| , Friend old Me About THE GENTLE KIDNEY cung All Kinds of RAW : FURS , F. COURDIER 78-80 Brock Street ngston's Only Exclusive Fur Store. na HE WHIT SALE lias been a big success a: re. Our assortment of Mus derwear is right up-to-the- mute in style, quality, and rkmanship, Gowns, Corse vers, Skirts, Drawers, Blouse ists. etc., all marked at pn ch below what same goods uld cost you to make up, and n see the style and finish r goods that cannot be had made-at-home article ways Something New At This Store Chis Week, we show v White (roods in a brilliant ay of mercerized and ot nty effects. Drop in ant range. It will be a 1 whether you buy or not. EWMAN & SHAW seb rete _ CUT THIS OUT COUPON f¢ The 18 Letters Must Accom- pany Answer. : { POOP 000000000006060000 x & = = A =) JAMES swiFT & bo. 000000000000 SUGED RATES to April 7. 15 19 scouver, Victoria Tacomas, Bestele. Por land and coast points Nelson, Rosslond, Ro Trail and British Columbvis inte KINGSTON rates # to other K.&P. and C. P. 3 TP 'OLGER, JR, omar, EA FOL Gen. Supt. \ . i Quinte Railway : short Tweed, Napanee, pa Hed oe, points: Trains ! 0 DO 4 pm. F. | Hall Depot at In. Agut BQ Ry. Kinasion CTI EN Ea EF SECOND CLASS COLONIST TICKETS Going West April Tth, in- reduced Tates 15th, to ollowing Feb. From gasive, 2 the 1 ou Kingston t0 ictori Vancouver, i. Ee dusts] 46.30 Nelson, wn, Spokane 5a 3.80 Assconda, lena, Salt Lake Bate, Plena, rere $3.30 (Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo vison asenisars 23 fillings, Mont .. . anne 33 30 Sa Francisco, Los Angeles ... 48.05 rates' to many other points k Tourist Car Accommodation Bats and wll othe information, ap- ne w J. P. Hanley, Agent, Cor ta and Ontario streets, Kingston ot i ALLAN LINE Po¥4 Siners 70 LIVERPOOL St. John From Halifax. Hom Feb. 17. Mon., Feo, 19. tat, Fen. 24. Mon., Feb. Numidian, Sat. Feb. 2 i Sat., Ma 3. Mon., Mar. Seuntins, ot Mar. 10. Mon.. Mar. 1 wnisian, BOSTO 6. 3. 2 N TO GLASGOW; Thurs., Feb. & HAVRE. 24. Sardinian BALIFAX TO LONDON AND HA Sat 'eb. Pomeranian at., PF Passage, apply to Pt Rate TE Agent Grand Trunk 5 J.P. GILDEKSLEEVE, Agent Canadian. Pacific Ry MONEY AND BUSINESS. ERPOO! ONDON AND GLOBE MYER ed Company, Available anseld 3,187,215. In addition to which policy. bolgers have for secerity unlimited Hability of all 1he Stockholders. Farm and city pro- party insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving sew business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents meee ee eee R POLICIES COVER MORE ON building and contents> than any other company offers. Examine. them at Godwin's Insurance Mmporium, Mark- o Square. \ Bick Headache and relieve all the troubles tunel dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Nausea, Drowsiness, Dis after Dizziness, tress esting, Pain in the Bide, &c. While their most success has shown in curing to thoss who plaint; but forte ACH the bane of so many lives that here is where dtholune of so peri} Our pills cure it while do hers do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and 'gery easy 3 ht Ono two Jills makea doc. ly lo an or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, od fl nd Dow mall Prima THAT STAB-LIKE PAIN IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK COMES FROM THE KIDNEYS AND CAN BE CURED BY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Ts is not the back that is aching, but the kidneys which are situated beneath the small of the back. Therefore, dull pain in the back, or sharp, quick twinges, are warnings of sick kidneys --warnings of kidney trouble. Plasters and liniments will not eure a bad back, for they cannot reach the kidneys which cause it. Doan's Kidney Pills reach the kidneys. That is what they are for and that only, So, if you would be free from backache, swelling. of the feet and ankles, frequent or suppressed ' urine, inful * sensation when urinating, specks floating before the eyes, frequent thirst, brick-dust deposit in the urine, or anything wrong with the urinary organs or bladder, you must keep your kidneys well. Help them to wor reely, and" help them to flush off all the body's waste and impurities. Doan's Kidney Pills are made from the purest goots and herbs, and have a remark- able healing and tonin, effect on the kid: neys. Mrs. Barling, 2 i Hamilton, Ont., writes: troubled considerably with my kidneys, using many remedies, but finding no relief. I tried Dean's Kidney Pills and found them to act directly on the kindeys, and making them strong again." Price 50 cents. per ox, three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. MEDICALS. PR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon- treal and Brock streets. PHYSICIAN, Resident House DR. WILLIAM GIBSON, Surgeon, etc Surgeon, - Kin eral Hospital Office--232 K posite Bank of Montreal. ARCHITECTS. ¥i: NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princes 8 and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street. Telephone, 608. rere ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice