itis an economy to havey good assortment e Boeckh Brushes in the Ss home. home. They do More ang e better work than thoge o - any other make. Wom, 1 at can keep their hands in r perfect condition by hg. h- Ing the proper brush ¢,, See thet n- each purpose. - you get d . 'FineFurs 1 We Pay | Cash for | All Kinds of | RAW | FURS |W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street Kingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store. | Grand Union Hot ; Rooms Exom $1,00 Per Day Up | Ovwenne Op Gap Sen SBAGGAGEZ::= FREE How About a New Silk Waist ¢ Reec:zivel to-day a shipment of some of the Daintiest White Silk Blouses ever brought into this city. Some ex- ceptionally pretty de- signs not to be seen in any other store. Each Waist a perfect picture in itself. To see is to buy. Specially low priced at $2.25 $350, $3 05, $4.75, $5. All sizes in each style. Men's Shirts ¢ Have, you seen the special in Men's Negligee Shirts, with soft bosoms, a dandy 85c. quality, selling this week at 50. each Newman & Shaw $0906 9044649¢ __CUT THIS OUT : 11 : : $ The 18 Letters Must Accom- pany Answer. STANDS FOR OUGHT TO BE ONE ON TRE SPOT JAMES SWIFT & CO. POP000000 0000 es | BRUSH seliad-sliss opeAY ticket at "it REDUCED RATES gos! 5 to April 7. de. FS. a 0 EE Seat Je, $46.30 Porisul ad a coast poll 80 neh Colum: is points I tely, low rutes po culars at Ko&P. and C. P. ra pa e, "Ontario Street. he F. A. FOLGER, JR, cox WA 4 ot. Gen. Supt. Bay of (Quinte Railway line for Tweed, Napanee, Robeo! to other Fs ot: short ints. Trains post d sll local PO . Ao; Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. hod Kingston. AY, Agent B.Q- RY. SYSTEM VILL ISSUE SECOND CLASS COLONIST TICKETS Going West 15th to April Tth, in i ok following reduced rates clasive, rom Kingston to 3 couver, salle, ictoria, an o ver, Sos 30 Por areas o ail, Rob- ssland, Nelsor n; lral he son, Spokane -. ai. £3.80 i Butte, He lena, Lake soneinriens sesmirsisess Colorado .l Pueblo 5.30 I Billings, Mont 0 gan Francisco, Los Angeles ... 48.05 v other points, Accommody information, Agent, ap- Cor Q58. S. COMPANY BERMUDA from New York 48 hours Jaded Twin Screw Steamship hem dian," 5,500 tons. Sailing every WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK 88. "PRETORIA, 8,300 tons, sails 17 February, 1906, 2 Bermuda, the Windward Islands, Trinidad, Jamaica, Cua and the Bubamas. "Rates for this cruise, occupying 3U days. twenty days is Be Tropics, $150, and upw ards. 1% of scenery and perfection o ad hs trip 1s. unsurpassed. For instralel pawphldts" - giving rates of all 'mformation, apply to A or TERBRIDGE & CO., Ageats for Québec Steamship C ompiny. 39 Broad¥ay, New York; RTHUR JUERS, ~ ., Quel jos, Canna; or to od a ANLEY, and 5 br GILDE RELE EV i) IAN. eet pnt------ ALLAN LINE RovglMeil TO LIVERPOOL From St. John From Halifax. Pretorfan, Sat., Feb. 17. Mon, bi 19. Numidian, Sat., Feb. 24. Mon., Feb Coriuthian, Sat Mar. 3. Mon., Mar Tunisian, Sat., Mar. 10. Mon., Mar. 12. BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Sardinian Thurs., Feb. & HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE. 24. Pomeranian Sat., Feb. For Rates of Passage app ly to J, B. HANLEY Ag Grand Trunk Rv. J. P ID ERSTEEVE, Agent Canadian Pacific Ry r-------- Smmm-- MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Mire Insurance Company, Available assets $01.18 In addition to Which the holders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at lowest. possible rates. Before renewing old or giving Dew business get rates from Strange ; & Strange, Agents R POLICTH 5 COVER MORE ON building and contents than any other Piles Quickly Tnstant Relief, BE aanent Cure-- kbs Fe . > Citred at Home Trial Package Mailed Free $6 All in Plain Wrapper. : Piles is a fearful, disease, but easy to cure if you go at it right. An operation with the knife is dang- erous, humiliating sl: rarely a per- manent success. - - There is just one oiuer sure way to be curcd--painless, safe and in the privacy of , your own home--it is Pyramid Pile Cure. We mail a trial package free to all who write. It' will give