Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1906, p. 4

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of Furnitures at onee 'the Amrit antes ant ohekt prifos. o . pd a "hurky © Wagon to Keep vour fives! going ofit. Any oné who has Fr uged our coal knows it's high ido Se | We the wider af the lamd Fant Awent, Sub. or Sir ne So in le L OF CANA WEST MINING REGU ONS. ' 10. por art lon matt ea eee af Atte. hy one a. ET RT art ree miner's certificate fis payment advance of for an , end $100 per arivum «cum. "Whe" $500 nas the locator may, Jeweraliy are , renewalle two lenses to Hew Shek BRS a the Jpterior. date of tal, $10 ver CORY, of this itt Money to Loan McINTYRE & MoINTYRE | Barristers + King Street ----gt | FRICK IS IN FEAR | Will Pay $10,000 a Year for: x Guards. & | Pitishurg, Maceh 29-Wonry Frick has contracted fo pay w famous detective ageney. $10,000 10 : protect him from assassination, | This in because Moxander Berkman will step out of prison May 18th, uf ter serving fourteen vears for shoot: ing Mr. Frick duging the famous Homestead strike. . ' When Berkman steps ont of prison a detective will dog his footsteps con- stantly. Another will watch "the goings and comings of Mr. Frick, so that Berkman will never got another chance to shoot, Berkman was an sanarchist when he shot Frick. He is an anarchist now. During his prison tern he has studied industriously and has perfected him- se'f in Prénch, Italian and Slavonic. He also speaks German and English, Ue purposes engaging in preaching an wrchism, : Buy your corsets at New York Dress Reform and you 'will be sure of a per- feot fit: Prices 2c, 40¢., B0c:, 63¢. and of Prussia. ran into up, Prinee Neney team with automobile. He pail Abn owner for his shattered rig, then not he ice. and told them, "You Rh I live." ey ---- How's This? offer One Hundred Dollars Rewsrd Case of Catarrh that cannot be EE ey " J. CH a 0, litt he tre 1 years, a fm perfectiy Banarabie in busi \lanastions, nclatly able WALDING, KINNAN & MATIN, ' ; Toledo, O a aa: oomts._ por ' E oR ~~ 4row margin, and tumed them over for ineral hotter than 953, abd make: meney by ti the | Who seek' out the money savers, men | | the' Globe is right. conditions, The tendency of the' times ers, and the occasion for this js in the ~ and bad features. Wall's Catarrh Cure is token, interast. to! hon | ERE pur RY : investors. _ In other words the middle men want something for their service and they have, on large transactions, been content with a hall por cent. These brokers have even brought large is sues of debentures--hundreds of thou- sands of dollars worth--at a very nar- a quarter per cent. The institutions or - firms are few, however, which can buy $6,000,000 of railway bonds, for that represents a very large cash transaction. But there are firms which would ofier for half or quarter of a million, in" bends, at be deal, because they have ngepts and women, and set: them debén- tures and bonds in #fall Jot¥ of from $5,000 upwards, The insurance companies, (do, . are on the look out for desirable secur ities. No one of them wants six mil lions of bonds at a time, but it would take a large block, and other companies would be glad to do the same, and at a_time when the assets of financial concerns are under search- ing investigation the exhibit would be quite satisfactory. The Globe estimates that the govern. ment. can save $100,000 by letting the offer of the Bank of Montreal go, and all the evidence goes to show that ; Opinions Of Peor(: Differ. The, new license law is variously. re | Matheson, while inthe pld days it it is approved as fois os ss § the better regulation of the trade, | There may bs' less liquor sold, under 'the stringent regulation; but that re. PWased 'when "the royal inquisition mains to be seen. The use of stimu. Jants is° a habit with most people, and habit is the onteome of social in Canada is not towards total ab- stinence. That has been' revealed by the government's statistics, Hence higher license fees may not make so much for temperance as some people suppose. It will make the liquor, however, more expensive, for the time being, and perhaps harder for some to get, Will the increased cost lead to fur ther adulteration ! The new law says no. Any one who is found adding te the liquor with a view of increasing its bulk and "improving ite. quality," will be severely punished. : There is provision" for Ne licensing of the bar-tender as Well 'as bar-keep- argument that a closer observance of the law will be secured when all whe are interested in its enforcement are under bonds. Through violation there- of one man may lose his business and the other his ocenpation, The municipalities will he pleased with the announcement that they are to share equally with the government in the higher license fees. The govern: ment 'has heretofore appropriated large percentage of the income from licenses, because it wanted revenue. Tt wants this revenue still , but the higher fees will give them perhaps as much as usual and the cities and towns a great deal move, The provision regarding the taking of options is viewed with disfavour by the temperance people. The munici- palities must permit a vote to he a taken 'in 'connection with the mifhicit} \ pal elections, when it has heen asked for by 25 per cent. of the qualified voters, but it will take three-fifths of the votes polled to give the option law effect, or to put it into force. The part which makes action with the council compulsory, under certain cir- oumstances, is the best legislation in the opinion of F. 8. Spence, of the Dominion Alliance, since 1500, and the part that makes it necessary to have getting local option ix "the worst legislation in thirty years." The gov promi in the way of a new faw, and now people will q hing the have it, with its good A ---------------- |. Hitheérto "the seciritios of the pro- 1 | vince have been selling at a premivm.. e- | They may have originally. passed into the hands of the brokers or bankers at a small discount or even at par, but' they command a premium when they 6% | reach the people, who are the great viese. Phe government is being a three-fifths majority of the vote in} | commission which has issued a cirenl- fernment, A deputation 'went fo Toronto «to protest against the removal of the school of pedagogy, and it was an- mounced," surprisitigly, that the govern, ment bad not decided upon any course. But mow iy transpires, by this letter to the , that the govern- ment 1 "very reluctantly. The premiec §a said to be offended with the attitide of the Hamilton de- putation, because of its repronches, its - threats and its expressions of want of confidence: It is further announced that the university in Toronto will have a school of y in connection with it, that it will secure the pupil-stn- dents, and thai eventually the Ham- ilton school 'will be closed. Then will be seen the error the Hamilton peo ple have committed in resisting the government's plans, 'especially - when they included the substitution for the school © pedagogy of a school of i] a model of its kind, and far surpassing in importance and patronize the schon] of pedagogy. The Hefald is 'inelined to think that the Hamilton * trustees and their friends hisve gone' off at hali-cock. They will bo deft a school which will eventually "fail for lack of students. There is, however, a feature of the ease that is ery motable. The de putation was atrogant, and the pre- mier became incensed. He appeared to give way, but he 'is meditating upon a course which will carry with it a puhishment of the # Ambitions City." Who could think "oI the premier as willing to visit'e stisement upon his usually syecophantie supporters ? A -------------- Editorial Notes. The Mail says' %hit Oitario's sur- plus has hecome & reality under Col, was a myth, It is simply a question | of imagination. . 