Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Mar 1906, p. 6

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ME, men, and see the advance' 'guard of Spring fashions, Spring Suits -- Spring Top Codts--Spring Rain Coats are here in endless variety: | Wop 4! J 8 « ¥ iy t Fit-Reform not only shows x correct models--but every "of every garment fs. bsolutely 'faultless to the' > X ¥ "Just name the style you most prefer, and we pine will show you every: '©. thing that Fashion sanctions-in patterns exclusively .. Fit 2) sad The ont remeay known to the results al exhausl. RTE ho teaied sy ca PAA Birra esr ruth, 3 Jit her eat Yo ok, & a his remedy 8 rem German a nd Tits, 8 ron sealed Iain wares hs KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.0. Drawer L. 2341, Mostrec: made in the way that makes our $s Jutwear any others. Itisa solid, substan. comfortable and good looking. Just rly spring wear. It simply won't on was a tle, "and Prime beeves sold at 4c, pretty b., an 2c. to 3c, per Ibe There were about 49 large bulls .on they weighed from and; sold at from There were mpumber.- cows on the market, which sald at 830 to $60 each; cach, 810 each, or 3c. Ib.; per solc low Ww in detice with Forsyth, who that he and an invalid friend to become paying months. much ec would satprise her, be in take & Then Thomas; four, came on legated to the Continuthg the conversation, Forsyth asked Miss Fox if.she would like trae] abroad; and woukd, tics," "Po" you hike me ¥ he asked, and she replied "Yes." : He told ler, she was chatming she gave him a ring so that he could get another |. "Of course, T was not in love with him," Miss Fox told the magistrate, "You put have a little Forsyth, and she acted The result 'was: that she bee a visited by the hours later. Meanwhile For lft the toad 4 a polite const Forsyth carrying a parcel which con- niu the artides stolen from uke, : i 3, ------------------ LIVE STOCK MARKETS, 3 -------- . The Prices. Offered at Various Montreal, March head of Butehers' cattle, 60 milch cows," 20 and: 200 fat at the East about + Ge. A bogs sold at about Tie, per Ib. to £1.70; Hogs---Recoipts, 12,000; stoady to Se, to-morrow, 27,000; 274; good heavy, hs, heavy, $5.95 to $6.16; light, 85.70 to $6.15; or; butchers, $5.90 to $6. 80.20 to $6.27); rou, to £6.10; light, $5. £5.95 to $6.20; pigs, bulk of sales, 86.15 to $6.25. Sheep: Receipts, 26,000; 10c, ahech, $3.65 to $6; lambs, $1.75 to £6.90, and £4 9 hil OX ex she entered thay he telograpibed matoring to Horley, and "fr. He aseived o vening, . t the evening, and oepred ie i, down at Red- chauffeur with a reference. glass of whiskey. * kitchen for Shen he posed marriage, and Miss Fox Ti "1 do not know vou well enough, anid it takes some time to. know ohe another's characteris. 'of the same and pleaded for the case but dhe was told to She had "soffie neat Bouse and were Points. 12. Al 8 were Fad prices' remain bod animals, J the . common Be. to of su the others at Calves sold at from $2.25 to ta Sc. per Ib. Sheep and lambs at at about djc., per lb... Good Simin Chicago Figures. - Chicago, March 12.--Cattl 27,000; steady to Téxuily, $3.55 to estimated Co -------- Buffalo Prices. Buffalo, March 12.--Cattle Receipts, 3,650 head: active, 100. higher; prime steed, $5.50 to $5.85; shipping, $1.85 to $5.40; butchers, heifers, $4.50; bulls, £4.10 81.30 to $3.60, 3) $18 to $51. Veals--Receipts, 1,600 head; active, Ble, lower; 85 to $8.50, MH wothers, $5.75 to $6.15; owes, 85.50 to £5.75; + mixed, 83 to 85.75; west 2 t mons, vest feral by Sir James Kitson, firming that the election had demon: peoples' fidelity to free , and, therefore, the house deo: od ft right to record its resistance to strated the BE a Sie beng to logs-- Receipts, 14,500 he active, Bc. to 10¢, lower; mived, $6.50 to $2.55; vorkers, $6.45 to 36.50 pigs, $6.40; gl £5.78 to 86; 8 Sheep, sad Jambs-Receipts, 13,100 head: sheop active, lambs slow: lambs, 86.25 to $7.15: yearlings, $6 to $6.35. orn lambs, 86.90 to 87.10, Attain THE PEOPLE'S FIDELITY. To Free Trade Demonstrated by. Election. London, March 14.