Lb men, > the 48 already scattered on ce-gate, Regent's Park erected by the Cabmen's through nd is gh Nm mms The H. D. Bibby Co, CLOTHES our stock," is the common | fire at you this spring. ou haven't the time, and jt | anyway --you would just get and would go out disgusted 7 things you couldn't have or o do, at all. tell us you want a sdit of you things enough. Nobody ours, Clothes this spring. 30, $13, $13.50, $16.50 SUITS a can, for that is the way to Hats Have Arrived for Spring ewest shades. ~ BIBBY COQ. 8, 80 and 82 Princess St. a ai al UR SAVINGS BANK OF CANADA Interest allowed at account. ess and Bagot Sts. COMFORT ather, keep your feet dry a pair of $3 ? hoes or Rubbers THE BEST------ Shoe Store mmm firm firms productions. Several gaged in their production, and : the dealers of * ol i from seven-and-sixpence : " apiece, Usually the paper 12 anipt ated to give it the appearana or the print, is pat in ! It is certain that « of them are sold as ori Ship Carried Tnland Near the "town of Air | colt of northern Chile, there a to be seen the huge boiler | American man-oi-war, w "This vessel was sw Re 'land on the. crest ¢ ae accompanying the great carthiian 1568 and stranded there i po qi80RS CONQUERED MS 0 eo Pink- d in the -- : test triumphs of Lydia 4 d is ss Vegetable Compoun 4 of woman's dread enemy, i v that of a tumor is so ely t - rescence is NOt SUSpEC Socal ¢ wanderi ing' may led * wandering pains 3 from its early stages, or the pre- sof danger md be made manifest bs profuse monthly periods, accompanied by onosual pain, from the abdomen ~through the groin and thighs, io 1 you have mysterious_pains, if there (flammation of dis indications of inflammatior - pane secure Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound right away and its use. 2 : iy Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass, will 'give you her advice if you will write her She is the daughter-in- Pinkham and for twenty- wen advising sick women ahout yourseli. I" of Lydia E. five years has | free of charge. Dear Mrs, Pinkham: "J take the lib the success 1 hav medicine. stopped. Sho cngratulate you on with your wonderful onths ago my periods or 1 felt so Dadi that wigh examination by > responsibility for the lack of appli- ances, exist. of artillery, Col. Drury, evidently con- | sidered everything all right, as thing js on found the instruction inadequate. At present there is no inspector, though one is shortly to be appointed. officer commanding the R.C.H.A., Col. charge of the brigade." Formerly, Col. Drury was in | well as sghmitted to a the al and was told that Thad 1 have to undergo AN Oper; r 1 read one of your advertise led to give Lydia BE. Pink. ound a trial, After rected the tamor is nd he says I have no signs of a ae now. It has also bronght my pe- riods around once more, and I am entirely ie D. Fox, 7 Chesmrut Street GANANOQUE NEWS. Doctor and Bank Manager Make Their Exit. Gananoque, March 2.--Dr. Beeman, who for ral months past has been practiding ~ his profession here, has removed to, Baveroft, where he will be located in future ¢. V. Ketchum, the popular man ager of the Bank of Toronto here, is having a new nimeteen-foot launch | p uslay, the Angel of Death | established so long that the plant has t s . . in 'Satdor X built i i th Lin J Martin Snider, | WOULD HAVE SAVED JULIET. | grown out of date or so short a time ™ . © y > a The hockey game at the " Ls Sue jaime one of Fronte- | that they have not worked wp enough Maple Leaf rink, last evening, be td's landmarks, in the person of Mrs. | she Thought Nurse Was Very business. The important fact, which tween the Wunderers and Hogan's Caroline Snider; widow: of "the late Poor Specimen the Albany "Journal" tries to hide Alley (hubs, was one of the best of George Drader. Mrs. Drader was sev- Host Herald F > is that the great lighting companies, 5 Set The keenly [enty-six vears . _ | Boston Herald. : . 