site of New Drill Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal streets. Sem------------ POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, chaot's Bank Building, sud Wellington streets. ---------------- HENRY P. MER- corner Brock 'Phone, 212. SMITH, ARCHITECT, = dAachar Building, Market Square. EE -------------------- a. "THERE 1S § TIME $ FOR ALL THIHCS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL from P: Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. Crests and EMBOSSING Ei Heading» for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING Gui... Letter haads Buldes an of, at Prem nd no HE WHIG, Kingston "~ TO PARLIAMENT LEREBY a GIVEN i * made to the of the Province of Session for an act _bednning with the year Who obtain the Votes in each ward nEston at the Muni- hold office for three aklermey who nies of votes 1 office for two * aldermen wha est number hold office for after one Ald- ard annual ice years ; and ALD ¥ mersmy ALD MCINTYRE Kinder? Mellor dor the ! J Rindst February 14th, 15iicants. The Great English Remedy. A positive cure for all forms Sexual Weakness, Mental an arrose AND Arter Brain Worry, Fi y v. omissions, Sper tency, Etfects of Abuse or 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., {or sale. TENDERS SEALED TENDERS WILL ceived at the office BPE RF of Kingston Lumber Hardware, etc. Grates Sewer Pipe Sand All the above materials to be furnished according cations, to be seen at Cityy Fagineer, where tion may be obtained The lowest or sarily accepted the City viz to . the office ull other informa tender not any neces M. BR ( Kingston, February 17th, CRAIG ingineer 1 I; f Februfiry, 1906, i matorrhoed, 1m g says © The veterinary surgeons of Ohio Ey nies fol, lon 19 Cony wr n state convention. agsembled at Col 32 per pkg, six forse One will plese A uma passed n strong resolution, Ee od Dieiptof price. Writefor Pamphlet. | "ith one voice dissenting, in favor of The Wood Madiciie Co.. Windsor, Ontario. | n rac w for Ohio on the lines of the Canadian law, or the racing law of the French republic. The vets. are Wm. Murray, Auctioneer|: Sale of Horses Every Saturday of the City Engineer ub to '2 o'clock p.n., of the 24th day It is composed of simple ingredients of Fdhruary 1908, for the following . ven Vi a § s CU f thr supplies required by the Corporation of of proven Value in the cure of throat SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE-] sent for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linsead ceived at the office bf the undersigned | pnd Turpentine. It arrested the coughs up to § o'clock p.w., of the 24th dav \ for the Erection of a Frame Building 2 ms THE SPORT REVIEW QUEEN'S TEAM WOULD BE AWAY ALL WEEK By the Stanley Cup Match Ar- rangement--Ottawa Unwilling to Risk Just One Match Notes on Various Sports. The playing of two matches for the Stanley cup means that Queen's will have to go to Ottawa next Monday. Five days will be taken up, quite a serious thing for university students when spring examinations are ap- proaching. One contest was all that Queen's desired, being quite content with a single "erack'" for the owner- ship-of the cup. The Ottawas evi dently rate Queen's higher than it was said they did, and must think that there would be a likelihood of the cup being in danger when they ask for two games. It would cer- tainlv "be a blow for Ottawa were Quéen's to win a single match and carry offi the cup. So two contests are to be played, and the tolal num- ber of goals counted. Two matches, however, should be of as much benefit to Queen's ' for they would be sccus- tomed to the rink and to Ottawa's style of play, so that if they are "trimmed" in the first they may give a better account of themselyes in the second. General Notes On Sports. The Urescents of Brooklyn, wen from the N.Y. AU, by three to two, extra time being played. In the U. H. A. senior series, Berlin won from Galt by eleven to four, making eight straight victories for the Dutchmen. > the Olympic games at Athens will gin on April 22nd, and end on May 2nd. The athletic events will take place on April 25th, 20th and 3uth, the Memphis Gold Cup race of 1904, over which the scandalous charge is made that the owner of Major Delmar conspired to have Lon Dillon drugged, an amateur affair, the owners driving, and there was no public bet- ting on 1t, It is said that Montreal, Ottawa, and Quebec have followed thie example set © by the Anglo-Canadian Rugby Football Club of Toronto, and are forming clubs to play under English rugby union rules, amd probably a league will be formed to play home afid home matches between these clubs in the fall, *~ Through his attorney, Arthur F. Duffy, maker of the world's amateur sprinting records, served an order on J. E. Sullivan, secretary of the Ama- teur Athletic Union, to show cause why the union should not be enjoined from refusing to give Dufiy credit in the of ficial recoras of the union for the run ning records established by him. A: Grand Rapids, Mich., W. «A, Tewes, of Jersey City, N.J., broke the world's record for shooting was indoor with a 22-calibre rifle at 25 yards, at the tourney of the National Indoor Rifle League. Mr. Tewes recora was 2481 out of a possible 2500 points, which is twenty-one points better than any record -wretofore. Mr. ewes thus becomes the thampion of the United States. The turi dates, as announced are: Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto, May 19th to June 22nd; Kenilworth, June ith to July 7th: Hamilton Jockey Club, June 5th to 16th; Windsor, June 16th to July 7th: Fort Erie, July 17th to August 25th; Montreal, Sep tember Sth to Septem 22nd; Ham ilton, September. 