--In the House of [ ¥, & resolution of-1° creating 's The prone moh I , two watches, ' three in t 1" into gilests Toy. fous at t oF rein hs bankees duced her to scene and was re- she said he more whiskey, continued; und then fell ill. yourself in my hands and whiskey," no more mtil' she was i six or seven syth and Thame had stop in the able Th flered for sale ABattoir to-day. The butchers were out 'strong, 'and (here demand for the best cat- he market to-day; 1,200 to 2,300 lhs., 10e. lower; .beeves, 875 to $1.60; stockers and feeders, $3.25 to $1.50; stock heif- ers, 8 to $3.10; fresh cows and whring- ers, steady on good, slow on commen, heavy stags, corn, or on the by & vote in Basu bad written that 'he was would call use in very his supper, to , and ize. 10 be stop- "she said on his advice, 1 ame worsy " bout 1,000 120 calves, use of -- Tablets ture for their success, < at ar1's to co ind Stoart' HpeOut rut, i If, ¢ herefore, you read disease, Fy ith andy lambs | 4 © unchanged. to Sic. per fc. to die stock at 4c. per Ib. wrior mileh $B to. 815 lots of fat o--Recbipts, $1.85 to $6.35; cows and heifers; £1.50 to 81.90; stackers and feeders, $2.55 | $1.40, lower; to $5.25.) wx, 8 to vad; fairly and few, 86.60. # to liberal, af- protection, gon. of were not dead and in had 'hair all over his 2nd, he writes, "and to-day is as thick and luxuriant af any one could wish." Newbro's Herpicide works |' on an old principle and with 'a new diseovery--destroy the éatise and you remove the effect. Hespicide destroys the gerin that sauses raff, falling hair, and finally halduess, with; the tause gone the 'effect cannot remain. Stops and a new growth Ieatling druggists. Send. 106; in stamps trot, Mich. agent, A. E. HEROD in it may She cabinet from which the "spirit, wit uy orms"' emerged. Braily's examinati 0 have -- in the s eal a tums |, sulted in the discovery of a kevhok may have been ba ol hm hidden in the plush, covering a hollow ety nay and ankles, disturb. | seat, w ich contained spirit faces, ring oo organs, such as, brick masks, wigs, diaphanous drapery, an dust dopduit if urine, higly' scanty |electric lamp, powder, ete. At the or ly urine, bladder pains, uent | next seance Braily denounced Eldred rt Madders ate. a a impostor and the latter con Perhaps know these | fosced. Nore symptoms of kidney disease, so the Sir Oliver Lodge and the other trouble kept Sroging worse, until Neu: | ciontists are thas deprived of * their ralgia, Soiaffon, of all, Ry ;Disbe tes, experiment. Tho fact that Braily is Heopel, au oe - right 3. ean ales 5. Wedini suggests professional Doan"s Ki illy' should betaken at ouay, the first of anything wrong. There is 8 Just sign of wy. and Fai HAD Goop CLASSES. ments are useless), as trouble mdst anadicated from : Was Perfectly 'Bald © When He to Use Newbre's Herpicide. Frederick' Manwell, Maryland block, Busth, Mouona, bought a bottle of Newbro's Herpicide, April 6th, 99, and an to use it for entire bald- ness. e Bair follicles in his scalp twenty days he head, On July my hair 80 that falling hair at once starts. Sold by * sample to the He icide Co., De- G. W. Mahood, special IN THE REPAIR OF ALL Boots and: Shoes 'we are par- ticular to maintain their or iginal shape. OUR ANTI-SQUEEK, used in all. resoling is working. per. te ae] © ERS AFFAIRS. ¥ § w---- to waste no time i these ¢ the timdly use many a sick per in a consumptive's if you please, will Consumption, but < an always He de