Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1906, p. 2

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il i » g 5 i ment i Fi Property committee yes- TABOR; there were present Ve (chairman), Mitlan, mspettor Guthrie : of registry offices, of the city to re i i Hons pecessary in the Sproule and Pillar moved in am- 3 endment that the matter eill the June session, however, carried, Councillors Soroule, and Pillar alone voting against it. Movements Of The : They Are Saying And Doing. Dr. Lockhart, Harrowsmith, Bishop Mills has returned to rom Preston Springs, T. Walker's condition some improvement to-day. Miss Kate Beaupre, Portsmouth, is in Toronto, visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. H. MeMullen, cdnesday, for her home in Du ground, there is 4 preat danger of the ooperiousty damaged, matter till it knew tion it would have f, On communication of privilege of leasing Jor borse racing. amusements, poultry sporting, general shows, and staudi the nds be offered r. Davidson for, 3300 for the re mainder of the year, The Present there was a deficit 0 gu ven: on it. Five fs Was considered a small { King Edward," "Three Little Maids AM. Cooke said he couldn' support ) J 20Y proposition to rent T. H. Abbott, travelling representa: exactly what they vere tive of John Taylor & Co., Toronto, is Rev. T. B. Windross, meeting at the YMCA, Dr. Gibson, New Haven, Mich. the guest of his brother W, W. Gil son, Clergy street, M. Gibson, who has been ill at her home on Clergy street, was some- what better, to-day. H. Coyle, Kingston, has securad position as head clerk in Smyth's dry goods store in Hamilton, James Burke, Portsmouth, left, to- day, at noon, for Winni has secured a good position. Lieut.-Col. Rivers is on the board revise the king's regu- lations for the Canadian militia. James H. Sutherland is in the city pointed out' that the not be used for anyth Davidson might intend to bring some girls there," remarked but even that possible at- id not satisiy Ald. Cooke. It was decidec to instruct the Mr. Davidson and secure | particulars, in regard to wishes the grounds for. The communication of the ger office quarters was left t next meeting when committee would know tion 'it would have. The chairman said he Councillor Sproule held that the committee appointed should bring in a definite report. He thought there was a lot of personal feeling in con nection with the matter, which the council had nothing to . that he was there simply place the company right in the Spoor stated that committee would report on Thursday | vor on the part morning. Comillor Spoor presented the re- recommended that the tender of being the lowest, be . report was adppted. messin Thursday Morning Session. At the Thursday morning i Councillor Pillar : port © "We vonr committee, appoint ed to compare the books of the Perth Road company with the report print- od and issued by the county clerk on the comty, having made i and the balances of supply him with a list of all artic grounds, and in the buildings 1 not belong to the city, The caretaker's report showed that there | | for supporting the | ment," i tive hotel { hquor interests t | amd now his government is pandering | to the temperance people." storm has been very general through the eastern states. E. J. B. McRae Ieft the city on Wed: nesday for Cobalt on a tour, He will be met there by Ronald McDonald, who has struck it very rich 8, etc., there. Ald, An- paying for storing hav it was unfair not to ers tu pay for sto On motion of Al mittee decided that persons the fair grounds must move the articles forthwith. Millan and Harkness claimed city shouldn't go into Storage business at 'all, in competition wp had places for stor- ring their property. Id. Harkness the com- H. G. Hopkirk, retiring, at his own request, from the post-office inspector- ship at London, bronze clock by the staff. hn E. Hopkirk, of Rev. Logie Macdonnell. assistant to Central Presbyterian for. almost a vear, on the 1st of May, is a brother of Jo with citizens whi . we have come to the couclus- ing vehicles, ete ion that the printed report is rect and that the amounts in dispute are only a matter of book-keeping, and as the resolts are the same, we recommend that the report On | license fee." ehitirch, Hamilton, completes his term and others asking that 'a what charge he will take up then, as not definitely deeid- the bost of friends he has be has a bricht fu. | swel o bo cast, {At traflic over the site; that an arrangemen Continent Walkers for $1,200 Wagers in City. per cent, of the cost 10 cross over the field to edge. It was decided to mation regarding the st fore