3 on s, the ason. Th ] game was keenly ide 3 a ® of age and for many | yy Drinkwater, wife of the genial doing business in the large cities, are ulated froin Jar to Snish, Score Sure Rast, op hues. the, death of her | {jonel spent some weeks last sum- making an enormous amount he "close n ors, san's | husband, ha her > wi w x) : T g Ss . Alls } + Neder on flonan son-in-law, "Martin ny De ith her { mer in northern Maine at thy com- money, out of all 'reasonable propor V, s hi ~1d » 4 . or MOC AS i i T nt . ow ry . SOCASe | fortable farmhouse of an honest wi- } tion to the actnal mvestment, and The funeral of the late John Tar- was of a retiring disposition and al ; } h 5 ; A 1 + : { dow, Mrs. Brand, who adds to her in- | that the great mass of the people are ete, of Bostick Island, took place though suffering from diseases accom- | » bjee 7 : | come by keeping summer boarders subjected to needless expense and in from his lence yesterday morning | panving old age, alwavs had a kind i Y n 1. } o i 8 Tak . Gonidst Ioan. rors othe rh EE i ! Recently Mes, Brand made her first ih vendence, bath of which can be ob bon o'cdodh wingdstone Is . Ol or ose wom she came | igi 5 i Rial cel : Ad Rev. Henry Gracey conducted the ser- lin contact. She joined the Mothodist Iv it lo Bo ton, ad while thee met ated by legislative .action. vice. Hugh Wilson visited Ottawa | church when li ir d th be. Jpn water, Wo tuk hep toe rE an a little girl and throuch | jy.) yee : x Yas " Julia Marlowe i me J LE AN during the past week. all these years has stood firm in 'the | owe in "Romeo and Juli POOD:. D BEAR. nts' fancy dress carnival it the: Maple Leaf rink, evenin this Twentv-sik of the lo cal merch have demated prizes. The many friends'of H. P. Bingham, for severnl vears past manager of the hants" Bank here, tendered him a farewell supper at | Provincial ho tel last the AS CREATED TALK SCHOOL HERE. A Lack of "Proper Appliances-- "Ool.% Drury, Inspector of ~ 'Artillery, Never Reported Anything: Wrong--Some Mili- tia Officers Incapable. The appointment of a commissidn by the minister of militia to enquire into the alleged deficiency of the school of artillery at Kingston has created much talk .in military circles. Each year a certain number of militia officers from various parts of Canada come here for artillery instruction which is given by officers and of the R,C.H.A.,, which was organized | { non-commissioned officers as a teaching staff, It is said that: instruction has been given sultory fashioh and that there gre not sufficient . appliances purposes, The commission. will have to | determine 6n whose Shoulders rests the { 1 | in a de for instruction | which lack is" wellknown to | However, the former inspector | no- | record to show that he | i spoonful would suffice. Good table. instead of a cloth or paper. The chinmey draft left open for | bank here, killed Bite guardian and se heat to go up the chinmey. 1 cured 237,500, eeu . ye te : ay n Napkins used for dish towels and another highly dramatic incident anc dish towels for holders. | nuts on. Fresh vegetables en. Milk left standing around instead | of bring put at onte on the ice. Hot things put in the ice box. Sour milk thrown away. Soup set away covered while hot to 80 Carpet brooms used to scrub with, Drippings wasted. Orange peel thrown away instead of bel Corks left out la Wilson, resides at Quebec, and his ap- | pointment is only in-name. Upon the shoulders of Lieut.-Col. Fages falls 'a double amount of work, as officer in command of A' battery and R.C.H.A,, the command of the R.C.F.A. as mspector of artillery. The officers of the artillery who lec ture to the militia officers who come here are Capts, Duplessis and Grant. They shave able assistants dn the ser | | also in | whole allowed to get wet, geant instructors, On the other hand, complaints are | often heard from those in charge of | military stations of instruction con- | cerning the density of many some militia 'men, who names, had entered for instruction in matters. a certain men who have been & total failure ir other professions and who think they military life. It has been freely com mented upon . callings, it was impossible to tion, with anything