rich 'and artistic pat- terns, also ~ SPANGENBERG -. Jeweler, King St. 7hat 1s Going On In the Business World--The Markets. wary amounted to $2,581 in Jantury of last X tanda; 'ompany has clared a dividend of $15 a <M The dividend a year ago Was ai the same bales to the . toget with 8,600 bales that will be shipped abreast of the in Abe mater of Supplying cars. rafiwa haw Just an order with a Car Company for two De ean ' con) cars, to cost over £1,500,000, Each will have a capacity - of 110,000 'Ths, m An Unusual Accident. i IE aged citizen met a Very unusual erin last week; in which his foot was badly burned, The old man is a gufferer from rheumatism and had applied a lotion of turpentine to his foot and leg in the hope of it proving a curative. He believed in the theory | that heat will draw out 'pain, and bwin sitting very close to the stove, | {when a tongue of fire leaped out and B [his leg was at once ablaze. His foot ll | was quite badly burned, but by a doctor's immediate aid his burns have since become quite better. The doctor declared this to be one of the rarest things in his experience. Winter Hampers Lumberimen. Now comes the weather knocker, The complaint of many is that the sleigh ing is not good, The slipping on the country roads is very poor, though Marther north, it is said there is an in plain gold. odin d Oar prices are righe, consequence. 1i this weather keeps up the first thing we know sap will be Lrunhing. . Was Not An Attendant. Kingston, Feb, 19.-(To the Editor): There is a most absurd rumor about that 1 was at the Faye' entertainment on Thursday evening. last, and that 1 asked a question and received, not a very creditable reply. It is almost needless: for me to say that I was not at this or any of the entertainments given by the Faye, in fact 1 have never been in the opera house vet, and the incident has no connection with myself. Yours truly, B. EYRE, 2 Livingston avenue. -------------- Toll Roads Again. The abolition of tolls on the Syden- ham and Waterloo roads commenced "| cotitormin Murvests about 750,000 tous | Arrest--Pulp Companies May : um a "oar. warth $15,000 000. Forfeit Their Deposit. ) JM. traffic for the week en y 9 1 + rary Aath, wan 1.008.000. ior the pd Jronto, Fob, i The Dessinich Name per your, ARK), Tewery compa ued a wri The _rockvilie, Gnt., council. s | against J. W. Church and Harriett C, the Jensibility of procuring electric 3 ; + power from rapids at Morrisbure, Church, Toronto, for . a declaration The output of guid a in | that certain lands in Gananoque, in Jan 42,950 ounces, ore Kti ation is ul from a tish Columbia Coal and Coke | the arrest here of Frederi arsha, feo Bri ited. with a capital of [the Chic "man, on a charge of $32,000,000 applies for incorporation at forgery. tiv J, HB, Me Kenzie Ottawa, : Hi { 7 rita claim It is to establish oa lure | Harsha's counsel, issued writs claim- ing pl at Lethbridge, Alta. ing $2500 da for: false arrest, anhuvrebeve, rereidnting Use Bellin agaipst Crown Attorney Curry, the Ing. company, In on ® latter's partner, inald Kyre, and growers of Oremoti, have formed a | Dectective Mackie, o-day Mr, Me shipping pool, a will consign Soon Kenzie demanded judgment by de- . el not Ail e. , w i ahr. a, iy Just wow nt i) a refised To. em. The re: * 3 TEIN GeaDrenl] ton puis ut | Judgment, on: the ground that the the proj { e Lardeau Mines, | writs were not properly endorsed, mited: A "big strike Is reper ove The ameunts of deposit made by E.R Notkshars --l nn keep | Pulp; 'companies whose charters, by i : that every rovement over the roads in the | o- his fortune of $25,000 should vioinity of the city. Logging bees go into a monument, and for several have not been as fashionsble Ahis | vears before his death he looked after winter as last, due to the fact _ that 3h, arrangements for the monument. | there in not sufficient snow in the The result is a, towering shaft of woods for sleighs. Lumhermen have | por. granite sd) feet high, which ' | been considerably handicapped as a may be seengfor miles, [BREWERY COMPANY], ==" ISSUES A WRIT AGAINST THE ~~ CHURCH FAMILY, . 