All the sther symp- | ol. None More Beautiful in Modern t Jdnvestis le causes, and the ih, that has ever y Sfuart's Dyspepsia Juor. a victim of this to vou will 'ohly your memorial will rest on 'a marbel put your faith" pat remedy, | base, and between the pillasters there Stuart's x" ote. + = pwill be. silver bas-relief plagues illus- They are vely; "fraikly; "fruly, | trating Love and Arts, and in the a sure and amen t relief. niches there will 'be statues of Homer, Try thm, ¥ 55 aed Dante, etc., in order to illustrate the Book on Dys) ia free. Addrésé~ I. | stateman's favorite studies. ; Mich, & A} te have held a séries of fehis and t the blood and Considerable interest, this winter, a ie Shar the blond nk y ane has been taken in the signalling class- k trou! Mr. Thomas Mayhew, | es at the Armouries, under the in- Smith's Falls, Ont., writes: * For over struction of the capable Sergt. Major four months I was troubled with my kid- | Instructor MoeGowan. The classes Sul and my back gotso lame I felt miser- have been very largely attended. Me: o over. After taking five boxes of Gowan came from England, about .|RATHER THAN TELL FATH. Refuses to Obey Court's Demands "Despite Warning That Shs : Be Serre Luin, on, March 14.---A young High. ferred fo prison x a Aas Re 4 to rat 8" Jclose her ot father's affairs to his § George Mackenzie was o furniture er at Stonehaven, Ki ineshire, 1 ughter |. was ordered by the sheriff to her father's books to the trustee of the estate. . The sheriff ie of such She refused 16 obey. arned her thet di "order was a serious offence, and ve 3 ks to. consider her pos- er. It was plainly under- it if she still refused to give oks she would be imprisoned. t of the six days she was obstinate as before, and the matter became embarrassing, because nobody could be found willing to take her to prison. 3 E g stood P i : a sherifi's under officer entered the court who, with great dif- ficulty, was persuaded to undertake the duty, Accompanied bY a woman at- ptendant, Miss Mackenzie was then con veyed to the prison in Aberdeen, MEMORIAL TO GLADSTONES , Times--Recumbent Effigies. ' Loudon, March 14.--Sir W. B. Rich- mond has just completed his recum- bent effigies of Mr. and Mrs. Glad- stone, which are to be placed in Ha- warden Parish church, in the Mou . | orial clfipel, 1. No more beautiful monument has erected in modern times. The great statesman is dressed in the robes of doctor of law. At his feet is the owl, symbolical of wisdom, and the figure of the aged man is full of dignity and beauty. By his side is the recumbent effigy ok Mrs. Gladstone, her head covered with the lace shawl which was famil- iar 'to all who knew her, peaceful and gentle, Reétween the two figures a large cross is laid, and each has a hand resting on it, a symbol of the faith that was in them. Bending over then, above their heads, is the angel of watchfulness. 6 ---------- FARE MEDIUM EXPOSED. "# Prominent' Scientists Were Have Tried His Powers. London, March 14.--Sir Oliver Lodge and other prominent scientific men Who are interested in the occult wege ie experimetijs pb week with Charles Eldred as a subject. Eldred for the last six months has been creating a great stir in spiritualistic circles as the most gifted medium in the country, He has ,| now been exposed by fellow-spiritual- ists, one of whom, a man named Brai- ly, declares that the spirits informed him that Eldfed was an impostor, After a seance Eldred left in Braily's house a chair which he had used to ---- Signalling Instruction Well Re. Ceived. three years ago, for th: present, it is unders is on foot to re at term, and at tood, a movement tain him permanently. The colonel of McGowan's regiment in England, the 9ng Lifeguards, communicated with to see Gowan cannot