0. : . The insurance departmept will he moves on and gives it a rest. As qa re sult of recent revelgiions there will be something doibg in; Ottawa. . The sooner the people know what it will cost te reorganize the light, heat ano power plants, so as to make thé pay, the better. Economy may be securea through the use of modern appliances, -- An American estimates the amount spent by tourists annually at Niagara Falls at $15,000,000, and the sum is 100 big to be Inst sight of in this utili- tarian age. There in money in beauty as well as power. i pn Mr Gamey acts ' and, looks like a gored man, Remember that he elect #d the government, that he was the man who gave Mr. Whitney power, and that he has not yet received re- cognition. Could he look sweet ? ' What institution or company could not have large assets if they could he created as easily as those of the in- surgnee companies. With a few strokes of the pen hundreds of thousands of dollars can be written in the books. I some public officials in Ottawa gave more of their time to the duties of office and less to the social func tions which yun with the sessions of parliament it 'would he better for the people they serve, ---- It is aamitted by the insorance de- partment officials that there are hund. reds of mistakes in the publie books. Then what good are 'the books ¥ What ix the use of spending thousand of dol- lars upon them ? : Rockefeller 'dodging the process serv. ers, in hiding and suffering all the discomforts of exile, is ihe spectacle of today, The very rich man, says Car negie, is not happy. = Rockefeller from his retredt can say 'Hear, hear." ------ Three new license commissioners were appointed in Chatham, and the old three, who caused 30 much political jealousy, were sent about their busi. com- imented on its bravery. It dodged the issue as long av it could, The i companies ignored the enquiries of the insucance department for information. Will they defy the a complete. showing of Shepley Ab mot nade iw spit of WRAL aa CY St. Schmidt, leader of the naval revolt at Sebastopol, in November last, was tried by court-martial and shot Otchnkon fortress, on Monday, for mutiny, is being made a martyr by ag made. le The boys of the St. Pet gym- nasium struck in order to compel the up of yers in school for the repose of t soul of the liewten- | ant. The Russ. prints a detailed account of the execution, from which it ap- pears that when Schmidt received the news that the authorities had refused {to commute the death penalty he wept for the three sailors, his com- Panions, saying they were so you and honest and he would "prefer gd die alone, The taken to the small desert island Zan and were shot at sunrise. : Schmidt addressed his executioners, sixty sailors of the cruiser Tereta, aes z Ve "I die for 'the Russian le and the fatherland and op you, hereafter share my death for the same cause." Schmidt refused to aceept the sacra- ment, . and: asked not to be blind foldel. He met his death with head ap and eves open. The firing party was stationed at a distance of fifty paces. Two of the sailors were killed at the first volley and one more at the third. » Sehmidt did not fall until the fourth olley. -- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Anything For Change. London Advertiser. 5 iv all means move the observatory from Toronto to Ottawa, if it will give us better wether and miore re- liable forecadts. © It Is The Real Rochester Post Fixpress, A New York millionaire has an oni- ployee whose sole duty is to cut the leaves of the hooks in his new library. At last wr have a perfect de- finition of the word "*sinecure."' Thing. The Loan Disapproved. Hamilton Herald. he Toronto Globe js right in pro- testing against the issuance of a pro- vincial three and one-half per cent. loan at ninety-eight and one-half. If a popular loan were issued a hetter price could he obtained --and the in- terest wonld not leave the province. Hitting Him Again. London Advertiser. . Col. Mutheson's first provincial loan 15 a sorry failure. Perhaps the Brit- ish bankers got hold of some of the colonel's old speeches, in which the finances of Ontario were described as being in a very rickety condition. % -- «Dodging The Speeches. Torante Mail. ¥ It costs. a member of the House of Commons fifteen dollars if he is ah- sent from any of the sessions of that body. This is one of the provisions of the new indemnity bill. But it worth more than that to be able escape some of the speeches that made, is to are ------ Preferred The Lawn. A prominent attorney entertained a party of friends at his summer home in Connecticut in July. One hot afternoon a young lady languidly expressed a wish for some good reading matter, and a clergy- man, who was one of the guests, forthwith procecded to the library and obtained a