2 ---------- Claims Damages for False the name of , Mrs. abie for seizure Affine Church, Church, are avail- judgment under ao fault, claiming that the = defendants reason of non-fullment of agrevment, are forfeit to the government, are $5,000 each in the cases' in the Dryden and the Rainy river eo panies, and £20,000 in the case of the Montreal River company, Aubrey White stated, this moming, that there was no doubt as to the authority of the gov. of fUN@Nt Yo cancel the charter, The wile of Justice Maclaren, dieg shout five o'clock, this morning, She had been ill for a year. rte CAN HE CHUCKLE NOW ? -- Puts Up $35,000 Shaft to Cut Off Relatives. Connellsville, Pa., Feb, 19In a Genietery ono: hundred years-old, be longing to Taylor Methodist Episco pal church, at Centreville, Washing- ton county, stands probably the most imposing monument of ite kind in the tate pf Permsylvania.' It was erected o mark the last resting place of James 8. McCutcheon, a farmer and bachelor, and to gratify bis ambition to omtdo all hs neighbors, and pre- vent any of his relatives. or friends from getting any of his estate, McCutcheon determined McCutcheon's will ordered that £20. 000 ba applied to complete his monu- ment, and after all debts were the balance was to go into a granite wall around it. to be built as high as | i the money would perinit. A------------------ - HELPED THE CZAR. Berlin, Feb. 19.-The fact that the |! insignia of the royal order of 'the crown have been conferred upon Chas A. Ballance, the famous English sur. |* geon and car specialist, has confirmed the rumor which was current here sometime ago that the kaiser was in poor health, but which was at the time officially denied. t id now admitted that a few weeks ako the deafness with Which the kais ( u « More Litigation Over Harsha--gie | clamation at day, Charles R. Cousins being elected mayor for the fourth time to replace the retiring councillors Workers of Ameriea, scores the meth- \Y, FEBRUARY 19, - Over The World. George Lama, motorman, was killed in a collision between two trolley cars near Thorold, Major Israel Wood, one of Sher brooke's oldest and most prominent citizens, died Sunday evening. George R. Odell of Sherbrooke's hest-known cititens, died suddenly at his early on Sunday. It is rumored at the City Hall, Tor onto, that the ty suits gainst the street railway" will be dropped. Charles Weiginan, a fourteen-year-old » was run down, at Toronto, by an estat, wid. is in a critical sondition, antiord 13 experiencing something of a land boom, in anticipation of the establishment of some new industries. Harry Smedley, an African mission- ary, died on Saturday, at the home of his sister, Mis. 7, J. Ray, Toronto. William Bryan, an Irish immigrant, wos killed by a street car in Winni. peg. He bas uo relatives in this coun try. H.'H, Macrae has been appointed general manager of the Electrical De. velopment. and Toronto & Niagara Power companies. The Minnesota & Ontario Power company 'is askin an extension of time for the completion of the power works at Fort Frances: ' The strike of the beamers of the Stormont mill, Cornwall, which caus- ed the works to be closed down last week, has been settled. The death of David Kennedy, one of the oldest and hest known citizens of Toronto, occurred. at his residence Ken- don. Park, South Parkdale, on Satur: day. The Spaldings, of Chicago, took the last game of tho, Windsor series by a score of 5 ta 1. The Windsor team banqueted the visitors after the game on Saturday night. The municipal elections went by ae: St." John's. Que.. to- Mesars, .J. i." Pingonneault, Q. Normandin, W. McNulty and E. McGuire were elected President Dolan, of the United Mine ( t © 8! u M Appointed Quartermaster of the Regiment (the Oxford Rifles), who has been appointed to Juatienmaster of onnected with the militia ever he was fifteen years. of age, at which time he enlisted ton Rifles in which capacity he re- mained for three years, He entered the St. Marys company "of the Ith (Perth) Regiment as a lieutenant in 1852, and on the 24th of April, 1885 he became captain of * the pointed quartermaster of the regiment with the honorary rank T0 ISSUE BONDS FOR BUILDING OF THE NEW STEAMERS. ---- The Old Board of Directors Re- Case of Small pox is to Be Investigated. Montreal, Feb. 19.