13th to September 20th: Ontario Jockey Club, Septem ber 22nd to September 29th The American Sportsman, Cleveland, to the breeders than anv other Safeguard the Children Against Croup and Colds by Always Keeping at Hand Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and T urpentine There are some reasons why Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine is' the most suitable treatment obtainable for children, It is pleasant to the taste, and chil- dren like to take it. and lung troubles. It is positively free from anything & 'an injurious hature, and can be ughd with perfect safety with the smallest child, so long as directions are followed. It is wonderfully successful in the prevention and cure of -croup. It promptly relieves even the most severe chest colds and brings about a thorough cure. . You are not experimenting when you nse Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, for it is the standby in thousands of homes, where time and again it has proven its exceptional worth. When you make up your mind to safeguard your children by keeping Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- time in the house, do not allow your dealer to persnade you into taking something on which he has a larger profit. Mrs. Wm. Ball, Bracebridge, Ont. : "My three youngest boys had the whooping cough this winter and we could get nothing to help them until I at once and they kept right on im- proving. until they were enred, at the reel LN DAILY WHIG, M & \Y, Ei TA creed and this resolutios is really the voice of the breeders in condensed form, fig dt 'a Regarding the a loping . of the Ho RE Conduct at the Ottawa races, Uriver Kennedy has issued this statement : "The Central Canada Trotting Association has hanaed out an official denial that J. C. Kennedy alleged that "W. T. Mason's horse, Con duet, was doped at Ottawa in the five mile race. I wish to say that 1 believe the horse was doped, by whom 1 do not know, but, if it is necessary | am confident that I can bring things to bear that my statepwat 1s true. Re garding the horse suffering from par alysis, this is not true, for the next morning after the race, 1 took two rominent Rofsdmen, na cave Rind the said horse, apd he was all right, 1 have heen in the, horse busi ness for twenty YOars, und have had hard luck before, and don't have to make out false statements to soothe my feelings, Regarding myseli person ally, I feel that 1 was as a tool to defraud the public, which 1 do be lieve was done, and if necessary 1 can brin things to prove my assertion. As | stated before, I am prepared to take the said horse, Conduct and in ten days race the winner of the five mile race at Ottawa, the same dis tance for $1,000, over any track BE FIRE INSURANCE. --r the Montreal Insurance Chromicle Says. ; It seems, that the Aingstan munici pality property. was recently insured by a member of the Canadian Fire Insurance Association at a rate, or rates, below what was fixed on the property by that association, The company in question has cancel Jed the insurance, thereupon, the Ning ston city council fisst. states that +t will probably place its business in non-board offices and then proposes to petition the government 10 put a stop to what it calls a criminal combine. One would suppose that the «ity council would easily have foreseen that its proposed double action somewhat resembles that of a man who pulls down with one hand what he is at tempting to build up with the other. If there is a criminal combiné with in the meaning of the act, how could it find insurance outside the combine ? And, if it can place. that insurance outside the association where is the criminality of the so-called contract? The Kingston city council goes on to state that during last year the fire Joss in their city was only ¥5.000 from which they argued that the rates of insurance are extortionate. Did it ever ocenr to the council, that a heavy fire in Kingston would probally swal low up the premium income of two or more years ? Experience emphatically proves that, fire insurance. in Canada, during a number of years, has left but a very small return to the companies and that any reduction in rates should only be brought abeut by decreasing What Kingston city council has fallen inte the same error as the manufacturers' association with regard to