taking action and also to visit the - county shall do the work the township its share. rly committee's report re- George Cumunings prope commending that the clerk write the ald, blew into town with last night's storm from Brockville, and will spend & Gay or so"in the city, guests at the To Give Testimony. Among the witnesses who bave been | "Als die subpoenaed to atten young men came from N d the preliminary C.B., which place they a statement of all material on hand, against the officers Wholesale Grocers' Guild, at ton, are some of who, it. is alleged, joining, One of these, Andrew | head of a Kingston house said to have had some very ing correspondence with the fore coming into the fold. S of the Dominion The finance committee focommended that extension of ti 1906, be granted payment of toll gate from Mr. Walker in full payment of his indebtedness. The re port was adopted. North America in one day. They have been their journey; and miles, which is one-fourth of the dis- lance to be covered, visited 'part of their proposition is to wait on the mayor. This morning these two "tramps" called .on Mayor Mow- me till June Ist, the 'wholesale men, | committee was Inoon to award tenders for the vear's | | supplies, | (chairman), Givens, | Gaskin, After a { the chairman, Ald. Gaskin and Mr Campbell were { mittee to plod through the remainder Arbitrator To Be Named. were received from over sixty ratepayers in each of the townships of Loborough, Kingston and to the following effect: e. undersigned, being at least fifty ratepayers of the township, do petition your coun- Toll Roads Act," 1901, Hamilton Times, spoke being one of those who Fesponsible for the fighting the guild so long, he would not live up to ¥Y. M. C. A. DOINGS, Events in Different Departments The teams for the indoor hockey the YMCA, will be chosen on Satur from the list sent in of Juniors --------eis Teachers Ask Increase. The public school {em towns seem to be m the salary question. Kidd has bem in rece t "in Eastern Ontario, Fate paid the dominies lent "Population in the | In some towns the formed a umion to mand an increase in salafy- Panee is in the race for dolla -------- Get. your glasses at Chown's Store, 'an expert oO} latest instruments, and guarantees a You cannot get better soda than those manufact visions of Section 4 the purpose of aboli of said act, for uch agitated over shing tolls on the which lends from member is eligible, A schedule for the games will be drawn up next week, Friday night will be held in the Y. re-union, and full camp style, of all siaumer's camp at A feature of the even- ing will be a basket-hal tween tents No. 1 and No. 2, An. autograph social is he of for next week, to camping trip for the mitted to the day evening, course dinners in the members of last your council having said road in accordance with visions of section 3 of said act," Councillor Pringle if Councillor Stoness of the petitions, {would come the | needed want: a light police station. {gas light on the end of the | verandah dia duty, respond to its wanted to know The latter admitted was; there had to be r to all such reforms. act required that the appoint the arhi- stician with all the examines your eyes ---------- It Cured Their Rheumatism. A remedy must of by what it does and Hall's Rheumatic cure put to this test. The It has been employ acute and chronic cases. It has cured hen other remedies have failod-- when no other remedy would even relieve. It deserves a thoro light be | door is { ally trator as asked for ers. The petitions were § with the act, and, there trator must be appointed Councillor Pringle } course be judged ured in Kingston locality for vears. arbitrator for the cou When it comes to giving Bargains in Furs We believe our present Sale discounts anything you have seen in this city for years. BES. Mink Marmot Nek cisd interest in the road Councillor Sproule said he was g the petitions to the committee with power ugh test by any rheumatism or neuralgia Its action is thoro It can't harm. It will cure. Price Wade's drug store. This preparation that cured Mrs. ble, Wemyss, Ont. -------- Funeral Of Miss Byrne. The funeral took place from owe on Johnston o'clock, this morning, Byrne, who died on M poor asked to have read the act which made jt tive upon the council to point an arbitrator. On motion of Councillor Shannon, oe aes of | order elothin, of Scotch an cheviots and Vicunas. 