hut a club Late Mrs. Claroline Snider. On faith. Two sons remain to mourn and loving mother: Mrs. Mrs, er, Yerona: Oueen' street Raheock, Wiliam city: Mrs. (Rev. Reid. 29 this Marmora; Brandon, Man. talking oflicers who go into barracks for instruction. At Ottawa on Wednesday, an officer of rank told a Whig representative that were scarcely able to do more than write their own school technical military It is a well-known fact that many applications for commissions in the permanent force come from young and are quite eligible for and three daughters the loss of a kind Martin Spid Sometimes we send a thief to catch | ed eggs thrown into the garbage. that some officers have come to the Kingston school instrue tion for vears, and into whose heads drive informa- ) | Jacob Drader, | Nelson Drader, Svden ham: 'and one brother. Jacob Snider, t | E ; ning That Make Ome's Living DEFECTS IN THE ARTILLERY | Pieces of bread and cake left uncov- { ered to dry, then thrown away. Coal not sifted. Dried fraits left come wormy. A big plate fish or potato cakes in when a table ' | pr Soap left to waste in dish water, ( stead of being immediately turned in- to an earthen dish. Mice and water bugs left to run rampant. ---- Mops and brooms not hung wip: Good string and wrapping paper thrown away. kitchen. fo fall 'apart. away. that burst and scatter their contents, to at. rancid. its strength. being washed coffee, ed up. ont i je 1 I the stage. When they left the theatre Mrs, Brand was silent. Her usual volu- t." Mrs. Brand had never before been DOMESTIC LEAKS, 'Expensive. unprotected to be- of flonr used to roll sheets. used for the ironing Flativons wiped on the ironing sheet The face of flativons used to crack 'old potatoes left to sour. left in a hot kit- ur. ing dried and saved for kindling, Preserves opened and forgotten. I'he water in which rice or macaroni cooked thrown away. of vinegar and mo- sses jugs. Canned the tin, in- goods left in Tea and coffee canisters left open. Tin dishes set away wet to rust. Silver spoons and forks used in the Wodtlen pails-and washtubs left dry The cogs of the Dover egg-heater Too much starch made and thrown Rice and sugar left in paper bags, Left over vegetables, dish, and eook- Bread pan left with dough sticking Fat put into earthen dishes to grow The mustard cruet left open to lose Lemons left fo dry. Fog shells thrown away, instead of and used to settle the Cheese allowed to mold, Kerosene ean left open to evaporate, Fine china set in the jee box. Clothespins dropped and never pick- Boiler put away wet to rust. Table linen put into the wash with- first removing stains and darn- ng if necessary, and so ad infmitum. o a theatre. "Camp-mectin' 7" ween her wildest dissipation. Mrs. Drinkwater's interest was equal had vy divided between her companion and bility had quite deserted her. Mrs. spent eighty cents for booze. | conclud HELD POLICE AT BAY FOUR KILLED IN ATTEMPT TO CAPTURE FUGITIVE. . -- Robber Held Town Hall-Was Flooded Out by Firemen After Defying the Police for Three Hours pursuit of the bandits who, last Mon day night, entered the Russian state cost four more lives at Tammersfors, where two of the fugitives were corn- | ered. One of the bandits got posses- | session of the town hall and held it for hours, but finally was subdued by a stream of water directed by the fire men. Sa Balushin was examining the two cap- tives, one of them grabbed a revolver from the belt of and with it killed Baluschin. The ban: dit then dashed up stairs, where barricaded manding the stairs and lobby and the street ontside, There he defied the po- lice for three hours, meanwhile ranguing from the window to a crowd While Commissary of the. Police the chief of police he com himself in a room har of thousands of persons, many - of whom were in sympathy with his so- cialistic speeches, Two policemen, who tried to pick off the desperado from a house opposite, were killed by the bandit, who was an excellent marks man. After all other been exhausted the fi out and poured water into the win police