you instant relief, show vou' the harmless, painless nature of Ths great remedy and-start you well ont the way toward a perfect cure. Then you can get a full-sized box from auy druggist for SUc. and often one hox eures. Ii the druggist = tries to sell you something Just as good, it is because he makes wore money on the substi tutes Insist on hating what vou call for. Flie eure begins at once and con tinues rapidly until it is complete and permanent. You can go right shegl with ycur work and be easy und comfortable all the time, It is well' worth' trying, Just send your name and address to Pyramid Drug Co., 13580 Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich., and receive free by return mail the trial package in a plain 'wrapper: Thousands have been cured in this easy, paifless ahd inelpensive way, in the privacy of the home. All druggists _50c, Write to-day for a frpe package. Standard remedy tor Gieet, Gonorrhea and Sunnings IN 48 HOURS, Cures Kid- Rey and Bladdes Tpaublrs. isthe STANDARD article READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY. For making soap, softening water, removing old paint, disinfecting sinks, ciosets, drains and for many other purposes. A cad equale 20 pounds SAL SODA: SOLD. EVAAYWHERE. EW.GILLETT Sires TORONTO, ONT. Wood's Phospholine, The Great English Bemedy. A positive cure for oll orm. of { Somual Weakness, Mental i AESORBANG AFTER Bigin W Wi ogy: Emissions, Sper matorrhorh, Impoten ts of Abuse or Excess, all of 'which Tr to A ption, any offers. Examine them at n o ity'and an early grave. ioe s Insurance mporium, Mark- ii por ig Jupaeity de Shs ir TOYO Ty fe biefis y alldruggists or mailed in plain EESTI ov oon recall of price. Virite for amphlel, MEDICALS he ine Cou. Windsor, O: DR. MgCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY Sewvressssesesssscscscecsl occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon- treal and Brock streets. -- nn G IBSON, PHYSICIAN, Late Resident House n General Hospital strect, opposite Bank on 43. ARCH ITEC OT. OF- 2d floor over Mahood's Drug Store, corner Princess and Bagot Streets. 0 ntrance Bagot street. 8, _ Tele on ARTHUR ELLIS, ArcHITBOT, OF- fice site of New Drill Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal streets. S-- POWER & SON, ARC HITECT, MER- corner Brock "Phone, 21 2 chant"s Bank Build Suns Dan uilding, ington streets. SMITH, ARCHITE T, hor r Building, Market Square. "THERE 18 & TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are OW, is the time to fill Your coal bin with best qual ity SCRANTON COAL $ ENTER NOW a 'susiness, Shorthand or oir Service Course. { Kingsten Businss College Limited Head of Quean Stroot nv Canada Spacious apart tents, complete equipment, excellent resul gradyates In demand. Thorough § individual ° instruction by com- tent, and experienced teachers in very Hope ios Open _through- at the whole' year. Catalogue i B. MERAY, wh a, METCALER y 8 rincipal. I as EMBOSSING seeiie." "for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING En Caras. wo Sealdes all classes of Le 1 Prem frinting from a card to a volume, THE WHIG, Kingston " Pp. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. 27 BROCK ST. for sale. ---- | ! rE -------- a a eS Wm. Murray, Auctioneer fo Larriages, Cutters, Harness, Si of Horses Evy Saturday Couldn't Divide Lan Feb, 200 ~The resig Agriculture Kut wal to the czar, will he accepted. Kut withdrawn in dis swirinl opposition St. Petershurg, nation of Mia ler has been} and, lords = gat heoanse itis said, it tu have of his project for expropriation of ip lands and their division peatants. lett Chown's. is at at Dr. ot your trass ! Morrishurg, R.'F. Lyle A MILD SCANDAL gharanteed when you the TE KING CALLS THE KNIGHTS NAUGHTY SCHOOLBOYS. Some of Them Have Been Letting Their "Houses to People Anx- ious to Live in Castle Preci- nets. London, Feb. 20.--King Edward has had to call the old military knights of Windsor to order like a pack ot naugh- ty schoolboys. These mintary Knignts are a number of old army officers of good family and service, who are real- 1y pensioners of the king, and have lit- tie houses on the Wingsor castle pre mises and certain snug allowances and emoluments. 