Paris and Vienna and London, ana in their own "land : Shaye hang felt the loss of such charme. They have discovered that a whole harem fall of beautiful Circas- Alans ie not so itisfying as the com- Dany one ated woman, whd can : a8 well as wife, What, nor is a havemy, but a selfish, narrow- ing pleasure, thinks this young: Turk, who has in. mind the picture of an European acquaintance introducing his wife abroad, himself gaining prestige through her charms. These citizens of mid have come to the conclu- hat\to have but one wife is, af- tor Hl, fat the best way to live. Ofice upon a time domestic life in the land of . the sultan was quiet to Wullness. Now it is Being infused with little pleasures that make for the edu- cation, which comes of meeting friends, exchanging views, and seeing more of the 'world than can be obtained with- in our garden walls. The threatre, for instance, is. slowly working its way into Turkey. What that the greater part of "the house" is still composed of private boxes, cach latticed off from all the rest ¥--the gain to those who look through the carvings is immense, Then, too, the smart-set of the Oa manli feminine world 'is going in for athletics a very little, and for feasting a very great deal. Women's bicveles are often sold in Constantinople these days, and that must mean that they are ridden, though the man has vet to speak who has seen one in operation. Private, oh, very private, tennis courts are also laid ont in many a rich Turk's garden, where there is play al- ter those al fresco luncheons, from some of which Buropear women have come hack to tell glowing tales of new sherberte and old silver. 1 -------------- A DELIGHTFUL RECITAL. Mosher and Miss Burbank Charm Their Audience. Wednesday night's performance proved that what has already said of the work of Miss Mosher and: Miss © Burbank had not been exaggerated. In' the words of a New York eritic,- Mids Burbank's work is "mctual, artisti¢' reportage," the material having bee «collected in Po- land, where she and Miss Mosher spent some time studyi (the folk melodies and familiarizing themselyes with the larger art forms' of "the Polish com: Miss posers, os All that Miss Burbank told, llumin- ated the musical programme which fol- lowed, Miss Mosher's breadth of style and "marvellous tone..and technique were shown alike in the Slavic folk- songs, and mazurkas, with their weird themes, and pronouhced rythms, and in the more dev eloped selections on the programme, The interpretation' ' of ~~ Chopin, whether mazurka, waltz, nocturne, etude or ballade, was mpst true, but in the masterly rendéring of the A flat ballade, Miss Mosher was perhaps at her best. In the Leschetizky and Paderewski numbers the talent alike of the great old teacher in Vienna, and his world-renowned pupil--a fellow pu: pil, by the way, of Miss Mosher show- ok out in the pianiste's exquisite ren- dering of the Leschetizky Parcarolle and in Paderewski's' Cracovinne-Fan- tastique and the Polonaise. Both ' Miss Mosher and Miss Bur: bank have charmed Kingstonians by their brilliant , talent, and interesting personalities, and it is much to be hoped that the Ladies' Musical Club will succeed in bringing these ladies among us again with one of their many fascinating programmes, ' Bret Harte A Jew, H. W. Boynton, author of "Bret Harte," in the McClure-Phillips "'Con- temporary Men of Letters Series,' de- clares that the most minute series of all documents and inquiries among persons, who knew Bret Harte have not enabled him to fix definitely the ru mors of Harte's Jewish ancestry, Cle ment Shorter, editor of the Sphere, takes issue with Mr, Boynton and de- clares there ig no doubt about the matter. He writes to an inquirer : "1 may state that my final 'authority for Bret Harte's Jewish origin is his daughter, Miss Ethel Bret Harte, for whom a fund was recently raised in London. Bret Harte in his family cir cle recalled as a small boy being taken to see the old grandfather, who was a very strict Jew, and never. entirely forgave his son for marrying a Chris- tian." Origin Of The Custom! The origin of the custom of firing a volléy over a soldier's grave is, says Loudon Tit-Bits connected with the ancient belief that evil spirits were kept away from a body by making a great noise, Of this we have an ex- ample in the "passing bell." After the invention of firearms the last sa- Inte became emblematical of the sol- dier's profession--of his having fallen amidst the sounds of battle. A Baby Of Wealth, New York, March 22.--A son was horn, last night, in their home, in West Sith street, to Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. It is almost impossible to estimate the fortune which the baby will come into if he | grows up, | Davies' Celebrated Coffee. Mino you tried it ? 40c, quality for bb. Order one-half Bou package, | Be. .» as sample, | et ------ | There's' one' businesy hat never Pays { QUESTIONS ---- Asked by the Insurance Commis- --Many Questions Could Be Answered Quite Readily. . Montreal, March "22,--~The life insur- ance companies, having their head offices in this city, to-day, received from the insurance risen, now sitting at Ottaws, a long of ques- tions to be answered and forwarded to the investigating committee. The president of one of the companies sta- ted that a number of the questions could be answered 'without the least trouble or delay. He referred to the request for amounts paid to tical parties in the way of subscriptions, to. lawyers for watching insurance legis: lation, etc. Some of the questions, however, would také-4 year or more to answer. These referred to coutmis- ions paid on certain classes of poli: cies for a number of years back. RAILWAY ACCIDENT. Two of Crew Killed--Passengers Hurt. Montreal, March = 22.