and firemen stormed the stair and nine were wounded before big knife, could be overpowered GAS AND DIVIDENDS. Any. panies pay dividénds. This, says Albany *'Journal," 'does the gas and electric man is a thief. and to be deceived by statistics! villages and small. cities, and some of these companies far apart; others pay another way of paying Chestnut street, ing men and boys. Helsingfors, Finland, March 2. The resources had n_were called dow. Simultaneously a picked band of One of the assaulting party was killed the bandit; who fought desperately with a Very Few Coimjpanies Able to Pay It is said that only seventy-one gas companies out of 399 in this state pay dividends, that only:thirty-four out of 156 electrie companies ave in the divi dend-paying class, and that only four teen out of fifty gas and electric com- the not. bear out the frequently made charge that How easy it is to manipulate ligures No doubt there are pany gas and electric companies that do not pay dividends, but where are they ? Obviously in the they supply the needs of only a very small percentage of the people of the state] are under heavy expense, for their customers are extravagant salaries to their officers which is only dividends to the owners, and still others have been The Pet and the Imitation Bruin. Philadelphia Record. . ittle poodle dog that was run ning along ahead of a stately dame on yesterday * afterndon, was hardly bigger than a rat, but he saving. +} nothing m re invigorating and sus +{ is so nourishing. Tasiet oun having FRANK L. BENEDICT & CO, - (Pronounced SU-SHAR) + RE IT SAVES IN 2 WAYS It takes only 4 as much SUCHARD'S to make a delicious cup of cocoa, as any other kind. SUCHARD'S COCOA requires less milk. That's another Just add it to boiling water and the cocoa is made, Then put in wilk and sugar to suit your taste, 7 he, work taining. It is so easily digested Suchard's. That's one saving. for the brain worker, there is and SOLE AGENTS ~ MONTREAL. ning Verona: "The faneral" takes' place a Drinkwater re pected her silence, and | was as pugnacious and spinky as a Ysicreiestteib on Veront Saturd said nothing until they were well on | bulldog. Between Twelfth and Thi ; - ero m Saturdav. : Where Captains Come From. na, on, Aaturday their homeward way. At last she ven: | teenth streets he attracted his mis Picton Cavett x s tured to ask : "How did you dike it, | tress' nie Prince kdward would appear to be Hockey At Royal Rink. IB Brand *"* . » press' attention by a few short chimp : 2 ss ei' ctnfl { Mrs. Drand ! ing barks and a tug on the ch th a valable recruiting ground for cap MeDermott Bros' staff defeated the | yo 5 . TAS ! chain that tans of lar Lake O United Tailors. Thursday night, at |. Brand turned toward her, and held him in. Looking in the direction ains of la mers on Lake On nited Tailors, Th a) Fh | the tears started to her eyes, as she | of the dog's pointed nose, ti rin taro, a | the upper lakes. | the Royal rink in a rather rough | _ .4. « 44 Enki = ' , Se, the mistress > : | raid: Oh, Mrs, Drinkwater, 1 couldn't | saw a street faker gperati id {apt Soles commants the | game of hockey, by four to nothing. hel. thinkin' how. different. that play Le : ¢ operating mechani Corona t. I: Clapp, the Chicora; | In the first half the game was fast | Pht ihe a if 4 h re r ay | cal tops on the sidewalk- One of. thes Capt the Turbina; Capt. |and clean, but in the secontd the ten- { ugh) BYE emily { Ae Buss ad wen bwas a dancing bear, abont six inches YK V, the Van Allen, and | dency to "rough it." was too evident 12 diferent Kine of » woman anc had | high, which when wound up, would a large or of others who hold and neither team scored. | pointed Juliet to Jesus, ; work its way over the pavement. The important positions on upper lake-and McDermott Bros.