'Ihey are practically guests of the king for life under a gen- eral scheme founded hy Edward 111, amended by Henry VIII. and improved by Elizabeth. All went well until quite recently, when it was discovered that some of the military knights of Windsor were quiertly letting their houses to people who did not mind paying high rents for the privilege of boasting that they lived at Windsor Castle. Then there came quarrelings | and bickerings and jealousies among themselves, some of them writing to the Duke of Argyle and Viscount Esher, the constable and deputy constable respectively of the castle, complaining that fellow knights had planted bushes or hollyhocks sin their little dront gardens . and were shutting out their neighbors' light. So a few days age the King appointed a strong 'man us. the new governor: of the military knights, in the person of Maj-Gen, Courtney, who is well known in the British army as' a strong dis ciplinarian. The knights are chafing at the introduction of what they call 'an outsider" as . governor and urge that one of their own number ought ta have been appointed. But King Ed. ward had an object of his own in ap: pointing Gen. Courtney. His majesty is determined have good behaviour among the military "knights, especially as their' vagaries of late have tended to bring odium upon the precincts of Windsor Castle to A Two-For-One Shot. When you use Ozone use "Celery King" with it." Whatever kind of Ozone 'you buy you will need to use "Celery King," which is a companion remedy to Ozone. The purest form of Ozone is "Solu- tion of Ozone (the * coupon kind.)" Bach bottle contains about twice as much for your money as other brands, besides which each bottle e¢gn- tains a coupon entitling vou package of "C elery King" free, 'id n great advantage as von save money an the Ozone and also get the "Celery King," which you would atherwise have to buy. No other brand of Ozone contains these coupons. "Splution of Ozone (the coupon kind,} is fifty cents and one dollar at your drug store, in- cluding 'the coupon for the package of "Celery King." Take .nocother kind, and if yenr druggist does not carry it, write to the Public Drug - Co., Hridgeburg, Omt. to a This Troubles On The Railway. Toronto Globe. To a Globe reporter who spoke to him last night in regard to rumors of a threatepdd strike on the Temiskam- ing & Northern Ontario railway over the appointment of a senior conduct: or, CC, B. Smith, chairman of the rail- way commission, said there had been a little dissatisfaction, but it was he ing satisfactorily adjusted, and he did not anticipate further trouble. During last year Mr. who has had many years' experiel nee as a train con- ductor, acted as trainmaster. Such an official was necessary, owing to the | difficulties of operating the first sec tion of the line. There were sink holes compelling "deviations and other na- tural difficulties to contegd with, and the trainmaster"s duty was to insure the despatching of the trains in spite of these. Now that they had been over- come the position of trainmaster had Leen aholished, and Mr. Judge had as- sumed the duties of senior conductor, Judge, a position he would have taken from the freight, but for the circumstances mentioned, Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen To heal and soften the skin and re move "grease, oil and rust stains, paint and earth, etc., use The "Mas- ter Mechanic's" Tar Soap, Alber Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers. At the Rome on February consistory to be held in 21st, the pope has decided to consecrate cighteen bishops himself. What People You Know Say About Gin Pills THE GREAT KIDNEY CURE TORONTO, June 6th, 1905. I take great satisfaction in writing to you and telling you of the splendid condition of health that I am mow in, which was brought about entirely by taking your Giu Pills. For years my kidneys have been my weak spot and kept mie unhealthy, and although I knew the cause, 1 could not get relief. Six weeks ago I heard that Gin Pills were being widely sold in Ontario, and I concluded to try them, though 1 did not believe that they could entirely cure me, but they have, and 1 am now sure that my kidney trouble has disappeared. 