~The Grand Trunk: railway management makes the following official statement in connec tion with the accident, at Sarnia : Early, this worning, the eastbound passenger train, No, 4, collided with an extra freight train at the eastern limits of the vard, at Sarnia station, Firemen Pratt and Hughes, of London, were killed, Miss Blair, Montreal, wo htly hurt on head and leg, R. Des- impress hotel, Toronto, left leg sighiy hurt and a foreigner, name unknown, en route to New York, slight scalp wound. None of the cars of the passenger train were derailed and. the. track was eleared- at - seven o'clock and No. 4 proceeded on her journey. At the time of the accident the wind was blowing swiftly and heavy drifting. \ I -------------------- Respite. Allan Munier, in Ajnsios u. Magasin All out of tdhe--hl} wildly out of Tune } And yet, O master, lav me by a while; Tivhien again not yet the tensed strings, Too ThyL to quiver, lest they snap In tw And 1 perforce be mute forevermore. Hend o'er me once thine enigmatic smile. Draw once thy hand siong the finger: board, And grant me respite in dhe dusk an our To boo accostomed to the straining Mit Then Any Hoe to thy thought, nor heed ain. 0 Like, 0 Great Composer. not in vain Thy Patient handling and thy master: touc! Somathing I catch behind confusion's n Something I guess at. "of thy symphony Not least of all thy instraments 1 thrill To voice re music dripping * from thy Mantes fingers. Yet a little while And thy wise patience shall 'its end at- tain-- These jangling tones shall all he recon. and grief with glad- blen Til death wd 4 Birth the perfect ontave Then reak the strings--1I shall be sat cl » Joy with despair, The Last Versailles Bourbon. From Farmer's Versailk ere is at Vers Tien an orange tree close upon five hundred years old. This tree, which was taken from Fon- tainbleau to Versailles on the com- plection of the Orangery, was already famous under the title of the Grand Bourbon. According to tradition, the tree had been planted in 1421, a Princess of Navarre, and, a ve ral changes of owners, came into pos- session of Francois 1, by whom it was placed at Fontainebleau. When it reached Versailles the king came to visit, and two German Bourbons were then face to face. The man passed, and even his bones; torn from their tomb at St. Denix and tossed into a trench, have perished; not a pinch "of his dust remains, But the tree lives and blooms and bears fruit--the only Bourbon at. Versailles--serene, invin- cible, enthroned. ct pr------ Lawson's Odd Watch. T. W. Lawson's $30,000 watch was a great curiosity' with the westerners. Every morning at 9.40 it strikes, again it strikes at 4.50, and at 9.55 it makes as much noise as a general fire alarm to warn its possessor that the stock market it about to open. At a few minutes before 3 p.m., just he- fore the market closes, it strikes fgain. Mr. LaWiGi™™ Wears a. @nigue watch chain. It goes about hissnesk; under his coat, and out through a button-hole in his vest, On every link is the figure of a different class of gypsy, and the whole chain represents every known gypsy type. ------ Russia Is Discovered ! Indianapolis News. Rurik, the Rodsen or Oureman, a daring sea rover, landed in 862 on the Russia shore of the Baltic with his brothers, Sineus and Vruwer. He sub- jugated the country from Novgorod to the Volga, and his followers were call ed Rodsen, or Russians, Rodsen in the Scandinavian tongue of the period meaning oarsmen, Rurik died in 879, I'he Russian warship Rurik, it will be remembered went down off Sakhalin last summer. Slightly Mixed. What the Oxford orator wishé&l to say was this. "The liberals have come in on a flowing tide." Unfortunately however, he mixed his vowels and told his hearers that "'the liberals Rave cowe in on a flying toad." Buy Dr. Pierce's favorite prescrip. tion at Gibsons Red Cross drug store. It's fresh there. Sick room supplies of all kinds, Dr, Chown's. The reason why charity begins at home is because she's charity; ard the reason why she usually stops there is becanse she is busy, | --evbryhody's, TO ANSWER SOME OF THE| sion of the Various Companies | TEA is a native plant of N the 4 plantad to Ceylon ew and richness, but gained That is why Ceylon tea is That is why 1 blend Indian. together--that is how the fragrance .and delicac secured --that is why Re® Rose Tea has fruity flavor." Red F A LONG SERIES of successful openings the " ee aod te bp wot only in attiste ment but in the wi ol I ee eres wae vagy of vesoming styles. 18 SE Nothing that is new and fashionablé has been omitted the new shapes and tints ane.oveey trims ming novelty all are here. $ May we ask you to anticipate a little and favor us with ® your order a little earlier than usual 7. Before the fork starts. x in real earnest ? ! More New Spring Coats + Beautifully tailored in fashionable fawn broadcloths wl ® covert cloths, pony and tight-fitting . styles, all 'sizes. Ala 1 £ new bolero and Eton suits, and seperate, skirts. i SPENCE'S ™ \sts Siw, Flattering compliments ate being paid those who are wearing The New High Bust Straight Front D. & A. Corset No Corset Suits present styles as well S-------- ANTIMONY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY ~~ Prices on Application 5 THE CANADA METAL co. William Street. Phone Main 1729. ~~ Toronto FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - The business of the late C: GQ. Oliver, will be carried on in his office, 79 Clarence street. G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has been associated with Mr, Oliver. or Insurance Consult with GEO. CLIFF before baying 8465 Clarence fitreet. : FR -- If You Want a" Home Ox Insutusen, have » sme ar, A 87 Brook Btrest. Offer Refreshments to Young Men and Women. Chicago, 11, March 22.-A social settlement designed to compete direct- ly with neighboring saloons and dance halls, offering opportunities for re ent as well as club. rooms, a gymnasium and indoor games, is to be EX pn a built by the 'Second, Baptist church, of which the Ret: John Roach Strat- 380 lon, is the pastor, .-

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