--Kain, goal: FE, rt ." antics of the imitation animal amazd other vessel MeDermott, point: Barry, cover: Lumb, | Why He Runs A 'Joint. the high-bred dog, 'who after gazing at pti rover; J. 4. MeDermott, centre; Coyne, | A Kansas jointkeeper has_ told the | it in anger for a moment suddenly Buy Burtch's horse radish at your | Ryan. wings. | Onaga Republican how he #appened to | pulled the | chain from his mistress' grocery: ready for use. Pure and fresh Tailors--Chown, goal; Jackson, | go into that business. Here is his | hand and went for bruin. A few mo 10e hottle point: Hall, cover: Little, rover, Wood- | story : "One day a man came in and | ments of biting and tearing left noth a I ! | 4 Lepros vivinated in Asia, and it Jrow. emtre; McKee, Swedne, wings. | wanted some cheap socks. | showed [ing but the battered mechanism on it still more prevalent there than i Referec--J]. Boyd. him some that were ten cents a pair. | the sidewalk. Both the fakir gnd th | an In ) ; e ? any other part of the globe. China is He asked me if 1 did not have some- | woman were powerless to interfere a hothed of leprosy: in Japan it pre- | IfiMarxiagée Had Been A Failure. | thing cheaper. I got down some that | and everybody enjoyed the "fight," so vails eatensively, while in India it is Mi. mexriage had been a failure this | wer five cents a pair. He looked at | much so that they would not inter known thay there are at least 130,000 | civilization would rot be here | then ome Time, and insisted that | fore, consequently the demolition f lepers So many men ave brave after the | they were too expensive and wallfid | the bear was effected in a short time - event | out. 1 happened to step to thg door, | When a policenian afrived he found a» 3 2. } x i om. * Many compensations come in life | and saw him go into a saloon, Lfol- | satisfied fakir with more than twic Gi 1 that are not included in our pay. | lowed him out of curiosity. There were |.the price of the bear. added to his in | Oné of the very best remadies for | several persons. in the saloon and the | wealth; a flushed woman victorious n: \ ) v i 1 a unpleasant - conversation is to stop | man called them up and treated. He | poodle and a dispersing crowd of smil | As Nothing Else Will - ONTARIO PROOF Soothing powers of GIN PILLS. Men and women who have any kidney ef trouble are throwing away chauce of health and happiness or bladd their one Y Bot writing for a free sample. Owes Souxn, Ont, March 10th, 1908. Having use. GIN PILLS cure all Kidney ills from ¢ backache to diabetes pain in the of the back and through the hips swollen feet and hands--burning urine Constant desire to urinate--dizziness-- headaches --spots before the eyes--with loss of appetite, sleeplessness and nerv- Ousness -- disappear under the healing, a thief that robbed a thief. spected the eadets, Tt at Tete de Pont Barracks that would pay "A" sroveror-gemeral will leave for his return trips to the capital 296 o'clock, Saturday morning, ov the Grand Trunk railway. epee ite Special Beef Sale. The golden calf will always be wor- shipped, though it wear the tail of a monkey or the cars of an ass, Inspecting Cadets. After lunching with Col. and Mrs Taylor, Earl Grev and his party went to the Royal Military College and in was expected he Battery a visit. The i Kinoston at er | saloon business was the one 1 wanted | 6p 1am tn Lof the boys and gir) to sneage in, so I got into it as soon 1 nthe w they love as possible." When there's enty of frost on the #arth he And plenty of sunshine above od when a man kicked on buying socks at five cents a pair and immediately spent eighty cents for booze that the All For The Funeral. A remarkable story is published of the eccentrie will left by a wealthy For a coasting bill so wide lady who died in Paris. When "her [1 duck the trees with a fringe so bright will was opened the relatives were as That they glisten in sun or shade tounded, for it' set forth that out of And 1 deat > SHG al her fortune 70,000 france (¥14,000) hud | Ana. climbing up the m to be spent on her funeral. The exeen tors, however, conscientiously coffin was the best and most : carried { out this order. Several doctors wer engaged to embalm the body, and the et Ring Winter's Song. A f { Our Dumb To me they look for All ready for skate and slide : f | 70 we they turn with their Bach shrub and tree I e And 1 spread the whitest of The ground so harren and brown o ------ White Canada Favorite, Lily the frozen pond sleds so swift covers oct pota 1 a sample box of Gi i nd ga . expen- £ san Pp x of Gian Pills, a . J 3 Ca 1 : ; a ater them give me great relief, 1 sent my At Davies' Friday and Saturday : | Give that could bo obtained. 