--At a meeting of the shareholders of the Richeliew & Ontario Navigation company, to-day, the. directors were - authorized to ap- ply to parliament ior power to issue $1,000,006 additional bonds. When these bonds are issued the hulk of the money will go into new steamers. The old board' of 'directors were re-elected, * A case of small-pox is reported from the village of Wotton, Wolfe county, and the matter is beirig investigated. Dr. Pellétior; of the provincial board of health, states that the case is pro- bably an | isolated one and that he does not think there is any danger of anything dpproaching an epidemic in that meighborhood, ------ CAPT. JAMES HAMILTON R.C.H.A., Kingston. Capt. James Hamilton of the 22nd the position of the Royal Canadian Kingstonh, has been orse Artillery, sinee in the 30th Welling- company, In the 28th of April, 1599, he was ap of major: On he 21st of October, 1901, he became aptain of No. 1 company of the 22nd unent, vice Capt: E. J. Carlyle re igned, which position he has retained p to the present time When the 6th Regiment » Canadian Hounted Rifles was organized for sery- ods of John Mitchell, national presi- dent of the Mine Workers, and charges him with trying to shirk. the responsi bility for the position in whirh the ice in South Arica, Capt. volunteered to £0 anc fighting for the empire, pointed quartermaster of t lamilton 1 do his shaie in He was ap he regiment, mine workers aré at prese Movemenits Of The People--What ternoan for Toronto, the city over Sunday. paid, | her home with a severe cold, Vincent, are at the Randoloh. recovering. E. 8 They Are Saying And Doing. N. 8. Knox, Orillia, is at the Ran- iolph hotel. E. J. B. Pense, M.P.P., left this af Dr. A. Voaden, St. Thomas, was in Miss Susie Stevenson, is confined to Samuel P. Morden, Wellington, is n town for a couple of days. Mr. apd Mrs, A.W, Scobell, Cape Nr. and Mrs. Squire, Mille Roche's, hurch tea-meeting, in Gananoque, on Tuesday, The friends of Mr. Harvey Chadwick we glad to hear that he is rapidly P. Walker, C. Miller, H. Walker, 'ape Vincent, were in town yesterday with friends. J. McGuire, Sharhot Lake, and McCuady, Lansdowne, spent the fay in town. al n of hi w A a fu A, J» L making the position worth at the end -- Qué. are sponding a few days in of ten years shout 82.500, when the An Insignia of a Royal Order town, . ia position remains fixed, Given. Mise C. FE. Larke sings at Christ and went to the front. Africa he master of the Canadian war was practically over, as he was thus deprived of the pleasure of s active service, ton has been appointed carried ith it a salary of 81,100 a vear, salary will be increased S44 Death of Osmond MacMichael-- ion with the ' Anglican church. The Misses Stillwell entertained about thirty of their young friends to a While in South acted as brigade quarter- brigade. On rival in South Africa he was very wich disappointed fo find that the eeing Capt. Hamilton has been a resident f Woodstock a: good many years. The position to which Capt. Hamil with free ouse and allowance, which altogether ake it worth about $1,700 a year. t the end of the first five vears his 0) a year nd at the end of another five years a irther increase of $400 a year, thus ---- CATARAQUI AFFAIRS. Several Entertainments. Feb. 19.--Rev, Arthur oa delivered an illustrated lecture on apan on Friday evening in connect Cataraqui, A Beautiful Showing of - Whitewear Many kind words and expressions of appreciation have made in the homes and general opinion which welcomed the showing for the children. when here the finished articles can be had for less than the regu- lar retail cost of the mater ial alone. To-day we stocked a new arrival of White Shirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Nightgowns and all Children's Underwear in some of the most beautiful styles yet shown. Anticipate your white needs, and take advantage of the irreproachable quality vast variety and exquisite styles provided in this greatest of all white displays. Two Good Sp "Buy your White Wear now," is the motto, ecials on Tuesday been on the streets regarding this showing, That it is superior