Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Mar 1906, p. 8

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, saying this was in lution of his eol- "for Nis resignation. He also z REV. ANNA H. SHAW, ire usin Anthon dalis mn the advocary 4 an appeal 10 the lad- . onposite' Whig Hungnrian Prompt delivery misget "hocause ment of Mr. Haul tain in bis not being he premiwship of Saskatclie- Borden partially adopted the argument of W. F. Maclean, and said the house should 'have' been consulted as 1 the Vermmen' Tule by means of absolutism, coneldeion of her © address. unfastoned | ie Wilkrid Laurie's reply Was thos: : A Shin ited by brevity and good humor, His "astitnde reminded old paFliamen. of the succbssful traits all's 'leadership, wan her contribution the relief of the Hun- patriotd. Other women follow- , offering He denied interfotenen of the premier of Saskatchewan, and kyow Governor For- g*t would know that would not be tol- erated. As to Mr. BF Wilirid jocularly liberals never were upposed cast in one groove of thought o matlers, as were the opposition, but policy there was give timmte agreement. He askatehewan election fraudg; and said the: ditty of prosecut- i lay with the attorney- provinee, ahd not with Dominion government. Later Mr. Like made general charge officidls, and Mr. Oliver explicitly, de- on. proof -beifig given of the grimes alleged any guilty official would be instantly djswisséd. The question came up spontane- ously, and drew promises to vote for modifications from the tw several private menibers, BATTERY DESERTERS Sama Caught and 'Plead for ------ ELOPED TO CANADA. isher's speech, Sir 3 Ena $ remarked that the English Vicar Disappears, and May Be in This Country. London, March ther dead or alive, is flonger the vicar of Bozeat. The liv- 8 been declared vacant. clergyman was nephew of Norfolk with his wil Leveling alone, and shortly after his pond beside the River roof M $1.50, $1.75 yard . be ~~ For $1 Yard 'were purchased by our buyer at in England. They are fully guaranteed in |"%. | stand the closest inspection. stamped on the back." Shades of Fawn, Olive, etc. 60 inches wide. This isa splendid opportunity to sake insider Ble saving on your Waterproof Coat. - New White Shirt Waists ~ New Shirt Waist § i New 'Ready = 10 « Skirts w Spring Costumes, . splendid range in these desirable and} | Some declare he hat been in Paris; while others state peared in Canada, him with & young Who disappeared about rumor associating lady acquaintance tespect and wil COLLECTS OLD CORSETS. ET of Famous" "Wonien American's Hobby. London, March 13.--An = American lady here has a startling: collection, The cast-off corsets. of colebritics' are I A well-known 'dealer bas been given earte blanche to. procure for Epecitiens as. possible, but he is experienc night, Policeman Thomp- Gananoque, noticed two strangers about 'town, acting in rather suspici- ois manner and telling different stor. ws. Owing to a nisher of mon ron "'B" Hattery, be suspect. hem as such, and: found "them out 'theit coats, whioh they carried roi up. under their aring. They pleaded very hard to be allowed to go, as it nant 100 days ins dack cell; and to be the Taughing-stock of the battery, as a great number have deserted and not heen caught, ies of the smart with, these intimate gar lesw ekaoting, and has a splendid' collection of «hoes aid slippers of the truly great. Then thers is_ one who will pay almost any virice for clothes which have been worn by any ol the: crowned heads of Europe, jawtnt don to escort them back, ---------- i ---------- What A' Citigen Said. A citizen on the squire, this morn. Jour market. "And wu! he declared, "it was said that if onte again hitve the market of the old time, when the Saturday mar: 'kets of howadays were the wholé trouble lies in the Tact: tha not the 'produce; anuich is shipped owt to other 'cities, wo get what is left. In of the merchants get first pick et bint Andrew McCormack died, rather ', at the home of her sondn- " B. Echlii, Ottawa, leav- FREDONIA BANK CASHIER -------- § Priso; ' Huffalo, N.Y. March 18. R. Gretn, cashier of the Fradon thia_ institution, pleted ; Jn: court, this forenoon. and juan steno to wix'years in Auburn ---------------- Woman In Charge Of Station. - Watertown, N. ¥.. March Motealt, for Underwear and at u year. All that re A he ahi Your nerves: need "thivty five. She ¥, and besides | besides her - husband . and bigamy in New CA. Gallup, Burford, Ont., & unanimous call to Knox Saskatoon, at Wiltian Sharada) Superintendent of died, anaemia. He was sixty-six years of or. ¢ 1 {ful treafment." The six-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs, Janies Elliott, who lives in Kor ah township, mhout threée miles from the Soo, was smdthered through be SREY the apartments of a former Chatham found that the 'man had been dead for two weeks. the thirteen-Yoar-old adopted daughter of A. B, Keith, Walkerville Ont, was induged board the Detroit. ferry, Mr. and Mrs Keith believe that her mother enticed the child away, . : . Robert Birminphe, {oF many yo' one of the organizers of the conserva tive party, has béen appointed tem porary assistant at tion, Toronto. branch "of, colonizatior J! and 'immigration department, Charged with stealing a "document the Ontario govern: ment, containing certain information,' issued for the arres! of ©, Mcintosh Fisher, a. reporter op the Toronto World. He is alleged to have secured a portion of the repor of the amiversity commission in illegal manner. ---------------- PREDICTS ABDICATION. Says Francis Josepli Will Quit the property of a warrant was London, Mareh 13--~In 'an interview in this city Dr. Emil G. Reich, famous said' "The out- Austro-Hungarian crisis J rehduke Ferdinand, never bo crowned § unless he satisfies the coalition in the Hungarian parlia- § igoted, narrow-minded conte of 'the Francis Joseph. heir apparent, wi king of Hengary, ment. He is a hi SOME 1212, Sli, Victims of Explosion~Hundréis : of Funerals. Paris, Maych 13.--Hundreds of fun- erals are taking place to-day, at the towns surrounding Courrieres, Lines of fill every road, many them carrying caskets, as the mumbers of hearses obtainable are insufficient. The company's latest that there were 1,212 victims of the C. P. R. Appointments. following appointments given out at the Canadian Pacific railway to-day: F.} appointed assistant chief engineer, with offices at Mont: real. Mr. Gutebins will have immedi engineering and main- L. Hértdberg is aphointed of .maintenanée and ways, succeeding Mr. Guteliys. M. Fairbairn . i enginest © vision with offices at. Toronto, suc- ceeding Mr. Hertzberg, J. . Ba who is dow division" eH ASE "of the p Atlantic division, at St. John, N.B., is appointed division engineer of the eastern division, "with office at Mon-' treal. He saceveds ro Fairbgiv. P.. Gutelius, In the federal eitimates for Kingston : military College, stable, £1,500. It cures rheumatism, nic." The $1 bottles opposite Whig. office. Phone hy ky © Best's Showflako Baking Poder 14 fom. pure cream of and have it promptly OF DE Weston 1b. "Phone * 50 Get a thee "ott = rheunsatism cure at Satistacto Bt de he absolute security of r cipal and s (his Bank Jositors, course mi; so attractive a offered Safest and most Deposits of one' dollar * ahd ry Be fine new fobs Saree mera (ei ii ag convicted of for many years oe Union station, Bowlby, Millgrove, a Methddist minister, has become totally blind, due to Bemorrhage of the eyes. Black Peau de Soie, for waists his dight through care j 2 hirt'walst suits, 'In fous these : At 75¢., of medium weight, with wi} finish and full 19 inches At 99%. of rich black hue, and prs at Detroit, arbed with a deportation warrant, went to SPT A en ps TE I Rr mane R A ? as well as the color Great Wort, a in mourning goods ed spring effects the styles change very often. 