bulky volume, which he placed in the grateful girl's hands, "I'm sure you'll find it interest. ing," commented the divine. "Thank vou; 1 shall wade right into it," responded the girl with alacrity. Fifteen minutes later the voung lady appeared on of her host : "I wont imiure your lawn if | walk on it, will 1%" "Surely not," laughed the attorney; "but IT heard you tay a few moments ago that vou were going to wade in- to the Rev. Kelsey's book." "Ob," confessed the girl, mischiov- ously throwing her head to one side, "I'd rather wade through your lawn;" there are less leaves in it, and they are not so dry." ¥ the verandah and asked Russian Ambassador For Tokio. San Francisco, Cal, March 2. -M. Grorges Bakhmetioff, the first Rus- *1an ambassador to Japan ever ap- pointed, and the first diplomatic. re presentative of Russia to Japan since the outbreak of the war, accompanied by his wife and attendants, sailed, to- day, for Japan, on the steamer Korea. The ambassador was formerly Russinn minister to Bulgaria. His wif: was formerly Wiss Beale, daugh- tr of the late Gen. Edward Beale, at one time United States minister Austria. "She is a sister of John #Lean, to R. -- To Dam Lake Erie. It is proposed to build a dam at the foot of Lake Erie in order to supply a more constant volume of water for Niagara Falls. Such a dam would be of great benefit to the electric power plants about the falls and an impaort- ant aid to commerce moving between the four upper lakes and the St. Law. rence river, HOW IT SPREADS The first package of Dr. Leonhardt' Hem-Roid (the infallible Pile cure) that ¥as put out went to a small town ig March 22.--Lieyt. who near with three sailors, sentenced to death a hero and condemned men were' tred round the in Europe, and ~ When we aivertise: garment or any article at , certain price we always stand ready to deliver the goods. ae e You can bank on ouradvis. Our goods and our advts are never at.variance. ~ We never attract people t) our s'ore to disaspoint them. we - "If you read it in'our .advts, it's so." Our $10, 12, 13, 15 Men's Suits, Our $3, 3.50. 4 and 4.50 Trousers, Our $1 Shirts, . Our $1 Gloves, Our $12.50 Raincoats, , And our $2, 2.25, 2.50 Hats, . Are all just as good as we have been claiming they are, The man who comes here to find these exceptional va. lues will be satisfied. New Collars, 2 Tor asc. THE H.' D. BIBBY CO. OI IR, wn wp EE ---------------------- Underpriced Silk Blouses . Saturday This is a determined clearance of broken stock in Ladies' Lined Silk Waists. We arc looking forward for spring and summer business in this line now and do not want to he hampered with odds and ends of winter waists. There's only 9 altogether. The prices were $4.95 and $525. We have sold many. of them too. They come in White, Cream and Black, and are lined with percales. 'The stylo is the same . as are being shown spring and summer wear. Come and see them Saturday. to buy--but we want to convince give 'them. However, if yon isece 3 85.25 each, the price will be $2.50 'Allover Net Waists Our special offer for Saturday of the material for an all-over Waist sure to be interesting-3} vards 27 inch Japanese Taffeta Silk, the 50c. quality; and 2 yards fine real Brussels Net with small ring figore, 40 inches wide, worth $1 yards You have your choice of any shade of silk. Saturday we give you hoth materials for the waist for $2.69 25¢. Boys' Ribbed Hose, 12}c. Al} sizes in Boys' and Girls' Fine Ribhed Hose, from inches, all at one price, d2}c. for We won't ask yon vou that when we advertise bargains we one you would like, instead of £1.95 and a is 5 inches wp to 9 Size 8} up in this line is worth 25¢. pair. A Ladies' Hose, 10c. Extra fine quality, extra spliced heels and toes, tian yarn, double process dyed and inches, on Saturday, 10c. pair. and best Egvp sizes, 8} to 10 seamless guaranteed fast, all Factory Remnants of Grey Cottons, 8c. Short pieces of the Se: and 10e. Cottons, in grey, two hundred pieces, urday, 6c. vard. Sat- White Lawn Blouses. In a very pleasing assortment, from 75¢. each. Special White Lustre Waist, $1.25. The James Johnston Store Special Call! Owing to the tremendous crowds that have packed our store for the past few days, and the cheaper