governthent supervision. h Though = perhaps unkboyn to the municipal authorities of Kingston as it is to many others - there is an in surance superintendent who annually examines the books and accounts of the varigus licensed fire insurance companies, and were the panacea for high rates offered, viz., open compe titions adopted, there is little doubt that the superintendant would have to revoke the license of many a com pany on account of bankruptey. You cannot compel the fire insurance companies to accept rates to suit the customer and not themselves, any more than you can force a merchant to sell his goods below what he chooses to take If the priee does not suit in either case the purchaser is quite at liberty to buy elsewhere, go without, Open competition having no regard to experience in fire insurance ' would simply mean pure gambling, and the survival of the fitest and in the end many of the: policies wotlld be worthless as the 1.0.U's. ster, Should the Kingstoo city fathers doubt this let them start one or more or as of the game fire insura companies which will prove satisfactorily that there is no "commercial" combine, but we are sure their experience would also show, ere long, that while thev may know civic business they do not understand underwriting. Fireless Cookers For Army. Washington, D.C... Feb. 19.0t is evident that there will be no diff culty in determining that the larg fireless cooker of a capacity for pre paring food for an entire company, and made in New York City, will be adopted in the military service. The experiments which have been in pro gress at Fort Riley, Kansag, indicate that there is great use in a military way for this fuel-saving device, It is found that megt and vegetables may be placed ow the range for thirty minutes and then trausferred to the fireless coo where they are kept for six or sevem hours in their own heat. At the end of that time the material is found to have a tempera ture of 110 degrees for the vegetuhblos, 160 degrees for the meat, and 172 de grees for the boffce. It deat that time ready to apd has been formd most palatable. The army of ficers who are engaged in the consider ation of this® method of preparing food for an army in the field say that the fireless cooker will solve the problem of household econompies. This serve is especially true. in the matter of keeping down the expenses for the purchase of fuel. They say further that the method will be much in vogue within the next fow years, Ex periments with the . firaleds cooker which have been made bv private in dividuals have been equally successful and patisfactory from an economical point of view, -------- Sunlight soap is better than other soaps, but it is best when used in the Sunlicht way. Sunli fosp and follow directions. L. 8. Montague. son of Sir Samuil Montague, the wellknown banker, will be the liberal candidate for the. city of London, against former $remier Baliour. FEBRUARY 19° the hazard. 1t would appear that the | creates the vitality t the following : with a neglected cold to go to work. glad to indorse it, Mire. strength | § ig Lis Banh bk fl Gh BER GIGANTIC RAILROAD MERGER. Two of the Greatest Systems on Earth. New York, Feb. 19 dave it was rumored in well informed financial circles that a gigantic rail road merger would be formed, vhich would put all former ever formed the information For several soon mergers To-day regarding obtained thoroughly the in shadow more delinite the proposed from a well rehable formation means the 1 merger informed and According obtained the hidation of t} was thus to in scheme * Nort} Milwau North two and the Chicago, Paul and tne Great the Burlington into transcontinental It also attempt t out the interests on Pacific between and the ern Pacific & St, and ken ern great nwan Harriman line shat the fight men tioned ar oast, and the four Harriman line If fully would mean the the greatest railroad systems of world, The Great Northern, with S120 000 000 ol ron ore a desperate lines SUCCES the formation of two carried out, plan of the its lease, and the sale of rights to its own and Burling ton stockholders amounting to «$50, 000,060 more will cement these two roads intorone vast double track syH tem to the coast. The Northern Pa cific, whose stock is actually worth $3006 on the basis of its earnings, may easily devote $100,000,000 toward the purchase of stock in the Chicago, Mil wankee & St. Paul, now extending to the Pacific coast and practically par alleling the Northern Pacific. The Chi Milwaukee & St. Paul will find more 'convenient at points along route to the Northern Pa tracks. Indeed, conferences have already been held hotween the officials of the two roads to that end. cago, it the cifie To Cnre A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets, Druggists refund money if it fails to cure, E, W, Grove's signature is on «ach box, 28e. Queen Alexandra attended a spiritu alistic scance, A "command" was given to the mediom to appear at Buckingham Palace. So many