1 keeping in close touch it the largest greatest makers yu. have secured the latest suitah, Mourning wear in a variety of {,. brics--and best ties that praise - and "wall | Will be rindy for 0! all--in quali= will- commend your appreciation. These to-morrow Black China Silks. Black Mirror Silks Black Talleta Silks of the genuine soft uncrushable French make, tw, extra.specidl Als, per yard, 65 ang Toc, Bonnet's Famous Ali-Silk Taffety of irreproachable quality, with mak. er's trade-mark and name woven in every yard, per yard, |. ree 0; At 81.25, a soft uncrushable mak, of ing weight for draping i ¢ and full 21 inches wide, At $1.19, we're now offering the famous "Empress" Peau de Soie, which is "fully 25¢, Jess thay matly of the special silk firms iy i Toronto or Montreal ask for the same make, Black and Colored Percaline. Black and Colored Cilktaf Lining per pair, 10, 12§, "15, Eyes, in five different Narrow, medium and wide Skirt pe Artillery , "barracks, 000; hatlery stable; 810,500; post | office, "improvements, from 2.30 "to 4. to to Corticelli, | Two Good Specials Call You Here To-morrow It's not a case of whether the weather is inviting, or any- thing else like that---it's a case of saving so many cents on the purchase of each uvecssary article for personal comfort. The items we offer to-morrow are of extra value and are those of which you can buy freely without becoming overstocked. Sec iffthat's not so and then 1ealize the saving on the following :-- 250 SILK BELTS, just a manufactur- er's small sample lot which we se- cured at an enormous price conces- sion and will turn over to you in value would range from 25 to 40c. each, hut te- morrow afterndon our special sale price (with a limit of two belts to a customer) each CASHMERE, STOCKINGS, a very small lot be sure, but when we saw the price was so low and thought of how sel- dow a good cashmere stocking spec- ial came along, we took the offer; all seamless feet and good length of leg, fast-black colored, one size only ~9% iach, regular price from 25 20c., but' to-morrow from 2.30 to 4, our special sale price, per pair... In fairness to those coming 15 19 some distance to share in the above opportunities, we mmst refase to fill any telephone orders, or orders in any way before 2.30 o'clookit . Dressmakers' Linings & Smallwares For lack of space we have until now neglected - making any reference to these very important items; in. daily demand with every dressmaker and necessities in every home. We find ready sale for all our makes and never hesitate to recommend them Imperial, and Silkette Skirt Binding, in black and col ors, Buttons, in many novel makes of vet. pearl, ivory, jet, metal, and vel Corticelli Spool Silk, all new shades to match spring dress ma Ladies' Suits, Coats, Skirts; "+ 'Silk Waists and Raincoats All the above garments you'll find here in the latest conceits for spring, 1906. Not all our assortment yet, of course, but. there are enough to make a most inter- esting display with which to please you to morrow. me and examine-- whether you buy or not--we'll appreciate the interest and praise you'll have to be- terials. White India Linens fe" For waists and dresses a fine even quality of snowy "whiteness just received, which we'll sell at three special "Briechioger yard 15c., 20c. and 256} Well I just come 'and take a SPRING re the goods. po . Nothing 'ever came ifito this town as swell | vantage they makes is this : VEL © rates. STANDARD BANK OF + Princess and Bagoi "And the great ad- ave over all other Lace and Real Torchon Lace with Insertion to match, just recsived. months them ago and had with special care to meet he most particular dresser. will appeal to your good tast : Qur prices are $10, | $1850 ond $15 LIP. Jenkins Clothi ---------------- BEST LEA' HE B E WORL "FRENCH CA IT iS THE STAN! LEATHER USE OUR SHO®S. Wear 'Alle A ------ Ay APPLY MRS. R. enemies GENERAL a RV B. W, a. 131 King strect. Section No. 2, O) #tone, The gear must be i dition. Andy to J. A. Gu Cor King and Queen stree take a little child out. evening at 201 University A MAID TO ASSIST WITH boubework. Apply belare MEN AND BOYS, TO LEAR New York, Chicago, St. ------------------------ Cavers Bros., Galt, Ont. elisa coceeart---- Suils pressed and cleaned hand ; also bring your clo Way's, 131 Brock street. ptt t-- MAN (UNMARRIED), WHO P. 0. Box 40, Kingston ( . Armes LARGE wELY, FURNISHE rooms, at 160 King St., ---- ee Cann, 51 Brock street. ™0 SEPARATE FRAMY pide ARGH. BNOLI Mirror

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