'The fun. toes. Crawford : : McDermid, of Keady, 8 box | Clioice oven roasts cut from stall-fed coh FF } Cough relievers, a. window full - of ears been used up with kidney | i Loof: 500 lbs. to sell at Ye. to eral was a sig t to se or an hour thems Be ihaon's Hed Cros drug rouble, and unable to get relief | "TT 3 a. BO . the bells of St. Sulpice church rang, | them. at Gib 2 ' o inary remedies used. The Gin Pills | 10¢. See window display Friday even-g : a oh store. m relief before half the box was used. 1 Saturday . # Roth inside and outside the church iN cn thas sist et y curcd, and I believe Gin | © 0 7¢ prey there "were hlack hangings: edged with | M1=% Wary la 4 rar furl of : o Te silver. The coffin was literally covered | DI0CLOVR. and til a Hine yr ai Do as M : JAMES LODGE. A pretty wedding was solemnized at | ith rare and costly flowers, Tweed resident, ix dead, in Grace Hos ! $s Mr. Lodge did. Simply write | Tend. on February 26th, when Miss pital, Toronto, from: pnenmonia, BS for a free sample box of GIN PILLS on hte: f Thomas and , Nora Keegan, daughter of omas | feel Wilh ™ at our expense. If you Keegan, Stoco, was united in mar GIN PII in every way, and know that riage ta Thomas Murphy, Hunger You JiLs are doing you good, surely |. : Cured, Teo peta until A very attractive window of congh ple box if you write and Tell Yablete at Gibson's Red Cross drug él 1 store. GIN PIS Jou sau this Sffer, Dr. Beeman. Gananovue, left on Sa AS are sold by druggists *¥erywhere, 50c a box, or 6 for $2 50. WINNIPEG Wan, ft to reside. turday for Banc ) Canada Favorite, Lily THE BOLE DRUG co. - toes, Crawford's, White pota-, Cork As Packing. Cork has--proven to he the best ma terial fur packing fruits and vet Walter 8. Layneh, proprietor of - | weeks ago the | Queen's Hotil, Tweed, ix dead, leaving | a widow. His only daughter died a few | { | tables. About twenty pounds of cork Salts of lemon, Sec. box, removes will serve for four hundred or five | ink stains. dat Gibson wh hundred pounds of fruit. he material { Cross drug store 2 protects against cold, heat and hu Bedt's "Short Stop for coughs," ful Vmidity, and fruit that is sound at ly onaranteed, 15 cents, | frst and well packed in cork may | kept fresh for a year, Lily White potatoes and butter, 23¢. Crawiord a. +r ae fine roll LABATT'S Ale and Porter Pure Malt e from the-chaicest barley They are very Labatt's are Nature's Best Tonics. products, mag and best selected hops. healthful and aid digestion. are very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, Saturday Bargains A big range t to 15¢. yard. Saturday we have put them all in at, per CHA UCHARD'S COCOA-- ~ Brass Bedsteads." Fancy or Colonial Designs in Brass, ------ or White FEnamel Iron Bedsteads. f } i Some very pretty artistic designs, i strong and durable, at close-out i prices during our February Sale. Ll The SPRING to fit. Also OSTERMOOR HAIR OR HEALTH HERCULES . MATTRESSES at JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER PRIVATE OR CITY AMBULANCES, CALL 147. 339 and 341 'Phone 274. -------------------------------- King St. 1 MANY ECONOMIES HERE FOR TO-MORROW . Embroideries, Very Wide, 8c. Yd of wide Embroideries with Insertions, running in price up b Cc. yard, Cream Dress Goods, 49¢. Yard here to-morrow lar See what an exceptional range of Cream Dress Goods you can buy For St. Thomas. St. Croix, St. Kil 49.0; ALE: ih, Nagle 40 Inch Lawn, 10¢c. Yard Extrp Special Lawn, full 40 inches wide. Saturday all day - 10c. Frilled Muslins, 12¢. Yard In Plain and Fancy Grounds. Regular 18c. and 25¢,, for - 1c. Ladies' Hose, 19¢c. a Pair Beginning'at 3 o'clock to-morrow after evening we will sell Ladies' Pure pair at . g - thin OSE. John From x Jorin an, . 