in- structions, however, were given to the medium to insure secrecy that he de clined, TT '"Osone Solution' Special Offer. There is just one way by which you can get a package of 'Celery King" free with a bottle of "Nzone."' That is ask your druggist for "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kindy'. Each battle of this contains a coupon for hich we send you a twenty-five cent pack- age of "Celery King." Never take "Ozone" without "Celery King" if you want the best results, We are puting coupons in "Ozone" good for Clery King" because no other dealer or firm in the world has the right to manu- facture "Celery King" but ourselves und no other remedy in the world will the inside germs and 'Celery King" is a tonic laxative. your druggist for "Solution of ' C Kingston, February 17th, 1906, - ' Prev Varn cost of one dollar. That was not a Wer the scales on the av ar TB > o Re. for the. Corporation ' of. the City of large bill for so dangerous sud die Kingstons tressing an ailment. Specifications pay © he seen and all In the hour of emergency, when other information obtained ot the office) 0 oo oolde seized vour child, the of he City Engineer : 1 . 23 - ' The Iohcet ol ro tender not neces cheap. substitutes will fail you, but sarily agcepted. SRALG Dr. Chase's. Syrup of Linseed and Tue- HB RC By dv eT pentine never disappoints, 25¢, a hot- Lie, at all dealers, Your preseription will he properly filled and promptly delivered by Best. Axl orn} (the coupor kind)" manuldetur- ed. hy y the Public Dr eom, ; Bridgeburg, Ont, " td In office and factory, shop; store or kitchen girls are at work all over this land, and, alas! far beyond their strength a Young women who work are especially liable to female ills. Too often the girl is the bread winngr of the family and she must toil unremit- tingly, no matter if her back does ache, her limbs and abdomen throb with dull pain and dragging sensations, and dizzy spells make her utterly unfit for work. These are the sure signs of female irregularities which kill beauty and youth. Iydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun: ~~ builds health and strength for all women who work and are weary. , It Er From the thousands of grateful letters written by working girls to Mrs. Pinkham we quote give such good results. "Ozonei' kills " hat makes work easy. 1, brought on a female Fowbie-watil finally I was unable I tried change of scene and climate, but found that I did Bo regain my health. Ithen thoughtof a friend who had taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound when her health was inthe same condition that mine was, and steaightway sent out for a bottle. befove | really began to improve. but after that my recovery was very rapid, aud when | had finished the sixth bottle | was well and able to go back to work again. 1 gertainly think your medicine worthy of praise, and wm indeed ALMA RomitarLii, 78 rue St. Francois, Quebec, Que, 2? 0 4d ! odd HE #14 ce fed ba Re ctua Policy 20292. 20 years Endowment. All Endowment The above profits pai on this particular plan. 1 finished that and took two more ! Oh, if Canadian girls who work would only reaiize that they have but / one life to live, and make the most of their precious health and Mrs. Pinkham extends to every working girl who is in ill health a cordial invitation to write her for advice. Such lettérs are always kept strictly confidential, and from her vast experience Mrs. Pinkham prob- ably has the very knowledge that will help you--and may save your life. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Curcs Where Others Fail sults: Deferred Bonus Plan London and Lancashire Life = Paid to Canadiafis,.... Profits } Paid in Cash. $400.00 Premium, $49.52, 1885-1905. © ° Poly en, sis ogee + + 319.00 Policy ion: sos00 1800-008. * + 223.00 Ph ea, S005" thor, + + 223.00 Plans paid were the estimates given to the proposer, when his application was written 4 MILLS & CUNNINGHAM - District Agents Hosiery AND Corsets See our window display' of Hosiery and Corsets. When February comes | the wise housekeeper relogates to the rag-hbag all the old stockings of the family, for she realizes that it doesn't pay to darn old stockings when new Jones can be proctired at such a small cost, Ladies' All-Wool Cashmere Hose, with silk spots, and light weights, from 25. to 60c. weight, from 9c. vo Bie. per pair, Men's Fine Black Cashmere Half-Hose, heel and toe, 25¢, per pair, 35e., 40c., and H0¢. per pair, CORSETS All sur new snmmer models are hore vet sturdy enough to give the most satisfactory different makes found here is the famous ET, er um and slight figures, at 50c., 75¢. and $1. Y CRUMLEY full fashioned, medium Ladies' Best emality Plain Cashmere Iose, full Tashioned, medium and light " - mediam weight, seamless, double Men's Fine Black Cashmere Hall Hose, with eolored silk spots and stripes, now. They are wands fully made Corsets, ao light that the figure does not feel their weight, and wear. Among the many ect form for stout, medi- BROS. | -