be Where he has become Popular person- ally, as' well as instructor of Signal ting! classes, Early in April McGowan leaves for . Winnipeg, to remain six Weeks, to instruct classes there, when he will return to the old limestone aty. If he cannot become permanently at- tac here in Canada, he will return to England in the early autumn, when his term expires, : ------------ A Double Fatality. Ogdensburg, N. Y., March HH. --Jere- miah Beague, Proprietor of the Grove Hotel at Norfolk, near here, was acei- dentally shot and instantly killed while handling a rifle in his barn at No- folk, and shortly after, when the news of his tragic death was communicated to his mother, Mrs, an, she drop. ped dead fro ; the, shock. Reagan. was taking the barn has if Me- transferred here, gun from a cupboard in the » When the trigger caught die. charging the weapan, the bullet pass ing théough his heart. Reagan was fifty years of age. and his mother eighty years, : ------------ A NEW SECRETARY OF WAR, George Von I. Meyer Probable Successor to Taft. Washington, March Tt is the presiflenit's intention to offer a cabinet" plate to George Von 1. Meyer, Massa- chussetts, present American ambassa- dor jo St. Petersburg, It js probable: that the portiolio. to: be extended will -of_seorttary of wae i the associnte justice of _zvare cleaner and whiter than if ashe: | in any other way. | Chemicals: in SOAD may. remove the . | dirt but will not injure Hg ih the 'dainty lace or the hands s thi use it, because it i; absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicals injurious 8 Sunlight Soap should always ' | be yséd as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary. { Sunlight Soap i$ better than other seap, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. "5c. te pan 5c, $5,000 REWARD wit he pai 10 any peoson proves that Sunlicht Soap ennt any i urions chemicals or au f of adulteration, Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto always injure the fabric, | who 169 George E. Boulter, Charles A. Davies. Northern BOULTER, DAVIES & COMPAN Telephones, Main 5708, Main 117; 24 Front St. LABATT'S are Nature's Best Tonics.. Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley ' 4% and best selected hops. healthful and- aid digestion. are very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate Stomach. ! JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT. shapely nice fitting" Glatey and nothing is more anoyi climax of a fotching toilet by to ha teed, all shades, "for 81 and $1.23 4 pair; White Lawn Waists ICRU vant Secretary: Taft acospl the Heourt of th KEEPS LEGS AND FEET DRY The fearless firggh and keen fisherman need protection for their legs, as well as their feet, ngainst water. Merchants Rubbar Boots meet this requirement to a nicety. and evbry othipr seryfcs foF which Rubbbr Footwear is adapted The quslity/of rubberilum and other materials usd, the excludive vulcanizing methods and the 'skilled workmanship employed, guarantee satistastion to the aares. ERE s 4 47 bed out Tshobmad devant sell Morchante "'Rubbers let us know. & Branahes at , WINNIPEG, " LONDON, TORONTO, ai and Central Ontario Ag ents. Prompt attention given 10. Telegraph, Telephone and Mail Orders ¥. Specialty jobbers in all classes of High Grade Boots and. Shoes, W., Toronto, Out. Ale and: Porter X 339 and 341 King St. "Phone-274. Kid Gloves Nothing in the way of arel is more satisfactory to a woman than a ber 3% "has the glace finish or. the soft sued then Just whin she thinks she has caped th drawing "on the 'exactly right shade of glo ve it rip or tear. Our Celebrated Fowens Gloves come fully guaran Shirt Waist time 5a here, hd very woman wants them pretty. We hay Secured avgroup' of Shirt Waists. thatte will satisfy women fully in