1 will always have some of the pills ments due to the kidneys. igucys Yours respectively, Sold by druggists, 50¢ a for $2. 50. We send sample mention this paper. free it on hand, and will recommend them to my friends who are troubled with ail- defective work of their 'F. E. BASKERVILLE fore box, Sr 6 hoses F » Here's. i Toes Little i Simple, dainty little rocks, employ: ing fine materials, wre far more effec tive on. the small girl tan numerous frills and furbelows, which not only give the child a rather over-dressed appearance, but cause no end of work dor the laundress. Any of the sheer summer materials will make up well after this 'style. A yoke effect is at- tained by the deep Shirrings, and the long skirt portion. reaches to just be Jow the knee line. The neck is finished with: a harrow stitched band of the matdrial, in this" instance a sheer white lawn, and a similar band path: ers' in the full bishop sleeve about the wrist, A bow of white talieta ribbon ties the little maid's hair on the left side, © - CONFER A FAVOR. Matiners Asked to Look Out for n, New York, Feb. 20.--Should any deep sea skipper off the Cape of Good Hope run foul of @ flack of albntross- es, which lpok as if They had' been used for models in. a schol for writ- ing "ads." he will confer a favor wp on Capt. Jarvis, of the British four- masted barque Lawhill, now at New- pier, 14, East River,. by noting the date and position, says the World, Om his trip from Hong, Kong; 'Capt, Jarvis and his crew took pains to decorate such stray. sharks and birds as come hoard, and turp them loose again. In the China Sea a fourteen foot shark wag landed on deck. With indelible red ink, Capt. Jarvis had the man-cater inscribed with the fol lowing legend Submarine, No. 1.- 00%. 'H. B. M. Shark," Followed: by the date of launching and the ship's position. After the monster had been properly christened it was dropped overboard again. While the vessel was... running around the Cane "of, Sod} Hope, an excellent opportunity "Presented itself to inveigle a large namber of alba- trossés and Cape hens aboard. The alhatrosses wero. enticed aboard with 'a bait of pork upon a which caught in their bills, With the red mk a dozen or so of them; were appropriately labelled and set adrift. Across the smooth pure breasy which is so compact and well oiled "that it has a solid, impervious front, the name of the ship and her position, with the date, was inseribed. hook, A motto was generally added. One bird. jwas let go with the title con spicugusly displaved © "Tam the queen of the air," Another bore the legend : "I'm . high flyer," "Cape Aero Club, No. "Fm, always scof- fing" 'and wal not the eagle bird,' were other design: itions, As they were thrown into the air again thei ic fellows flew close to them and in spectad the mottoes eritipally. ROMAN 'CATHOLIC "SCHOOL. The Claim They Have Upon the Government. Catholic Reporter, Ottawg. ' Lhe present government has shown a liberal policy towards the University of Toronto. It proposes the same gen- erosity to the public &chools. In all tairness it cannot close iis doors to the demands of the separate schools. Nor should our people lose the present opportunity. Whilst we stand for reli- gop in the education of our children, wa do not wish to see our schools fail, or be in the background, for want of funds or efficiency of 'work, * To s cure any desirable improvement it will require unity of plan and action from one end of the provinte to the other. It is not a question of sone local ad- vantage which will work successfully here and there, but which will have no adaptibility elsewhere. It is a question of system-- organized and "encouraged and supportéd--in "and thrdugh which our children may receive a thorough Catholic aioat ion: ~ TCT Guestion which calls for something move than half hegrted support--the demand of a minority confident in" their cause, J