24). Alaska Sable § Mary's cathedral. The Chief of Police, W, Laidlaw, B. Moran, H. D. Brannigan and J, Burial in St. Mury's cemetery. ---- Thursday's Police Court. Magistrate Farrell's with despatch this Homsler lined Cape, oth covering, Thibet Qe { tor): H vou look at the 13th ch | will see where | ~CHURCHMAN, | Cream makes the skin soft like velvet, and coste for his last Be y GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Good Pictures By the 'London Company." e unpleasant wea- unmense a Notwithstanding ther, there was an to witnegs the Bioscope exhibition at | ; the Grand Opera House last evening. | > | Occurrences In The City Ana Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Many of the pictures are works of art, and are clear and distinct, with- out any flickering as is usual on cosivns of the kand and pleasure Many of the humorous. There were two local scones to those present. vice, and the employees leaving the locomotive works. The singing of Al. E. Reid in the il- lustrated pictures was much admired. | He rendered "Wait shine," "In the Good Time," "She Waits Till the Sun- for Me by the were © he Mysteries of The principal Magie Bill Boj no feudal ba Printing Office," including the edi- | {tor's room, linotyping, preparing the forms, making the matrix (English), casting the plate, trimming the plat stop, extra news, printing thw edition, from press-room Bt pers to boys. | A most laughable and ludicrous scene; "The Opening of Parliament by "Parade of Canadian Heroes," "The Ambulance Elopement," "Tracked Ly Bloodhounds in Maid's Capture," "The Slocum Disaster," "Revenge "An English Stag Hunt," concluding with "The Unfortunate Umbrelia." To-night the company will present a different set of pictures and songs. HOW IT IS VIEWED, Whitney's License Law Displeases the Liquor Men. The Whithey government's inervassd license charge does not meet with 4a of the liquor men If the number of licensed places was to be reduced to & large extent, it | might, but {only a couple of saloons in Kingston, with the cutting of of the change in the license law simply | means a crack at the hquor men, who { will have to pay a larger license for | practically the same business they are doing. "That's what the 'vnor Whitney go said a liberal to erm a conserva "It was chiefly the electxl man. "The raise of the license," said an hotel man, "will mean the cutting out | of all five cent whiskey. Ten cents will be the lowest charge for a drink of liguor. That will hit, the working- man harder than anyone else. ply means that the people who drink will have to The temperance people are highly pleased over the new license bill, though they would rather have had a through the smelter site to the: water's | greater reduction in the number of edge, was considered, simply want 'the 'right 50 ay the water. oaks "WE ok es Ald.' Cooke said t wight be made | licenses. They, however, think the hope for local option is killed by the demands made as to the majority re- quired. to carry it. Sang With Great Success. Bav City Tribune. : Mr, Jarvis sang with great success | at the concert given by the Schumann Club, of Saginaw, under the direction | "of A. W. Platte, assisted by Seeboeck, | | of Chicago. Mr. Jarvis' first number, | | an aria, "Lend Me Your Aid," | Gounod's : | greatly appreciated, \ also his encore, | by Dvorak. | | Mr. Jarvis possesses a splendid physi- { que and a remarkably rich, melodious | | and sympathetic voice, and he won his | | way in the hearts of the people. (me | | of Mr. Jarvis' | Bay," of his own' arrangement. from "Queen of Sheba," was Alte Mutter," endores ------ At Work On Tenders. A meeting of the light and power held yesterday after Present were Alda, couple hours' work appointed a sub-com of the tenders, of which there was a great bupdle. This %ub-committes met | or a couple of hours last evening, but he work is not vet complete, west tenders will be ready to be sub -- A Light Is Needed. Under the head of « filling of a much in front of the In days gone by a but now fails to light-giv ing energies, t has been sugoested that an electric put in its place. The station | used to a large extent, especi some, too, much -- Wolfe Island Road Grant. , and gave amuse | scenes portrayed were | i Dress Reform. given--St. George's cathedral after ser: | | sodas when ordering. i F. Belch, of Syracuse, N.Y., is in | the city for a few days Old Summer | F. K, Phillips and William Roblin, office, givifig pa- | Colorado," "Old | on "Eccentric Baker," | Carmichael. "| Wade's Compound Syrup of Tar and Big bottles | Wild Cherry {20c. at Wade's drug store. The signalling 'classes with Sergt .