to anything ever displayed before seems the of the fastidious yet 'economical public. Our pleasure has been great also in noticing the actual enthusiasm of the many dainty undergarments Mothers now realize the folly of spending time and worry over the unending list of garments for the little ones, i Ny S Tames Daley, market lessee, was able | Valentine party on the evening of th t 9 30 d 2 30 Oo' lc k . -- on February lst, '1 he next day Fd: | er hag long suffered took a very acute a 0h out to-day for the first time, af- | 14th. St. Valentine's post office and a o an . C OC FAX ward Martin in passing through the | form and Dr. Ballance was summoned | Ver twa antithel. Siders a bow and arrow eontest were amomy . a als was Thad ww for toll by the to the palace to perform an operation J. J. Wade, of the fourth vear in | the amusements and all present voted Some good customers intimated' the unpleasantness of the Moe: ay , tltoant. gate eeper, A. A Yiesworth, who | which was a pronounced SUCCESS anc medicine at Queen's, was called to the | the young hostesses the best of en : : ye > Sr } A Ja 7 $5.00 sch * claims he had received no official no- | which will probably result in an ab sr Cooter; oie. on 1 tartainer Mr. Kioll has moved to rush at our morning sales, so we're going to try another way. We Hood tea : pr ? bedside of Dr. Cooper, Calabogie, on t ' : ) ) bi > "inhd iwocakes | tification of the abolition of the tots, wolnte cure, Saturday Westbrooke and Mr. Valleau has taken shall set two different hours, one in the morning and one in the 5 ~ BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, The case came up before Justice of the | Partly because of the jealousy of I "yy prwell' who has lately arrived possession of the' house that Mr : BH... = = F tale ok eos a anARY i Saunariop how lo make Poaco Simpson, on Saturday, but was | Berlin surgeons and partly because it | f.,m England, and who has been li- | Kiell vacst Master. Howard Kill 8ltednen, and offer be fe same make og materials at exa tly COTTAM f dismissed on the grounds that there [was not thought wise ta make public | cused as lay reader, for the parish of [is convalescing from an attack of the same prices at each. ere are yours tor to-morrow -- hm WL \ Gal was no caso, the {att that the kaiser's deafness had Coe Hill, by the Bishop of Ontario, | scarletina : x ' ' 3 developed, the English surgeon was was in the city to-day on his way One of the oldest residents, Osmond LADIES STOCK MARKETS, Concerning The Streets, smuggled into the palace with the ut- there. McMichael, passed away in the Hotel s 1 , Ln ---- The civi trects. yay. Hat § he | most seerecy ane when a paper never Dieu on Sunday morning. He will be Pure Irish men He wstitehed Hanil-, Provided by J Stinson, 16 Market a. _- re » for, the theless found it out it was officially «d around here, as _he was a kerchiefs, 50 dozen for each ul | : J : past two weekd was the smallest © * « It. was 0 TH IN ARNIVAL. : E 4 . OX ro Size th § i 4 Square, 8 any fortnight so far this winter. denied that any specialist had been E SKATING. CAl L prominent citizen for many vears. Xtra large sizes wit raid --~February 19th, p 8 i th id 0G Ted " I Mach sympathy is felt for the } inch hem, regular pri dou-p C aC © Q Bi On account of the mild spe to. consulted, i syn 1) 8 O : od a > y ° ACDINON _.. ow." HDR on wards the endl of January, the streots crete About 5 gg Magqueradors reaved family. N, Hani, the apple ble this special, Viome : f mal. Copper 1104 10 were so cut up that a larger amount WORK OF PREPARATION ut on urcay. packer, has been shipping the apples at «cc, a dozen (With a hmi he / dtimore & Ohio « 110% 110 : About one hundred masqueraders hich he nro y e fall dozen to. a customer), or Ive Rapid Transit .,, 798 79 of stone than usual will have to be he ively given un Wille. he pure snd mth ta and mhadian Pacific 0 173F 1794 spread over them in the spring. A | For! Demands of Anthracite Lund in at Un : at al Clut had = i in the 2 ighburhoed Fd GENTS' Hi a 15 3 . r : a or spices ol po y ar yoke, ) wlv o s place, is linois Central : $2 lwild winter with little of no sow Miners" About Finished. oe So rota The