carnéstain their appeal and devoted in their pévseverance. It is forg the hish- ope of @nfario to speak, not one here and thee, but all together, with tne ame gon and courage as) character ized the Catholic bishops of England in their guiding letter lately. When such spgious changes are takmg place in education it is time for supporters of separate sohaols in Outario to ad- vance a ampieye with others. To be left beliind" whilyt our neighbors get still farther ahead, is very h like denying "the. principle of religious edu- cation, At best such what MR. _ JOHNSTON HAS tly as tm er MONEY IN POULTRY TO TELL: He is Going Extensively Into the Business ~-- A Regmunerative Part of Fanming. Cobden Sun. James 8, Johnston last year kept account - of the revenue derived from his poultry and gathered some inter esting intormation which may be something of a suprise to. conserva: tive people who do not consider that keeping hens is a very remunerative I brangh of farming, Mr. Johnston has provided for his poultry a house of the plan approved by the poultry ex: ports at the 'government experimental stations, he keeps well-bred fowl only and feeds and cares for them as near: his time will allow as it is done at the experimental farm. On the fivst of Janwary last -he commenced with suventy-five hens and this average was maintained throughout the year. At one time, the number got down as low as sixty, but in the tall some pullets commenced to lay and were put in with the hens to keep up the average. From January 'Ist till December 3ist, 11,767 eggs were gathered, of which on an average ¢ach hen laid eighteen dozen. These eggs sold for $200.90, realizing an average of 2c. per dog- en." In the fall Mr. Johnston killed and dressed according to government experimentalists' instructions enough young birds to fill two crates. These | he shipped to Montreal, and received' therefor - the very highest market price. One crate's birds averaged five and one- -half pounds each and on these he realized £15.84. Other shipments brought similar amounts, Mr, John. ston_did not keep an aceurate record of what it cost to feed during the year, but .the amount did not exceed 300; 'He considers poultry raiving one of the most profitable branches of agriculture, Last year he made a handsome profit in the face of heavy losses in the spring when crows -in- vaded his poultry run apd killed and carried off scores of chicks. He has aiscoversd that the beat time to sell chickens is when they have reached what in commerce is callad the broiler stage and weigh between two and three pounds. Cost of bringing 'a bird to a weight of three pounds is a mere tri- fle compared to what it costs io pat every additional ovmee of weight on them after they have reached three pounds. Having assured himself that handsome profits mav be had by keep ing hens and raising poultry, Me, Johnstan is going into the business next summer to a larger extent than ever, em ---------- Rheumatic Virus Expelled. In any established case of rhenma tism the action of the kidneys and di- gesid 0 organs is perverted. Poisons are created and allowed to remain in the system when they should bé ex: polled, Any effective rheumatic oure must cause a' general housecleaning. oi the kystem. The proper functions" of orgdns must be restored and they must be set to work. This is what Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Care does. It completely cleanses and revitalizes the system. It does this thoroughly, and by so doing cures all acute or chronic cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sci- atica, ete, Price, 50c. Sold only at Wade's Drug Store. This is the pre paration that cured 8S. 0. Taylor, Charl «cote, Ont, Free For All. Dufferin Post All tories cannot he office-holders con they can satisfaction in the fact but there is templation of the he all office-seckers, that The most ntific testing at Chown's Drug Store ove Fresh Plaud's Kidney Fills at Gib son's Red Cross drug store {he home of - James Bradley, Bon of a quiet wed when James gard"s, was the ding, February Aaron' Vanmeer, Carman, Man. , 'secur. d a