goods went first, and in ordei to have just exactly what we advertise, we have reduced the HIGHER GRADE GOODS materially. Everything Must Go--Nothing Reserved Joseph Silver, 102 Princess St., in the hands of the Canadian Mercantile Co. LOVED THE QUEEN, King Christian and Lord Elphin- stone Loved Her. A contemporary recalls the fact that the late K Christian way once a to table and in his drawing-room have a splendid gilt chair placed ina position of honor. In it was . pie ture of Queen Victoria frame gold, and adorned with gems. He never referred to the silent guest, seemed, indeed, conscious of the pic ¢ King suitor for Queen Victoria's : Jong ; wesence, but there it always this reminds the Omlooker of u lone- tures pr gehts h Sure t._ wieass forgotten romance of . the aly | ; months of the queen's reign. It een" tarly attachment. Lord 'Fiphinstone of of the handsonsest men A Good Movement. those days one Home Gardening Association The the holder of a high i h the public a court post. Thus brought into the | has been organized through th 17 CC Jt cured a case of Piles that was con: | of : + > schools of the city of Clevela Nh Se eh how, Mien Yaily_ toviety. of {he ¥oung association last vear distributed 3%, news d, and although this | Queen, he fell desperately in love. ciation last y of seed to be w only two years ago. the demand | J ord Melbourne and the Duchéss of | 000 onecent packages fhe city prompied Dir J. 8. Leonhardt, of Lin- Ke y id #4 Ny 'ge used in the poorer sections of tl ~ ie ro Fig tut considered the position so deli- | used rd gardening. The © for rol ime. Now it is being sent to [cate that he was judiciously sent | in window and yard g all parts of the world. : TL will cure anv case of Piles. There abroad to fill . an important of color fect was to carry the beauty tafore post. As : : i i hich he % . 1 was only fitting so exalted a nto many sections in w anifesto is a sort of "Hands np.' oF oid for $1 wr with Absainte ih Lord Eishinatans remained faith 3 it had been a stranger. ------------------------ tow. © : ou is romancé, Years after, when » : Lo P illiam Fleetric hatterien ull styles and BBR od NY AvuERista. or by The held an important post in India, it | The fever outbreak at Fort Willia ices.' Dr," Chowne; Ont. ! . "J was his custom both at his is now under conirol ABR '{ SE for in addition to bein, with nutritious ¢ CHAS A That leans towa are hereto clinch it. Men's ai Suits 2 11.50, i: _Has no rival i terns are entirely aw. outside of this store, merchant tailor sho prices. Wear one o will give the others t to please you. New Shirt New Rone 127 Pi 60-CARTS} --AND-- CARRIA Something new and prett) and durable, in 1906 desig Pullman, Reclining Back Car) Parasols, Lace Covers, can Separate, Also old carriages repaintec halstered Have your repairing and ing attend to at once, JAMES REID, T 264 as -- EE ------------------ REJECTED MOTIO! An Amendment Said to sulting. London, March 22.--The 1 Commons vesterday, rejecte 0 110 votes a motion ¢ , formerly colon ending the apy of a royal commission to ing the economic aspects and th of Chinese labor in the Trans ming session was consumed bate upon the motion of Wil lard Biles, suring Lord M merly high mmissioner for Arica, for authorizing the fl oolies 'in contravention of t ¥ith China, and on Under Secretary Churchill's amend that motion, recording eon of the flogging, hit in the it Peace and canciliation in 8 hea, objecting to "the eens dividogls dossph Chamberlain said it despicable { humiliate a gr savant for ga single error of : Tord Milnes had frankly exp get for the error, Arthur J ®hoing Mr. Chamberlain's st Said the amendment - ofiered Churchill was more insulting motion, ---- Be Ready For Pair A Bniment may he needed *P a bottle of Smith's W tuent in the home ready for 2 Joey, This is the best of | aA large bottle for the remedy meets a wide heeds, Cures neuralgia, rh » Still joints or mus I the hack and all ording s. Money back 5 -- fim tantinople states that LR Ying made for the + ME Edwgrd, who is ex) Yi x it the sultan, coming dire A disorders . 5 caused hy --re of the 'svotem ean he me Carter' Pills discomfort atten thew,

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