- Inst. McGowan finish on Friday. | leaves next week for Winnipeg. | - Ask. for Crothers' erisp sodas, you will be delighted with them: ~ While Snow pany hen get | Whitney, | from in ready-made and pay the additional £170 | made to order. | New York Dress Reform, Miss Maggie Larabee, Plevna, spend- acquaint- ances in Ontario, leaves for New York state, She intends going to the North- | West after a few weeks. Crisp. soda biscuits manufactured in Kingston. The W, J, Crothers Co. business for ual, the community and the It's so easy to run up a bill get the chance, but it is | sometimes hard enough to pay it. i of Carter's retiring you coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for oc- | casional use. Agents have been in Kingston seck- ing the purchase of the claims oi vet- As high as 8500 has been offered and several vet erans have sold out at these figures. ling = 7 PS the indiv nation. when you Little Liver Pills would | erans in was "Manila | Toye, i iW. J, day, April 12th, 1906, | low The | Through day | sleeping ears. city council next Mon | York Central ticket. agent. usually Thursday plentiful at was sold at 20c, a Ib., with very little market | shown, Fowl wes very scare and dear fivie Improves nt | { Toronto, has | reader at St, James® church! He will | be made deacon at the Trinity ordin on the eve of city hall events, | ations. : | and the corner is usually so dark that | manv falls have heen registered an the | familiar (to | Stone steps. bibs, =~. | LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN Remembered, Shoulder braces, 50c., A. H. Ross, Guelph, is a | visitor in' the city, sure and say h | Winnipig, are in the city. Deep Blue Sea," cach of which was | g encored iin in colors, at Wade's. "The Souvenir cards of Kingston, Capt. Perrin, R.C.E., has William Swain, piano tuner. The -Artilleries Mrs. Crysler has Union street to Prof. for coughs, ploughing through the one is inclined to No delays in passing YOUE. custom house entries if G. A. your broker. The woting contest between Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight { and follow directions. The Belleville Ontario man says that "squirrel" whiskey is wood alcohol and water, | olor matter added. Boarding houses, hotels, restaurants, | private houses, all use Burtch's horse raddish, guaranteed pure and fresh. with Ask your grocer for it. A quorum was not in attendance for | a meeting of the property committee tof the board of education, lait night. { The storm was responsible. It sim- | Corsets over fifty kinds eral weeks renewing Pay as you go is good taken two before had that /1f you had not have New Ontario. William Sloan, a voung chap from | Kingston, was in Toronto police court, | Wednesday, and months in {to deliver a pareel and signature for receipt. He has a bad re cord, commencing in sentenced to six prison for failing forging thie Central 1903. and they are mann actured in Kingston every day by the Crothers company. ------e------ | Eastertide Excursion to New York Via New York Central lines. Thurs Exceptionally days return limit. coaches and Pullman Apply to nearest New rates. Ten The Thursday Market. The market=tEie-- Morning Was un snl, in numbers, for a turn-out. Feggs were ISe, a dozen and very butter C. L. Bilkey, of Wyclifie College, been secured ax lay B. Maund, Toronto, arrived in the i city, vesterday, for a few days' visit £0) | at his home on William street, 2] : . James McGlynn, Wolfe Island, has Deposit Your Savin S | secured through the county member, | i+). 8. Gallagher, a grant of £300 from { the Ontario government, Mr. McGlynn {is of the opinion that the grant will be continued | Provement of the roads. He has full each year for the im control of the money and will expend T {it on the roads leading to the village. | 6 an d n -------------------- ¢ Spring Importation 0f 1906. i Prevost, Brock street, has received | imported goods for his department, consisting English tweeds, ser His $13 suiting made to order beats anything of pre- | vious vears. The wear and fitting is { guaranteed. . ---- Turn Up The Passage. Kingston, March 20.7 the Edi | | count. of Canada - rxes. Offioe Cor. Princess and Bagot ts. One dollar opens an ac- Interest allowed at of Revelations and the 17th reaper | highest current rates. the plumbers', grocers' | other combines started.