valentine worth the having in the person of Miss Ella Bradley. The bride a travelling suit of brown with white trimmings. After the cove performed WwW Re XN. W. a wedding dinner was Mrs. Vanmeer will seene 14th, WOT mony, serve. Mr. and reside in the west, Em ------------------------------ Hoarseness, Irritable Throat Can be Cured in a Short Time by Inhaling Catarnhozene. Tr Persons whe are suc ceptible to throat troubles should inhale Catarrhozone for five minutes a few times each day. It is sooth ing and pleasant, gives pfompt relief and pre vents catching cold. The vapor of Ca- tarrhozone is both ant- iseptic and healing. It y cures soreness and tenderness, allays inflammation and cures' coughs and. eolds in a short time. Kn your . T. Wright, of Skeads Mills, Ont., says: "1 had a _bad attack of sore throat, with inflammed tonsils and sore chest. I inhaled Catarrhozone and it cured my trouble. 1 greatly admire its pleasant and soothing effect." Jygmés Ferguson, of Perth, Pot, writes : "I have used Catarrhozghe for SHR 1% foo faint-hearted to presofves ha oir fathers fought for, ready to fight'for, and whet formsthe trial and suffenitig of the faith in lands where Catholitd equation Is ofirdcized and persecnted, tbe, Somebody started the story a the government proposed * to adopt the closure at the coming session of par- liament, and Mr. Borden. and his fol- Towers. are in consediientn Bhdly sear od. The whole thing is a pure fabrica- For chappéd ha 10 *$hA oes the skin use Di. a ilk and Almond: Cream, (95m gee '« --Fresh Blaud's Dyspepsia Tat lots. at 1 Bd the | 'A: perfect fit Randolph. THE BOLE DRUG CO. WINNIPEG - Gibson's Red Cross drug store, what we must he sore throat and cold in the head and find it is a good remedy. I highly re- ccmmend it." | Rev. Mr. McKay, of Goderich, Ont; writes ©: "Catarrhozone is an excellent "remedy for thfoat irritation arising from public/ speaking It works 'splendidly ji' catarrh. say your medicine claimed for it." For all throat and lung troubles, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs and colds th re i8 no remy that will give the promot résults of Catarrhozonme. Tt is quick, harmless and cures without 1 am glad to does all that is deadening the stomach with drugs. Two months treatment costs one dollar. Trial size 25¢. Sold by all Newent Germany, ; and Only with its Own, Natural Gas, SUCHARD'S COCOA Best for Children. SUCHARD'S COCOA (pronounced SU-SHAR) is good 3 for everybody, and especially good for children. It's the trie health food for youngsters--makes them rosy, sturdy and well. Use just i as much SUCHARD'S as the usual quantity of others. It contains no insoluble, tasteless powder. It is pure cocoa and all cocoa, The Raver wins your favor. Inskt on having Suchard's. FRANK L. BENEDICT & CO\, soLk --_-- MONTREAL. ae ssi simsin . - coovese ose a : E B. EDDY'S Parlor Match In neat attractive boxes containing about = 780 MATCHES ' Ask Your Grocer For Them It will cost you only bc. to try them. PRIVATE BANKING We Make Loans, at reasonable rates, from ten to three hundred dollars on the security of good promissory notes--for ten days to six months, We allow borrowers to pay notes anytime before due in such amounts as they choose and we allow interest on such payments. We Do Not Lend on Chattel Security We Do Lend on R#al Estate Mortgages, or Life, Endowment, or Boad Policies, at Lowest Current Seren INSURANCE We have Sole Agencies of the Queen Fire Insurance Company, and the London and Lancashire Life Assurance Company, and are General Agents of the North= ern Fire Insurance Company of England, 'Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company, also the Ontario Accident of Toronto, and Lloyds Plate Glass of New York. All Strong Sound Companies MILLS & CUNNINGHAM Jo Clarence Street. When You Are in Need Of a first-class PLUMBER to repair any leaks or alter your plumbing system give us a call. All orders promptly at~ tended to & satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates furnished on all kinds of work. LEMMON & SONS 5439! and 353 King Street. "Phang 388. druggists,