3. Mons, v Gold Belts, 258¢ " Tunisian, "ats Matt 30. Now. Mar: is: Sie an, Sak. ar. > - . . Lagest novelty i the latest style, each at « - 26c. | Pretorian. Bub Mar 34 Son. Mar, 26: The Place Where Most People Trade + Quick (Toast {Starti FOR THE JAS. JOHNSTON STORB, 180 Wellington St. ---- A =Fire RCOAL ing, Broiling and ng Fires it has no equal. Order a Sample Bag at 15c. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 'Brock Street, Kingston. THE CANADA A METAL Manufacture Lead Pipe, Traps, Brass Thimbles, Sheet Lead. William Street. Phone Main 1729. FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - Pie business of the late C,G Oliver, will he carried on in his office, 9 Clarence street G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five vears has been associated with For Real Estate or Insurance Consult with GEO. CLIFF before Wuying at 65 Clarence Street. Mr. Oliver, | | 999 0000000000 0000 O-O000 If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a talk with pt-- for artistic singing und development of FOR SALE | nawer through resomafics and ie prepas First-class mill property Ome ed to receive pupils wend Concert Fs - ile 1 thri wil in » ' 1 in District, ing of aagoments: Address, 193 Brock strget 40 acrgs, twa dwellings, larme i r-- w, le and grist -| : mills, with about $4,000 worth nf : N machinery ; power. Over Ss west. Pr ty . abou ,000, 500 to quick buyers Ti J. F ART, Real to Agouts Kine: ire » WOVEN WIRE noon and till 9 to-morrow | Wool Cashmere Hose per | - - 19c. oO. Toronto 0000000000008 ® Sars Seat % B WILL ISSUE SECOND CLASS COLONIST TICKETS oing West From «Feb. 15th, to April 7th, fn clusive, at the following reduced rates irom Kingston to 1 Seattle, Victoria, , Portland... session Rossland, Nelson, Trail, Rob- 2 80D, SPOKANE ivcereitees siinee one $3.80 Anaconds, Butte, Helena, Salt + Colorado Pueblo Billings, Mont San Francisco, Los / Low rates' to many other points: For Tourist Car Accommodation, Tickets," and sll other information, ap: sv to J. P. . Hanley, Agent, Cory Johnston and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont ». tons. ' ten days up to 17th March sailings thereafter. 3 } WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK ¥ que, 8 and erarn. Sailings every tem days. For beau ge imate ws and i ior Gusbeo Steamablp nye 89 Ad + Broadway, New ork ; AHERN, S06¥ HA or to TOP iL DBRSLEEVE, Kingston ee ------------------------------------------------------ LASGOWs v Mongolidgn ile Thurs.. Mar. 8; HALIFAX TO LONDON VIA HAVRE, Sarmatian .. Sat., Mar. 2 For Jaus of passage, tickets, ete, anply 0 4 "p HANLEYY® Agent Grand Trunk wi er . Agent Canadian Pacific Ry., Kingstons ; J MONEY AND BUSINESS, LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND Lost vA F mpany, : re "Not 187 18. In w which "policy holders have for security the uniimited Habiliey, of all the stockholders. perty at low rates. Before renewing old giving new business wet & Strange, Agents. JR POLICIES COVER MORE ON | buliding and contents thet doen 2a an lo » En esate Tanportum, Marke -- ---- MEDIOALS. | DRy. McCARTHY, OFFICE LA Y { occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner | Sreal' and Brock streets. R. WILLIAM GIBSON, PHYSICIAN, |p Surgeon, etc. Late Resident House | Surgeon, Kingston General tal, Office--232 King strect, opposite of Montreal. 'Phone, 43. ARCHITECTS. WM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, s | store, corner Prana "meet i | ARTHUR ELLIS, ARcmrROT. OF. { "cn wite of New Drill. "moar core l- per of Queen and Montreal strests. {Dr Dl On eens = WER & SON, ARCHITBOT, | PO hant's Bank® Building, Gorner Brock : and Wellington streets; 'Pitome, 313. °° | gENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITROT | Bete. Anchor Building, Market . | tPhone, 845: -------- VOICE CULTURE | ELLEDA M. PERLEY, AT.CM. | SOPRANO SOLOIST. OF ~ ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH * Has just returned from Bostod alter taking special course om breath Somtrél