- | ---- Dr, Chown's Buttermilk Money orders issued and and Almond | B60€Tal banking business | transacted. EPISODES New York business Crothers' erisp new returned from a week's trip to Petawawa, i Orders | received at McAuley's Book Store. and Randolphs are | billed for a hockey game on Monday | night. Dr.. Chown's special Iron Tonic Pills ! builds up run down systems, 25¢. , doe, . Hear Harold Jarvis and the Sydey ham street Methodist church choir this {ev ening. and sold her residence Norman He deep think that Christmas ought to be close at hand. Bateman is com- » of the 14th Regiment and the: 14th Band, takes place at the ar- | mouries to-night. | Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but it is best when used in the Soap a mixture of some to choose any. style Perfect fit guaranteed. © want to impress upon every- using our sodas is because vou Hoag, Kent and | cannot get better, things for buyers. ten center, broideries widths, some worth Friday, your choice 5¢ being 3} yards long and 52 ir wide, made with double Dollar sale Friday morning, only / NEWMAN & SHAW It is because truth is » fiction that a man mak story to tell his wife Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and bedutifies th %eeth- and purifies the breath, Used by people of refinemeny for over a quarter of a century, Convenient for tourists, ~ © PREPARED BY : All Kinds of RAW FURS W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street Kingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Grand Fontral Station SBAGGAGE}:=FRER A Beautiful of Cut Glass We show such pisces a are sure to be useful and to please a recipient The quality is ing and clear signs are g Cut Gl produce. . Our prices are in your 0 favor. + Smith Bros. Jewelers--Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses 'Phone 666. Line particula Friday 3 exceptionally good shrewd cash Read :-- 200 yards Tow No. 1. inches wide, with colored every thread Linen, a regular on sale Friday morn. ing 6ic. a yard. No. 2. A big snap in E and Insertions, some worth 7c. and 8c, more, all new th: season, for a trade stimulator, a yard No. 3. Just in time for Spring 50 Pairs Large Size Lace Curtains very pre.ty _ design, wel thread bound edges.Equal to the best Curtains in the trade, on ir, whos he ont late, 4 Senne SA RAILWAY CONNECTION WITH GOIN WEST one-way ticket a SAL REDUCED RA 5 to April 7. Vaucouver, \ Seat le, Tacos Porland and coast points son, Roselc ea Trail 4 K op Sale Feb: 1 $46.30 $43.80 5 FROM KINGSTON to ely. low rates proportions Rt t i particler utario Street. Ley, F. A. FOLGER, 00 Fass: Agent. Gen. hy of Quinte Rail . tor Tweed, Na gee short AO local Paiste, sv Hall Depot at P. - Agent B.Q. Ry. Kina K. & P. and WiLL ISSUE SECOND CLA COLONIST TICKETS Going We 15th, to April 7 From Feb. wing reduced jusive, at the fold om Kingston to Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Portland cio he rin. Trail, Rossland, Nelson, son, Spokane .. \ssconda, Butte, Helena, Sal Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo .L...... Billings, Mont san Francisco, Los Angeles Low rates to many other points For Tourist Car 'AcCommo yekots, and all other Informatic w J. P. Hanley, Ageut ohnston and Outario streets, Kis ot nna SARA REUSE Se Quebec Steamship Compa BERMUD Reached in 48 hours from Ned A Twin Screw Ste "Bemudian." 5,500 tons. Sailing tm cays up to 17th March. sailings thereafter. FROM NEW YORK For St. Th St. Croix, St Antigua, Guad Dominica, A ew, St. Lucia, Buarlados. and ora. Sajli every ten days. For beauty of scenery and pel of dimate this trip is unsurpasse E fhstrated pamphlets giving r k and all information, ap ax OQUTERBRIDGE & CO., {be Quebec Steamship Compa ay, P : Sec ; Hr GLENS , Kingstc ALLAN LINE Royal M TO LIVERPOOL From St. John From | Pretorian, Sat., Mar. 24. Mon., } Parisian, Sat, M . Mon. A V s 1 7. Mon / T $ \ 1 14. Mon. A BOSTON TO GLASGOW Siberian Thurs. ] BALIFAX TO LONDON VIA TI Sarmatian Sat., ) For Rates of passage, ticke arply to Agente ne J; P, HANLEY, Ry. J. P.LGILDERSLEEVE, c¢ Ry., Kingston. MONEY AND BUSINES Canadian .¥ Rio HVERPOOL. LONDON AND Insurance Company, A Assets $61,187,9 Which toe #eeurity the u tbe stockholders. Farm and erty insured at lowost mates. Before renewing old of Dew business get rates from & Strange, Agents 215. In add cy holders | ited liabilit R POLICIES COVER MOI bullding and contents than ar Company offers. Examine th Godwin's Insurance Emporium ot Square. re -- (anadian (hinese Rest: 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 8.C The best place t get an a Lusch in the city. Meals of all | shortest not English and Gishey » spec Phone 655. = 3 Sstialty. Phone 655. Wm. Murray, Auctic BROCK ST. New Cartiages, Cutters, H ete., for sale, Sale of Horses Every Sa EE ttm---------------- ir J. FREE, OONTRAC % Magen '# wives for all kin fa works of Seat + 4 Division St, Phone Loesecossomecoams Wa Restaul 83 Princess Street from 10,30 a.m. to 8.0¢ £The best place ¢ Lusch 1p te city. Fine an at ce, ¥ LM SDecialty uglish and mes miininic all Ty Myers' "Home. My Read Chase ne CH POwWE CARPENTER AND JOBE 103 Raglan St

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