ie EB Dep an C vl gn ely f this Plae vi 5 fice > : . - fon ¢ y evening, The ice % | building a residence. in © city, : : iby pL Sashrille hu A bad slices upon the roms. New York, Feb. 19. The work of perfect condition, amd the band of the Simpson J alis confined to the house Pure Trish Linen Hemstitched Hand ) uri Paciiie Basketball At Y.M.C.A preparing in detail, the demands. of Vp C HA. added much pleaswe and | with, a cold. Mr. and Mes James ker hua! 0d ' ; Bev ark Coutral The Rovals did toribl # hn oa anthacite miners by the committee of gaicty to the proceedings. As the no- | Brebner. of Pittsburg, spent Sunday very : : siz s h 10 each Island. . h Noles i ' . . rn - B I seven, is practically completed, and tha tice given of the carnival was short, | with .J. Brebuer, ¥ in Toray val R * 1.90 : C. ad " the Wolves the ¥ MOR po, " i demand probably will be presented to there were not so many new costumes Some of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. mn Tou Hd go at en ng . or ato -------- 1814 140 game at she r hy a se ro Wr Jithe operators, cither to-morrow or as there would otherwise have been. | Heaton visited them in their new re- (with a limit of one dozen to a cus-| ana ae. 3 Fr, 3 y p ME 1 " . tomer or rue Clty L116 We Ha tumng Fo ba a be y H Wednesday, There was a session of the Those however, that, were on the ice, | sidence one evening recently, and par he OF : Mou Pacific Stoul IA 1818 4 " ms eh <M lavar of Leonimissién of seven today. A joint [were capital, 'and many showed much ticipated. in a house-warming: Cards Ini ates Stool he victorious by A sssion of the miners and operators' [inoenuity : were the chief amusement d after . United States Steel, pid. | 1064 108 Two Williams' cuir gail he | OMSI08 of, the mgenuity, : re: Lhe A Ti, and ait 4 HEAT ne i ¢ . Te Willinme, Cup games are sche committees will be held by the end of the prizewinner for the ladies, was | refroshments wore served the guests x May Sn 2 duled lor to-night. the week, when it will become known Miss Mabel King, who as a sunflower, | departed wishing Mr. Heaton and his RN 13 8 ol whether the demand have been ac Fas a perfect representation. Major | sister much happiness in their new May - - 42% ani 5 Judge Thomas Hodgins favors An cepted of rejected, Scott came out as a Chinese mandar- | home. J. Riley is about to improve July 43% 43} imperial court of apfival containing tin in, and captured the men's prize. The | his property recently purchased from colonial representatives A New Judicial District. trophies were pretty miniature | D. Purdy. He will shortly take pos Th kitted 1 Fresh nut fruit bars, McConkey' I TE 1 pratt) 4 i ree mon wore kifled and twenty | Croonke¥ 2 | Ottawa, Feb, 19,.--~Heury 'A. St. Pier. I'trame and a silver match safe session, Pa + : » iH #, * . - 4 R * 7 oe Is injured by an explosion in a Jonly at Gibson's Red Cross drug re, barrister, of Montedal, son of I' Among the pretty costumes was a SE - cemmw -e 5 3 3 ' X : : Eo . BN -------------------- , " -------- amite factory at Hannibal, Mo. store. St. Pierre, has been appointed | rainbow, consisting. of seven gaily INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. - . Judge St, Pierre, ha " PI \ 3 g : gai -- prothonary of the superior court for | costumed young ladies, Miss Gertrude -- te ee --~-- " Blue Worsteds . We will make to your order until the rst government when L., {HILL arrested Pontiac county. This new judicial dis trict was created by _ the N. Champagne, M.P., for Wright, was appointed [1 judge. Mr, St. Pierre's was made hy the Gouin government, A Bad Thief Secured. Belleville, Ont, . Fel), 19. Austin I in Oshawa, on Satur day, for theft of clothing in this city, McParland, as rose; Miss Mabel Brown dominion | field as chaffy appointment | Highland and. . Grover Pierre and Plerrot: Misy Effie Santa Claus; A, gorbroad Man": % March Suits from Finished and Unfinished Wors- Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Lorraine Dai Miss N. Patterson, Miss Marion Lesslie 'Dolly Varden: on, mushroom; girl; Fenw "Folly™; Clive Betts, V. Wood, "The Gip- ) P. G. Campbell, Life Buoy Soap; W. Craig, Highlander, and J. McParland, polo player. _teds, Vicunas and Cheviots, Black and Blue, The anniversary collections at in November, pleaded guilty this Bi re Andrew's church yesterday amounted morning. He is wanted in Owen Sound Hon. Mr. Fielding Injured. to about $800, on a theft charge and has served | Ottawa, Feb. 19.