the mat ters of quality and looks, ; : their little prices, White Lawn aists, nicely trimmed with lace or insertion, 1 skimping of material, in sizes 32 to 4, for Toe, 81, 81.95, And they will be doubly gratifying becanse White Lawn Waist, trimmed with: wide embroidery insertion down front wide tucks back and front, new" sleeves, $1.30 and others ranging as high os 83, : : - [LEY BROS. - CANADIAR NORTH- os so REGULATION Tho is U wh mele over teat of one acres more or quarter less. e may, OR > of the In w or the lochl awe t in which the lund is receive authority for som 4 1m. mie ary for, 0 TIES : A settle 1 HUBER on ted anu entry for a Ms be required to Detierm th therewi! 3 connected 3 ; ix months residence a of the land in ea m of three years. (or mother, of 'any person homestead ent of this Act, 2 iva - te! F Ee father {8 is decease dinible 0 wake gr the DIO ne vicinity of th rson as a 3 ty for by such pe the requ f this Act find. rior to obtaining Pa teed by such person residing de J ner or md fi ] ge isthe settler has his perp 3 I son farming land OWE Ho el of biz homesteay F bim ln the FIC ACt as to res ] ts of rT id land, ON FOR PATENT APPLICATEOR 4 of three yeas residence the ¥ , gent, -Sub-Agent jue or. gmettend cations for Bo ust ive Six months® be settler to "the Commissioner anne bo 5, Coo inion Langs TXORSIS OF CANADIAN Ne Fist MINING REGULATIO + Coal. --~Coal lands way be purcha eal ere soft coal and § Be Ie Not e than 320 acr ahaCired by one individual © " Al at the rate of tus on of } pounds shall be cc br he by iner's certific --A free miner's f due upon payment in adva) Sunt anpum for an individua from $50 to $100 per, annum for i ding to capital. Laer havin~ discovered ! 7 Fn may, locate a claim 1. in feet. aim § or recording a cla Phe ie 00 must he expended ini im each year or paid to the m Ch Neu thereof. When * $5 expended or pa the locato oe baviog a survey made, and wmplying with other requirement chase the land at €1 an acre. fhe patent provides for the pavmw D les y of cent on the sales BIACER ¢ claims general 100 feet 8q try fee $5, ren a T wo les miner mr» obtain two Ag gold of five miles each tm of twenty vears, renewable dretioh of the Minister of the Iy oe shall have a dredge i ation Within one season from the d " theleast for each five miles. Rent stanmum for cach mile of river Royalty at the rate of 24 Der gent | tput after it exce S$) Mite out Ww. W SOR) ty of the. Minister of the Ii RB Unauthe rized publication siwertisement will not be paid fc 1 Cuban Res: Jie Co's. Land tern end of Cuba, i pa and fertile, nd well watered. a Cube Railroad passes « the property--Bartle, th belog a regular station om telegraph and express office Transportation f oftant factors. » od acilities are we otel accomm available to settlers arri is being established for t a culture of voung trees, plants an investor or group inte w ly we will arrange for, os to meet one of our purchase 8 thorourhly. investigated our * in person. We invite all who fisted in Cuban Properties to or office and eet information re % lands. If you live out © fits for Prospectus, Maps, Char Price of Lands $50 Per 35 per cent. cash: 25 per oor Bade; balance, at 6 per cent. The Cuba Realty LIMITED, 4.0. HUTTON - . 254 Bagot St., Kingsto At Sirachan's Har eee "THERE 1S § TIME FOR ALL THINGS." {« Now, while prices low, is the time to your coal bin with § duality SCRANTON from ' {P, : Walsh's Ye BARRACK STREET. WARM SUB. There's Rothing in the warld uch Ibterested in as Coal at Ue year. 1¢ may sound of coal buying 'and sel a, but that's what we've ¥8 lmportant discoveries 'tt complete gatist by Customers Pays best, and Ft win business is to des Booth & > FOOT oF west ST. Phone 133,

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