-Hon. Mr. Field:| The license commissioners selcoted for three terms in the Central. ing, met with a rather serious acei: | I. dent, on Friday evening. In leaving his house, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By residence, on King street to John Cor- hett. ber goods Sale at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Jolmson, George Dean. Reporters on Their Rounds. One of the youths in trouble at ce court to-day has paid his 1 ¥. D. Hart has disposed of his stone Nine more days of the February rub. j ot. eods county are J. T, Greer, M, J. Selling Bad Pictures. Belleville, Ont., Feb. 19. Harry Sy mons, a recent arrival in this city, _ At Special Prices Spring Stock is Now Complete 'We never had such a large range. > was arrested to-day charged with of fering for sale obscene pictures on the street. The offence is a this locality, Symons haiks from west rare: bne in : Sra ng. ern Ontario. Washington, D.C, Feb, 19.-Mr. ang |' Roradtis. ; Mrs. Nicholas Longworth left Wash oa jor ling, Supels the. new 50c. a bottle, Beof, Ivon and Wine. gion, this morming, for a southern al.he de Rep RoRe com Gibson's Red Cross drug store. i Janos Kelly, of Masson, Que. is in the Hull jail, comwitted for trial on charges of having by cruelty, caused the death of Amole Walsh, an inumi- grant hoy, Almond Cream for rough skin ie sold 4 Ke. It is said he may be Taid np for Ome Line, 2 EE ---- h as he stepped on the mat at his deor it dipped from 'under him, and he fell heavily, straining his 'an A four quart hot water bettle jor 81.60 during February rubber goods sale at Gibson's Red Cross drug store St. George's hockey ¢ meeting, on Thursday up the season's affairs, lub will hold a night, A. to wind well, Ga., dent may extend to Cuba. Left For The South. Ep, in which they will stop at Ros. the girlhood howe of Prosi- Roosevelt's mother. The tour at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, p folluw the business part of the even pany to be ready for cecupation about the will be camplete by that time, = - . at Gibson's Red Cross drue 3 . Rubber goods sale for February at | Monday : Sri ston hibson's Red Cross ding store, Peo Henry Wemp, Fill Rast is i le save money every day. nr} + Fillmore, Rash is in . the city, ° supper will middle of April. The switch-hoard ------ Fresh McConkev's high class candy THE LO A man with ber sole and heel kind of winter warm, They keep the weather. feet dry. Just the Shoe and dust the Weather For It FOR SALE ONLY AT CKETT SHOE STORE a pair of Slater's, $5, waterproof, rub- » lace boots, need not be afraid of any You cannot slip. They are -- YEAR 73. NC FEBRUARY SA 2 --OF -- FURNITU {5:70 20 PER CENT. REDUCTION tightly soiled it 3 for $10. Trice plar pri lar $10 Sidepoard, for § Regular ¥° ple to match $6 50. 0 75. ¢90 Bedroom Sett, for § a ss Dresser ar Large ular price $25, for gtand, regu e Ov ( s Dressing Large Oval Robt. J. | 222 Princess Stre 2 doors above Opera | SILVERW/ 1 ACH N35 Pi These a Best Plat Goods Ir Wor We. can yecom them ho3 Yad H BR SMITH BR Jewelers, Opticians. ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LI BE S A 'large variety of first Sheet-Iyom Stoves, Bor d Stoves, Cook 8 anges. Also a lot of Fur Tages. everything cheaper th 'S SECOND-HAND TURK'S Srtona. STRE . 2-8torey >tone Dwelli » Macdonad Par) Dwelling, Street, four blo Brick Dwelling, improveme a, all moder 8 SWIFT'S "A RSTRANCE. ARRAS ARR Y.W. C. A Tuesday événing at 8 exhibition of work in Hall. Rev. Canon St: preside, and Miss Perley ° Silver collection. F.M., GENTLEMAN TO HAV) 8 pressed and cleaned Lring your clo le sult ma Brock street =z 2 > ® " 163 U of the late or without I. For terms ARGE ENG LIS 1 one Stand, sn. Apniy stre, es 10 HOP AND RESI 3 1 'rincess street : m Possession immediately & Steacy. 202 WILLIAM S 1 by O. ¢ 1st. P aher Pre for Liverp vidax "raph that i' Cross pong Stop" t conghi, hort